Resume for a realtor without work experience. Professional skills of a realtor: basic and important

Today we will look at the key skills of a professional realtor, without which he is doomed to eternal lack of money. The audio recording of the article is in the player just above - click on the red triangle.

Salesman's apprentice to boss:
— The client bought shoes, but he will bring the money tomorrow.
- What? He'll never appear here again!
- No matter how it is! I put two left shoes in his box.

The professional skills of a realtor are developed over the years, and not because it is something supernatural, but because learning to sell only one thing (yourself, a service or an object) is not enough for a realtor.

Find out (Universities, courses, trainings)

Only the totality of a realtor’s skills gives a positive result, and today we will talk about one of them - the skills and abilities of a realtor that he must possess if he wants to succeed.

I am always surprised by the fact how easily and carefree people from the outside decide how easy it is to do this or that business, how simply everything is achieved, although they are in no hurry to say the same about themselves.

I often talk to people who look at the results of others superficially, not realizing that only the tip of the iceberg is accessible to their gaze.

The anecdote with which I began the article. It perfectly reflects the skills of a realtor, one of which is the ability to help the client keep their promises. This is especially true for a realtor in particular.

When it comes to remuneration for work done, when the result has already been achieved, i.e. the object has been sold. We will talk about this more in future articles. Just subscribe to the newsletter and stay tuned for new articles.

Let's answer the main question: what skills should a successful salesperson have? What should he do to make a potential client want to buy anything from him?

What professional skills of a real estate agent allow you to successfully close any transaction?

Let’s immediately make a reservation that by the word “seller” we will not mean those sellers who stand behind the counter. No, they are not selling, they are simply releasing the goods that we ourselves have chosen.

In the West there are even stores for this occasion. In which even the cash register is automated and staffed trading floor Only the cleaning lady and the security guard are present. This once again proves that there is no smell of sellers here.

A realtor has a lot to learn from successful sales consultants or sales managers.

Of course, I don’t mean the naughty ones, but those who work with the client in such a way that he leaves happy that he left his money in a store where he didn’t even plan to take something. This is what a real estate agent should be able to do!

1. Clear and intelligible speech

Lord, I heard so much during the time I was working “in the fields” and I continue to hear it to this day, every time I have to talk with realtors or real estate agents. Sometimes it’s just unpleasant, sometimes it makes your hair stand on end.

What not to do:

Fight for the purity of your speech! Whatever you want, but no slang words and expressions, no intonation like “do you hear what”, no sleepy muttering and fatigue in the voice. Yes, yes, and this happens everywhere!

With such communication potential client one gets the impression that he went into some kind of gangster alley and they clearly weren’t expecting him here and they are doing a favor by communicating, making it clear by all appearances that something like “has come in large numbers here.”

And then these same guys and girls write and speak, complaining that clients are running away from them through their gardens, forgetting “what their mother’s name is”... And it’s not surprising.

How to:

It is vitally important for a real estate agent to be able to make a positive impression on a potential client just over the phone! Speech should be clear, intelligible, concise, and to the point.

Quite often, a realtor’s professional skill in conversation is the ability to quickly and correctly convey information about an object or service to a person. And the better and simpler this is done, the more successful your activities will be.

The intonation is ALWAYS businesslike and friendly, but not ingratiating. You still have no reason to pet a person until he has bought something from you or has taken a step towards buying, but at the same time you must establish friendly contact with him.

The client does not owe you anything, and neither do you, but he should have the feeling that he was expected, that he was treated like a human being. And even if he is a boor, then let it remain on his conscience.

What to do for this:

Decide to yourself once and for all how you will talk to people, preferably everyone in a row, so as not to divide them. Or equally businesslike or... Read books out loud, listen to your voice, its sound.

Speaking is the most important professional skill of a real estate agent! Believe me, clients feel you by your intonation, vocabulary and your attitude.

Like any other realtor, you often talk on the phone and opinions about you are formed long before you meet a client. And, even if you don’t meet, then your failed client will live with this impression from the voice he heard all his life and, perhaps, will tell his friends about you. After all, it’s no secret that the Earth is round.

You don’t need to devote the lion’s share of your time to adjusting your ability to speak, just listen to yourself at some points in time, you can analyze the conversations of the day for 5-10 minutes in the evening, and in the morning again set yourself up for business communication.

You won't be able to change your habits right away, but gradually you will begin to notice positive changes.

The professional skill of a realtor is the ability to conduct a business conversation under any circumstances and with any type of clients.

2. Ability to listen and hear

It is not surprising that many people require communication, because we are social creatures. Therefore, the key skill of the seller in this case will be the ability to listen and, most importantly, to hear what the client wants to tell you.

What not to do:

Interrupt, try to say something smart, for example, show yourself as an experienced or knowledgeable expert when it is least needed. Remember, you are already being approached as an expert and now your role is to listen to what the client wants.

Perhaps you will rush to conclusions, accepting his request, classify it as a standard (pattern situation) and respond in the same way. But those who have been working in the real estate business for many years know that all situations are individual.

Don’t be those who overestimate your capabilities and believe that you know better than the client what he needs - this is a harmful skill of a non-professional realtor.

How to:

Listen to the client, always and everywhere. Let him do most of the talking, just ask leading questions in the tone of the conversation. Do not argue or impose your point of view under any circumstances.

If you claim something, then learn to argue correctly. It is the clear arguments that you bring in the conversation that will show what an experienced and professional realtor you are.

The second thing you need to do is listen to the client. He came to talk about his problem, perhaps he already has a solution and you don’t need to rack your brains over it, just let him express it, make your work easier with a little anticipation.

There are situations, and most of them, when the client himself does not understand exactly what he needs. He came to you to make up his mind.

At the same time, remember that you don’t have to decide for him. You just need to give him a choice and explain what consequences this choice will entail. But what to choose is the client’s decision.

What to do for this:

To develop the habit of not interrupting, you just need to restrain yourself for a few seconds. After that. How the client will say something. This pause is necessary because... a person can add something else and this “more” sometimes becomes the key point.

If the client has objections, work with them, use tactics to prevent objections, but use them very carefully. Because This technique requires training and may not work right away and cause irritation in the client.

3. The ability to ask

Most of the information and information that a realtor needs to solve a client’s problem is found by the client himself. Most often, he also has a solution, but it is not obvious to a non-specialist.

What not to do:

There is no need to interrogate the client with bias at the first meeting. It is enough to find out standard and key information about the object.

If you put too much pressure or just ask, then such a one-sided game will cause the client to feel tension and he will “close down.”

What to do:

Provoking contact and information from the client is what a real estate agent should be able to do. First of all, establish a trusting relationship, create sympathy for yourself as a professional and a person.

First of all, ask something about the client’s personality, his mood, how he got to the office. Find common ground, some commonality, and only then start asking questions.

At the same time, do not forget to comply with the previous rule - the ability to listen.

What to do:

You can write down a number of questions on your sheet of paper that relate to the above methodology.

For example: How did you get there? Were there any traffic jams? How's the weather outside? Aren't you wet? Perhaps your car is overusing gasoline in traffic jams? No? But in mine it happens... Would you like some tea? And so on.

The longer the list, the better. You don’t need to use them all at once, just 1-3 questions for each client and that’s enough. When receiving answers, do not forget to participate in the conversation: agree, empathize, give your example.

The professional skills of a real estate agent are developed only through daily practice and you must be prepared for this!

Don’t dryly ask and listen to the answers - be more humane and natural, as when talking with an acquaintance, but don’t go too far :)

You already understand the goal - common ground, preliminary establishment of dialogue. Here your strong point will be sincerity, both in words and in intonation and gestures.

4. Solve customer problems

The professional skills of a realtor include ability to solve a client's problem. Actually, this is what he came to you for. But at the same time, you must not forget that you are not an arbiter or God, but a mediator who knows exactly how to do it: where to go, who to find and how to do it quickly.

You are not selling loaves to fill up, but solutions that help you purchase a loaf! The comparison turned out to be too mundane and funny, probably for tea :)

What not to do:

No need to decide your own financial difficulties at the expense of clients. Many times I have seen the greedy looks of my colleagues who could not give up part of their fee to solve a client’s problem, but I have also seen those who gave in and won doubly, because received a deal and a satisfied client with subsequent recommendations..

In such cases, it is important for the real estate agent to understand that he receives his reward only after he has solved the client's problem. But there are those who put their own interests above and do not help the client and do not receive anything themselves.

What to do:

Even if your remuneration suffers a little in size, solve the client’s problem, try to make him satisfied and this client will bring you more clients.

Even if you were unable to help the person (not your competence or the current circumstances), still advise something, participate in resolving his issue, suggest one or more possible options, even without your participation, and it will work for you.

Subsequently, this failed client will recommend you as a conscientious and responsive person. The ability of a realtor to be involved in resolving the issue of even an unsuccessful client can only be a plus.

What to do to develop a skill:

Don't work as if you are alone in the desert! There are a lot of people around you with professions related to real estate: developers, appraisers, lawyers, tax specialists, etc.

If you can’t help yourself, connect them and this will help not only to have your own circle of acquaintances, but also to receive an affiliate reward. Moreover, these partners related professions can recommend you to their clients as a professional real estate agent.

5. Stay Organized

The daily whirlwind of viewings and showings of objects, at a time when the majority of people are relaxing at home or going out to have fun, and at the same time you are knocking on the next threshold of the next residential building - such a schedule will exhaust anyone and even all the skills of a realtor will not save you from routine work.

Here the key professional skill of a realtor will be the ability to plan your day by the hour and bring all plans and tasks to completion. If you are not used to this, develop a much-needed skill.

What not to do:

Again, from practice, I have met a lot of irresponsible realtors who “forgot” not only to call back and inform. That the viewing has been cancelled, but to come in general. As for the fact that they simply promise and do not deliver, this is not at all uncommon.

Don't be like that - it's deadly for your business and will leave you hungry, at a minimum.

What to do:

  • The first thing is to be able to plan
  • Second, keep your word and promises.
  • Third, motivate yourself
  • Fourth, remember once again that a realtor’s professional skills are tempered through practice

How to do it:

Be sure to keep a diary. All successful realtors have a diary, in any form - paper or electronic. I remember the old school realtors whose planners looked like a book of the Old Testament, they were so thick and disheveled.

It was they that contained such a treasure trove of information on the city’s real estate that cannot be found in any analytical center.

By the way, One of the professional skills of a realtor is to keep a diary for a whole year, and then keep it for another 5 years, because information about objects and clients can be useful repeatedly.

In addition, if you are an advanced real estate agent, you may want to take some time management training.

You will learn to discipline yourself when performing assigned tasks. For example, if you don’t do something, you can punish yourself with a fine by putting 250-500 rubles in the “fine” box.

After some time, you can send everything that has accumulated to us and we will give you some training or a souvenir :)

6. Rules of etiquette with clients

Wherever you are from and wherever you work, your business style must be on top. This applies to both appearance, behavior, speech and communication style.

Remember that you are selling yourself first, and the more successful the first sale is, the more likely you are to sell your service or object.

Respect yourself and respect your clients, then most doors will be open for you.

What not to do:

I've seen enough agents to know from the first minutes of communication who they are, what experience they have, and what prevents them from achieving success. Many sinned with an unkempt appearance.

I am not advocating wearing dark jackets with red ties. To establish contact with people you don’t have to be a parrot. It is enough to have a neat appearance.

What to do:

One of the important skills of a realtor is change things in your wardrobe on time and look presentable. Dress the way your client dresses, or a little more presentably.

In this case, you will be like “one of our own,” which will help you establish contact faster. Of course, here you can argue that a jacket and patent leather boots will create a feeling of formality and will also contribute in its own way to building a relationship with the client.

Here I have to agree - it is necessary to test both methods, they work well, but for different types of clients.

We have already talked about purity of speech. Here I will just mention words that you should forget like a bad dream and exclude from your vocabulary while you are in the real estate business.

These are the following words: apartment, like, cho, calling, agreement, bullshit, damn, etc. Use less diminutive expressions for words such as apartment and contract. Believe me, practice has shown that this is unpleasant for people.

Those who are not yet practicing will have to take my word for it. It’s better to forget about jargons too. Even if you do “customization for the client” over the phone, you should not do it as a carbon copy.

How to do it:

Take care of your wardrobe; worn items on a realtor turn him into a market money changer or huckster. Too businesslike a tone or too familiar an approach to people makes them dislike you.

An ingratiating tone will not work at all; rarely does anyone like it and greatly reduces respect from the client. The professional skills of a real estate agent begin with manners and appearance, like a theater on a coat rack.

7. Integrity or honesty

How many scary stories about a “black” discharge, oh, excuse me, realtor can be found on the Internet? Yes, a lot.

But they all fall into several categories. The first arise from the fact that the realtor and the client did not understand each other, the second due to the revenge of a dissatisfied client, and the third due to the dishonesty of the real estate agent himself.

What not to do:

You cannot work with clients as if there is only him and you and there are no witnesses or other people. The earth is round by definition, and by acting dishonestly with one client, you each time reduce the flow of clients to you.

The key skill of a realtor is to be able to retain a client.

What to do:

The professional skill of a realtor is to grow his reputation based on integrity and an honest name. Work for the future.

Do not work around the agency unless you are a private realtor. Don't lie when you're selling a property. Outright lies are quickly revealed and also ruin your reputation.

Take training courses on the real estate business, yesterday's realtor is less successful realtor today's The market in Russia is developing and in order to stay in trend, you need to work on yourself.

Now you don’t need to go anywhere, just purchase courses and study while sitting at the computer, and then the next day apply what you have learned in your practice - this is what a real estate agent should be able to do at the initial stage.

How to do it:

Train yourself to treat people the way you want them to treat you. No matter how cliched this advice may sound, it works for you first of all.

If a client comes to you and with an experienced eye you estimate that his situation cannot be solved (for example, sell a 1-room apartment and buy a 2-room apartment with a small additional payment), it is better to immediately say so, rather than just not doing it.

Understand that various situations will arise when the temptation will be great, for example, you will be offered to work bypassing the agency.

Believe me, if you agree to this, then the clients will already be firmly convinced that you can betray them too. Don't fall into these traps.

Hold on even when buyers go behind your back to the owner, and then look you in the eye and say that this is normal for them. You must always remain professional.

While you were reading the article, Probably already determined. What professional realtor skills do you have?, and which ones need to be developed. I can only wish you success in this endeavor.

The most important thing is that now you already know what to work on.

What a realtor should be: qualities of a good realtor

I mentioned a lot about the ambition of a real estate specialist and little about personal qualities, which must be possessed in order for a client to choose an agent, entrust the sale of real estate, evaluate Good work on the deal and found it ideal (but this is in places).

Know regulatory framework, responsibilities and how to find a client are not enough! Starting is half the battle, the essence is the desire to continue so that there is enough passion for the first 3-5 years of the profession.

Desire allows you to start from scratch, undergo training and learn on the go, practicing from the very first days.

Trusting relationships are very important. If you are a representative of the older generation, then your clients are most likely people of your generation. If they are young, then they are equally advanced in using the Internet and more independent.

It turned out to be quite a long article. I've already had time to take a break and drink tea several times :)

In the future, I will prepare “dry” manuals, where there will be less reasoning and only specific guidance on how to develop certain professional skills of a real estate agent.

Today, many real estate agencies invite people without relevant work experience. As a rule, HR managers consider candidates for the position of realtors of all comers, nominating them minimum requirements: higher education(secondary or incomplete higher education is often acceptable)‚ communication skills‚ determination‚ resistance to stress‚ competent speech‚ PC knowledge at the user level. Training is usually provided for beginners.

Moreover, some employers admit that the main thing is that the newcomer’s resume has a presentable appearance that encourages them to meet with the applicant, and what exactly is written there is no longer so important.

Considering the described situation on the market, today’s student of the “Resume School” Igor, applying for the job of a real estate agent, without having similar experience, has a chance to start a career in his chosen field. You just need to give your resume that very presentable look. And our experts will help him with this.

Original summary:

Igor Lyulin
Moscow city.
Year of birth: 1986.
Gender: male.
Wishes for future work Position: Real estate agent, realtor.
Industry: Real estate.
Salary (minimum): $1000 USD.
experience 1-3 years

Participated in projects:
Computerization is the technical part.
IQ Media - technical part (software testing).
Twi-Fi - technical part, Wi-Fi Marketing, Wi-Fi Marketing in Nizhny Novgorod.
Assistance in the cottage construction project.
AMN Group, from October 2004 to January 2005.
Position: courier.
I paid for tours and collected documents.
Professional skills Knowledge computer equipment. Confident PC user. Windows 95/98/Me/XP. Office applications (Word, Excel), Internet applications (Internet Explorer, Opera, Outlook Express). Computer settings. Experience with local networks.
Education Basic - average

Academy of Economics and Management Natalia Nesterova(incomplete higher education), from 2004 to 2008

I am currently continuing my studies.

Moscow Aviation Institute, from 2003 to 2004.
Specialty: Standardization, specification and metrology.
Transferred to another institute.

Average Comprehensive school №249 (average), from 1992 to 2003.
11th grade certificate.

Foreign languages English: beginner.
additional information Marital status: single
Children: no

About Me
Easy to train, sociable, efficient, energetic, responsible.

An expert from the newspaper “Work for You” comments

As we already noted at the beginning, the author of a resume applying for a vacancy in a new field does not need to reinvent the wheel; his task is to competently characterize his experience. If, in addition, he manages to emphasize those features that are considered useful for a realtor, this will also be a significant plus.

So, to begin with, it would be nice to clarify the scope of activity of the company in which Igor worked system administrator. For any resume, this is a fundamental point, since the reader (potential employer) is not at all obliged to guess from the foreign name of the organization what it does.

As for the description of responsibilities, I would also like to clarify this point: it is unpleasant for any person to read a text that they do not understand. And this negative emotion is naturally transferred to the author of the document. What is meant by "computerization"? Does the HR manager know what “Wi-Fi - technical part” and “Wi-Fi marketing” are? And the most mysterious thing: what was Igor’s help “in the cottage construction project”? The experience must be presented in a language that any reader can understand.

Speaking about the previous place of work, the author also needs to clarify the scope of the company’s activities, and, in addition, change the wording in the description of his duties, or better yet, remove them altogether, since the courier functionality is obvious.
The “Professional skills” section should, if possible, be supplemented with items that meet the purpose of the resume: at least mention experience in creating databases. And of course, typos need to be corrected.

In the “Education” section, in Igor’s case, it is necessary to write incomplete higher (and not secondary) education, especially since a diploma, apparently, is not far off. They talk about the period of study at school only if there is nothing else to “boast” about, so we exclude this item from the resume.

Although the “About Me” or “Personal Qualities” section is usually considered to be of little significance, in this case it has some weight: employers are really interested in how potential real estate agents evaluate themselves and how convincing they are in their assessments. Igor can be advised to add stress resistance, which is so valuable for a realtor, to his “gentleman’s kit”.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that in the vast majority of cases, realtors do not have a fixed salary, but receive a percentage of the transaction. Therefore, the amount indicated in the resume is rather symbolic.

Correct resume

Igor Lyulin
Moscow city.
Gender: male.
Year of birth: 1986.
Contacts: - You can contact him via the site’s internal mail.
Wishes for future work Position: agent, realtor.
Industry: Real estate.
Salary (minimum): 1000 USD.
experience 1-3 years

Strategy Partners. The Pro-Invest Group p, field of activity (specify)
from September 2006 to October 2007.

Position: system administrator.
  • Computer assembly, network installation, configuration and support.
  • IQ Media - technical part (software testing) - explain.
  • Twi-Fi - technical part, Wi-Fi Marketing, Wi-Fi Marketing in Nizhny Novgorod - explain.
  • Technical support for the design of cottage construction - explain.
AMN Group, field of activity (specify)
from October 2004 to January 2005.
Position: courier.
Professional skills
  1. Knowledge of computer equipment.
  2. Confident PC user. Windows 95/98/Me/XP. Office applications (Word, Excel), Internet applications (Internet Explorer, Opera, Outlook Express).
  3. Computer settings. Experience with local networks.
Basic - incomplete higher education.

Academy of Economics and Management of Moscow University of Education Natalia Nesterova, from 2004 to present vr.
Specialty: Organizational Management

Moscow Aviation Institute, from 2003 to 2004
Specialty: Standardization, specification and metrology
Transferred to another institute.

additional information Marital status: single
Children: no
Possibility of business trips: yes

About Me:
Easy to train, sociable, efficient, energetic, responsible, stress-resistant.


The specialty of a realtor is very much in demand in the real estate industry; a person with this specialty can work in companies selling and renting real estate. The responsibilities of a realtor include: mediation between the buyer and seller of real estate, developing a personal client base, searching for potential and supporting current clients, familiarizing with the state of the real estate market, demonstrating residential and non-residential premises potential buyers and tenants, consultations in preparing the necessary documentation, checking it.

A realtor has the opportunity to work in the primary and secondary housing market. As a rule, the resume does not present any strict and specific requirements for the applicant’s level of education; all the nuances of the specialty are taught directly during work. The main skills required for a realtor in work are a culture of communication with clients, the ability to listen to them, convince them and win them over to their point of view. The presence of these skills must be reflected in the realtor's resume. For a realtor, such characteristics as resistance to stress, responsibility, attentiveness, diligence, communication skills, honesty, activity, energy and even increased importunity are very important.

A realtor’s earnings depend on the number of real estate purchase and sale transactions concluded; a large share of it comes from percentages of sales. This specialty very promising in terms of career growth, you can grow up to the director of a real estate agency or organize your own business in the field of real estate services.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with an example of a realtor resume.

A real estate agent is a person who is able to get the maximum benefit from a transaction and leave the client satisfied with the purchase of real estate. When writing your real estate agent resume, be responsible. Compose correctly, write truthful and accurate information. After all, get the coveted job and good earnings possible only with great experience work. But as everyone knows, the beginning of a professional career begins with writing a high-quality resume.

Requirements for a real estate agent

Good agencies make quite a lot of demands on applicants. Here are the most popular and relevant:

  • Experience. For many agencies this is the main condition.
  • Learning ability. You will need to learn some rules and regulations. In this profession you need to grasp everything on the fly and you can’t be stupid.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Expressive appearance.
  • Grammatically correct speech.
  • Willingness to work long hours.
  • Instant solution to problems and other unpredictable situations.

Responsibilities of a real estate agent

  • Conversation with potential buyers;
  • Transactions;
  • Phone calls;
  • Presentation of services;
  • Consulting clients on real estate issues;
  • Showing real estate to clients;
  • Preparation of documents for signing the transaction.

A realtor's resume must meet basic requirements, i.e. contain first and last name, Contact phone numbers, description of the candidate’s education, experience, and basic skills. However, if the prestige of a university graduate is not the main requirement of employers, then the presence of recommendations and an indication of the number of transactions concluded per month can significantly increase the applicant’s chances of finding a job.

A real estate consultant, or realtor, is a specialist in a real estate firm or individual entrepreneur who works with clients and enters into transactions with them on behalf of legal entity or as individual entrepreneur implementation agreements civil transactions with real estate.

A classic resume includes the desired position, a description of education, professional experience and additional information. To these four blocks you can add a fifth - “Recommendations”, where you can indicate the names of 2-3 people who are ready to give you a reference.

personal information

In the first block of your resume, you must provide personal information about yourself: full name, date of birth, contact numbers and email address. You don’t have to indicate your home address, but it’s better to clarify what city you live in. It is advisable to highlight the most preferred method of communication. If it is more convenient for you to have the recruiter communicate with you by home phone, you need to indicate the time in brackets (for example, “call strictly after 19:00”).

Resume Objectives/Desired Position

This section usually indicates the desired position or direction of work, for example: “real estate consultant”, “real estate broker”, “realtor”.

The assumption that once created a CV will suit you for all occasions is completely wrong, so if you are interested in a certain vacancy, do not be lazy to tailor your resume specifically for it. First of all, pay attention to how the job title is worded in the ad and duplicate it in the first column of your resume. Listing all synonyms for the desired position using a slash is not the best option.

Alexey Evgenievich Molchanov, HR director of the company, believes that it is worth check with what real estate market you worked in (commercial, residential, country real estate, primary or secondary, etc.), as this will allow the employer to understand how previous experience can be useful in future work.


Since the educational system in Russia does not provide for the training of specialists in the field of real estate, and all knowledge has to be acquired in practice, most employers do not pay special attention to this item in candidates’ resumes.

However, on most work sites this column is required to be filled out. Therefore, your resume should not be limited to the phrases: “higher”, “secondary”, “specialized”; you need to fully decipher the name of the educational institution.

In the columns reserved for illuminating the received additional education, list courses and trainings with dates, names educational institutions and received certificates. If you have attended many trainings, then it is better to select and indicate the most significant ones for the vacancy for which you are applying, so as not to overload your resume.


In this section, you should list all jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. If the names of the companies are not very well known, the profile of their activities should be clarified in brackets. According to HR market experts, having experience in the relevant field of business is additional competitive advantage candidate.

Among applicants for the position of “realtor”, specialists with sales experience in any field, as well as psychologists, are valued.

When describing your previous work experience, you should focus the attention of potential employers on what kind of transactions you specialized in (sales, purchases, rentals).

“The length of work experience - this point is important both from the point of view of all experience and from the point of view of each of the previous companies, since if the applicant often changed jobs, this may indicate that he could deceive the client or his own company. There are, of course, exceptions when a person was hired for a specific project, in this case it is necessary to indicate the name of the project and provide contact persons for recommendations,” says Alexey Evgenievich Molchanov.

If your previous work experience is varied, which is usually the result of a change of profession or a transition from one field of activity to another, the employer will be able to assess your capabilities based on the nature of the work you have previously performed and the positions you have held.


It is very important to provide recruiters with information about your personal results at previous jobs. “The number of transactions concluded per month is one of the most important points, because it allows the employer to assess the applicant’s performance,” says Alexey Evgenievich Molchanov. - Concluding transactions is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process. It is believed that a realtor who concludes 1-2 transactions a month has good negotiation skills and knows how to work with clients, i.e. he is a professional.”

Skills, business qualities

For successful employment as a realtor great importance has not only professional experience, but also certain personal characteristics. Therefore, the Additional Information section provides you with another opportunity to showcase your strengths.

"A realtor must have some necessary qualities“, helping in the work,” says Alexey Evgenievich Molchanov. - However, self-description should not be standard: for example, it is not enough to write “good communication skills”, it is necessary to indicate in what situations these skills work most effectively. For example, " conflict resolution, ability to persuade, flexible in communication" and etc".

In this section, it would be appropriate to emphasize what you consider most important in your future work: using your abilities that you could not realize in previous organizations, gaining new experience, stability of the company, decent wages, and so on.

Here you should also indicate your level of proficiency in foreign languages, readiness for possible business trips, availability of a driver’s license and your own car, mention any letters of recommendation you have, as well as any other information that you consider important for the employer.

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