Working from home during maternity leave. Mom on maternity leave - real income, truth or fiction? How to have a stable income while staying at home

How to make money while on maternity leave? This question is asked by a huge number of mothers. The child requires a huge amount of attention. But money will never be superfluous, because there will be a huge amount of shopping for the baby. There are many advertisements on the Internet offering income to young mothers. Let's try to figure out whether they are real or not.

Pros and cons of earning money while on maternity leave

Before looking for income for mothers on maternity leave, it is worth understanding what advantages and disadvantages of such a pastime you will have to face.

Among the advantages are:

  1. Naturally, additional injections into the family budget. For those who have children, money is never superfluous.
  2. There is no need to go anywhere or look for someone to leave the child with. The baby will always be next to his mother.
  3. Flexible working hours. The schedule can be adjusted to suit the baby’s schedule, no one will be indignant about being late. Moreover, if the child suddenly gets sick, the mother can always be there.
  4. There is no employer who will be indignant at frequent absences to the clinic, swimming pool and other activities with the baby.

Despite the large number of advantages, earning money while on maternity leave also has a number of undeniable disadvantages:

  1. You will have to take a break from your child and household chores.
  2. It is often difficult to convince household members not to disturb a working mother. They are sure that since she is at home, they can distract her over trifles.
  3. You will have to organize the work entirely yourself. It’s difficult for some when no one pushes them, there is no fear of angering the evil boss.
  4. At the initial stage, the income will most likely be very small. This is disappointing for many. However, with due diligence, after a few months you can reach quite decent amounts.

What to do on maternity leave to earn money

Those who are not afraid of the disadvantages listed above begin to look for the best ways to make money on the Internet. The main thing here is not to become a victim of scammers. There are a huge number of offers on the Internet that promise good income. To find a real part-time job, you should follow simple rules:

Below are real ways that allow you to earn money while on maternity leave while sitting at home.

Tinkoff Bank - Official work from home

Those mothers who are looking for an official way to earn money without leaving home can be advised to become a sales manager or call center operator at Tinkoff Bank. To work, you only need a stable Internet connection and a headset with a microphone. The only condition that must be ensured is complete silence during operation. This is the only thing that is difficult for the mother of a small child to comply with.

This type of online earnings is good, first of all, because it is official. Agreement with the employee employment contract. In addition, Tinkoff pays all necessary contributions. At the same time, to work in a bank, only communication skills are required; employees are not required to have special knowledge.

Earning money from copywriting and rewriting

Another option that allows moms to make money on the Internet is writing articles. There are two main options for such work:

  • Rewriting – retelling the text in your own words in order to achieve uniqueness;
  • Copywriting – writing articles based on your own knowledge or large quantity sources.

To work in this field, you need to be able to express your thoughts competently and without errors. Knowledge in certain areas will be useful - texts about Forex, loans, stock trading. However, it is quite possible to find customers on the subject of housekeeping and raising children.

The advantage of making money on the Internet for mothers is the opportunity to receive additional knowledge. The disadvantage is that at first, in order to earn decent money, you will have to work quite a lot.

Register on the Etxt copywriting exchange and start earning money

Writing essays, term papers and dissertations

This earning option is suitable for fairly educated mothers. It is best if you graduated from university recently and the knowledge is still fresh.

In large cities, various companies provide similar services. It’s quite possible to ask there if they need workers. Another option is to write independently of any companies. But you will need to look for clients yourself. Free bulletin boards and social networks will help with this; if done well, rumors will quickly spread among students. The main rule for such work is to adhere to deadlines; if you are not sure that you will be able to complete the work on time, it is better not to take on it.

There is a special website for working on the Internet on writing essays and coursework.

Freelance services

Those who have an education as an accountant or programmer should not have a question about how to make money while on maternity leave. It is quite possible to offer your services for filling out declarations and keeping records small firms, creation and promotion of websites.

With direct contact with the client, there is a risk that the work will not be paid. Therefore, it is better to work through freelance exchanges available on the Internet. You can also meet with clients in person, handing over work from hand to hand while receiving payment.

The most popular Freelancing sites Kwork and FL.RU are considered places where you can earn good money.

Earning money from network marketing

Network marketing is the sale of unique products through catalogs. This is how dishes, cosmetics, clothing and many other goods are distributed.

If, in search of an option where to earn money while on maternity leave, you decide to take up network marketing, you should take into account that you will have to travel to the office or go to the post office to pick up the goods. True, sometimes it is delivered to your home by courier. In any case, you will have to meet with buyers in person and organize various presentations and consultations.

Manicure/pedicure specialist at home

Masters from this field do not necessarily have to give up their clients when going on maternity leave. Some of them, quite possibly, will agree to go to their home. For such activities you will need to organize workplace, away from the child. The smell of materials and dust can cause allergies in a child.

Nanny at home

If there are mothers living nearby who decide to go to work, you can offer them nanny services. There is no particular difference between sitting a child and sitting with two, so such work will not cause any special problems. It is important to find out in advance the daily routine, sleeping and feeding habits of the patient, and the presence of allergies. This will help avoid problems during work.

Hairdresser at home

Another option for earning money while on maternity leave, not related to the Internet, is cutting hair at home. This option is similar to doing a pedicure and manicure at home. It is important to have sufficient experience and a client base.

How much can you earn while on maternity leave?

Young mothers are concerned not only where, but also how much they can earn without leaving their child. As noted earlier, you should not trust too tempting offers. Most often they indicate fraudulent schemes. While sitting at home it is impossible (especially at the very beginning) to get more than wages average for the region of residence.

The level of income when working from home is usually determined by the amount of effort and time invested. This is explained simply: most options for making money involve piecework payment labor.

Thus, it is quite possible to earn money even with a baby in your arms. The main thing is to choose a suitable way that allows you to earn money while on maternity leave. But here it’s worth focusing on personal knowledge and skills.

During maternity leave, every day of a woman becomes similar to one another. After the baby is born, the mother devotes most of her time to him. As a result, life is limited to the house, playground and store, and the head is filled with songs and fairy tales. During maternity leave, many professional skills are lost, interests and social circles change. How can a woman on maternity leave not feel limited, cut out from life, financially independent and still manage to do everything?

How to make money while on maternity leave via the Internet

Attention! Using all the links in this article, you can go to the sites and read detailed information about the work (working conditions, rules). Read the instructions and recommendations. Also, if something is not clear, write to technical support and ask any question you have! Keep this in mind!

Many mothers doing household chores do not notice a wonderful assistant who can diversify their social circle, soothe the creative itch and allow them to earn some pocket money.

Only lazy people haven’t got a computer and the Internet at home, so if a woman is not one of those, it won’t be too difficult for her to earn money while on maternity leave. Of course, we are not talking about amounts that will allow you to provide for the whole family; for this you will have to work full time, which is absolutely impossible when you have a baby next to you who requires attention. But earning money for diapers, purees and other little things is quite a feasible task.

Pros and cons of making money on the Internet

Today there are many ways to make money on the Internet, but in general, such work has its pros and cons. Among the positive points we can note:

  • Working at home is certainly much more comfortable. You don't have to wake up to an alarm clock, rush to the other side of the city, jostling in the crowd, or stand in traffic jams.
  • You plan your own work schedule. No one will say whether you were late or left early. Of course, you will have to adapt to other people, but still the work schedule is more flexible.
  • Making money on the Internet is available to everyone, there are no age, gender or other restrictions. There are preferences in choosing a performer of work, but they are few.
  • The opportunity to combine earning money on the Internet with your hobbies.
  • For a woman on maternity leave, the Internet is a good resource for creating automatic additional income in the future, when she already returns to work. This includes income from websites or blogs.
  • Many people choose to make money on the Internet only because they do not want to work for someone else. Here you can choose what interests you, no one will force you into the strict framework of fulfilling the plan or monthly reports. Your income directly depends on your hard work, talent and Internet speed.

Every business has its negative aspects:

  • Some people, in order to start working, need a kick, which in a regular job is given by the boss. This does not apply to everyone; some work more productively in the absence of outside pressure. In general, if you are a performer by nature, then when making money on the Internet, you may need someone’s guiding hand. Otherwise, your work risks turning into aimless swimming through the vastness of a virtual network.
  • The amounts you receive at the beginning of your Internet career will most likely not please you as much as your first salary. You will not receive a fixed salary for sitting at the computer table from bell to bell. Income will grow gradually, only through patience and daily work.
  • Physical inactivity and heavy eye strain will not improve your health, but this is unlikely to apply to a woman on maternity leave, who is unlikely to be allowed to sit at the computer for more than 2 hours in a row.

Several simple ways to make money on the Internet

1. Writing articles (copywriting, rewriting)

No special education or skills are needed. Anyone can start. Everyone can write essays or presentations.

You can earn money by writing articles for websites or blogs to order, or by selling already ready-made texts. In order to find a customer or put an article up for sale, you need to register on some copywriting exchange, for example Content Monster.

Before you start working, you need to go through a simple registration procedure as an author (performer).

Different exchanges have rules for gaining access to the order list. In some places you can start working immediately after registration, in others you will be asked to answer test questions in the Russian language or take a copywriting course. Once you have met the requirements of the exchange, you can start working.

Copywriting involves writing articles of your own composition or using multiple sources. Such text must have 100% uniqueness, in contrast to rewriting, which allows for a lower percentage of uniqueness and is, in fact, a presentation of previously written articles. Almost all exchanges have programs for determining the level of text uniqueness, as well as spell checking and semantic analysis.

Exchanges also have article stores where you can post your works for sale. You can make money while on maternity leave by simply rummaging through your old essays, coursework ah, who remained from the institute. Surely, among them there will be good and informative texts that someone may need.

Almost every woman has hobbies: sewing, knitting, photography, cooking and much more. You can write interesting articles about all this and attach photographs to them. If you become the author of original texts, believe me, buyers will notice you.

Earnings range from 100 rubles per day to several thousand. On exchanges you can find regular customers and work on an ongoing basis.

I repeat, anyone can earn money. This is where everyone starts. We will write in more detail about each method of earning money, so as not to miss the release of new articles, join our groups on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

READ IN DETAIL: Earning money by writing and rewriting articles -

2. Writing comments and reviews

Surely, before purchasing something in a store, you read reviews about this product - most of them were written for money. Yes, yes! That's right!

On websites and forums you need to maintain communication and write comments.

In a word - a lot of work!

There are special exchanges where performers work (they write comments/reviews) and there are customers who order these comments/reviews.

Who else but a woman on maternity leave can better describe products for children and pregnant women? Or are you good at diapers? baby food, toys or products for pregnant or nursing women? In general, it doesn’t matter what you know, the main thing is to write a comment or review that the customer asks for.

So, why not make money while sitting at home on this?

For example, a comment exchange

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

3. Freelancing

Freelancing (free movement from the English freelance) is a type of non-permanent working relationship that does not involve concluding long-term contracts, but involves performing certain one-time tasks selected to your taste.

The essence of making money is that if you know how to do something (write texts, work in Photoshop, translate texts from foreign languages, sell products - in general, at least something), then you can earn money by freelancing. Even if your knowledge in a particular area is not enough, you can learn everything.

The profitability of such work varies greatly and depends on your skills. For example, website designers earn from $1000 as a freelancer. It is more convenient to search for an employer on freelance exchanges.

Freelance exchanges


4. Creating your own blog (site)

Creating a website or blog and maintaining it on the Internet is one of the newfangled ways to make money on the Internet.

A blog is a page on the Internet where you can “show yourself.” Here you write about your activities, offer your services, express your opinion about something. If you are a professional in your field, then a blog will be your good resume.

If you are currently a mother on maternity leave, write about raising your child)

To make money, advertisements are placed on the pages of a blog (or website). This is a passive income option.

In general, making money on the site comes down to making money from advertising, and making money from providing your own services. Here is an article: 26 ways to make money online. It also describes ways to make money on the site -

Here is a useful site about creating blogs and making money blogging on the Internet - link to the site

5. Information business

This is the sale of relevant or in-demand information using the Internet. Information can be sold to in different forms: books, articles, programs, audio or video.

Information business involves such types of activities on the Internet as: organizing blogs or websites (i.e. how to make a blog/website), carrying out useful mailings (not spam), linking affiliate programs and much more. All this together is a tool for making money on the Internet.

Here you need to be a professional in something. And package and sell your professionalism. You can earn millions. Make a product once, and sell it thousands, hundreds of thousands of times.

6. Affiliate programs

This certain type cooperation, in which projects/online stores/various services promoted on the Internet offer you income from attracting clients to them.

How does this work? If you are the owner of a website with high traffic (several hundred visitors), you can implement affiliate programs(place affiliate links, banners), recommend something to people, and the person who came on your recommendation and made a purchase/ordered a service, you receive your percentage of the amount that the person you referred spent.

7. Earning money from clicks on social networks and comments on forums:

Every woman, while on maternity leave, makes up for the lack of communication on social networks. Some stay there for a long time. If you are too lazy to write articles, reviews, or understand the intricacies of creating a website, then there is something for you. The world is not without good people, and social networks even more so.

There are sites, such as Forumok, that offer an advertising service that allows you to make money on social networks by simply clicking the left mouse button, hovering over links and banners. Click and like articles/pages ordered by the advertiser.

There you can also earn money simply by communicating. If you like to chat on forums, you can use this hobby to earn money while on maternity leave.

I would like to advise women on maternity leave not to bury their talents in the routine of household chores. Spend your free time with benefit. Make sure your work is appreciated. Try to make money on the Internet, perhaps this work will turn out to be your second profession. Who knows, maybe you will be the one to make a fortune from this.

I repeat, there will be large and detailed descriptions about all the ways to earn money. Step by step instructions. Stay tuned. See you. Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

I am glad to welcome you again to my blog. It’s not for me to tell you how much money is spent on a child. You yourself know this very well. Did you know that you can earn a salary while sitting at home? You've probably heard, but today let's talk in more detail about how to make money for a mother on maternity leave?

Each mother has her own reasons why she cannot sit quietly in maternity leave. Let's look at the popular ones:

  1. Have stable income- a vital necessity. The family simply does not have money or it is not enough for a normal existence. In this case, working from home is not just additional income, but the main source of income.
  2. Need some pocket change. We all soberly assess our financial situation. But sometimes, suddenly, mom wants new shoes, but it’s difficult to find money for them from the general budget.
  3. Desire for self-realization. Sometimes, in a series of endlessly similar days, a mother begins to lose her “I”; she completely dissolves in the child, in his needs. This is not correct. And some women, starting to earn money, thus raise their own self-esteem.
  4. U young mommy a lot of energy and she directs it in the right direction. This is the most best option of all. In this case, your favorite job, which does not take much time, also brings in a penny.

Where would you place yourself?

When work is fun

Do you have a hobby? In this case, you can combine business with pleasure, because now products that are made with your own hands are very popular. Exclusive goods to order. If you have this gift, you have golden hands and great patience, then this type of income is for you. Popular destinations:

  1. Weaving with beads.
  2. Production of photo albums according to individual orders.
  3. Sewing soft/educational children's toys.
  4. Decoupage.
  5. Portrait from a photo (if you have artistic talent).
  6. Making holiday paraphernalia.

If you are an excellent cook, you can bake cakes and cookies to order. By the way, I just buy cakes from such a mom. She manages to take care of two children and bakes great. Some of my friends left permanent place work, and make money by baking for pleasure.
I was selling natural soap when I was engaged in soap making. You can sell through social networks, Instagram, crafts fairs, forums. But then I became interested in blogging, more on that below.

We make money through our profession

Real earnings are possible if you use your professional skills and abilities. Always in demand:

  • text translators;
  • proofreaders;
  • accountant services;
  • legal advice;
  • tutor;
  • designer;
  • professional studio or outdoor photo sessions.
  • speech therapist/teacher of the deaf/psychologist.

Work can be done at home and sent to your boss by email. Consulting activities can also be conducted online via the Internet, by telephone, or by inviting clients to their homes. But this is possible most likely when the baby is already attending kindergarten.

Learning new things

Maternity leave is a good time for mothers to learn new things. We often hear a popular question: “What should a mother do while on maternity leave in order to earn money?”

After completing certain courses, you will be able to provide some services, inviting clients to your home or traveling out if necessary.

Simple professions that you can master:

  • web designer;
  • cosmetologist;
  • hairdresser;
  • nail design and correction;
  • various types of hair removal (why not);
  • massage therapist (if you have a medical education);
  • stylist;
  • florist

Decide what is right for you? And go for it!

I recommend online course Maxim Soldatkin, who teaches not only web design, but also how to properly communicate with a customer, how to present your work and a lot of other useful information Web Design Course

Nanny services

If you have a pedagogical education, you easily find a common language with children - open your own mini-kindergarten. This is a great option for a single mother or one with many children. In the second case, a woman can officially receive a salary and work experience by registering a kindergarten at home, even if she will only raise her own children.

Some parents prefer not to hire a nanny. After all, it is much better when a child is in the company of peers, the same children, and has the opportunity to communicate with them and make friends. And an experienced mother will always be nearby, without interrupting her usual activities.

To realize this idea, you must have a fairly spacious apartment and the ability to care for several children at once. And it’s not difficult to find clients: while walking on the playground with your child or in the clinic.

Salary from main place of work

Did you know that you can receive child care benefits for up to 1.5 years and a salary at the same time? If you take the 0.75% rate at your main job, you retain the right to receive the full amount that is paid to women on maternity leave. This is an advantageous offer for doctors, teachers, and those who work part-time.

You can agree with your employer that you will do the bulk of your work from home, remotely. This is possible if you are an accountant or translator by profession.

Pay attention to offers on the Internet; some companies offer vacancies specifically for “maternity” mothers. Issued according to TKRF. It is important not to fall for scammers, but more on that later.

Popular offers on the web

How can you make money online? This is where you should get some ideas. I will tell you more about the most popular ones:

Attention! The blog and YouTube channel do not immediately bring in money; according to statistics, the income comes after a year, however, this is an excellent income that can exceed your salary by former job. Moreover, this income does not require constant labor, only during the first year. Then 1-2 hours a day will be enough.

I'm studying at a blogging school. How to properly blog so that people find and read it, how to optimize it, where to start, how to make money on a blog? Nowadays they give me everything in a chewed-up and expanded form at the blogger school, so I just take this information and practically implement it. And I don’t think like before, after reading a bunch of articles on blogging and promotion about where to start, who is right, why everyone says different things. This is what’s good about blogger school: you don’t have to look for anything else, waste time processing information, you just take it and do it. School of Bloggers

I chose blogging for myself. Although other types of earnings on the Internet also bring decent income. You just need to decide what your heart is in or try everything, choose what works best.

Training from Flymama helped me believe in myself. After studying all the training blocks, I created my own successful project online. I learned to manage time wisely. Working without interruption from motherhood is real! You can take courses and do everyday women's work. Combine study, work and household chores. how to raise CHILDREN and BUSINESS at the same time!

In rural areas

Do you have your own plot, yard? Seasonal vegetables and fruits can be sold profitably. This is not a stable income, but in the summer it is quite possible to earn a decent amount.

You can sell homemade goat or cow milk, poultry/rabbit/large cattle. Grow and sell seedlings and seedlings in season.


In first place are sites that sell various tools for making certain products, soap, for example. They promise to buy back everything you produce in good faith. But the company disappears, and the goods will remain unclaimed. Walk around promotional offers and promises to receive 100/200/300% of profits, the so-called financial pyramids have not become a thing of the past.

Will not generate income:

  • online casino;
  • online games;
  • sports betting;
  • Forex.

But the position should be given to marketers. They know how to promise. Do not believe sweet words and assurances that in six months your whole family will move to live in the Maldives. To get good money you need to work long, hard and fruitfully.

Think again

Any job is hard work. If your baby is not yet a year old, perhaps you should abandon the idea of ​​earning extra income? The time that you usually devote to your child or yourself will go to work. At first, the return will be small and the question may often arise: “Is it necessary?” Additional stress, less sleep. Are you ready to withstand double the load? Then good luck!

Good thoughts everyone, but I have to go. Until we meet again.

59 442 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about what a woman can do while on maternity leave, and what kind of business every mother can open while on maternity leave.

Working on maternity leave: is it right?

Many mothers on maternity leave experience a lack of money. Therefore, they begin to think about part-time work. Of course, someone thinks this is wrong and will say that while on maternity leave a woman should take care of the child exclusively.

But what if the mother has free time and wants to realize herself as an individual, improve the financial situation of the family, while the child and father do not lack attention? There is only one way out - to open your own business.

Maternity leave is an amazing time when you can learn or try yourself in different professions. Of course, it will be difficult to open any business with an infant. But when the child turns 1.5-2 years old, you can safely start looking for ideas.

But now we’ll tell you how to decide on the direction of your business.

19 ideas of what to do to make money while on maternity leave

Women are amazing in that they can do almost any job. But, despite such opportunities, we would advise building a business on what you know well or doing something that you really love.

Think about what you do best and what kind of work brings you the most satisfaction. Now move on to looking for business ideas for yourself.

Yoga classes for pregnant women

Relevance : modern women take care of their health and even during pregnancy do not refuse to play sports. But due to the fact that energetic movements are contraindicated in an interesting position, many ladies begin to practice yoga. Such activities only benefit the expectant mother’s body and prepare the body for the upcoming birth.

Cost: The amount of expenses depends on the cost of renting the premises. If you live in Moscow, then the amount of starting capital can reach 500 thousand rubles. IN Not big cities this amount is much less.

Conducting preparatory courses for childbirth

The essence of the idea : you recruit a group of pregnant women and conduct preparatory classes to childbirth. You, as a woman who has given birth, or a person with a medical education, will share valuable knowledge and give practical advice.

Relevance of the idea : Women of the current generation prepare very carefully for childbirth. For this purpose, every expectant mother enrolls in courses where she is told about all stages of the upcoming birth. Thanks to such activities, a woman is not afraid of the unknown and knows how to act in various situations.

Cost : Large investments are not needed to implement this idea. Classes can be held at home or in a rented room. Estimated investment is about 200 thousand rubles, depending on the city where you live.

Lactation consultant

The essence of the idea : you organize courses where you teach expectant mothers the basics of breastfeeding. In addition, you offer clients to accompany them during the entire lactation period. For a fee, you can help get rid of milk stagnation in the mammary glands by pumping.

Relevance : Most mothers understand the importance of breastfeeding. But lactation does not always improve quickly and easily. Many women, due to simple mistakes, are forced to transfer their child to artificial formula. To prevent this from happening, expectant mothers try to learn as much information as possible about breastfeeding even before the baby arrives. That is why there is always a demand for such courses.

Cost : such a business involves a minimum of costs if you own the premises where you will conduct classes. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on renting a room, purchasing chairs, tables and other furniture. The required capital investment is at least 100 thousand rubles.


The essence of the idea : you, having certain knowledge that is in demand, offer your services as a teacher. For example, knowing thoroughly English language, you will provide private lessons to everyone. Classes can be conducted either at home or on clients’ premises. In addition, you can communicate with students via Skype.

Relevance: sometimes the knowledge that is offered at school and others educational institutions turns out to be not enough. Students either do not learn the material or want to study a particular subject in more depth. In this case, caring parents hire tutors for their children who can:

  • Prepare students for upcoming entry into educational institutions;
  • “Pull up” a child in a certain subject;
  • Study the subject in more detail, etc.

Cost : Tutoring does not require large investments. You will have to purchase the necessary textbooks and manuals. Skype training requires virtually no capital investment. Students will independently purchase the necessary literature for their studies.


The essence of the idea : if you can cope with your own child and don’t mind looking after someone else’s, then you can provide nanny services. Invite parents who have nowhere to take their child to bring him to you. You will walk, develop, feed and look after your own and someone else’s baby. For this, his parents will pay you an agreed amount.

Relevance: Many mothers who are forced to leave maternity leave ahead of time are faced with the problem of lack of free places in kindergarten. Some parents are against preschools because of the large number of children in groups. That is why they happily agree to offers from other mothers to look after their child.

Cost: This business does not involve any capital investments. The child you will be supervising may play with your child's toys. Parents must pay for the baby's meals separately. Don't forget to think about a sleeping place for your pupil.

Opening of a development room for children

The essence of the idea : you find information about child development on the Internet of different ages, study it, select it interesting games, buy or make your own equipment for classes. After that, find 3-5 mothers who will use your services. It’s great if you have a pedagogical education. It will be quite easy for you, as a mother, to implement such an idea because you will simultaneously devote time to your child and the children of your clients.

Relevance : Modern children develop very quickly. Caring parents want their child to be the smartest and most developed. Therefore, they begin to take babies who are barely one year old to educational activities. The demand for such lessons is quite high, provided that experienced teachers teach children.

Cost : approximate costs to open such a business 300-400 thousand rubles. You will have to pay rent for the premises, make repairs there, purchase the necessary literature, equipment for classes and conduct advertising campaign.

Consultant or online coaching

The essence of the idea : Having useful knowledge, offer paid consultations to other people. For example, you are an excellent lawyer and before maternity leave you worked in one of the law firms. IN at the moment You don't have time to go to work, but you can advise clients over the phone, online or in person.

Relevance : any knowledge is always in demand. If you are a good accountant, lawyer, doctor, etc., then it’s time to make money from your consultations. Your services will be in demand if you show your best side, and people will not regret the money spent.

Cost : such a business involves virtually no costs. You have already invested everything you need into your knowledge. The only cost item may be an advertising campaign.


The essence of the idea : you decide what type of freelancing you want to do, register on one of the exchanges, take an order and complete it. We suggest paying attention to copywriting, rewriting, program writing and web design. Anyone can master the profession of a copywriter, and programming and web design require certain knowledge.

Relevance: millions of people work without leaving their homes. Their work is related to employment on the Internet. Many people write articles, fill websites with content, create online resources, etc. There are more and more freelancers every day. This profession is so in demand due to the fact that the number of new sites is growing every day, and it is freelancers who fill it, design it and promote it.

Cost: Freelancing business does not involve large expenses. The only thing you need is a computer and internet access. Therefore, most likely, you will only pay for the provision of Internet services by your provider.

How to make money freelancing without experience in a certain profession

Creator of video courses

The essence of the idea : you come up with a topic for a video course, develop a lecture plan, shoot a video, and then sell your creation online. It is very important to choose the right course topic. Only in this case will people buy it.

Relevance : More and more people are choosing online courses due to their convenience. Personal meetings are also popular, but due to busy schedules people are not always able to attend them. Finding themselves in such a situation, those who want to learn something are ready to pay for video courses.

Cost: To start such a business you will have to spend a little money on a video camera and an advertising campaign. Approximate capital investments are 200-300 thousand rubles.

Blogger creating your own website

Relevance : Despite the existence of a large number of different sites, new resources are created every day. This is due to the fact that user interest is growing daily. Even if the topic of your website or blog is banal, if the right approach to business, it can bring considerable income.

Cost : Creating your own website on your own is quite difficult; it can take more than one month to understand programming. If you don’t want to wait, you will have to pay for the work of a programmer who will do everything for you. If you don’t want to design and fill your resource yourself, then you’ll have to hire a web designer and copywriter. If you do everything personally, then costs can be reduced to zero. If you resort to the help of professionals, you will have to spend about 100 thousand rubles.

Organizer of joint purchases

The essence of the idea : you find a wholesale site and invite everyone to cooperate and place a wholesale order, purchasing products at a reduced price. After people agree, each of them transfers the fee for their order + 10-20% organization fee (this is your salary). After that, you place an order on the wholesale website, pay, receive it by mail and send it to customers.

Relevance : due to the rapid rise in prices, every housewife is trying to save money. And purchases on wholesale sites can save up to 50% of the purchase price. Thanks to this joint purchases so loved by millions of women.

Cost: such a business does not involve costs. You can create a group on a social network with which you will search for clients. If you decide to create an independent resource, you will have to spend money on creating it and filling it with information.

Handmade master or making money on homemade creativity

The essence of the idea : you do what you love, make souvenirs, jewelry, sew soft toys, make soap, make candles, etc., sell your creations and make a profit from it.

Relevance: Handmade goods are readily purchased by people of different incomes and social status. All thanks to the uniqueness of the manufactured products. Such gifts are never forgotten and have a stunning effect. Even if you sew soft toys, of which there are a lot in any store, your creations will be exclusive and unique, and this is very much appreciated by customers.

Cost: The amount of expenses depends on what exactly you will produce. The more expensive the materials, tools and equipment, the large investments they will demand. In addition, think about how you will advertise and sell your products. It is advisable that you have about 10-50 thousand rubles to purchase everything you need.

What to do to make money from handicrafts

Pet breeding

The essence of the idea : you decide what animals you will breed, purchase at least 2 individuals (male and female), create for them comfortable conditions residence, after the birth of offspring, you sell it. You can breed cats, dogs, fish, parrots or other animals. The main thing is that you love them, and caring for them is not a burden to you.

Relevance : There are many more people who love pets than those who don’t like them. Children have a special love for our smaller friends, which is why parents fulfill all the whims of their children and buy hamsters, canaries or turtles. You can find clients for animals yourself, or you can take them to pet stores.

Cost: When organizing such a business, you must have a capital of 100 thousand rubles. With this money you will purchase animals, food, and all the necessary equipment for their maintenance.

Cooking business

The essence of the idea : you decide on the direction of the business, purchase products and tools, prepare food, and then sell it. You can cook to order. The culinary business involves many directions, for example, you can bake cakes, pastries or prepare set meals. Confectioners most often work to order, and women who sell set meals look at the number of clients.

Relevance : a food business has a great chance of survival due to the simple physiological needs of a person for food. Talented confectioners who make delicacies not only tasty, but also beautiful, always have a lot of orders.

Many office workers are not satisfied with fast food, so they are more willing to buy lunches brought to them. Remember, the tastier the food is, the more customers you will have.

Cost : The cost will depend on what kitchen equipment you have. For example, if you decide to bake cakes, but you don’t have the tools to implement the idea, then you’ll have to buy everything. We recommend purchasing products after customers place an order. In business, at lunches, purchase food based on the number of servings prepared.


The essence of the idea : You find an interviewer position, go through the interview, and get the job. During his labor activity you should be interested in the opinions of people who bought a certain product or used some services. Having a large number of acquaintances, you don’t even have to leave home and leave your child. You just need to call your friends and ask them.

Relevance b: in any newspaper or website where employers are looking for employees, you can find an advertisement for an interviewer vacancy. This is because the management of large companies cares about the opinion of ordinary consumers about the products or services. Due to the large number of companies and brands, there are quite a lot of vacancies for interviewers.

Cost : such a business does not involve any capital investments. The only thing you will encounter is the need to go somewhere for the child's day if you decide to conduct surveys on the street, although such work can be done while walking with a stroller or interviewing mothers on the playground.

Chairman of THA (standard residential section)

The essence of the idea : you call a meeting of the residents of your building and offer yourself as chairman of the THA. If those present are not against your candidacy and vote for the appointment, then from the next day you will assume your position. This idea is interesting because your workplace can be located directly in your apartment. All organizational issues can be resolved without leaving home and maximum time can be devoted to the baby.

Relevance : more and more often you can find a situation where residents of multi-storey buildings refuse the services of housing offices and create a housing cooperative. This form of management has many advantages. If your house is not a typical residential section, then it’s time to tell its residents about this form of management and have time to take the place of the chairman.

Expenses: No expenses will be required from you personally. All services that residents will use will be paid for by them. You will be paid a salary for solving organizational issues.

Growing and selling flowers

The essence of the idea : you are engaged in breeding rare, exotic plants and flowers, and then sell them yourself or with the help flower shops. The larger the tree, the more expensive it can be sold. If you grow it from a seed or a small plant, the profitability level will be quite high.

Relevance : in almost every room there are several pots with indoor plants. Due to the fact that plants help create coziness in a room and also purify the air, saturating it with oxygen, flowers in pots are eagerly purchased by both women and men (often just as a gift).

Cost : this idea of ​​making money while on maternity leave will not require large investments if you approach its organization wisely. We suggest, for example, growing bananas or kiwis from seeds. In this case, the costs will be minimal. But keep in mind that you will have to wait for profit for more than one month, and sometimes even a year.

Sewing carnival costumes

The essence of the idea : you, having knowledge in the field of tailoring, accept orders for the manufacture of an individual suit, or sew it for subsequent sale. This business is seasonal, and such services are in demand during the holidays.

Relevance : during the period New Year's holidays Some people start looking for ready-made carnival costumes, while others, looking at the poor quality of the products, order such an outfit to be sewn. The quality problem is especially acute when it comes to a costume for a child. Synthetic fabrics sometimes cause an allergic reaction. That is why specialists in this profession are in great demand.

Cost: When opening a clothing tailoring business, you need to have a capital of about 10 thousand rubles. This money will be used to purchase materials, fittings and tools. The place of work will be your apartment or house. In this case, you will not have to hire a nanny for your child and pay rent for the premises where you will work.

The idea of ​​making money on art, photography

Relevance : Only a few people use the services of a photo studio, but professional photography is ordered for any celebration. Customers want to capture the brightest moments of their lives in photographs. Therefore, photographers have more and more clients every day.

Artists can paint paintings to order. The “Portrait from Photography” service is very popular. If you are confident in your abilities, then accept orders and create, especially since such activities can easily be combined with the work of a mother.

Cost: The amount of expenses depends on what exactly you will be doing. If you are going to paint pictures, you will need to purchase material and tools. Mom photographers must have a professional camera. Focus on the amount of 10-100 thousand rubles.

A little about the relevance of different business ideas

Many women, reading the business ideas we present, may doubt their relevance. In fact, different ideas can be successfully implemented in different localities. For example, in a small village with a minimal population, it is not rational to conduct courses for pregnant women, since they will not be in demand.

In big cities, on the contrary, such classes are in great demand and not all women who want to get there get there due to a limited number of places.


Modern women not only have time to look after the baby, cook food and keep the apartment clean. During maternity leave, they find time to create a thriving business and realize themselves as individuals.

Of course, this is a double burden, but business mothers consider themselves happy, self-sufficient and successful women. Try opening your own business! We are confident that you can do it!

Useful articles:

Hello, dear readers! Many people need additional income, especially mothers on maternity leave. Therefore, to help with this issue, we have prepared for you a detailed and extensive article on the topic: work for mothers on maternity leave at home.

If you don’t have the time and opportunity for standard work, then you shouldn’t despair, you can always find work from home or temporary work ! At the same time, you will be able to give full care and attention to your baby 😀, and work in your free time.

In reality, there are a lot of well-paid vacancies and options for part-time work for mothers on maternity leave.

Even if you don't have experience or any special knowledge, finding a job is not as difficult as you might imagine. Believe me, there are plenty of opportunities for part-time work. no cheating and no investment !

How much income can mothers on maternity leave expect?
It’s quite possible to make money from 10 - 25 thousand rubles per month, devoting approximately 4-6 hours to work every day!

By the way, effective ways We also described how to earn money and work on the Internet!👈 Be sure to read!🙂

From the current article you will learn what specific professions can benefit mothers on maternity leave. good earnings and how to use useful and creative ideas to start your small home business.

  • Where and how to find work or part-time work for mothers on maternity leave?
  • How can you make money at home?
  • On what sites can you find work for young mothers?
  • How do scammers operate and how can you avoid falling for their bait?

You will definitely learn about this and many other important and interesting points from this article!

1. Earning money while on maternity leave at home - which line of work to choose?

There are a wide variety of ways for mothers on maternity leave to earn money. We will generally consider the most popular and proven ones!

For simplicity, we have identified 5 main options for earning money:

  1. Earning money on the Internet , or the so-called online work. There are even special sites for mothers to find jobs on the Internet. . By the way, here is one of such resources for you It has a lot of orders for female freelancers and a good forum for beginners ;
  2. Offline work , i.e. work offline, at home. For example, this could include official work as a call center operator;
  3. Earning money from home , associated with certain skills, talents and hobbies;
  4. Small business ideas , which are completely without investments or with minimal investment will allow mothers to earn money at home;
  5. Services and websites on the Internet , where you can earn money without experience or special skills. For example, one of possible options are paid online surveys.

You will learn about all these directions and ways of earning money from this article and all you have to do is choose the most suitable one.

I would like to separately note that a woman can find her dream job on the Internet. Perhaps you have a talent for writing, then why not use it and become a commercial writer?

You can even create articles for websites, where they post materials on pregnancy, childbirth, and raising children and get paid for it by simply sharing their knowledge and experience.

For example, a friend of mine made money on maternity leave by writing articles (copywriting) for about 30-40 thousand rubles per month, at the same time there was plenty of time for the child, and there was still time left for cooking, cleaning... and for personal affairs!

The list of the most popular professions for women on maternity leave includes:

  • copywriting;
  • services of a nanny, hairdresser or makeup artist;
  • site administrator;
  • call center operator;
  • social media account manager;
  • manicurists
  • transcriber (translation of audio or video into text).

And this is not a complete list of what a woman with a child can do. There are simply a huge number of offers on the Internet. But our task is to select and select the best and most useful of them.

Remember that any activity requires diligence, and at the beginning of your journey, troubles may arise, sometimes disappointment and self-doubt may occur. But this is not a reason to give up. Everyone has gone through this at some point.

Be sure to believe in yourself and you will succeed!🙂

2. Cons ( — ) and advantages (+) of working for mothers on maternity leave

Working on maternity leave has its own positive And negative To make it easier for you to familiarize yourself with them, we have presented them in the form of a small table:

Pros (+) Cons (-)
Free work schedule! The ability to stay close to your child and plan your own working time. Organization of working hours requires special self-discipline , which sometimes is simply not enough.
Lack of management. You are definitely not in danger of being fired - you are your own boss! You can't always count on high pay for your work.
The opportunity to find a job that will bring you not only money, but also pleasure! You can even start a business based on what you love to do! Woman experiencing double load . A small child constantly requires increased attention, and the work process can turn into real chaos. Therefore, there is no point in talking about special productivity.
There is no need to spend extra money on travel and food at work! You can actually save a fair amount of money on these things. There is also a possibility of encountering scammers , so you shouldn’t trust everyone, and it’s best to check the information that you receive. In such cases, you can protect yourself from negligent employers.

You can organize your time, but you need to try hard to do it. You can work at those moments when the child is sleeping and does not distract you from your work. As you can see, deleted work from home on maternity leave has its own specifics and features.

2. Where and how to find work/part-time work for mothers on maternity leave: the best sites and places to look for work + list of vacancies

We will tell you about the most popular places where young mothers can find work. These are not only Internet sites with remote part-time work, but also useful ideas that can bring you money.

After all, even a simple hobby (for example, cooking or knitting) will help you earn money while you are on maternity leave. Don't rush to take on everything. You can make a plan in a notepad and highlight the most suitable vacancies and part-time work options for you.

Jobs for young mothersgood opportunity spend your maternity leave time usefully, engaging in your self-development and earning money at the same time.

Site No. 1: Kwork

Website quite an interesting resource suitable for making money. This is a dust-free job for moms on the Internet . You can get money on it simply by completing certain tasks.

The payment for the work is fixed and amounts to 500 rubles. You can place your ads there and wait for customers to respond to it.

What can you offer clients? First of all, this:

  • writing articles, notes, reviews for online stores,
  • posting advertisements,
  • administration of groups on VKontakte,
  • and many other simple things!😀

The site is not a freelance exchange, but, nevertheless, hundreds of new orders appear on it every day.

There are certain disadvantages, which is that you will not receive the supposedly fixed 500 rubles for your services. You will have to pay 100 rubles to the service for using its services.

But in principle, this resource can be called ideal for mothers on maternity leave, because without much effort you can earn from 400 rubles a day.

Site No. 2: ETXT Copywriting Exchange

Without any investment or deception, you can write articles on the site. This is one of the oldest text exchanges Internet. Thousands of tasks are posted on it every day.

At the same time, you can engage in rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting, write reviews, poems, congratulations, sell your photographs or original texts. This is a great place to work part-time while on maternity leave. .

The site has 16 service categories that you can provide to customers. Below are just a few:

  • cleaning and help with housework,
  • writing articles,
  • various virtual assistance,
  • promotions and events,
  • WEB design,
  • legal assistance,
  • beauty and health services,
  • tutoring.

Customers can independently determine the cost of the task and set their own price list. The contractor can always agree to the specified amount, or ask for more. The task is paid through a special service available on the website.

Site No. 5: Kadroff

Website " Kadroff"( is the optimal type of exchange for freelancing, on which various tasks are posted daily for people working remotely.

On this resource you can find orders for copywriting, SEO copywriting, rewriting, video transcription (transcription), and offer your services for writing poetry, congratulations, reviews and announcements.

There are also a variety of remote vacancies for working from home: designer, operator manager, text proofreaders... You can often find other easy-to-perform tasks that can be completed without special equipment. skills and experience.

Personnel - remote work vacancies for mothers on maternity leave - examples

Customers place their tasks, indicating postal address, to which they need to send their resume or job offer.

The only downside of the site is that sometimes scammers appear there. How to check whether the customer is in good faith with you?

Just copy his address email and paste the Google search bar. Freelancers have their own databases where you can track negligent performers and blacklisted clients.

Part 1. Work from home via the Internet

This part of the article will be devoted to remote work from home via the Internet, where we will present the 7 most popular vacancies for mothers on maternity leave.

Remote work on the Internet provides many advantages. First of all, it doesn’t matter to the employer whether you are on maternity leave or not. It is important for him to get a certain result at a specific time.

If you work remotely, you should always plan your time in case of unforeseen circumstances. After all, a small child might get sick, then you definitely won’t think about your work.

Vacancy No. 1: Copywriter

Copywriter is a commercial writer who creates unique texts. You can work as a copywriter both with direct customers and with the help of exchanges, such as:

You can take on assignments for rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting. You can write articles on topics that are familiar to you, for example birth, care and upbringing of a child .

Copywriting is the preparation of unique and competent commercial texts for a website, and rewriting is the writing of texts based on existing sources. Well, SEO copywriting is the creation of original content including keywords.

Exchanges have different prices, but on average they start from 0.5 dollar per thousand characters . And for a mother on maternity leave, this is an excellent part-time job that does not require any cost or effort. The main thing is your desire to work, learn something new, and be a competent person.

Vacancy No. 2: Typist

There's another pretty one popular look online jobs for moms . And this typing .

But is this kind of work really a reality or is it a myth? Is it possible to type texts and get paid for it?

Can! For example, when typing coursework texts, theses or retyping texts from handwritten or book materials. This kind of part-time job is good for young mothers. But it would be good to know at least general rules Russian language and not make mistakes.

How much do typists get paid?
Typing prices vary from 15 to 100 rubles for the reprinted article. Of course, you won't make a lot of money this way. But a good typist can get 8-15 thousand rubles per month .

You can find typing orders on copywriting exchanges or on job portals, for example or The following programs will be useful tools for you: Office Word and Adobe FineReader.

Vacancy No. 3: Translator

Can you translate texts? For example, if you know English well or German, then you can earn quite a good amount of money from transfers.

Translators are always in demand, their services cost from 120 rubles and above for a thousand characters.

As a rule, translations are necessary for technical texts, legal documents, commercial articles. Where to look for customers?

You can register on the copywriting exchange. For example, on the ETXT exchange you can always find good orders for transfers.

The cost of translation varies depending on the skill level from 30 to 250 rubles for 1000 characters. Over time, a professional translator with a good portfolio can earn up to 50-80 thousand rubles per month.

Vacancy No. 4: Performer of student works

While on maternity leave, you can also earn extra money by writing diplomas, term papers, and solving problems. Registration on a pretty good resource will help you with this “ Student24" The interface of the Student24 website is simple and clear.

What about the payment?
Prices vary. For example, standard coursework costs from 1.5 to 4.5 thousand rubles depending on complexity and source material.

You can also find assignments for student work on exchanges, or if you wish, place your advertisement for help for students on the Avito website.

And don’t forget about tutoring, because you can improve the knowledge of schoolchildren in the Russian language or mathematics, because for this your experience, Skype and clients who can be easily found through advertisements are enough.

Vacancy No. 5: Call center operator

Job #6: Video blogger

Why not try the profession video blogger?🎥 This does not even require special knowledge or experience.

All you need is a good camera, an interesting story for viewers and the ability to use the service YouTube. Such work for young mothers can be not only profitable, but also very interesting.

Of course, you can list a huge number of famous mothers on YouTube, but as an example we can give channel Tatiana Starikova (, on which a young mother shares the secrets of caring for children, her daily life, shopping and relaxation.

Popular YouTube blogs earn quite a decent amount of money through advertising and affiliate programs.

By the way, you can also add affiliate programs here, which will bring additional money.

The only negative is that there is a lot of such content and it takes time to promote your channel. And you need to come up with something that will really hook viewers and make them subscribe to your channel.

However, do not be afraid of competition. Competition is quite normal and it means that the niche is in high demand! But trying is not torture, try it, and maybe you will be able to become a famous and popular blogger.😀

Vacancy No. 7: Moderator for a public or group

💡 Surveys - how much do they pay?
Payment for one survey largely depends on the number of questions in the questionnaire. You can earn money for an “average” survey 40-50 rubles, with a time investment of 10-20 minutes.

Everything is simple here:

  1. you register on the survey site (preferably 4 or more) and fill out your profile,
  2. then emails with current surveys will be sent to your email,
  3. The email will contain a link to take the survey - you follow it,
  4. answer questions carefully and receive payment.

A simple way to earn money, but in a month you can earn quite a significant amount up to 4-6 thousand rubles . For mothers on maternity leave, surveys can be a good additional source of income!

Here are some great questionnaires:

Method 2: Comments and reviews

A slightly different option for making money on the Internet is comments and reviews. In this case, there are also no difficulties - you only need to write small reviews on websites and review pages about various companies, online stores...

For each such review or comment you will receive somewhere10-50 rubles !

Method 3: Social networks

Almost each of us is registered in at least one social network, in which we constantly communicate with our friends.

There are special online services(for example, my favorite is), on which advertisers order and pay for various actions on the social network.

For example, join a certain community on VKontakte. For you, this is a “second” matter, requiring only one press of the button. So, by devoting a little time, you can earn some money without straining at all, which will at least be enough for your small expenses.

Method 4: Surf, clicks and views

The final way to make easy money on the Internet, which I would like to briefly talk about, is viewing promotional materials and clicks.

Typically, only sites and platforms that host advertising blocks make money from advertising. But now anyone can install in their browser ( website viewer) special plugin , which will not only show you advertising, but also charge you money for viewing it.

There are also special active advertising sites that will also allow you to earn a little money!

In detail the essence of such earnings with step by step guide set out in 2 articles: how to earn money without investments and.

So, we have reviewed the most current vacancies for mothers on maternity leave, and now we can give useful tips, which will allow you to earn more and enjoy what you love, while always being with your baby.

Often, scammers catch naive job seekers by offering to pay for employment or materials for work. Do not agree to this under any circumstances. labor legislation directly indicates that this is a violation of your rights.

Tip #2: Be wary of network marketing

There is no need to cooperate with dubious MLMs. Some network companies They are even considered destructive sects that officially sell the same cosmetics.

Working in such a pyramid, you risk falling under negative influence, and such work will probably not bring you money.

It makes sense to work only with proven and large companies network marketing!

Tip #3: Don’t rush to respond to the first job offers you come across

Always think about every step you take and don’t rush to plunge headlong into any job offered, because scammers are not asleep. Be sure to look for information about the organization on the Internet by typing its name or postal address into the search bar of your browser.

If you decide to make money using handmade products, then carefully study the preferences of customers. It's one thing to sell single-color bars of soap. self made, and another is to include coffee beans, flower petals and come up with unusual packaging.

Always use your imagination. Are you planning to sell knitted items? Then why not make an unusual wool coat or baby carrier instead of a standard sweater? You must surprise the client and attract them with your offers.

Be careful, because under the guise of an ordinary high paying job(both online and offline) can be hidden deception!

Such would-be scammers offer very high payments for simple work on the Internet in order to lure more “victims”. As it turns out later, in order to start work, you must pay a certain amount, for example, the so-called insurance premium (about 300-800 rubles).

Such scammers will do their best to convince you to pay this “small” fee, which, as they will claim, you will easily and completely “repay” on the first day of work.

As you understand, after payment there is no word from such “employers”!

Also, you should not believe various “super profitable” schemes, strategies and programs that allow you to quickly earn money (for example, by beating an online casino or guessing the lottery).

I want to tell you about a real case of fraud, which one of our magazine readers told us about.

The real story of fraud!
Olga came across the website, where they offer remote work for sorting and correcting documents. It would seem nothing unusual - work is like work!

For example, for simple sorting of documents, the site promises to pay about 850 rubles. Not bad!🙂

And for the usual filling of price lists from a ready-made source - they promise 600 rubles ! Besides this they promise instant payments at your first request. Not a job, just a dream!

As a result, Olga thought that she had found exactly the job she had been looking for for so long, and with a very high salary.

Having registered on the site, it turned out that to access the tasks you need to buy a monthly subscription for a “symbolic” fee in 240 rubles💰 .

Deciding that completing even one task would more than recoup all investments, Olga paid for the subscription, but “for some reason” the tasks were still unavailable.

She wrote to technical support, where they kindly explained to her that at the moment a monthly subscription is not available and she needs to pay for the subscription for 3 months for 610 rubles !

Olga did not agree and decided to return her 240 rubles, but as it turned out, it was easy to return them impossible— the system does not process refunds, and technical support “unexpectedly” disappeared and does not answer any questions!

Therefore, be double suspicious of sites and people who promise you unique and “incredibly” profitable and tempting terms of cooperation!

Be vigilant and attentive, and do not trust the word of people you do not know (and especially don’t transfer money❗️).

5. Conclusion

Maternity leave time can be spent wisely, raising your child, working part-time in your free time and engaging in personal self-development. You can always find something you like, without looking up from your main responsibilitybe a good mom .

It is very important for a woman to realize herself in life as a mother, a good wife and an experienced specialist. Engaging in new, exciting and income-generating activities opens up tempting prospects for new earnings.

The answer to the question “What job is suitable for mothers on maternity leave?” you can also find from the following video:

Also watch a very interesting video on the topic “What should a mother do on maternity leave?”, in which Maria Chudnaya shares her personal experience:

Part-time work during maternity leave will help not only improve your financial condition, but also to take a break from household chores, and perhaps even enjoy work.

We sincerely wish you success in finding your favorite job!

In our article, we tried to tell you as detailed and accessible as possible about work for mothers on maternity leave, so if the article was at least a little useful for you, share it on social networks with your friends and acquaintances!

Also don't forget to write comments and ask questions!

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