Production and packaging of soil mixture. Business on fertile lands: cultivation of own and leased fields

-> Manufacturing, construction, agriculture

It is quite possible that after reading the topic of this business idea you will smile and be perplexed - who needs this? Especially in our big country, where there is a lot of land of all kinds. But take your time, delve into the idea and you yourself will understand that this is enough profitable niche and even by selling land you can create a successful business.

Who is this business aimed at? Who is its consumer? First of all, these are gardeners and vegetable gardeners living in cities and having their own 6 acres of land in their summer cottage. In addition, another category of consumers are owners of individual housing and cottages within the city. In general, oddly enough, it is city residents. IN rural areas land, even enriched, is unlikely to be in great demand. The villagers have their own mentality, and they know the ways and opportunities to improve the soil themselves and have more than you and me.

So, the soil in garden and vegetable plots is depleted over time and the resulting yields, accordingly, are significantly reduced. Fertilizers alone cannot solve this problem. The land on the site requires renovation, not total, of course, just adding some black soil is enough. Another reason is that newly allocated lands for summer cottages, gardening and vegetable gardening are, as a rule, located on abandoned wastelands with poor soil and rely on record harvests it just doesn't have to be there.

If you are visiting flower shops then you probably noticed that in addition to pots and flower bulbs, these stores also sell soil, enriched black soil, packed in bags. It is used as a fertilizer for house plants. IN big cities such a product is in constant demand for the simple reason that high-quality land simply cannot be found there.

In a word, if you live in the black soil zone of Russia or in another region where there is a lot of good, rich land, consider that you have your own “black gold” in the form of this very black soil.

From clean, oily and fruit-rich soil you will prepare high-quality fertilizer for barren soils. In addition to black soil, you will need good manure. You can buy it from and on your own, in villages or from farmers. To obtain enriched soil - fertilizing, soil and manure are mixed in a ratio of 50 to 50 and then the resulting substrate is packaged in bags. Typically, such a product for retail is packaged in 5 kilograms, but larger packaging is also possible for wholesale, For example.

It is worth noting that this type of business has a clear seasonality. The maximum demand for enriched soil will, of course, be in spring and autumn, when mass preparation of beds for sowing takes place. In summer and winter, demand drops greatly. But even in winter, you are guaranteed to have buyers who are lovers of indoor plants.

But during the season, starting in April, your product will be wildly popular. Profit from the sale of high-quality enriched land can reach up to 300%.

Print flyers, which will need to be distributed in public places. Be sure to post notices around the city and advertise in popular local newspapers and magazines. Offer and give discounts to wholesale or regular customers, in general, attract as many customers as possible. You can arrange delivery of your products to the buyer. There are many ways to attract a client.

If your product is of truly high quality, the price is reasonable, and the service offered is attractive, people will certainly see the positive results of cooperation with you and will definitely contact you again and again. This business is like most others. small businesses, is largely built on regular customers.

This set of equipment is intended for workshops for processing and packaging bulk substances such as sapropel, peat-sapropel and organo-mineral mixtures, soils, construction and molding sand, garden soil, soils and reclamation agents, soil formers, stale manure and litter, compacted clays, grain fodder, etc.

The production line of the workshop for the production of bulk products is shown in the figure below.

General view of the sapropel processing and packaging workshop

The basic equipment set includes:

1. Grate screens for screening out large-sized inclusions

2. Loading hopper

3. Inclined belt conveyor with magnetic metal catcher

4. Disc chopper ID-300

5. Inclined belt conveyor

6. Drum product sifter

7. Auger inclined conveyor

8. Packing complex for bulk products

9. Pallet with finished products

The technological process is carried out as follows: raw materials - sapropel with a moisture content of no more than 40% are loaded from the base warehouse by a TO-28 loader and delivered to the processing and packaging workshop.

It is advisable to equip the front loader with a ZTM type screening bucket crusher. The mass of sapropel coarsely crushed by a bucket crusher is loaded through grate 1 into loading hopper 2. Part of the large inclusions in the mixture is screened out, the second part is fed by inclined belt conveyor 3 into the ID-300 grinder. After grinding to a fraction of max 2-3 mm, the raw material is fed into the drum sifter 6, sifted into two fractions and fed by a screw conveyor 7 into the hopper of the packaging unit 8. The material is packed into bags, bags, buckets or other containers, placed on a pallet 9 and delivered to the warehouse.

Productivity of the packaging line bulk product in bags of 10-25 l equals 10 m 3 / h

Energy consumption, kW – no more than 26

Maintenance personnel on the equipment – ​​3 people.

Line for processing and packaging fertilizers from sapropel with a moisture content of no more than 40%

Specification of the main equipment of the workshop for the preparation and processing of sapropel into marketable products

1. Preparation area

Processing and packaging area


Work contract


Chapter 1. Sapropel (bottom sludge) as a highly effective organo-mineral fertilizer

1.1. Granular and loose sapropel (bottom sludge)


2.1. Market of fertilizers made from sapropel (bottom sludge)


Chapter 4. Work area

5.1. Russian Federation standards for the production of fertilizers from bottom sludge (sapropel)

5.2. Warehouse of raw materials - sapropel with a moisture content of no more than 40%

Chapter 6. Data on laboratory tests of the feedstock - sapropel in the warehouse




8.1. Specification of the main equipment of the workshop for the preparation and processing of sapropel into marketable products


List of Graphics Applications


Special literature on sapropel extraction

Graphics applications

1. Interactive map with sampling points at the sapropel warehouse. In the SasPlanet program


3. Production line for products from stale sapropel. In SketchUp

4. Video file of a basic set of equipment for a workshop for processing sapropel into fertilizers and fertilizer mixtures with packaging in valve bags. In SketchUp

7. Summary table of data on sapropel sampling at the warehouse.doc

8. Instructions for using programs.doc

9. Sheet 2. Layout of equipment in the production line. In the Kompas V.13 program

10. GOST R 54000-2010. pdf

11. Crushing and sifting of soil, sapropel.pdf

12. Screening bucket Robi MM.pdf

13. Allu - equipment for sifting and grinding sapropel.pdf

Time frame for preparing the design feasibility study for production is 1.0 months. Cost – 96 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing and delivery time for equipment is no more than 2 months.

The cost of a set of equipment for the processing and packaging workshop (as of July 25, 2015) without a screening bucket crusher starts from RUB 2,460,000. up to 2860000 rub. depending on the required productivity and the initial properties of the raw materials.

Despite the “strangeness” of this business idea, it is really relevant and even very profitable. Before starting this business, it is important to understand for yourself who will be its consumer and for whom the proposed product is, in principle, designed.

Clients No. 1. Urban gardeners. No matter how strange it may sound, potential clients business in the production and sale of land are gardeners who live in the city and own their five hundred square meters of land on their personal plot. Country soil is not always suitable for growing some plant varieties.

Clients No. 2. Flower girls. Women, and rarely men, who are fond of indoor flowers in the house and most often in the apartment cannot do without purchased soil.

Clients No. 3. Owners of personal plots. These are the owners of cottages in the center or on the outskirts big city, the provision of which with landscape design requires high-quality land.

Buyers of purchased land are often residents of medium-sized cities and megalopolises. The reason is that in rural areas, purchased land, even enriched land, is unlikely to be in really good demand. The main reason for this is the mentality of the villagers and excellent experience in enriching their own land.

Soil production for sale

1. To produce truly high-quality and fertile soil, use:
Peat, which contains the necessary amount of nutrients and humus. These combinations ensure activation of the plant process of crops.
A small amount of sand.
Useful fertilizers and natural additives. The soil is distinguished by the natural nutrients already contained in it, which are necessary for the growth of various crops. It contains nutrients, minerals and trace elements.

2. You can also produce soil using compost. But it should be understood that this technology does not guarantee compliance with clear quality indicators, so you should not indicate the composition without error. Prescribe on the packaging of such soil indicators within certain limits from and to.
The composition of the soil for indoor flowers depends on the plant itself, since everyone needs an individual approach. However, the composition of the substrate must necessarily include, albeit in small quantities, the following microelements:

3. To produce soil, you need to buy devices such as an electronic pH meter and a simple TDS meter. They are inexpensive, but without them it is impossible to control the quality of products and determine the concentration of salts.
What should not be in the soil are phytopathogenic nematodes and root worms. And also - a minimum of weed seeds. Any substrate cannot be packaged hermetically; the packaging must have perforations.

4. In addition to the usual universal soil, it is possible and necessary to produce plant nutrition for sale. It must be prepared from already cleaned and improved soil, adding high-quality manure to it. It can be purchased from farmers in villages. The mixture should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio, after which the mixture is usually packaged in perforated bags of 3-5 kg.

5. Not at all production processes there is a seasonality factor in demand, but it covers the majority manufacturing enterprises and organizations. When creating a business selling soil, it should be noted that there is a pronounced seasonality of production and sales. When developing a plan for the year, one must take into account that the highest level of demand for enriched soil occurs in the demi-season seasons: spring and very early. This happens due to the fact that during this period there is active preparation land plot before sowing crops, flowers and shrubs are planted in city beds, and indoor plants are also replanted.

6. Despite these indicators, there is also demand from flower lovers in winter and summer. Starting in April, a product such as enriched soil will be wildly popular. During this period, profits can reach 300%.
As such, a workshop is not required for the production of fertile soil. This can be done in a greenhouse both in winter and summer. The most important thing is not to let the finished substrate freeze. Although, of course, the beneficial components of the soil will not disappear due to frost.

7. You can store the soil there, in the greenhouse, or you can adapt a separate unheated room for this. Important point– free areas for soil extraction should be found in advance. In order to be able to obtain peat and other substances, it is necessary to conclude cooperation agreements with mining enterprises from which the necessary raw materials can be purchased.
After this, you will need to purchase containers and packaging for packing the soil. The material will also be useful later for creating armored packaging and labels.

8. To start your own business legally, you must register as an entrepreneur. You can choose the form of registration as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, but to carry out this type of activity the first is sufficient. Especially, large quantity Registration will not take time or money, and within a week or a week and a half you can be engaged in both the production and sale of the chosen product.

9. Once you have established the production of high-quality fertile soil, you should quickly think about its sale. The product is specific, so the marketing and advertising approach must be special. Entrepreneurs in this business often do not use many advertising tools, but the most classic and most common ones still need to be implemented. Among them:
Printing leaflets with assortment, prices, information about the usefulness of soil and contacts (distribute in places where potential buyers gather: at gardening conferences, countryside stops).
Printing the flyer layout in newspapers and magazines that future clients can read.

10. At the start you should offer low prices for some types of soil and promotional offers for wholesalers and frequent customers (if such have already appeared). It is also worth holding a promotion with free shipping order from 20-30 kg of soil.
There are a lot of advertising options now. Especially online effective tool is considered to be the creation of a website or landing page (business card website). They are able to increase the geography of sales and, thereby, increase the customer base by at least 10 times.
We can safely say that if the produced soil is actually of high quality, and the price is acceptable for its target audience, the business will flourish, and within six months it will recoup its costs and begin to generate excellent income.

Every person strives to increase their income using different ways of earning money. Unfortunately, hired human labor today is not valued highly enough to live without counting every penny. That's why many people try to do own business trying your hand at various fields business.

Processing crop fields as a business.

You can work for yourself and earn a considerable income not only in the city, but also in rural areas. If you have a certain area of ​​land, then with proper technical processing and proper crop rotation you can earn good money by selling the crop.

To start your land business, you need to set a goal to which you will strive. The main task of any business is to obtain maximum income while minimum costs. Therefore, you should try to use as many fixed assets and labor force, as much as necessary for a quality result. Remember that “the miser pays twice,” and excessive costs may not be worth it.

When cultivating the land, you need to take into account the following factors that affect the final result:

1. Choosing the culture with which you will work.

2. Providing machinery and tractor equipment.

3. Hiring labor.

4. Control of soil fertility.

5. Availability of storage space for crops.

You should figure out what crop you will sow on your property. To do right choice, analyze the climatic conditions of your region and soil properties. It must be taken into account that each crop has its own favorable period for sowing and harvesting. Based on this, you will need to create the correct crop rotation in order to get maximum profit without depleting the land.

Take care of the equipment that will cultivate your land. Tractors and machine-tractor equipment, if you do not have them at your disposal, you can rent. You can also hire private owners of agricultural machinery, who, for a fee, will cultivate, cultivate and sow your fields. So, you will provide yourself not only with equipment, but also with labor.

If you yourself are not able to cultivate your land, you should hire workers who will be competent in this area. Try to hire qualified specialists who will be most productive.

If you seriously decide to take up this business, then you need to check the readiness of the soil to bear crops. Statistics say that 50% of sown crops die due to the careless attitude of the farmer to the cultivation of his lands. Therefore, in order to protect yourself as much as possible from possible losses, get rid of weeds and pests, and also take care of proper soil fertilization.

After harvesting, the harvest can be immediately sold. This is convenient because it does not oblige you to search for a warehouse. If you can't find a buyer or want to sell the crop later when its price is at its peak, then you need storage. A warehouse can be rented, which will be cheaper than building.

How much do you need to invest and how can you make money from the land?

To start any business of your own, you need to have initial capital. Own or credit funds must be invested in the business for it to make a profit. Therefore, we will calculate how much money is needed so that the land business not only pays for itself, but also brings benefits.

If the land is in your possession, then you only pay tax. If you rent fields, then you will pay rent of approximately 3% of the cost of the land. Today, land rental costs about 2190 rubles/ha.

Let's assume that you decide to sow your fields with sunflowers. This culture is relatively tolerant to harsh climatic conditions. The calculation of grain for planting per hectare is about 5-10 kg, when the yield is 2.5 t/ha. Considering current prices, you will spend about 73-146 rubles/ha on raw materials, and you will receive about 32,120 rubles. from the sale of seeds per hectare.

If you have your own tractors and combines, you will only have to spend money on maintenance and repair of agricultural equipment. The cost of hiring a tractor for cultivating, processing and sowing a field is approximately 3,650 rubles/ha, as is harvesting from one hectare.

If you do not want to sell the crop directly from the field, you need to take care of building or renting a hangar for storing grain. Construction of one sq. m of warehouse costs more than 7,300 rubles. Therefore, you can calculate the possible yield from the cultivated land and build a hangar for the future.

So, you can see that you will need to invest about 7,300 rubles in your land business. per hectare of land, and also pay employees and allocate funds for the construction or rental of a hangar. If the land is not yours, then an amount of approximately 2190 rubles/ha will be added to these costs.

By selling grain from one hectare, you can get about 32,850 rubles. Taking into account expenses, your revenue will be at least 21,900 rubles/ha. By multiplying this amount by the area of ​​cultivated land, you will see how much income you will receive. From this money you will have to pay salaries to employees and income taxes, as well as allocate funds for the next sowing of the fields.

After sunflower, your land will be depleted and you will have to waste money on fertilizers. It is not advisable to plant sunflowers frequently, so after harvesting the seeds, it is advisable to plant winter or legume crops.

The amounts calculated above are approximations of reality. Prices for raw materials, agricultural technology and labor constantly fluctuate, so this information should be taken taking into account possible errors.

Thus, cultivating the land not only pays off, but also brings some profit. Every year your income and experience will grow. It must be taken into account that the larger the land area, the more profitable the business becomes.

As you go about your business, you will see the results of your work. All income will be at your disposal and no one will be able to deceive you or underestimate your work.

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