Fairy tale script according to traffic rules with soundtracks. Sketch on traffic rules for elementary school Sketch on traffic rules for schoolchildren

We are here, we are, changing equipment,
We tell you about the traffic rules.
There are enough singers and actors in the country,
but our traffic accidents have not decreased.
Pass the intersection, help the old man,
You won’t meet trouble on the road yourself,
will help, teach, tell more than once
about the mystery of colored traffic light eyes,
neither Masha Rasputina nor Kobzon,
and the YID show crew “Klaxon”.


Today we will tell you a fairy tale,
Maybe we'll show something somewhere
And we will teach the rules of movement
Know them like multiplication tables.

In one kingdom
There lived a good king
And the daughter princess, -
Pain for daddy.
I studied with "C" grades
She was capricious, well, in general,
I grew up as a problem child.

Computers, players –
I'm tired of everything!
Now, if only I had a car, then that’s it!

You’re a small daughter, and you don’t even know the rules.
You can't guess the road alphabet.
An accident happens, what then?
The old man's heart can't stand it.

I am the king's daughter! What do I care about rules!
The road itself will direct you where you need to go!
I want a car! Cadillac, Mercedes!
I want to see all sorts of places.


You can't live without road rules,
Let all the children in the world know them.
If you know and respect the rules of the road,
You can safely without worry
Then you hit the brakes.


Traffic lights, intersections, I don’t want it to be boring!
Give me a car quickly, otherwise I don’t want to know you!


You should learn the traffic rules, daughter,
Otherwise you will cause an accident,
Well, at least there is one rule, well, at least a sign.

Princess: I don’t want it and it will be like this! (runs away, accident).

Cling to the car
Play on the road
Don't notice the traffic light
And run on red
This is us, this is us
And run on red
We are violators like this...

King: Who is saving my girl?!


I would probably help the king
There is no equal in knowledge of road signs.
I will instantly educate all violators,
I’ll bring the princess home as soon as possible.
Leave your torment, father.
The traffic police inspector gets down to business.

Yeah, gotcha.
Are you tired of walking around with bruises and bumps?
Even Her Majesty's illiteracy
The princesses enjoyed it.
Papa the king ran all the intersections
And he issued a decree: “All violators of the kingdom
Arrest stumps and bumps and teach traffic rules
On the magic bus."
Who will ride it?
He will never forget the rules.
And the march on the bus.

Princess: But daddy’s decrees don’t concern me.

Inspector: touch, touch.

Because of you yesterday, a stagecoach collided with a BMW,
Well, get on the bus.


Confident in your hands
And I hold the steering wheel tightly
Everything in the engine has been checked.
Forward, forward, I look!

Leading: Stop "3-color"


Oh what a beautiful stop
And everything is in lights!

Leading: Why only 3 colors?

Cross the road You are always on the street
And the talking colors will prompt and help.

The red light will tell you “No” in a reserved and strict manner
And the green light is on - come in, he says.

The traffic light is our old sorcerer,
Don't spare your bones.
Wink your eyes cheerfully
Reconcile us with the road.


Hurry up, there's a "Stop" ahead
"Pedestrian rules"

Violator: Oh, how many jackdaws flew in?!


We are not jackdaws, we are the rules of the road.
We make your journey safe.
Dear violators, listen to us
Wouldn't you like it?"

Violator: We want!

Rules: I am the most important thing!


Well, get into formation! Each of you is important!
Each of you is important, but assimilate you
It needs to be in order, otherwise it will be such a mess!

Princess: Oh, zebra!

Zebra lives in Africa, very striped, water
He drinks, chews grass, wants to frolic.
And on our street, here at the intersection,
It’s like a zebra just right – the transition into stripes.

Drivers see a pedestrian crossing and slow down.
There are traffic lights
obey them without arguing
To cross the road -
look to the left.
It should be clear to the kids -
It's dangerous to play on the pavement!
So that you don't get run over,
don't hang on the car!
To cross the road,
go around the car from behind,
You saw the way is clear,
Feel free to use your feet!


Until this day I didn’t know the rules,
She thoughtlessly risked her life.
I take every rule into my retinue.
I’ll give my heart to the inspector.

Your choice is indisputable, dear child.
Accept the gift from your father too.

(gives car keys)


The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it,
Remember the traffic rules
My friend for a tooth.

Leading: You ask, “What happened to the violators?”

Leading: So they couldn’t forget the rules, so we took them into our squad!

Where the squad is going is a big secret.
We go where there are no traffic lights.
We must help the movement
and never break the rules.
We need to always be close.
Eh, if the traffic light goes out,
we'll fix it
The violators at that hour-
We'll send you home.

The Tale of Three “NOTs” (a tale about traffic rules for children 6-9 years old)

Presenters - 2 people
Accident is evil
Traffic police officer Ivanov
Three guys: Sasha, Boris, Nikolai.

Recommendations for the director: the fairy tale can be acted out as an independent skit, including it in the program of activities to teach children the rules traffic, and it is possible to conduct it as a game with children in a Christian camp, gym, on the street, etc. The required props include 3 road signs and three cards: red, yellow, green with the inscription “NOT”.

1st presenter: Attention! Attention!
Address to the people: A legend will be heard
About traffic rules!

2nd presenter: In reality, not in a dream,
Here's a tale of three "NOTs"!
Maybe a fable, or maybe an aria,
In general, a story about an evil accident!

1st presenter: It was evening, there was nothing to do,
Sasha sang, Boris was silent, Nikolai shook his leg.
Suddenly, from a pile of cans with the inscription "Bovaria"
The nasty sorceress Accident came out.

Accident: Little children, no way in the world. Don't sit at home, you're bored at home! You take a ball, go outside, it’s much more fun there at the crossroads! When the traffic light turns red at the traffic light, And cars are quickly driving past you, You throw the ball right under the wheels, And then run, as fast as you can - Everyone will be surprised at what a clever fellow you are!
Even your uncle from the traffic police will praise you.

Inspector: Allow me to introduce myself: traffic police inspector Ivanov. I keep order on the roads. Why are you causing trouble here, citizen? Are you leading your children into sin?

Accident: I am the most evil villain on the roads - Accident! Me
Loved by those who don't know the rules of the road!

Inspector: I see. But there is nothing for you to do here, they are gathered here
those who know the rules of the road very well!

Accident: Well, we’ll check that now, so I’ll tell you three riddles,
if you guess, yours took it, but if you don’t guess, you’ll never leave me
you'll get off! I will follow on your heels all my life!

Inspector: Please ask your riddles, we will carefully
Let's listen.

Inspector: Well, guys, guess what kind of road sign this is?

Guys (together): Pedestrian crossing!

Accident: Yeah! You are probably excellent students? Well then listen to my
second riddle: Around the white, white triangle - red,
red border. And in this white, white triangle quickly,
black people are running fast, a black girl and a boy are probably under
they want to get into the car!

Inspector: Well, it's as simple as shelling pears, this sign is called.

Guys: “Be careful, children!”

Accident: Wow, so smart, it’s even disgusting. Okay, here's the third one for you.
riddle: Around a white, white triangle, red, red
border, and in this white, white triangle there are no longer children, but
man with a shovel digging for something.

Inspector: This sign means that.

Accident: ..that this road can be dug by everyone, or through

Inspector: Eh, you, Accident, give up your tips, besides, they
not faithful. Guys, what does this sign mean?

Guys: This sign warns: road repairs are ahead!

Accident: Oh, I'm unhappy! You took away all my evils from me
ability to tempt! What should I do?

Inspector: Disappear and never appear on the roads again!

Accident: In order for me to disappear forever, you must guess my
a terrible secret - the secret of the three “NOTs”! And you will never guess it.

Inspector: These are the three “NOTs” on which the accident rests? Yes it is
very simple! First "NOT" (raises red card from
marked "NOT")

Inspector (raises the yellow “NO” card): The second “NO” is...

Inspector (raises the green card with “NOT”): and the third “NOT”..

Accident: Oh, mommy, I’m disappearing, spa-si-te!

Guys: ..Ignorance of traffic rules!

It’s a fairy tale, but there’s a hint in it, a lesson for all pedestrians:
To avoid getting into an accident, you need to know and follow
everyone, without exception, traffic rules!

2nd presenter: On the road of your life
so that there are no mistakes,

1st presenter: don’t trust evil people,
check your life with the Gospel,

2nd presenter: listen to your parents, and don’t forget:

Yulia Skvortsova
Sketch on Traffic Rules

Sketch on Traffic Rules "Dunno in the camp of traffic rules"

Target: show and prove the need for knowledge traffic rules using artistic means.

Znayka. So, Dunno, let's repeat it homework. You should have learned Traffic Laws. Now I will ask you questions, and you will answer them.

Dunno. Go ahead and ask your questions.

Znayka. Who regulates movement transport and pedestrians?

Znayka. Did you think well?

Znayka. Where can I go the road?

Dunno. Mmm. tell me at least one letter.

Dunno. Exactly. On the asphalt.

Znayka. What are there "Pedestrian crossings"

Dunno. Flying, crawling, lying down.

Znayka. Yes, severe case. Here you go "Big Book" Traffic Rules» , sit down and read. I'll come and check.

Dunno. Oh, cuckoo! Cuckoo-cuckoo, give me something. (Dunno curls up and falls asleep).

(The signs are in a circle).

"Zebra". So what is it? He got everything mixed up.

"Traffic light". He's not alone doesn't know the rules.

"Pedestrian crossing". One word - Dunno.

"Caution children"- Let's confuse him.

« railway crossing» - How?

"Zebra"- I came up with it. Listen to me.

Dunno. Look, what a beauty. Here Great. No studying, no books for you. If you want, relax all day, sunbathe. E - Ge - gay. Is there anyone here?

Zebra. Yes, yes, come in, dear. Go, go quickly, let’s cross over here quickly.

Dunno. Why, you can’t be here. Don't you know, you "zebra"

Zebra. Yes, what's the difference, the main thing is don't look at the road. (Grabs Dunno by the hand and runs across the road)

Traffic light. Great, you ran across the road. Did you see how the car slowed down and crashed into a pole? Funny.

Dunno. It's not fun at all, but very scary. A car almost hit us. And all Zebra - "let's run across".

Traffic light. Well done, Zebra, but how fast, where else? cross the road.

Dunno. Like where, where "Zebra" on the road is painted and signs "Pedestrian crossing" are standing.

Zebra. And we have signs, signs. She has signs. (Signs come out)

These are the signs. This is a blue square, this is a red triangle, and the Train is in red. Meet me.

Traffic light. Hurry, hurry, cross the road, the red light is already on.

Dunno. So. Stop. Are you crazy? Which one is red, which one is a square with a triangle. Where have I ended up? To the land of fools?

Zebra. No. You're in the country Traffic rules.

Dunno. Some are not your rules are correct. Znayka taught me differently.

Traffic light. What a Znayka. You know better. And as you know, that's what we do.

Dunno. Ah-ah-ah. As I know. I know what to go the road must be followed "pedestrian crossing" marked road markings and signs "pedestrian crossing". Way to go go only when the traffic light is green.

This is a sign - "Caution children". This - "Pedestrian crossing", well, this is « Railway crossing» .

I know. I know. (Jumps joyfully)

Everyone disappears. What remains is Dunno, who wakes up with a book.

Dunno. Hey, everyone, I remembered! Know, I remembered. Regulates movement transport and pedestrians? Traffic light.

You can cross the road, only by "Pedestrian crossing"

"Pedestrian crossing" There are above-ground, above-ground, underground.

Znayka. Well here we go Great.

Dunno. How good to know Traffic Laws.

Speech by the propaganda team to promote traffic rules. The propaganda team on traffic rules in the preparatory speech therapy group. Work to ensure life safety.

Parents and children learn to be pedestrians. Road Safety Festival In March in our kindergarten a holiday was organized for children senior group and their parents on road safety “Red,.

Class hour on the topic:
TALE-SCETIE “How Kolobok taught traffic rules”

The fairy tale script is based on Russian folk tale“Kolobok”: About how the Kolobok went for a walk, and the forest animals helped the Kolobok learn the rules of the road.


Holiday script for first graders

“How Kolobok taught traffic rules”

Characters: Fox, bun, bunnies, wolf, bear.

One simple fairy tale

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple,

We can tell you.

We remember her from childhood,

Or maybe we don’t remember

But we will remember.

Once upon a time, grandma and grandpa

I wanted to eat a turnip

Or maybe not a turnip,

They don’t even care (a bun comes out)

They decided to cook

Not pilaf and not potatoes

But they decided

And on the window in a plate,

To cool it down a little,

And he sat and groaned,

And I thought, “It’s not bad,

Jump along the track"

He jumped off and ran.

And then he came out of the forest

Two bunnies towards you

They go and repeat

Where are you going, dear boy? -

Suddenly the Bunny asks,

And what's your name?

To walk through the forest,

Moreover, on the way,

Know traffic rules

You have to get it by heart.

- Then tell me,

Better yet, teach

To be more careful, -

BUNNIES: (sing ditties)

1. Anyone who likes to take a walk,

Everyone without exception

You need to remember, you need to know

2. Who is running across the road

We will directly punish you strictly!

What should we know in advance:

There is an underground passage. (One bunny shows the “Underpass” sign)

1.Hurry is no good!

We need to stop here!

It will save you from trouble. (The second bunny shows the “Pedestrian crossing” sign)

2.Oh, wide road,

Don't get me into trouble!

Green light is dearer to me -

I'll switch to green. (Shows green traffic light)

1.On my backpack

I'm going around the bus

He says, not from behind or from the front, “I’m waiting for him to pull away from the stop!”

Remember, rules are everywhere

Otherwise there will be trouble!

Suddenly around the bend

Someone's leaving here...

Shaggy and harsh,

Big and gray wolf.

Who walks on the road

And doesn't look at his feet?

You are in the rules of the road

Don't know much about it at all?

Oh, forgive me

And let him go to his grandparents.

I'll be honest, I'll be honest

Learn all the rules.

Just tell me

Better yet, show me

According to the rules the way

How should I transfer?

And this will help everyone

And he will tell you everything

Our inspector is Bear.

Cars rush through the streets,

Tires are in charge there.

We went down into the passage,

The owner there is a Pedestrian! (shows the “Pedestrian” sign)

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

Well, let's answer correctly:

The sign says this is “Children”! (shows the “Children” sign)

This sign warns

That the road has a zigzag

And there's a car waiting ahead

Cool, “Dangerous Turn”! (shows the “Dangerous Turn” sign)

Be careful on the road!

The idea of ​​this fairy tale

Or maybe not fairy tales,

Not only adults will understand,

But even Kolobok.

Don't go outside

Until you learn

And you won't know the rules

Movements to the teeth.

Whatever time it is now -

In a fast-paced transport age,

People will come up with quite a few more,

The electronic age is coming,

But only in a huge stream of cars,

Be careful, keep your eyes on the road,

Take care of yourself, man!

Look at the beauty all around!

Running is subject to her time.

At all times, everywhere always

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Morning session on traffic rules.

The holiday “Dunno Teaches Traffic Rules” was developed for 1st grade. The purpose of the holiday: to repeat the rules of the road, the teacher has the following tasks: to develop skills in students.

“Road Rules” The presentation was made by a student of grade 4 “D”, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 34” in Saratov.

The demonstration helps to introduce junior schoolchildren with traffic rules, road signs and modes of transport.

This development covers the basic rules for new first-graders: rules of conduct in the classroom, at school, and traffic rules. Children learn to recognize road signs and read a poem.

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of conduct in public transport; to repeat the rules of the road, safety rules on the streets and roads; to consolidate children’s understanding of the village.

A leisure activity on traffic rules “Learn the rules of the road” is recommended for working with children aged 6-9 years in order to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in general.

A skit for schoolchildren about traffic rules “Lesson of Traffic Light Semaforych”

What could be more important than knowledge at school? Perhaps only safety: in the school itself and on the way from school and to school! And here a lot depends on the adults around them, because children master the rules of behavior well by imitating them or during the game, which adults have competently organized. This is why extracurricular and extracurricular activities on various topics are so useful.

For example, children will remember traffic rules well if they play them in competitions, games and skits. We offer one of the options - A skit for schoolchildren about traffic rules “Lesson of Traffic Light Semaforych”

Sketch “Lesson of Traffic Light Semaforych”

A stand (or any device to prevent the ball from rolling)

On the stage stands Traffic Light Semaforych in his hand a pointer in the shape of a rod

“Traffic Light” sings live and dances (or just dances and a small excerpt from the original song plays)

An excerpt from the song “Cheerful Traffic Light” sounds:

"Remember the traffic rules,

Like a multiplication table” – 2 times:

- Guys, let's go to the stadium!?

- Yes, well, from the teacher’s room, in full view...

- And I suggest to the yard, which is across the road

No one will see us and there is a lot of space there.

- That's right, let's run! Antokha, come on, give me a pass...

(The ball rolls out, right under the feet of the “Traffic Light”, he catches it, a group of guys immediately appears, each holding a roll with a picture)

Yeah, we got caught, the trespassers, this time!

The guys are making noise (they all say at once): “What did we do?”, “What, the violators immediately” “Give me the ball”, “Oh, I’m afraid”, etc. . (one of the girls starts whining).

The traffic light sings a song (or speaks in recitative to the music)

The song is based on the tune of “The School Principal’s Song” from the film The Magic Power of Art.

What kind of crying is this?

Well, don't whine, I'll give you the ball.

On a handkerchief, I'll give you the ball.

But first I’ll sing to you,

Why am I standing here?

Why am I standing here?

I would like to take off at a gallop,

And kick a soccer ball

I'm following the road

I'm not going anywhere

I'm not going anywhere.

I want to tell you, friends:

It is important for everyone to know the traffic rules

It is important for everyone to know the rules

And for this now,

I'll teach you a lesson

I'll teach you a lesson!

(Traffic Light puts the ball on the stand, children surround Traffic Light)

Yes, we all know, give it back, let it pass!

Do you know everything? Great! Prove it to me!

Like the word “true” - I’ll say it seven times,

I'll let you pass right away and return the ball right away.

(The children sigh doomedly, but stand on both sides, half-turning towards the traffic light and the stage and take turns coming out with the necessary posters, unfolding them, then standing in place)

Picture “You can’t play on the roadway”

Who answers me first:

“What does the picture mean?”

Do not play on the roadway

Yes, everyone should know this!

Picture - road sign “Pedestrian crossing”

Children (in chorus) This time!

... let's continue, if so,

What is the name of this sign?

It's called "Pedestrian Crossing"

Indicates a place where passage is possible.

Children (in chorus) That's two!

………with this sign we are friends,

But what if my light is red?

Picture “The traffic light is red”

This is clear, since the red light is on...

So, we are waiting, the pedestrian is not allowed to go!

Picture “The traffic light is green”

….And the green light is on?

This means let's move on, the path is open!

Picture “Zebra with a safe island”

Traffic light:

Run to the green light

Suddenly the red light came on

What to do? No way?

Don't rush, don't worry,

Stay on a safe island.

Wait for the green light.

And again true, no doubt.

Picture “Transition with small children”

…….A simple question was clearly too

What if with a little brother?

Do you need to cross the road?

Who knows how to behave?

It’s better not to run away with small ones,

And hold your hand tightly!

Picture of "Children" sign

Looks like you know everything in the world...

Certainly! This is the sign "Children"

They are always installed near the school,

So that drivers are prepared for this.

Children (loudly in chorus):

Traffic light: (takes the ball in his hands)

Seven, so seven, get your ball,

And don’t play pranks near the road anymore!

After all, you know the rules of the road...

We know a lot about traffic rules!

(The minus of the song “If you went on a journey with a friend” sounds, all participants school scene sing a remade song)

If you know the traffic rules,

This knowledge is everywhere

For me it is help.

Why do I care about pouring rain?

If these rules are with me, (point to head)

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

If these rules are with me!

I'm on the road, friends,

I'm on the road, friends.

I'll go out without fear!

Traffic rules, since I know

The traffic light has become a friend (waves to the traffic light)

When my friends are with me! (hug)

Traffic Light Inspector and Big Headed Space Swallower

Scenario about traffic rules (traffic rules)

Duration of the performance: 30 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.

Traffic Light Inspector
Big-headed Cosmoswallow

If the room is noisy, the Presenter comes on stage and rings the bell loudly, attracting the attention of the audience.

What is going on here?
Come on, let's get to places
Everyone sit down and calm down!
Otherwise, a fairy tale for you
Won't come to visit today
And he will go to those kids,
That the games are ready to quit
And listen to her without breathing!

The presenter rings the bell again.

Don't fool around in the theater!
Here on the chairs lined up in a row,
Like schoolchildren at their desks,
The spectators sit quietly -
You can't get up or run,
Don't chat with neighbors
No pushing every now and then
Neither cackle like geese,
Neither gallop like horses, dashingly,
Don't kick everyone!

The presenter rings the bell again and continues until the children calm down.

Now that it's so quiet.
Let the fairy tale begin!

The presenter leaves. If the audience behaved well from the very beginning, then the introduction about silence can be skipped.

On the stage there is a road with a sidewalk, a zebra crossing, a pedestrian crossing sign and a traffic light (a three-eyed car is looking at the road, and a two-eyed pedestrian is looking at the audience). The opening melody for the performance plays. The Traffic Light Inspector steps bravely onto the stage and blows his whistle.

I am a traffic light inspector!
And remember, friends,
Arguments with me on the highway
No one can lead!
I am the most important in the service of all,
Everything is going my way
And he doesn’t dare contradict me
Neither the driver nor the pedestrian!
And I'm also a beautiful rod
I always carry it with me.

The Traffic Light Inspector shows the audience his striped baton.

Magic wands power
Compared to him, it’s nonsense!
He tames cars!

The Machine comes onto the stage, rattling and beeping.

What don't you believe? But in vain!
This is the pinnacle of magic!
I raise my rod...

The Traffic Light Inspector raises his baton. The car stops.

And the car freezes
Waiting for my order
And executes commands
All that this rod will give.

The Traffic Light Inspector waves his baton, and the Machine follows commands like a trained dog.

Traffic Light Inspector (Car)

The car obediently follows commands and turns upside down.

There is no better fun in the world!
(to the car)
Okay, you can drive through!

The Traffic Light Inspector makes a sign with his baton towards the backstage. The car flips over and drives off the stage.

For order on the road
I watch day and night.
I'm always worried about everyone
And always ready to help!

An abrupt gurgling sound is heard, and a flying saucer glowing with multi-colored lights appears on the stage. She starts flying back and forth randomly. The hatch opens with a clang and the Big-Headed Cosmoglot pops out.

Big-headed Cosmoswallow (looking around)

Great planet
To hide, she-she!
There are no interplanetary ones here,
No interstellar ships!
Wild and backward sector!
Both me and the spaceship
Galaxy Inspector
Will never find it here!
A fine for this and a fine for that...
I don't want to pay it!

The big-headed Cosmoglot throws out heaps of multi-colored receipts with the inscription “Fine” from a plate.

Well, exceeded the speed of light,
So he didn’t hit anyone!
Stop boring my ears -
Don't sit there, don't take off here.
Life without limits and without rules -
This is real paradise!

Big-headed Cosmoglot (sings while flying on a saucer across the stage)

Bigheaded Cosmoswallows
Life by rules is boring!
Let the spaceship out of the way
The moon is removed

The planets are parting,
Stars are falling from orbit!
No speed of light
It won't stop you from stepping on the gas!

I am an opponent of strict rules,
All of them - to hell with the horns!
Get out of the way
If life is dear to you!

Starship - steel bird
It rushes and the engine roars.
Sings and has fun in it
Big-headed Cosmoglot!

You can download the sheet music for this song here: Song of the Bigheaded Cosmoglot.

But you have to be careful
Everyone is going, but I’m flying!
It’s so hard to get lost here!
I don't want to get caught!

A flying saucer flies offstage with gurgling sounds. There is a crash.

A loud gurgling sound is heard. The same flying saucer comes out from behind the scenes, only on wheels.

Bigheaded Cosmoswallow (smugly)

I am my own superstarship
Turned it quite cleverly
Into a primitive spaceship!

The alien's car stops at a pedestrian crossing. The Traffic Light Inspector blows his whistle loudly.

Traffic Light Inspector (strictly)

What else is this?
Disorder! Ay-ay-ay!

The traffic light inspector waves his baton at the flying saucer.

Come on, an unearthly remedy,
Leave the crossing!
There's no need to park here!

The Traffic Light Inspector moves the flying saucer from the zebra crossing onto the roadway.

Here's your fine for this!

The Traffic Light Inspector sticks a receipt on the flying saucer.

I don't want any more receipts!

The big-headed Cosmoglot peels off the receipt and throws it away.

Well, then you'll lose your rights!

The Traffic Light Inspector sticks another receipt on the flying saucer.

Big-headed Cosmoswallow (self-confidently)

I didn't break anything!
On undeveloped planets
There are no boring rules
And there are no laws either!

The big-headed Cosmoglot rips off the receipt and throws it to the ground.

Who told you that?
Maybe we're heading to the stars for now
We don’t fly, but soon
We'll fly for sure.
I don’t know how it is in space,
But here in our city
All laws are observed,
If you don’t want to, then get out!

The Traffic Light Inspector knocks on a flying saucer with his baton.

Big-headed Cosmoswallow (conciliatory)

OK! OK! I agree!
What are the rules?

The Traffic Light Inspector hands the Bigheaded Cosmoglot a thick book.

Hold it!
Try to remember everything!

The big-headed Cosmoswallow quickly leafs through the book and throws it aside.

Big-headed Cosmoswallow (capriciously)

You will never learn them!
There are too many of these rules!
My head already hurts!

The big-headed Cosmoglot grabs his head.

You need to know them, because the road
Constantly talking
Both with the driver and with the passerby!

Bigheaded Cosmoglot (sceptical)

Tell me again, he’s singing!
Speaks? It can't be!
She doesn't have a mouth!

And without words she will say everything.

I wonder how this is?

She has a case for everyone
There's a special sign in store!

The Traffic Light Inspector picks up a stack of large pictures of traffic signs, arranged in the order they are mentioned in the song. The chorus can be sung in chorus along with the audience.

All drivers are born
Learn the ABCs of driving!
To issue rights,
You need to know how twice is two,

Road rules,
All kinds of signs.

The traffic light inspector shows the "Give way" sign.

If you see this sign,
Know that he is there for a reason.
To avoid problems,
Make way for everyone!

Road rules -
Not so complicated!

A traffic light inspector shows a "No Traffic" sign.

This sign is very strict,
Since he is standing on the road.
He tells us: “Friends,
You can’t drive here at all!”

A traffic light inspector shows a “No Entry” sign.

The driver's sign is scary
Cars are prohibited from entering!
Don't try rashly
Drive past the brick!

The traffic light inspector shows the "Main Road" sign.

Here's a sign of just a few:
This is the main road!
If you are driving along it,
You become the boss of everyone!

The Traffic Light Inspector shows the “Maximum Speed ​​Limit” sign.

The sign will tell us impartially:
“It’s dangerous to drive here too fast!
So be kind
Reduce speed for now!”

The traffic light inspector shows the sign “Overtaking is prohibited.”

Overtaking sign
In this place, it is clear to everyone,
You can't overtake at all!

The traffic light inspector shows the "Minimum speed limit" sign.

The sign says: “Indeed,
Why are you dragging along barely?
Even if you were a three-headed snake,
Don’t you dare drive any slower!”

The traffic light inspector shows the “Pedestrian crossing” sign.

Land crossing sign
People walk here all day.
Hey driver, don't be sad
Let the pedestrians pass!

The traffic light inspector shows the "Children" sign.

And here is a sign with the name "Children"
We are always responsible for them.
Don't threaten their lives
See the sign, slow down!

Traffic light inspector shows a "No Stopping" sign

Don't load the car here,
Don't park, don't brake.
This sign tells everyone:
“He who stands here is wrong!”

The traffic light inspector shows the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited.”

Hey driver, take your time
See the sign, stop!
Before you continue on your way,
Don't forget to look around.

Road rules
Not so complicated!

The traffic light inspector shows the "Dead End" sign.

This sign is for sure
It will lead to a dead end.
Well, then at least fly,
Because there is no way!

You can download the sheet music for this song here: Song about road signs.

Finally, can I go?
Are there any obstacles?

The car traffic light is red, and the pedestrian traffic light is green. The flying saucer is moving. The traffic light inspector blows his whistle.

Big-headed Clumsy,
Where are you going at the red light?

Bigheaded Cosmoswallow (indignantly)

Not red, green!
That's how it glows! Here!

The big-headed Cosmoglot points to a traffic light for pedestrians.

Traffic Light Inspector (mockingly)

It's definitely green
Only the traffic light is wrong.
This one with two eyes

A traffic light inspector points to a two-signal pedestrian traffic light.

And the driver
Gotta pay attention
Here at this traffic light.

A traffic light inspector points to a three-signal traffic light.

Traffic Light Inspector (singing)

Maybe the traffic light has three eyes
Talk to everyone at once.
Will understand him without difficulty
Both the driver and the pedestrian!
For cars the light will turn red -

The red signal is on.

The traffic light inspector points to the green signal of the pedestrian traffic light and walks along the zebra crossing.

Green light for cars

The green signal turns on at the transport traffic light, and the red signal at the pedestrian one.

No way for pedestrians!

The Traffic Light Inspector returns to the sidewalk and points to the red pedestrian traffic light.

If yellow lights up,

The traffic light turns yellow.

Wait to see which one turns on next!
Whoever remembers this will
And it will pass, and it will pass!
Road rules
Not so complicated!
(together with the audience)
Road rules
Not so complicated!

You can download the sheet music for this song here: Song about the Traffic Light.

Bigheaded Cosmoglot (angrily)

Again this is not allowed!
Do this, don't do that!
“I’m tired, I won’t save you!” –
Do you have such a sign here?
I won't listen to anyone!
I will ride as I want!

The big-headed Cosmoglot accelerates and quickly drives through a red light, almost hitting Inspector Traffic Light, who whistles after him. There is a squeal of brakes, a roar and a grinding sound. A car wheel rolls onto the stage from behind the scenes. The sound of a siren is heard. After some time, a bandaged Big-headed Cosmoglot comes limping onto the stage.

Big-headed Cosmoglot (crying)

I almost gave my soul to God!
I can barely drag my feet!
My spaceship crashed!

Traffic Light Inspector (educational)

You haven't learned to drive!
Be glad you're alive!
(patting Bighead
Cosmoglot on the shoulder)
It’s okay, you’ll get your license
You will ride with the breeze.

Big-headed Cosmoswallow (offended)

It's too complicated. Better
I'll walk!

The pedestrian traffic light is red. The big-headed Cosmoswallow tries to cross the road, not paying attention to him. The traffic light inspector blows his whistle.

Want more bandages?
Do you want to be shot down?

So why are you moving?
Are you a highway at a red light?

Big-headed Cosmoswallow (horrified)

We can't live without them,
And he acts careless
There's only a fool on the road
It's more dangerous than that
You can't find a place in the world!
How to behave here, children
And adults need to know too!

Traffic Light Inspector (singing and dancing)

Living in the world is happiness!
So that it doesn't end,
Remember, on the roadway
It is forbidden to play with the ball!

A ball rolls out from behind the scenes. The Traffic Light Inspector stops him with his foot, picks him up and throws him backstage again.

No one can be free
Run as and where you decide.
Sidewalk - for pedestrians,

The traffic light inspector walks along the sidewalk.

And the road is for cars!

Don't walk across the road
Wherever it comes to mind,
If there is one nearby
Pedestrian crossing.

The Traffic Light Inspector shows the audience a crossing sign and a zebra crossing.

Or a traffic light with two eyes.

The traffic light inspector approaches the traffic light.

His language is simple:
He looks with a green eye -

The traffic light turns green and the Traffic Light Inspector walks along the zebra crossing.

Come on in, but stop for the red ones!

The traffic light turns red and the Traffic Light Inspector stands at attention on the sidewalk.

If there is no transition,
To cross the road,
Before you do this,
Look left, look right.

The Traffic Light Inspector turns his head first to the left and then to the right.

It is very important to make sure
That there is no car nearby,
After all, not everyone is a driver
Can slow down instantly.

The Traffic Light Inspector steps out into the middle of the road.

Transport is not a toy!

The Traffic Light Inspector takes a toy car out of his pocket and shows it to the audience.

For your own good
You need to be careful with him
Don't throw yourself under it

Do everything with consideration
And don't get into trouble!
Know all the traffic rules
And always follow them!

You can download the sheet music for this song here: Song of Inspector Svetoforov.

The traffic light inspector dances backstage. The big-headed Cosmoglot falls onto a pedestrian crossing and flails his arms and legs in the air.

Bigheaded Cosmoglot (screams)

No! I don't want! I won't!
Big-headed Cosmoswallow
Always everywhere and everywhere
Doesn't live by the rules!

The pedestrian traffic light turns red and the traffic light turns green. The Machine comes onto the stage with a beeping sound, runs over the Big-Headed Cosmoglot and goes backstage. The whistle blows. The Traffic Light Inspector comes running. The Traffic Light Inspector bandages the Bigheaded Cosmoglot from head to toe.

Big-headed Cosmoswallow (rubbing his sides)

Yes, now everything is clear to me!
If only I had known this before,
I would fly carefully
I wouldn't have gotten so many fines!

The big-headed Cosmoglot gets up with difficulty.

To make life fun
To avoid getting into trouble,
I go to space school
I'll definitely go!
After tire massage
I want to live by the rules!
I’ll learn them all and even
I'll pay the space fines!

The big-headed Cosmoglot picks up scattered receipts.

Only before the cosmobank
The bus has no luck here!

Traffic Light Inspector (approvingly)

If so, from the impound lot
Take your starship!

The Traffic Light Inspector rolls out from behind the scenes a crumpled flying saucer in its original form without wheels. The big-headed Cosmoglot climbs into it.

Come on, pull the lever!

The traffic light inspector pulls the lever, the plate begins to rattle.

Big-headed Cosmoswallow (joyfully)

The countdown can begin!

The lights on the plate begin to blink.

The Milky Way is a tablecloth for you,
Big-headed Cosmoglot!

The flying saucer takes off. The Traffic Light Inspector waves at him.

Big-headed Cosmoglot (singing)

So that without self-destruction
Run, ride and fly,
We need traffic rules
Be sure to comply!

The road speaks to us.
On earth and on a star
There are a lot of different signs,
Signs are everywhere!

I am a supporter of strict rules,
From now on I am their servant!
You need to know the language of the road,
If life is dear to you!

Starship - steel bird
It rushes and the engine roars.
Will learn the rules
Big-headed Cosmoglot!

You can download the sheet music for this song here: Song of the Heady Kosmoglot about traffic rules.

The flying saucer with the Big-Headed Space Swallower flies off the stage.

Traffic Light Inspector (to viewers)

Do you agree with him?

The Traffic Light Inspector gives the audience time to shout out their answers.

Let's go now
I'll check it out - personally
I'll test you.

The traffic light inspector shows the sign “Unregulated pedestrian crossing.”

Man in a blue square
It goes along the stripes.
This beautiful sign says:
Here is the ground...

If you can't understand,
How to cross the road
Address passers-by to adults,

There is a fence along the road
Not for climbing.
This is a warning to everyone:
Way for pedestrians...

It's safe on the road
If the light comes on...

You are waiting for transport at the bus stop -
Don't leave the sidewalk
And according to the parking space
Don't rush around or wander around.
It should be clear to anyone -
Get under the wheels...

For the sake of life and health,
Walk around the bus...
And the trolleybus, by the way, too
You can only go around from behind.
And go around the tram,
Going around...

Well done! Passed the exam!
And remember, friends,
Deviate from these rules
You are not allowed on the road!
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Goodbye, kids!
It's fun to talk to you,
But it’s time for me to go to work!

The traffic light inspector cheerfully blows his whistle and leaves the stage. The ending melody plays.

Entertainment scenario according to traffic rules “The Journey of a Kolobok!”

  • consolidate knowledge about traffic rules in a fun and playful way;
  • the ability to convey to the viewer the need to study traffic rules;
  • to form a system of knowledge on traffic rules in children.
  • TASKS:

    • cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, and the ability to help others;
    • through an emotional impact on children through artistic expression, songs and games, to help interest children in the rules of the road;
    • develop skills of careful behavior on the street;
    • develop the habit of following traffic rules.


  • letters (S, T, O, P);
  • masks (costumes) of kolobok, bear, bunny, fox, wolf;
  • whistle;
  • images (layouts) of cars;
  • soccer ball;
  • balls - red, yellow, green;
  • plumes - black, white;
  • road signs;
  • phonograms of songs.
  • Progress of the speech:

    Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle. The central four children are holding letters in their hands. S, T, O, P. below. The children take turns reading.

    1. Hello friends! Hello people!

    2. What lives in the glorious city!

    3. Now greetings to all of you, our group -

    ALL: Top class!

    (to the music of “Jumble”)

    4. Boys and girls!

    5. And also their parents!

    6. Would you like to see the road history?

    7. The road story, well, just great.

    All: We will show you the road history now!!

    Our motto:“Any obstacles are not a problem for us, the road alphabet is always with us!”

    Song to the tune of “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together” by V. Shainsky

    1. It’s fun to walk through the open spaces of a fairy tale (3 times)

    If the way is open to you by a traffic light (3 times)

    Chorus: We will show you an interesting program,

    Although the topic may seem familiar to you,

    Everyone is learning today, no doubt.

    These are the rules of the road.

    Leading. This world is made up of pedestrians

    From cars and drivers, and of course from roads!

    So that everyone in this world lives together,

    We all definitely need to live by the rules, my friend!

    Follow them, friends! We can't live without them!

    Children with letters take turns picking them up and taking a step forward. Everyone speaks together.

    Children. S - comply, T - requirements, O - careful, P - movement!

    Leading. Be able to tell yourself “STOP!” in time, and your health and life will be safe.

    STOP! – when you decide to go to a red traffic light.

    STOP! – when you cross the street in front of nearby traffic.

    STOP! – when you turn the roadway into a playing field.

    STOP! – when you ignore the rules of the road.

    To the music, the children take their places.

    Leading. Remember, guys, what happened to the hero of the famous Russian fairy tale, who ran away from his grandparents and got lost in the forest? Yes, yes, he was in big trouble. And now we want to show you what could happen to Kolobok on the streets of a modern city. So, old tale in a new way.

    This complex tale contains both a joke and a hint.

    There is a lesson hidden somewhere in our fairy tale for good fellows.

    Kolobok appears. He walks briskly and sings cheerfully (to the tune of V. Shainsky’s song “If you went on a journey with a friend.”)


    I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I am my own boss.

    I walk along the road, humming as I go, cheerful and desperate.

    I will go through the whole world, there is no barrier for me anywhere.

    I don't need anyone's advice...

    Kolobok goes to a red light. The whistle sounds. The guard approaches - Wolf.


    Oh, stubborn one, you unfortunate one! You see: the light turned red.

    This means - there is no way, you stop and wait.

    Leading. The first rule of a pedestrian: cross the street when the traffic light is green.

    All children. Cross the street only when the light is green.

    Song "Merry traffic light"

    1. If the red light is on,

    The traffic light tells us:

    There is no way for pedestrians!

    2. If the yellow light is on -

    He, as a friend tells us

    “I’ll let you through soon,

    I’ll give the green light now!”

    3. Here the green light flashed -

    And the cars don't move.

    “Come on in, the way is open!” —

    The traffic light tells us.

    Leading. I don’t know whether our Kolobok remembered the first pedestrian rule or not, but he rolled on.

    Kolobok. I left my grandmother...

    To the music of the song "Cars", Kolobok makes his way through a stream of moving cars (cars drawn on cardboard) until two of them collide with each other. A Bear runs out of one car.


    Why are you getting under the wheels, loud-voiced bun?

    After all, trouble could happen! You need to study, my friend.

    How to walk the streets so as not to please the doctors.

    Leading. Remember the second rule of pedestrians: you need to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing.

    All children. Cross the street only at the pedestrian crossing!

    Dance “Pedestrian Crossing!”

    Leading. And this unpleasant incident did not make Kolobok think or be careful. He again moved towards danger.

    Koloboka catches up with the Hare. He has a brand new soccer ball in his hands.


    Wait, buddy Kolobok! I could barely catch up with you.

    You bought me a great ball, let's have a mini-match!

    Kolobok and the Hare are playing on the roadway. There is a squeal of brakes. The players scatter in different directions. Guard Wolf takes Kolobok out.


    Is it possible to risk your head on the street?

    You are not in the circus, here is the road, well, who will you surprise?

    If you turn the steering wheel a little, you'll get hit by a car!


    I wanted to play football on the roadway.

    Before I could score a goal, I got into trouble.

    I thought that I was cool, everything was allowed to me.

    It turned out that sometimes everything ends badly.

    Leading. The third rule of pedestrians: you can’t help but play on the roadway.

    All children: You can't play on the roadway!

    Crash Fox appears. Dancing near Kolobok.


    I am very friendly with violators, I clean up the mess day and night.

    I've been walking along the roads for many years, and I've done a lot of bad things.

    Those who have ignored the traffic rules will certainly be met somewhere - give them time.

    And then the reckless drivers will have to wake up in wild fear at night for a long time.

    The fox laughs evilly. Kolobok covers his face with his hands in fear. The guard Wolf comes out.


    If you learn all the rules of the road, baby,

    You will never fall into the clutches of this terrible lady.

    And now our children will introduce you to the rules of the road.

    Ditties about traffic rules

    1. About traffic

    We'll sing ditties for you,

    And with bad behavior

    Unfortunately, let's begin.

    2. On the highway on a scooter

    Stupid Misha rolls dashingly,

    Hit the car

    Miraculously, he remained unharmed.

    3. Angelina anywhere

    And now it’s hard for her to walk

    The poor thing is walking with a crutch.

    4. A Volga is driving along the road,

    And behind her is a truck,

    Yura doesn't like to wait long,

    Directly in front of them.

    5. “Volga” braked instantly,

    The truck crashed into it.

    Two dented cars.

    Yura whispers: “I didn’t mean to...”

    6. Vova next to the road

    I wanted to play football

    And in the end: legs in plaster

    And a hospital bed.

    7. Whatever happens, my friend,

    You have misfortunes

    Don't you ever play

    On the roadway.

    8. Naughty Christina,

    Why are you crawling under the car?

    After all, we have for pedestrians

    There are a lot of transitions.

    9. I don’t run across the road

    And I look at the traffic light.

    He is a very strict assistant,

    Serving people for a long time.

    10. And then there’s the transition.

    Right underground.

    Don't be lazy to go downstairs

    11. I hold my mother’s hand,

    I cross the road with her.

    I don't run away from her

    I trust her very much.

    12. We are walking along the street,

    And, of course, we are in no hurry.

    We know this science

    How to walk the streets.

    Leading. If you, Kolobok, are worried about your health, then listen to what the children will tell you about road signs.

    Get together in a row

    And all the traffic rules

    Tell me for the guys

    Sign "Pedestrian traffic prohibited"

    The man on the red circle -

    So it's dangerous to walk here,

    In this place, friends,

    No one can go.

    Sign "Sound Signal" prohibited"

    Hey driver, don't honk your horn

    Don't wake up the sleeping ones with noise.

    Don't scare passers-by with your horn,

    You might be scared yourself.

    Pedestrian crossing sign

    By stripes black and white
    The man walks boldly.
    Knows: where he goes -
    Pedestrian crossing!

    "No cars allowed" sign

    Neither in the yard, nor in the alley,
    Not in a trivial corner
    There's no way to get through here -
    This sign will not allow it.
    Remember! It means:
    "Cars are prohibited from entering."

    Traffic light regulation sign

    To help you
    The path is dangerous

    We burn both day and night -
    Green, yellow, red.

    No Bicycles Sign

    Remember the sign, friends,
    Both parents and children:

    Where he hangs it is impossible

    Ride a bike!

    Road Works Sign

    There are road works here -
    Neither pass nor pass.
    This is a place for pedestrians
    It's better to just bypass!

    "Children" sign

    Hey driver, be careful!

    It's impossible to go fast.
    People know everything in the world -
    Children go to this place.

    Railway crossing sign

    The guys' sign warns
    Protects from misfortune:

    Moving! Look at everything

    Watch the barrier!

    Other Hazards Sign

    So you can shout here,

    Sing, make noise, be mischievous?

    People answer strictly:

    “This is a dangerous road!”

    A road sign is asking for help

    Drive quietly and carefully.

    Children (together)

    We are road signs,

    We are not complicated at all.

    You, my friend, respect us,

    Don't break the rules!

    There are so many difficulties on the roads,

    But we have no reason to be afraid of them.

    Because traffic rules

    Pedestrians and cars have them.

    And so that everyone is in a good mood

    Follow traffic rules.

    Kolobok. Ah-ah-ah! I understood everything!

    If I study roughly, I will study the laws of the roads,

    No trouble will happen to me, I will only know the rules to the “A” level!

    Dance: "Traffic Light"(balls - red, yellow, green)

    Leading. Our fairy tale has a happy ending. Kolobok realized his mistakes and never violated traffic rules again. And how many more such koloboks walk the streets of our city!

    There is a formula for safety - you need to see, anticipate, take into account

    If possible, avoid everything and, where necessary, call for help.

    Together. Everyone should know the rules of the road!

    (to the soundtrack of a song about traffic rules, children leave the hall. Music from the film “Jolly Fellows”) Rights and responsibilities of students An integral component of education is upbringing - pedagogically rational management of the processes of development of a child's personality. This understanding of it is enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and finds […]

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  • Children don’t really want to know what traffic rules are and what they eat with. For them it is boring and incomprehensible. But it’s another thing if you show it to them, and even in an interesting way. Therefore, we offer you skits on traffic rules that your children will definitely like, and they will definitely want to learn the rules of the road. Well, to make sure the skits go off with a bang, we have a surprise for you. These are our original works on traffic rules that will decorate your holiday and show more clearly what and how.

    1. Don't play on the roadway!

    For the scene, prepare a small decoration of the hall. Make curbs and mark the roadway with a pedestrian crossing.
    From 3 to 5 children participate in the skit. Use a balloon as a ball.
    Children play football near the curb. Everyone shouts something on their own, for example: “Come here!”, “Pass to me!”, “Now I’ll score a goal!”, “Throw the ball to me!” I want too!" etc.
    And suddenly the ball hits the road.
    Everyone stops immediately, and one child (boy) runs onto the road after the ball and shouts: I’ll get it now!
    The others shout to him: “Wait!”, “Stop!”, “Don’t!”, “Come back!”
    But the boy doesn’t listen to them and runs out onto the road, and a car drives out right in front of him (a child with a steering wheel in his hands, or, if possible, holding a drawing of a car on whatman paper facing the audience) and pops the ball.
    The boy who was running after the ball manages to bounce onto the curb. All the other children run up to him. The boy begins to cry, they calm him down.

    1 child:
    Where cars move, people should not walk,
    Because it’s very easy to get hit by a car.
    On the street such a place is called a roadway,
    And people are strictly prohibited from walking on the roadway!

    2nd child:
    You're not at the circus! There is a road here.
    The steering wheel turns a little -
    Well, who will you surprise?
    You'll get hit by a car.

    3rd child:
    Football – good game
    Let everyone train
    In stadiums, in courtyards,
    But not on the streets!

    4th child:
    Always take a walk in the yard -
    Don't run into the road!
    There are playgrounds - there are children there
    There is plenty of space for games.

    A policeman comes out.

    Police officer:
    Remember this, friends!
    There is nothing to play on the roadway!

    2. Cross the road correctly!

    Leave the scenery from the first scene. Just add a crosswalk sign next to the pedestrian crossing.
    Participants in the scene: a child and a cat (a child in a mask or cat costume).
    The child stands near the pedestrian crossing and looks first to the left, then to the right. The cat approaches him.

    Cat: Why are you standing there, turning your head? Lost who?
    Child: No, I want to cross the road.
    Cat: so why are you delaying? I would have taken it and switched a long time ago! What's stopping you?
    Child: no, you can't do that! You need to cross the road according to the traffic rules!
    Cat: What? What other rules? Here I am a cat, I go wherever I want! And I can also cross the road wherever I want!
    Child: no cat, you're wrong! You can't do that!
    Cat: Why did you say “you can’t” and “you can’t”! I can! Look!

    The cat tries to cross the road outside the zebra crossing, but the child stops him.

    It is clear to all smart guys:
    Where there is a road, it is dangerous!
    Find it, pedestrian.
    Black and white transition!

    No green light?
    Is there no traffic light at all?
    What's happened? How so?
    Look at the blue sign.

    Is there a person walking in it?
    So this is a transition.
    Stand still by the road,
    Don't run, don't be a bully,

    Take mom's hand
    Look left and right!
    Invites transition:
    - Walk forward on me!

    Cat: these are the times! He even spoke in poetry! So what will this pedestrian crossing give me?
    Listen, I'll explain to you how to behave,
    So that you can cross this road safely!

    Here's the usual transition.
    People are walking along it.
    There is special marking here,
    "Zebra" is aptly called!
    White stripes here
    they lead across the street!
    Pedestrian crossing sign,
    where is the pedestrian on the zebra crossing,
    Find it on the street
    and walk under it!

    Cat (laughs): Ha ha ha! Zebra!! Oh, I can't! Well, you made me laugh! (stops laughing) you know what, cross your own zebra crossing, and I’m a cat and I’ll walk wherever I want!

    The cat leaves. The child shakes his head. Then he looks left again, and then right, and is already raising his foot to step onto the pedestrian crossing, when there is noise, the squeal of brakes and the cat’s cries: Oh, help!
    The cat comes out limping.

    Cat (whining): I don’t want to walk on my own anymore, it’s better to follow your zebra crossing than get hit by a car again!

    The child takes the cat by the healthy hand, and together they cross the pedestrian crossing.

    A policeman comes out.

    Police officer:
    If you need to go
    Across the road for you
    To this end, along the way
    There are always transitions!

    Transitions can be
    Different, guys!
    So as not to forget it
    You need to study the signs:

    There is a sign "Underground passage" -
    The steps lead down!
    Come down boldly and go -
    After all, there is no movement here.

    With a striped path
    There is a sign at the zebra
    You guys should know
    That this is not a trifle:

    Crossing the zebra crossing
    First make sure
    That everyone has a car -
    Now hurry up!

    Happens sometimes
    The roads are small
    Where there is no transition
    And you decided to go through.

    Look left first
    Look to the right.
    Is there no car nearby?
    Now move on.

    Having finished the story,
    I want to tell you, my friend:
    Be careful on the road
    Then, believe me, there will be no trouble.

    Key tags:


    We'll sing ditties for you,
    You help us,
    If we lie a little,
    Don't scold us!

    Petya rode on a moped,
    I didn’t look who was driving next to me,
    Petya treats a fracture,
    The moped was scrapped.

    Seva and I walked to the crossing,
    We looked to the left
    It's good that you looked
    Otherwise they wouldn’t sing here.

    Seryozha was walking to school one day,
    I drank Pepsi-Cola from my throat,
    He didn't look at the cars
    And now he wears a splint.

    A dancer walked through a red light
    I was in a hurry to go to the ballet...
    He's in PeDeDe Hospital
    Teaches instead of padede.

    We have two troubles in Russia,
    Not strangers, but our own,
    And why did they fall?
    For a traffic police inspector?


    There's a house going down the street
    Everyone is lucky to get to work.
    Not on chicken thin legs,
    And in rubber boots. (Bus).

    Amazing carriage.
    Judge for yourself.
    The rails are in the air, and he
    He holds them with his hands. (Trolleybus).

    Poem by Y. Pishumov:

    G the city in which
    We live with you
    One can rightfully compare
    With ABC book
    ABC of the streets,
    Avenues, roads.
    The city gives us
    Lesson all the time.
    Here it is, the alphabet
    Over your head
    Signs are posted
    Along the pavement.
    ABC of the city
    Always remember
    Whatever happens
    You're in trouble.

    Zebra lives in Africa
    Very striped.
    He drinks water, chews grass,
    Wants to frolic
    And on our street
    Here at the crossroads
    Just like a zebra. Just right -
    Transition to stripes.

    Song about traffic rules

    Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner,
    He was afraid to walk on a bright day,
    This song today is about
    How difficult it is to be a black cat.

    They say you won't have any luck

    Only the black cat is unlucky.

    And the road is always a mile away,
    The cat had to go around
    Because there are cars all around
    Sometimes they rush ahead!

    They say you won't have any luck
    If a black cat crosses the road,
    For now it’s the other way around, but for now it’s the other way around,
    The black cat demands protection from us.


    Host: Good afternoon, dear TV viewers! The hottest ten best songs dedicated to road traffic are on air... In 10th place is Philip Kirkorov with the song “My Only One” about his next broken car. Well, remember? There are also these words: “In this broken mirror, bending over the fragments...” Well, and so on... In 9th place is a music teacher from school No. 48, who offers a new method of learning song lyrics using road signs.
    (One sings, and the rest show road signs).
    Let them run clumsily (“Children”)
    pedestrians through puddles, (“Drawable Bridge”)
    and the water on the asphalt is like a river, (“Pool or beach”)
    And it is unclear to passers-by (“Move to the right or left”)
    bad weather on this day, (“Car Wash”)
    why am I so cheerful? ("Other Hazards")
    And I play the harmonica (“Sound signals are prohibited”)
    in plain sight of passers-by (“Pedestrian crossing”)
    Unfortunately, it’s a birthday (“Food Point”)
    only once a year... (“Dead End”)

    Another version of the same song:

    Lyrics from the song Road Sign

    Presenter: In 8th place is the song of Kirov customs officers.

    My native country is wide
    There are many forests, fields and rivers in it,
    I don't know any other country like this
    Where people love Volvo so much. (Repeat two lines).

    Presenter: In 7th place is the song of a car enthusiast whose car was stolen and left under his window.

    That's how everyone says it should be, that's how it should be, it's his own fault.
    I forgot about it and left it under the window,
    And finally, I lost it.
    That's right - I didn't notice, that's right, I'm out of work.
    Someone else is gripping my steering wheel in powerful hands,
    And it’s like I’m a stranger, a stranger, a stranger...

    Wait, rain, rain, I left her behind
    And now I have rains ahead, rains...

    Host: Yes, we’ve told the world so many times, but it’s all not for the future... Another problem remains the state of our roads. No wonder the traffic police are actively switching to a Russian SUV. And it’s not in vain. This is what the song in 6th place is about.
    (song to the tune of “Chase”)
    Car hijackers are flying out of town,
    And again the potholes knock on the bottom,
    DPS flies behind them in the field,
    They will catch up, they will catch up, they will catch up, they will catch up with the Mercedes,
    On our roads, of course, they will catch up with Mercedes.

    Presenter: In 5th place is the song of the cadets high school Traffic Police "A whistle is a delicate matter."

    A whistle is a delicate matter, Petrukha,
    Whistle like a capricious old woman
    A whistle is a delicate matter, Petrukha, Eh!
    Comrade Putin, not even a fly will fly past us,
    No one in the car will fly past us.

    Presenter: In 4th place is the life safety teacher of school No. with the song “Movement”. Due to the great educational importance of this song, we provide it with interlinear sign language translation. Please turn on the ticker.
    (one sings, the rest show spoken words or phrases with gestures and body movements)

    Don't look down on the movement.
    The time will come, you yourself will probably understand.
    Road science is not easy
    From the first law to the last.
    Every inspector has a whistle,
    At the crossroads with a staff he is like a wizard,
    But you learn the rules by heart.
    Movements, movements, movements…. Movements.

    Presenter: In third place is the appeal of the residents of Kirov to the city authorities so that the story with the lights turned off for several months does not repeat itself again.

    The nights are black, the nights are scary,
    The nights are dark and dangerous
    How afraid I am of you, how afraid I am of you,
    I know I'm not going home at a good hour...
    The lights were turned off apparently due to debts,
    And the driver can’t see a thing,
    How I love illuminated days,
    How afraid I am of you during the dark nights...

    Presenter: In 2nd place, the traffic police officers were hiding around the corner and detained a traffic violator who did not stop at the stop sign.

    Stop sign, we came around the corner
    Stop sign, you took on a lot
    Now it's too late to make excuses
    Look at these stars
    Look at these stars
    Perhaps you are seeing them for the first time. (taken away by the arms).

    Host: You, of course, understood that much of what was said today was a joke, but there is some truth in every joke. But we understand perfectly well that the road is a very serious thing, so our final song is in 1st place.

    SONG (to the tune of the song "What is Autumn")

    What are traffic rules, this is a very complex science,
    And we all learn it not for fun, but to save each other from harm.
    (line repeat)
    Everyone should know the rules and follow them very precisely,
    We will never violate them, and trouble will recede.
    We will be calmer everywhere if the traffic police are nearby,
    But you yourself know the rules,

    Always follow them!

    (last line recitative, each word after a pause)

    Presentation on traffic rules (poems for electronic presentation)

    (on the screen there is a photo of the school)

    Our school is in a busy place,
    In the city center she
    Large highways are crowded
    Surrounded on three sides.

    We will show you the ways
    How to cross the road!

    (on the screen there is a photo of a traffic light)

    There is a traffic light near the school,
    It's not there for fun
    Setting out on the road in the morning,
    Don't forget about him!

    You cross the avenue
    Only at the green light!

    (on the screen there is a transition with a button)
    If you pressed the button,
    Don't rush to the road
    A green signal
    Be sure to wait!

    Even if there are no cars around,
    Don't go through red lights!

    (random road on the screen)
    Before you move on,
    Look left, look right,
    Assess the situation
    And then go ahead.

    (there is a pedestrian crossing sign on the screen)
    Look at this sign
    He's standing for a reason
    Don't yawn on the road
    And don't forget about the sign!

    (on the screen there is an intersection near the school)
    It's not easy to transition
    Busy intersection
    And it’s not in vain that it’s been here for a long time
    Traffic lights installed!

    (on the screen there is a transition on Karl Marx Street)
    There are a lot of dangerous difficulties
    We have one on Karl Marx,
    But it's waiting for you here too
    Pedestrian crossing!

    (on the screen there is a woman who crosses the road in the wrong place)
    Dear Aunt,
    Well, where are you going?
    Here the path to the zebra crossing is short,
    It's only about forty meters away!

    (on the screen there is a scene on the road)

    Look at the crossroads:
    Here is a car, there is a teenager!
    Yellow light is not general light:
    There’s no movement for anyone!”

    (village road on screen)
    Setting off on a long journey,
    Be more careful!
    Even on a forest path
    Please be careful!

    See also on our website the script for a fairy tale based on traffic rules "Teremok".

    SCENARIO HOLIDAYS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL according to traffic rules

    "Know and observe Traffic rules!


    Form the idea of ​​schoolchildren younger age about safety rules

    behavior on the road;

    Develop in students the skills of responsibility, discipline,

    strive to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to perform practical tasks.

    Development in children of coordination, attention, observation, qualities necessary for safe behavior on the street;

    - to foster a sense of responsibility in students for personal safety, a value-based attitude towards their health and life

    Progress of the lesson.

    1.Org. moment. Introduction.

    Guys, do you like to travel?

    I suggest you travel and improve your knowledge.

    And where we will go on our journey, you will learn from the song.

    (A song plays.)


    I. Somewhere in this world there is a miracle country,

    Moms, dads, children all need it,

    Cars can't live a day without it,

    Without it, the highways will be nonsense.

    Chorus: La, la, la, la, la, la, la

    This is a traffic light.

    Wonderful country

    Our "Traffic Light".

    Did you guess it? Do you want tojourney? Why do you need this?

    On your way you will encounter various obstacles that you will have to overcome. Are you ready? (answers)

    1 student.

    Make yourself comfortable,

    Take your seats quickly

    On holiday to the country of Traffic Lights

    We invite friends!

    2 student.

    The city where you and I live

    Can rightfully be compared to an ABC book

    ABC of streets, avenues, roads

    The city always teaches us a lesson.

    3 student.

    Here it is - the alphabet above your head:

    We see signs everywhere with you.

    Always remember the alphabet of the city,

    So that no trouble happens to you.

    2. Crossroads “Fairy Tale”

    Leading: And so the journey begins.

    What's ahead?

    Meeting with the heroes of a wonderful country

    Where does Bunny live and Aibolit

    Where each leaf stores its caress.

    At the crossroads "Magic Tale"



    There lived a little bunny in our city,

    There was a very stupid Bunny-Arrogant:

    You need to walk along the avenue a little

    Here lies a path of white checkers,

    The green arrow is on - transition,

    People walk along the path together.

    What is the bunny doing at this time?

    Arrogant bunny:

    I don't need to know the rules

    I'm a hare with a head

    I'll gallop along the avenue,

    I'm jumping along the pavement,

    I'll tell you a secret:

    Clinging to the tram

    Cross the road

    When the cars are driving

    I love passion, ah-ah!

    Leading :

    And the little bunny ran in any weather,

    Where there is no crossing on the street,

    Jumped at the very nose of the cars,

    Near the angrily inflated tires.

    He did not want to listen to his elders,

    and... a truck hit him!

    The presenter calls the ambulance. Comes " Ambulance", Aibolit comes out with a first aid kit.

    Runs in Bunny's dad : Ay-ay! My Bunny, my boy, got into trouble, and now he is sick and lame, my little Bunny!


    I'll examine you. Where does it hurt?

    Arrogant bunny:

    My leg hurts - Aaah!

    Aibolit: Don't shout, be patient.

    (puts a splint on his leg)

    You didn't follow the traffic rules,

    That’s why you, Zainka, got into trouble.

    You need to obey without arguing

    Traffic light instructions.

    Need traffic rules

    Do it without delay.

    Everything is ready!

    Orderlies, put the little bunny down

    And take me to the hospital!

    Bunny's dad:

    My Bunny! My boy!

    Will he be healthy soon?

    Will he be able to get up soon?

    Jump on a sore leg?


    I'll put a cast on the Bunny's leg,

    I'll put him in the hospital for a long time,

    So that your Bunny gets better

    And he quickly returned home.

    Father bunny Aibolit is taken away by an ambulance.

    3 .-Children, a guest from a fairy tale has arrived to us Flower City, now he will appear. (Dunno enters ). Do you recognize our guest, children? Who is this?

    Children. Dunno!

    Leading. But Dunno is confused and upset about something. Tell me, Dunno, what happened to you?


    Finding yourself in a big and noisy city,

    I'm lost, I'm lost...

    Without knowing the traffic lights,

    Almost got hit by a car!

    There are cars and trams all around,

    Then suddenly a bus is on the way...

    To be honest, I don’t know

    Where should I cross the road!?

    Guys! Help me!

    And, if possible, tell me,

    How to cross the road

    So as not to get run over by a tram!

    Leading. Our children are already familiar with the most important rules of the road. They, Dunno, will show you how to behave on the streets big city

    4 student

    Dunno, don’t worry, stay with us!

    We will help you.

    5 student

    Guess the riddle, Dunno!

    I blink my eyes

    Relentlessly day and night.

    I help cars

    I can help you too!

    (Dunno doesn’t know the answer. Traffic light comes out)

    Traffic light:

    It’s a shame, Dunno, not to know the riddle about me! It’s me, the Traffic Light.


    Why is this embarrassing? Just think, Traffic Light!

    Traffic light:

    I have three eyes: red, yellow, green. I use my eyes to give signals for you to move or stand. Do you, Dunno, by any chance know what my three colors mean?

    Dunno: No.

    Traffic light:

    Guys! Tell Dunno.

    6 student.

    The red light tells us:

    Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

    Yellow light - warning:

    Wait for the signal to move.

    The green light opened the way:

    The boys can cross.

    Guys, do you follow traffic rules?

    4. Game " This is me, this is me, these are all my friends ».


    I will ask questions, and if you do this, you will say: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Are you ready?

      How many of you go forward only where there is a transition? (This...)

      How many of you go to the light that says: “There is no way!”?

      How many of you give up your seat to adults on a cramped tram?(This...)

      Who flies ahead so fast that they don’t see the traffic light?

      If the yellow light is on, who's coming? Who's standing?(This...)

      Which of you, walking home, follows the path along the pavement?( Pavement - for transport, For you - sidewalk!)

      Who runs out onto a slippery road in bad weather?

      Who knows what the red light is?

      Does that mean there is no move?(This...)

      Like a multiplication table

    We teach traffic rules! (This...)

      we are funny friends

    We can't live without football

    We can't find a better field

    Than the roads. (No)

    Well done, guys! You did an excellent job with this task.

    Dunno, he walks along the road, hitting the ball on the floor.

    Dunno : My cheerful, ringing ball,

    Where did you run off to?

    Red, yellow, blue

    Can't keep up with you!

    Traffic light (takes the ball from Dunno)

    On the roadway, children,

    Don't play these games.

    You can run without looking back

    In the yard and on the playground.

    Dunno: Why can't you play on the road?

    student: Because there are cars driving along the road, you won’t notice

    and you will fall under the wheels of a car.

    student: Imagine that you are playing ball in your yard.

    Suddenly the ball rolled out onto the road. What should be done?

    student: You need to ask an adult to bring the ball.

    Dunno: Well, now everything is clear to me,

    I'd better go back

    And I'll read a little. (takes out a book, goes and reads)

    8. student: Hey! Dunno! Wait!

    It will end sadly

    There can be a lot of trouble.

    After all, the road is not a reading room

    And no place for conversation!

    (the boy runs up to Dunno, takes the book, closes it and takes Dunno away)


    I understand everything now. Thank you. I will be very careful and attentive on the roads.

    5. Presenter:

    - Dunno, listen to the guys and you will find out whatwhat is allowed and what is prohibited.

    Game "Allowed - prohibited"

    Play on the pavement... (prohibited)

    Crossing streets when the traffic light is green... (allowed)

    Crossing the street in front of nearby traffic... (prohibited)

    Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk... (allowed)

    Crossing the street using an underground passage... (allowed)

    Crossing the street when the traffic light is yellow (prohibited)

    Helping old men and women cross the street (allowed)

    Cyclists should not cling to passing cars (prohibited)

    Walking around vehicles standing at the sidewalk from the front (prohibited)

    Walk on the sidewalk on the left... (prohibited)

    Running onto the roadway... (prohibited)

    Riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars... (prohibited)

    Chatting and laughing loudly in public transport... (prohibited)

    Respect traffic rules... (allowed)

    1) Both avenues and boulevards -

    The streets are noisy everywhere

    Walk along the sidewalk

    Only on the right side! (Cotton)

    2) Play naughty, play on the road (Stamping feet)


    3) Be an exemplary pedestrian (Cotton)


    5) Give way to the old lady (Cotton)


    6) Crossing when the light is red (Stamping your feet)


    7) When green, even for children (Cotton)


    6. Crossroads "Road Signs"


    Tell Dunno about other difficulties encountered on the roads and how to overcome them.


    And now we're off on our way soon

    Along the main road towards your dream.

    So that your hands are intact

    To keep your legs intact

    You need to know these signs

    Signs must be respected.

    Our stop at the crossroads"Road Signs"

    Children enter with upside down road signs on their chests.

    Who are you?(in chorus)

    We are Road Signs.


    The road signs are all very good!

    Both adults and children should respect them

    1st reader:

    Bora never dreams of grief,

    He rushes along the slippery leaves,

    The sign was not placed in vain:

    "Carefully! It's dangerous here!

    ( slippery road )

    2nd reader:

    "I'm an expert on road rules,

    I parked the car here."

    In the kindergarten parking lot

    There is no need to stand during quiet times.

    ( No parking)

    3rd reader:

    Do you see the sign? Its meaning is

    The intersection of two roads.

    Two girlfriends are equivalent

    Two playgrounds.

    (Intersection of equivalent roads)

    4th reader:

    I didn't understand the sign

    And he fell and got scared.

    And it’s not difficult to understand:

    “Friend, come down carefully!”

    (Steep descent)

    5th reader:

    Walk across the street there, pedestrian,

    Where the sign indicates the transition for you!

    (Pedestrian crossing)

    6th reader:

    striped horse,

    Her name is zebra.

    But not the one at the zoo,

    People keep walking along it.

    She's on our street

    Here at the crossroads

    Exactly a zebra just right -

    Transition to stripes.

    7th reader:

    In rain or shine

    There are no pedestrians here

    The sign tells them one thing:

    “You are not allowed to go!”

    8th reader:

    Every pedestrian knows

    About this underground passage

    It doesn't decorate the city

    But it doesn't interfere with cars.

    9th reader:

    There is an overpass here

    People go up and down

    Cars are racing underneath you

    You shouldn't be afraid of them.


    1. And there is no reason to be afraid,

    We have all studied the signs,

    We are strong in traffic rules,

    We're heading out the gate,

    We are not afraid of turning,

    May the journey be good.

    Chorus: Here's a new twist,

    And the engine sings.

    The driver is right

    Who doesn't create

    Accidents and adversities

    Who respects the laws

    He boldly goes around the bend.

    9. student: The city is full of movement:

    Cars are running in a row,

    Colored traffic lights

    They burn day and night.

    Walking carefully

    Watch the street

    And only where possible

    Cross it!

    10. student: And where there are trams during the day

    They hurry from all sides,

    You can't walk around yawning!

    Walking carefully

    Watch the street

    And only where possible.

    Cross it!

    7. Game "Yes, no."

    We arrived at the stop. It's waiting for us heregame “Yes! No!"

    Now I will check what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

    What do you want - say, red light - no way?(Yes.)

    Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea?(No.)

    What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement?(No.)

    Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport?(No.)

    Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition?(Yes.)

    What do you want - say we are running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light?(No.)

    Say what you want, is there a person drawn on the “no access here” sign?(No.)

    Say what you want, the red color on the round signs means “it’s prohibited here”?(Yes.)

    Pedestrians can walk on the roadway

    You need to cross the street on a pedestrian path.

    Play with the ball only on the road.

    Cross the street slowly

    Pedestrians can walk on the sidewalk.

    Cross the street at a red light.

    Play with a ball in the yard.

    Children 10 years old are allowed to ride bicycles on the road

    You can cling to trucks.

    Wait for the bus at the stop.

    You can stick your head out the window while driving

    Leading. Our guys prepared ditties.

      Be careful on the road!

    Take care of your hands and feet.

    Remember the rules everywhere

    Otherwise there will be trouble!

      Both trolleybus and bus

    You go around behind

    So as not to lose forever

    Your wild head!

      For chatterboxes and laughers

    There is a special order:

    Approaching any road

    Shut up right now!

      You only have two legs -

    Keep them away from wheels!

    And ride on the steps

    Only centipedes can.

      By the pants and by the car

    There are rescue belts.

    They are your car

    Buckle it tightly to yourself!

      We sang ditties for you

    about the rules of the road,

    and today we will ask you

    Be careful


    The world we live in

    It makes us sad sometimes.

    Make our lives safe

    We really need you and me.

    Let's respect each other

    Simple laws obey

    Then they will forget about sadness and pain

    And everyone around will laugh.

    All together : Always remember the alphabet of the city,

    So that no trouble happens to you!!!1

    Yulia Skvortsova
    Sketch on Traffic Rules

    Sketch on Traffic Rules"Dunno in the camp of traffic rules"

    Target: show and prove the need for knowledge traffic rules using artistic means.

    Age: 5-7 years

    Picture 1.

    Znayka. So, Dunno, let's repeat our homework. You should have learned Traffic Laws. Now I will ask you questions, and you will answer them.

    Dunno. Go ahead and ask your questions.

    Znayka. Who regulates movement transport and pedestrians?

    Dunno. Street cleaner.

    Znayka. Did you think well?

    Znayka. Where can I go the road?

    Dunno. Mmm. tell me at least one letter.

    Znayka. "P"

    Dunno. Exactly. On the asphalt.

    Znayka. What are there "Pedestrian crossings"

    Dunno. Flying, crawling, lying down.

    Znayka. Yes, it's a tough case. Here you go "Big Book" Traffic Rules» , sit down and read. I'll come and check.

    Dunno. Oh, cuckoo! Cuckoo-cuckoo, give me something. (Dunno curls up and falls asleep).

    Scene 2

    (The signs are in a circle).

    "Zebra". So what is it? He got everything mixed up.

    "Traffic light". He's not alone doesn't know the rules.

    "Pedestrian crossing". One word - Dunno.

    "Caution children"- Let's confuse him.

    « railway crossing» - How?

    "Zebra"- I came up with it. Listen to me.

    Picture 3.

    Dunno. Look, what a beauty. Here Great. No studying, no books for you. If you want, relax all day, sunbathe. E - Ge - gay. Is there anyone here?

    Zebra comes out.

    Zebra. Yes, yes, come in, dear. Go, go quickly, let’s cross over here quickly.

    Dunno. Why, you can’t be here. Don't you know, you "zebra"

    Zebra. Yes, what's the difference, the main thing is don't look at the road. (Grabs Dunno by the hand and runs across the road)

    Appears "Traffic light".

    Traffic light. Great, you ran across the road. Did you see how the car slowed down and crashed into a pole? Funny.

    Dunno. It's not fun at all, but very scary. A car almost hit us. And all Zebra - "let's run across".

    Traffic light. Well done, Zebra, but how fast, where else? cross the road.

    Dunno. Like where, where "Zebra" on the road is painted and signs"Pedestrian crossing" are standing.

    Zebra. And we have signs, signs. She has signs. (Signs come out)

    These are the signs. This is a blue square, this is a red triangle, and the Train is in red. Meet me.

    Traffic light. Hurry, hurry, cross the road, the red light is already on.

    Dunno. So. Stop. Are you crazy? Which one is red, which one is a square with a triangle. Where have I ended up? To the land of fools?

    Zebra. No. You're in the country Traffic rules.

    Dunno. Some are not your rules are correct. Znayka taught me differently.

    Traffic light. What a Znayka. You know better. And as you know, that's what we do.

    Dunno. Ah-ah-ah. As I know. I know what to go the road must be followed"pedestrian crossing" marked road markings and signs "pedestrian crossing". Way to go go only when the traffic light is green.

    This is a sign - "Caution children". This - "Pedestrian crossing", well, this is « Railway crossing» .

    I know. I know. (Jumps joyfully)

    Picture 4.

    Everyone disappears. What remains is Dunno, who wakes up with a book.

    Dunno. Hey, everyone, I remembered! Know, I remembered. Regulates movement transport and pedestrians? Traffic light.

    You can cross the road, only by "Pedestrian crossing"

    "Pedestrian crossing" There are above-ground, above-ground, underground.

    Znayka. Well here we go Great.

    Dunno. How good to know Traffic Laws.

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