"Russian Association of Digital Libraries". Russian Association of Digital Libraries: socially significant projects A.B.

As I mentioned earlier, based on the publications of Webplanet, Ivan Zasursky
(being then deputy director of Rambler, where the Moshkov library was previously located, he suggestedtransfer it to the jurisdiction of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University under the supervision of his grandfather, Yasen Zasursky, who is dean there. Ivan Zasursky, by the way, in our dialogue with him clarified that he then considered the journalism department as a “safe heaven”, always tried to help Moshkov, hence the offer)
On December 14, I entered the company of the then Head of KM Online, who had already spread rot in vain M. Moshkov, Vyacheslav Rudnikov, and a representative of a no less selfish than KM Online, now deceased organization - the Russian Society for Multimedia and Digital Networks (ROMS) - Konstantin Leontyev and First Deputy Director of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library (SPNTL) Yakov Shrayberg to the coordination group for the formation of the Association of Digital Libraries.
M. Moshkov, representatives of the RSL and others also entered there.
The group was overshadowed by the light, the will of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications (FAPMK) of the Russian Federation and beyond. with the participation of the Deputy Head of the Department of Television, Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications of the FAPMK, Yuri Akinshin.
Why and who needed this madness, history is silent.
For those who don’t understand why this is madness, I’ll explain:

Founders according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
- Federal institution "Russian State Library";
- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Technical Center "Informregistr";
- Federal state institution State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia;
- Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
- Open joint stock company Linux Inc.;
- Non-profit partnership "Partnership for the development of the information society in the North-West";
- Research institution "State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences."


1. Visly Alexander Ivanovich
Russian State Library, Chairman of the Council

2. Chugunov Andrey Vladimirovich
Partnership for the development of the information society in the North-West of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Council

3. Vigursky Konstantin Vladimirovich
Foundation "Fundamental Electronic Library"

4. Ivanov Vitaly Sergeevich

5. Kalenov Nikolay Evgenievich
Library of Natural Sciences RAS

7. Monakhov Viktor Nikolaevich
individual member

8. Sokolov Igor Anatolyevich
Institute of Informatics Problems RAS

9. Fedorov Viktor Vasilievich
Russian State Library

10. Shrayberg Yakov Leonidovich
State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia


Zakharov Viktor Nikolaevich, Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Audit Commission
Dmitrieva Tatyana Evgenievna, Russian State Library
Dedik Pavel Evgenievich, NPB named after. K.D. Ushinsky RAO


Gruzdev Igor Aleksandrovich, director
Andrianova Alla Alekseevna, Deputy Director
Avdeeva Nina Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for Information Technology

The Russian Association of Digital Libraries was founded in 2005 on the initiative of the Russian State Library and a number of other organizations.

The main goals of the Association are:

Formation of partnerships between the creators of electronic libraries and collections and state and local authorities, business, the scientific and educational community, and cultural institutions;
- stimulating the development of Russian, interregional, regional and thematic information resources available via the Internet;
- expansion of international, national, interregional and interdepartmental relations in order to exchange new ideas and solutions;
- development of the methodological and legal framework for the activities of electronic libraries and collections, information and communication technologies for the creation of electronic document collections.

The main objectives of the Association include:

Formation of the Russian community of digital library developers and organization of interdisciplinary dialogue on issues of presenting electronic documents on the Internet.
- Participation in the formation of state information policy in the field of development of the electronic document space.
- Support for Russia's integration into the global electronic document space.
- Support for the formation of regional segments of the electronic document space in Russia.
- Legal support for activities related to the formation of electronic libraries.
- Scientific and methodological support for the development of the country’s electronic document space: creation of a system of information and methodological support for the creation of electronic libraries; development of conventional approaches to solving problems of their construction based on open standards, agreed upon presentation formats, international rules for cataloging and identifying electronic resources.
- Increasing the professional competence of digital library developers at the Russian, regional and industry levels, creating conditions for the exchange of opinions and experiences within the framework of scientific and scientific-methodological conferences and seminars.

Yes, judging by the materials on the site (under the cut), NP ELBI is a very strange entity.

1. The declared Goals and Objectives, in my opinion, are practically not being implemented. Since the overwhelming majority of electronic libraries (non-state, non-profit) are outside the scope of their activities and are not taken into account. It would be fine if only government and commercial electronic library structures were seen as the point of application, but the scope is intended to cover the entire electronic library space.

But Maxim Moshkov, who is a participant (not a founder or a functionary) of ELBI, generally appears there as just an individual. It was not possible to find any traces or mentions of Lib.ru on the site.

AWhy is Lib.ru not mentioned on the website of NP ELBI, since RVB is there?

2. The composition of ELBI participants is represented by state libraries and related structures, commercial book portals and state-owned or commercial software companies in the library field. There is also international participation. Some of the structures are represented through individual participants. The only individual who is a participant in ELBI with an incompletely defined status is Maxim Moshkov.

If we discard the novelty in the form of participation through individuals, then such a design is almost 100% a duplicate of the above-mentioned alternative association that already existed 2 years before the opening of NP ELBI: the EBNIT Association (International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies). Having in its composition significantly more Russian participants of various compositions alone, about 300, than NP ELBI.
Moreover, the head of EBNIT Shreiberg reigned over both structures.
And the RSL (the ELBI locker) is listed as a partner of EBNIT.

Neither the NP ELBI website nor other materials already found provide an answer to the question of why it was necessary to “duplicate” the EB associations.

3. We perceive the above-mentioned “this” as coming not from anyone, but also from from the employees of the RSL, who at one time published the Lenin Manifesto and led the OREL project for a long time, i.e. from people who are fully competent in matters of the real functioning of the digital library environment in the world, and not just in the Russian-speaking segment of the network. And having real experience of constructive relationships in the processes of integration of electronic libraries.

The motivation of former open integration enthusiasts from the RSL to curtail cooperation with amateur electronic institutions is still not entirely clear. The only thing that so far seems significant from the argumentation of this is.

Main areas of activity Methodological work Legislative initiatives Interaction of electronic libraries with a single window of access to educational resources Coordination of access to Russian electronic periodicals Creation of a register of electronic collections Creation of electronic collections Interaction with commercial structures Information activities Scientific and organizational activities

Methodological work Legal recommendations for creators and owners of electronic libraries Model “Regulations on the collection of electronic documents in the library” and Methodology for developing the “Regulations” Methodological recommendations for developing a profile for acquiring a collection of network electronic documents Methodology for auditing the legitimacy of electronic collections Methodological recommendations for developing the concept and technical specifications for creation of an electronic library Methodological recommendations for developing business plans for public electronic collections Methodology for determining the types and types of electronic resources when cataloging them

Legislative initiatives On amendments to the Federal Law “On Legal Deposit of Documents” (regarding the supply of electronic documents) Concept of the Law “On Electronic Libraries” Information Code of the Russian Federation New edition of the Federal Law “On Librarianship”

Interaction of electronic libraries with a “single window of access to educational resources” Access to electronic catalogs of traditional libraries (using the example of IRBIS) Technology of access to electronic library Organizational and legal models of access to electronic library Registry of electronic library of an educational profile List of recommended literature

Creation of a register of electronic collections Evaluation of existing electronic catalogs Requirements for the description format Questions of quality assessment Completeness of the register - integration of sources Sources: State Register DB, Federal Depository of EI, Navigation system, FEB analytical data, CEMI DB, Educational portal catalogue, private catalogues.

Creation of electronic collections Electronic library on the problems of electronic document space – Creation of an electronic library “Technologies of the information society in Russia” – Development and creation of an electronic library “History and current state of Russian-Belarusian ethnocultural relations” All-Russian electronic music library

Interaction with commercial structures Participants: bookselling companies, libraries, copyright holders, Association, OCUPs Main model - “Print on order” Stage - development of legal documents Test site - State Scientific Library named after K.D. Ushinsky, “Biblioglobus”, “Kopyrus” Interaction of Yandex-FEB Coordination with commercial electronic resources (Integrumtechno)

Scientific and organizational activities Seminar “Digital Libraries, Theory and Methodology” Scientific Conference “Digital Libraries of Russia” Sections, round tables, seminars within the framework of friendly conferences Participation in specialized events in Russia and abroad Digitization of books from the RSL collections for ELBI members

On October 24, the Twelfth Annual Scientific and Practical Conference of the Russian Association of Digital Libraries on the topic “Digital Libraries and the Reader” was held at the Russian State Library.

The conference was attended by experts in the field of electronic libraries, copyright, new information technologies, software for libraries, publishers, representatives of cultural, scientific and educational institutions. The participants discussed the problems of integrating electronic resources in libraries, museums, archives, the main issues of copyright, the creation and support of electronic libraries, and cooperation with publishers.

The scientific and practical conference is a professional platform for exchanging experiences and discussing the main stages in the development of modern digital libraries.

The conference was broadcast live online on the website.


10:00 - 11:00 Registration of participants

11:00 - 14:00 Plenary session

Greetings to the conference participants

1. Greetings from the Russian State Library
Duda Vadim Valerievich
General Director of the Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

2. Greetings from the Russian Association of Digital Libraries and the Russian State Library
Gruzdev Igor Alexandrovich
Director of the Russian Association of Digital Libraries; Deputy General Director for Informatization of the Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

3. Greetings from the Russian Association of Digital Libraries and the Russian State Library
Avdeeva Nina Vladimirovna
Deputy Director for Information Technologies of the Russian Association of Digital Libraries; Head of the Department of Operation and Monitoring of Client Service, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

Shrayberg Yakov Leonidovich
President of NABB; General Director of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Kostyuk Konstantin Nikolaevich
General Director of Direct-Media LLC, Moscow, Russia

Chekhovich Yuri Viktorovich
Executive Director of the Antiplagiat company, Moscow, Russia

Kolosov Kirill Anatolievich
Leading Researcher, State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Ivanov Sergey Gennadievich
Financial Director of the IPR MEDIA Group of Companies, Saratov, Russia

9. in
Lyutetsky Vladimir Mikhailovich
Deputy Director for Science, Raduga-LIK with You LLC, Ryazan, Russia

Skalaban Alexey Vitalievich
Expert NP "NEICON", Minsk, Belarus

11. Experience of the Russian Union of Writers in creating an electronic system for selecting works of modern literature
Kravchuk Dmitry Vladimirovich
President of the Russian Union of Writers, Moscow, Russia

Abramov Egor Gennadievich
General Director of the Publishing House BIBLIO-GLOBUS, Moscow, Russia

Lavrenova Olga Alexandrovna
Head of the Department of Methodological and Linguistic Support of Information Systems of the Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

14:00 - 14:30 Coffee break

14:30 - 17:00 Continuation of the plenary session
(report time - 15 minutes, including answers to questions)

14. Freedom of information and knowledge. Legal content and development trends
Monakhov Viktor Nikolaevich
Leading researcher at the Scientific and Methodological Center "UNESCO Chair in Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Rights" of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Trishchenko Natalia Dmitrievna
Project Coordinator of the Association of Internet Publishers, Moscow, Russia
Zasursky Ivan Ivanovich
President of the Association of Internet Publishers, Moscow, Russia

Kharitonov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Executive Director of the Association of Internet Publishers, Moscow, Russia

Battalova Sania Salikhzyanovna
Head of the Automation Department of the St. Petersburg State Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired, St. Petersburg, Russia

Sokolov Sergey Valerievich
Researcher, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Dvoryanov Vladimir Anatolievich
Head of Public Relations Service, Interregional Subscription Agency LLC, Moscow, Russia

16:30 - 16:45 - Summing up the conference

Why walk

Currently, there are national digital libraries (NDLs) in almost all developed countries. Everyone knows the Russian NEB project, it is developing quite successfully, but, as it seems to the authors of the article, it is developing only in increasing the content and functionality of the software. This is undoubtedly commendable, and almost all digital libraries have gone through this stage. We write “almost” because there are several digital libraries (for example, the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) https://dp.la or the New Zealand Digital Library (DigitalNZ) https://digitalnz.org) in which the developers did not complicate things functionality and even do an advanced search, limiting a simple search to a large number of filters. If we look at the development trends of modern digital libraries, we will see that simply developing functions is clearly not enough. Whatever the NEB budget, it will still not be enough for everything that is needed, and, moreover, when planning the budget, it is very difficult to immediately guess what exactly the user will need. All potential users should participate in the development of the NEB, and, in turn, the NEB should participate in the projects of its users. Materials collected in the NEB may circulate in various educational, cultural and scientific projects, and this circle of users may be significantly larger than just the circle of readers of the NEB. Preserving, describing and disseminating heritage has been the mission of libraries for many years. In the digital environment, we also need to strive to promote the creative activity of readers, based on all the wealth of knowledge stored in the digital library (EL). In this article, the authors (Shvartsman M.E. and Kozlova N.V.) will try to show at least some of the possibilities of what can be created using digital collections in all areas of human activity: in education, science, music, cooking and a number of other areas. Moreover, this process must certainly be collaborative, initiated by the reader and supported by the library from beginning to end.

Konstantin Kostyuk

The Direct-Media company traditionally sums up the results of the previous year on the use of the University Library Online EBS in universities among its subscribers.

This year, based on the results of the study, a rating of the 20 most effective universities with the highest performance indicators in working with EBS was formed. The rating was compiled based on an analysis of statistics from more than 500 EBS subscriber organizations (only parent organizations participated in the study).

On December 3-4, the V International Pedagogical Forum “Language Standards. Types and problems”, dedicated to the formation and development of language norms, types of language norms, problems of teaching language norms to different categories of students studying Russian as a native language and as a foreign language.

Over the years, this forum has received the status of a significant pedagogical event that brings together Russian and foreign specialists in Russian studies.

The relevance of publications on the topic “Russian as a foreign language” is increasing due to the fact that at the moment there is an active process of increasing foreign students in universities. The education of foreign citizens indicates the competitiveness, prestige and effectiveness of the educational institution, and this indicator also influences inclusion in the top 100 of the annual ranking of Russian universities.

Pavel Vladimirovich Krasheninnikov expressed gratitude to the IPR MEDIA Group of companies for their participation in the publication of his 10-volume work in the field of law.

On November 26, a presentation of the collected works of P.V. took place at the Kazan Federal University. Krasheninnikov, Doctor of Law, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation, Co-Chairman of the Russian Lawyers Association, State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

1. RSL published Classification system for organizing knowledge , created on the basis of the domestic classification of the LBC and the General Systematic Catalog (GSK). The system is currently functionally connected with the electronic catalog (EC) and electronic library (EL) of the RSL. By enriching user queries based on semantic connections between topics (headings), the Classification System supports thematic search, implementing the functions of a virtual systematic catalogue. It is published in the Linked Open Data (LOD) environment under an open RSL license based on the Creative Commons guidelines, CC BY-NC-ND “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs” option (authority - non-commercial use - no modification). The Classification System project was developed with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 15-07-05265).

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