Profession Track fitter (travel worker). An irreplaceable railway worker

Characteristics of work. Performing simple work during installation, dismantling and repair of track superstructure structures. Replenishing ballast in sleeper boxes to normal levels. Replacement of ballast in sleeper boxes up to the bottom of sleepers. Removing debris from under the rail base. Marking wooden sleepers. Painting of track and signal signs. Sorting and stacking old wooden sleepers. Numbering of rail links. Fastening bolts and screws in sleepers with a socket wrench. Assembling of embedded and terminal bolts. Removing and laying snow fence panels. Driving stakes when laying out and leveling the path. Loading, transporting and unloading fasteners. Clearing the path of snow manually. Laying out sleepers and fastenings manually. Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually. Installation and rearrangement of waymarks and snow fences on the stretch. Cleaning ditches, drainage and upland ditches. Cleaning fasteners and rails from dirt and fuel oil. Clearing paths of debris. Removing vegetation from paths.

Must know: wayfinding signs and signals; types of basic materials for the construction of the superstructure of the track; general provisions on the arrangement of the upper structure of the track and roadbed and the requirements for their operation; name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and roadbed; methods and techniques for performing simple work during installation and dismantling of track superstructure structures.

§ 39. Track fitter (3rd category)

Characteristics of work. Performance simple work for installation, dismantling and repair of track superstructure structures. Lubrication and tightening of butt bolts. Loading, unloading and laying out sleepers, beams, rails and rail and sleeper grid links using cranes. Laying sleepers according to the diagram. Drilling holes in sleepers with a power tool. Single replacement of rail and sleeper grid elements. Unloading ballast from gondola cars. Adjustment of rail clearances using hydraulic spreading devices. Adjustment of the rail and sleeper grid in plan using hydraulic straightening devices. Alignment of the track according to the track width and level. Installation rail joints. Fencing work sites with signal signs. Ballast prism finishing. Fastening the bolts. Finishing the crutches on the stretch. Repair of sleepers en route and in storage areas. Installation of slots and slag pads. Replacement of ballast below the sole of the sleepers. Laying rail and sleeper grid links on the roadbed using track layers. Maintenance of the sleeper feeder of the link assembly line.

Must know: types of materials for the construction of the superstructure of the track; standards for maintaining tracks with wooden sleepers; rules for regulating the position of track superstructure structures (except for high-speed sections and sections on a reinforced concrete base); methods and techniques for performing work using hand-held electrified and pneumatic tools general purpose and hydraulic devices; rules for maintaining hydraulic devices; the procedure for fencing work sites with established signals; methods and techniques for performing work during the construction of a roadbed using hand tools and devices; methods of slinging rails, packages, sleepers, beams and containers with fastenings.

§ 40. Track fitter (4th category)

Characteristics of work. Performing moderately complex work on installation, dismantling and repair of track superstructure structures. Fastening rails to sleepers and beams manually and with spike hammers. Fastening the rails to the pads with terminal bolts with separate fastening. Cutting rails with electric rail cutting machines. Drilling holes in rails using electric drilling machines. Fastening pads to reinforced concrete sleepers with screwdrivers and electric wrenches. Adjustment of rail clearances using hydraulic spreading devices on track sections with reinforced concrete sleepers, slabs and blocks. Adjusting the position of the rail and sleeper grid in plan using hydraulic straightening devices on sections of the track with reinforced concrete sleepers. Measuring and straightening the track according to track width and level in areas with reinforced concrete sleepers, slabs and blocks using hydraulic and electric tools and in areas with wooden sleepers using electric tools. Single replacement of rail and sleeper grid elements in areas with reinforced concrete sleepers, slabs and blocks. Maintenance and repair of the auto-locking rail circuit. Assembly and disassembly of intermediate and butt rail fastenings using power tools. Installation and dismantling of reinforced concrete crossing flooring, insulated rail joints and reinforced concrete drainage tray. Inspection and maintenance of turnouts. Single replacement of defective fastening parts on turnouts.

Must know: standards for track maintenance in areas with reinforced concrete sleepers, slabs and blocks; design and requirements for track maintenance in areas with rail chains and automatic blocking; rules for the installation, dismantling and regulation of the position of track superstructure structures using electric and pneumatic tools and mechanisms; device, operating rules of electric rail cutting, electric drilling machines and track electric and pneumatic tools; rules for adjusting the position of track superstructure structures in areas with a reinforced concrete base.

§ 41. Track fitter (5th category)

Characteristics of work. Performance complex work for installation, dismantling and repair of track superstructure structures. Selecting rails according to length and checking their laying using a square and templates. Adjusting the position of the ends of welded rail strands of a continuous track. Replacement of a defective section of the rail line of a continuous track. Adjustment of the rail and sleeper grid in plan using hydraulic devices on track sections with reinforced concrete slabs and blocks. Measuring and straightening the track according to track width and level on sections of the track with reinforced concrete slabs and blocks. Adjusting the path in heaving areas. Introducing rail strands into the design temperature range on a seamless track. Correction of track subsidence by filling. Mounting and installation of counter rails. Installation and dismantling of equalizing devices. Installation of anti-theft devices. Single replacement of rail and sleeper grid elements on sections of continuous track.

Must know: design, maintenance standards for continuous continuous track and turnouts; rules for the production of continuous track installation; requirements for the quality of laying the track superstructure.

§ 42. Track fitter (6th category)

Characteristics of work. Performing particularly complex work on installation, dismantling and repair of track superstructure structures. Installation and dismantling of turnouts and fastening them to sleepers and beams. Calculation of displacement for setting the track in the design position. Adjustment of the turnout and transfer mechanism during operation. Selection of rails according to length and checking their laying along the square on bridge beams of artificial structures. Measuring curved sections of track using deflection arrows. Sighting and layout of circular and transitional curves of railway tracks when placed in the design position. Adjustment of turnout profiles during the growth and settlement of abysses. Calculation and selection of shortened rails for curved sections of the track. Installation of a device for replacing inventory rails with welded lashes and adjusting the abutment joints. Correcting the path in the abysses using an optical device. Assembling links on assembly machines of a link assembly line.

Must know: rules for the installation and dismantling of turnouts; rules for carrying out work when replacing and adjusting turnouts; methods for measuring curved sections of track using deflection arrows; methods for selecting shortened rails for curved sections of track; device and principle of operation of assembly machines of link assembly lines.

Note. Track fitters engaged in the maintenance and repair of the track, artificial structures and roadbed in pass areas with complex engineering geology (mari, karsts, swamps, buried ice, landslides, etc.), areas with regenerative braking, as well as those engaged in the maintenance of hump and sub-hill tracks of marshalling railway stations are charged one category higher.

Track fitter 2nd category Characteristics of the work. Performing simple work during installation, dismantling and repair of superstructure structures and surface metro lines.

Track fitter 2nd category Must know: road signs and signals; types of basic materials for the construction of the superstructure of the track; general data on the construction of the superstructure of the track and roadbed and General requirements on their operation; methods and techniques for performing simple work during installation and dismantling of track superstructure structures; name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and roadbed; standard instructions on labor protection.
Work examples. Filling ballast into sleeper boxes. Removing debris from under the rail base. Marking wooden sleepers. Painting of track and signal signs, reinforced concrete and wooden posts at crossings. Stacking old sleepers. Numbering of rail links. Tightening and unscrewing bolts and screws in sleepers using a socket wrench. Complete set of terminals with terminal bolts and washers. Dismantling of rail joints. Removing and laying snow fence panels. Driving stakes when laying out and leveling lines. Loading, transporting and unloading fasteners. Clearing the path of snow manually. Laying out sleepers and fastenings manually. Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually. Installation and rearrangement of waymarks and snow fences on the stretch. Cleaning ditches, drainage and upland ditches, rails on the stretch and lubricating them. Replacement of ballast in sleeper boxes up to the bottom of sleepers.

Road worker 2nd category.

Characteristics of the work. Performing simple work in the construction, repair and maintenance of roads, artificial structures on them and sidewalks.

Must know: types of basic road building materials, road pavement structures and artificial structures on roads. Methods for preparing asphalt concrete, cement concrete, bitumen-mineral and other mixtures. Techniques for dealing with ice and snow drifts. Traffic Laws.

Work examples. Distribution of road construction materials during the construction and repair of road bases and surfaces. Cleaning the trough by hand after earthmoving machines. Darning of rail forms. Manual dismantling of bases, coverings and borders. Installation and repair of continuous turf. Manual screening of sand, gravel and crushed stone using portable screens.

Road worker 3rd category.

Characteristics of the work. Performing simple work during the construction, repair and maintenance of roads, artificial structures on them and sidewalks.

Must know: the basic properties of road building materials. Rules for the construction and repair of unpaved and unpaved improved roads, sidewalks and bases for asphalt concrete and cement-concrete pavements. Rules for using power tools used in road construction and repair. Techniques for dismantling and trimming coatings and bases using mechanized tools. Methods for eliminating the consequences of destruction and restoring road pavement. Techniques for preparing rail-form bases during the construction of cement-concrete roads. Basics of drainage design.

Work examples. Construction and profiling for rolling using beacons, beacon slats, road base templates made of sand, gravel, crushed stone. Profiling of unpaved and unpaved improved roads. Installation of road signs. Installation and repair of drainages. Pothole repair of improved dirt roads, gravel, crushed stone surfaces, as well as repair of dirt roads with separate maps. Dismantling of road surfaces and bases using mechanized tools. Installation and repair of checkered turf. Arrangement of foundations for laying side stones. Construction and restoration of ditches, drainage and upland ditches in compliance with longitudinal slopes and transverse profiles.

Track fitter 2nd category.

Characteristics of the work. Performing simple work during installation, dismantling and repair of superstructure structures and surface metro lines.

Must know: road signs and signals. Types of basic materials for the construction of the superstructure of the track. General data on the design of the superstructure of the track and roadbed and general requirements for their operation. Methods and techniques for performing simple work during installation and dismantling of superstructure structures. Name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and subgrade.

Work examples. Laying out sleepers and fastenings manually. Driving and unscrewing screws in sleepers with a socket wrench. Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually. Complete set of terminals with terminal bolt and washers. Dismantling of rail joints. Installation and rearrangement of road signs and snow fences. Layout along the line of porcelain insulators and brackets. Cleaning ditches, drainage and upland ditches. Routine care and maintenance of turnouts. Cleaning and lubrication of rails and turnouts (except centralized ones). Cutting ballast from sleeper boxes to the bottom of the sleepers.

Track fitter 3rd category.

Characteristics of the work. Performing simple installation, dismantling and repair of superstructure structures and surface metro lines.

Must know: all types of materials for the construction of track superstructures. Standards for maintaining tracks with wooden sleepers. Rules for adjusting the structures of the superstructure of the track (except for high-speed sections and sections on a reinforced concrete base). Methods and techniques for performing work using hand-held electrified and pneumatic general-purpose tools and hydraulic devices. Rules for maintaining hydraulic devices. Methods for slinging rails, sleeper packs and beams. Rules for fencing work sites with installed signals. Methods and techniques for performing work during the construction of a roadbed using hand tools and devices.

Work examples. Loading, unloading and laying out sleepers, beams, rails, links of rail and sleeper grids and turnouts using cranes. Adjustment of sleepers according to the diagram. Drilling holes in sleepers with electric drills. Installation of rail joints. Removing contact rail boxes. Removal of anti-theft devices. Single change of rail-sleeper grid elements. Unloading ballast from gondola cars. Dismantling the wooden crossing deck and removing the counter rails. Dismantling the fastening unit for the subway contact rail. Adjustment of rail clearances using hydraulic spreading devices. Adjustment of the rail and sleeper grid in plan using hydraulic straightening devices. Measuring and adjusting the width of the rail track using a template. Adjustment of the position of the rail threads in height and level manually. Installation of paired sleepers and beams. Fencing work sites with signal signs. Ballast prism mandrel. Cleaning and lubrication of centralized turnouts. Fastening the bolts. Finishing off the crutches. Sleeper repairs are on the way. Installation of slots and slag pads. Cutting out ballast below the sole of the sleepers. Laying links on the roadbed using tracklayers. Maintenance of the sleeper feeder of the link assembly line.

Section ``Railway transport`` Section ``Sea and river transport``((ETKS No. 52))

§ 38. TRACK INSTALLER (2nd category)

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Performing simple work during installation, dismantling and repair of track superstructure structures. Replenishing ballast in sleeper boxes to normal levels. Replacement of ballast in sleeper boxes up to the bottom of sleepers. Removing debris from under the rail base. Marking wooden sleepers. Painting of track and signal signs. Sorting and stacking old wooden sleepers. Numbering of rail links. Fastening bolts and screws in sleepers with a socket wrench. Assembling of embedded and terminal bolts. Removing and laying snow fence panels. Driving stakes when laying out and leveling the path. Loading, transporting and unloading fasteners. Clearing the path of snow manually. Laying out sleepers and fastenings manually. Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually. Installation and rearrangement of waymarks and snow fences on the stretch. Cleaning ditches, drainage and upland ditches. Cleaning fasteners and rails from dirt and fuel oil. Clearing paths of debris. Removing vegetation from paths.

Must know: road signs and signals; types of basic materials for the construction of the superstructure of the track; general provisions for the construction of the superstructure of the track and roadbed and requirements for their operation; name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and roadbed; methods and techniques for performing simple work during installation and dismantling of track superstructure structures.

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JSC "______________"

__________________ ________

from ___ ____________ 20__

Job Description for Track Fitter

General provisions:

1. Requirements for a track fitter:

  • must have special training, a corresponding certificate of assignment of working qualifications as a track fitter,
  • who have reached 18 years of age at the time of hiring,
  • recognized medical commission suitable for performing work in this position,

In his activities, the track fitter is guided by:

  • regulatory documents on the work performed;
  • methodological materials relating to relevant issues;
  • labor regulations;
  • orders and instructions of the head of the enterprise (direct manager);
  • this job description.
  1. The track fitter is hired and fired by order general director in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine by providing a chief engineer.
  2. The track fitter reports directly to the head of the repair service section, and functionally to the chief engineer.
  1. Must follow day-to-day instructions from immediate supervisor
  2. Follow these instructions, safety rules, and fulfill your duties.
  3. Track Fitterobliged to take care of personal safety and health , as well as the safety and health of people around during the performance of any work.
  4. Must know the requirements of regulatory legal acts onlabor protection, safety regulations, requirements for safe handling of household appliances, equipment and other mechanisms;
  5. Must use collective equipment (work clothes and safety shoes) and personal protection, because neglect of protective equipment leads to injury and damage;wearing protective clothing is mandatory ,
  6. Pass preliminary and periodic medical examinations in the manner prescribed by law.

10. Must know:

Route signs and signals; all types of basic materials for the installation of the superstructure of the track and laying requirements; standards for maintaining tracks with wooden sleepers;

General data on the construction of the superstructure of the track and roadbed and general requirements for their operation; rules for adjusting track superstructure structures;

Methods and techniques for performing simple work during installation and dismantling of superstructure structures;

Name of the main elements of the superstructure of the roadbed;

Methods and techniques for performing work using general-purpose electrified hand tools and hydraulic devices; rules for maintaining hydraulic devices;

Methods for slinging rails, sleeper packs and beams; maintenance of the automatic blocking rail circuit and rules of work;

Rules for fencing work sites with installed signals;

Methods and techniques for performing work during the construction of a roadbed using hand tools and devices;

Construction design, maintenance standards for continuous continuous track and turnouts; rules for the installation of continuous track and turnouts;

Rules for carrying out work on adjusting continuous track and turnouts and methods for laying them out;

Methods for selecting shortened rails for curved sections of track, methods for measuring curves using deflection arrows;

Officials zan responsibilities (performing work in a team):

1. Carrying out work during installation, dismantling and repair of track superstructure structures.

  1. Driving and unscrewing screws in sleepers with a socket wrench; laying out sleepers and fastenings manually; ballast prism mandrel.
  2. Cleaning ditches, drainage and upland ditches; routine care and maintenance of turnouts, cleaning and lubrication of rails and turnouts; installation of turnouts and attaching them to sleepers and beams with a spike hammer.
  3. Adjustment of sleepers according to the diagram; installation of rail joints; removal of contact rail boxes, dismantling of anti-theft devices; single change of rail and sleeper grid elements.
  4. Dismantling of wooden crossing deck with removal of counter rails; adjustment of rail gaps, rail and sleeper grid.
  5. Measuring and adjusting the width of the rail track using a template with reinforced concrete slabs and blocks; adjusting the position of the rail threads in height and level manually; adjusting the position of rail threads in height and level in heaving areas.
  6. Fencing work sites with signal signs; installation of twin sleepers and beams; fastening bolts, finishing spikes, repairing sleepers along the way, making slots and slag pads.
  7. Cutting out ballast below the sole of the sleepers; laying links on the roadbed using tracklayers.
  8. Attaching rails to sleepers and beams manually and with spike hammers; attaching the rails to the pads with terminal bolts with separate fastening; installation and dismantling of an insulated joint.
  9. Strengthening sleepers with bolts to the slip frame; preparation and installation of frames for the intersection of slip tracks; disassembling rail links into individual elements using an electric tool.
  10. Installation of a permanent crossing deck with installation of counter rails; dismantling reinforced concrete crossing flooring and in areas with wooden sleepers.
  11. Selecting rails according to length and checking their placement along the square and gaps; regulation of the position of the ends of welded rail strands of a continuous track using screw ties; installation and dismantling of equalizing devices.
  12. Replacement of a defective section of a continuous-joint track; Measurement and adjustment according to the pattern, level and direction of booms, blind intersections, horizontal and inclined tracks, as well as intersections of ship-lifting structures.
  13. Calculation and selection of shortened rails for curved sections of the track; measuring curves using deflection arrows; sighting and laying out circular and transitional curves of railway tracks when placing them in the design position according to calculated shifts.
  14. Laying out the turnout and aligning it with the adjustment of the transfer mechanism; installation and adjustment of trolleys for replacing inventory rails with welded lashes.

The track fitter has the right:

1. Obtain the necessary information to perform your duties.

2. Make proposals to your superiors to improve the organization of your work.

3. Improve your qualifications in the prescribed manner, undergo certification (re-certification) in order to assign qualification categories.


1. The track installer bears personal responsibility for violation of the requirements set out in this Instruction in accordance with current legislation.

2. For complete material provision for the safety of the valuables entrusted to him.

3. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of one’s job responsibilities provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by current labor legislation.

4. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

5. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by current labor, criminal and civil legislation.


(module 43)
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