A simple SRM system for the sales department. CRM - what is it? CRM programs for business

Hello! In this article we will talk about such a tool for working with clients as a CRM system.

Today you will learn:

  • How the CRM system works;
  • How to implement a CRM system;
  • How to use a CRM system correctly;
  • Examples best CRM systems for business and freelance.

What is a CRM system and how does it work?

It can be difficult to keep track of what you have planned for the day. To avoid forgetting anything, we keep diaries. But what to do if you need to monitor the implementation of projects of a company that employs more than a dozen people?

CRM systems are capable of evenly distributing tasks according to deadlines and among employees, and monitoring their implementation in the present time.

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, which translated from English means “customer relationship management.” In fact, the concept of a CRM system is much broader; they are aimed not only at systematizing work with clients, but also at facilitating the process of managing the organization as a whole.

CRM systems – these are special computer programs that automate the work of a manager in distributing tasks among employees, planning project implementation, accounting for clients, monitoring deadlines and completing assigned tasks.

To understand that you need a CRM system, let’s consider the basic principles of its operation:

  • Information about the client, tasks, deadlines and performers will now be stored in the CRM system database. A customer called you to make amendments to his order, you must immediately enter this information into the system. You can’t lose sight of anything, everything must be recorded, otherwise the CRM system will bring you nothing but problems.
  • Each of your employees will have their own profile in the system. This profile will determine the amount of information that will be available to a particular employee. This allows employees to focus only on those tasks that they have to complete and avoid information leakage.
  • Information about the completion of a particular task when working in a CRM system is constantly updated. That is, the employee performs his work step by step, which is immediately recorded by the system.
  • The CRM system analyzes the entire process of completing tasks, highlighting problem areas in the work.

If we summarize the principles of operation of a CRM system, we can conclude that a CRM system is an accounting system, a kind of repository of information about the client and the history of interaction with him, tasks and performers, deadlines and the implementation process, which allows you to analyze all these processes for further increasing the efficiency of the company.

It would seem that a CRM system makes the tasks of a manager easier and complicates the life of an ordinary employee, but this is not so.

CRM systems are of particular importance for freelancers:

  • Reminds you of what you need to do first;
  • Allows you to always control the deadlines for completing work, avoiding emergency situations;
  • It will allow you to save all the clients with whom you have worked, their contact information, preferences and comments on the work, which will be useful in future cooperation.

For the company and its employees, the CRM system performs the following tasks:

  • Distributes tasks among employees;
  • Reminds about due dates, prioritizes employee tasks;
  • Records customer data;
  • Automates the creation of documents;
  • Concentrates all the necessary information on a specific task in one place;
  • Allows you to monitor the implementation of the tasks of each employee and highlight the most successful ones.

As you can see, the CRM system is multifunctional and useful both for freelancers and for companies and its employees. But there are still areas of business in which the use of CRM systems is simply necessary.

These include:

  • Any service business;
  • Activities in the field of trade. Especially if you sell goods via the Internet or telemarketing;
  • Financial services here it is important to track the client’s status.

CRM system functions

Summarizing those advantages that a CRM system brings to freelancers and businesses, we can highlight the capabilities of CRM systems:

  • Formation and maintenance client base . At the same time, you decide for yourself what information it will contain: only contacts and upcoming tasks, or also completed projects and difficulties in their implementation, and so on. This allows you not only not to “lose” a client, but also to track the effectiveness of every employee who has ever worked with him;
  • Standardization of actions. The CRM system has clear rules for working with it, which standardizes the actions of employees and eliminates confusion;
  • Recording all contacts with the client. Any employee in contact with a client must enter data about this contact into the system. This is the law!
  • Improving employee efficiency. The CRM system allows you to track the completion of tasks by each employee, see missed deadlines and problem areas in working with the client. This encourages employees to work more efficiently;
  • Client classification. The CRM system allows you to mark regular customers and first-time customers, complex and loyal customers;
  • Recording and storing data about competitors;
  • Quick search of any information entered into the database.

You are probably already sure that you need a CRM system, but we haven’t talked about it yet shortcomings:

  • High cost of a licensed CRM program. The average cost is 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • There is a possibility of information leakage. Sometimes programs crash;
  • The need to attract specialists to install and configure the program;
  • The need to train employees to work with the CRM system;
  • Elimination of possible disturbances on the part of employees.

Now we can move directly to a review of CRM systems in Russia.

We are sure that one of the CRM systems is already installed on your personal computer and you already know how to use it. This is the simplest CRM system Microsoft Excel.

Yes, this program does not have all the functions that it should have, but meets the requirement of organizing customer relationship management. Using Microsoft Excel, you can record client contact information, tasks for each of them and distribute them by due date.

This option is quite suitable for freelancers who do not want to overpay for unnecessary functions and learn how to work with a real CRM system.

Rating and review of CRM systems for your business

For those who want to get serious about mastering data accounting systems, we have prepared a rating of CRM systems describing their functions and preferences for use in different areas business.

But first, let's look at the types of CRM systems in Russia.

There are two types of CRM systems, which differ from each other in the technologies of creation and use:

  • Saas– cloud CRM system, the CRM system and its data are located on the server of the developer of this very system. Setup and other processes fall on the shoulders of the developer;
  • Stand Alone– involves creating your own server, all the information is with you, and you set up the CRM system yourself.

Paid CRM systems


Cloud product. It has a simple interface.


  • A large number of different filters;
  • Wide integration base. Amo CRM can be integrated with social networks, telephone, landing page systems;
  • Possibility of construction;
  • Minimum training period for a manager to work with this system;
  • There is a free trial period of 14 days.

This system is more focused on those companies where sales do not occur immediately, where a sales funnel is necessary. That is, first the client contacts the manager, consults, and only with subsequent calls does he make a purchase.

In addition, Amo CRM allows you to work on two fronts: attract potential clients and serve existing ones.

Basically, the Amo CRM system is aimed at enterprises that operate in the B2B market.


  • There is no block of documents in the program itself, but there is the possibility of integration with DropBox and attaching documents to each client;
  • Lack of ability to break tasks into subtasks;
  • Not designed for implementation throughout the company.

The cost of Amo CRM is 500-3000 rubles per month.

"1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal»

“1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal” is a full-fledged software with much broader functionality than a regular CRM system.


  • Maximum automation of routine tasks;
  • Integration with most computer programs, telephony, mailing, website;
  • Ability to set access rights for each employee;
  • Project management.

This system will be useful for large companies with a large number of clients. For others, its wide functionality will be a waste of money. Please note that it is not intended for the sales department.


  • High cost;
  • Difficulty setting up;
  • The need for long-term employee training in how to use the system;
  • Not intended for sale.

Cost 300,000 rubles for installation.


Megaplan is an easy-to-use system for organizing business processes. Represents a cloud.

You can choose the functionality you need and pay only for it:

  • “Collaboration” allows you to manage projects, form teamwork: distribute tasks among performers, set deadlines and monitor the completion of tasks by each employee. The cost per month of use is 290 rubles;
  • “CRM: clients and sales” includes recording information about working with clients: contact information, orders, automation of the sales process, and more. The cost of a month of use is 490 rubles;
  • “Business Manager” combines the two previous functions. Cost per month: 690 rubles.
  • The free version has limitations on the volume of transactions, documents, number of clients, and accounts.

Megaplan has no restrictions on the scope of application; everyone will choose the functionality they need.


  • Simple interface;
  • Low cost;
  • Ability to select functionality;
  • CRM system for sales.


  • Inability to integrate with the site;
  • Overloaded service design.

Bitrix 24

A cloud CRM system, unlike its older brother, has fewer functions. Suitable for large and medium-sized businesses.


  • Integrates with all kinds of systems;
  • Has the functions of working with clients, project management, and teamwork.


  • There are too many features, you can’t pay for just the ones you need;
  • Complex interface;
  • There are no tags;
  • Not focused on the sales department.

The cost of a month of using Bitrix24 is 9,000 rubles; it has a free option, but with limited functionality.


The CRM system has a temporary free version. This is one of the best CRM systems for online trading in general.

Allows you to solve the following problems:

  • Maintaining a client base;
  • Telephony connection;
  • Work with courier services;
  • Integration with the site.


Easy to use cloud-based CRM system. Suitable for medium and large businesses.


  • Work with clients - IP telephony, work with leads, integration with mailing systems, process automation;
  • Working with projects - distributing tasks, setting deadlines, control;
  • Working with a team - functions social network, distribution of tasks among performers.


  • Not designed for implementation throughout the company;
  • There is no ability to export and import data from and into the system.

The cost of the program is 2,000 rubles per month of use.


Cloud CRM system with a simple interface.

Contains the following functions:

  • Client management;
  • Working time management;
  • Automation of document flow;
  • Optimization of communications within the company;


  • Ability to choose the functionality you need.


  • Not intended for sales department.

The average cost of using the product is 5,000 rubles per year. Free version No.


A full-fledged CRM software system, most adapted to business in the field of advertising and design.

Tasks of the CRM system:

  • Integration with all kinds of programs, mailing systems, website;
  • Organization of team work.

The cost of SugarTalk is 15,000 rubles.

Free CRM systems

Free CRM systems can also be software or cloud-based; the share of software systems in this case is larger.

Free CRM systems are more suitable for freelancers and small businesses (with no more than 5 employees), as they have restrictions on the number of users.

SalesMan CRM

SalesMan CRM is a CRM software system available for download absolutely free. But it will be available only to one employee; connecting more employees requires payment.

SalesMan CRM includes the following functions:

  • Maintaining a client database with all related functions;
  • Organizing team work, distributing tasks, setting deadlines.


Cloud CRM system is available free of charge, but only for one user.

Its functions are aimed at:

  • Work with clients - maintaining a client database, searching for information, maintaining the history of work with clients;
  • Organizing team work - distributing tasks among employees and according to deadlines.


Cloud CRM system has no restrictions on the number of users or number of clients.

Allows you to automate the following tasks:

  • Automation of work with the project - distribution of tasks, deadlines, clients.
  • Synchronization with other devices

Paid CRM systems

Free CRM systems

Maximum number of users

Maximum number of clients

Unlimited, the final cost depends on this parameter

Unlimited in most cases


Maximum possible functionality, can be limited if desired

Limited, only basic functions for each task are available. As a rule, there is no integration function with programs, devices and websites. There is no call recording function

Who is it suitable for?

Large and medium businesses

Small businesses, private entrepreneurs, freelancers

How to choose a CRM system

The most important thing in choosing a CRM system is to determine the functions that you need. Please note that even large company with several hundred employees, a full package may not be required, including automation of work with clients, coordination of team work, and systematization of project work.

The following points should influence your choice:

  • Number of customers and number of purchases;
  • Regularity of purchases;
  • Your company's product range;
  • Number of stages in the purchasing process;
  • The number of employees who need to be connected to the CRM system;
  • Budget.

Most important parameter Any CRM system has the ability to synchronize with other programs, mailing systems, websites and devices. Pay special attention to the ability of the CRM system to work together with the telephone to automatically record incoming calls from clients and initiate new ones. This will be useful to you in any case.

The ability to set deadlines, priorities, set tasks and control are some of the most important functions that influence the choice of a system. You and your employees will definitely want to plan the work process, distribute tasks according to deadlines and performers, and the manager must control the work process, otherwise there will be no positive results from automating processes. This is the purpose of CRM systems, so without these functions the system will not be complete.

The ability to import data from a CRM system and export data to the system is important in the work process. You will often have a need to “pull” some data from the system or, conversely, upload a document into the system, for example, the terms of an agreement with a client. If this cannot be done, then it is better to abandon such a CRM system.

The complexity of the interface and excessive functionality can lead to high costs during the implementation and training of personnel, sometimes this leads to the freezing of the CRM system implementation process.

The cost of the CRM system and the cost of its maintenance. Pay special attention to the second point.

Features of using CRM

In order for a CRM system to bring you benefits, you must follow the following rules when implementing it:

  • Write down the business processes of your organization. Designate those responsible for each of them, this will help you distribute tasks by performers and deadlines;
  • Consider an incentive system based on CRM system data;
  • Record all contacts with clients in the system;
  • Monitor the execution of work;
  • Train yourself and your employees not to postpone work deadlines.

And always be prepared for the following pitfalls of implementing CRM systems:

  • Working with a CRM system will take time;
  • Sometimes employees forget to enter data into the system or enter it incorrectly;
  • You will see the shortcomings of each manager;
  • Irregular control leads to a decrease in the efficiency of working with the CRM system;
  • You will probably have to seek help to set up a CRM system and train employees;
  • There will be those employees who will manage the database “in their own way,” do not allow this.

It is impossible to wisely choose IT for business without having basic knowledge about CRM systems: what they are and how they differ. We invite you to understand together the types and formats of CRM programs.

Types of CRM systems

entrepreneurs implement CRM within five years after opening the company

CRM systems are programs for managing customer relationships. They help keep records of transactions and counterparties, remind you of scheduled meetings, important calls and letters, automate routine processes and ultimately lead to increased profits. It's no surprise that 65% of entrepreneurs implement CRM within the first five years of starting a company.

However, every industry has different needs. For example, it is important for a large bank to receive analytical reports on thousands of customer transactions, while a small beauty salon simply needs to book clients with specialists, remind them of the visit and record payment. Therefore, there are different types of CRM systems that differ in the level of information processing and the tasks they solve.

1. Operational CRM

Most existing solutions are of this type. Such systems simplify interaction with clients, systematize data on applications and transactions, issue invoices themselves, remind the client to call back and can send him an SMS notification, record phone calls, etc.

The main task of operational CRM systems is to increase customer loyalty in the process of direct contact with him.

All operational CRMs can:

  • register incoming traffic (calls, letters, requests to the site);
  • store data about clients, applications, transactions, tasks, etc. in the database.
  • automate document flow within the company;
  • record the progress of transactions through the sales funnel;
  • remind about scheduled calls, letters, meetings;
  • set tasks and monitor the work of employees.

Examples of operational CRM systems are the 1C:CRM and BIT:CRM 8 solutions. However, operational CRM solutions in their “pure” form are rare today. More and more developers are adding analytical and statistical functions to their programs.

2. Analytical CRM

Unlike operating systems, analytical systems not only record the history of interaction with a client, but also help to trace patterns in sales: from which sources do clients buy most often, at what stage do most transactions fail, how clients are distributed across - and all this data is updated online -mode, in terms of any parameter.

The purpose of analytical CRM is to analyze accumulated information about customers and sales to build a more effective strategy.

Analytical CRMs can:

Examples of analytical CRMs include products from SAS, SAP BusinessObjects and Marketing Analytic.

3. Collaborative CRM

Such CRMs establish communications with customers to collect feedback. The information obtained with their help helps to adjust the range of products, pricing policy, as well as the customer service process. For example, employees of a car dealership call center call customers, asking questions about the quality of service and recording the answers. Based on the survey results, missing components are purchased and new services are added.

As such, there are no ready-made CRM systems of this type: either individual solutions are developed, or existing communication channels are used, and information from them is recorded in the main CRM program (Internet forums, social networks, telephony, e-mail correspondence).

4. Combined CRM systems

IN recent years programs that combine elements of different types of CRM are coming to the fore. Basically, these are operational CRMs with a set of analytical functions (reports on sales, clients, managers’ performance, etc.), as well as the ability to communicate with clients (thanks to integration with the website, instant messengers, social networks, etc.).

It is the combined systems that are in the TOP of popularity among small and medium-sized businesses in Russia today. These include Megaplan, AmoCRM, Bitrix24, as well as other programs: SalesapCRM, FreshOffice, RetailCRM, etc.

Many companies create combined CRM, but this cannot be called an absolute fusion of analytical and operating systems. More often it looks like raisins in a cupcake: analytical functionality is built in as separate options. For example, she herself finds the counterparty’s details on the Internet (TIN, BIC, etc.) and inserts them into invoices and contracts, which saves the manager’s time.

What CRM systems exist: formats and trends

Once you decide on the type of CRM system, you will be faced with a number of questions. And you need to answer them before choosing a specific IT solution.

1. Individual or package?

First, decide whether you will order the development of a CRM system from scratch specifically for your business or use a ready-made solution. The first option is usually used by large corporations with non-standard tasks and serious budgets. Creating a program can take many months and cost at least several million rubles.

Ready-made package solutions require where less investment, however, you need to understand that these are standard programs with a standard set of functions. But don’t be afraid: such systems can adapt to business needs thanks to flexible settings.

2. Cloud or box?

CRM system data is stored either on the company’s own servers - these are Standalone or “boxed” solutions, or in cloud services, which are also called SaaS products. In the first case, you purchase a license to use the program, and specialists install it on your work computers. The second option involves a subscription fee for access to the online service, and you can work in it through an Internet browser from any computer.

With cloud systems everything is simpler: if you need additional features or there are more employees, you change the tariff. Due to their flexibility and low cost, cloud solutions are gaining increasing popularity. Users realize that this is more profitable and choose the following examples of cloud CRM systems: AmoCRM, Megaplan, Bitrix24, Salesforce, BPMonline CRM, SalesapCRM and so on.

Capterra survey results, 2015.

Today there are two trends. The first is that more and more small and medium-sized businesses are switching to CRM, while previously this was the prerogative of only the most large enterprises. And the second is that most often small and medium business chooses “cloud” instead of “box”. Firstly, it is more affordable, and secondly, it is convenient, because cloud CRM allows you to organize your work remote employees or unite specialists from offices in different cities.

3. Universal or sectoral?

With universal CRM everything is clear: standard set functions for the sales department without reference to a specific area of ​​activity. However, each industry lives by its own laws, and the functions that an online store needs are far from those that it needs. insurance company. In these cases, it is worth taking a closer look at industry solutions: they are close to individual CRM, but at the price of a package solution. Today you can find specialized systems for real estate agencies, beauty salons, insurance, banks, etc.

An increasing number of development companies are developing in this direction, given the great demand of various industries for CRM systems.

There are a huge number of CRM systems on the market, and in this article we have tried to narrow down your search. Now you have an idea about CRM: what programs there are and which one is right for you. And if you really want to implement effective product, then try our development - the SalesapCRM cloud system. Registration only takes a minute!

Will CRM close?
your needs

Monitor managers at each stage of the sales funnel

Keep track of your entire customer interaction history

You will see all visits to your site, clicks, opened emails,
tasks, etc. in the client card

  • Source analytics
    UTM tag companies
  • Points for consumption
    content and engagement
  • Automatic pull-up
    links to social networks
  • All pages that
    visited by user
  • Open and Click Definitions
    for each email

Send emails directly
from the CRM system interface

In TimeDigital CRM you can send and receive email directly in the deal interface and client card. More for the manager
no need to make notes in a notepad or go into your mailbox. All work is done in the CRM system interface.

This saves the manager’s time, which he spends on working with mail and unnecessary organizers.

Submit your commercial offer

Wait for a response


Has the client opened the CP?




letter or SMS

Set up automation of the transaction process in the constructor

Using a special digital funnel module, you
you can automate many sales processes
and manage your customer base.

You can set up automatic sending
commercial offer after transferring a contact
at a certain stage of the transaction.

If the manager does not get through, the system will automatically create a task and remind you to call back after the time you selected.

Call the client when he has opened yours
commercial offer

Create an automatic notification to managers the moment your commercial offer is opened. Managers will be able to call clients at the most appropriate moment and not get bored.

If the client has not opened your CP within two days, the system will automatically send him a repeat email. And this will happen until the moment of reading.

Evgeny just opened your CP. Call him!

CRM for small businesses.
Manage tasks in transactions

Managers can create tasks for each client or deal. Now they will not forget to call the client back, send a receipt and ask how the delivery of the goods went.

The customer card allows you to create notes in which the salesperson can record important information about the lead and the deal.

Analyze your sales

In the analytics section you see graphs with a sales funnel for a specific product or manager.

Do a detailed sales analysis and distribute hot requests only to those managers who sell the most.

Manage your orders and automate your business.

Digital funnel

Create your unique digital sales funnel with specific actions

send email

Incoming letter
or call

Visit to the site

Set a task
call the client

If previously the sales department simply called and moved the client’s card to the next stage of the transaction, today, due to high competition, sellers need related digital marketing tools.

The system itself will send certain emails or SMS when the client moves to a certain stage of the funnel. The system will help your manager sell.

You can set up automatic retargeting on Facebook only to those people who are at a specific stage of the transaction.

Defining links to social networks

This will help you start selling through Facebook, Linkedin and other social networks. The system will also automatically determine the gender and age of the client.


on the website


and received

Age and

Call the client when he repeatedly
visited your site

Evgeniy just visited your site again. Call him!

Using special monitoring technology, the system identifies all visits to your website and adds them to the client card.

You can set up notifications to the responsible manager when a customer visits the site or a specific product page again. This will create a wow effect and work only with loyal leads.

This way, you will improve your customer relationships and increase repeat sales.

Modern CRM systems can be divided into several types. Types of CRM systems are distinguished depending on the tasks being solved and the stages of the cycle of interaction with consumers that these systems are aimed at supporting.

There are three main types of systems:

  • operating rooms. This type of CRM system allows you to automate operational activities. Operational CRM systems process various sets of data “tied” to each specific client. They are necessary for operational support of sales, marketing, and customer service departments (service support). As a rule, the data sets with which operational CRM systems work include all contact information about the client, interaction history, types, volume and quantity of purchases, communication channels with the client, etc. Information from these systems is basic for the operation of analytical CRM systems .
  • analytical. This type of systems is needed to support the marketing and sales phases at a strategic level. They allow you to plan marketing companies and choose the most effective sales strategies. Analytical CRM systems process information from various databases, systematize information, and, based on certain algorithms, identify the most effective trends in interaction with clients.
  • joint. This type of CRM system provides working together with clients, i.e. clients have the opportunity to directly interact with the company’s CRM system. Interactions can be carried out through web pages, email, automatic voice communication, etc.

These types of systems are basic. Manufacturers of CRM systems offer combinations of these three types.

Advantages of a CRM system

The main application of a CRM system is related to the organization and management of relationships with customers. Therefore, first of all, the advantages of a CRM system are manifested in an increase in sales indicators, in particular, sales volume increases, their efficiency increases, and the cost of attracting customers decreases. In addition, CRM systems have a significant impact on the controllability and work culture of the organization.

The main advantages of a CRM system include:

  • Increased speed of decision making. By combining disparate customer data, the process of data processing and analysis is accelerated. As a result, customer relations managers can see the entire history of contacts and more quickly respond to requests and make decisions on them.
  • Increasing the efficiency of using working time. CRM systems allow you to automatically track important events related to clients and issue notifications. There is no need for staff to search for this information in disparate sources.
  • Increasing the impact of marketing activities. Because CRM systems store all information about the client and interaction history, then marketing promotions becoming more customer-oriented. The company has the opportunity to organize marketing activities aimed at each specific client.
  • Improving the reliability of reports. Systematization of information increases the reliability of reports and the accuracy of sales forecasts.
  • Determining the value of each client. Allows an organization to determine and plan resource needs to work with a particular client. CRM systems allow you to set the priority of attracting resources depending on the value of the client.
  • Reducing paperwork. By automating the process of interaction with the client, all documents can be converted into electronic form.
  • Reducing customer churn. By using a CRM system, staff have access to all the details of interaction with the client. This improves the quality and efficiency of servicing consumer requests.
  • Eliminate duplication of tasks. CRM systems can be integrated with other activity management systems, which eliminates the double work of transferring and processing data.
  • Streamlining processes. CRM systems allow you to combine all customer interaction processes into unified system. Process inputs and outputs are made available to different processes, making it easier to manage contracts, projects, events, products, etc. that are associated with each specific customer.
  • Improving management culture. Automation of the process reduces the dependence of the tasks being solved on the subjective actions of each employee. CRM systems set uniform rules for work and interaction with clients.
  • Data protection and safety. By using a CRM system, you can organize centralized control of access to customer data and ensure its safety.

Criteria for choosing a CRM system

In the software market and information systems exists large number proposals for CRM system m. These systems are quite diverse in terms of the scope of tasks to be solved, the equipment used, and operating technologies. When choosing a CRM system, there are many factors to consider.

For purposes related to the operation of the quality system, it is important to consider the following:

  • Meeting business requirements. Before making a decision to implement a CRM system, it is necessary to determine exactly what tasks it will solve in a particular enterprise. The system must be chosen according to business requirements, and not vice versa.
  • Ease of use. The user interface should be as simple and easy to use as possible. If a CRM system complicates the process of interaction with clients and increases the number of actions that employees will need to work, then such a system will remain unclaimed. This will result in it not being implemented key element quality systems - data recording.
  • Availability of analytical tools. To analyze and identify consumer behavior, their requirements and expectations, the CRM system must make it possible to conduct analysis focused on each specific client.
  • Ability to customize processes. It is important that the CRM system allows you to flexibly change settings depending on the progress of the process. This opportunity allows you to more fully define and automate each specific process.
  • Scalability. This criterion is especially important for large organizations. It is necessary that the solutions used in the CRM system are scalable and can be used by a large number of users.
  • Customization for specific industry conditions. Each industry and field of activity has its own specifics of working with clients. This specificity must be taken into account in the CRM system.
  • Customization for users. Both the organization itself and the environment surrounding it change over time. This leads to the need to change the working conditions of CRM system users. For efficient work, it is necessary that the system provides the ability to easily and quickly change user functions in accordance with changing business tasks.
  • Integration with other information systems. An organization may have other automation and process management systems, so an important selection criterion is the ability to integrate and exchange data between the CRM system and other automation systems.
  • Cost of ownership. The cost of owning a CRM system consists of several components: the cost of licenses, integration of hardware and software, current costs for maintenance and administrative costs for managing IT assets. This criterion is also essential when choosing a system.
  • Responsiveness of technical support. For the effective operation of the CRM system, important factor is the speed of response of the system provider to user requests and resolution of their problems.

There are a number of other criteria that must be taken into account when choosing a CRM system. The above criteria are the most common and necessary for most companies.

Any sales team can sell more. To do this, you need to rebuild the sales process. A correctly selected CRM system plays an important role in this case.

Why do you need a CRM software for sales?

Sales are the main tool for the development of any business. General positive trend in Russian business- businessmen become more literate and, in order to increase efficiency, begin to structure employees into departments. Each employee is engaged in a specific set of tasks. Sales are highlighted in separate direction. Any business benefits from this, no matter what field it operates in: sales building materials, sale of petroleum products, sale of equipment or any other. CRM is indispensable in trade.

Each individual specialist and the entire sales department as a whole can sell more if business processes are properly set up and automated. To reduce the risks associated with the human factor, it is necessary to implement a convenient CRM system for the sales department.

Basic functions of a CRM system for the sales department

CRM system for sales departments must have the following capabilities:

  • maintaining and recording the client base, with the ability to set tasks, make notes, structure clients
  • online access 24 hours a day from all types of devices
  • flexible configuration of access rights for employees of different levels
  • the ability to analyze sales by manager, department, company
  • integration with website, Google (Universal) Analytics, Livechat and other business applications
  • API for customizing the system
  • integration with services for email and SMS marketing
  • calls via IP telephony directly from the CRM system interface

Thanks to AmoCRM, the sales department can collect all requests in one place. Use a reminder system so you don’t lose a single application. Lead each client, not forgetting to complete the necessary tasks. Work collectively on one application, for example, if a junior employee cannot cope and needs help.

To analyze the work of the sales department in AmoCRM, the “Analytics” module was created. It allows the manager to understand the effectiveness of each employee and identify weaknesses by analyzing the sales funnel. amoCRM is a cloud-based CRM system that is accessible anywhere there is an Internet connection, so sales staff can enter information into the CRM directly during a meeting.

amoCRM easily integrates with your website, allowing you to receive leads from your website directly into your CRM system. To analyze the effectiveness of online sales, integration with Google (Universal) Analytics is provided. In addition, the CRM system is integrated with IP telephony for calls directly from the CRM. With amoCRM, the sales process is greatly simplified and the number of successful transactions increases.

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