Dietary nutrition nurse job description. Dietary nurse

The general management of the organization of nutrition in hospitals of medical institutions is carried out by the chief physician or his deputy for the medical department, and in medical departments - by their heads. Responsibility for providing the catering unit with food, equipment, supplies, utensils, and special clothing rests with the deputy chief physician for administrative and economic affairs (ACH). The direct methodological and organizational management of therapeutic nutrition is carried out by a nutritionist, whose position is established in hospitals with more than 500 beds (for 300 - 500 beds - part-time). In the absence of this position, the management of clinical nutrition is assigned to one of the attending physicians. Instructions and recommendations on nutrition issues from a nutritionist or other designated doctor are mandatory for catering staff. A nutritionist supervises the work of dietitians, participates in the selection and placement of personnel in the catering department, and conducts classes to improve their skills. He develops 7-day menus for basic diets and checks daily menus, controls the quality of incoming products, their storage conditions and terms of sale, the correctness of culinary processing of food, its compliance with diets, participates in the rejection of prepared food, controls the expenditure of food allocations taking into account food standards , energy value and chemical composition rations. A nutritionist monitors the implementation of sanitary and hygienic requirements for the operation of the catering unit.

According to staffing standards, the position of a nutritionist is established for every 200 beds (for 100 beds - half-time), in tuberculosis and infectious diseases hospitals - for 100 beds (for 75 beds - half-time), in psychoneurological hospitals - for 400 beds. The most experienced nutritionist is appointed as the kitchen manager, under whose administrative control are the kitchen staff. In hospitals that do not have a dietitian, supervision of the kitchen is assigned to the head nurse or one of the nurses. In large hospitals, from the total number of nutrition nurses, diet nurses are allocated for specialized departments (gastroenterology, burns, etc.). Departmental nutrition nurses are directly subordinate to the head nurse and the head of the department and receive instructions from a dietician and the head of the kitchen.

Staffing standards for kitchen staff are presented in table. 36. The senior (chef) cook manages the work of the kitchen production team (cooks, kitchen workers, dishwashers) and is subordinate to the kitchen manager. The cooks are subordinate to the dietitian, and if there is a chef, to the latter.

Table 36. Hospital kitchen staff *, **

* (Based on the book by P. N. Maystruk and G. A. Dunaevsky. Organization of dietary nutrition, - Kyiv: Healthy, 1980)

** (In hospitals with more than 600 beds, the number of positions increases for every 100 beds by 1 cook position and 2 kitchen worker positions)

Nurses and barmaids in medical departments receive food from the kitchen and distribute it to the patients. Barmaids are exempt from ward work and patient care not related to nutrition. The barmaids are directly subordinate to the head and head sister of the department, as well as its dietician. For 30 beds in the department, 1 barmaid position is allocated; in burn departments - 3 positions regardless of the number of beds.

In hospitals with over 200 beds, a consultative and advisory body is created - medical nutrition advice, which includes; the chief physician, his deputy for the ACh, senior nurse, nutritionist, nutritionist - kitchen manager, senior cook, department heads and dieticians. The main tasks of the council; 1) development of measures to improve the organization of medical nutrition; 2) approval of new diets and food recipes, planned 7-day diet menus; 3) discussion of issues of supplying the catering unit with food and technological equipment, compliance with food standards, quality of prepared food; 4) discussion of the organization of nutrition for patients in the departments; 5) approval of plans for advanced training of the nutritional service; 6) development of activities to improve knowledge of clinical nutrition of all hospital workers. The smooth work of the nutrition service depends on a precise daily routine and knowledge of their responsibilities. The work schedule of the kitchen staff is drawn up by its manager together with the chef. The list of responsibilities of dietitians, chefs and cooks is given in the “Instructions for organizing medical nutrition in medical institutions”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on 04/05/57.

It is advisable to develop such lists taking into account local conditions for each catering worker.

Responsibilities of a nutritionist in a medical institution. The nutritionist is the supervisor of all practical work of the kitchen and its staff. The nutritionist is responsible for the preparation and distribution of dishes, compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and the entire organization of business in the kitchen. The responsibilities of the nutritionist include: 1) drawing up a consolidated hospital portion plan based on the portion requirements of medical departments; 2) drawing up requirements for food products for patients, equipment, utensils and utensils for the kitchen; 3) checking the quality of products when they enter the kitchen and monitoring the correct storage of the daily supply of products, semi-finished products and ready-made food; 4) drawing up, with the participation of a senior cook and under the guidance of a nutritionist, a weekly and daily menu, a card index of dishes and layouts for prepared dishes; 5) calculation of the chemical composition of the energy value and cost of rations; 6) general management of food preparation technology, control over the correct placement of products and the output of dishes; 7) organization of C-vitaminization of dishes; 8) taking samples (grading) of produced food; 9) control over the correct release of food and dishes from the kitchen to the departments according to received orders, as well as over the procedure for receiving packages for patients; 10) accounting for products entering the kitchen, dishes dispensed and submitting the necessary information to the accounting department; 11) control over the full use of funds for feeding patients; 12) organization and participation in conducting classes with secondary medical workers and clinical nutrition kitchen staff; 13) participation in the selection and placement of kitchen staff, scheduling their work and providing them labor discipline; 14) control of labor protection and safety measures in the kitchen, preliminary and periodic medical examinations of kitchen staff; 15) control over compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules established for catering units.

Responsibilities of a hospital department nurse. The department's nutritionist organizes meals for patients in accordance with doctors' prescriptions and maintains constant communication with the kitchen. In the course of daily work, she: 1) draws up portion requirements for the nutrition of patients, approves them with the head of the department and sends them to the kitchen; 2) accepts prepared food from the kitchen, supervises food deliveries to patients; 3) ensures proper distribution of food; 4) organizes services for patients taking into account their health status; 5) provides a diet for patients who are on an individual table and need more frequent meals, organizes heating and, in some cases, preparation of the simplest dishes in the department (boiling eggs, semolina, jelly, etc.); 6) assists doctors in drawing up individual menus and explaining to patients the nutrition prescribed for them; 7) helps the head nurse of the department in distributing responsibilities between workers providing meals to patients; 8) is responsible for the sanitary condition of the pantry and tableware, for the organization of service and storage of personal products of patients; 9) participates in conducting classes with secondary and junior staff departments for medical nutrition.

Responsibilities of the senior (chef) cook. The chef is responsible for the timely preparation of high-quality food that meets the requirements of medicinal cooking, for its correct distribution to medical departments, and for the work of cooks and kitchen workers. His responsibilities include: 1) managing the kitchen production team; 2) participation in the development of 7-day diet menus and the preparation of daily menu layouts; 3) receiving products or semi-finished products from a warehouse or central procurement center and checking their quality; 4) instructing cooks in food preparation, giving them products in accordance with the menu layout, monitoring the correct placement of products and the output of ready-made dishes; 5) control over compliance with sanitary, hygienic and technological rules at all stages of food preparation; 6) control over the sanitary and technological condition and timely repair of equipment, utensils and inventory; 7) responsibility for the correct use of mechanical, heating and refrigeration equipment, including safety training for kitchen staff; 8) control of the distribution of prepared food to departments; 9) participation in the distribution of responsibilities of kitchen workers and conducting classes to improve their skills, ensuring their labor discipline; 10) participation in monitoring the sanitary condition of the kitchen.

Responsibilities of the cook. The cook personally prepares food in accordance with the menu and layout and is responsible for the quantity and quality of the dishes produced, for compliance with the technology of their preparation, taking into account the requirements of medicinal cooking. The cook is ok daily work: 1) receives the products necessary for making food in accordance with the menu layout and does not allow food to be prepared from low-quality products; 2) is responsible for the timely placement of products and accurate adherence to layouts; 3) when preparing food, follows established sanitary, hygienic and technological rules, achieving maximum preservation of its nutritional value; 4) delivers prepared food to a dietitian or chef; 5) provides a sample of prepared food to the doctor on duty; 6) distributes prepared food to medical departments in accordance with the distribution list or (in small hospitals) directly to patients, while ensuring the uniformity and correctness of distribution and the proper appearance of the dishes; 7) is responsible for the sanitary condition of his workplace and strictly follows the rules of personal hygiene; 8) checks the sanitary condition of utensils and equipment and its serviceability before starting work; 9) complies with the rules of operation of mechanical, thermal and refrigeration equipment and safety precautions when working with them; 10) promptly informs the dietician or chef about all shortcomings identified during food preparation, about the need to repair equipment, utensils and utensils under his jurisdiction.

Responsibilities of barmaids: 1) receiving ready-made food and buffet products according to the distribution list and delivering them to medical departments; 2) correct portioning of prepared food and buffet products; 3) ensuring the proper appearance of the dishes and the required temperature of the food when it is served; 4) providing nutrition to patients in accordance with their prescribed diets; 5) preparing tea, other drinks and simple dishes (soft-boiled eggs, semolina porridge, jelly, etc.); 6) compliance with the proper sanitary regime of the buffet and dining room; 7) maintaining tableware, serving and transport utensils in proper sanitary condition; proper washing, including disinfection, of tableware; 8) responsibility for the safety of dishes, equipment and property of the pantry; 9) timely removal of food waste; 10) strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene.

State government institution for orphans and children left without parental care “Zubtsovsky Orphanage”

Director of GKU
"Zubtsovsky orphanage"
________________NV Zhuravleva
No. 22 “___” ______________2017


1.1. The main task of the orphanage nurse is to organize proper balanced nutrition for children and promote a healthy lifestyle.
1.2. A nutritionist is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the orphanage in the prescribed manner.
1.3. In her activities, the nutritionist is guided by the program and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions from the director of the orphanage and the doctor.
1.4. The nutritionist reports to the director of the orphanage and the doctor.
3.1. Control over transportation conditions, quality of incoming goods food products and their storage:
3.1.1. Availability of special vehicles and containers for transporting products (labeling, serviceability, maintenance).
3.1.2. Checking the quality of incoming products (rejection). List of products prohibited for admission to children's institutions.
3.1.3. Conditions for storing food (number of pantries, compliance with product proximity rules, shelf life).
3.1.4. Compliance with deadlines for the sale of perishable and highly perishable food products / temperature regime in refrigeration units/
3.2. Control over cooking technology and quality of finished dishes:
3.2.1. Random check of product bookmarks.
3.2.2. Compliance with the rules during cold (primary) processing of raw materials (from the standpoint of nutrient preservation and safety).
3.2.3. Heat treatment (types, stages, duration, temperature conditions).
Features of heat treatment of baby food.
3.2.4. List of products and dishes prohibited for consumption and preparation in children's and adolescent institutions.
3.2.5. Checking the quality of finished dishes (sampling).
3.2.6. Carrying out artificial fortification (preventive).
3.2.7. Control over the selection and storage of daily food samples.
3.2.8. Storing products (according to schedule), taking daily samples.
3.3. Monitoring the sanitary regime of the catering unit:
3.3.1. Availability, sufficiency, condition of technological and refrigeration equipment.
The correctness of its placement.
3.3.2 Provision of production equipment, kitchen and tableware,
cutting boards, their marking and storage.
3.3.3. Organization of washing containers, kitchen utensils and production equipment,
use of detergents and disinfectants.
3.3.4. Organization and quality of washing tableware and cutlery.
3.3.5. Regularity and quality of routine, general cleaning and sanitary days.
Availability of labeled cleaning equipment and its storage. Measures to combat insects and rodents. Collection and storage of food waste.
3.4. Control over the organization of food intake:
3.4.1. Compliance with the diet (frequency, intervals between doses).
3.4.2. Organization and maintenance of control dishes.
3.4.3. Implementation of the schedule for distributing food to children.
3.5. Food quality rating:
3.5.1. Availability of an approved sample menu and food file.
3.5.2. Daily menu planning (with the cook and storekeeper).
3.5.3. Monitoring the fulfillment of the daily set of products once every 10 days (according to the accumulative sheet).
3.5.4. Monitoring compliance with physiological nutritional standards. Calculation of the chemical composition and calorie content of the diet once a month.
3.6. Monitoring compliance with personal hygiene rules by employees:
3.6.1. Availability of personal medical books for catering staff, the timeliness of their routine medical examinations.
3.6.2. Appearance employee, cleanliness of sanitary clothing, availability of disposable (individual) napkins. Towel.
3.6.3. Self-monitoring of employees’ health status with a daily entry in the “Health” journal.
3.6.4. Examination of employees for pustular diseases
3.7. Hygiene training and education:
3.7.1. Working with children, parents, and institution staff on healthy eating and food poisoning prevention (consultations, visual campaigning: stand
“Health - a healthy lifestyle”, folders).
3.7.2. Timely posting of menus for parents.
3.7.3. Timely replacement regulatory framework on nutrition in folders at the catering unit and at home.
3.7.4. Participation in work pedagogical councils regarding catering issues.
3.7.5. Organization practical classes with chefs on cooking new dishes, taking into account standard output, the ability to use technological waste tables, replacements.
3.8. Maintaining documentation for the “Children’s Nutrition” section of work:
¨Children's attendance sheet.
¨ Journal of quality control of products received in the database.
¨ Journal of quality control of prepared food and artificial fortification of dishes.
¨ Cumulative statement of food consumption.
¨ Notebook for calculating the chemical composition and calorie content of the diet.
¨ Notebook for bookmarking products.
¨ A book for recording the sanitary condition of the institution, with an envelope for storing the results of laboratory tests (rations, dishes, etc.).
3.9. Monitor aesthetics in the design of all reporting documentation.
3.10. Takes part in methodological activities of the kindergarten and district on children's health issues.
3.11.Systematically improves his qualifications at courses, seminars, and through self-education.
3.12. Maintains personal hygiene, undergoes medical examinations and laboratory tests in a timely manner.
3.13. Participates in organizational and social events of the team.
3.14. Complies with internal labor regulations, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, and safety and health regulations.
4.1. Prohibits the issuance of spoiled food (curdled milk, over-salted or
burnt dish, spoiled vegetables and fruits, etc.)
4.2. Requires the return of substandard products to the base, prohibits the import
products in kindergarten from the base in a dirty car.
5.1. Bears personal responsibility for protecting the life and health of children.
5.2. For eating poor quality food by children and employees.
5.3. For failure to fulfill the duties provided for in this job description.

Lebedeva TN _________

Head of structural unit:

Zhuravleva Nv _________
Signature surname, initials date

I have read the instructions:

______________ __________________ _________
Signature surname, initials date

You can download job description nurse dietary for free.
Job responsibilities of a dietary nurse.

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________________________________ (Last name, initials)

(name of institution, its ___________________________

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authorized to approve

job description)




(name of institution)

00.00.201_g. №00

I. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a dietary nurse _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”).

1.2. A person with secondary medical education and training in the specialty “Dietetics” is appointed to the position of dietary nurse.

1.3. Appointment to the position of a dietary nurse and dismissal from it are made in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the healthcare institution.

1.4. The dietary nurse reports directly to _____________________

(head of department, deputy chief physician)

1.5. A dietary nurse should know:

Laws Russian Federation and others regulations regulating the activities of healthcare institutions;

Current normative and methodological documents regulating the activities of medical institutions;

Methods and rules for providing medicinal and emergency medical care;

Contents of dietetics as a separate clinical discipline;

Organization, structure, tasks, staffing and equipment of the nutritional service;

All legal information regulations according to your specialty;

Methods for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the patient;

Planning the activities and all reporting of the nutritional service;

Methodology and procedure for monitoring your service;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety and fire protection;

Basics labor legislation Russian Federation

Internal labor regulations;

1.6. During the absence of a dietary nurse (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed person who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.

II. Job responsibilities

Dietary nurse:

2.1. Monitors the operation of the catering unit and compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime.

2.2. Checks the quality of products when they arrive at the warehouse and kitchen, monitors the correct storage of food supplies

2.3. Under the guidance of a nutritionist, prepares a daily menu layout in accordance with the food card index.

2.4. Controls the stocking of products and the release of dishes from the kitchen to the departments, according to received orders, carries out rejecting finished products.

2.5. Performs periodic calculations of the chemical composition and calorie content of diets, monitoring the chemical composition of actually prepared dishes and rations

2.6. Monitors the sanitary condition of dispensing and canteens at the departments, equipment, utensils, as well as the observance of personal hygiene rules by dispensing employees.

2.7. Monitors the timely conduct of preventive medical examinations of catering workers and prevents persons from working who have not undergone preliminary or periodic medical examination.

2.8. Organizes training sessions with paramedics and kitchen staff on clinical nutrition.

2.9. Monitors the correctness of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as the operation of equipment and equipment, instruments, medications, reagents

2.10. Monitors compliance with safety and labor protection rules by lower-ranking medical personnel.

2.11. Timely and competently executes orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution

2.12. Complies with internal regulations.

2.13. Complies with labor protection, industrial sanitation and safety regulations

2.14. Timely and competently executes orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution

2.15. Complies with internal regulations.

2.16. Complies with labor protection, industrial sanitation and safety regulations

III. Rights

A dietary nurse has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on the optimization and improvement of medical and social care, including on issues of their work activities.

3.2. Demand that the management of the institution provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

3.3. Receive information from company specialists necessary to effectively fulfill your job responsibilities.

3.4. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.

3.5. Take part in meetings, scientific and practical conferences and sections on issues related to your professional activity.

3.6. enjoy labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation

I V . Responsibility

The dietary nurse is responsible for:

4.1. For the proper and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, provided for by this job description

4.2. For organizing your work and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the enterprise.

4.3. For ensuring that employees subordinate to him comply with their duties.

4.4. For failure to comply with internal rules and safety regulations.

For offenses or inaction committed during the course of treatment; for mistakes in the process of carrying out their activities that entailed serious consequences for the health and life of the patient; as well as for violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a dietary nurse may be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

Training program

1.Legislation concerning general requirements to the organization Catering. Standards and regulations for the organization of dietary (therapeutic) nutrition.

2. Modern organization therapeutic nutrition in sanatorium-resort institutions. Management of clinical nutrition in a medical institution

3. Job responsibilities of a nutritionist: assignment and management practical work catering unit and its staff. Monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules, the quality of products, their storage and sale, the correct placement of products and the output of dishes, the release of products and dishes from the kitchen to groups strictly according to the regime and standards;

4. Sample job description;

5. Functional responsibilities of a nutritionist: from the daily preparation of the menu for the next day with the participation of the cook, storekeeper and maintaining a card file of dishes taking into account the calorie content and chemical composition, energy value and cost of rations to the distribution of dishes according to the approved menu and taking a sample of food before serving it to the table with marking the results in a special notebook;

6. Problems in the work of a nutritionist (interaction with management, accountant-calculator, cook and other personnel)

7. Principles of balanced nutrition and importance nutrients, for a healthy and sick person:

  • The concept of a balanced diet;
    Calorie content;
    Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water

8. The importance of basic foods in the diet of a healthy, convalescent and sick person, adult and child, the main differences in the approaches to dietary nutrition of a sick and convalescent person.

9. System for prescribing medical nutrition depending on the type of institution (dispensary, sanatorium, hospital); Principles of creating a menu of therapeutic diets; The procedure for prescribing therapeutic nutrition;

10. Hygiene of the food block and culinary processing of food products. Personnel hygiene.

  • Fundamentals of managing the HACCP food quality system.
  • Organization of food service work. Release of food from the kitchen and distribution in the dining room. Features of the work, layout and equipment of the catering unit;
  • Sanitary and hygienic requirements for equipment, inventory and utensils;
  • Personal hygiene, preventive examinations and occupational hygiene of personnel;
  • Hygienic requirements for the maintenance of premises and territory;
  • Hygienic requirements for the delivery, quality assessment and storage of food products;
  • Hygiene in processing raw foods and storing semi-finished products;
  • Hygiene of thermal processing of food products and storage of prepared food;
  • Control over the quality of products and prepared food;

11. Characteristics of the number system of therapeutic diets . Principles of therapeutic nutrition for major acute and chronic diseases: Medical nutrition for diseases of the digestive system (diseases of the stomach, pancreas, intestines, liver);

  • Therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the cardiovascular system (circulatory failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, rheumatism);
  • Therapeutic nutrition for kidney and urinary tract diseases for nephritis, urolithiasis, pyelocystitis and pyelonephritis);
  • Nutritional therapy for diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands);
  • Therapeutic nutrition for lung diseases;
  • Therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the blood system;
  • Therapeutic nutrition for metabolic diseases;
  • Medical nutrition for infectious diseases;
  • Medical nutrition for surgical patients;
  • Medical nutrition for allergic reactions;
  • Nutrition for obesity, injuries...
  • Therapeutic fasting

12. Workshop on creating a weekly diet menu.

1. General Provisions

1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a dietary nurse.
2. A person with secondary medical education and appropriate training in the specialty “Dietetics” is appointed to the position of dietary nurse.
3. A dietary nurse must know the basics of Russian legislation on healthcare; regulatory documents regulating the activities of healthcare institutions; structure, main aspects of the activities of health care facilities; safety regulations; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
In her specialty, a dietary nurse must know the basics of dietetics as an independent clinical discipline; tasks, organization, structure, staffing and equipment of the nutritional service; current regulatory, legal, instructional and methodological documents in the specialty; registration rules medical documentation; principles of planning and reporting of nutritional services; methods and procedures for monitoring its activities.
4. A dietary nurse is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. The dietary nurse is directly subordinate to the dietician.

2. Job responsibilities

Monitors the operation of the catering unit and compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime. Checks the quality of products when they arrive at the warehouse and kitchen, monitors the correct storage of food supplies. With the participation of the production manager (chef) and under the guidance of a nutritionist, he compiles a daily menu layout in accordance with the dish card index. Performs periodic calculations of the chemical composition and calorie content of diets, monitoring the chemical composition of actually prepared dishes and diets (content of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, energy value, etc.) by selectively sending individual dishes to the laboratory of the state sanitary and epidemiological inspection center. Controls the stocking of products and the release of dishes from the kitchen to the departments, according to received orders, and carries out rejecting of finished products. Monitors the sanitary condition of dispensing and canteens at the departments, equipment, utensils, as well as the observance of personal hygiene rules by dispensing employees. Organizes training sessions with paramedics and kitchen staff on clinical nutrition. Monitors the timely conduct of preventive medical examinations of catering workers and prevents persons from working who have not undergone a preliminary or periodic medical examination. Prepares official documentation in accordance with the established procedure. Qualifiedly and timely carries out orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution, as well as regulatory legal acts related to his professional activities. Complies with internal regulations, fire and safety regulations, and sanitary and epidemiological regulations. Promptly takes measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of the healthcare institution, its employees, patients and visitors. Systematically improves his skills.

A dietary nurse has the right:
1. make proposals to the management of the healthcare facility to improve the work of the catering department, incl. on issues of organization and conditions of their work;
2. control the work of catering workers, give them orders within the framework of their official duties and demand their strict implementation;
3. request, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties;
4. take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings at which issues related to its work are discussed;
5. undergo certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;
6. improve your qualifications through advanced training courses at least once every 5 years.
A dietary nurse enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The dietary nurse is responsible for:
1. carrying out the official duties assigned to her;
2. organization of its work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from management, regulations on its activities;
3. compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety regulations;
4. timely and high-quality execution of medical and other official documentation provided for by current regulatory documents;
5. provision of statistical and other information on its activities in the prescribed manner;
6. promptly taking measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of a healthcare institution, its employees, patients and visitors.
For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a dietary nurse may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

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