Development of measures to promote the company's products. Development of advertising events to promote the services of Loft LLC in the city

Promotion plan (hypothetical example)

Note: the number in a certain column indicates the amount of money for the implementation of this item in rubles (prices are approximate and highly depend on the region and the required quality). “0” means that no implementation costs are required. The salary of the person responsible for this item is not included in the column. If management considers it necessary to further stimulate the responsible performer, then the amount of the bonus must be entered in the appropriate column.

Promotion of a new product on the market

In carrying out promotional activities, the company relies mainly on its own sales staff, but in most cases it is mistaken in believing that the transaction is just a conversation between the seller and the buyer, and not a team effort to ensure sales to key customers, strengthen relationships with them, and satisfy them requests. It is necessary to develop a general promotion strategy, including advertising of your activities, sales promotion, and public relations. In addition, the company should actively use the promotional activities and programs provided for its distribution networks.

The goal of the promotion program is to introduce product “P” to the market and gain a significant share, planning its further increase.

Main target audiences:

wholesale intermediary companies;

shops and large supermarkets;

final consumer.

Objective: expand the sales network by increasing the number of clients of the existing network by 1.25 times.

During the period of release of new products and in the previous period, it is advisable to conduct information advertising to provide consumers with specific and meaningful information about the manufacturer and the product being prepared for release, its qualities and ways to purchase the product or obtain additional information.

The main goals of the advertising campaign are: to inform the consumer and professional message about the products being manufactured, to stimulate sales and to establish a positive image of the company among the professional community, as well as among private potential clients.

relatively low cost;

precise choice target audience;

low labor intensity of preparation;

high efficiency;

possibility of providing more detailed information;

According to experts, advertising is most popular among residents of large cities. The main emphasis must be placed on the wholesale network, since the target audience of the company is wholesalers. Therefore, it is advisable to publish advertising price lines in wholesale magazines.

usefulness of information;

need for information;

originality of the text.

The need to increase marketing efforts requires a detailed approach to investment planning. Unfortunately, the domestic manufacturer, following the current laws, is in the least advantageous position compared to the foreign one: Russians must calculate the promotion program based on profit, while abroad it is written off at cost. The basis for the formation of the proposed budget was the combination of the “goals based” principle with the limiting “everything we can afford.”

Also taken into account was the need to spend significant funds and strength for intellectual developments: new names, texts, slogans, new ideas of various kinds. At the same time, design, becoming the basis of each package and one of the main components of the advertising campaign, will help ensure that the product “sells and advertises itself,” i.e., it will allow you to save on more expensive advertising media.

Preliminary company budget

Desired revenue for one year.

The estimated consumption volume for the region is 10,700 tons (according to marketing research). IN in monetary terms(at purchase prices) - 481,500,000 rubles.

Desired revenue 2% of 481,500,000 = 9,630,000 rubles.

2% is the share occupied by the enterprise in the market.

Planned budget for product promotion (according to the standard):

9,630,000 ґ 5% = 481,500 rubles (or approximately $16,000).

Cost estimate (according to the goals and objectives method)

According to the estimate, based on the goals and objectives of the company, the total amount was $15,000, which is less than the planned amount according to the standard - $16,000. The plan is accepted for execution.

In regional and local markets for medium and small structures, issues of using marketing tools in professional activity V modern conditions often determine the possibilities of sustainable operation by adapting to identified and clarified client preferences. In this aspect, competent marketing planning, in particular, becomes crucial. To clarify this situation, we consider it appropriate to consider the issue using the example of a conditional enterprise that promotes furniture products on regional market.

As is known, mutual understanding allows market participants commercial equipment coming to the rescue and helping each other achieve mutually beneficial goals is the basis for the development of outsourcing, without which it is very problematic within one company to ensure the retention of “old” clients and attract new clients, especially in crisis conditions of the national economy.

In this regard, when developing marketing plan promoting the products of a conditional enterprise should adhere to a concept aimed at synthesizing all competitive market entities working on the basis of strong partnerships. The synthesis process should begin with defining the main goal of the enterprise. Then, based on primary information, requirements for the subsystems of economics, technology and marketing management should be formulated. Next, in the process of collecting and accumulating new information, there follows the stage of improving the work of the enterprise divisions. In this process, an important role must be played by the marketing plan, which is preceded by a study of the state and prospects for the development of the regional market for commercial equipment. An important tool for solving this problem is the marketing information system (MIS). We can propose the following MIS structure, capable of fulfilling the necessary requirements at a sufficiently high level: market conditions functions (Table 1).

Table 1

Main components and functions of MIS



Basic functions


Determining the need for volumes of services.

Drawing up schedules for the provision of services, which serve as a means of monitoring the rhythm of the sales process and assessing the use of available material,

financial, information and labor resources.

operating room

Reflection of sales dynamics and determination of criteria for their effectiveness in accordance with the nomenclature

sold goods and services



Reflection of the status of service provision for each

nomenclature item for a certain period of time with the transmission of information through the appropriate communication channels for acceptance management decisions.


Confirms information about the receipt of orders from customers and their acceptance for execution. Issues

messages about the provision of one or another type of service

according to the dates indicated by the staff,

responsible for order execution. Constantly

records cases of delayed orders and refusals to provide services to clients.

Distribution of products according to customer requests

Issuing special messages about payment obligations, violations of contractual terms, and the activities of financial and banking structures involved in the sales cycle.

We believe that the above MIS structure is capable of more clearly identifying the optimal composition of functional areas in the enterprise, which will help optimize the movement of material, financial, labor and information flows and thereby reduce the total distribution costs when high quality serving all clients without exception.

To improve the quality and reduce the timing of marketing planning, it is recommended to use existing software, comparative assessment which is presented in table 2.

Table 2

Marketing opportunities software(software) for developing a product promotion plan

From the data in Table 2 it follows that the most suitable software product for developing a company’s marketing plan can be considered the “Marketing-Kosatka” marketing program, integrated with the Internet and a block of economic calculations.

In the process of drawing up a marketing plan for promoting the goods of a conditional enterprise, it is necessary to take into account a number of principles, provisions and factors of a spatio-temporal, social and economic nature.

At the same time, the policy of comprehensive provision of services only by the company’s team must be deeply analyzed and strictly balanced. An important role in this belongs to scientifically based methods of forecasting the market for furniture products, which are combined into four groups:

1). Qualitative forecasting methods based on the intuition of the company manager and sales department.

2). An overview of the market for furniture products and services, which, in fact, was used by us in the second chapter of this work.

3). Analysis of sales dynamics over the past three to four years, the purpose of which is to establish and forecast the factors that determine sales fluctuations over time.

4).Mathematical methods of forecasting. In particular, you can apply the exponential smoothing method, which makes it possible to obtain more accurate estimates of demand in comparison with other methods of analysis. This method is based on determining the weighted average of sales over a certain number of past periods. In this case, the greatest weighting coefficients are given to subsequent sales.

Note that if the necessary statistical data is available, the above methods for forecasting demand for furniture products can be implemented in the Mathcad 7.0 software environment.

Since no method is able to give an accurate forecast of demand for the planned period, in order to make appropriate management decisions it is necessary to constantly monitor the sales of the company’s products and, based on its results, adjust the marketing plan for promoting the company’s products.

It is important that the content of a company's marketing plan is derived from the content of the marketing strategies that the enterprise pursues. According to the marketing view, they, i.e. strategies must represent a system of consistent reactions to stimuli generated external environment(Table 3) .

Table 3


1. Expanding the boundaries of the market and consumer structure

Entering new market segments

2. Penetration into new markets

Updating Channel Subjects


3. Change

activity structures

Partial change in the range of services; combination of new and traditional services in the service portfolio

4. Adaptation

technological specialization

market needs

Transformation of enterprise activities with a focus on gradual

satisfaction of new promising

customer needs

These incentives, for example, with strategy 3 “Changing the structure of activities” and strategy 4 “Adapting technological specialization to market needs,” can come from promising types of furniture products and services in retail trade.

One of the most promising directions communication policy of an enterprise during the period of overcoming the consequences of the economic crisis should be considered work with social networks, which, thanks to the multiplication effect, becomes important factor improving its interaction with client base, which should be taken into account when drawing up a plan for promoting the company’s products and services. In particular, it is recommended to include issues related to improving the functioning of the company’s website and optimizing search engines for its blog.

Considering that development information technology has recently led to the creation of many new communication channels, now it is possible to save on personal sales visits, preserving only those stages of the sales cycle that are truly impossible to do without.

When drawing up a plan for promoting furniture products of a hypothetical enterprise, one must keep in mind that increasingly the bulk of transactions are on industrial markets passes through so-called “industrial exchanges”. They represent a kind of network market, which, using the principle of dynamic prices, brings together many buyers and sellers in a single market space.

In order to increase the efficiency of such exchanges in different segments of the furniture market, even at the stage of planning activities to promote goods, it is recommended to divide potential consumers into three groups:

  1. “Significant value” buyers are those who know exactly what they want and use “industry exchanges” to find the lowest price of options for the service they are interested in that they believe represent equivalent alternative offerings.
  2. Incidental value consumers are those who are faced with a problem that they do not know how to solve, and therefore need advice from the company's employees.
  3. “Strategic” consumers are those who strive to form and maintain long-term relationships with the enterprise.

It has been noticed that with the development Russian market For furniture products, the old rules no longer apply, as consumers increasingly refuse to be “assigned” to any particular service sales channel. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important not only what a company sells, but also how it sells.

In this case, two interrelated issues are put on the agenda. The first of them concerns improving the quality of services provided by the company, which is measured by final results, and not just by intermediate indicators of the performance of individual departments or employees. Because of this, objective difficulties arise in assessing the quality of customer service, which in the process of drawing up a plan are recommended to be leveled through the widespread use of various self-control systems on the part of specific performers.

The second question arises from the lack of competence of some consumers. To fill this gap, it is advisable to plan the organization of seminars for the personnel of the purchasing companies so that students can become familiar with the latest scientific and technical achievements, advantages and disadvantages various types furniture. These services can become a unique selling proposition (USP) of the company, helping to establish first contact with new buyers of the goods and services of the conditional enterprise. In the future, based on the development of our own marketing information system It is possible to organize “remote consulting” via the Internet.

Since, according to statistics, the costs of attracting new customers are several times higher than the costs of retaining “old” customers, significant marketing efforts should be made to retain them and, at the same time, attract new customers through various means of promoting the company’s goods and services. One of the simplest and most effective tools on this path is a company’s work schedule that is acceptable to most consumers, plus the organization of comprehensive communication events.

Thus, the marketing plan must be drawn up in such a way that the choice of specific marketing activities to promote the company's products and services in the regional market determines the functionality for a strategic perspective. In this regard, it is recommended to introduce into the marketing plan a set of measures related to increasing the company’s marketing potential. We believe that the more successfully the specified principles and methods are implemented in the process of developing a marketing plan, the more likely long-term contacts with consumers will become, which will help increase the efficiency of promoting the company’s products and services on the regional furniture market.

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An enterprise needs to hire a marketing specialist to organize an effective marketing policy, since one of the main goals of any commercial enterprise is to obtain the maximum possible profit. An enterprise must plan and manage the marketing process.

The main objectives of marketing in an enterprise:

  • - obtaining the necessary information about the market and its participants;
  • - planning of production and sales of products;
  • - development of a pricing system;
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The marketing specialist will be responsible for the following areas: planning and implementation of sales, development of the most effective sales policy, an important element of which is pricing strategy, including methods and forms of settlements with consumers, payment terms.

Since the Day Light enterprise has a rather weak advertising campaign, it is proposed that one of the points for improving the promotion program is to conduct an extensive advertising campaign. To justify this campaign, a marketer introduced into the company’s staff must conduct a small marketing research on the awareness of consumers of PVC structures about the company, whether consumers receive enough information from advertising, from what sources they learn about the company, etc. A sample questionnaire is given in Appendix A.

Based on the results of this survey, it is necessary to formulate a strategy for the sale and promotion of the enterprise’s products on the market, as well as apply new advertising methods, which are discussed below:

1.Participation in the exhibition (organization of your own stand). Participation in the exhibition provides an opportunity to demonstrate your product, attract to the stand not only ordinary buyers, but also dealers, as well as small and large construction organizations. The working group for organizing exhibition stands must develop a plan for presenting information at the stand and the design of the stand. From the general level of awareness, correctness and appearance employees at the stand, the design and technical level of the stand itself depend on the image of the company and the interest of visitors in the exhibited product.

Elements of other marketing communications, such as personal selling, are organized at the stand (the product offered can be sold at a discount at the stand, free window finishing can be offered depending on the volume ordered).

Also at the stand you can hold lotteries, free distribution of advertising booklets, pens with the company logo, price lists with contact numbers and a list of services provided.

The following benefits are expected from participation in the exhibition:

  • - improving the company's image;
  • - attracting new buyers and wholesale representatives;
  • - increase in trade turnover in the coming period.

Table 3.2.1 shows the required amount of costs for participation in the exhibition.

Table 3.2.1 - Costs of participation in the exhibition.

Note - source: own development

It is expected that about 400 people will visit the exhibition every day, approximately 80 people will be interested in the company’s stand and 10 contracts will be concluded. The average income from one transaction is 900,000 rubles. This means you can calculate the effectiveness of the measures taken using the formula:

Ef = P pl? Stotal (3.1)

where: Stot - total costs

P pl - planned profit (900000? 10)


We calculate profitability using the formula:

P = P pl? S total?100 (3.2)


Consequently, the costs of participating in the exhibition will be fully recouped, and the proposed events will be effective.

2. Advertising on transport. Road construction cannot keep up with the increase in the number of cars and the load on transport routes is increasing. This, in turn, leads to more and more traffic jams on the roads, therefore, the average speed of cars is reduced. This, among other things, suggests that the potential audience for outdoor advertising is expanding significantly: drivers and passengers sitting in cars, passers-by have more time to look at outdoor advertising media (including advertising on transport).

Up to 90% of the population uses various types of transport in any city. In large cities it is added large number visitors. Advertising opportunities various vehicles very wide. Transport advertising itself has a number of advantages over other media:

  • - extraordinary low cost of the first advertising contact;
  • - high level consumer attention;
  • - high frequency;
  • - wide coverage.

To promote the products of the Daylight Company, a non-standard type of transport advertising is offered. What does it represent non-standard advertising? This is a hybrid of a billboard and a car - instead of the body or trailer of a small truck, a billboard with two-sided advertising is installed, and this design slowly, with frequent stops, travels along the chosen route. The advantages of such an installation - it’s not often that one of these passes in the middle of a stream of completely standard cars. Attention involuntarily stops. And it becomes easier for the advertiser to bypass the most painful problem of advertising of this type, because the billboard can be rolled, for example, only in those areas where people mainly live potential consumers, park near the administration buildings - in a word, in those very advantageous places where it is impossible or very expensive to hang a billboard.

71% of passers-by who encountered it for the first time remain impressed by the outdoor advertising they see. While only 18% remember the first time they heard a radio commercial, 23% remember the first time they saw a video. It is possible that the memorability rate of transit advertising is higher than 71% - due to its dynamism, mobility and, often, large size compared to billboards.

Coming into the field of view of pedestrians, passengers, drivers, i.e. potential recipients, transport advertising operates in a constantly changing environment. Repetitive, but not boring (unlike television advertising) is another advantage of transport advertising. Very often in television and radio advertising, the advertising image displaces the product itself, promotional offer, name or company coordinates. In contrast, transport advertising ensures that the advertising message is clear, specific and concise.

3. Service. Service is understood as a customer service system that allows you to choose the best product for him and ensure its optimal consumption during a period acceptable to the consumer.

For convenience and comfort when choosing a model for a long time, browsing through catalogs or waiting for a sales consultant, offer a cup of coffee or tea for free. (A box of Nescafe coffee costs approximately 22,000 rubles. It is designed for approximately 170 - 200 cups of coffee, this amount of coffee will take about 2.5 kg. Sugar - 5,500 rubles, a total of 27,500 rubles.) Since coffee will be offered to specific customers, which in at the moment make an order, then a box of coffee will probably last for two months. The costs are not large, the effect is that this will have a positive effect on the image of the Daylight company, i.e. will raise it.

4. Price incentives. It is proposed to use the following types of discounts when selling products:

seasonal discounts - provide a 10% discount for the winter period, since during the winter period there is usually a decrease in the number of orders;

discounts depending on order volume;

also the development of complex promotions when there is a seasonal decrease in demand.

As part of an advertising campaign, the Day Light company can offer such a promotion as “Three months”. When concluding an agreement with the company from September 1 to November 30 for the production and installation of windows, which will be installed for the client exactly three months later with an additional winter discount of 10%. To do this, you need to pay only 2% of the actual cost of the order, and 10 days before installation, pay the balance at the winter price.

This promotion is designed to increase sales volumes to private consumers of PVC structures (installation of windows and glazing of loggias in apartments, cottages, etc.). during the three winter months, when there is minimal demand for products in the industry.

To summarize, it can be noted that the proposed measures will help the company increase sales volumes, and therefore production volumes, and also increase its share in the Belarusian market. It should be mandatory to determine economic and psychological effectiveness, which will make it possible to select for use only those means of promotion that will always give good results. Acting in accordance with these recommendations, with careful planning of advertising and sales promotion activities, will allow you to continue to operate successfully in the consumer goods market and even improve your position.

Low-budget marketing... Every business owner's dream. And it would be even “dreamer” - if at the same time the recognition of the company (product) would grow exponentially... and the sales curve would bend steeper and steeper every day...

But the reality is that marketing budgets ( advertising, PR - highlight what is necessary) are laid out using methods known only to the “layout designer” himself ( read - marketer, advertiser...) laws... And, with rare exceptions, they are a weak reflection of the reality and the company’s need for contacts with the target audience.

They say that the true professionalism of a marketer lies in bringing a company (product) to the market without a budget... Well, or with the minimum necessary cash injections.

I don’t know how true or controversial this statement is - I can’t imagine Coca-Cola, Mars and Adidas in the market without budgets... but still. The fact remains, and the realities of the market are such that not everyone has the budget to pay for “multi-layered” advertising campaigns. In addition, due to the still prevailing mentality of Russian business owners, who are skeptical and distrustful of their own marketing services, small and medium-sized businesses are not yet ready to part with money for advertising and other marketing communications ( because there is no clear understanding of “how will all this come back to us...”).

So, what low-budget ways do you use to market a company or product?

I can offer you tools that I have used quite often in my practice, which have been tested by the market and have shown their effectiveness, and which have helped me out more than once.

1. Barter. Many people don't like this word. Especially in accounting departments. I don’t really like it myself. But I must admit that such a cooperation scheme is quite common in the Russian business segment, even among large and respected players (for example, such as Rosinter). Of course, if you have something to offer your potential partner. And, obviously, the value of your offer for your partner should be no less than what you expect (ask) from him.

2. Exhibitions. Yes, your industry exhibitions are a good reason to promote yourself in your own market among your partners and target audience. And no, you don’t have to buy an expensive place and set up a stand. Be more creative - push the boundaries of your imagination. There are many other ways to introduce yourself at the exhibition, distribute your contacts and collect the ones you need.

Carefully study the proposal of the exhibition organizer, the site where the exhibition will be held - look for opportunities for a low-budget “performance”.

This could be simply placement in the exhibition catalog, posting on the website, renting 2-3 square meters at the entrance to the exhibition, placing a girl/boy with the distribution of samples (or just some “goodies”-useful things with your contacts), investing in a package participant, organization of a photographer with instant printing of photographs against a press-wall background with your logos, and so on - think of it! (by the way, such participation can also be closed through barter)

3. Internal events. This means your personal events for your target audience, for your potential clients. Create some kind of useful event for your customers - what is their pressing problem? What critical question do they have that they typically pay money to answer?

Give them this answer for free! Perhaps in the form of a mini-seminar or micro-training for 4 hours, maybe together with a representative of an authoritative opinion for them (for example, if this is medicine, then this could be the head physician of a serious clinic, if trade - the manager large network, tax chief, bank top manager, etc.).

You can agree on holding such a seminar with the owner of the premises, who is also interested in the audience that overlaps with you, but is not a competitor to you in terms of services. For example, it could be a cafe, club or restaurant that is simply interested in visitors and sales of the kitchen and bar. In addition, in your pre-PR campaign to recruit participants for your event, you will promote them, as well as in post-releases and reports after the seminar. Don’t forget to mention this in negotiations with the site owner.

4. External events. Many people forget about the most useful semi-informal get-togethers or, conversely, professional “meetings” of their decision-makers (people who make decisions on cooperation) in the form of various chambers, clubs, communities, and so on.

Look - there is probably a Chamber of Commerce and Industry in your city, which periodically organizes parties for general or financial directors. Look for different fashionable features, such as a mafia game club for HR directors. For accountants, these could be seminars conducted by the local Federal Tax Service. Find out where the marketing directors in your area hang out (if you offer printing, design, or advertising services, for example...). Find out where logistics directors live (if you are courier service or transport company).

If it’s completely boring in your city and poor decision makers stupidly go home after work - see the point above: come up with it yourself! Your own events. Finally, create your own club of mafia players for ____ ( insert the position you need)! Your expenses include purchasing or ordering printing of special cards, blindfolds and beautiful rules on A4 sheets!

Any restaurant in the city will be happy to lend you space on Wednesday evenings for such a theme. In addition, it is not necessary to make such evenings free. Freebies are relaxing. And the mafia club requires discipline ( read the rules on the net). Therefore, take 100-500 rubles from the players. per evening (the amount should be such that it can be dealt with painlessly, and the value received in return will significantly cover such a “loss” from the wallet).

5. Press releases. Make it a habit to issue press releases about your company's activities every Tuesday. Releases should not be large and voluminous - make 1/2 of a printed page of text plus a couple of key sentences about the company.

Look for news updates within the company all week! Set up a system for collecting and processing news and, in general, everything that happens in the company. Any sneeze should flock to your department. And you can decide for yourself whether to air it or not ( together with the business owner, of course).

And regularly distribute your press releases over the network and through all communication channels available to you: website, corporate newspaper for clients, newsletter, bulletin board in trading floor or reception... Register your press releases in free catalogs press releases ( they are easily found in any search engine ). Send your news to interested publications in your region - both print newspapers and magazines, and online media.

6. Publications. The same goes for longer-form press publications—provide free content to journalists and media outlets. These could be interviews on your market, on some problem of your consumers, analytical reports and cross-sections, statistical data ( many media like different statistical collections), just interesting publications “on topic”. Invite the leading publication in your region to organize and maintain some special interesting section - and supply your section with relevant and fresh information on a weekly basis.

Everyone needs interesting and useful content! Finally, ask your customers or potential clients - what are they interested in about your topic, what do they want to know about?

7. Cases. Or case study. Or success story. The nature is slightly different, but the point is, in principle, one thing - to show your target segments, using an example, a solution to THEIR problems. Write stories using the formula “Problem - Solution - Result”, “how bad it was before - and how wonderful it was after”, the principle, I think, is clear. Stories in this vein are very attractive and attractive.

8. Reviews. Customer feedback is something you should collect from the time your company is still a business embryo. Especially if your client is a more or less well-known company in your region. On branded colored letterhead, with a beautiful seal, with the signature of the first person or key top manager of your client.

Collect and store your reviews in a separate folder, each in a separate file, treat them with care and respect -) Well, without fanaticism, of course. You just have to understand that these are the results of your work. These are your “thank you, you helped us a lot” from your clients. And don't forget to digitize all your customer reviews. Only exactly, in color, with high resolution and readable text.

9. « Word of mouth» . Involve the local population in promoting your company, products, brands. It has long been no secret that “sundress” works best in the services market. But in order for your sundress to work, you need to work on it! What did you think? They just launched a rumor among the people - and they picked it up and carried it to the masses? Of course, it would be great if everything were so simple - no one would spend money on expensive TV and radio advertising, but would only be engaged in “injecting” rumors into the masses.

The simplest and most effective thing is to remember yourself. What information have you personally ever passed on “by word of mouth”? It was probably something shocking, out of the ordinary, or terribly funny, or curious, or disgusting, or improving some aspect of your life... Do you feel what I mean? Yes, that's right - it should be something that hooks.

But here, be careful - your legend should support and improve the image of your company/product, and not destroy it.

10. Free consultations, demonstrations, samples. The name speaks for itself. Don't be afraid to give! Nobody likes to buy a pig in a poke. Everyone wants to try first and then decide to buy.

Here your marketing must work more closely than ever with sales. Because it’s not enough to just give it a try - after that you need to constantly ask at a given frequency: “Well, did you like it? Let's buy full version. Didn't like it? Why? etc...." Keep in touch, monitor your potential client. Offer him special offers, inform him about new products, promotions, discounts.

But don’t be afraid to identify and cut off the “eternal tryers” - these are those who initially know that they will never buy, but will never refuse a freebie... You shouldn’t waste your precious time on such “under-customers”...

11. Atmosphere and design of the client office/service hall, reception area, meeting room/. In these premises, EVERYTHING should speak about your professionalism, the quality of your services and the specialists who, in fact, provide these services, inspire confidence in you, your company, your product - every little thing and every element.

Finally, remove all these antediluvian certificates and gratitude from 2003-2007, issued to you by someone for something! Leave just one - but a normal, fresh, up-to-date solid professional license, or certificate, or diploma, or whatever your specific requirement is...

No wobbly chairs, ragged tables, burnt sofas, cracked glass surfaces... Well, remove this piece of furniture if you don’t yet have the money to reupholster, repair, or buy a replacement. It’s better to throw in a couple of frameless “pears” for one and a half thousand rubles, if you need to somehow take up space - well, even if no one sits on them, but they will add a certain “your dude” freshness and dynamism to your office.

12. Gift certificates, loyalty programs. That is, do it so that the client wants not only to come to you again, but to bring someone else with him next time. WITH corporate clients By the way, this also works. You just need to think a little longer... And ask around/observe the clients to see what might stimulate them to take such an action.

An excellent example is large cosmetic chains, fitness clubs, mobile operators (at least). Copy this ready-made and perfectly working model and apply it to your business - what exactly is stopping you? ( The first gift certificates can be printed on a color printer, if things are really difficult... if you get rich, you can print plastic, no big deal!)

In addition, if you have a representative office of any federal discount and coupon network in your city ( like Groupon, but there are a lot of them now), or perhaps there is a local company with this kind of operating principle, contact them and let them plan for you advertising campaign. They won’t take money from you for this, but you will clearly see how much you can earn in one day of such a promotion with zero investments in coverage and attraction. The decision is yours.

13. Cross-marketing promotions with partners. Organize joint promotions with your colleagues, with whom your products can complement each other for the same target audience ( “The printing house blah blah and the furniture salon blah blah are holding a joint promotion only from May 1 to May 20: buy office furniture and get an 80% discount on any advertising printing!”). Promote them well by region ( You can also take the media as partners), share contacts with each other, and work with the resulting client base, each in its own format.

14. Competitions, quizzes. This is about the same thing as cross-marketing, only in a more entertaining format. Each partner performs its function, makes its contribution - provides different formats and the nature of the prizes, covers the event, prints banners, programs the web, handles logistics, takes photographs, shoots videos, feeds, clothes, etc. But someone must take on the role of organizer and coordinator. For example, you, as the initiator and creator of the concept ( which you pre-send to the partners you need for your contribution).

15. Cultivate feedback from your customers. Establish relationships with them. And develop them. Invite them to express their opinion on any matter - about your services, about the same services on the market in general, conduct surveys, call to action in your communications, provoke them to respond to your messages, conduct surveys on the website or jointly with partners, give them free advice and ask to rate them, get their consent to receive your marketing materials (only useful for them and not often!).

Final word

Of course, all these low-cost marketing methods do not require a lot of money, but they do require the investment of other resources - time, effort, patience, energy, imagination and your knowledge.

Yes, and you shouldn’t be scattered about all of the described promotion methods - try each of them in turn, see - which works best for you, brings the most clients? Focus on the few that are most optimal for you in terms of the combination of time and labor costs/number of completed deals.

And one more tip that I would like to mention, but which everyone often forgets... Due to confusion and immersion in routine, probably...

Promote and sell not your company and your products, but the “emotion” and “result” of using your services and contacting your company!

Few people need the services of a beauty salon, but a beautiful haircut and a perfect manicure - yes! I'm not at all interested in services advertising agency, but here’s an increase in sales by 20% in 6 weeks - let’s discuss this soon! There are plenty of tours to Egypt and Greece for cheap, but complete disconnection from current worries and immersion in absolute relaxation for two weeks - there are few such offers! (if they exist at all...)

So stop, colleagues, disconnect from the hustle and bustle, take a time out for the day, go to the park, turn off your cell phone, sit on a bench, relax, look at the fountains, watch people - low-budget ways to attract clients are on the market, you can come up with them. It's just that in pursuit of feverish sales and abstract results, we don't always see them.

P.S. And don’t forget that attracting a new client costs FIVE times more than retaining an old one. Therefore, you should not forget about your client after the first sale (obtained by one of the methods discussed in this report), in fact, this is where work with him is just beginning!

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