Scenario of the UID propaganda team "road chaos". Propaganda team on traffic rules, methodological development on the topic Propaganda team on traffic rules, braking distance of a car

1st student:

We are the generation of young people.

2nd student:

We call to action.

3rd student:

It’s comfortable to sit in a chair and watch disasters and disasters!

4th student:

Let's try to follow simple rules together.

5th student:

They were invented for a reason, not because there was nothing to do!

This is what life forced us to do.

1st student:

It's just really very dangerous to jump along the road.

2nd student:

There is no need to rely on an adult uncle, who sometimes drives without looking.

3rd student:

Who, in general, may not care,

4th student:

That your mother is waiting for you healthy!

5th student:

One sunny summer day

The boys walked along the road together,

We decided to kick a soccer ball,

Jump on the road and play.

(Depict a game of football)

Freeze frame! (The boys freeze)

1st student:

Until trouble happened. Don't do this, guys, ever!

2nd student:

You can't play on the roadway! Otherwise, you cannot avoid misfortune!

(Everyone sings a song to the tune of “Let’s Quietly”)

Let us repeat again without haste:

Play on the road, ride on a sled

No way, never!

3rd student:

Another situation: a simple girl decided that she would make it in time, crossing the road.

4th student:

But she stumbled and is about to fall!

5th student:

The car is speeding, the car will hit you!

Stop! Freeze! This is not possible! Dangerous!

You could lose your life!

1st student:

Let's start with everything in order: here the car is racing again.

2nd student:

The girl approaches the road.

3rd student:

“I won’t rush.”

4th student:

The girl is smart, she knows the rules! Left and right, he will look around the road, from edge to edge!

5th student:

That's a different conversation! Well done!

Well, finally a happy ending!

(Everyone sings a song to the tune of “Beauty Queen”)

No matter how much you hurry,

But everyone must remember:

You can't cross the road -

We need healthy ones!

Look all to the left.

If there are no cars, then -

Look all to the right

And go, gentlemen.


There is a crossing for pedestrians

And the traffic light will call us on our way.

If the red light comes on,

You just have to wait

And green means bold

You can walk now.

Traffic lights, crossings - safety for you.

Pedestrians, follow the traffic rules!

1st student:

No, wait, another situation!

2nd student:

Well, this is just a provocation!

3rd student:

A boy got behind the wheel - a very young man!

4th student:

There can only be a tragic end here!

5th student:

You can't see him driving! He can't reach the brake pedal!

6th student:

And it’s rushing, just look!

7th student:

After all, he knows that he is breaking the law: driving a car is only possible from the age of 18.

8th student:

There are many such situations. Because of them, accidents and troubles multiply.

9th student:

To avoid this - traffic rules

Need to study!

(Everyone sings a song to the tune of “Yellow Leaves”)

How can we live in this world (2 times)

No losses? (2 times)

We will answer clearly, clearly (2 times):

We know this now!


You need to follow simple rules from childhood,

Life forced everyone, without exception, to do this.

We cannot hide from this, we cannot hide.

We must learn to follow traffic rules from childhood!

We all know the signs now

And we divide into groups

That's the only way. (2 times)

We study the rules

And now we know for sure -

This is a sign, a good sign!

Harmful advice on traffic rules, almost like Oster

(Child hooligans perform)

Our anti-brigade is happy to welcome you!

1st bully:

We begin our story

For those who are not used to listening,

Who do everything the other way around

To spite his enemies, he loves it that way.

We ask the exemplary ones to leave,

Our advice is not for them!

2nd bully:

If you're at a crossroads

You see that there are countless cars.

Feel free to choose any

And walk straight towards her!

And then you will be crushed

If not this one, then another!

3rd bully:

Kick a soccer ball

Try your best on the road.

Why huddle on the site,

When is there such space?

Then it's very interesting

Test your dexterity:

Will you be able to or won't you be able to

So dodge the car,

To make your heart happy

The squeal of powerful brakes!

4th bully:

If you suddenly noticed

Traffic light eye green,

Stop rooted to the spot, otherwise

You won’t experience any interest here!

That's when the red light turns on...

Rush quickly onto the road -

You can have fun there

Play dodgeball!

5th bully:

If you get bored at home,

There is no one to play tag with,

You run quickly to the road -

It's a nerve-wracking experience for adults.

You can spend your time very interestingly,

Running like a hare in a field,

And scaring all the drivers -

Let them end up in a mental hospital!

6th bully:

And on the rails under the tram

Have you never been?

It's a shame you lost a lot:

Entertainment - top class!

Watch your legs fly apart along the road,

Your hands, head -

And there will be no more of you!

7th bully:

Can also be mounted on a step

Ride to the stop

You can grab from behind

Run after the car.

And then crawl across the roof

The car you're tired of

And a big tongue to the driver

Just show it off!

8th bully:

And also skate on ice

On the roadway you can

And rollerblading, skateboarding, scootering, etc.

Then look at the faces of the frightened drivers.

It's great that the uncles turned white as a wall!

9th bully:

If you are walking with a basket -

I was going to pick mushrooms,

Go boldly and get out of the way

Don't turn anywhere!

After all, the car is not on rails

And the driver is not a kamikaze.

His nerves are worse

He will turn into the forest, of course!

10th hooligan:

And one more problem

Has been bothering us since birth:

They put up signs here -

Don't pass, don't pass.

These signs do not bring any pleasure,

You can fix them a little,

Let passers-by enjoy:

Let's draw the sea on them,

Let's sunbathe together!

(Good children perform)

1st student:

Everything that was told to you here

Never use!

You don't even have to try -

May cause injury!

2nd student:

Only ours, the real propaganda team

He will tell you and teach you how to behave.

(The song sounds to the tune of “You are a sailor, I am a sailor”)

If the traffic is thick,

You stop and wait.

The green eye of the traffic light lights up - you go!

If the light starts flashing,

It's better to wait out the time.

Yellow, red is not good,

You just have to wait!

3rd student:

Now it has become clear to everyone,

If the light turns red,

4th student:

Stop and wait when it's green

Allows you to go forward.

This rule is simple,

People should know him!

5th student:

Yellow light - warning

On prohibition and permission.

6th student:

We would also like to introduce you

With the road alphabet now.

(They show road signs and call them. A “disabled man” comes out on crutches, all bandaged, and sings to the tune of the song “Attraction”)

If even for a moment

Doubts will overcome you,

Should these rules be followed?

Remember everything that you

Here they have now heard from us

And then they saw on stage,

If you don't want to look T

ok, how am I now...

Oh... how my whole body hurts!

Oh-yo..., oh-yo-yo-yo-yo!

7th student:

Everyone needs to remember now,

8th student:

What, playing on the road,

9th student:

What, while skating in the center of the track,

10th student:

What, forgetting about the crossing, running through a red light...

11th student:

You are risking your health

12th student:

Even a beautiful life

13th student:

You don't need this at all -

You can live up to a hundred years!

(The melody “Songs of Friends” from the film “The Town of Bremen Town Musicians” plays)

Traffic Laws!

Everyone should know them, without exception!

If you treat them negligently,

You will return home disabled

If only you come home.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

If you have any more questions

And if something is not clear, it doesn’t matter!

We will help you understand the complexities,

We will always help you, friends.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Musical based on traffic rules

1st participant:

In one famous fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe unknown, we want to tell

About traffic rules,

About signs and driving.

And if you break them,

What will happen - show.

(All the actors run back and forth with cars, some on crutches, some with a ball, hitting it on the floor; some are carried on a stretcher; someone in a police uniform whistles at the offender. All further actions are played out)

2nd participant:

One day someone's boy (a boy runs by),

Or maybe not a boy,

Or maybe there was a girl

And she went out for a walk.

She was playing ball

(a girl runs with a ball)

Or maybe not into the ball,

(Throws the ball and takes the doll)

Or maybe she decided to chase the kitten.

(Kitten jumps out)

3rd participant:

But the kitten is stupid,

(Make a face)

Or maybe not stupid,

(Strokes himself on the head)

Or maybe it wasn’t the kitten who ran towards the road.

And a girl under the car

(“The drawn big car is driving out”)

Or maybe a boy

To the horror of passersby

Got it right away!

Let's turn the page

(Turn the page of the book)

Or maybe not a page,

Or maybe on the radio

Let's all shout together.

(Shouting into a bullhorn)

About what's on the road

You can't play or run

Otherwise we may be silent forever!

(The melody of the song “The Lame King” sounds. Everyone is marching)

Let's continue the story,

It has a sad ending

And it started off fun

Nice young man

who argued

The red light blinked -

And this young man slipped between the cars.


This fool couldn't

The cars run faster, faster.

He is in intensive care - he is disabled.

(They carry out a bandaged boy on a stretcher. The melody of the song “And I Love Girls” by O. Gazmanov sounds. The bandaged boy sings)

And I love girls

But I won't run to them

Because on a prosthesis

I can't run or jump! — 2 times

(Falls on a stretcher. The melody of the song “Liza” by A. Gubin sounds)

3rd participant:

Listen, don't be sad,

Better turn the pages:

After all, there are, in general,

Not much

And we have a road ahead again...

(The melody of the song “Vagonchiki” from the film “The Irony of Fate..." plays)

4th participant:

The train will leave for Tikhoretskaya,

The trailer will move, the platform will remain.

Be careful and be attentive,

Then you will definitely be left with your feet.

(The melody of the song “Plasticine Crow” sounds)

5th participant:

And we will continue our

A horror story, not a fairy tale,

Or maybe a fairy tale

But something is not right...

One thing we know for sure

And even very firmly:

It's all life, guys.

And not a movie at all!

(They show a poster with the word “Cinema” crossed out. The melody of “Songs of the Crocodile Gena” plays)

6th participant:

Let them run if necessary

Pedestrians through puddles.

(Imitate jumping over puddles)

But we shouldn’t forget about one thing:

The crossing is pedestrian, as are the traffic rules,

They need it like air for life!

(The melody of the song “Winter Dream” by Alsou sounds. A boy in a police uniform is standing at the post and singing)

The stars rise higher

Protecting our sleep and life.

There is always a traffic cop on duty

Stands somewhere day and night.

He watches everything tirelessly

On duty in cold and heat.

It may seem strange to you

I love him for this.

(The melody of the song “Sometimes” by Alsou sounds. The 7th participant sings, addressing the traffic cop, then takes him off the stage)

I never ruled

I won’t disturb the main ones,

I will never

Run through a red light!

I'll never confuse you

I am road signs,

I’m sure I’ll never forget, no!

(The melody of the song “Lilac Fog” by V. Dobrynin sounds. The performer wears a black hat and black glasses, with a cane in his hand. He tap dances and sings)

A lilac fog flows over the city.

You can't see anything even if you gouge out your eyes.

Be careful, I be careful.

The lilac fog reminds us all:

Look left, look right and go.

(The melody of the song “Everything is in your hands” by A. Varum sounds)

Everything is in your hands - 3 times

Listen, everything is in your hands - 2 times

And even life!

(The melody of the song “Blue Car” sounds. All participants become a “train” and “ride” in a circle during the loss)

Slowly the minutes float away into the distance,

Like in a slow motion movie, watch

The frames run past, it’s just a pity:

Life will fly by without you noticing.

Chorus (everyone sings):

The most important thing is to live a long life,

And you can’t shorten it.

The rules are important: everyone must remember them.

Well, you can’t live without this, friends.

(They show the audience a large book on which is written: “Road Rules.” The melody of the song “To the Music of Vivaldi” is played. They dance a minuet to the music)

To the music of Vivaldi, Vivaldi, Vivaldi,

Let's finish our story to the music of Vivaldi,

So that there is no sadness and no grief is known,

May you all be cheerful

And happy, God willing. — 2 times

Everyone sings:

Study and read any books,

Play the clarinet, football and gorodki,

But just don't forget the rules,

Which will save you from pain and melancholy.

After all, this happens often and even very often.

Without thinking about the future, we violate them,

Those traffic rules, safety laws,

(The melody of the song “Plasticine Crow” sounds)

8th participant:

The idea of ​​this fairy tale

Or maybe not fairy tales,

Or maybe not an idea,

But it’s clear to everyone.

(The melody of the song “I am a crow” by Linda plays)

Everyone sings:

On green, on green you are always light

Go through the pedestrian crossing, yes, yes.

Don't play by the road, no, no, no, no,

Don't ride a fast bike on the track.

(The melody of the song “Plasticine Crow” sounds)

There's a sidewalk for that

Playground, park and garden,

There is a pedestrian crossing

There is a traffic light, friends!

Don't run, don't jump

And don't even play

(Bend fingers on hand)

Where the cars are racing,

Where do the trains go?

In front of oncoming traffic

Don't run over

After all, transport is transport

And it can knock you down!

You, dear viewers,

Write it down in your notebooks.

About traffic rules

You always remember!

MAOU Ilyinskaya Secondary School

Scenario of a traffic propaganda team.

Completed by a primary school teacher

Khrushkova Natalya Vasilievna.


A march sounds. We are the UID propaganda team.

/motive "Student"/

Like on our side

On a big planet

We will all learn

At the University

We study traffic rules

We study the signs

And to all the squads everywhere

We educate everyone

Inspectors love us

All without exception

We dance and sing

About traffic rules.

1. Because there is nothing more important

These rules still

For big and little ones

Who cares about life?

2. After all, cross the road

It's safe

Only when the light is green

All : Never go to red!

/a grandmother appears with a basket, wants to cross the road, imitation of car movement/


Heh, well, where is this light?

I stood there and looked and my eyes hurt.

Neither yellow for you, nor green for you.

Where is this damn sweatshirt?

Or at least those stripes on the road?

Just cars back and forth, back and forth. (Imitation of cars by children)

I see godfather Frosya standing on the other side, but how to get to her??

Oh, it's bitter!


Where should you cross the street, grandma?

Remember this simple rule:

Look to the left first,

Look to the right - later!

Grandma:Yeah! From, baby, thank you!


Let's contact the city council

If there is no traffic light.

Let them at least designate it as a zebra

Transition to our Ilyinka!

/grandmothers come out and sing ditties/

1. If you suddenly come from Ilyinka

Yes, you will go to Moscow,

Don't forget the traffic rules

As they taught you at school.

2. Noise, movement, hum of engines

You'll immediately get confused

Kohl in traffic lights

You don't understand.

3. Traffic light teacher is strict,

He says to the pedestrian:

"Stop! Attention! Get out of the way!

Get ready, the way is open!"

1. The strictest - red light

Speaks:( All :) there is no road!

If the red light is on,

So there is a way for everyone

(All:) Closed!

2. And now at the traffic light

The yellow eye lit up

This means very soon

(All:) The traffic light will let us through.

3. The light is green, but perhaps

It's too early for us to set off on our journey,

It wouldn't hurt to first

(All ) Look around.

(melody "Sailor")


Not life, but grace, ( Simulation cars)

Along the wide streets

I have fun walking.

Cars are scurrying around,

I don't care about that

I rule the road

I won't comply. ( Soundtrack of brakes grinding)

Artyom! Why are you getting under the wheels?

After all, trouble could happen!

You need to study, my friend.

How to behave on the street

To save your life.

On the roadway, children,

Don't play these games!

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the playground.

To be on the roadway

There were fewer children's troubles

In the most important, first class,

We had a series of conversations.

We tell the guys:

“There is movement and bustle all around -

Always remember the rules!!!

Bus, trolleybus, car, tram

Don’t run around in front or behind!!!”

Guys! Don't play on the road -

Then your head and legs will be intact!!!

Guys, the road is not a joke, but life. Learn the signs and stick to the rules!

So that such a disaster does not happen,

Always remember the ABC's of the road!


In front of nearby traffic

All : Don't cross the road


Because transport

All: You can't stop it right away.

I. The braking distance of a motorcycle is 10 m.

2. The braking distance of a passenger car is 6m.

3. The braking distance of a truck is 11 m.

Inspector:Statistics show that in road traffic accidents:

1. Every fifth person died

All: Child.

2. And every fourth injury

All: Child.

Song "Don't forget me"

We performed for you

And they opened their hearts,

And shared a smile

We are with you, our viewer.

We are all a nice family,

They look so much alike

It is impossible without UID.

This is reality, not a mirage.

Chorus: Let's be together, friends!

After all, we have one dream:

No accidents on the roads

The whole country will travel

Let's be together, friends,

We know, we know for sure

Everyone really needs traffic rules,

They were not invented in vain!

1. To live without knowing grief.

2. To run, swim and fly

3. You must follow traffic rules.

4. Always and everywhere comply.

/march sounds/

form ideas junior schoolchildren about traffic safety when moving along streets and roads;

develop the skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries




speeches of the propaganda team on traffic rules


to form the ideas of younger schoolchildren about traffic safety when moving along streets and roads;

develop the skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries


creating conditions for the development and improvement of knowledge on traffic rules; involving students in promoting traffic rules among children and adults;

teaching awareness of the value of life as the main category;

fostering a culture of behavior on the streets and roads;

Equipment: traffic light suit for pedestrians, car model, road signs, button accordion.

Progress of the speech:

1 student: - Hello, girls! Hello boys!

2nd student: - Hello, modest and vocal, future physicist, artist and poet, we send you (all together) warm greetings!

1 student: Young pedestrians! Future drivers!

Student 2: Motorists! Children and parents!

In chorus: Guests in the hall, all our spectators!

Would you like to see the school team?

1 student: Our team is “Traffic Light”,

Student 2: We have known each other for a long time.

Chorus: Welcome! Hello!

The path is open to everyone! Green light!

The lights of your eyes shine provocatively.

We greet you with this song!

A song is performed based on"Easy on the Heart"

It's easy to walk along flowery boulevards

frolic in parks, courtyards and gardens.

But there is a law on the roads

And in small villages and large cities.

The one who does not play with his destiny,

Maintains himself on the road

And who knows all the road signs,

He will never disappear anywhere.

Propaganda team of traffic lights
He will never get tired of singing, yes, yes. Because traffic rules
Needed for everyone and forever!

Our motto: “Have fun, go forward, good luck awaits us along the way!”

A student dressed as a traffic light for pedestrians comes on stage:

Traffic light :

I am a traffic light.

I heard your conversation.

I'll help you guys.

I'll tell you and show you everything!

The strictest is red light.

Green will flash ahead -

Feel free to hit the road then!

Traffic light :

The pavement is seething with movement:

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Everyone be true to the rule -

Hold on...

All participants answer him: Right side.

Traffic light : It’s easy to explain,

Whether you are young or old:

Pavement - for transport,

For you - …

All participants answer him: Sidewalk!

Traffic light : Where should you cross the street -

Remember this simple rule:

With attention...

All participants answer him: To the left...

Traffic light: Look first.

Look to the right...

All participants answer him: Then!

1 student: The city in which you and I live,

It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.

Here it is, the alphabet, above the pavement.

Signs are hung overhead.

Student 2: Pedestrian crossing sign

Blue sign with a pedestrian in it

At this point - transition!

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
Underground, above ground,
Looks like a zebra
Know that only a transition

It will save you from cars.

A song is performed based on"What do they teach at school?»

If the light is red,

There is no way to go on the road,

As the cars rush forward,

There is an underground passage!

How to get around the bus

How to cross the road

All children learn the rules of movement.

This sign prohibits

There is no way to get through here!

There is no safer road on the planet!

All participants:

Let there be no troubles on the roads!

Let the green light shine on you!

Ditties are performed

1. We will sing ditties for you

About road matters.

Prick up your ears

Oh, you, guests, gentlemen.

2. Who doesn’t know what the road is

Dangerous for the game

Waiting for it, believe me, children,

Oh, terrible fate.

3. After all, the road is not a platform,

And there's no place to play

There is one near the house -

There is everything there for kids.

4.Assume that the road

Need to move urgently

And the cars are next to each other

They're driving - they won't let you pass?

5. Don’t despair right away,

Don't rush under the wheels,

Look with a calm gaze

Where to cross the road.

6.If you see a zebra you –

You can move quickly

If there is a traffic light nearby -

He will help you get there!

7.Remember: red means the path is closed,

Yellow - get ready

And the green one says:

Go, don't worry.

8. And there is a transition,

There is no hassle at all with him,

Go down the steps -

You will find yourself in the right place.

9.Also look at the signs

Roadside signs,

Everyone should know those signs

After all, they are not complicated.

10. If you know all the rules -

You don't have to be afraid

Cross the road

And stay alive.

11.Never forget

Road rules,

Don't yawn on the road:

Be careful.

A children's song is playing, three participants are playing football on stage. (Nastya, Albina, Amina, Vlad)

  • Sketch “Don’t play on the roadway!”
  • Make curbs and mark the roadway with a pedestrian crossing.
    From 3 to 5 children participate in the skit. Use a balloon as a ball.
    Children play football near the curb. Everyone shouts something on their own behalf, for example: “Come here!”, “Pass to me!”, “Now I’ll score a goal!”, “Throw the ball to me!” I want too !" etc. d.
    And suddenly the ball hits the road.
    All at once stop, and one child (boy) runs after the ball onto the road and shouts: I’ll get it now!
    The others shout to him: “Wait!”, “Stop!”, “Don’t!”, “Come back!”.
    But the boy does not listen to them and runs out onto the road, and a car drives out right in front of him (a child with a steering wheel in his hands, or, if possible, holding a drawing of a car on whatman paper facing the audience) and pops the ball.
    The boy who was running after the ball manages to bounce onto the curb. All the other children run up to him. The boy begins to cry, they calm him down.

A policeman comes out.

Police officer :
Remember this, friends!
There is nothing to play on the roadway!

Cross the road correctly!

Parents: This is what our UID is about!
Tells you today!
We show it urgently!
We'll tell you urgently!

Traffic rules at school
They teach for a reason!
They should know how to use them
And we will remember for up to a hundred years!
And he will explain them to you
Member of the squad from the UID!

Need traffic rules
Carry out without objection.
You need to obey without arguing
Traffic light instructions.

All: For the sake of life on Earth, study traffic rules

V. Sketch "Scooter"

(Yuids accompany the words of the poem with gestures and movements)

I'll give you some friendly advice

There are no small details on the track!

Get the boys into trouble

maybe even a scooter!

The guys pester their father:

“Give us a scooter!”

so pestered that father

Finally agreed.

The father says to the two brothers:

“I won’t go with you myself,

I give you permission to ride

only in the park and in the garden."

On the boulevard, the older brother is updating his scooter.

The younger brother couldn't resist

And he rushed down the street.

He flies forward so fast that he doesn't see the traffic light.

Here, without a brake, alone,

He got caught in traffic.

This is true ! - the naughty guy tripped,

got hit by a car,

But the driver was skillful,

The boy's legs are intact;

Stayed alive this time -

Tears are rolling from the eyes.

Take a look, guys!

For the scooter owner:

He doesn't run, he sits

His arm hurts.

Do you have a scooter?

So go with him to the park and garden,

You can drive along the boulevard,

Along the treadmill,

But you can't walk on the sidewalk

And you can’t walk on the pavement!

VII. The final part.

Yuidovites address the audience:

Well, friends, you accepted solution?

Liveyearsone hundredwithoutall sorts ofRoad accident?

WITHtoday'sminutes, withoutdoubts

ShouldYoufirmlyunderstandto myself:

NeitherdaywithoutknowledgeTraffic rules,

TheyneededyouAndto me!

Performedfinalsong, soundsphonogramsongs « Bremenskiemusicians»


Melodysongs« If you go on a journey with a friend»

1). Along the streets, friends,

Along the streets, friends,

They walk without worry.

We just learned everything

We just learned everything

Rules of the road.

Chorus. 2 times

What do I care about snow?

What do I know about the heat?

Why do I care about pouring rain?

If the traffic rules are with me.

2) If you know the traffic rules,

Merry way,

This knowledge is everywhere

This knowledge is everywhere

For me it is help.

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

Why do I care about pouring rain?

If the traffic rules are with me.

3) I'll make friends with the road,

I'll make friends with the road,

I recognize all the signs.

I'm so proud of myself

I'm so proud of myself

I don't break them.

Chorus. 2 times

What do I care about snow?

What do I know about the heat?

Why do I care about pouring rain?

If the traffic rules are with me.

4) I’m on the road, friends,

I'm on the road, friends.

I'll go out without fear!

Traffic rules, since I know

Traffic rules, since I know

The traffic light has become a friend(waves to the traffic light)

Olga Kantemirova
Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team on traffic rules “Traffic Light”

Propaganda brigade scenario: « Traffic light»

Educational area: "Safety"

Integration: "Cognition", "Communication", "Music"


To form in children a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules. Cultivate a cautious and prudent attitude towards potentially dangerous situations on the street.


To develop the skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life, in order to prevent DDTT;

Strengthen children's skills of safe, civil behavior on the roads;

Involve pupils in promoting traffic rules among children and adults;

To teach awareness of the value of life as the main category.

Create conditions for the formation of teamwork and development skills creativity children.


Layouts of road signs,

Pedestrian crossing layout,

Backpack, bag with reflective stickers.


Masha comes out with a basket (there are traffic signs in it, sings:

Beast traffic rules of any

I can teach

And a giraffe and a cow

And the beetle and the sparrow

What is this sign, try it

Guess right away

Even the bear is stubborn

Traffic rules - must know.

Well, my dears, you live in the forest and don’t know what’s going on in the world. What in the world! Take, for example, an ordinary city road. This is where life really boils! What? Interesting? Okay, listen and remember! Maybe it will come in handy! After all, there are no rules Road traffic nowhere!

(puts the laptop in front of the toys and leaves)

Yuidovites march out and sing a song

(to the tune of the song “If you go on a journey with a friend”)

Going on a long journey, going on a long journey,

Merry way,

If the rules are always, if the rules are always

You know, very strictly.


Take your time, look, the path is still closed for you,

Red the light is on now,

Don't be timid, pedestrian, step into the crossing,

When green the light is calling.

Always needed service, always needed service

We decided to carry it.

So that there are road accidents, so that there are road accidents

You didn't commit.

1. Hello guys!

2. Hello friends!

3. He, she and I are glad to welcome you!

4. I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!

5. Ten of us are cheerful, kind and smart!

6. Energetic, young, pretty, punchy!

7. Mischievous, skillful, humorous and brave!

8. Welcome propaganda team

In chorus: « Traffic lights»

10. Voznesenovskaya school.

In chorus: Let's get acquainted!

We are Young!

We are full of enthusiasm!

We came to the competition from Shebekinsky district!

Our motto: “Whoever knows the rules of the road has honor and respect!”

To live without knowing grief,

To run, swim and fly,

You need traffic rules

Always and everywhere...

In chorus: Observe.

1. Road rules on there's a lot of light in the world!

2. It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all!

3. Traffic signs

4. Know how to do multiplication tables!

In chorus: We are for road safety!

The rules, we know -

Simply top class!

And now everyone is together!

All: We will teach you!

Our goal is to prove!

All: Traffic rules

Need to know on "5",

And always fulfill them!

1. If you're sitting in a car, buckle up!

If you don't fasten your seat belt, watch out!

There, ahead, on the bend -

Danger, you will understand already!

2. Here's the twist: he's very cool

And there are pedestrians here!

Driver, you are responsible for them,

Don't press the gas when it turns red light!

3. Save yourself from danger

Seat belts!

In chorus: Be careful, driver!

The road is smooth! Good luck!

1. And for pedestrians on the road

You can't go out carelessly

Always to a sad outcome

It's a habit to wander there!

2. Hurries to traffic participants

Help kindly traffic light,

He is the best friend of pedestrians,

And for drivers - the law!

3. May the sun always shine,

May we always hear laughter!

There are roads in our city

They will become safer than everyone!

Being a child isn't easy

I won't see you far!

Do you have flicker children? Show them now!

(children show flickers)

With flickers - yes, yes, yes!

You can see us from afar!

And now we go boldly,

Striped black and white!

(participants propaganda teams walking along a pedestrian crossing)

Traffic police officer:

Do you know what, the most important thing of all toys is a child’s car seat!


We have a miracle chair,

This chair is simply classy!

Blue and red

All: And very safe!

If I sit in it,

I'll fasten my seat belts.

We can travel easily.

Good luck awaits us along the way.

All: We call you with this slogan, May health prosper light. To prevent trouble from happening to your child, this should ALWAYS be fashionable!

All signs are different: white, blue, red.

1 child - They’re round and they forbid us everything. (showing prohibition signs)

2 children - Those are triangular - they warn us too (show warning signs)

3reb - They tell us how to behave (showing mandatory signs)

Everything - And what awaits us along the way.

(The child takes a step forward and raises a sign)

Child - Look, the sign is dangerous. The man in the red circle is crossed in half. He blames the children himself. Here the cars are moving fast, and there may even be an accident. No one is allowed to walk along the road here, friends.

Child I am a good friend of children, I protect their lives. The school is nearby - I warn everyone around.

Child - I am a friend of pedestrians, I am a thunderstorm for drivers. I'm standing at the crossing, hit the brakes. The pedestrian decided to cross the road safely. I will help you with this, hurry up and find me.

ChildAt the crossroads traffic light

Attentive sleepless,

Then the red one fixes his gaze,

Either yellow or green.

Child - Us red eye traffic light

He shouts angrily - stop!

And with a yellow eye traffic light

He asks us - wait!

Child - Green Eye the traffic light tells us - go!

Everyone - We traffic light conversation: We understand perfectly!

Child - Road rules on there's a lot of light in the world

Child - It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all

Child - But the basic rules of movement

All: You should know multiplication as a table.

Song: "Road sign" (take out signs one by one)

In a simple, accessible form

We train the guys

In kindergartens and schools

Our squad performs.

1. Our century is gaining momentum

And it’s not for nothing that they say

What from edge to edge

Everyone is in a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry.

2. Moms, dads, uncles, aunts

No matter how much they teach us,

You set an example for us

We are looking forward to seeing you!

3. Are you a pedestrian or a driver,

Businessman, leader,

Adult, you are always a parent!

In chorus: your example is science for us!

All: Everything is life!

(The sound of a heart beating, then the sound stops)

But at any moment life can stop.

To prevent this from ever happening to you, be able to say in time to myself: "STOP!".

STOP! – when you decide to ride a bicycle in a prohibited place.

STOP! – when you cross the street in front of nearby traffic.

STOP! – when you turn the roadway into a playing field.

STOP! – when you ignore the rules of the road.

And then your health and life will be safe.

Take care of your life and the lives of other people!

All: Have a good trip and good luck!

Masha: Well, did you remember the rules? (Closes laptop)


And we, concluding his speech,

Once again with scenes remind:

Be careful!

Be careful!

All pedestrians and all drivers!

Traffic rules are great! Safety is fashionable!

Children perform a song based on "Beep-beep"

1. If your path runs

Through the roadway

You need to look carefully

Look for a crossing sign.

Any driver knows

We need to slow down here.

And pedestrians hurrying

Politely skip.


Zebra striped

Preschool children are walking

Confident and bold

Boys and girls.

Smiling contentedly

The drivers are watching

On the right ones,

Exemplary preschool children.

2. Drivers and pedestrians,

Since ancient times,

I know the strict watchman well,

Three-eyed gray-haired traffic light.

Red on: "Wait!"

Yellow: "Attention, people!"

Well, what about green?: "Go!"

Drive ahead!


They rush here and there,

They scurry, fly and rush,

You're on a bike

Don't you dare ride here.

Cheerful, ringing ball

Don't you dare drive here,

Beware boy

Get into an accident!


Instruction for each other

We sang and read

So that the ABC of movement

They knew everything by heart.

So that every preschool child

Was friends with P-D-D

And for a long, long, long time

On white lived in the world!

They leave with scenes, handing out booklets.

Propaganda on traffic rules.


2. Hello friends!

3. He, she and I are glad to welcome you!

4. I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!

5. Five cheerful, kind and intelligent!

1. Energetic, young, pretty, punchy!

2. Mischievous, skillful, humorous and brave!

3. You are greeted by the UID propaganda team

In chorus: “Hitchhiking!”

4. . Pushkin School, class 6 c, –

Let's get to know each other!

In chorus: Let's get to know each other!

5. There are a lot of traffic rules in the world!

1. It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all!

3. Traffic signs

4. Know how to do multiplication tables!

In chorus: we are for road safety!

1. Our century is gaining momentum

And it’s not for nothing that they say

What from edge to edge

Everyone is in a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry.

2. Moms, dads, uncles, aunts

No matter how much they teach us,

You set an example for us

We are looking forward to seeing you!

3. Are you a pedestrian or a driver,

Businessman, leader,

Adult, you are always a parent!

In chorus: your example is science for us!

The sound of the brakes...

DRIVER: - I'm a driver, help me,

Explain to the pedestrian -

I drove without touching anyone.

Suddenly I look across the road

The pedestrian rushed -

The people are completely insolent!

If I'm already on my way

Can he go?

Inspector: (addressing the pedestrian):

Tell me, pedestrian

Is there a transition indicated?

PEDESTRIAN: - Yes, of course! Zebra sign!

Inspector:: - Well, the driver! Yes, yes, yes!

Well, there was a traffic light there,

Did I forget to ask you?

PEDESTRIAN: - There is no traffic light in that place!

Inspector:: - And this means for the driver

Never forget

Let pedestrians pass!

(Second car, driven by a blonde girl)

GIRL: -Okay, comrades, just a minute!

What kind of joke is this?

Who said he was driving?

What about the phone, what about the fire?

I'm a business man

Constantly busy -

Must always be in touch

I have clients in my database!

Inspector:: - You are a business man,

Well, the steering wheel with one hand

Were you taught to hold?

Or have you already forgotten everything?

Talking on the phone

You might get into an accident.

(A little boy comes out with a pacifier and a car on a rope)

BOY: -I don’t understand something,

What are the traffic rules?

Explain why

Am I not allowed to be in the seat?

Inspector:: - For you, baby, it is known,

There is a special chair!

Both reliable and convenient,

By the way, very fashionable!


1. If you're sitting in a car, buckle up!

If you don't fasten your seat belt, watch out!

There, ahead, on the bend -

Danger, you will understand already!

2. Here's the twist: it's very cool,

And there are pedestrians here!

Driver, you are responsible for them,

Don't step on the gas when the light is red!

3. When you drive, don’t smoke,

And don't pick up the phone!

Anything can happen on the highway -

Cars are flying into the ditch!

4. Save yourself from danger

Seat belts!

In chorus: . Be careful, driver!

The road is smooth! Good luck!

1. And for pedestrians on the road

You can't go out carelessly

Always to a sad outcome

It's a habit to wander there!

2. Hurries to traffic participants

Kindly help traffic light,

He is the best friend of pedestrians,

And for drivers - the law!

3. May the sun always shine,

May we always hear laughter!

There are roads in our city

They will become safer for everyone!

Song: (make signs one by one)

5. Having fun walking together (pedestrian crossing)
1. Through the open spaces across the open spaces across the open spaces (PUSHKINO)
2. And of course it’s better to sing in chorus (Sound signal)
3. Better in chorus, better in chorus (Children)
4. Sing with us quail quail (low-flying plane)
5. Once a needle, two needles, there will be a Christmas tree (resting place)
1. Once a plank, two planks will be a ladder (railway crossing)
2. Once a word or two there will be a song (customs)
3. It’s fun to walk together (Living area)
4. Through the open spaces across the open spaces across the open spaces (Rough road)
5. And of course it’s better to sing in chorus
1. Better in chorus, better in chorus
2. In the sky of dawn, a stripe will fill (Entry is prohibited)
3. Once a birch tree, two birch trees will be a grove (Wild animals)
4. Once a plank, two planks will be a ladder (underground passage)
5. Once a word, two words, there will be a song (STOP)
1. It’s fun to walk together (Children)
2. By expanse by expanse by expanse (beginning of the settlement)
3. And of course it’s better to sing in chorus
4. Better in chorus, better in chorus
5. We need to choose a happy path (the main road)
1. Once there is a rain, two rains there will be a rainbow (wet coating)
2. Once a plank, two planks will be a ladder
3. Once a word, two words, there will be a song (Student at the wheel)
4. It’s fun to walk together (jam)
5. By open spaces by open spaces by open spaces (distance indicator to the city in km.)
1. And of course it’s better to sing in chorus
2. Better in chorus, better in chorus (all with little men)

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