A story about the profession of a director for children. Profession director


Director is not even a profession, but a leadership position. Therefore, in the modern dictionary of professions you will not find clear definitions or a set of professional qualities that are required from a director. This general name, reflecting administrative and management activities, includes many specializations that relate to various industries or services.

History of the emergence of the profession Director How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

The history of the director's profession has roots in the distant past. Whatever period of time you take, the work collective was always headed by a person who was the organizer of the business. At different times, different demands were placed on leaders. For example, in ancient Rome the art of oratory was especially highly valued, and any leader had to master it masterfully. With the development of society, both methods of control and methods of leadership changed. The concept of a director in modern society was formed in the understanding of the contiguity of politics and the labor process.

Significance to society Importance, meaning and social status of the profession

Without a talented organizer and leader, not a single enterprise, not a single organization can be successful. Therefore, the significance and importance of this position in society is beyond doubt.

Features of the profession Director Uniqueness and prospects of the profession

Researchers believe that the personality of the director is the main key to the success of his activities. To be an excellent director, you need to have such qualities as determination, honesty, and exactingness. At the same time, the talent of persuasion and organizational skills should not turn into an orderly, commanding tone. The director must be able to make decisions, be responsible for them and for the entire team as a whole, and this requires not only strength of character, but also erudition, an analytical mind, and great knowledge.

"Pitfalls" of the Director profession All the pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

The main risks of the profession can be attributed to the possibility of stressful situations and nervous overload during work. Most directors have irregular working hours, the volume of work is large, and this causes significant harm to health.

Where and how to get the profession Director Where do they teach professions?

Today there are no special educational institutions that would train high-quality directors. Basic work skills can be obtained directly at the workplace, and knowledge can be obtained at universities in specialties relevant to the field of activity.

Profession "Seller"

Dear friends! In this issue we will tell you about the very necessary and interesting profession of a salesperson. Here you will find various materials for preparing classes for children aged 2 years and older. Children will get acquainted with new concepts and terms, go on a tour of the store and get to know the people who work there - the seller, cashier, merchandiser, loader, driver, cleaner, as well as the store director. For the game, we offer you all kinds of attributes - money for playing “Shop”, and various lotto games, and checks, price tags, inscriptions and signs. All this can be downloaded from this page. This material can be used in kindergartens as mobile folders.

Today you and I will go to a big store. Large stores are now commonly called shopping centers. A shopping center is a store that has many different departments. This includes a food (grocery) department, a book department, a clothing department, a shoe department, a toy department, a furniture department, and a computer department. It is very convenient to visit such shopping centers, you can buy everything in one place.

In each department there are people who help you choose a purchase - sellers. The seller knows everything about the quality of the goods sold in his department, about the price of the goods.

The sales profession is divided into several specialties. There are sellers of food products - that is, products (vegetables and fruits, confectionery, sausages, etc.), and there are sellers of non-food products (clothing, shoes, equipment).


In a store, at a market

And finally at the buffet

Everywhere, wherever you go,

The salesperson greets you.

He will sell kefir to the old lady

And a whistle to the mischievous man,

A bright ribbon for a girl

And a cheesecake for the fat man.

A fishing rod for Uncle Petya,

And for Aunt Vera - a brooch.

So he will always greet you kindly -

You won't leave without buying something

He knows math

Well, of course, by five -

He quickly counts the money,

To give change correctly.

Buyers in crowd

They go to him all day

We really need you and me

It's not an easy job for a salesperson!

(N. Knushevitskaya)

Sample dialogue with a child:

Q: Have you ever been to a store?

R.: It was.

Q: What are the people who sell goods called?

R.: Sellers.

Q: What are the people called who come to the store to shop?

R.: Buyers.

Q: What are the sellers wearing? In regular clothes or in special ones?

R.: Regular and special.

V.: That's right, some sellers must wear special clothes. This is, for example, a salesperson in the dairy department or a salesperson in a pharmacy. And in every large grocery department or store they come up with the same overalls for all store employees.

Q: What departments/stores can you name?

R.: names those that he can remember.

V.: That’s right, and there are also...

So, you and I will go to the store. But not for shopping, but to observe the work of the seller.

Together with the seller, we will come to the store before it opens. Why does a salesperson need to come to work early? And then, in order to have time to put the goods in their places.

Well, the store opened, customers came. The seller greets customers with a friendly smile, he is happy to help! It is from a friendly seller that you want to buy something. It is very important that the seller is neatly dressed and combed.

The seller knows his product well. Remembers where and what is. For this he needs a good memory.

As soon as the buyer has chosen the product, the seller escorts him to the checkout. Sits at the cash register cashier (fix the word).

Who is a cashier? The cashier is also a salesperson, but he does not walk around the sales floor. His place is behind cash register (fix the word) he “pushes” the check and takes money from buyers for the goods.

Let's think about who else can work in the store?

They work in the store drivers, their task is to bring new goods to the store.

They are still working in the store loaders (or workers)– they accept and help unload new goods.

Works in the store merchandiser(new word) This is a person who monitors the quality of the goods sold in the store; he knows how to distinguish a good product from a bad one. He tries to negotiate with the best factories and factories in order to purchase the necessary goods. He is responsible for all the goods in the store. This is a very important and responsible job.

Of course they work in the store cleaners(ki) (fix the word) who monitor the cleanliness of the store. And if any of the customers accidentally breaks or spills something, they will immediately clean it up. You need to try not to litter in the store, you need to protect the work of the cleaners.

And finally, the most important person in the store - store director. The store director makes sure that all other employees do their jobs correctly and well.

Well, that's the end of our walk through the store.

Next time you go to the store, look carefully - maybe you'll notice something else interesting.

Dad and Nastya are in the store

They buy sweets for tea.

Chocolate cake "Fancy"

Aunt Luda loves her very much.

Three eclairs, five rings

Wrapped them... (salesman)

He carries heavy loads,

Be it furniture or watermelons.

In the morning he got up early,

He was very tired during the day.

“Someone give me a chair” -

The tired one will tell you... (loader)

Cleans windows and floors

Dust will not hide in the corners.

When he sees dirt, he winces,

This is how clean ours is...(cleaning woman)

To purchase goods,

The best in the world

To make them happy

Adults and children.

There is an expert in the store,

Call him... (merchandiser)

And a magazine and a newspaper

The seller will sell me this one.

He sits in his little mansion,

He looks through the window.


Poems for children about professions

In the shop

I approached the seller

At the grocery store:

I would like a bag of time

And a keg of zeal.

Strength - two hundred kilograms,

Five kilos of aggression.

If it's not too difficult for you,

Can you weigh two minds for me?

And perseverance, two packs,

Bottle of mood,

Give me memories

And a piece of skill.

And the seller told me

Grocery shops:

Everything will happen, but it won't

Medicines for laziness.

And without this, alas,

Everything that is assigned here

No matter how much you want,

It will be wasted.

I'm stubborn like a sheep

I say to the ignorant:

I know myself what to do,

You sell first.

The seller, having thought, stood up,

Without blinking an eye,

Didn't convince me

Fulfilled orders.

(Vasily Usik)


The seller is great!

He sells goods -

Milk, sour cream, honey.

And the other - carrots, tomatoes,

He has a rich choice!

The third sells boots,

Shoes and sandals.

And the fourth is a table and a wardrobe,

Chairs, hat hangers.

Sellers know the goods

They don't waste time.

Everything we ask for will be sold.

This is their usual work!


There are many different professions,

important, necessary and beautiful.

Seller, I'll tell my friends,

We ignored it in vain.

you come to the store -

There is only one seller there.

will tell you everything: what to buy,

how much do you have to pay,

pick up, find, try on,

weigh, wrap, measure,

lift the mood,

invite you to visit again.

It’s immediately obvious - well done!

the best seller!


I sell books

come on over, kids!

Who needs a primer,

who needs a dictionary?

Songs, jokes,


pens, pencils,


brushes, paints,

fairy tales,

new pictures!..

Who wants to study

let him in the door

he's knocking on me!

Didactic games

Shop "Berries, fruits"

Goals and objectives: To develop children’s ability to accurately describe the appearance (color, shape), taste, and place of growth of fruits and berries; check whether they correctly understand and know how to use generalizing words “fruit”, “berries”.

Preparation: It is necessary to select pictures (or toys) depicting fruits and berries known to children.

The seller is selected. The pictures are laid out face up on the table. The buyer comes to the table and, without naming the fruit/berry, describes what he would like to buy. For example: “I want to buy fruit. It is round and comes in red, yellow and green colors. Grows in the garden. This fruit can be used to make jam and compote, and can be used as a pie filling.” (Apple)

The buyer must describe the picture in such a way that the seller understands what fruit or berries he wants to buy.

The seller sells fruits and berries (gives the picture) only to those who have completed the task correctly.

Games can be played according to the same principle: “Vegetables, Fruits Store” or “Cookware Store”, “Household Appliances Store”, “Toy Store”, etc.

Download ready lotto "Vegetables, fruits, berries" for the game you can

Lotto "Shop"

Goals and objectives: Development of attention, visual and auditory memory, familiarization and consolidation of knowledge about different departments of the store.

There are playing fields with images of products that can be purchased in different stores. And also chips with exactly the same images. The presenter tells the children: “ A new product was brought to the store. It needs to be sorted into shelves: shoes, clothes, kitchen utensils, appliances", then takes one chip out of the bag, and the player who has the same picture on the playing field takes the chip for himself and covers the image with the chip. The winner is the one who covers all his drawings with chips first.

You can play with chips without a playing field.

1. Select several chips of the same type (for example, shoes) and add one (or more) cards from another category. Place them in a row in front of the child and ask them to determine which chip is the odd one out.

2. Select several cards (for example, 5 pieces) and lay them out in front of the child, picture side up. Invite your child to carefully look at the cards, then invite the child to close his eyes, and at this time swap the cards (or add/remove one more). Then invite your child to open his eyes and say what has changed.

Lotto "Shop" is attached in this file. Large cards look like this:

Story-based role-playing game "Shop"

Tasks: To develop in children interest and respect for the sales profession. Cultivate an attentive attitude towards customers and a culture of communication.

Roles: buyers, store director, merchandiser, salesperson, cashier, loaders, cleaner.

Game actions:

The buyer comes to the store, tells the seller what they would like to buy, talks with the seller about the quality of the product, and pays the cashier with money.

The store director organizes the work of store employees, signs the necessary documents, and works in collaboration with the merchandiser. Checks the work of other employees.

The merchandiser makes requests for goods, talks with customers about what other goods they would like to buy in their store.

The cashier “knocks out” the check, checks whether all the goods have been paid for (you can simply draw sticks on the check), hands the check to the buyer, takes money from the buyer and gives change.

The driver delivers the required quantity of goods and receives requests for goods from the merchandiser or manager.

Loaders/workers unload goods into the warehouse and help sellers distribute them among departments.

For role-playing game in "Shop" The following attributes are included:

Developed by: Natalya Vlasova

This material is intended for personal use only. It is PROHIBITED to publish it in other Internet and print publications.

Profession commercial director presupposes that a specialist has a whole range of specific responsibilities. He must inspect budgeting issues in his area, coordinate advertising and marketing strategies, supervise strategic planning of work in the company, and establish contacts with suppliers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics, psychology and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

It is he who determines the optimal logistics and sales channels, and is also responsible for maximizing the revenue side of the budget. Very often, managers in this category actively participate in the management of the company along with shareholders.

Features of the profession

The commercial director actively cooperates with the HR director if it is necessary to resolve issues with the organization of personnel training. If he needs to establish a suitable pricing policy or optimize a sales strategy, then the financial director will come to his aid. The main responsibilities of the head of this category:

  • Formation and organization of the training process for employees (sellers).
  • Search for free niches for the organization's products.
  • Development of promising company strategies that ensure the efficient use of its resources.
  • Logistics issues: organization of warehousing, delivery of goods. The director is involved in forecasting the future needs of the organization, planning them and developing thematic projects, looking for new suppliers of warehouse and transport services.
  • Conducts negotiations with important partners and coordinates work in this direction.
  • Takes direct part in planning the organization's budget.
  • Coordinates all delivery issues, organizes uninterrupted work with suppliers.
  • Supervises sales managers.
  • Responsible for marketing and promotion.
  • Optimizes costs, reduces costs if necessary.

In addition, the commercial director takes part in such specialized events: auctions, fairs, exhibitions. In addition, its function is to track the level of demand for a particular product. This specialist makes decisions on the feasibility of implementing specific advertising projects, branding, and promotion programs. Representatives of this profession are distinguished from other managers by a wider range of responsibilities.

What range of rights does a commercial director have:

  • He has the right to propose amendments and rational proposals regarding the improvement of the company’s activities to higher management for consideration;
  • Can represent his company in government agencies and other third-party organizations;
  • Determine the range of job responsibilities of your subordinates;
  • Take part in the development of contracts and projects related to his field of activity.

Pros and cons of the profession

Of course, this profession is considered one of the highest paid, which makes it very attractive for job seekers. Also today there is a high demand for specialists of this profile, which indicates the prospects of the profession.

Pros positions:

  • prestige and respectability;
  • high wages;
  • career growth.

In addition, those around them treat directors with great respect and even a degree of reverence. TO cons profession can be attributed to the fact that it is impossible to obtain such a position immediately after graduation. You must first gain some experience in this field. The following disadvantages are also noted:

  • high level of responsibility and risks;
  • work in a tense atmosphere;
  • The work schedule is often irregular.

Important qualities

  • highly developed intuition;
  • leadership positions;
  • contact, sociability;
  • determination;
  • permanent self-improvement;
  • analytical mindset;
  • ability to find compromises;
  • resistance to stress;
  • having a sense of justice;
  • the ability to objectively assess the situation;
  • excellent memory;
  • the ability to convince oneself that one is right;
  • responsibility;
  • conflict management skills;
  • having your own opinion;
  • high level of concentration.

Training to become a commercial director

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

In this course, you can obtain the profession of commercial director remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining established by the state. Training in a completely distance learning format. The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to obtain the specialty “commercial director” at a higher educational institution. But if after training you put in a lot of effort and work, you can become a leader at this level. If an applicant for a director’s position supplements his higher education with a diploma from a business school, then his chances of getting the position will increase significantly.

Higher education of commercial directors

  • Branch of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University
  • State Technical University in Penza
  • Economics and Law Institute (specialty in management) in Voronezh
  • Branch of the Russian UDN in Sochi
  • You will have to study for four to five years before receiving your diploma. After graduation, the student receives a master's or bachelor's degree

Place of work

Trading firms, banks, insurance and investment organizations of a state or commercial nature, exchanges, brokerage firms.

Salary of the Commercial Director

Salary as of 06/05/2019

Russia 35000—120000 ₽

Moscow 60000—300000 ₽

The salary level is quite high - from 80,000 rubles. There is no clear limit on the maximum salary - it all depends on the level of the employing company and the personal qualities of the specialist.


Only graduates of specialized faculties who have at least three years of experience in this field can apply for the position of commercial manager. Very often, such bosses subsequently become co-owners of companies or open their own business. Typically, new business enterprises operate successfully thanks to the acquired knowledge and taking into account risks and prospects.


  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • high level of knowledge in the field of economics and management;
  • knowledge of modern management methods;
  • awareness of basic legislative and legal acts:
  • knowledge about production facilities:
  • ability to draw up business plans;
  • PC ownership;
  • knowledge of the basics of financial plan asset management;
  • ability to organize labor processes.

Famous people in this profession

Grishakov Maxim (Yandex), Strizhakov Maxim Borisovich (KROK), Vasiliev Alexander Vasilyevich (OTP-Bank), Klisho Sergey Valerievich (Sony Electronics), Zhavoronkova Anastasia Mikhailovna (online cinema Tuzavr.ru) and others. A commercial director of our time is a young man with a specialist diploma and work experience, who has determination and all the necessary set of the above qualities, is not afraid of defeats and is ready to constantly grow professionally.

If you feel like you have the makings of a leader, know how to find a common language with different people, and are interested in economics, then you can try your hand at leadership. However, it is worth mentally preparing for the stressful business life that will most likely take you over your head. And a high level of responsibility will require the investment of a large amount of mental strength.

What is a profession?
What professions are there?
We will tell children in detail about various interesting professions.
A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life.

About professions Hairdresser, Doctor, Artist

About the professions Librarian, Firefighter, Educator

About professions Manager, Driver, Tailor

About professions Accountant, Builder, Teacher

About professions Rescuer, Cook

About professions Seller, Shoemaker

More information about professions for children:

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A librarian is a very important and necessary profession. The work of a librarian takes place in the library, among books.
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The power of a raging fire is very difficult to cope with. But there are people whose profession is to defeat fire, saving people in trouble. They are fearless, strong, trained, selfless. The profession of these people is called firefighters......
Tailors dress us all year round, both summer and winter, giving us beautiful dresses and sundresses, skirts and blouses, coats and jackets.
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Accountant is a very common profession! Every enterprise: a store, a cafe, a factory, a restaurant, has an accountant..........

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