Occupation by date of birth. Numerology: how to calculate the number of your profession

Numerology gives us the opportunity to learn a lot of information about a person. By date of birth, you can determine the pros and cons of your character, look into the future, and even choose a profession. Numerology of a profession is a real chance to focus on a line of activity that will help you realize yourself and benefit society.

Choosing a profession in numerology

Choosing a profession in numerology is done in different ways:

  • determining the number of a name;
  • according to the number of fate;
  • using the Pythagorean Square (psychomatrix);
  • calculate the number of the expression.

The simplest and most common way to choose a profession is by date of birth. It is necessary to add up all the digits of the full date of birth, reduce them to a single digit number from 1 to 9. Thus, we get Destiny number (in the West - Life Path Number).

For example:

Let's take the date 11/01/1990.

Add: 0+1+1+1+1+9+9+0 = 22.

We reduce: 2+2 = 4.

Four is the life path number we need, which gives us the opportunity to choose our future profession.

So, the Destiny Number shows what qualities a person has and how to use them most advantageously in order to play the life role destined from above.

Name number is also a carrier of the information we need. It reveals those natural inclinations that we have absorbed along with DNA. Taking into account the family surname, the name given at birth, and the patronymic, we determine the person’s vocation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Women can take into account both their current surname after marriage and their maiden name. To do this, you need to carry out simple calculations. The fact is that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a certain number from 1 to 9. Using a table, we add up all the resulting values. Afterwards, we reduce the result to an unambiguous one.

Example: Samoilov Alexey Petrovich.

We get 1+1+5+7+2+4+7+3+1+4+6+3+1+6+2+8+6+2+9+7+3+1+7= 96. 9 +6 = 15. 1+5 = 6.

So, 6 is the number of a name in numerology, which will help when choosing a profession.

Having determined your numerological number in one of the following ways, we compare it with the values ​​given below and find your calling. Below is a transcript that will help you understand which profession is suitable, taking into account personal qualities.


Willpower, determination, leadership qualities are characteristics that determine the personality of units. It is important to show individuality at work. They are strong, punctual, responsible, and demanding of others. An important aspect is the feeling of being needed in the business. Interest in the profession is a factor that allows you to burn with your work and light up others. Honest in their working relationships, number 1s strive for self-realization and success.

We recommend doing something that will allow you to show your leadership abilities, imagination, and creativity. For example, the positions of a manager or administrator will help you develop the most and feel responsible for making decisions. Also, this is science, business, creative and concert activities.

  • general, advertising, commercial, art director;
  • politician;
  • writer;
  • actor;
  • artist;
  • designer;
  • ambassador;
  • priest;
  • economist;
  • researcher;
  • advocate;
  • surgeon;
  • broker.


They devote themselves entirely to work, responsibly following all instructions. Twos are characterized by good intuition and the ability to notice significant details that are invisible to most. You can rely on them in any situation. That is why their work is often related to people. They perform better in a team rather than alone. Modesty, kindness, sociability, and a sense of tact make such people important personnel capable of ensuring the stability and quality of the tasks performed.

The service sector, social assistance are areas in which there is constant contact with people, and the fruits of activity are visible. This could be television, banking, literature, religion, travel, radio, engineering.
Intense, fast work with stress and constant change of environment is not the best choice for deuces.

  • psychologist;
  • teacher;
  • lawyer;
  • engineer;
  • healer;
  • neurosurgeon;
  • constructor;
  • cook;
  • teacher;
  • journalist.


Threes are energetic, optimistic and cheerful. They have many interests, new ideas, and show business imagination. Such people are doomed to financial success. Work related to the manifestation of intelligence is suitable. If the profession becomes boring and monotonous, they will easily quit and start doing something new. Moving up the career ladder depends on the degree of involvement in the activity.

Any type of work where there is an opportunity to show talents: ingenuity, intelligence, resourcefulness. These could be areas related to finance, management, media.
For example: art, missionary work, investment, travel, trade, food, publishing, real estate.
Monotonous work associated with responsibility for other people is not suitable.

  • priest;
  • teacher;
  • model;
  • writer;
  • actor;
  • nanny;
  • judge;
  • photographer;
  • cosmetologist;
  • salesman;
  • doctor.


Fours are patient and serious. The best choice is a reliable, responsible business that brings a stable income. How partners show themselves to be decent, respectable, and scrupulous. The financial situation is well secured thanks to perseverance and diligence. All savings are invested in the well-being of the family: house, renovation. Changing jobs and areas of activity is extremely difficult to bear.

Suitable types of work related to production and industry. Possess mastery of complex tasks.
It is worth paying attention to classes in the field of construction, architecture, electrical engineering, farming, statistics, military affairs, economics, etc.

  • director;
  • astrologer;
  • farmer;
  • biologist;
  • statistician;
  • builder;
  • instructor;
  • accountant;
  • healer;
  • organizer;
  • geologist.


Born organizers who know how to communicate with people. Preferences in work are associated with diversity, the need to quickly make decisions, and follow the course of events. Fives are characterized by activity, cheerfulness, and impulsiveness. Freedom of action and a daily routine independent of work are required. They love to visit new places and make acquaintances. Recognition is the highest praise. They are not afraid to change jobs; the main thing for them is the absence of monotony.

When building a career, they constantly demonstrate their organizational skills. They move forward, strive to be active and learn new things.
Professions in the field of advertising, science, sports, travel, blogging, promotions, learning foreign languages, and navigation are suitable.

  • detective;
  • blogger;
  • advocate;
  • psychologist;
  • traveler;
  • control;
  • inventor;
  • reporter;
  • inspector;
  • stewardess;
  • dancer;
  • film critic;
  • politician.


Character traits such as organization, flexibility, and intelligence provide them with reliability in their work. The main thing is to respect the interests of the team. They always get things done and don’t stop halfway. They often work in large enterprises. A comfortable, peaceful, harmonious place to work is highly valued. They put their own interests in the background, helping others. They prefer collective types of work.

Preference is given to practical activities that require the implementation of specific tasks. They also choose jobs related to helping people.

Furniture production, social services, food industry, education, raising children, healthcare, literature - these areas are most suitable for owners of the number six.

  • psychiatrist;
  • teacher;
  • publisher;
  • nanny;
  • doctor;
  • advocate;
  • engineer;
  • governess;
  • gardener;
  • miner;
  • historian;
  • zoologist.


Sevens are patient and self-confident. They have good intuition and analytical thinking. New knowledge is food for the mind, inspiration. His favorite pastime is to prove that he is right. They constantly weigh words and actions, analyze them, and collect facts. They like to keep everything in order. They look for material gain in everything, which makes it possible to provide for themselves well. Insight, the gift of persuasion, and the ability to focus on the task at hand help you succeed in your career.

Any activity that requires concentration as well as mental work. Options for professions from the world of beauty and fashion are being considered. This could be in the areas of education, analysis, mathematics, research, legislation, cinema, television.

  • scientist;
  • inventor;
  • naturalist;
  • musician;
  • minister;
  • psychologist;
  • economist;
  • broker;
  • restaurant director;
  • weaver;
  • criminologist;
  • interior designer.


People who carry the number eight are extremely responsible. They like to systematize everything, put it “on shelves”. Courage, strong principles, and common sense help you realize your goals. They have a high concentration of energy and are able to inspire and unite people around a common activity. He only blames himself for his own mistakes; he does not shift responsibility to his colleagues. They know their worth and believe in their strength.

Areas of activity are related to solving difficult problems, leadership, and analysis. When choosing an occupation, you should consider the opportunity to demonstrate all abilities, combine business acumen and helping others. These are the following areas: education, finance, transportation, consulting, real estate, archeology, etc.

  • politician;
  • administrator;
  • philanthropist;
  • trainer;
  • manager;
  • banker;
  • organizer;
  • boss;
  • art critic;
  • expert;
  • publisher;
  • director;
  • critic;
  • doctor;
  • manager.


Nines have a broad outlook and rich intuition. They know how to see the big picture without paying attention to the details. They have a developed imagination and the ability to see beauty in everything. Patience, responsiveness, endurance are the main qualities that help serve a common goal. They perceive the problems of others as their own and are always ready to help.

Areas of activity: medicine, art, production of consumer goods, legal proceedings, religion.

  • artist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • archaeologist;
  • traveler;
  • PR manager;
  • lecturer;
  • administrator;
  • publicist;
  • advisor;
  • fashion designer;
  • cosmetologist;
  • decorator.

So, with the help of our information, you can determine your name number and destiny number online, select a profession by date of birth, and also choose your specialty. We wish you good luck in building your dream career!

Choosing a profession is an important step in the life of every person. After all, the average person spends most of his life at work.

And if the work does not satisfy him, then his whole life will seem like sheer torment. The date of birth of a person influences many factors, because at the moment of birth DNA programming occurs, information about a person’s abilities and predisposition to a particular type of activity is laid down.

How to find out your birth code

To do this, add together the birthday, month and year until you get a single value. For example, my date is April 24, 1982. We add up all the numbers: 2+4+0+4+1+9+8+2=30 We simplify to a single value: 3+0=3 My birth code is 3. We look at the value of the number below.

Decoding: how to choose a profession

Code “1” The desire to find and realize oneself

Field of activity: managers of various ranks, organizers, creative people who prefer an active lifestyle and interesting and dynamic work. Active, mobile, varied work is suitable, where the result is visible, where you can show determination, responsibility, introduce new ideas, a new approach. People with code “1” are real generators of ideas, which they themselves strive to bring to life.

What profession to choose: doctors, managers, public figures, artists, bankers, secretaries, civil servants, jewelers.

Code “2” Desire to be loved and popular

Field of activity: helping and caring for others. People with this code feel great in the social sphere, as well as in the service sector. They just need to feel the benefit of their activities and the calling of those around them.

What profession to choose: social workers, doctors, travelers, service providers, philosophers, housewives.

Code “3” Strength and energy for your realization and protection of people

Field of activity: any business that requires ingenuity and mental work. These people are distinguished by a strong desire for self-realization, which also includes caring for others.

What profession to choose: managers, athletes, military personnel, journalists, businessmen, racing drivers, Emergency Situations Ministry employees, system administrators.

Code “4” Search for new knowledge and new paths

Field of activity: an occupation that requires attention to detail, the production of something material, as well as security and control. Representatives of this code are excellent specialists in working with information, searching for new knowledge and new ways to solve certain problems.

What profession to choose: analysts, teachers, doctors, sales representatives, administrators, journalists, salespeople, clerks,
healers, information workers, builders.

A person comes into this world with a certain individual nature. Qualities of the planet ruling on his birthday. The nature of this planet must be taken into account when choosing a type of activity. Individual can work in a prestigious, highly paid job. But she will not bring him pleasure and satisfaction. This means that he is in the wrong place. He doesn't do what he needs to do. As a result, he becomes irritable. All sorts of problems arise.

How do you find out what your vocation is, what profession is suitable based on your date of birth?

How to calculate profession by date of birth

Profession by date of birth is calculated very simply. It is enough to know only the number of a person’s birth, the number of the soul. For example, if you were born on the 18th, your soul number is 9 (sum up 1 and 8) and look at your profession based on Mars and the number 9.

Let's consider the meaning of professions by date of birth:

Professions of the Sun and number 1

In professional activities, a person of number 1, like the Sun, wants to occupy a central position. He strives for leadership and, even from childhood, possesses the necessary qualities for making vital decisions.

Professions of the Moon and number 2

A number 2 person will be suitable for a job where he does not need to take on many responsibilities. The burden of responsibility usually leads to nervous exhaustion.

Moon people are very diplomatic by nature. They are mostly dependent on others. These are supporters of peace and quiet.

Creative professions are suitable. These are wonderful nannies, teachers, secretaries, diplomats, translators, service personnel, restaurateurs, and tourism workers. So are composers and writers.

Professions of Jupiter and the number 3

A number 3 person will be suited for a job where they can “shine off” and be the center of attention. Like ones, threes like to bask in the rays of fame and occupy a high position in society.

Such a person will make a lot of efforts in his life and load himself with responsibility, which will create certain problems. Disciplined. To some extent, we depend on the opinions of others.

Professions related to acting and teaching are suitable. These are also doctors, lawyers, bankers, authors, politicians, and religious figures. investors, social workers and financial professionals.

Professions of Rahu and number 4

A number 4 person is suitable for activities related to decision making. These are very strong personalities - they can do anything. But it is important to remember that on the path to success you should not suppress others and deprive them of the right to choose.

The number 4 is associated with the energy of illusion, deception and darkness. Therefore, work related to this to one degree or another will be fruitful. These are people who strongly strive to realize themselves, and at the same time they can take on different forms.

Professions of Mercury and the number 5

The number 5 person is distinguished by quick decision-making, a cunning resourceful mind and a certain superficiality in everything. They strive for movement in life and want to accomplish a lot.

The main idea of ​​such people is the desire to accumulate as much knowledge as possible. It is difficult for them to pacify their ardor and concentrate on one activity, in one direction. But if they do this, they will achieve a lot in their chosen field.

Businesses related to marketing, deposits and real estate are suitable for them. These are excellent journalists, mathematicians, astrologers, bankers, accountants. Also activities related to laws, medical education, calculations.

Venus Professions and Number 6

Number 6 people will always do easier work, but very profitable ones. They are Brahmins by nature. They may have a connection with one or another teaching activity.

Professions Ketu and number 7

Number 7 people perceive the world around them through their intuition. They simply amaze with their insight. In this regard, they can successfully engage in research activities and work with any type of occult knowledge.

Work related to sales, especially import and export, and abroad (commerce) is suitable for them. Sevens are wonderful teachers, writers and thinkers (especially good if you need to go deeper into something). Successful in yoga and other similar practices.

Through work, a person realizes his potential, both physical and spiritual. And the main task of each of us is to choose a business to our liking. Numerology of the profession will help you make the right choice.

Numerology will help you choose the right profession

The connection of numerology with the choice of a professional path

Numerology, like astrology, helps a person decide on the direction of his future profession. However, the science of reading numbers is more accessible and simpler than its stellar partner.

While astrology requires a lot of calculations, tables and information, to calculate your path through numerology methods you need to have a calculator, a pen and know your date of birth. This significantly reduces computation time.

The accuracy of the numerological calculation is 80%. This is motivated by the fact that science takes into account one of all possible aspects - behavioral. Such calculations have their own language system, which helps to establish basic personal qualities.

The accuracy of choosing a profession using numerology is 80%

The influence of numbers on the type of activity

In total, there are several basic numbers in numerology. Each of them reveals a certain spectrum of human life.

The basic numbers of numerology are as follows:

  1. Life path number, also known as essence number.
  2. Expressions or fates.
  3. Souls.
  4. Maturity.

The choice of a profession in numerology is made depending on what a person’s essence number (life path) is. It is calculated by the date of birth.

The calculation proceeds as follows:

  1. Add up all the numbers of the day, month and year of birth.
  2. Repeat the addition operation until the result is one number.

The total of the sum shows the nature of man. The life path number will tell you what basic abilities an individual is endowed with for his or her realization in the world.

The meaning of numbers for professional fulfillment

Each number shows what business qualities a particular individual is endowed with. It also determines the main areas of professional activity in which a person will achieve success.

  1. Numerology states that people with an essence number of 1 exhibit individuality in any work environment. The choice of activity should be made based on your dynamism, business acumen and fidelity to your assessments. For a few, professions related to communications, business trips, and new progressive ideas are most suitable.
  2. Life path number 2 indicates well-developed seriousness, thoughtfulness and responsibility. Such people work well in teams and notice details that are invisible to others. Professions for such people should be associated with visible results of work activity. They will also be suitable for work in the service sector, where there is a factor of communication with others.
  3. Troika is a sign of multilateral development, a wide range of interests, a business mindset and an optimistic attitude. Such people will achieve great heights in a profession associated with dynamic intellectual tasks, dynamic financial turnover, ingenuity and the need for intellectual stress.
  4. Four as the number of essence speaks of a person’s seriousness, consciousness and patience. A person with this result takes responsibility and serves as a source of support for others. It is better for such people to choose a professional activity related to industry, construction, production of material goods, and trade. Working with land or in the security field is also good.
  5. People with an essence number of 5 differ from others in their well-developed communication skills and organizational abilities. Work that involves the manifestation of these abilities is suitable for them. Changing his occupation does not cause him a feeling of fear.
  6. If the essence number is 6, then the person is flexible, intelligent and with a high level of education. He prioritizes the interests of the team in which he works. Work that involves caring for other people, harmony, and beauty suits him.
  7. With an essence number of 7, the main character traits are extraordinary analytical thinking, patience, balance and self-confidence. Individuals with this path number constantly strive to gain new knowledge. A suitable profession for them is related to establishing harmony, disseminating new information, science, law, control and finance.
  8. The number 8 is a direct sign of well-developed dynamism, a sense of responsibility, firmness of principles and courage in decision-making. The common sense of such people is excellent in work related to large projects, leadership, analysis, management and finance.
  9. Nine as an essence number indicates a broad outlook, well-developed intuition, creative imagination and a sense of beauty. He is developing well in a field related to the realization of his abilities.

Knowing this information, you can decide on the main range of potential positions for yourself. And then, listening to your inner voice, choose the specialization that will bring financial stability and constant pleasure from work.


Numerology is an excellent assistant when deciding on your future type of employment. By spending a few minutes on simple calculations based on your date of birth, you can decide on your profession and make the most correct choice.

Now there is a tendency to choose a profession based on its prestige and salary. Many people go to jobs they don't like, dreaming of being someone else. And many do not even know who they are destined to be by occupation. Choosing a profession based on your date of birth is one of the most correct, since you can find out your true purpose, which you received at birth. Read more about this on Horoscope Guru.

In order to find out which profession is right for you, you must first find out your Destiny number. To do this, calculate the sum of all the numbers of the birthday, month and year. The resulting figure will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses in the professional field.

Example of Destiny number calculations

For example, if you were born on 03/08/1998, then find out the sum 0+8+0+3+1+9+9+8=38. If you get a number greater than 9, then add the second number to the first number. In our case it is 3+8=11. You need to add numbers in a digit until you get a number from 1-9. 1+1=2. It turns out that your destiny number is 2.

Choosing a profession for number 1

You are destined to work with a large amount of information and help people overcome some obstacles and solve problems. The profession of a teacher will suit you best. You will also be excellent at conducting training on personal and professional development.

Digit 2

You are a born diplomat. Establishing relationships between people is in your blood. You are also able to give advice in crisis situations, as your intuition is well developed. Success can be achieved in the legal field or management.

Digit 3

You are capable of creating something global. The social sphere is your direction. It would be best to do charity or organize a social project that will make our world a little better.

Digit 4

Your goal is to invest your strength, knowledge and skills in other people. You will make a wonderful doctor or fitness trainer. The main thing is to give yourself completely to the business and then success will await you.

Choosing a profession for number 5

You will have to develop yourself and find your way alone. It is difficult for you to work together with other people, so it is best if you become a freelancer. It is recommended to engage in creative activities. Perhaps as a hobby or extra income.

Number 6

Your purpose is to unite people with one high and spiritual goal. Create an organization that will help people with great creative potential and try to realize yourself and them.

Number 7

Your purpose is to help others correct mistakes and become better. The professions of a judge, priest or rehabilitation center worker are suitable for you.

Number 8

You are destined to preserve and maintain traditional goals. Success can be achieved by organizing your own family business. It is important not to forget that your strength is your team and it will be very difficult to get what you want alone.

Choosing a profession for number 9

You are good at persuading other people using publicity. You are destined for work in the media. An alternative option is to create a blog in which you will influence the public with your opinion.

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