Entertainment club for children. Children's entertainment centers

Finding a place to go with a child in Moscow is not at all difficult. It’s difficult to choose from a huge number of theaters, amusement parks, circuses, exhibitions, and shows. Every day, a string of events in the capital replace each other, many of which take place in Moscow on an ongoing basis.

The choice of entertainment directly depends on the age and preferences of the child, as well as the season. The restless ones will probably want to burn off their energy by riding down the slides or frolicking in the water park, while the young erudite would rather choose a scientific and educational exhibition where they can touch everything and conduct experiments on their own.

Moscow amusement parks

Numerous amusement and amusement parks will become a universal place for children's recreation in Moscow, since there is hardly at least one child who does not love the world of toys, magic and fun. Entertaining games in amusement parks are an excellent way to diversify children’s leisure time, cheer up, “tear” the child away from gadgets, and perhaps even help the child choose a future profession.

One of the new trends in interactive learning and children's leisure is the emergence of experimental centers for children, where they can touch exhibits, conduct experiments on their own, and try themselves in a profession. One of the largest amusement parks in Moscow is KidBurg, which has 4 branches in different areas of the city (MEGA Belaya Dacha, Riviera, Zelenopark and Lubyanka). The mini-city regularly hosts exciting interactive events, exhibitions, and classes. Kids can immerse themselves in the world of professions and master a new business, which they will be proud to tell their friends about.

In 2019, it is planned to open the largest indoor amusement park in Moscow, “Dream Island”. On an area of ​​about 100 hectares there will be 10 worlds from fairy-tale cartoons, unique innovative attractions and much more. You can follow the progress of construction on the official website of the park.

Moscow amusement parks

Water parks in Moscow

The climate of Moscow is far from tropical. Even in summer, the weather is not always cloudless and has excellent temperatures. The capital's largest water parks will help you plunge into summer and feel like you're at a resort.

The most impressive water park in Moscow is Moreon. Residents and guests of the capital have the opportunity to enjoy summer all year round. In addition to standard slides, the amusement park's arsenal includes a wave pool, a lagoon, a water town for kids, a sandy beach and much more. While children frolic in the amusement park, adults have a wonderful opportunity to relax in the thermal baths, steam rooms and jacuzzi.

One of the largest water entertainment centers in the capital and region is the Kva-Kva Park water park. A very cozy amusement park has a whole range of entertainment for kids: a wave pool, a children's playground and several water slides for children of different ages.

The Caribbean water park invites adults and children all year round to take part in colorful events, swim in a large pool with attractions and dare to undergo an unusual procedure - peeling with Garra Rufa fish.

The Moscow water park "Yuna Aqua Life" can be called more modest in scale. The small family recreation center houses several swimming pools with nine water slides of varying heights and inclinations, a Jacuzzi, a waterfall and much more. Yuna's special pride is the surfing hill, which older children will certainly want to try.

The Fantasy water park is conveniently located next to the Maryino metro station. On several floors of the amusement park there are thematic levels with cafeterias, a children's playground and gaming machines. The water park itself features pools of varying depths, water slides, a Jacuzzi and a lazy river attraction.

The Moscow Kimberly water park offers a variety of water activities. Fountains, slides, and water balls will delight children of all ages, and babies from 2 months old can learn to swim, accompanied by their parents, in a special font.

In general, in Moscow you can find many less popular, but no less good water parks. Some of them are smaller and quicker, and some can only be accessed through the purchase of a club card.

Water activities for children in Moscow


The main and most modern aquarium of the capital is Moskvarium. The panoramic aquariums of the underwater center contain several thousand inhabitants, such as octopuses, sharks, moray eels, stingrays, starfish and many others. The Moskvarium regularly hosts performances with the participation of dolphins and killer whales, which will be of interest to children of any age category. There is also a center for swimming with dolphins at the aquarium, after visiting which the child will proudly tell everyone about this significant event in his life.

The Moscow Oceanarium in the RIO shopping center on Dmitrovskoye Shosse is more modest in size. In addition to observing the aquarium area, in the aquarium you can feed the fish, swim with sharks, watch an animated show, or celebrate a baby’s birthday that he is unlikely to forget.

More than 5 thousand fish are kept in the Crocus City Aquarium. More than a hundred aquariums are home to exotic and predatory fish, seals, penguins and many others. For the little ones, the aquarium has a petting zoo.

The oceanarium on Chistye Prudy is one of the very first in the capital. The relatively small aquarium contains a collection of about a thousand fish and hosts shark feeding shows.

Moscow aquariums

Trampoline centers in Moscow

A favorite place for children of all ages is jumping parks. This is where you can have fun from the heart, throw out all your energy and earn a good appetite. As a rule, trampoline centers in Moscow are not limited to just one attraction and have many arenas and zones in their arsenal.

The Flip Fly trampoline center is open to visitors from 1 year of age. Kids will be happy to jump under the supervision of their parents. For older children, in addition to the trampoline, there is a climbing wall and a foam pool.

The Nebo trampoline park offers more than 30 types of active recreation for children, and if you visit the park on any day off, your child will certainly take part in relay races, games, quests, master classes and have the opportunity to win a gift. Trampoline park "Sky" has 4 branches in different areas of Moscow.

No less popular trampoline parks in Moscow include the Cosmos center, Jumpway club, OGO-club and many others. In many trampoline centers In Moscow, you can celebrate your baby’s birthday and give him an unforgettable experience for a long time.

Rope parks in Moscow

Another active type of children's entertainment is a visit to the rope park. Going through an intricate rope course, climbing through obstacles and doing parkour is a great way to have fun and burn off energy. It is worth remembering that this type of entertainment is seasonal and is available in the warm season. You can read about the spring opening of the season of a particular rope park on the official websites.

Skytown is considered one of the largest rope parks in the country. The rope city reaches a fairly high height, about 16 meters. The obstacles are completely varied, and the equipment is safe and tested. The restriction for visiting is height up to 110 cm. Children from 110 to 140 cm tall go through the maze accompanied by adults.

One of the largest indoor parks in Moscow, PandaPark, is open all year round. In the family rope park you can have a fun and useful time, as well as recharge your spirits.

Multi-level rope courses "GammyPark" are available for climbers from 4 years of age with a height of at least 90 cm. In any case, children under 14 years of age visit the slopes only under the supervision of adults. During the hot season, you can ride around the water pool inside a giant inflatable ball.

If you are not limited in mobility, then it is quite possible to visit parks near Moscow, such as “Norway Park” and many others.

Parks and zoos

A countless number of Moscow parks are an excellent place for walks, active outdoor games, visits to attractions and petting zoos. The chic modern Zaryadye Park is located near the walls of the Kremlin. On the territory of the park there is a museum, an ice cave, beautiful bridges, playgrounds and a lot of interesting things. Famous foreign landscape designers had a hand in creating the park.

One of the most famous places for families with children in Moscow remains Gorky Park, where in addition to leisurely walks you can enjoy boating and get an adrenaline rush on the rides. No less popular is Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, where you can also have fun and usefully relax in the fresh air by renting a bicycle, Segway or any other type of mini-transport.

Sokolniki Park is not inferior in terms of attendance. At any time of the year, the park organizes children's leisure activities: in the summer there are rides, roller skating, exhibitions, and in the winter there is an ice skating rink.

You can visit a fairy tale in the Berendeevo Kingdom nature reserve. On the territory of the reserve under construction there is a museum of fairy tales, and little guests are greeted by about 80 figures of fairy-tale characters.

Children of any age, just like adults, will enjoy the cable car ride. You can see the beauty of the capital both from a bird's eye view and from the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory.

Another area of ​​recreation for children will be various zoos. In addition to observation, children are delighted by contact with representatives of the animal world. A must-see is the oldest and largest Moscow Zoo in Russia, with a collection of thousands of inhabitants, including rare species. Children are especially interested in attending wild animal feeding sessions.

From birth, babies love to interact with fauna, so visiting a petting zoo is an excellent idea for spending time in Moscow. For example, the Zverushki Zoo, in addition to interacting with animals, offers interesting and educational excursions. In general, there are several dozen petting zoos in Moscow, all you have to do is choose.

You can see moose with your own eyes in the Losiny Ostrov Nature Reserve. The entire territory of the ancient park is divided into zones. Only one is available for visiting, since dozens of mammals and birds live in this specially protected oasis of nature and rare plants grow. By visiting the Elk Biological Station, you can get acquainted with unique animals.

Where to go for a walk with a child in Moscow

Children's theaters in Moscow

Many Moscow theaters are aimed specifically at young spectators. Productions of the capital's theaters will interest not only children of preschool and primary school age: Moscow theaters have something to show teenagers. Performances based on the works of classics will help you feel more deeply what it includes school curriculum, and many modern productions will present ordinary things in a different light.

Kids will be interested in the productions of the Obraztsov puppet theater, which has one of the best collections of puppets in the world. Another equally famous puppet theater is the children's book theater "The Magic Lamp". Basically, the productions are based on the works of children's classics such as Andersen, Kipling, Milne, etc. The theater actors masterfully manage to hold the attention of the youngest spectators for several hours.

Very unusual productions take place in the children's theater "On Mikhalkovskaya", where the children are involved in the performance and with great pleasure watch plays based on their favorite cartoons and fairy tales.

If possible, you should definitely go to the oldest youth theater RAMT, founded back in 1921. In the repertoire of the theater, which tours around the world, you can find works by both contemporaries and classics, see how fairy tales come to life and become immersed in foreign folklore.

Children's Musical and Drama Theater "A-Ya" is a kind of theatrical alphabet for children, presenting performances in modern processing and instilling in the younger generation a love of art. In the theater's repertoire you can find both comic performances based on Auster and serious, profound works by famous authors.

The Lianozovsky Theater will delight with productions for children from 2 to 16 years old. For the little ones, the theater has a puppet department, and older audiences will be presented with old fairy tales. new way, works of foreign children's writers and much more.

The repertoire of the Moscow youth theater by V. Spesivtsev is aimed at an audience from 8 to 18 years old. The productions touch on social themes, classics, and the performing actors come from different parts of the world.

Speaking about children's theaters, one cannot fail to mention the classic Youth Theater, whose work did not stop even during the Great Patriotic War. Nowadays, screen stars often appear in the theater and children's productions based on favorite works of past years are staged.

The interactive theater "Courage" conducts children's performances with the involvement of the audience and fun games with the actors after the performance. In general, in Moscow you can find several dozen musical, dramatic and puppet theaters, the main target audience which are children.

Children's theaters in Moscow

Circus in Moscow

The circus has always been a place of attraction for young spectators. The children watch with interest the obedient wild animals, flexible and fearless gymnasts and hilarious clowns. There are several permanent circus venues in Moscow. One of the main ones is the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, whose director and artist was Yu. Nikulin.

The largest circus is rightfully considered to be the circus on Vernadsky Avenue, accommodating 3,400 people. For many decades, the circus repertoire has delighted and delighted both young spectators and their parents, who return to childhood with pleasure every time they visit.

Among the less sensational, but still worthy of attention, it is also worth noting the Aquamarine Dancing Fountain Circus and the Grandfather Durov’s Corner Circus, where, in addition to animal performances, visitors will be surprised by the mouse railway, which is especially loved by children under 3 years old.


A children's playroom (children's entertainment center) is a place where a child or group of children spends their leisure time under the supervision of the establishment's staff.

The first such business areas began to be organized in Russia at large shopping centers about 10 years ago. First of all, entrepreneurs focused on the needs of visitors to these centers. Or more precisely, to the need of parents to accommodate their children during a long shopping trip. The shortage was also taken into account preschool institutions in the country. Both factors have contributed to the fact that children's playrooms have become a very profitable and actively developing line of business.

About the profitability of a children's entertainment center and the importance of the place

Opening a game room is much easier than a children's development center and, even more so, than a private kindergarten. No need to obtain a license to operate educational activities, highly qualified personnel are not required, the business can be organized at relatively low cost.

  1. When opening a soft play room of 30 m2, designed for a maximum of 20 children per day, you will need about 300 rubles. (this will include the cost of repairs (15%), equipment (65%), rent (10%), company registration (5%), salary for staff (5%). With average monthly expenses of 50 tr. and income of 100 tr. net profit will be about 50 tr.
  2. If you organize a gaming entertainment complex for children of approximately 70 sq. m, designed for a maximum of 70 children per day, then you will need at least 1 million rubles. With average monthly expenses of 80 tr. and income of 250 tr. net profit will be about 170 tr.

It happens that game rooms find their niche in residential areas, but this is the exception rather than the rule. This mainly applies to remote places, where such a corner can become perhaps the only way to organize leisure time for children and adults.

Franchise on the topic:"Town of Masters" (children's playroom franchise, investment 390 thousand rubles, profit from 90 thousand rubles.

Regulatory framework

Before opening a business, you should try to carefully study the regulations relating to its organization. You can find out about them by contacting the territorial bodies of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor. Employees of these services must notify sanitary standards and safety regulations, compliance with which is necessary to open a children's care room. They will also provide guidance on legislative framework local significance.

  • For example, the Moscow Consumer Market Department has developed special “Recommendations for keeping children in children’s playrooms...”.
  • It is also important to understand federal documents. In particular, with those regulations that relate to children's play equipment. It must comply with the requirements of international (EN - 1176) and Russian (GOST R 52169-2003, GOST R 52168-2003, GOST R 52167-2003, GOST R 52299-2004, GOST R 52300-2004, GOST R 52301-2004) standards security.
  • In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Art. 9, 10 (clause 2) and Government Decree No. 1025, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a sign or stand that would indicate the details of the organization, work schedule, list of services provided, the procedure for their provision, prices, company rules, etc.
  • It is necessary to provide in advance the availability medical books from employees. (Order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402). Special education credentials are not required.
  • When preparing the premises for a children's playroom, you must be guided by SanPin and SanPin Daily wet cleaning of surfaces, washing of toys, etc. must be carried out.
  • It is also worth knowing about the types of criminal and administrative liability that are provided for causing harm to the life and health of a child in the event of certain actions or inactions of playroom employees (69 Code of Civil Procedure, Article 79 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Article 118 of the Criminal Code, 109 of the Criminal Code, Article 1068 of the Civil Code , Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 151 of the Civil Code, Article 1081 of the Civil Code).
  • The “Technical Regulations” dedicated to fire safety requirements will also be useful.

What is needed to open

  1. The company is registered with the tax office (LLC or individual entrepreneur). We recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). This will cost less and will allow the use of preferential tax regimes in the future - UTII, simplified tax system, and, from 2013, a patent form of taxation.
  2. Next you need to decide on OKVED codes. We recommend specifying: 92.7 - etc. activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.
  3. Then you should register with the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds
  4. Will need cash register, or forms strict reporting. They are subject to registration with the tax authorities
  5. The premises for the game room must be brought into compliance with the requirements of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor

Equipment for children's playroom

In order to organize a small playroom, it is enough to purchase one children’s labyrinth of 15-20 m2, which will cost at least 180-200 tr. You will also need a table and chair for an employee - 10 rubles and lockers for clothes (about 800 rubles for 1 section). The set is minimal; in the future it can be supplemented as much as the owner’s imagination and finances allow.

Three-story labyrinth for children's playroom

Nowadays, not a single children's playroom is complete without labyrinths. These spatial structures are usually made to order (about 1 month). However, sometimes, especially on sales, you can purchase them ready-made. Labyrinths can be of any size (from 10 to 100 m2) and configurations (slides, obstacles, shafts, passages, stairs, soft modules, climbing elements, dry pool with balls, etc.)

Foreign versions of labyrinth game complexes

As a rule, one organization is involved in drawing up a design project, manufacturing and installing a labyrinth. This play element is intended for children aged 3 to 12 years. You can separately install a children's trampoline, which on average will cost 70-90 rubles.

Children's trampoline

If your business is also aimed at children aged 1.5 - 4.5 years, then you need to create a separate corner with soft stuffed toys, construction sets, tables for drawing, and dry pools with balls.


Company employees must be able to work with children and understand the high degree of responsibility that is assigned to them. They are obliged to monitor the safety of equipment, order in the premises, and compliance with the rules by visitors. Usually, pedagogical students are accepted for such work. universities or retired former teaching staff. The work is carried out by 2 people in shifts.

Organization of activities

1 Game rooms are usually open from 9 am to 9 pm. Average fee for 1 hour of a child’s stay is 100-120 rubles on weekdays and 150-180 rubles on holidays and weekends. Parents with children under 3 years of age usually enter for free, and adults accompanying children over 3 years of age are charged an additional 20-30 rubles.

2 The time the 1st child stays in the room should not exceed four hours. The rules need to stipulate the obligation of visitors to pick up their children after this period.

3 An employee of the center must receive the child upon presentation of a passport by the parent. Information about the child and the time of his admission must be entered in a separate notebook or accounting program.

4 Company employees must ensure that incoming children are healthy. Children with obvious signs of illness should not be allowed into the playroom. Otherwise, the organization’s reputation may be damaged; some clients will not want to return to places where children’s health issues are treated irresponsibly.

5 On weekdays, the most visitors occur from 16 to 21 hours, when parents pick up their children from schools and kindergartens and go shopping. In the first half of the day, you can try to increase the number of visitors by offering them discounts. They can also be installed for regular customers.

6 Consider seasonality. Children's rooms are in great demand from October to April, when the weather outside is less conducive to outdoor play. The decline occurs in the summer. During this season, they try to take many kids out to the countryside and spend more time with them outside.

7 If you are in the mood for further development center and increasing its profitability, then be sure to provide for the opening of such areas as organizing holidays, competitions, creative clubs, and creating a children's cafe.

  • Moscow has a lot of entertainment for children.
  • Most of them are located in large shopping and entertainment complexes far from the city center
  • Try yourself in different professions Children can visit the parks “KidZania”, “Kidburg”, “Children’s City of Masters Masterslavl”.
  • The most large network amusement parks– “Cosmic”, located in 13 shopping centers in the city.
  • Largest trampoline parks– “Sky”, Flip&Fly, I-Jump, JumpWay
  • In addition, in Moscow you can go karting or rollerblading, and visit water parks.

There are more than 30 entertainment centers for children in Moscow. They can be divided into several thematic areas: attractions, sports, training. Sports parks include roller rinks, trampoline centers, water parks, and go-karts. Amusement parks offer a variety of slot machines and simulators, and in training centers you can play the role of a variety of specialists in the form of a game. Most of them are located in large shopping centers.

Fun with learning

The park's areas are divided by age to make it easier for parents to figure out which professions their child will definitely be able to “master.” When entering the park, you need to register, receive a city citizen’s passport and work book. Parents are prohibited from entering the “houses of professions”. Mastering professions is available to children from 4-5 years old. Children over 7 years old can be allowed into the park alone; they do not need to be accompanied. But the parent (or other accompanying person) must be nearby so that, if necessary, he can immediately go to the children's park. In the meantime, while older children are learning professions, children under 5 years old can have fun in the playroom.

One of the largest game parks of this format is KidZania (Aviapark shopping center, 4th floor, Khodynsky Boulevard 4, Begovaya metro station). There are about 90 activities here. Tickets are sold by session, each giving the right to stay in the park for 4 hours. The price includes the right to participate in all game activities of the park, except for three culinary ones (pastry shop, pizzeria, burgers), their visit is paid additionally.

Slightly smaller in size is the Kidburg park, presented in four shopping centers in Moscow: TsDM, Riviera, Zelenopark, Belaya Dacha. Tickets to Kidburg are two times cheaper than to KidZania, and there is no time limit on staying in the park. At Kidburg, children over 4 years old can attend many activities.

Another center is the “Children’s City of Masters Masterslavl”, located in Moscow City (metro station “Vystavochnaya”, Presnenskaya embankment, 4, building 1). Almost 80 workshops operate on an area of ​​6.5 thousand meters, in which children are introduced to 150 professions. The park is designed for children aged 5 years and older, although some activities are only available to children over 7 years old. In Masterslavl there is a Folk Crafts Center, where children are taught to make rag dolls, decorate frames, paint dishes with Gzhel, and there is a pottery workshop. The city has its own historical museum and belfry with real bells.

Amusement parks and labyrinths

The largest network of indoor amusement parks is owned by the Cosmic company - 13 centers. Almost all of them are located in large shopping malls in different areas of Moscow. One entertainment center combines recreational areas for all ages: children's center with attractions, slot machines and labyrinths, a bowling alley, billiards, laser tag, and full-fledged cinemas. Children's areas include labyrinths, slot machines and simulators.

One of the largest children's attraction centers is Happylon Magic Park in the Fillion shopping center (Fili metro station, Bagrationovskaya). It occupies an entire floor of a five-story building shopping complex, its area is more than 6.5 thousand square meters. m. There is a playground for children under 6 years old, a five-level labyrinth, 15 attractions, 200 game simulators and more. There is a roller coaster called Flight of the Dragon. Payment is made for each attraction.

Sports and entertainment parks

Trampoline parks are especially popular with children. Most of them work on the “come and jump” principle, which involves jumping independently without the supervision of a trainer (one person on duty for the entire gym). Therefore, children under 6 years of age are admitted only if accompanied by an adult. Before jumping on a trampoline, trainers conduct a mandatory warm-up and teach basic movements. You can take additional individual lessons or group training to improve your skills. In some parks you can play dodgeball, a team game of dodgeball on trampolines.

In the Nebo parks on Leningradsky and Sevastopolsky prospects, in addition to trampolines, visitors can try their hand at rope routes and climbing walls. There are height restrictions here. At the metro station “Semyonovskaya” and in Mytishchi there are Flip&Fly trampoline parks. In the southwest of Moscow there is an I-Jump center that offers only jumping with a trainer. In the north-west of Moscow there is the JumpWay trampoline club; another club under this brand is located in Mytishchi. At the metro station "Ilyich Square" and metro station Elektrozavodskaya operates Upandfly parks.


There are several year-round karting centers in the capital. There are height restrictions for children everywhere. Tickets are purchased for races lasting 10 minutes.

On the top floors of the Filion shopping center there is Arena Play karting. Children from 120 cm tall are offered mini-kart rides and various activities in Children's club. There is a labyrinth for kids, and for children from 5 to 12 years old there is a children's auto repair shop, where children learn how a car works.

In the south of Moscow there is Forza Carting (Volgogradsky Prospekt, 32 building 4). They offer both single- and double-seater karts, where dad or mom can take their little motorsport fan for a ride (but the child must be at least 5 years old). All children are given special racing overalls and helmets. The maximum speed of children's karts is 40 km/h. You need to call the center a day in advance and book a time, indicating the required number of arrivals. The center also invites groups to play a tactical game called Laser Tag.

The LeMans company has two karting centers in the west and north-west of Moscow: Molodogvardeyskaya Street (45, building 5) and 2nd Magistralnaya (9A).

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