SalesPortal rating. The best sales trainers in Russia

If we consider entrepreneurship as a profession, then in the number of required skills it prevails over most others. While a highly specialized specialist studies one subject, but in depth, a businessman works, so to speak, “in breadth,” trying to learn as much as possible about everything. In this sense, a beginning entrepreneur must combine in one person a marketer, a technician, a manager, and, if necessary, an electrician and a plumber. Having become a “free bird”, working for yourself, you are not freed from the routine of an employee - you have even more of it. But, really, now you are accountable to yourself and the income goes directly into your pocket and, as expected, in a much larger amount.

Since this very income, or more precisely, its increase, is the main task for the entrepreneur, an end in itself, for the sake of which he, in fact, went to the trouble of running an independent business, he is faced with the main and difficult question: “How to do this?” . A beginner in this case will inevitably encounter some difficulties. Yes, even experienced entrepreneurs sometimes stroke the back of their heads in confusion, unable to understand why suddenly “I started losing money.” In this case, it is better to turn to people who have turned helping entrepreneurs into their profession. Business trainers whose theoretical knowledge is consistently supported by experience own business, are able to give helpful advice, think through an algorithm of actions or evaluate the prospects of a particular solution. They are not just loud experts with motivating slogans. By looking at the situation from the outside and passing it through the prism of his experience, the coach can provide an objective assessment of your activities, which is especially important in the absence of a business partner or mentor. And if you lack certain knowledge to realize your entrepreneurial plans, then a business coach from the relevant field will help fill this gap and master the necessary skills. To do this, you just need to choose yours. Therefore, we decided to compile a list of some of the most sought-after business coaches in Russia, so that you can become familiar with their activities, and maybe take advantage of their help.

1. Radislav Gandapas

Those who are interested in business training in Russia are probably familiar with the name of this man. This is not surprising, because he is one of the most famous and sought-after business trainers in the country with extensive professional experience and a wide geography of speaking engagements. Therefore, even if you are not involved in business, but live in a large city, you may have met this person more than once on local posters or advertising banners. But whether to follow their call to go to his training or not depends on your goals. Radislav Gandapas is a specialist in the field of leadership and public speaking, and therefore his seminars are especially useful for those who want to hone management skills, master the power of persuasion and make their business communication as productive as possible.

2. Maxim Batyrev

Having gone through a busy career path from an ordinary employee to a top manager in a large domestic company, has accumulated a wealth of practical experience, which he laid as the basis for his consulting activities. The knowledge that Batyrev shares at his own master classes is supported by real examples from personal practice. Therefore, they will be useful primarily for business managers, business owners and recruiting specialists, since they cover such expert areas as management, increasing sales and motivating employees.

3. Mikhail Bakunin

A marketing expert helps freelancers, industry professionals and service companies build the most effective system sales His main specialization is the marketing of professional services, which are now experiencing a kind of renaissance, responding on the Internet in the form of numerous advertisements. It’s not so easy now for a programmer, designer, tutor, advertising or psychology specialist to stand out. It’s even more difficult to sell yourself. This is what the trainings and courses of Mikhail Bakunin are focused on, who, based on his practical experience (he is the founder of several companies), trains independent professionals in competent marketing and effective promotion of your services.

4. Evgeniy Kolotilov

Sales techniques, despite their apparent formlessness, are very important when implementing almost any business process. It is especially important in the B2B sector. The volumes of one-time sales here are, as a rule, quite large, and customers, as direct participants in the industry, place high demands on the purchased goods. Therefore, it is not always possible to exploit emotional pressure on the buyer. A large customer is a professional, so it is much more difficult to convince him than an ordinary consumer. Difficult, but not impossible. It is precisely these sales techniques that he teaches, whose work experience is measured not only by the number of years (and their number, by the way, is approaching 30), but also by the list of published books, and has long secured his status as an authoritative expert. At the same time, Mann himself puts a sign of inequality between the concepts of “marketer” and “marketer,” making it clear that there is a difference between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. But this does not mean that some exclude others. It’s just that truly competent management is possible when they are used together. Therefore, Igor Mann positions himself as a universal marketer, working at the intersection of theory and practice, which allowed him to develop a balanced methodology for business development, which he willingly shares at numerous trainings and corporate programs. In his master classes, books and video courses, Igor Mann laid out an extensive base of marketing management for a variety of business tasks: increasing sales, working with feedback, negotiating, working with B2B, optimizing the work schedule and others. Therefore, his work will be useful not only for novice entrepreneurs, but also for experienced players.

(5 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The world is constantly changing. In order to achieve success in business, negotiate correctly, build competent relationships with partners and avoid mistakes, you need knowledge.

By attending trainings and master classes of famous coaches, observing step by step instructions and by applying the knowledge gained, you can improve the quality of doing business.

The tools that coaches generously share in their programs will help increase the percentage of successful transactions, prevent the collapse of the team and teach you how to rise after failure.

Most famous specialist in Russia on leadership and public speaking. Author of 9 books and 14 films on this topic. Winner of many titles and awards. Three times recognized as the best in the profession, based on the results of the year. The only one who received such an honor.

In his speeches, the coach talks about success algorithms, ideology and charisma of the leader. Helps change the strategies the company uses to more effective ones.

The ability to perform is one of the channels for developing your own career. The coach teaches how to overcome the problems that speakers face and teaches effective public speaking techniques.

Gives step-by-step instructions, using which you can get rid of temptations, strengthen the habit and get closer to the goal.

An entrepreneur who himself has achieved outstanding success in business, the owner of his own consulting company.

The absolute record holder for the number of master classes and the number of training participants. Won 4 federal competition“Commercial Director of the Year in Russia”, “Manager of the Year in Russia”, “Business Author 2014”, “TOP Speaker 2015”.

Trainer, teaches the art of negotiation. By connecting psychology and communication, you can open any doors. During training, the master gives a set of rules, following which you can achieve high results. Teaches how to face a problem and how subordinates can become stronger while working in a company. Provides models for interaction with subordinates.

One of the most famous and respected marketing experts, co-owner of several consulting companies. Author of 15 books on business and marketing, 4 of which are bestsellers.

He is one of the founders of the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

Practicing speaker, marketing consultant, who has more than 20 open training programs and 7 corporate programs. During this time, more than 500,000 people attended his trainings.

, Ladyonline, a business consultant who lives by the principle of the “three Hs” - Nothing is Impossible.

Owner of a HR agency with a turnover of more than 50 million rubles. in year. At one time, Evgenia went from an ordinary specialist to a manager.

Helps companies transfer part of their business to a remote management style, and also selects personnel for remote work. Teaches how to correctly set tasks and monitor their implementation. Helps streamline business processes. Consults medium and large companies.

, Director of the analytical center “Kaspersky Lab”. Master of the game “What? Where? When?”, mathematician, marketer and business coach.

In 2015, the book “The Age of the Client” was published, which is dedicated to his management activities and teaches how to properly build relationships between the company and the client.

Business coach, actively engaged in training activities, successfully conducts seminars and trainings on sales and marketing. Teaches techniques brainstorming and interaction with each other, business thinking and team building.

Included in the golden dozen of business sales trainers, according to Sales Management magazine. He is the best coach of the CIS, author new program business adaptation.

Asimov, teaches the audience the basics and skills in creating their own business without having much starting capital. Helps companies increase the number of closed deals and increase sales.

Participants in his seminars are heads of sales departments, TOP managers, and business owners.

The coach teaches tools that will accelerate career growth, teach you how to overcome objections, and develop negotiation skills.

Over 8 years of practice, the number of its participants has exceeded 10 thousand people.

General Director and founder of the consulting company “Organization of Time”.

Founder of the Russian school of time management, candidate of economic sciences, head of the time management department at the Moscow Academy of Finance and Industry, author of books and project manager for implementing time management in major companies.

Conducts effective and useful time management seminars. Teaches you to plan your actions, set tasks, bringing them closer to completion step by step. Record time spent and time saved.

Founder, CEO and leading business coach at Business Relations.

He has more than 20 years of experience in conducting trainings in Russia, the USA and other countries. Winner of the “Business Trainer 2012” award, the “Best Motivation Trainer” award at the All-Russian Entrepreneurial Forum, finalist of the “Entrepreneur of 2014” competition. Best coach in the “Team Building” category, in 2014, together with Arsen Ryabukha. Best trainer in the Leadership category in 2014.

Gerasichev, creator of the “Context” training, which has already changed thousands of lives of his listeners.

In his trainings, he teaches people to accept themselves and increase their self-esteem. People make decisions that previously seemed impossible and insurmountable to them.

General Director and owner of the company “Baksht Consulting Group”.

Author of building professional sales departments. Author 10 business bestsellers. Total circulation 350,000 copies. Included in the TOP 3 most published and read business authors in Russia. Leading expert and best business coach in sales and sales management, more than 500 completed projects in Moscow, other regions of Russia and the CIS.

The trainings are useful for business owners, directors and sales managers.

President of the National Association of Sales Professionals. Owner of the consulting company “Sales Strategy and Tactics”. One of the most sought-after trainers in Russia.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, I present to your attention a three-month study of the Russian sales training market. The objective of this study was to identify domestic sales gurus, consultants and trainers who are most competent in sales and topics related to them - negotiations, persuasion, working with objections, sales management, building sales motivation systems, etc. Oddly enough, such a rating has not existed until now. The last to explore this topic were journalists from the salespro publication, which, as far as I know, several years ago “happily” died of lack of money (and, apparently, despair that the sales magazine was not selling).

Each of the people in this study is a unique individual, so no matter who you choose for your next training, your company will not go wrong. Hire any of them and you will get the best out of what is available in the market. These people know sales brilliantly, have enormous experience and can help not only the sellers themselves, but also the heads of sales departments, commercial directors and senior managers.

I know some of them in person, others in absentia, I’ve heard a lot about others or read their books. By the way, there are also people on this list with whom my experience of communication can be called more negative than inspiring. However, this fact did not in any way affect the rating and the position of the coach in it. All these people are quite famous Russian market and made a name for themselves through sales training, and not just through training “about everything.” Whether I like them or not is another matter. There is no doubt about their vast experience and qualifications. I know little about some of them, but by studying their websites, reviews and videos, I can draw fairly accurate conclusions about their competencies and level of expertise in the subject area.

I think that professionals in this market will notice that many titled Russian coaches, who (quite deservedly) are accustomed to being in first place in any such ratings, were not included in the rating. The reason is obvious - these are the “TOP 20 sales trainers”. And only for them. I included here only those trainers and consultants who specialize exclusively in sales training and refuse other topics.

For example, you and I know such well-deserved, and even legendary, coaches as Mikhail Molokanov, Mark Kukushkin, Radislav Gandapas, Leonid Krol, Igor Mann and many others. Of course, in another case they could also be in this ranking, since they clearly deserve the right to be among the best coaches in Russia. And they, of course, know how to teach sales. But you need to understand that although they can conduct training on any “sales topic,” for them, sales training, and the topic of sales itself, is no longer the main one. Almost all of them have long “outgrown” the level of simple coaching and become “gurus” in some area, “staking out” certain topics for themselves (marketing - Igor Mann, strategy - Radislav Gandapas, time management - Gleb Arkhangelsky, etc. ). And others greatly expanded the range of training to reach more clients and, thus, left “pure sales”. This automatically excluded them from this list.

On what basis are the coaches ranked? Honestly, it's subjective. I did not compare the cost of a training day for each of them, nor did I calculate the average number of paid training days per year or the turnover of their companies. I didn't even look at their price lists. This rating is purely subjective comparative assessment one man. I assessed the totality of my knowledge and information received through various channels. For example, I attended Radmilo Lukic’s trainings many times, but few with Sergei Azimov. This was one of the reasons I ranked the founder of SaleCraft a little higher. However, this does not mean that higher is better. I rate almost everyone on this list approximately equally, and to say (and understand) that one of them is better simply because he is higher would be extremely wrong. It is impossible to compare real professionals in their field “directly” - everyone has very different temperaments, approaches and methods of implementation. But what I can say 100 percent is that all the personalities in this rating are sales professionals of the highest category.

Diverging slightly from the topic, I would like to note that it is very difficult to be a “pure sales trainer” (sounds funny, right?) in Russia and the CIS countries. Before becoming the general director of the company in which I now work, I conducted a lot of training on sales and perfectly understand those who, after three to five years of wandering around the country and neighboring countries, go to another business. Teaching sales - although interesting, is extremely difficult and not the most lucrative job. The average cost of a good sales trainer is now 20-30 thousand per training/day. A good trainer deserves to earn at least 60-100 thousand a day, but there are not so many clients who are willing to pay decently for high quality. When choosing between a rate of 20 and 60, most companies still choose the former. This list is a warning and a tool for these managers. A good sales trainer should be expensive! Remember this and do not compare “incomparables”.

The dream of any trainer is to have at least 15 paid personal training sessions per month year-round, but in reality it is difficult to achieve. Sometimes, of course, there is more, but more often it is less. Having gained extensive practice, some trainers open their own companies, others expand their own specialization towards general management or personal effectiveness. At the same time, the companies they created have a new name and thus “erode” the coach’s personal brand, which has already gained momentum. In this case, he has to start all over again.

Therefore, many nominees (such as Dmitry Norka or Asya Barysheva) build a brand around their own name. Western examples (the same as Jeffrey Gitomer) clearly confirm the success of this approach. Wherever and however I work, my brand will work for me. However, it is obvious that a brand built around the name of the founder is short-lived. With his (unfortunately inevitable) departure, the founder, in most cases his company also disappears. If the brand is strong enough to serve itself without exploiting the name of an individual, it may turn out to be more durable and will also serve children or even grandchildren. However, it happens differently. For example, Arkady Mizernyuk, whose training I admire, is a very successful and wealthy businessman. He could have long ago relaxed on some island under the southern sun and received dividends from his successful youth, however, he still enjoys conducting training and believes that this is one of his two life missions. In my opinion, this approach is worthy of all respect.

I admit, calling this rating “Russian TOP-20”, I am slightly sinning against the truth. Since the list includes not only trainers who live in Russia, but also everyone who often comes here and can conduct training in any Russian city at any time. I considered this approach justified, since most often Russian (and any other) companies ordering training do not care where the trainer permanently resides. If we put aside his experience and specifics, it is usually important for customers that the trainer be:

a) Affordable (in terms of money and in terms of quickly appearing on the horizon)
b) Russian-speaking (or Russian-speaking, which, in general, is the same thing)
c) Hassle-free in terms of execution of contracts, cash and non-cash payments, flights, accommodation and preparation of all necessary accounting documents that are required by the intricate Russian legislation.

All participants in this rating, therefore, were classified by me as “Russian coaches”. So, for example, it would be stupid to exclude from the list the highly respected and charismatic Mr. Derevitsky, who, although he lives in Kyiv, has conducted a huge number of trainings in Russia. Alexander has found 1000 ways to combat objections, and is undoubtedly a guru in this rather narrow and, at the same time, such a huge topic. That’s why people are still chasing his books all over the CIS. And Ekke is one of the most famous trainers in Estonia, but is also absolutely available throughout the former territory Soviet Union and speaks Russian perfectly.

Another logical question you may ask: “Why are there not 20 people on the list, but 18?” Because:

a) I didn't want to add people to the list just because I absolutely have to list 20 people. (If this is important to you, add Pavel Bukov from RQ Lab to the list - he specializes not only in sales, but knows this topic brilliantly - and, for example, Vadim Dozortsev, whose team improves efficiency precisely through professional audit and modernization of the sales system, who how can he not see sales as a whole?);
b) There are several other excellent coaches who could potentially be in this ranking, but I don't have enough data to check yet. Maybe I'll add them later. Stay tuned for comments and updates. ;)

It is quite possible that I missed someone and there is a well-known and respected sales trainer on the market who has conducted thousands of trainings and gained well-deserved fame, but for some reason was not included in my list. In this case, I ask you to indicate in the comments those who deserve to be included in the pantheon of Russian sales glory. These comments will also be useful to those readers who, for whatever reason, want to choose someone else to conduct training. So, 3 places in the ranking are still vacant. Hurry up, as they say. ;) But, I repeat, only those trainers and consultants who have connected their business career with sales, and only with them, can be included in this rating.

Why do two people occupy one place at once? Trainers Maxim Gorbachev and Dmitry Tkachenko use the power of dual charisma and conduct trainings (and often give interviews) together. That’s why I didn’t split them in half (what if they wouldn’t be able to conduct training as effectively without each other?). And, unfortunately, only one woman was included in the list - Asya Barysheva - whose book “How to Sell an Elephant” was probably read by all professional sellers. Among the candidates was also Tatyana Sokolova, who recently released an interesting “Upgrade of sales”, but for certain reasons, she was not included in this rating.

I guess that's all I wanted to say as a comment. Of course, I didn’t want to offend, offend or upset anyone. If I forgot someone, I’ll be happy to include them. I would be glad if this rating is useful to you personally and your organizations. As always, I look forward to your corrections, additions, criticism and comments.

Mikhail Lyufanov

The sales department constantly needs to improve the level of personnel qualifications. Training salespeople is already a necessity for every company.

Today the market is oversaturated with offers of sales trainers. They look alike. And it is very difficult to choose a candidate who will really make qualitative changes in the work of the department.

How to find your sales trainer:

  1. Decide what results you want to get from it and how you will measure this result.
  2. Describe your requirements for the vacancy in as much detail as possible when selecting candidates.
  3. Prepare for the interview. Create a list of necessary questions. In particular, how and where the results you expect from the candidate have already been achieved.
  4. Study the resume, check the coach's achievements and track record.
  5. Evaluate reviews of the candidate.

Remember that the main value of a trainer’s work is the ability to develop sales skills in employees. As well as monitoring the effectiveness of the use of this skill by each employee.

Types of qualifications

Coaches are not trained in universities, but at the same time higher education plays an important role when choosing a candidate for this position.

There are two types of trainers:

  1. Trainers with a liberal arts education in the field of psychology. At best, this is higher education, at worst, elective courses.
  2. Trainers who graduated from physics and mathematics, polytechnic or economics faculties.

Neither the first nor the second have a special focus on sales, but the second category of trainers has a completely different vision and approach to training.

Trainers with psychological education are not the most the best choice For the company. This is a category of theorists who, in the realities of business, are not able to show by example how the whole process occurs.

Their coaching abilities are based on the ability to simulate circumstances and teach in a game format. But at the same time, the coach uses an abstract language of concepts. The structure of his program contains neither scripts nor cases with customer objections.

Trainers with a technical background speak to your employees in the language of numbers. For them, sales are clear numbers, schemes, methods, step by step guides. Their undeniable advantage is additional education in the field of sales.

The most ideal option is when the coach has several years of experience. Finding such a person is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Sales trainer: performance assessment

What should be an effective “teacher” who is able to bring results to the company?

  1. Be able to develop the necessary skills among sales staff.
  2. On by example be able to show how to close a deal.
  3. Be in a state of constant professional growth.

It is advisable for the candidate to demonstrate to you their ability to deliver a training program. At least a 30-minute training session.

A good option is to conduct such demo versions of training once a week, receive feedback from employees and make minimal measurements of employee performance after such meetings.

A sales trainer must have the following skills:

Trainer motivation

Material motivation the coach depends on his experience and past achievements. It is very important to evaluate the value for money.

The motivation system should include:

  • Salary
  • Quarterly percentage

He should be paid for his work based on the financial achievements of the sales department. Constantly take performance measurements and compare them with the results of the previous period.

Teaching "corps"

A Good Outside Sales Trainer You Need With at certain intervals when a breakthrough is required. If you did everything correctly in accordance with what is stated above, then you have no problems with this. A fresh look from the outside is always useful. But this does not mean that the company should not have an internal training process.

The functions of an internal trainer can only be performed by line managers (heads of departments) and best managers. This is quite acceptable as long as the sales department has not grown and does not exceed 4 people.

As soon as the company gets larger, then, in addition to the managers and best salespeople who train employees in the background, the company will need a trainer as a separate staff unit. This usually happens when the number of employees is commercial structure exceeds 50.

We carry out ABC XYZ analysis

The first thing a sales trainer should offer when providing consulting services to a company is to conduct an ABCXYZ analysis of the current client base. It will make it clear which buyers you should focus your attention on to grow revenue, and which ones it’s better to refuse to interact with – the final amount of the transaction with them is not worth the time spent.

ABCXYZ analysis will divide the current client base into several categories:

A - counterparties with the largest volumes of purchases,

B - buyers with an average volume of purchases,

C - buyers with a small volume of purchases.

X - those who most often contact the company and purchase for the same amounts,

Y - those who contact the company irregularly and with unpredictable transaction amounts,

Z - those who make single purchases.

Arrange buyers on the ABC axis by revenue, and on the XYZ axis by frequency of transactions. When these categories intersect, 9 client groups are formed: AX, AY, AZ, BX, BY, BZ, CX, CY, CZ.

Buyers from categories A and B provide the main flow of finance into the company - focus your attention on them. Stimulate the transition of buyers from categories BX, AY, BY to category AX. Don’t focus too much on those who fall into category C—they won’t bring a significant amount of revenue to the company.

We measure penetrationYu

Customer penetration is the share of your company’s products in the partner’s total purchase volume. It reflects the true purchasing potential of the company. A qualified trainer who helps you consulting services, should be able to not only identify it, but also show opportunities to stimulate the counterparty to make more frequent purchases and for larger amounts (up-sale and cross-sale).

This can be done using a survey. Find out:

  • What are the volumes of purchases of the same product from other companies?
  • What are the volumes of purchases of other types of goods from competitors?
  • What are the benefits of working with competitors?
  • What products are they buying from others that they could buy from you?
  • What can you do to ensure that your counterparty buys 15-20% more from you?

On average, about 70% of current buyers will be ready for such a survey. Next, Oy-li trainers organize sessions with leading industry representatives who will tell you what to do to ensure that customers buy more from you. And now there are 4 areas of work to expand the share of the company’s trainers:

  1. Create something new Commercial offer based on customer comments;
  2. Determine the channels of contact with the target audience;
  3. Adjust managers' plans for current clients;
  4. Measure your share regularly.
Best sales trainer

Which business sales coach is the best? On the one hand, if we are talking about sales training conducted in Russian, a number of ratings have appeared in recent years best business trainers sales experts and sales experts to follow. Here are some of them, for example:

  • Sereputation Company Rating
  • Salesportal

But in fact, the answer to this question is more complicated.

First. Who needs the training? One question when you need to prepare or train several sales employees at once. For example, several new employees whom you just hired after another competition than the entire sales team. It’s another matter when you need to train experienced negotiators, especially those who have been successful and professional sales managers, directors and owners of companies for a long time.

For entry-level training, using highly qualified trainers will be quite expensive and not very optimal, especially if you send novice employees to training with the best sales and negotiation specialists, who do not yet understand even basic things about how these negotiations are conducted. It is even stupider to pay for each such young employee for his participation in an open training session by a leading business expert. You will pay a significant amount for his training, but he will still not be able to really make sales.

Conduct an express audit of the sales department yourself using 23 criteria and identify points of sales growth!

Conduct an audit

In the end, either he will leave or you will get rid of him. Therefore, for mass training of beginners, as well as training in a team as a whole, the best sales trainers are your own sales managers, directors or business owners, those who have the most extensive experience in negotiating with your company’s clients. They need to attend trainings from the best and most serious experts in order to learn from them their experience, those sales and negotiation technologies that these business sales trainers have developed through their vast practical experience. We understand that a good sales trainer can only be a practitioner, and a person who does not lead a large number of negotiations with clients, you should stay away from the training of such a person.

On the other hand, if your managers, directors and business owners took part in some open training from a good, cool business sales trainer, and see that it would be good to use for training your entire team - why not? Especially if your team has several dozen employees who are involved in sales and negotiations with clients. This can be not only employees of the sales department, but also employees of the customer department, and someone from the accounting department, especially if this someone helps with shaking out overdue accounts receivable. And the security service, if it also takes part in shaking out suspended payments.

In a company that sells complex equipment or complex turnkey projects, or some complex non-standard services, most often leading technical specialists participate in negotiations with clients. Such leading technical specialists should also undergo sales and negotiation training. But if you organize training for the entire team for a single cost, then the costs for each individual training participant can be quite acceptable. At the same time, the likelihood that many of the participants in this training will apply the acquired knowledge, experience and technology in practice, and this will help your company increase revenue and develop sales, is quite high.

Thus, to summarize, for mass training of your employees, and especially for training newcomers, the best sales trainers are one of the more experienced and strong sales managers of your company, and sometimes the director and owner.

On the other hand, it makes sense for such key negotiators to periodically take part in trainings of good practitioners, leading experts in the field of sales, negotiations, sales management and building sales departments. Of the trainings that are organized by our company, we would first of all recommend to your attention “” and “”.

Finally, having worked on such trainings as to how these trainings are organized and conducted and how negotiation rooms are conducted, and having gained new experience, knowledge and technologies, your sales managers, directors and company owners can conduct internal corporate trainings for their team in order to transfer this experience to the team.

If they see that it would be more effective to invite an open training facilitator to conduct corporate training in your company, in order to convey valuable experience, knowledge and technology from the first person to everyone, your company's notes are involved in negotiations with clients, then it makes sense to negotiate such a corporate training .

It is important that it is safer to first send a scout who will understand the level and approach of the trainer, and whose opinion can be trusted, in order to then confidently conduct corporate training. Immediately agreeing on corporate training can be risky, including because not all business sales trainers are actually those strong professionals and practitioners whose experience and qualifications will really help your team sell better.

© Konstantin Baksht, General Director of Baksht Consulting Group.

The best way to quickly master and implement the technology of building a sales department is to attend K. Baksht’s training on sales management “Sales System”.

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