Register of organizations by inn. How to get an extract from the Unified State Register with a tax digital signature

To obtain information on the legal entity you are interested in, you must contact the website of the Federal Tax Service ( which is given below. The service allows you to find the details of an organization’s taxpayer on using your INN or OGRN.

Providing information from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs: when tax authorities will require payment

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in its letter No. 03-01-11/8697 dated February 17, 2016 clarifies when the fee is charged for providing information from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs about an individual entrepreneur. The agency reminds that the fee for providing information from the Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs on paper is 200 rubles. The fee for urgent provision of information is 400 rubles.

However, the collection of such fees does not depend on legal status applicant. Accordingly, such a fee may be charged, including from applicants who are individuals who are not registered as individual entrepreneurs.

At the same time, the provision of information about individual entrepreneurs contained in the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs in the form of an electronic document is carried out free of charge on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

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Receive information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs about a legal entity/individual entrepreneur in the form of an electronic document

The certificate in pdf format will be signed with an enhanced qualified signature of the tax authority, which is equivalent to a paper certificate signed with a handwritten signature official tax authority and certified seal of the tax authority.

Find out INFORMATION from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about companies or individual entrepreneurs from the tax website

The search is possible by one of the listed fields “Name of organization”, “OGRN”, “GRN”, “TIN” or “KPP”.

Note: Please note that when searching by name, you should enter only its original part without quotes and an indication of the organizational and legal form (LLC, CJSC, JSC, etc.), and also take into account that the search is carried out by the full name of the company . The address of the organization of interest is determined by the result of the request.

In addition, information may be provided to you in the manner prescribed by Art. 7 Federal Law No. 129-FZ and approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2002 No. 438 “Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register legal entities and providing the information contained therein.” In accordance with paragraph 23 of these Rules, information is provided by the registration authority about a specific legal entity upon request, subject to the provision of a document confirming payment simultaneously with the request. The fee for providing information to individuals in the form of an extract from the state register is 200 rubles, for urgent provision of information - 400 rubles. The request must be addressed to the registration (tax) authority at the location of the organization.


The search takes place using any details: name, address, full name, tax identification number and other parameters. Financial condition, bankruptcy notice, enforcement proceedings. You can simultaneously write a combination of several details into the search bar! Search for any person by LAST NAME. Search for an entrepreneur. And more . More than 10,000 companies are already working in Focus!

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Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Search by OGRN, INN, name, full name of director and address

Basic information about the organization based on information from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and Rosstat including:

  • name, address, information about the status of the legal entity,
  • basic details (OGRN, INN, KPP, OKPO and others),
  • management and founders of the organization,
  • information about issued licenses,
  • branches and representative offices,
  • activities,
  • management company, JSC register holder and much more.

As well as important information from special registers of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation:

  • legal entities whose executive bodies include disqualified persons,
  • addresses specified at state registration as the location of several legal entities,
  • information about individuals who are founders (participants) of several legal entities,
  • information about individuals who are managers of several legal entities,
  • unified register of small and medium-sized businesses.

Do you want to know your debt for transport tax, property and land tax?

In conditions of development commercial activities the number of entrepreneurs is growing steadily. To record the organizations they created, a Unified Register was created State Register legal entities. The short name of the resulting database is the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The register is a listing of all officially registered companies in the country and contains extensive information about each of them.

What is subject to registration with the Federal Tax Service

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities exists in Russian Federation since 2002. From now on, each organization must be included in the general database where accounting of legal entities operating in Russia.

Information about the company is entered into the state register in accordance with the approved form, so there are a number of mandatory points:

  1. Name of company. The full name (with abbreviations) and abbreviated name must be indicated. If the name contains foreign words, it is necessary to write them both in their original form and in Russian letters. The company name must also be present if it differs from the legal name of the company.
  2. Legal status of the organization. Information is required on the organizational and legal form of ownership: OJSC, LLC, CJSC, PJSC, JSC, cooperative, non-profit, unitary enterprise, partnership, etc.
  3. Date and method of establishment of the enterprise. A company may start from scratch, or it may be the result of a reorganization.
  4. Information about the founders, shareholders and owners of the legal entity. The names, passport details and TIN of all participants of the company, managers (Directors or General Director), owners and other persons who have the permanent right to sign and manage the company.
  5. Authorized capital. The register contains information about the size of the organization’s authorized capital, what it consists of (authorized fund, shares, equity, Reserve capital etc.) and what part of it was contributed by each participant.
  6. Constituent documents. It is indicated on the basis of which documents the company exists. Most often this is the Charter. This is where most of the information about a legal entity comes from. To be included in the register, originals or certified copies of these documents must be attached.
  7. Legal address of the organization.
  8. Information about the company's offices, representative offices and branches carrying out the main activities of the organization (as a rule, they are mentioned in the Charter).
  9. TIN of the legal entity and OKVED codes . When entering an organization into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you must indicate the directions economic activity components that make up the work of the enterprise. Engaging in unregistered activities is illegal.
  10. Information about available licenses. If a company is engaged in activities that can only be carried out with an appropriate license, it must be noted in the register.
  11. Information on registration of an organization with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund.

Entering information about legal entities is carried out by the tax authorities at the place of registration of the company. Entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the creation of an organization are assigned a main state registration number ().

If the company has existed longer than July 1, 2002, or is located in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, or in the city of Sevastopol, and was created before the inclusion of these territories in the Russian Federation, then the main registration number will be any first entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This number is subsequently considered one of the main details of the organization and is indicated in all necessary documents.

All subsequent entries are entered into the register in chronological order and also receive their own registration number (GRN). When changes are made, the main number does not change. At the same time, the OGRN is displayed in the records of changes and in the documents confirming this.

There are several cases in which it is necessary to enter information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

  1. Initial registration of an organization.
  2. Making changes to an existing company.
  3. Indication of information about the termination of the activities of the legal entity.

For the initial registration of an organization in the Unified State Register, the following documents must be provided to the Federal Tax Service:

  1. , where all the required information is provided.
  2. Identification documents of persons, information about which will be indicated in the database.
  3. Constituent documents.
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Particular attention should be paid to filling out the application. In order to save time and effort, it is important to avoid mistakes; correcting them will require additional requests to the Federal Tax Service.

Changes can be made in two ways: exclusion of outdated data and their complete replacement with new or partial change of information. In both cases, registration will require a corresponding application from a representative of the legal entity.

If the organization has ceased to exist, data is also entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In this situation, information about the legal entity is not deleted from the database; it still remains available, but includes a mark about the end of activity.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is maintained on electronic and paper media. The electronic version allows register data to be taken into account by other federal information networks. Documents submitted to the tax authorities during registration are stored on paper in accordance with established regulations. They serve as confirmation of the information contained in the electronic database; in case of discrepancies in information, priority is given to those displayed in paper form.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities Certificate

After completing the registration procedure in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the organization receives a Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This is a paper document printed on stamp paper, the OGRN is written on it and the date of the last change made is indicated. That is, after the expiration of time, one legal entity may have several certificates, but the main number in them will be one.

In the future, this document is needed by the organization to interact with other companies; it is included in the package of basic documents of a legal entity along with the Taxpayer Identification Number, Charter, etc.

Decoding the number

The number indicated on the certificate consists of 13 characters, and this is not a random set of numbers. Each combination has its own meaning.

  • 1st sign— sign that the record is assigned to the OGRN - “1”, “5”, to the State Register - “2”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”;
  • 2nd and 3rd signs— indicate the year the entry was made (its last two digits);
  • 4th and 5th signs- indicate a subject of the Russian Federation;
  • from 6th to 12th sign— number of the entry recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities during the year;
  • 13th sign- a check digit, which is calculated by dividing the number obtained from the remaining 12 digits by “11” (an integer from “1” to “9” is taken).

Access to information and its verification

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains personal information about the organization, therefore, for security reasons, the information is not available in full and not under the same conditions. Unlimited and free access to register data is available only to special bodies ensuring the legality of companies’ activities, namely:

  1. Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
  2. Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  3. Federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, etc.).
  4. Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Access to some bank details of legal entities and private information about founders and owners is open only to specific employees of the listed organizations and with appropriate permission.

In general, data from the registry, the disclosure of which does not threaten any consequences, can be obtained by any user. To do this, you must make a written request to the Federal Tax Service or use the electronic database.

To check the information, just download electronic version. Currently, the service of open access to the registry is provided by many different Internet services, but for a certain fee.

Recently you can take extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or copies of the attached documents in electronic form on the Federal Tax Service website This service is provided free of charge. The software uploads a file in pdf format, which contains all the information on the selected organization, including changes made, however, as users note, this does not yet work for all legal entities. To avoid getting it is not enough up-to-date information It is better to additionally use other services of the Federal Tax Service.

How to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - in this video.

Why do you need an extract?

The unified register exists not only to record the formation, liquidation of an enterprise and changes occurring in it. The data stored in it is often needed in various situations. Then interested companies or individuals turn to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is formed on the basis of all entered data about the organization at the time of the request.

Here are the cases in which it may be needed:

  1. For notarization of documents relating to the activities of the organization. The extract shows whether the manager or another representative has the same powers.
  2. To interact with other organizations. So companies before the start collaboration check the future partner or counterparty, check the address, authorized capital, field of activity, legal status and current state of the enterprise (whether it is fictitious or in the process of liquidation).
  3. For working with banks. When opening a current account, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a mandatory document. Based on it, a conclusion is made about the reliability of the information reported by the company.
  4. To participate in auctions, trades and tenders. In these cases, confirmed information about the legal entity submitting the application is also necessary, since in order to obtain an order, unscrupulous organizations may try to distort information.
  5. To conclude contracts related to real estate.
  6. Also, Unified State Register of Legal Entities data is used when formation of the tax base.

Features of receiving

The method of obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities determines its type and scope of application:

  1. Unofficial(taken from Internet resources) - serves as a source of information, but is not presented at the place of request as a supporting document.
  2. Official(formed directly by the Federal Tax Service) is a certified document that has legal force.

If you need an official document from the tax office, certified by a signature and official seal, electronic uploading will not be enough; you must make a request to the territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service. To do this, an application is written in a special form, on its basis the tax service generates an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certifies it and provides it to the applicant.

For a person representing the organization itself, the document is prepared free of charge within 5 working days. When contacting a third-party employee, a fee of 200 rubles is charged. If an extract is needed urgently, the corresponding note is indicated in the application for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Then the document will be ready on the next business day, but the cost of the service will increase to 400 rubles.

Depending on the desired period for producing statements, they can be divided into 2 types:

  • regular (within 5 days);
  • urgent (1 business day).

The finished extract must be dated and issued in two copies, one of which remains in the tax office, and the second in the hands of the applicant.

What changes are subject to registration?

During the existence of a legal entity, many characteristics may change. There are circumstances, changes in which must be reflected in the Unified State Register:

  • changing the name of a legal entity;
  • change in company management;
  • new passport details of the manager;
  • replacement of founders or another number of them;
  • another legal address companies;
  • change in size or redistribution between founders authorized capital organizations;
  • change or addition of the company’s areas of activity;
  • updating of some other significant provisions of the Charter.

How to register

To register the listed changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration with an application. It must be filled out according to a unified form or P13001 (depending on the reason), have the signature of the head of the organization and be certified by a notary.

The application must be accompanied by identification documents, the founders’ decision to make changes and a new version of the Charter in two copies (or another statement of the changes).

If a legal entity changes its director, applications must be filled out on behalf of the new director, and his signature must appear everywhere.

Plus, a receipt for payment of the state duty should be added to these documents. The cost of state duty for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 800 rubles.

Deadlines for depositing

According to the current legislation, the deadlines for making changes by tax authorities are determined. After 5 working days, the tax office is obliged to provide completed documents. There are time limits for the organizations themselves.

No more than 3 days must pass from the moment the decision on changes is officially registered, otherwise a fine of 5,000 rubles will be imposed.

The request for amendments may not be made by the head of the organization himself; his presence will only be required when visiting a notary. An authorized representative of the company can contact the tax office; it is enough to draw up a power of attorney for him; it will also be used when accepting a package of documents.

When registering changes in the register, the applicant is provided with a Record Sheet. This is a government-issued document filled out according to form P50007. It is an official confirmation of changes made to a specific legal entity. Unlike an extract, the Entry Sheet contains information only about the changes being recorded, and not about the entire company.

Reasons and consequences of exclusion from the register

When a legal entity is liquidated, it is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. An organization can be liquidated in two cases:

  • voluntarily- on the initiative of the founders themselves;
  • forcibly- by decision of the court or the Federal Tax Service.

When liquidation of an enterprise is carried out own decision, you must notify the tax office about this by submitting a corresponding application.

Tax authorities may initiate exclusion of a company from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities if the organization does not report to tax office within 1 year or if for a whole year the company does not have a single transaction on its current account in at least one bank.

After exclusion from the Unified Register, the organization ceases to be among the operating ones. If the liquidation was forced and as a result of legal proceedings the company was allowed to operate, restoration to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is possible. In case of voluntary cessation of activity, the process is irreversible. As a result, information about the legal entity remains available, but information about the company will contain a record of the termination of the organization’s activities.

Find out how to get an official extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in this video.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities (acre. Unified State Register of Legal Entities) - a federal information resource containing general systematized information about legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The register is maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia through territorial authorities.

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    Unified State Register of Legal Entities - how to search for information about companies and legal entities

    How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in electronic form?


  • records of state registration during the creation, reorganization, liquidation of legal entities;
  • records of state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of legal entities;
  • records of changes in information contained in the state register, including in connection with errors made by the registering authority;
  • documents submitted to the registration authority.

Procedure for maintaining the register and accessing data

Entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are made in chronological order. Each entry corresponds to a state registration number (SRN). For each legal entity, the number of the first entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is the main state registration number (OGRN).

The register is maintained on paper and electronic media. If there is a discrepancy between records on paper and electronic media, records on paper take precedence.

With the exception of some personal data about individuals, information and documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are open and publicly available.

At the request of an interested person, the registering authority is obliged to provide information and documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of:

  • extracts from the state register;
  • copies of the document (documents) contained in the state register;
  • certificates confirming the absence of the requested information.

An extract from the register is provided no later than 5 days from the receipt of the relevant request in the form established by law.

State authorities and legal entities are provided with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities free of charge, and for other persons - for a fee.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may be necessary to perform certain legally significant actions. Information from the register can also be publicly accessed via the Internet. Such information does not have the legal force of a properly executed extract.

Register data about a legal entity

  • full and abbreviated name in Russian;
  • location of the permanent executive body of the legal entity (person performing its functions);
  • method of education;
  • information about the founders (participants);
  • in a relationship joint stock companies- information about the holders of registers of their shareholders;
  • in relation to companies with limited liability- information about sizes and nominal value shares in the authorized capital of the company belonging to the company and its participants, about the transfer of shares or parts of shares as collateral or about their other encumbrance, information about the person managing the share transferred by inheritance;
  • originals or notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • information on succession - for legal entities created as a result of the reorganization of other legal entities, for legal entities whose constituent documents are amended in connection with the reorganization, as well as for legal entities that ceased their activities as a result of the reorganization;
  • the date of registration of changes made to the constituent documents, or, in cases established by law, the date the registration authority received notification of changes made to the constituent documents;
  • method of termination;
  • information about being in the process of liquidation;
  • the amount of the authorized capital specified in the constituent documents of the commercial organization;
  • data of a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney;
  • information about branches and representative offices;
  • taxpayer identification number, reason code and date of registration with the tax authority;
  • number and date of registration as an insured:
  • information about being in the process of reorganization;
  • information that a legal entity that is economic company, is in the process of reducing its authorized capital.

When making transactions or drawing up contracts with individuals or legal entities, one has to face the need for extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. So why does an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs have such an important feature, and what goals is it needed to achieve?

Necessity of application

Extracts from the Unified Register are required when real estate transactions, and also when using some bank services. Notaries can also request an extract.

Without this document it is impossible to carry out following operations:

From this extract you can find out, which may be different from the sign and product name. The name can be abbreviated or displayed in full, the registry takes into account all options.

If the name contains foreign characters, this is displayed in the statement. From the extract you can find out the full name of the entrepreneur, his date and place of birth.

The document will contain information about the form of legal responsibility, when the company was created or reorganized, and the legal address of the company.

When registering, a company can provide one address, and when concluding transactions, provide other data. During the registration period, current data is entered, which may include telephone numbers.

The question arises, where to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs? To obtain this document you need to contact the tax service. Inspectors will provide the necessary information.

The document states:

  1. Residence address, which may differ from the address where the entrepreneur conducts his business.
  2. Information about the authorized capital, which will help lenders learn about wealth and assess the reliability of the loan.
  3. Data of all founders with the amount of contributions to the authorized capital, if it is a legal entity.
  4. Face Information, which can conduct transactions on behalf of the company without a notarized power of attorney.

Procedure for receiving via the Internet

An extract can be obtained by contacting the tax office. You need to go to one of the Federal Tax Service branches and submit the appropriate application. Nowadays, obtaining the necessary information via the Internet will be much more convenient. How can this procedure be carried out?

To do this, you need to go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service, go to the “Check yourself and your counterparty” section. A window will open with a special form for searching for the necessary information.

You can search using different data:

  • using last name, first name, patronymic and region.
  • by TIN number or .

An entrepreneur can conduct his business in one region, but be registered in another, so it is advisable to search by TIN or OGRNIP. If they are unknown, then the first option becomes relevant.

After filling out the form, you need to pass verification for the robot, write the captcha code and start the search by clicking on the appropriate button.

When entering an incorrect TIN, if it does not exist or the number of digits in the number is not enough, the system notifies the user. For a correctly entered request, the system gives two possible answers:

  1. An entrepreneur with such a tax identification number exists. The service provides OGRNIP data and will provide the opportunity to download an extended version of the extract in pdf format.
  2. There are no registered individual entrepreneurs for this TIN number. There is no information about such a citizen in the register.

It is also worth noting that the service stores information about closed organizations and owns all the data of recently registered ones.

If desired, you can obtain the document with . To do this, you need to open the corresponding window. Such a document will have the same legal force as a regular document on paper, signed by an authorized representative of the Federal Tax Service and certified by a seal.

Samples of receipts and statements

To receive an online statement, you do not need to fill out an application. If you contacted the tax service personally, you will need to write it.

The application can be written in free form; you just need to enter the necessary information about the requested organization and where you are applying. You should also note the urgency of the extract and attach a receipt for payment of the fee for the procedure.

How to receive and order urgent extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for free

In order to order or receive a free statement online, you will need to register with the Federal Tax Service.

  1. Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service
  2. Next, select the “Individual Entrepreneurs” section at the top.
  3. A window will open, in the right column there will be a list electronic services. There you should select the item “Providing information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs about a specific legal entity/individual entrepreneur in the form of an electronic document.” He is last on the list.
  4. To receive an extract, you must enter your login and password. If they are not there, then register.
  5. A form with fields will appear. Those fields with asterisks must be filled in without fail.
  6. Enter a valid address Email(authorization confirmation is required), it will also serve as a login to access the service. In the second field, confirm the entered address.
  7. Create and confirm a password. On the right in the blue rectangle there is a hint on how to create the correct password.
  8. Next is the user information section. Here you must enter your last name and first name, but you can ignore the “Patronymic” and “TIN” fields.
  9. At the end, enter the numbers from the captcha to pass the spam check. If the numbers are not clear, you can update the picture.
  10. Click "Continue".
  11. An activation email is sent to your email address, usually within 10 minutes. You should follow the link in the letter.
  12. Log in to the service using your email and password.
  13. Click “Submit a new statement request.”
  14. A window will appear where you can choose in whose name to receive the extract - a legal entity or an individual.
  15. Enter the details of the organization or individual entrepreneur.
  16. After creating a request, you also need to pass a robot verification.
  17. Click “Generate request”.
  18. It will take some time to formulate a response. You can track the response to your request on a mini-page in the service.
  19. Once the response is received, you can download the statement.

If you do not know OGRNIP/OGRNIP or TIN, you can get this information on the Federal Tax Service website in the section “Information on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.” You can find out the number you need using the company name or region of location.

To receive a paper version you will have to pay 200 rubles, and pay the same amount for urgency.

Detailed instructions for receiving statements are in this video.

Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on paper are no longer valid for some entities. But this certificate is still required for many operations. How to order a tax extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in 2019?

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An extract from the state register of legal entities is required for any official transactions and procedures. Previously, it was possible to receive it in paper form from the Federal Tax Service.

Currently, some applicants are not provided with transcripts. unified register in paper format. How can you get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the tax office in 2019?

What do you need to know?

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an official document containing detailed information about a legal entity. Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) is an open federal resource.

Any individual or legal entity has the right to officially request information about a particular company. To do this, you just need to submit a proper request and pay the established state fee.

Only the Federal Tax Service, the federal tax service, is responsible for issuing statements. The issued extract has a personal unique number and an indication of the date of issue.

The document must be sealed with the official seal of the institution and the signature of the responsible employee. If data about a specific organization is not in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, this is indicated in the extract.

That is, the Federal Tax Service officially confirms that this organization is not officially registered and does not legally exist. From this we can conclude that any relationship with this company is undesirable.

The official issuance of a paper extract is carried out within five days. If urgent, you can receive a paper document the very next day.

Basic Concepts

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an official document confirming any changes in the founders, authorized capital and other important points in the activities of a legal entity.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an information base that systematizes economic activity subjects on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is constantly updated based on any changes made to the constituent documents of the organization.

The extract can be compared to an identity document, since it contains information such as:

  • legal and actual location of the organization;
  • information about the founders and management;
  • information about authorized representatives;
  • date of creation of the legal entity;
  • type of organizational and legal form;
  • all available options for the company name;
  • TIN indicating the exact date when the legal entity registered for tax purposes;
  • types of activities implemented;
  • branches and representative offices of the organization;
  • Contact details;
  • codes according to the Russian Federation classifier;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • value of assets for the last reporting period;
  • probable successors;
  • availability of licenses;
  • procedures taking place in the company (sanitation, liquidation, reorganization, etc.);
  • changes made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in early periods.

An electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is provided in electronic format and also contains a lot useful information, in particular:

  • confirmation that the organization has not been deregistered from taxation;
  • Company details;
  • place of registration;
  • type of organizational form;
  • information about the director of the organization.

An electronic statement is not considered an official document, since it is not certified by the seal of the tax authority.

However, the same document, but with an electronic signature of the head of the organization, has absolute legal force.

Purpose of the document

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities becomes in demand in the following circumstances:

  • acquisition of counterparty data;
  • registration of property rights;
  • confirmation of the legal status of the company or the powers of certain persons.

An extract is also required for:

  • company activities;
  • changing types of activities;
  • participation in tenders;
  • amendments to the constituent documents.

An electronic statement without digital signature is used, as a rule, to clarify data about one’s own company or to verify a counterparty.

If you need to submit this document to government bodies, then you will have to receive a paper version of the extract with the Federal Tax Service stamp or certify the electronic document.

As a rule, an official document is provided for a fee, but knowing some subtleties you can get it for free.

Legal basis

The paper version of statements practically disappeared after it came into force on June 30, 2019.

This law also regulates the procedure for issuing information to individual subjects. So government bodies off-budget funds, courts and authorities local government Now they can receive statements only in electronic format.

All other entities can receive an extract in the most convenient form. An electronic statement is obtained based on an online request or you can submit a request at any tax office.

The document is provided in electronic format and certified with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the tax authority.

Get finished document can be sent to the electronic media attached to the request, or to the email address specified in the application.

Maintaining electronic statements has not significantly changed the procedure for exchanging information between government agencies.

The issuance of information was previously carried out in electronic format or through the SMEV (interdepartmental electronic interaction) system.

Paper statements were issued only when it was technically impossible to use SMEV. Now individuals can also generate an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the tax service website in electronic format.

The Federal Tax Service website presented an updated service “Providing information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs”. Using this tool you can obtain an electronic document for free.

To submit a request on the Federal Tax Service website, an individual does not need an electronic signature. You need to register, provide the correct information, and then “submit”.

To receive an extract about a legal entity, you need to enter the OGRN of the organization of interest or the OGRNIP of the entrepreneur. Previously, using this service it was only possible to obtain a paper statement.

How to make an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the Russian tax website

You can order an extract on the website of the Russian Tax Service for free. but in this case a document with only the most basic data will be provided.

The free statement does not have an electronic signature and is not legally valid. It can only be used for informal procedures.

In order to receive a legal official document, you need to order an extended electronic statement. Such an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the digital signature of the tax service may also include data from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which is very convenient.

The document received after ordering can be downloaded and printed. You can receive an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities using your TIN in 2019. This is provided free of charge.

However, the main condition is that the TIN extract can only be obtained directly for the applicant. Information about third parties is not provided in this way.

The extract is provided immediately after the applicant registers on the Federal Tax Service website in the form of a download link or by sending it to the specified email address.

Required data

When submitting a request to the tax authority for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you must provide the following details:

If you do not specify that an electronic statement format is required, the document will be sent by mail as a paper version.

A request to the tax authority can be submitted in different ways:

  • through the postal service;
  • when contacting the multifunctional center;
  • to the tax authority or its representative office;
  • on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;
  • using the Unified Government Services Portal.

The request can be made in any form. If it is submitted by a representative, then his authority must be officially confirmed.

Once the tax authorities receive the request, the deadline begins to count down. Within five days, a completed document must be provided, including in electronic form.

If there is an urgent need, you can order a document and receive it within one business day, that is, the day after submitting the request.

The process is significantly accelerated when you independently order an electronic statement on the Federal Tax Service website.

Sending a request

In order to send a request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities yourself, you need to visit the official website of the Federal Tax Service. It is located at

You can also order an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The data will be provided directly on the tax service website with certification by an electronic signature. Electronic form All you have to do is print the document.

Procedure for obtaining a document

An extract ordered online is provided to the applicant within five to ten minutes in electronic format.

You should immediately clarify for yourself what type of electronic statement is needed - an official paid one or a free trial one.

If you submit a request by regular mail, you should not expect a prompt response. Please note that postal delivery times are quite long.

It is important that when sending a postal request, you should attach payment of the state duty to it. It is advisable to send your request by registered mail with notification so that it is not lost.

Is it possible to view the extract on the Federal Tax Service website?

At this time, the easiest way is to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. Electronic document is provided to the applicant as a link in PDF format.

In order to receive an extract, the applicant himself does not need to have an electronic digital signature or a key certificate.

An electronic document with an electronic signature has the same legal force as its paper counterpart with the seal of the Federal Tax Service.

If you need to regularly receive information about changes, you can use the “Request to information resource Unified State Register".

But first you will need to send a request to use the service and receive an access code.

The requested statement is provided free of charge during the day and has an electronic signature. In this case, you can send a request both to your company and to someone else’s.

How much does it cost to order

Providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the registering authority is a paid administrative service.

If payment is made through the Federal Tax Service website, a receipt with details is generated automatically. All you have to do is print it and pay. This method can be used in any region of Russia.

The ability to order an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in 2019 greatly simplified the process of obtaining this document.

In order to find out the necessary information about a specific legal entity, you no longer need to waste time, go to the tax office and wait to receive a paper version of the extract.

It is enough to have access to the Internet and know the necessary primary information about the requested subject.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.
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