Download the presentation on what religious culture is. Presentation on the topic "culture and religion"

Presentation for OPK lesson No. 2 (grade 4) “Religion is an integral part of culture and people’s lives” based on the textbook by A.V. Borodina (3.8 Mv, pptx).

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Culture includes many phenomena: religion, language, literature, philosophy, architecture, painting, urban planning, etc.

The first among them we named religion and language, because they are of particular value for the culture of the people, the preservation of their unity and well-being.

Each nation has its own religious culture, which influences the entire culture as a whole: literature, painting, architecture, everyday life, relationships with others, legislation.

Even when a religion is no longer officially supported by the state, people still preserve it and are guided by it. For example, in the 20th century in Russia almost all church books were destroyed, religious culture was not studied in school, almost no one read the Bible, but Russians continued to be guided in their education by the main principle: treat people as you would like to be treated. .

Most often, this principle was considered folk wisdom, although it was taken from the Gospel. And when a person died, relatives remembered Orthodox rituals and went to church to fulfill their duty to him, according to Orthodox tradition.

In everyday difficulties and illnesses we still prayed to the Holy Trinity, the Savior,
The Most Holy Theotokos, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Orthodox holidays and attitudes towards people, brought up on Orthodox ideals of love for each other, were preserved.

The fate of Russia is inextricably linked with Orthodoxy, which has become the culture-forming (culture-forming) religion of Russia. Already by the beginning of the creation of statehood there were many Christians on Russian soil, and in 988 Orthodoxy became the state religion in Rus'.

Since then, for more than a thousand years, the Russian people have very jealously protected their faith from many attempts to replace or change it. Not sparing their lives, the Russian people cherished their faith as the main shrine.

Even with the plunder of the countless riches of the Russian land, they often put up with it, but they preserved the Orthodox faith, because it was received from the Savior of the world Himself, the apostles and the Ecumenical Councils.

When enemies attacked, they went to battle with the words “for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland”, with these words they won or died - with a clear conscience. When there was no strength to resist, old people, women and children locked themselves in churches and prayed, entrusting their fate to the Lord.

It often happened that in the churches of God, in cathedral prayer, people accepted death from their enemies. And in battle, Russian soldiers fought to the last drop of blood for the Orthodox faith, for the Holy Fatherland and for the Tsar-Father, because the Tsar was God’s anointed, that is, he was crowned king according to the Orthodox rite.

And, as a rule, not a single business, neither public nor personal, began without prayers; God’s blessing was always sought for everything.

After the October Revolution of 1917, Orthodoxy ceased to be the state religion in Russia. But the Orthodox faith continues to have a deep, living influence on culture, especially literature, art, and relationships between people.

1. Not everything in life can be chosen by a person himself. I can't choose my parents. I can't choose the language in which my mother sang lullabies to me. I can't choose my homeland. 2. From the first days of my life, I have been surrounded by family and friends. Gradually their circle expands. Relatives, friends, neighbors... And one day the understanding comes to me that in addition to my house, my yard, my street, my district, my city, there is also My Country - Russia. These are millions of people who do not know me personally. But our lives have a lot in common. And we all depend on each other in some way.

Fifty years ago, one young and then unknown pilot took off above the earth. But the news of his flight filled our entire huge country with joy. And now we say with good pride: we are compatriots of Yuri Gagarin, the world’s first cosmonaut. We experience Russia's victories as our own victories. And Russia’s troubles are no strangers to us either. What unites us? United Motherland. This is common land. General history. General laws. But the most important thing is a single culture.

Culture is a complex concept that includes everything “human” in the world around us. This is everything that people do and the new things that we bring to the natural world. One of the consequences of such actions are beautiful works of art. But their main consequence is the development of man himself. And therefore, the most important thing in culture is the reasons why a person decides to commit such a uniquely human act. Why does a person act this way and not otherwise? How do people distinguish between good and evil, truth and untruth? The answers to these questions are in the world of culture.

People learn from each other not only at school. We learn to make friends, stand up for the truth, and love our loved ones not only in lessons. And this is also part of the culture. How should a state, national or religious holiday be celebrated? How to welcome a guest to your home? How to organize a wedding or survive the loss of a loved one, or care for the graves of ancestors? These are also cultural issues. People absorb these rules, norms, and customs from the first day of their lives. A person usually does not choose his own culture. He is born in it, breathes in it, grows in it.

There are areas of culture that are common to all people or to the whole country. But there are also differences in the cultures of even those peoples who live together. And even rules that are common to everyone can be explained differently by people. For example, all people condemn lying. But one will explain: “Don’t lie, because one day they will lie to you too.” And another will say: “Don’t lie, because God sees all lies.” In our country there live people of different nations and religions, and therefore in some ways have special cultures and beliefs. Including people who answer the question of whether there is a God differently and have different ideas about the relationship between man and God. This means that they belong to different religions.

Religion is the thoughts and actions of a person who is convinced that the human mind is not alone in our world. Religions say that next to and even above man there is an invisible intelligent and spiritual world: God, angels, spirits... For many people, this belief becomes so deep that it determines their behavior and their culture. Russia once became such a big country precisely because it allowed people to be different. In our country it has always been considered natural that its residents and citizens can belong to different nations, religions, and have their own unique culture. These differences in culture were not only recognized, but also respected.

RELIGION (from the Latin religio - “shrine”, piety, piety; Cicero connected it with the Latin religere - to collect, reverence, observe, reconsider; also religare - restoration of communication, reunification). A special form of awareness of the world, conditioned by belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, religious activities and the unification of people in organizations (church, religious community).

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* Sharya city and Sharya district * International symbol of Peace and symbols of 12 world religions.jpg FUNDAMENTALS OF RELIGIOUS CULTURES AND SECULAR ETHICS MODULE “FUNDAMENTALS OF WORLD RELIGIOUS CULTURES” LESSON 2 CULTURE AND RELIGION Sharya city and Sharya district

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CULTURE AND RELIGION Symbol of Peace and religious cultures Islam Christianity Judaism Bahai Buddhism Taoism Hinduism Sikhism Confucianism Polytheism Jainism Shintoism

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* Sharya city and Sharya district Orthodoxy CULTURE AND RELIGION Church Icon “Trinity” Sharya city and Sharya district

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* Sharya city and Sharya district Orthodoxy Icon “Crucifixion with those present” CULTURE AND RELIGION Bible Sharya city and Sharya district

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* Sharya city and Sharya district Christianity In everything, as you want people to do to you, do the same to them CULTURE AND RELIGION Sharya city and Sharya district

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* Sharya city and Sharya district Islam CULTURE AND RELIGION Mosque Koran - the holy book Sharya city and Sharya district

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* Sharya city and Sharya district Islam None of you will become a believer until you love your brother as yourself CULTURE AND RELIGION Sharya city and Sharya district

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* Sharya city and Sharya district Judaism Torah - the holy book CULTURE AND RELIGION Sacred building - Synagogue Sharya city and Sharya district

Slide 9

* Sharya city and Sharya district Judaism Do not do to your neighbor what makes you feel bad CULTURE AND RELIGION Sharya city and Sharya district

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* Sharya city and Sharya district Buddhism CULTURE AND RELIGION Buddhist temple Buddha statue Sharya city and Sharya district

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* Sharya city and Sharya district Buddhism CULTURE AND RELIGION Stupa in Sarnath Chaittiyo Pagoda

Developed by history and social studies teacher B.I. Kochieva.

MBOU secondary school in the village of Dzuarikau

Lesson 2

"Culture and Religion"

Purpose of the lesson : Formation of spiritual values, a tolerant attitude towards the customs and rituals of other peoples based on the content of this lesson.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: reveal the concept of “culture”, consider the influence of religion on culture, reveal the essence of material and spiritual culture.

Developmental : through game moments, group forms of work to promote developmentdevelopment of information competence of students based on the inclusion of new words and concepts in their own vocabulary.

Educational: cultivating a sense of respect for people of different national and religious backgrounds, the ability to listen to the opinions of classmates.

Types of activities : conversation, oral narrative on a topic, independent work with a textbook.

Lesson equipment : computer, projector, screen.

Visual aids : Microsoft Office PowerPoint slide presentation

Basic terms and concepts: religion,

Lesson progress

    Checking homework.

In the last lesson we talked about our native Fatherland. We learned that the main wealth of any state is its people with their own history, with their own culture. Every person, nation, family has its own history, its own traditions and spiritual values. Which of you talked with your parents and learned about your relatives who glorified your family, family, as well as famous people (by choice) and can now introduce us to them? ( The guys read out their messages.)

    Learning a new topic SDIDE 1


    What is religion.

    What religions are there?

    Religions of Russia.

1. The topic of today's lesson is “Culture and Religion” (write down the topic in a notebook) ChPart of the spiritual tradition is religion. The word “religion” comes from a Latin word that means “to bind,” “to unite.” What is religion SLIDE 3

Today we call religion the various beliefs of people, for example in one God, or in many gods, or in angels, spirits and other similar beings.

SLIDE 4 Humanity first encountered culture in the primitive era - ritual dances, cave paintings, ancient Greek theater. People's participation in religious activities is called rituals . Primitive people performed ritual dances and depicted animals in their caves. This is how they showed their connection with the world of gods and spirits .

2. Religion has existed since ancient times. The beliefs of ancient people were called primitive beliefs.

Gradually, many different religions arose in the world. The inhabitants of Egypt, Greece, and Rome professed their own religions. These beliefs are called ancient beliefs.

Many peoples have created their own religions, i.e. a religion that belongs to one people is called national . For example. HINDUISM (religion of the Hindus), JUDAISM (religion of the Jews).

Over time, religions emerged that are called world religions. Believers of these religions live in different countries and belong to different nations. Today the world religions are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism. ( SLIDE 5)


3 .Religions of Russia (SLIDES 6-10) Teacher's story


- what is religion, ritual?;

- what religions are there in Russia?

    Lesson summary : homework (SLIDE 11)

    tell family members and friends about what you learned in class;

    lesson 2


    Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Foundations of world religious cultures. Grades 4-5: textbook for general education institutions. – M.: Education, 2010.

    B.G.Koibaev, L.M.Sabaaeva.; History of the world's religions: a manual for teachers. - Vladikavkaz, 2011

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