Work in Russia, CIS, EEU countries. Environmental engineer: job description

Ecologist is an interesting and versatile profession related to environmental protection, studying the causes and factors of air and water pollution, determining the degree of environmental pollution and developing measures to prevent environmental disaster. Competent and qualified specialists can count on high wages and career advancement, right up to work in prestigious foreign organizations.

Requirements for an ecologist

Employers have strict requirements for the qualifications of this employee. An ecologist must have a higher specialized education, and in some cases, work experience in his specialty in relevant organizations.

Knowledge of physical and biological processes is another important requirement. You should be well versed in these areas and, if possible, regularly read additional literature to improve your knowledge.

Often the activities of an ecologist involve working with computer programs (for example, when creating models of the environmental situation). That is why the applicant must be well versed in managing PCs and other equipment.

If you plan to work in a foreign organization or do an internship abroad, you will also be required to have a good knowledge of English, especially technical terminology.

Separate requirements are imposed on the personal and moral qualities of an ecologist. Knowledge of the environment and a desire to protect and improve it are highly desirable in a professional environment, and you must also be able to work in a team and be a good communicator.

Resistance to stressful situations and the ability to work hard for a long time, an analytical mind - all these qualities are needed by a qualified ecologist no less than a higher education.

Responsibilities of an ecologist

Here is a list of the main job responsibilities of an environmental specialist:

  1. conducting environmental assessments at various industrial facilities;
  2. preparation of documentation - conclusion of an environmental assessment, inspection of residential and industrial facilities for environmental safety;
  3. conducting analyzes of soil, water and air to determine their degree of pollution;
  4. preparation of reporting documentation;
  5. development of measures to protect the environment and improvement of existing activities;
  6. direct implementation of practical tasks for the conservation of valuable natural objects, management of junior staff;
  7. fulfillment of other obligations provided for in the employment contract.

Additional information about the applicant

The profession of ecologist is characterized by increased responsibility and the constant search for new, more effective solutions to maintain a favorable environmental situation at an enterprise or in an entire region. Having correctly filled out your resume, having the appropriate education and practical experience, you can work in factories and industrial events, in expert organizations or in the ministry (in this case, administrative work skills will be required).

Sometimes the work of an ecologist involves frequent business trips, especially to environmentally unfavorable regions, so you must be prepared for such travel. The salary of a professional depends on the place of work (in a public or private organization), work experience, number of business trips, complexity and responsibility of the events.

What is an ecologist resume? This profession is currently relevant due to the increasing amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere. Such a specialist analyzes the situation and thinks through measures to reduce harm to the natural community from human industrial activity. How can graduates of higher educational institutions in this field, as well as engineers with experience in their specialty, find work in their specialty? The article offers options for ready-made characteristics that will help environmentalists find a suitable vacancy.

a brief description of

What is important to note on a resume? An ecologist checks the admissibility and criticality of the situation regarding irrational and dangerous methods of human intervention in the natural environment. Nowadays, there are strict environmental standards and environmental protection laws in place.

The specialist is obliged to monitor the functioning of dangerous organizations and select the optimal way out of a difficult situation. Among the activities:

    conducting consultations and inspections on environmental issues;

    identifying ways to protect the environment;

    analysis of the consequences of negative human intervention in the environment;

    carrying out environmental actions;

    filing claims in court, working with complaints.

Features of the profession

What is important to include in your resume? Ecologist is a specialty that requires certain personal qualities from the applicant:

    analytical thinking;



    resistance to stress;


It is advisable to indicate these qualities in the characteristics.

Professional quality

What else can you include in your resume? An ecologist is a profession characterized by certain professional skills (it is important to note them):

    knowledge of legislation in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management;

    knowledge of the design and operating features of special instruments designed to measure certain substances in the atmosphere, water, and soil;

    orientation in matters of chemistry, ecology, biochemistry, geophysics, as well as related sciences.

Where can I prepare my resume? Ecologist is a specialty in demand in environmental enterprises, municipal structures, construction companies, and public organizations.

Among the distinctive features of such an employee we highlight:

    frequent business trips;

    moral satisfaction from one’s work;

    low wages.

First example

What should a resume look like? An environmental engineer is a vacancy that a graduate of a higher educational institution can apply for. Below is a ready-made template.

Level of material income: up to 40,000 rubles.

Place of residence: Moscow, st. m. "Fili".

Date of birth: 02/24/1980 (number of full years).

Marital status is indicated upon request.

Education: graduated with honors in 19... Moscow Technical State University (Faculty of Applied Mathematics), diploma specialty: engineer of higher mathematics.

Professional experience: from 02/01/2010 to the present - senior environmental engineer at Dvizhenie Forward LLC.

It is important to include the following duties performed in a sample resume for an ecologist:

    support and development of regulatory documentation in the field of ecology (maximum regulations, PNOOLR, passports, technical reports on the safety of technological activities);

    on-site inventory at the enterprise;

    carrying out calculations of payments for emissions of harmful substances into the environment;

    work with control and supervisory authorities of the Russian Federation;

    consultations for the customer on the preparation of permits, liability for violations of environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Reason for leaving last job: change of residence.

    Professional quality:


      communication skills;

      mastery of modern computer technologies;


      development of documents on HSE.

    Additional information:

      Fluent in Italian.

    The proposed resume option for an environmental engineer is suitable for specialists with work experience.

    Second option

    Depending on how well and completely the candidate tells about himself, employment and salary depend. How to fill out a resume correctly? The sample and example provided below can be used as a template.

    Petrova Silvina Adikovna.

    City: Neftekamsk.

    Date of birth: 01/01/1975

    Family status: Married.

    Education: graduated with honors from the Forestry Academy named after. S. M. Kirova (St. Petersburg), specialty - forestry engineer.

    Languages: fluent in English, Spanish - with a dictionary.

    Position: environmental protection engineer.

    Professional experience: from 2008 to the present - chief specialist of the State Environmental Supervision Committee


      carrying out inspections of the activities of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities;

      consideration and conduct of cases concerning administrative offenses;

      active participation in court hearings;

      handling citizen complaints;

      participation in inspections with prosecutors.

    Additional information:

      fluent computer skills;

      possession of a driver's license, own car.

    Third example

    How to write a resume for an ecologist? The example below will help holders of this specialty find employment.

    Ivanova Iriida Arkhipovna.

    Date of birth: 01/10/1976

    Citizenship: Russian Federation.

    Education and qualifications: in 2013 she graduated from Samara State University with a degree in chemical technology.

    Languages: native language - Russian, fluent in Polish, English and German - with a dictionary.

    The resume of an ecologist, a sample of which is offered, can include work on commercial projects related to environmental protection (tenders, exhibitions, conferences).


    • drawing up quarterly reports regarding fees for exceeding standards for emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere;
    • monitoring the operation of dust collection equipment;
    • processing information about central wastewater treatment plants;
    • processing of laboratory test results.

    Additional information:

      teamwork skills;

      communication skills;

      winner of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

    Fourth example

    The resume of an ecologist without work experience is compiled according to the classical scheme. The candidate indicates the level of education, personal qualities, as well as additional information about himself. Below is a resume of an ecologist without experience in the specialty. It is a personalized introduction that will give a potential employer the first impression. Before moving on to writing, it is important to analyze the examples and highlight some main points of interest.

    There are three main points:




    In order to have a chance of employment in the desired position, it is important to carefully select information for the resume of an environmentalist without work experience. The sample will be similar to the ones above.

    If the material is presented correctly and in full, the employer (his representative) will definitely be interested in it. The purpose of any resume is an invitation to a personal interview, based on the results of which it will be possible to talk about direct employment for the selected vacancy.

    If you are interested in working as an ecologist, your resume should be short, specific, and honest. Professionals advise highlighting personal qualities: communication skills, willingness to work in a team, learning ability, mobility, knowledge of foreign languages.

    A positive style is the best chance that an employer will see an environmental engineer's resume. A sample is provided below.

    Fifth option

    Sidorova Irina Viktorovna.

    Place of birth: St. Petersburg.

    Relationship status: Single.

    Education: graduated from Pomeranian State University in 19... (Faculty of Ecology), diploma specialty: environmental engineer.

    Professional work experience: from 03/01/2010 to the present - environmental engineer at Arkhangelsk Sales Company LLC.

    In this option, it is desirable to include the following responsibilities:

      support and development of various documentation in the environmental industry (passports, safety reports);

      on-site inventory at various enterprises;

      working with the customer regarding sources of emissions of polluting compounds;

      calculations of payments for emissions of harmful substances into the environment;

      work with control and supervisory authorities of the Russian Federation;

      consultations for clients on the preparation of documentation, within the framework of liability for violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental management.

    Professional quality:

      efficiency and accuracy;

      communication skills;

      knowledge of computer technologies;

      experience in negotiations;

      development of safety documents.

    Additional Information:

      fluency in English.

    Sixth option

    What might a resume look like for an ecologist with work experience? It is important to highlight your achievements, for example, indicate diligence, punctuality, and communication skills. Professionals do not recommend including in your resume the reasons for leaving and previous place of work, salary requirements, photographs, physical characteristics, and a complete work history. It is enough to limit yourself to 4-5 places over the last 8-10 years. In conclusion, it is important to pay attention to certain details:

      knowledge of a foreign language;

      having a driver's license;

      Do not use long phrases or complex expressions.

    Experience in the specialty: 7 years 8 months.

    Full time, possibility of moving to another region.

    Professional quality:

      registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment;

      creating a program and conducting environmental production control at the enterprise;

      work within the framework of environmental management on the preparation of reports and declarations on payment for violations in the field of environmental impact;

      collection of certain information and direct participation in the creation of documentation for obtaining permits, monitoring compliance with the requirements of design materials and permits;

      inventory of sources of harmful effects on the environment, accounting of waste and emissions;

      contractual work on environmental activities, licensing agreements;

      training employees in the field of environmental safety;

      licensing of land use, water use, waste management, environmental monitoring of water bodies.

    Professional skills:

      creation of project documents for licensing, approval, support of materials related to waste management;

      experience in environmental consulting;

      creation of instructions on hazardous waste;

      preparation of organizational and administrative documents that confirm the conduct and organization of environmental control;

      results of implementation of the environmental protection program;

      creation of environmental reporting (monitoring and accounting of waste emissions, preparation of a technical report);

      thinking through a program of industrial environmental control;

      work with supervisory organizations, direct participation in various inspections;

      passing environmental state examination of projects;

      office work in the department.

    The following courses have been completed:

      program “Vocational training of persons working with hazardous chemical waste”;

      program “Environmental safety of specialists and managers of environmental supervision systems”;

      certificate of labor protection, environmental and industrial safety;

      proficiency in working with legal information systems and PC programs;

      Experience working with internal documents, supervisory and regulatory authorities.

    Additional Information:

      knowledge of environmental legislation of the Russian Federation;

      knowledge of the national standard of the Russian Federation;

      awareness at the user level by graphic editors, the 1C: Enterprise system, and the Natural Resources User Module.

    Language skills: English (with dictionary).

    Let's sum it up

    Currently, in order to find a good and profitable job, it is not enough to have only a higher education. It is important to correctly compose a resume for an ecologist (a sample and an example are presented above), indicating in it your main professional qualities.

    In addition to personal data (last name, first name, patronymic), level of education, completed educational institution, specialization, it is important to note work experience in the specialty (if any), as well as indicate additional information about yourself: knowledge of foreign languages, computer skills, driver's license ID.

    In order to interest a potential employer, a candidate for the position of environmental engineer must describe in detail all his competencies.

    In order to stand out among thousands of similar resumes, you must comply with the basic requirements for such documents.

    Professionals do not recommend providing personal information (full name, contact phone number or email are sufficient). When listing places of work (if you have experience in your specialty), it is advisable to use the present rather than the past tense. Indicating the reason for searching for a job is a parameter by which the employer forms the first impression of a potential candidate for an existing vacancy. It is undesirable to note negative parameters (low wages, poor relationships with colleagues, the manager at the previous place of work), as this will “scare off” the potential boss. For example, we can mention as a reason a move to another place of residence, a desire for professional improvement.

Environmental protection is a top priority for many public and private entities. Every year more and more laws are published aimed at strengthening the protection of nature. In this regard, it is not surprising that there are specialists who ensure that no one violates these established norms.

In particular, this includes an environmental engineer. Many have repeatedly heard about this profession and even encountered such a specialist face to face. Nevertheless, they still have many questions regarding exactly what responsibilities fall on the shoulders of a person who has chosen the path of an environmentalist.

general information

So, first you need to figure out what kind of work this is. An environmental engineer is a specialist who monitors the state of the environment. To do this, he must be able to collect and analyze data, relying on his professional skills. For example, he must know how to properly take soil or water samples in order to then test them in the laboratory.

In addition, an environmental engineer must have a good understanding of various documents related to this profession. And this is only possible if he knows all the rules and standards for their writing. In the event of environmental problems or disasters, the environmental engineer will have to take all necessary measures to eliminate them.

Where to get an education?

In Russia it is not difficult to obtain this profession. Many higher education institutions have departments dedicated to ecology. However, it should be understood that environmental protection is a very complex discipline.

This is due to the fact that future specialists will have to master subjects such as physics, biology and chemistry. But that's not all. An environmental student will need to thoroughly study the law, especially those sections devoted to environmental protection.

Personal qualities of an environmental engineer

In addition to knowledge, a candidate for this position must have a number of other equally important qualities. Among which the main ones are the following:

  • Analytical mind ;
  • good memory;
  • communication skills;
  • love of nature;
  • Willingness to work in a variety of conditions.

Finding a job

After graduating from college, a specialist can immediately begin searching for a suitable job. Note that an environmental engineer is a very popular profession, but there are some nuances that he should be aware of.

Initially, it is better to try your luck in government agencies, for example, in Rosprirodnadzor or forestry. This is due to the fact that such organizations do not find fault with the future employee so much. In addition, there is an opportunity to climb the career ladder and learn the basics of the profession in practice.

In the future, you can switch your attention to private companies. Mining and oil producing industries are considered especially profitable. True, to get there, you will have to go through a series of interviews, and work experience will be an important factor.

Environmental engineer: resume

Many organizations require a resume to be provided before hiring an employee. Writing it will not be difficult even for someone who has not encountered this document before. After all, in fact, it is enough just to follow a certain order of filling out the forms and try to answer the questions posed as fully as possible.

Let's give a small example of what a resume for an environmental engineer might look like.

General information:

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

Place of residence: Russia, Moscow, st. m. "Krasnoarmeyskaya".

Marital status: married, has children. Relocating to your place of work is not possible.

Phone (mobile) 8-916-***-***-*; email ivanov@mail.

Goal: obtaining the position of “Environmental Engineer”.


2012 - St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, Department of Ecology. Received the specialty "Environmental Protection Engineer".

key skills

  • Knowledge of regulations and laws that protect the environment.
  • Experience working with reporting documents.
  • Ability to work with data from field analyzes and samples.
  • Calculation and compilation of classifications of environmental pollution.


2013-2015gg. - position of environmental engineer at JSC Vityaz. Work with organization documentation, reporting, analysis of laboratory data.

2012-2013 - internship at Rosprirodnadzor (laboratory assistant responsible for field research).

Additional Information

Russian citizen.

Knowledge of languages: Russian, English (basic course).

Personal qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • punctuality;
  • stress resistance;
  • diligence;
  • curiosity.

Job Description for Environmental Engineer

The work of an ecologist is multifaceted, and therefore the exact range of his responsibilities should be indicated in the job description. Often such a document consists of four main chapters, established according to the guidelines of the management.

Part I: General provisions

This section clearly outlines the criteria that an environmental engineer must meet: education, required level of knowledge, work experience, and so on.

It also indicates his place in the hierarchy of the enterprise: who is his immediate superiors, to whom he should give reports or report possible problems.

Part II: Responsibilities

The second section is the most important, as it describes all the responsibilities that fall on the shoulders of this employee. They can vary greatly depending on the field in which the environmental engineer works.

Among the most common items are the following:

  • studying all company projects and checking them for compliance with environmental standards;
  • study of laboratory research indicators;
  • monitoring the state of the environment and how much it is affected by specific human activities.

Part III: Rights

This section sets forth all rights and privileges of this employee. For example, the opportunity to participate in the consideration of new projects, demand compliance with established standards, or the right to appeal unfair decisions.

Part IV: Responsibility

The last chapter of this document identifies those violations for which an environmental engineer may be held liable. Often they all refer to labor legislation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

07.2015 - 02.2016
Ecodom LLC, environmental design, environmental engineer, responsibilities:
Project development, environmental support for enterprises:
- development of hazardous waste passports,
- inventory of waste at the facility (enterprise);
- development of PNOLR projects;
- calculation of fees for the NVOS;
- preparation of reports for SMEs;
- preparation of reports 2-tp waste, 4-OS;
- development of an industrial environmental control program;
- working with Integral programs (Waste 5., Calculation of hazard class 4.), filling out modules on the Rosprirodnadzor website (Nature User module, State Defense Committee module);
- visiting customers to sign documents, interaction with regulatory authorities (Rosprirodnadzor, Committee on Natural Resources).
- assistance in organizing and concluding contracts between the customer, transport company, landfill, etc.;
02.2015 - 04.2015 LLC "Temort" dismantling of buildings, environmental engineer, duties:
- Development of technological regulations for the management of construction waste;

- Accounting for waste movement at construction sites (dismantling of buildings, structures);
- Calculation of fees for NVOS;
- Filling out modules on the Rosprirodnadzor website (Nature User module, State Defense Committee module);
- Development of PNOLR projects;
- Development of an industrial environmental control program;
- Drawing up technical specifications for the transportation of construction waste.
- Calculation of material costs for carrying out environmental measures for the company’s participation in competitions and tenders (calculation of the amount of waste generated at the proposed facility and the cost of their collection, transportation, disposal);
- Interaction with regulatory authorities (Rosprirodnadzor, Nature Management Committee), compliance with instructions during unscheduled inspections;
02.2012-02.2015 LLC SK Orion Plus construction, major repairs of roads, utility networks; environmental engineer, responsibilities:
- Development of technological regulations for the management of construction waste;
- Accounting for the movement of waste throughout the enterprise and construction sites (construction and repair of highways, maintenance base for cars and construction equipment);
- Calculation of fees for NVOS;

- Development of hazardous waste passports;
- Development of PNOLR projects;
- Monitoring the activities of tenants on the territory of the enterprise to comply with the requirements of environmental legislation;

- Interaction with regulatory authorities (Rosprirodnadzor, Natural Resources Management Committee, implementation of instructions during scheduled and unscheduled inspections;
- Participation in the development of the MPE project (inventory of sources of pollutant emissions, collection of initial information on the enterprise).
06.2010-12.2011 LLC "Gatchinateplostroy", construction, major repairs of main oil and gas pipelines; environmental engineer, responsibilities:
-Environmental engineer:
- Development of a project for permissible discharges;
- Development of hazardous waste passports;
- Calculation of fees for NVOS;
- Extension of limits on waste disposal;
- Participation in the development of PNOLR projects;
- Accounting for the movement of waste throughout the enterprise and construction sites (construction of main oil and gas pipelines, reinforced concrete production, maintenance base for cars and construction equipment);
- Development of an industrial environmental control program.
- Interaction with regulatory authorities (Rosprirodnadzor, Nature Management Committee), implementation of instructions during scheduled and unscheduled inspections;
- Participation in the development of MPE and SPZ projects (inventory of sources of pollutant emissions, collection of initial information on the enterprise);
- Certification in Rostechnadzor under the programs “General Industrial Safety Requirements” and “Oil and Gas Industry”.
10.2008-05.2010 JSC "Rescue Complexes and Aquatics", heavy engineering; environmental engineer, responsibilities:
- Development of hazardous waste passports;
- Development of the PNOLR project;
- Calculation of fees for NVOS;
- Extension of limits on waste disposal;
- Accounting for the movement of waste throughout the enterprise (production of fire-fighting equipment, pontoons, pressure chambers, diving equipment ordered by the Ministry of Defense);
- Submission of reports 2-tp waste (to Rostekhnadzor), 2-tp air (to the territorial body of Rosstat), 2-tp water management (to the Nevsko-Ladoga Basin Water Administration);
- Sampling of wastewater;
- Monitoring the activities of tenants (production of treatment facilities (aeration tanks, settling tanks), production of rubber and plastic products, galvanic production, etc.) in compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation;
- Participation in the development of VAT, SPZ, MPE projects (inventory of sources of emissions and discharges of pollutants, collection of initial information on the enterprise);
- Interaction with regulatory authorities (Rosprirodnadzor, Nature Management Committee), implementation of instructions during scheduled and unscheduled inspections;

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of ecologist (an experienced specialist or a newcomer without work experience) will help you. A competent resume will greatly increase your chances of getting hired.

There are two types of ecologist resume template:

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what doesn’t. This example of writing a resume for an ecologist has been tested by practice.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness.

If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of the correct composition of a resume for working as an ecologist. 4) Important things at the top.

What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates. 5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy.

To quickly find a good job, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our example of how to write a resume for an environmentalist. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample resume for an environmentalist, click on the link below.
