Sketch for September 1st Masha and the Bear. Entertainment for the Day of Knowledge “Meeting of Masha and the Bear”

Scenario for September 1 “Hello, school!”

The song “The cheerful summer is noisy” is playing

Presenter 1. Good morning, dear guys, dear teachers, educators, guests! Today is the day of the beginning of classes, new good meetings with the world of knowledge.

Presenter 2. Good morning to everyone who came here for the first time and to those who have lived several interesting and rewarding years at this school.

Presenter 1. September has come, summer has ended,

The holiday of knowledge, study, and grades has arrived.

Children, parents, teachers!

Happy holiday, friends!

Presenter 2. A couple of minutes - and the first call

He will call you back to class.

School doors will open again

Tomorrow the school day will begin.

Well, today is a festive hour!

Together: We congratulate you all on this holiday!

Presenter 1. Today is an unusual day in the world

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

Based on games, ideas and fairy tale books

The magic never ends in school life,

The tale continues here too.

Presenter 2. Where are the least of you?

Let him come out here now

The very first, first class!

Presenter 1. Attention school! We invite first-graders to the lineup.

The song "First-grader" is playing

Presenter 1 . The teaching and student staff of the October Correctional School - boarding school is ready for the start of the new 2015-2016 academic year.

Presenter 1. It may sound fanfare, but it depends on us

All Russia. The love for her is mutual.

And not just a melody will ring out now -

The power and pride of the Russian Anthem!

The Russian Anthem and the RME anthem are played.

Ceremonial line, dedicated to the Day knowledge is declared open.

Presenter 2. The long-awaited September has arrived.
Especially desirable for schoolchildren.
After all, the school opens its doors again,
With love and special trust.
The holidays are over, we had a lot of rest days
Friends meet again at the school threshold.

Presenter 1. To those who care about the school.
Takes care night and day -
To the director of our school
We are happy to give our word.

The floor is given to the school director Irina Vasilievna Valieva.

Presenter 2. We have a lot of guests today
The road is open to everyone here
The guest of honor is in a hurry now,
Happy holiday to all of you.

The floor is given to the guests.....

There is a song about tracks from the popular animated series "Masha and the Bear". A breathless and excited Bear appears in his hands with a backpack.

Bear: Ugh! Choked! Hello guys! Oh, there are so many of you! And they all look like my Mashenka! Masha! Mashenka! Where are you?! I brought your backpack for you! I forgot, as always! Well, come out, why are you hiding!?

Masha: Oh, Mishenka! You brought me my backpack! Thank you, thank you! (thank you profusely, almost knocking him down) And I looked for him, looked for him, thought where did he run away from me?

Bear: How are you, so small and restless, going to study? You can’t sit quietly for a minute! I feel sorry for you! Let's get out of here, shall we?

Masha: What are you talking about, Mishenka! I'm already an adult! Even though I’m a fidget, I’ll definitely try and I will, I’ll definitely only get two marks for my favorite ones!

Bear (laughs): Oh, it’s hilarious, Masha, I made you laugh... two marks... darlings... oh I can’t! I know that too... not twos, but these, how can they be... I remember FIVES!

Mashenka: So be it! So be it! Just think, I got it mixed up... The guys probably don’t know everything yet, that’s why they came to learn!

Bear: Come on...Look at how smart their eyes are...they already know a lot, not like you!...Let's check it out now...(unfolds a piece of paper with riddles and reads.)

You are a colored pencil
Color all the drawings.
To correct them later
It will be very useful...(eraser)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have…. (plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack I have... (diary)
I'm ready for training starts,
Soon I will sit down at ... (desk)

Bear: See how smart they are!

Mashenka: And I know, I know the game is so difficult that they definitely won’t cope!(play the game “Collect a briefcase”).

If I name an object that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, stomp your feet!

Textbooks and books,
toy mouse,
Clockwork locomotive,
Colored plasticine,
Brushes and paints,
New Year's masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
Stapler and notebooks,
Schedule, diary.
Student ready for school!

Bear: Well...see how smart and attentive they are!

Mashenka: Okay, okay! And so will I! You'll see!

Bear: Well, okay...I’m calm now...after all, such guys will also study next to you! Really, guys? Will you help Mashenka?

The melody from the cartoon sounds. The Bear and Masha leave.

Presenter 1. Opening the academic year,

Let our school bell ring

Welcoming with the ringing of bells

Everyone who came to the first lesson.

Presenter 2. It's time to study, hurry up kids!

There are many clear roads ahead!

So ring more merrily for happy children,

Our silver school bell!

Presenter 1. The right to submit the first call for the new 2015-2016 academic year is granted to 9th grade students.......and 1st grade students........

Presenter 2. It's a pity this wonderful holiday is ending!

But the call sounds and excites.

And the doors and classrooms are open.

The first lesson begins!

Presenter 1. Success to everyone in the new school year, strong friendship, many joyful and unforgettable moments of school life!

The song “The first bell will ring” plays

Scene for junior schoolchildren for the Day of Knowledge: “Masha and the Bear” play school.

(Masha lies in bed and sleeps. The Bear comes out.)

Bear: Masha, Masha! Aaaah, there you are, still asleep. Oh, come on, get up quickly, you'll be late for school.

Masha: Oh, it’s already September 1st! So quickly, it’s time to get dressed, Misha, quickly tie my bows (Misha ties Masha’s bows). Where's my briefcase? Ahhh, there you are, come on, come to me. (Masha, in a hurry, takes out her briefcase and hurriedly puts notebooks in it). I'm all ready! Misha, quickly take my briefcase and run to school. Just don't be late!

Masha: Wow, there are so many children here, so, so (approaches the first graders). Hello, my name is Masha, let's be friends. I will now study with you in class. Well, why are we going to stand here for so long? I want, I want to study; I want, I want to study!

Misha: Masha, Masha, wait, the ceremonial line is coming. Now, when the first bell rings, then you will all go to class. Hello, dear first-graders, do you want to study at school? (everyone answers “Yes”). Let us check how prepared you all are for school. I will ask you riddles, and you will answer me. So let's begin.

Masha:(quietly whispers to Bear) Mish, are you going to give me some hints?

Bear: Masha, don’t be cunning. Let's do it like everyone else.

1. What day is it today?
All the kids stood in a row
Near the school threshold,
All the kids are waiting anxiously,
The first school bell.
What kind of day is this?

2. I take him by the hands,
And I quickly run to school with him.


3. I will write letters in it,
And everyone will praise me for this.


4. I will be a master at drawing with them,
I take it with me to school,
This one is colored...

(Felt-tip pen).

5. For the first time, the school suddenly opened its doors,
Let in new newcomers.

(First graders).

6. I’m still lying in my briefcase,
But I’ll tell everyone about how you study.


7. In this room,
Everyone has been
Both excellent students and poor students,
Here we received marks.

8. He sings sonorous songs,
From class, and back to class.

9. If you know everything,
Then the teacher will give you


Misha: Yes, the guys are all ready for school,
All of you are just great,
So I wish you all a good journey!

Masha: Misha, will you be picking me up from school? Will you do my homework and help me?

Bear: Will.

Masha: Hooray! I'll be right back, wait. (Masha runs away).

Bear: Masha, wait, where are you going?

(Masha returns a minute later, with a bell in her hand).

Masha: Well, guys, are you ready to go to class? (Starts ringing the bell).

That's it, our first school bell!

(The scene ends.)

« The Adventures of Masha Thumbelina»


Masha Thumbelina

Mother Masha

Bug (And)


Elves - students 11 class

Head elves - teachers 1 classes

Act one

On the stage there is a huge flower gathered into a bud. There are girls sitting around pretending to be flowers. The song Roots sounds "Our Masha" the flowers begin to dance and with words “Hello, Masha!” the bud opens and Masha appears from it Thumbelina. Goes down to the hall.

Masha: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? That's right my name was once Thumbelina, but 7 years have passed since then. I have grown up and now everyone calls me Masha - Masha Thumbelina.

Mother Masha: Daughter! Are you already awake? Get ready quickly! Today 1 September and you go to school!

Masha: How good! I will study with you. (Collects briefcase) I've dreamed about this for so long. (Puts the briefcase on his back).

Act two

Toad's verses sound

The Toad drags the Toad by the paw with a briefcase on his back.

Toad: Son! Well, hurry up, you'll be late for school!

Toad: I don't want to study! I want to get married!

Toad:(Stops, thinks) Well, in principle it’s a good thing! And here comes the bride!

(addresses Masha) Where are you going?

Masha: (proudly) I'm going to 1 today Class!

Toad: HA – Kwa-Kwa! Such a little thing! To School! What will they teach you there? You can't even sing!

Masha: But I can... My friends will help me! (to the hall) Can you help? Let's sing for Toad "What they teach at school".

Toad: Well, everyone can sing, but what about spelling? Here So: KV- (shows letter A)-A KWAAAAAAA!

Masha: Guys, help me, please! Read these letters like a frog.

(Toad shows vowels. Children in chorus called: KVO - KVU- KVI - KVY - KVE - KVYA - KVY)

(admiringly) Yes, these are not children, but real little frogs! (He goes with the baby toad into the hall to first graders. He pats the children on the heads and leaves the hall)

Act three

Music is playing “Come on, children, stand in a circle. Once upon a time there lived a good BEETLE!” Dancing on the stage, a Beetle with bugs appears (or Beetle with Beetle). They dance. While dancing, they grab Masha by the hands and drag her onto the stage.

Masha: Mister Beetle! Please don't delay me! I need to go to school!

Bug: To school! To school! Of course, to school! To our school! To our dance school! After all, every self-respecting girl should be able to dance!

Masha: I can do it, I can do it and the guys can do it!

Beetles: We don’t believe it! We don't believe it! Dance with us! With us!

DANCE. The beetles show the movements, and the children repeat. Then the Beetles descend into the hall, make a circle and fly away. The children take their seats.

Act four

Music is playing

On the stage, a Mouse sits in a chair with a large book of fairy tales. Mouse: Now we’re getting noisy... Silence and discipline are important at school. Because of you, I can’t concentrate on fairy tales. (Masha) You should not study at school, but sit in the closet and study in silence! (pulls Masha by the hand) You don’t know fairy tales yourself and you’re preventing me from reading.

Masha: Lady Mouse! We know, we know fairy tales!

Mouse: What are you saying! Well, I’ll check how you know fairy tales.


Act five

Mouse: Hm! They know fairy tales! My neighbor is a millionaire! He can count millions. And here he comes here himself!


Mouse: (to the Mole) Neighbour! Neighbour! Look what kind of assistant I found for you. She knows fairy tales...

Mouse: She has so many assistants.

Mouse: Check it out. The mole asks problems about grains.

Masha: Mister Mole! Let me go please! I need to go to school!

Mole: There are enough smart people here without you! (takes Masha by the hand and leads her down the steps; the lights gradually go out, except for the stage) You will live in a hole and help with the housework!

Masha: Please let me look at the sun one last time and say goodbye to the guys!

Mole: Sun? What is the sun? Well, go, just hurry up!

Masha: Goodbye, sunshine! Goodbye guys! I wanted to go to school so much! (covers his face with his hands - cries)

Act six (last)

Music is playing.

Swallow appears.

Martin: Hello guys! I am the director of the magical land of knowledge. But I didn’t come alone. With me, the main elves of the magical land are teachers! They will teach you the most important sciences, and the main science is that you cannot abandon your friends in trouble! Our Masha needs help and I know how to help her. Can you draw? Well, then your cheerful faces on the magical paths will help Masha find a way out! Elves are helpers - hand out markers!

Children draw on the wallpaper.

Masha: Dear swallow! Now I know where to go, but I don’t want to go to the magical land of knowledge alone. Can I take all my friends?

Martin: Of course, and to make our journey safe, I ask parents, as well as grandparents, brothers and sisters, to build a magic tunnel for our little students, through which children will find themselves in the magical land of knowledge. Chief elves, accept new students!

TUNNEL: (to the tune of "The Turkish Little Engine") Parents build three tunnels. To do this, they stand facing each other. They raise their hands and connect them into a “house”. Teachers 1 classes lead their new students through all the tunnels and "leave" to Class.

At the end holiday parents can communicate with the school administration.

School-themed music plays. There is a poster on the school door with a picture of a bell.

(fanfare sounds)

LEADING: Hello, beloved teachers!

HOST: Hello, dear parents and dear guests!

LEADING: September has come, summer has ended

The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived!

HOST: Children, parents, teachers,

Happy holiday, friends!

LEADING: The floor for the opening of the Knowledge Day holiday and congratulations is given to the school director... (Names first and last name. Speech of the director.)

2 music-Opening of the line. (Hymn.)

HOST: School doors will open again

Tomorrow the school day will begin.

Well, today is a festive hour!

HOST and Presenter: We congratulate you all on this holiday!

3 muses - "Starry Summer"

1 Presenter Summer is over, friends.

It's a shame we can't continue it,

Warm days have never happened,

Why are there so few of them?

2 Presenter Like a planet flying in the sky,

The resounding summer flew by quickly!

Autumn is walking across the planet again,

Refed children are rushing to school!

1 Presenter Like Queen School on this day!

She dazzles in flowers and sings,

Goodbye holidays, sweet laziness,

Little people are coming for knowledge!

2 Presenter He wants to know everything as soon as possible,

The eyes are burning - there is joy, surprise in them,

It is impossible not to justify their hopes,

And the Queen School is waiting with excitement!

1 Presenter Hello studies!

Hello school!

Let's go on a hike for knowledge.

Today is a holiday!

School holiday!

In chorus. We welcome the school year!

LEADING: Dear first graders!

The first time you came to school,

First time in first grade

Everything is new for you today,

Everything worries you now!

4 music - "Cool you're on TV"

1st and 2nd presenters(read)

You have books in your briefcase, you have a bouquet in your hand,

All the guys I know look after me in surprise.

Why are you cheerful and dressed as if for a parade?

You are going to school today, goodbye, kindergarten!

In kindergarten you were friends with everyone for many days,

And now it’s a different time - there are more important concerns.

You are already big people - you understand this now,

Goodbye, kindergarten, the school door is opening!!!

You are now

Let's surprise the people!

Cool! You're in first grade!

You are now

Let's surprise the people!

5 music - "I'll take the pencils"

(First graders come out to the music.)

1st: We are very big now

We came to school.

And now no one will say

That we are kids.

2nd: Stay home, dolls,

I'm leaving to go to school

No time to play now

3rd: I looked in the mirror for a very long time

I looked at myself,

I kept wondering: when

I managed to grow up!

Yesterday there was a little robber,

And now I’m an adult, a schoolboy!

4th: For some reason mom and dad

We got so excited

It's like going to school instead of me

We gathered for the first time!

5th: Dad cleaned my shoes

He shook off specks of dust from me,

Mom is my big briefcase

I spent all day collecting!

6th: I dreamed about books today,

We walked in formation, lay down in the briefcase,

Pencils in a notebook

They wrote: “Everything is fine!

We are clean, neat, new,

We are ready to study!”

7th: I told my sister “don’t be bored”

And I gave all the dolls to her.

“You can’t go with me,

We need to grow up a little!”

8th: On this wonderful bright day

We are not too lazy to go to school,

We say: “Cozy class,

Make us welcome!”

ALL (in unison): We promise not to be lazy

Just study well!

6 muses - "About traces" - Masha and the Bear

(Suddenly music from the popular animated series “Masha and the Bear” sounds. A breathless and excited Bear appears in his hands with a backpack)

BEAR: Ugh! Choked! Hello guys! Oh, there are so many of you! And they all look like my Mashenka! Masha! Mashenka! Where are you?! I brought your backpack for you! I forgot, as always! !Well, come out, why are you hiding!?

Masha: Oh, Mishenka! You brought me my backpack! Thank you, thank you! (thank you profusely, almost knocking him down) And I looked for him and looked for him... I thought where did he run away from me?...

Bear: How are you, so small and restless, going to study? You can’t sit quietly for a minute! I feel sorry for you!!! Let's get out of here, shall we?

Masha: What are you talking about, Mishenka! I'm already an adult! Although I’m a fidget, I’ll definitely try and I will, I’ll definitely only get two marks for my favorite ones!

Bear(laughs) Oh, it’s hilarious, Masha, I made you laugh... deuces... darlings... oh I can’t! I know that too... not twos, but these, how can they be... I remember FIVES!

Mashenka: Well, so be it! Well, so be it! Just think, I got it mixed up... The guys probably don’t know everything yet, that’s why they came to learn!

Bear: Come on...Look at how smart their eyes are...they already know a lot, not like you!...Let's check it out now...(unfolds a piece of paper with riddles and reads.)

You are a colored pencil

Color all the drawings.

To correct them later

It will be very useful...(eraser)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

Today I am the ruler -

I have…. (plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!

In my backpack I have... (diary)

I'm ready for training starts,

Soon I will sit down at ... (desk)

  • Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,

Write on me!

You can also draw...

What am I? (Notebook)

  • If you sharpen it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach!

What is this? (Pencil)

  • The pachyderm takes hay with its trunk... (elephant)
  • In the thicket, he raises his head and howls from hunger... (wolf)
  • Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... (bear)
  • Who likes to run around on branches? Of course, red... (squirrel)

Bear: See how smart they are!

Mashenka: And I know, I know such a difficult game that they will definitely not cope! (they play the game “Collect a briefcase”. If I name an object that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands. If this object is not needed at school, you stomp your feet!

Textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

Clockwork locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

Brushes and paints,

New Year's masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

Stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Student ready for school!

Bear: Well...see how smart and attentive they are!

Mashenka: Okay, okay! And so will I! You'll see!

Bear: Well, okay...I’m calm now...after all, such guys will also study next to you! Really guys! Will you help Mashenka?(
(a melody from the cartoon sounds - The Bear and Masha leave)

Presenter: Well, now it's time for the most important thing!!! But before I hand you the keys, first-graders, and the very first bell rings for you, listen to the parting words of those for whom this is the last academic year within the walls of our school. Dear kids! Put your ears on top!

7music - "Students" - Masters of Science

Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Masters of tests and essays.

Leading: Professors for passing tests and exams. Inventors newest types cheat sheet. The oldest students at the school are eleventh graders. For them, this first bell will ring for the last time. They also came here as first-graders 10 years ago. And now they only have 1 year of school left ahead of them.

Eleventh grader: Today you came to us just as boys and girls. And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school. And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!

Eleventh grader: We're a little older than you

And we are burning with desire

Convey your order

And our wishes!

Eleventh grader: Chew on science for later

Don't leave.

Then there is soup with a cat!

Read more!

Eleventh grader: Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to your elders

Hurry up everyone for recess

Don't rush!

Eleventh grader: And you all need to remember:

Mind strength is more important!

Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!

You are stronger with them.

8 muses - "City square dance" - dance

Presenter And now I will read the first-grader’s oath. After each of my sentences, you first-graders must all say “I swear!” Let's practice! Three, four! That's great! Well, listen carefully!

I swear in front of everyone to try to be healthy,

Go to school 13 regularly!

And carry “good” and “excellent” in your backpack!

I swear to be a raised child,

Don't run around the school, but walk!

Proud of both the school and the teachers

What knowledge, love and soul they gave!

I will always be a perfect child,

And I will never forget my oath!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give away my baby tooth,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

And I won't play on the computer!

9 music - "Favorite School" - song sung by Anyuta Evshparova

10 muses "School, I miss you" - leitmotif

Leading: It's hard to raise your children,

There is a lot you need to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children in everything,

Get the child ready for school in the morning,

Give good parting words in time,

And don’t forget to go for a walk on the weekend,

To avoid everyone's illnesses,

We still need to toughen up the children,

Everyone also attends meetings,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!!!

11 muses - "The First Teachers" - leitmotif.

And now I invite the first teachers of our lovely first-graders to this stage to present the keys to the Land of Knowledge

Teachers take the stage. (The director hands them the symphonic keys)

12 solemn fanfares.

And now the solemn magical moment!

The bell rings, and you are already a student! The bell rings, and the countdown starts,

And the school year is coming!

The right to ring the first bell in the new academic year is granted to school graduates, students _______ and students ________

(bell rings)

Q2: Well, that's a start...

And on time according to plan from the pier

We're going sailing for the whole year!

Q3: May he bring pleasant discoveries!

Dictation for "five", solved problems,

May everything be successful for everyone!


music 13-"School Anthem"

music 14-"I'll take the pencils"

Q1: We invite the first “A” class to our first lesson!

First "B" class!

First "B" class!

First "G" class!

(to music and applause, grades 1 and 1 go to class)

Svetlana Bogatyreva
"Masha and the Bear meet friends." Entertainment for the Day of Knowledge

Music is playing.

Leading: Hello, adults! Hello children!

We are very happy about today meeting!

A variety of people are in a hurry to learn.

Day for our Motherland knowledge is coming.

Reb. 1 Red day on the calendar! Holiday knowledge in September.

This holiday is the most important of all! This is a holiday for all children!

Reb. 2 The whole country celebrates this day everywhere.

This day is the best - good day of the calendar!

Reb. 3 Let's start our holiday quickly,

Sing and play with a smile and joy!

Leading: Let's greet each other with applause!

Summer is over, you're in a hurry to go to kindergarten,

What kind of holiday is today, tell me?

Presenter: Right! Day knowledge!

And it is from this day that the new school year begins.

You have become more mature, stronger, smarter and are moving on to senior and preparatory group, which means that in kindergarten you are the most important - our helpers!

And now I propose to look at you,

how you have all grown, tanned, and become prettier!

Girls walk through the hall to the music, then boys.

Manager: Dear guys! Our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and our government have set before you a difficult task: to grow educated, talented, athletic, active.

And I am sure that you will cope with this task! Really, guys?

We can't count the talents and stars in our garden! We have someone to be proud of!

You, our beloved children, are bright, interesting, creative, intelligent, inquisitive, friendly, athletic!

You are the young generation!

You are our hope and support!

You are our stars of hope!

Spanish dance "We are little stars"

Child:1 Kindergarten "Ship" everyone knows

Loud music flows from its windows.

Music flows like a river, pure, beautiful,

And the kids grow up in it - smart, happy!

Child: 2 Kindergarten, kindergarten,

New glad to meet you!

Things won't go wrong,

Enough for the whole year!

Child:3 Let us feel a little sorry for summer -

We will not be sad in vain.

Hello, k knowledge is dear!

Hello, September holiday!

Child:4 Here I come! Here Friends!

Together we are one family!

Embrace your favorite garden

The best preschoolers!

Spanish song "True Friend"

Spanish round dance "Wider circle"

Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Guys, where can I get books?

Children: In the library!

Leading: That's right, guys, books live in the library.

and you will take books. What books do you like best?

Children: Fairy tales!

Leading: Do you guys like fairy tales? Tell me the answers!

1. Who lived in the tower?

2. What were the names of the three little pigs?

3. Whom did the Bug call in the fairy tale? "Turnip"?

4. Name the most famous doctor?

5. Why did all the things in the house run away from the boy?

6. Looked a little like a ball

And rolled along the paths.

Rolled away from everyone. Except for the “redhead”, what a laugh! (Kolobok)

7. Bewitched by Koshchei, fascinated by Ivan,

Green girlfriend, Princess - (Frog) .

9. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy.

I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

("Masha and the Bear".)

Music sounds and he runs in Masha.

Masha. Oh, children! Hello!

Have you been invited to a party? (Children answer.) Let's get acquainted!

Just call me Masha. What's your name?

I can't hear it, it's louder. (All children say their names at the same time.)

Do you like to scream? (The children answer in unison.)

Who loves to sing and dance? What about listening and playing fairy tales?

So, are you having fun? Will you come here again? (Children answer.)

Leading: Mashenka, we are today met after summer vacation,

Today everyone starts a new school year!

Masha: Eeeee! What is this? Should I follow Mishka? OK!

We need to call him and invite him to the party!

In! Telephone! What a great fellow I am! good Masha! Peep-pee-pee.

(Dials a number on the cell phone that hangs around her neck.)

Hello! Bear! It's me! Didn't you recognize me?

Come play, sing and dance with us!

It's going to be fun now! There's a lot here we have friends!

Masha: I've never been to kindergarten. Tell me, what are you doing here?

Children talk.

Music sounds, Misha enters.

Masha. Misha, how interesting it is here! The children told me what they do in kindergarten.

Misha: Hello guys! But I also went to kindergarten, only to a forest kindergarten for animals!

But tell me, just honestly, which of you is afraid of injections?

Children, can I ask you questions, and you answer in chorus, in words "healthy" or "harmful":

Do exercises in the morning (healthy)

Don't wash your hands before eating (harmful)

Rinse your eyes in the morning... (healthy)

Brush your teeth (healthy)

Watch TV closely (harmful)

Walk outside every day (healthy)

Drink only soda (harmful)

Eat fruits and vegetables (healthy)

There are chips (harmful)

Exercise (healthy) .

Misha. We need to, we need to toughen up, we need to play sports.

Only the healthy, strong one, never takes pills,

The one who is very friendly with sports will never catch a cold!

Why do you need charging?

Children. (together) This is not a mystery at all -

To force develop and not get tired all day!

Let's all do dance exercises together!

Spanish Dance exercises.

Misha. Friends, did you have a good rest in the summer?

Tell us how you rested, what you did?

The guys share their impressions.

Has anyone gone to the forest to pick berries? Children's answers.

Now we’ll check how quickly you can pick berries!

Attraction game "Collect Berries in a Basket".

2 teams, 2 baskets, colored balls

Masha: And I also know very much interesting game. Do you want me to teach you? Look!

Who will scatter the toys faster?

Scatters toys around the room.

Masha. Great, right?

Leading. No, not great! Our kids are getting better at collecting them!

Attraction "Who can collect the toys faster"

Masha and Misha: Well done!

Misha: Masha, and you come to the children in kindergarten more often, they will teach you how to put away toys!

Misha: Children, do you know what children do at school? (Guiding questions.) (Children's answers.)

Leading: Misha, and the guys from the group "Sunflowers" And "Kapitoshki" in a year they will also go to school.

Look how they have grown and become wiser over the summer.

Misha: Now I’ll look at them! (Children get up). Can I ask you a few questions?

1. What time of year is it now? (Autumn)

2. List all the autumn months? (September, October, November)

3. What time of day is it now? (morning, afternoon)

4. What other parts of the day do you know? (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

5. Today is Thursday, and tomorrow? (Friday)

6. Name the days of the week, starting with Monday.

7. How many fingers are there on your right hand?

8. How many eyes does a traffic light have?

9. How many ears do two mice have?

10. How many tails do two cats have?

Misha: Smart guys! I see that they will definitely be accepted into school!

Spanish cheerful dance on display.

Masha: (laughs.) We had a lot of fun and became even stronger friends.

They danced, played, everyone around became friends.

We wish you a day knowledge, wish fulfillment!

Masha and Misha: Guys, we have a gift for you, a magic bell.

Do you want to know everything in the world? Do you want gain knowledge?

Then hurry up Friends, forward! Calls you to knowledge call! (Ring the bell.)

Manager: Every day, without delay, we are waiting for you, dear creatures!

Come to kindergarten, everyone will be happy to see you here!

(addressing teachers)

How quickly summer flashed by! Autumn is coming again!

Day knowledge! This means that work with you awaits us!

What new things await us, ideas, plans, children!

Victory is expected and good luck awaits, and it cannot be otherwise!

Leading: Guys, I once again congratulate all of you and all our teachers kindergarten Happy holiday! First of September - "Hooray!"

Children and adults: HOORAY!

Misha: Thank you, children, for the holiday! Always be so cheerful, dexterous, skillful!

We congratulate everyone today and, of course, treat everyone. (They treat the children with sweets.)

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