Project “Child in the world of professions. Doctor

Zubkova Ekaterina Dmitrievna
Summary of GCD for familiarization with the environment. Examination of illustrations about the medical profession (second junior group)

Target: formation of children’s ideas about work doctor.


Educational: Clarify children’s knowledge about work doctor.

Educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards to those around.

Developmental: form a positive attitude towards medical profession.

Vocabulary work:

Vocabulary enrichment: patient, phonendoscope, prescribe, prescribe.

Activating the dictionary: hospital, doctor, caring, attentive.

Preliminary work: Meeting the nurse, reading "Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

Means: Illustrations« Doctor» , "Suitcase doctor» , toy bear

Methods: Surprise moment, problematic situation, looking at illustrations, questions for children, positive assessment from the teacher.

Motivational part Educator: - Guys, look who came to visit us today? Let's say hello to Mishka.

Oh, guys, Mishka is kind of sad. What's wrong with you, Mishka? Guys, Mishka says that his throat hurts. Guys, what should you do in this case? D.: - we need to go to doctor!

V.: Yes, Mishka! Why don't you go to doctor? What? Are you afraid? Guys! The bear is afraid of the doctor! How can we help him?

Children express their options.

V.: Look, I have pictures about the hospital for you and Mishka. Let's see them and let's tell Mishka how does a doctor work

Main part Look at the picture, who is the doctor here? What is he wearing? What kind of device is on his neck?

How does a doctor examine a patient? The doctor first asks, which worries the boy, then examines the patient, listens, and measures the temperature. Having found out that the child is in pain, doctor prescribes treatment, i.e. prescribes medications.

Doctors also advise doing exercises, let’s take a break and warm up!

Girls and boys / hands on belt

Jumping like balls /rhythmic jumping

Foot stomping,/foot stomping

Hands clap / clap hands

Blinking eyes, hands on belt and rhythmic squinting of eyes

Afterwards they rest. /hands down

And I have another picture for you, look what it shows? –Suitcase doctor. What's in your suitcase? doctor? What is a thermometer/syringe/cotton for? How will the doctor listen to the patient?

Guys! How much do you already know about doctors! Tell me, how does a doctor treat patients? (with care, with attention) And what kind of doctor? (kind, caring)

Final part - You see, Mishka, what doctors! Really not scary at all?

Well done guys, you talk so much about doctors told that Mishka has completely stopped being afraid, and now he will definitely show his sore throat doctor.

Publications on the topic:

GCD "Professions of the Chernomorneftegaz enterprise." (senior group) Program content: Cognitive development: introduce to professions.

Summary of physical education leisure in the senior group “All professions are needed, all professions are important” Objectives: Educational area “Health” - maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children; - cultural education.

Summary of the integrated educational activity “All professions are important, all professions are needed” in the middle group GCD theme: “All professions are important, all professions are needed.” Direction of education and development (educational field): cognitive development(.

Summary of educational activities for strengthening ideas about summer in children with disabilities (senior group) Goal: To reinforce children’s idea of ​​summer. Learn to show winter and summer in pictures. Tasks: 1) continue to familiarize children with the signs.

Summary of educational activities for the middle group on speech development “Looking at illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov” Objectives: to evoke in children an emotional response to nursery rhymes and a desire to listen to them; perform movements in the game in accordance with the text; attentively.

Summary of GCD in the senior group of kindergarten “All professions are important - all professions are needed” Goals: 1. Expand children's understanding of the professions of adults. 2. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Professions” 3. Develop dialogical.

Lesson summary for the middle group on introducing adults to labor. Topic: “Important professions.” Goal: To teach and generalize children’s knowledge about the work of a doctor and some of his work actions. Expand your vocabulary with medical terminologies.

MADOU PGO "Kindergarten No. 63 of a combined type"

Project on labor education of preschool children.

Project topic: Introduction to the medical profession

Developer: Udilova I.N.

Project type: cognitive.

Project type: group

Participants : Children of the group “Stars” 4-5 years old, teachers, parents.

Term: 01.02.16 – 05.02.16



This is due to the fact that it makes it possible to maximally enrich the knowledge and ideas of preschool children about the work of adults.

Familiarization with the work activities of adults is crucial for the formation of a child’s initial ideas about the role of work and the importance of professions in the life of society. However, thoughtful guidance is needed in the process of developing children's knowledge about adult work.

Teachers prepare children so that in due time (no matter how distant it may seem) they can boldly enter into independent life. Therefore, the following goals are set in the future:

    creating awareness that labor and work occupy a very important place in people’s lives, that work is essentially the basis of life;

    fostering a sense of respect for working people and the results of their activities;

    acquaintance with representatives of certain professions, the specifics of their work: the work skills they perform, the development of their work abilities.

PROBLEM: Children do not have sufficient knowledge about people's professions.

TARGET: Enrich children's ideas about the medical profession.


    Foster a sense of respect for the work of adults and a desire to provide assistance;

    Enrich vocabulary by introducing children to the subjects necessary in the work of a doctor

    Create conditions for consolidating ideas about labor actions performed by adults, about the results of labor, about equipment.

    to form in children basic experience of professional actions;

    To develop an understanding of the need to take care of your health, protect it, learn to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    To increase the literacy of parents in matters of education and health promotion of preschool children.


Gaining knowledge about the medical profession;

Formation of a caring attitude towards the work of adults;

Children know what the profession of a doctor is and what he does, what he needs for work.

Formation and manifestation of health-preserving competence;

Promoting children's health.

Integration of content of educational areas.

Cognitive development.

Viewing and discussion of the cartoon about Doctor Aibolit

Excursion to the physical training ground;

Social and communicative development

Game activity:

Role-playing game“Hospital”, “Doll Katya got sick”,

Tasks. Roles. Game actions. Plot development. Material. Dictionary

"Hospital".Doctor – specialist (Doctor). Conducts an appointment, listens, looks at the throat, takes the temperature, prescribes treatment. Writes out a prescription. Gives advice. Issues sick leave.

Nurse.Follows doctor's orders. Gives injections, puts on jars, mustard plasters. Helps the doctor. Talks with patients. Writes out directions for examination. Washes tools.

Patient.Comes to see a doctor with a coupon and medical card. He tells and shows what hurts. Asks to prescribe treatment. Follows all doctor's advice and prescriptions. Makes an appointment with a doctor.

Story-based role-playing game"Pharmacy"

Introduce children to the role of a pharmacist, cashier, and pharmacy visitors, teach them how to perform game actions, and follow their sequence. A salesperson at a pharmacy kiosk dispenses medications according to a doctor's prescription.

Materials: cash register, “money”, a pharmacy display case with various medicines and personal hygiene items, a white pharmacist’s coat, recipes, pictures depicting medicines, patient care items.

Speech development

Conversations: “What do parents do?”

“About the profession of a doctor, nurse”;

"Who heals the sick"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Introduction to fiction

Reading poems: K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, V. Berestov “Sick Doll”, E. Blaginina “Sick Bunny”,

Discussion of plots, actions

Physical development

Conversations: “Attitude towards a sick person, “Microbes and viruses”, “Health and illness”, “Personal hygiene”, “Vitamins and healthy products”,

Working with parents:

Design of an information stand : “Organization of a role-playing game”

Exhibition "Visiting Doctor Aibolit"

Involving parents in the production of attributes and costumes for the role-playing game “Hospital”


Conversations “Caring for a child’s body”, “What shoes to wear”

Project implementation

Preparatory stage.

- Introduce parents to the topic of the project

- Conduct consultations for parents:“The importance of the regime in raising children”, “More attention to the posture of children”; “We dress children according to the weather”

Conduct a survey of children

What do we know about the profession of a doctor?

Where can I find out about this profession?

Joint activities between adults and children

Project stages

Types of activities

Stage 1

Statement of the problem

1. Conversation “What do your parents do?”

2. Conversation “What does mom do when I get sick?

3. Conversation about the profession of a doctor (What do we know about the profession of a doctor? Where can I learn about this profession?)

Stage 2

Project development

1. Development of proposed activities for the implementation of the project.

2. A selection of fiction on the topic of the project

Project implementation

    1. Artistic and aesthetic development

Introduction to fiction:

Reading poems: K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, V. Berestov “Sick Doll”, E. Blaginina “Sick Bunny”. Discussion of plots, actions.

Modeling “Vitamins”, “Healthy fruits”

Design “Construction of a hospital, pharmacy”

Musical activity Listening: P. Tchaikovsky “The Doll’s Disease”

    2. Cognitive development.

Looking at illustrations “Professions”

Watching and discussing a cartoon about Doctor Aibolit,

Games to develop attention and thinking: “The Fourth Wheel”, “What’s Missing”

Excursion to the physical training ground

    3. Speech development

Conversations: “About the profession of a doctor, nurse”;

"Who heals the sick"

“What does mom do when I’m sick?”

"What does a doctor need to work"

"Talk about proper nutrition";

Writing a descriptive story about sports; Examination of the paintings: “On a walk”, “We play sports”, “How to brush your teeth correctly”, “We wash our face”;

    4. Social and communicative development

Role-playing game"Hospital",

"Doll Katya is sick"


    5. Physical development

morning exercises; outdoor activities, sports games, physical exercises, preventive measures for flat feet and poor posture, physical education (indoors);

Conversations: “Attitude towards a sick person, “Microbes and viruses”, “Health and illness”, “Personal hygiene”, “Vitamins and healthy foods”

Stage 3

Project presentation

Final event of the project:

GCD: “Introduction to the profession of a doctor”

Stage 4

Summing up (reflection)

Design of the exhibition “Visiting Doctor Aibolit”

Conversation “What new have we learned about the profession of a doctor?”

As a result of the work done, the children showed the following results:

Gained knowledge about the medical profession;

They have developed a caring attitude towards the work of adults;

Children know what the profession of a doctor is and what he does, what he needs for work.

Lesson summary for the middle group"Introduction to the medical profession"

Goal: To clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about the work of a doctor and some of his work actions.”

Objectives: To enrich children’s ideas about the work of a doctor and children’s vocabulary.

Developmental: Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Educational: To cultivate respect and interest in the work of adults, namely doctors, and to take care of their health.

Equipment and materials: doll, tape recorder with flash drive, laptop

Progress of the lesson: The child's crying is turned on. There is a doll on the floor. Children react to crying.

V-l: guys, who is this crying? (There is a doll on the floor)

The doll tripped over scattered toys and hurt herself, let's collect the toys and treat her.

(collect toys)

V-l: How can we treat the doll? (Children's answers)

Let's give her a massage:

To prevent your throat from hurting, we will stroke it boldly,

In order not to cough or sneeze, we will rub our nose.

We will also rub our forehead and hold our palm with a visor.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we don’t mind a cold!

Q: The doll hit its leg, how are we going to treat the leg (Children’s answers)

Let's take her to the doctor.

What do you think a doctor does?

How does it benefit people?

What instruments does the doctor use? (syringe, thermometer, phonendoscope, spoon)

Showing and discussing a presentation about a doctor.

Q: Who monitors your health in kindergarten?

What should a doctor be like? (kind, friendly...)

How to call a doctor? (Children's answers - by phone)

What should you say on the phone?

Role-playing game "Hospital".

"Introduction to the medical profession." Summary of a lesson on introducing adults to work

Goal: To clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about the work of a doctor and some of his work actions. Expand your vocabulary with medical terminologies and activate children’s speech in the use of verbs and adjectives.

Cultivate an interest in the medical profession.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, guess the riddle, and the answer will come to you:

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to get treatment.

Whoever is sick - he offers to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk! Who is this? (doctor)

The arrival of the doctor doll

Hello children!

Tell me, who came to our lesson?

How did you know that this doll is a doctor?

What does a doctor do?

What do you think the doctor does to benefit people?

Look at our doctor for an interesting suitcase and see what you want in it.

to know? What an interesting pouch the doctor has in his suitcase. To find out

What is in the bag, you need to feel the object with your hand and, without pulling it out, name it.

Game "Wonderful bag"

See how many different devices a doctor needs to treat people

Let's call them again.

And what the doctor does with these objects, we will now find out in the game “What are they doing? »

I will throw the ball to you, naming the doctor’s tools, and you will throw it back to me and name what they do with it.

With a syringe (injections are given)

Thermometer (measure temperature)

Bandage (bandage)

Phonendoscope (listen to heartbeat)

Cotton wool (lubricate scratches)

Spoon (look at the throat)

Now we will play a game for attention, it is called “Find the extra one”

Here on the table are pictures with the items that a doctor needs in his work, but there are items that people of other professions need.

You must remove them and name who they are for.

Tell me, in kindergarten, who looks after your health? (nurse Alena Anatolyevna) Look at these faces; (pictograms)

Tell me, if they were doctors, which doctor would you go to?

Why did you go to this doctor? (kind, friendly, affectionate face)

So you think that a doctor should be affectionate and good.

Who can tell us how to call a doctor? (by phone)

Let's call, go, Dasha, call, how will you invite our Alena Anatolyevna?

(the child calls the kindergarten nurse by phone)

Nurse enters

Hello children! Did you call me? Who is sick with you?

Alena Anatolyevna we have no patients.

We invited you to our lesson.


I know quite a bit about you: what’s your name, who is your mother?

I know height and weight, who sleeps how and who eats how.

Come on, raise your arms and show your palms.

Child: Doctor, doctor, what should we do?

To wash your hands or not to wash your hands?

If we wash, then what should we do?

Wash often or less often?

Nurse: Hands should be washed as often as possible with soap before eating and after walking, so that there are no germs. Dirty hands are a disaster. They harm us and bring many different diseases.

I see my assistant doctor doll is visiting you.

I want to play the game “Big - small” with you

If I say I have a large thermometer, then the doll has a small one. (thermometer)

I have cotton wool, and the doll has (cotton wool)

The nurse thanks for the invitation and says goodbye to the guys.

Summing up the lesson

Natalya Shulga
Summary of a conversation with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Profession of a doctor”

Conversation on the topic "Profession of a doctor."

Age: Senior group.

Target: Create conditions for consolidating the ideas of older children about the medical profession.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about the medical profession.

2. Develop imagination, attention, thinking, speech.

3. Foster a respectful and kind attitude towards the work of adults.

Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations and pictures depicting medical instruments.

Introductory part: Hello guys, I invite you to guess a few of my riddles:

1. I’ll sit under your arm

And I’ll tell you what to do:

Or I'll let you go for a walk,

Or I'll put you to bed


2. The bunny got sick today.

Doctor, doctor, help me out!

The doctor didn't prescribe candy for us,

And syrups etc.


3. Who is the most useful in the world?

cures any diseases?

Who always wears a white robe

busy with the most necessary things?

Who, as soon as you enter,

says: "Open your mouth

and say loudly - ah-ah!

Does your head hurt?

Who is caring and kind?

Well of course it is.

Main part: Questions for children:

1. Guys, who is a doctor? (Children's answers)

Doctors are very smart and kind people, they know a lot about every disease, about every medicine.

2. What is this profession needed for? (To treat people, etc.).

3. What is the doctor wearing? (White robe, white cap).

4. Where does the doctor work? (Children's answers)

Doctors work in clinics and hospitals.

5. What are the people who visit the doctor called? (Patients)

6. How is temperature measured? (Thermometer)

7. What is a medical spatula used for? (To watch the throat)

8. What should a doctor be like? (kind, attentive, smart, brave, know a lot, don’t forget anything)

Final part: Game "Assemble a doctor's suitcase."

Target: To improve the skills of older children in finding pictures of instruments that are necessary for the medical profession.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge of the subjects necessary for the work of a doctor.

2. Develop the visual analyzer and attention.

3. Cultivate endurance, patience, and the ability to work together.

Progress of the game: In front of the children there is a doctor’s suitcase and cards with images of various objects (thermometer, screwdriver, pan, pills, etc.). Children must find images of the items that the doctor needs. And put them in a suitcase.


1. What profession did we meet today?

2. Why do we need the profession of a doctor?

3. Where does the doctor work?

4. What qualities should a doctor have?

5. Would any of you like to become a doctor in the future?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a conversation with children of senior preschool age “A lesson in polite words and actions” Summary of the conversation in the senior group “Lesson on polite words and actions” Goals and objectives: “Speech development”: - Teach emotionally and actively.

Summary of a conversation with children “Football is an exciting game” for senior preschool age Goal: to introduce children to the sports game - football; clarify ideas about the main lines and markings of the field; the simplest rules of the game;

Summary of a conversation with children of senior and preparatory preschool age about the proverb “The apple tree doesn’t fall far from the tree” Have you seen an apple tree in the garden, and plump apples ripening on it? When the apple is ripe, it falls to the ground. The apple is heavy, the wind.

Goal: providing advisory and preventive assistance and increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents. What is aggression?

Summary of the integrated lesson “Profession of a doctor” Integration of educational areas: "Health", "Reading fiction", "Work", additionally includes: "Cognition", "Communication".

Abstract of the GCD “Profession - doctor. Polyclinic" Abstract on the topic “Profession - doctor. Polyclinic" Purpose: To introduce different medical professions. Objectives: - Form a holistic view.

Project topic: “Introduction to the medical profession”

Project type : Cognitive-research, creative.

Project goal: Formation of a holistic idea of ​​preschoolers about the medical profession.

Tasks: Continue to enrich children’s understanding of the profession of a doctor and nurse, develop cognitive interest, cultivate friendly relationships, accumulate and expand vocabulary on the topic (subjects necessary in the work of a doctor), and develop in children the ability to observe the work of adults.

Project participants : children, teacher, parents

Stage 1: Organizational and preparatory

Selection of software and methodological support for project implementation.

Replenishment of the development environment.

A selection of fiction (stories, poems, riddles)

Album design: “It’s good to be a doctor!”

Stage 2: Organization of activities

Cognitive and research activities:

Children's examination of the appearance of a doctor and a nurse.

Supervising the work of doctors and nurses.

Examining medical instruments

Solving problem situations.

Excursion to the medical office.

Reading works of fiction: Korney Chukovsky “Aibolit”, J. Rainis “The Doll Is Sick”, V. Mayakovsky “Who Should I Be?”, V. Berestov “The Sick Doll”, A. Barto “Tamara and I”, P. Obraztsov “Treating the Doll” , A. Kardashova “Our Doctor”

Making riddles.

Communication activities

Review of the album “It's Good to Be a Doctor!”

Conversation “Who treats us”, “How to behave in a doctor’s office!”

Labor activity.

Making attributes for a role-playing game.

Working with parents.

Involving parents in the production of attributes and costumes for the role-playing game “Hospital”

Selection of poems, riddles, illustrations to create an album

Creating massage paths

Consultations, moving folders: “Take care of your eyes!”, “Vitamins for children”, “Prevention of flat feet”, “Back massage”, “Physical training minutes”, “Breathing exercises for children”

Stage 3: Final

Exhibition of children's creative works

Corner of the role-playing game “Hospital”

Books, album about the medical profession

Collections of poems and riddles


Stage 4. Expected results.

For a teacher: the formation of cognitive interest in the world of professions and the creation of conditions for independent and productive activity

For children:

Formation of knowledge about the profession of a doctor and nurse

Formation of communication skills

The emergence of the ability to listen to a partner, to combine their plans with your own

Project execution

Excursion to the kindergarten’s medical office;

Looking at illustrations “Professions”

Speech development

Conversations: “About the profession of a doctor, nurse”; “Who treats the sick”, “What does mom do when I get sick”, “What does a doctor need to work”

Introduction to fiction

Reading poems: K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, V. Berestov “Sick Doll”, E. Blaginina “Sick Bunny”. Discussion of plots, actions of heroes.

Play activity

Role-playing game “At the Doctor’s”, “Hospital”, D/game- “Cut-out pictures”, D/game- “If someone is sick?”, D/game- “Wonderful bag”, D/game- “Let’s tell Mishka” and the doll as they measured our height and weight.”

Hood. Est. -development.

Modeling “Vitamin for a kitten”

Coloring coloring books.


Construction of a hospital.

Musical activities

Listening: P. Tchaikovsky “The Doll’s Disease”

Working with parents

1. Design of an information stand: “Organization of a role-playing game”

2 Consultation for parents: Tools. Professions (generalization).

3. Lexical topics: “Professions”

4. Photo exhibition “This is how we play”

5. Involving parents in the production of attributes and costumes for the role-playing game “Hospital”

Familiarization with professions and socialization of preschool children

through the role-playing game “Hospital”


Objectives: to teach children to display different aspects of the surrounding reality in the game; to form a strong interest in the plot and the game as a whole; enrich children's knowledge and ideas about the professions of a doctor and nurse

Roles: “doctors”, “nurse”, “patients”.

Patients are admitted to the hospital. They are brought by an ambulance. The doctor and nurse examine the admitted patients, take a blood test, listen to the heart and lungs, find out what hurts and how, provide first aid, and send them to the ward. The doctor on duty makes a round and asks about the well-being of the patients. The nurse carries out the doctor’s orders: distributes pills, gives injections, bandages, puts mustard plasters, cups, etc.

Bandage, cotton wool, mustard plasters, medical instruments, syringe, medicines, jars, white coats, phonendoscope.


Arm pain (leg, ear, heart, back, stomach)









Construction of role-playing dialogue.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Summary of the role-playing game


Plot: “Daughter Katya got sick.”

Goal: to consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, to develop the ability to play according to one’s own plans; stimulate children's creative activity, teach new play actions; to form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness.

Equipment: white coat, cap, medicine jars and boxes, a set of medical instruments.

Progress of the game.

Children enter the group and stand next to the teacher.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Seryozha coughs loudly.

He seems to have bronchitis.

They call the clinic

And they say to Seryozha:

Don't be afraid and don't cry -

A good one is coming to see you... (doctor).

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a doctor. Guys, if someone gets sick, where do we go? (To the hospital)

Educator. What is the job of a doctor?

Children: examine the sick, treat.

Educator. What should a doctor be like?

Children: Attentive, caring.

Educator: Well done, guys! Well, our time has come, let's play now! Do you want to play?

Children: yes!

Educator: Guys, before we start treating, we’ll play with you the game “What does the doctor need?” (children choose from the proposed items the ones the doctor needs, tell why, in their opinion, this or that item is needed).

Educator: I will be a doctor, but I need an assistant - a nurse. Who wants to be a doctor? Who will treat the sick? (choose a nurse among the children). Nurse, put on a white cap and gown, you will examine patients and prescribe medications. Guys, today you are waking up moms and dads, look, our doll children are waiting for us, they are sitting sad in the house (we go to the play corner, the children choose their “children”).

Educator: Take the kids and go to the hospital quickly. How can we get to the hospital?

Children: On foot, by car, by bus, by ambulance.

Educator: The hospital is open for all people, go and get treatment there as soon as possible! We go to see a doctor. In order not to jostle and disturb each other, you can sit on the chairs and wait for your turn.

Doctor: Hello, patient! Come in, sit down! What hurts you?

Patient: Hello. My daughter fell and injured her arm.Doctor: What a big wound, now we will treat it well, lubricate it with iodine, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give you painkillers (inject with a syringe). Get well. Goodbye.

Patient: Hello.

Doctor: Come in, sit down. Tell me what happened?

Patient: My daughter has a stomach ache.

Doctor: Let’s see, listen to the patient with a phonendoscope: Breathe, don’t breathe” (examines the patient)

Doctor. In life we ​​need

Lots and lots of vitamins

It’s impossible to count them all now.

Meat, vegetables and fruits -

Natural products,

But the chips, you always know

This is junk food.

Doctor: Get better. Goodbye.

Patient: Hello.

Doctor: Hello. Tell me what happened?

Patient: My daughter has a sore throat.

Doctor: Go to the nurse, she will give you a thermometer to find out if you have a temperature or not.

Nurse: The temperature is normal. Let's look at the neck - use a spatula to look at the neck)

Educator: All people are examined, vaccinated, and examined by a doctor. You see, guys, doctors help both adults and children. For this we will thank them.

Educator: in order not to get sick, you must do exercises in the morning.

Physical education minute

The sun looked into the crib,

One, two, three, four, five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider

One, two, three, four, five.

Bend over - three, four.

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

Educator. And, lest you forget, the doctor prescribed everyone to take vitamins!

Summary of direct educational activities on the topic: “Vitamin for a Kitten” using health-saving, personality-oriented, gaming technologies.

"Vitamin for Kitten"

Target: developing children’s ability to work with plastic material (salt dough).

Software tasks:

Cognitive development

- develop children's sensory abilities (fixation of colors, geometric shapes).

Speech development

- develop coherent speech, the ability to answer teacher questions;
- use polite words in speech: thank you, please, hello, goodbye.
Physical development

- form correct posture while sitting;
- promote the development of fine motor skills;
develop hand coordination.

- develop physical activity and dance movements.
Artistic and aesthetic development
-develop children's imagination.

Social and communicative development
- develop children’s emotional responsiveness to requests for help;
- establish positive relationships with peers based on compliance with basic standards of behavior (not to disturb each other);
- develop moral feelings (love, kindness).

Methods, techniques:
Practical: Modeling from salt dough “Vitamins”.
Visual: kitten doll Vasya.
Verbal: artistic expression, questions, explanation.

Material and equipment: doll - kitten;
- dough and plates in two colors: red and yellow
-bright box;
- animal hats: bunny, bear, squirrel, mouse, top, hedgehog.

The teacher is holding a kitten doll Vasya. The kitten greets the children.
Educator: guys, our kitten Vasenka is sick, he doesn’t want to play, he lies curled up in a ball, sad. Tell me how to help him? The teacher addresses the children: Lyuba, what can we do for the kitten? Vanya, how can I help the kitten? Etc.
Children's answers: stroke, regret.
Educator: let's cheer him up! What can we do for him? (Children : sing a song!)

The teacher and the children sing the song “Pussy” for the kitten Vasenka:
Physical education minute:

“Pussy, pussy, pussy-kiss-kitty, sit next to us (they stroke the left hand with the right hand), put away the scratches, into your soft paws (they show and put the “claws” into fists). Pussy, pussy, kitty-kiss-kitty, sit next to us (they stroke the left hand with their right hand), here’s a little milk in your palms (they make a plate out of their hands).”

Children treat pussy with milk from their palms.
Kitten Vasya : meow, meow, meow, thank you guys, very tasty milk. Only my throat hurts a little (pretends to cough).
Educator: kitten Vasenka, I know how to help you, the guys and I will prepare vitamins for you that will cure your throat. Will the guys help our Vasenka?
Children: yes, we will help!
Kitten Vasya: meow, meow, it’s so good, I don’t like being sick!
Children and their teacher sit at the table. The teacher approaches each child, adjusts the chair, and reminds them how to sit at the table: legs together, back touching the chair.
Educator : To make our fingers work well, we will play with them a little.

Finger gymnastics “Berries”
Educator: guys, show me your fingers. Repeat after me:
“I pick berries from a branch (the left hand is pointing down, the fingers are tense, not touching, the right hand is “picking the berries”)
And I collect it in a basket (join hands, depicting a basket),
There will be a complete basket (right hand covers left)
I'll try a little (the left hand depicts a basket, the right hand takes a berry from the “basket” and puts it in the mouth),
And then a little more (the fingers of the right hand make the “a little bit” gesture)
And I'll go on a long journey (the fingers of both hands represent walking legs)!”
Q: You’re great, now let’s prepare some vitamins for our kitten.

Educator shows the children and explains: I take a piece of dough, hold it in one hand, and pinch it off with the other handsmall piece of dough, put it on my palm, cover it with the other palm and startride ball. Look what I got?
Children : vitamin.
Educator: Mashenka, what is this? Petenka, what color is the vitamin?
The teacher takes dough of 2 colors and asks each child what color they will use to make vitamins: “What color will you make vitamins? And for you, Sasha, what color should you give the dough? » When children choose the color of the dough for themselves,
teacher says: “Red vitamins should be on a red plate, take a red plate, what color is your piece.
The children get to work, putting vitamins on their plate.
Educator : You guys are great, what did you do? Mashenka, what did you do for the kitten today? And for you, Yulechka, what happened, and for you, Vanechka, what color are your vitamins? Let's give our plates with vitamins to kitten Vasya, he will try them and get better.
Children give their plates to the kitten.
Kitten Vasya : thank you guys, what beautiful vitamins, now I’ll try them (trying), how delicious. Oh, my throat went away, I’m so glad, thank you, my dears. You are real friends. Meow meow. He touches all the guys, meows, purrs.
Educator : Guys, did you like helping the cat?Children's answers. Let's all say “Hey!” to kitten Vasya!
Kitten Vasya : Guys, I want to play with you (shows the children a bright box), opens it and takes out animal hats. Now you will turn into cheerful animals, do you want? (Children's answers). The teacher helps the children put on their hats and everyone dances and sings together:
“We are guys, we are guys, we are funny animals, waving our tails, jumping and dancing.
Educator: guys, do you want the kitten to come visit us again? Do you want it, Katenka? And you, Mishenka, invite the cat? Now let's say goodbye to the cat. They say goodbye.Every child says goodbye to a kitten. Kitten Vasya strokes each child and says goodbye.

Synopsis of a role-playing game

"At the doctor's"

Target: Provide the opportunity to independently plan game tasks; learn to use substitute objects; form role modes of behavior; contribute to the accumulation of experience in joint games.

Material: Dolls doctor's robe and cap, animal toys, medical instruments (set), substitute toys

Game roles: Doctor, mom, sick doll.

Progress of the game.

Educator: Children, have you noticed that this doll Katya has been lying there all day today? Sad.

What do you think happened to her?

Children : I got sick.

Educator: So what should I do?

Children: Treat.

Educator: But how will we treat, there is no doctor! We need a doctor!

(Children offer themselves to play the role of a doctor. The teacher offers to put on a robe so that everyone can see who our doctor is).

Educator: Doctor, our doll Katya is sick.

She probably has a fever.

Where is your thermometer? (The child takes a substitute object.)

Will you treat Katya?

How will you treat our Katya?

Doctor . First, let's take the temperature, please give me a thermometer.

Her temperature is high. Yes, the girl is sick.

We need to look at the throat. The throat is red. Of course, she has a cold and needs to be admitted to the hospital.

Children, look what a good doctor we have, he can cure everyone.

Educator: See if all our toys are healthy. Yesterday I opened the window. But the toys remained in the group; they probably caught a cold. What should be done to help them?

Children: Treat.

Educator: It's good that we have a hospital.

Valeria, do you also want to be a doctor? Fine!

(she puts on a robe, cap, takes a phonendoscope, syringe, paper, pencil) Sits down at the table.

A child with a toy comes to see a doctor. Says hello.

Doctor: Please sit down. What's wrong with your dog? What happened to you?

Child: She coughs... Her throat hurts.

Doctor: (examines the dog, listens to it).

She needs an injection(the doctor gives an injection) . And gives her medicine in a teaspoon.

Child: Thank you. Goodbye.

Doctor: Goodbye.

Educator: (If one of the children still wants to be a doctor, the teacher supports this desire) - When there are many good doctors around us, then our toys will quickly become healthy.

The game continues.

Didactic games.

Game: “If someone gets sick?”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the profession of a doctor and nurse.

Equipment: pictures (doctor, ambulance), toy cribs with dolls, toy thermometer.

The teacher offers to look at the pictures and clarify their content, gives a sample of telephone conversations and offers to call a doctor by phone for the doll.

Game: “Wonderful bag”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the subjects necessary for the work of a doctor.

Equipment: toy medical supplies.

Contents of the game.

The teacher takes attributes from the bag and the children name them.

Game: “Let’s tell Mishka and the doll how they measured our height and weight.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about parts of the human body, consolidate storytelling skills, and develop the skills of an adequate attitude towards visiting a medical office.

Equipment: toy bear, height meter from the role-playing game “Hospital”.

The teacher offers to measure the height of the bear. Mishka is afraid of this procedure, so the teacher asks the children to talk about how their height and weight were measured and show it on the attributes of the role-playing game: “Hospital”.

D/ game - “Cut pictures”

Goal: To form in children ideas about the holistic image of an object, to teach them to correlate the image of the idea with the holistic image of a real object, to fold a picture cut into 3 parts.

Equipment. Cut pictures from 3 parts.


Mom can put cans,
Apply to abrasions and wounds.
Mom gives injections
To all the children of our school.
Mom with affection and kind words
Helps you become healthy!

Answer: Doctor

This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes,
Even if you see badly,
You can see everything with glasses.

Answer: Ophthalmologist

Tell me, how can you look through a wall?
With glasses and in the light, you won’t be able to do that.
Meanwhile, he saw through it
Not only me, but also my heart.

Answer: Doctor

This doctor will remove
I have easy appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend,
Who is the doctor? ...!

Answer: Surgeon

The question hidden here is:
Doctor with thread and needle
What's the name? Remember
And give me a quick answer.

Answer: Surgeon

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician,
Don't worry, calm down,
And, of course, don't cry,
It's just childish...

Answer: Doctor

Captain Ksyusha with Zhanna
Contaminated with manna porridge.
And then they treated us with cabbage soup,
They want to become... .

Answer: Doctors

Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And he tells everyone how to get treatment.
If you are sick, he will offer to take the drops.
Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Answer: Doctor

Seryozha coughs loudly.
He seems to have bronchitis.
They call the clinic
And they say to Seryozha:
- Don't be afraid and don't cry -
A good one is coming to see you... .

Answer: Doctor

We are suffering from a cold again,
We call him at home.
He will give us a sick leave certificate.
Who is he as a specialist?

Answer: Doctor

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician,
Don't worry, calm down,
And, of course, don't cry,
It's just childish... .

Answer: Doctor

Who in days of illness
The most useful of all
And cures us of everything

Answer: Doctor

For children and toddlers:

poems about a doctor (doctor)


Children's doctor early in the morning

Puts on his robe

He washes his hands under the tap,

He calls the guys into the office.

And then in the heat and cold,

Like Doctor Aibolit,

Through the whole huge city

The doctor on call is in a hurry.

We are not afraid of flu, sore throat,

acute respiratory infections, chickenpox, measles,

Doctor - minister of medicine

Will conquer any illness!


Masha and mom are so similar:

Mom is a doctor, and so is Masha.

Smears iodine on the bear's ears,

And the greenery is a pig’s tail,

He puts a thermometer on the little bunny,

Treats a baby fox's neck.

But not bears and bunnies.

Mom treats, and the boys.

Here, the working day is over,

And the mother returned home.

Mom is very tired

Maybe I should call the doctor?

No, she just needs rest

Let him lie down and rest,

Well, Mashenka gives her dinner

He will serve it and take it away.

Summary of direct educational activities for children on the topic “Let’s treat a bear”

Target: Continue to introduce children to the medical profession.

Tasks: Activate in children’s speech the names of the doctor’s labor operations, the names of the doctor’s tools and their purpose. Cultivate an interest in the work activities of adults and a desire to help them. Form elements of a plot-role-playing game.

Vocabulary work : thermometer, heating pad, syringe, pills, medicine, vitamins.

Previous work : Introducing the labor of a m/sister.

Demo material:

Toy “bear”, illustrations of two trains (cheerful and sad), doctor’s instruments.

Methodical techniques : outdoor game “Cap”, game situation, conversation-dialogue, familiarization with the work operations of a doctor, game “A bear walked through the forest”.

GCD move

Children play the game "Cap", crying is heard.

Guys, what's that noise? Let's see who's crying in our group?

What happened to the bear?

What poem about a sick bear do you know?

“They dropped the bear on the floor.”

What should we do, who can help the bear?

Where does the doctor work?

I know one hospital where a doctor will help the bear, but it is far away, you have to go by train. And here are the locomotives, not just one, but two at once.

What is this little train doing? What is he like?

What is this one?

Are we happy or sad now?

What train will we take to the hospital?

Children - carriages cling to each other, the song “The locomotive hummed” is sung.

Where have we arrived?

Why did you decide that this was a hospital?

I change into doctor's clothes.

Hello guys, do you recognize me? Who am I?

Why did you come to me?

Now let's see what happened to the bear.

I put him on the bed. I open the suitcase - it is empty.

I ran to work

Lost my tools

Who will help me?

Will he put his tools away?

The children call, and I put tools and medicines in a suitcasethermometer, phonendoscope, syringe, heating pad, pills, vitamins, brilliant green.

What is a thermometer for?

We list all the tools and say what they are needed for.

I examine a sick bear.

The bear's paw hurts, we need to put a cold heating pad on it.

Children help

The bear is hot. How to take his temperature?

Children tell and measure the bear's temperature.

How can we listen to his breathing?

Children talk and listen to breathing, and then the doctor listens.

Breathing is good and clean. The temperature is slightly elevated.

How will we continue to treat the bear?

Children reason and name different options.

That's right, you need to give an injection and give a pill so that the paw heals faster.

Children perform the doctor's actions.

Bear, does your paw still hurt?

The bear is healthy, but now what can I give him to make him stronger?

You can give vitamins.

Let's give the bear some vitamins to keep him healthy.

Do you guys like to go to the doctor, aren’t you afraid to get treatment? If the medicine turns out to be bitter, should you drink it? Why?

Children talk about how they are treated.

Well done, you all know how to heal. Then I’ll give you vitamins too. Take the bear, he is completely healthy.

The children thank the doctor.

Be healthy!

I take off my robe.

Don't be afraid of the doctor, children,

He is the kindest in the world

I've known him for a long time,

We are great friends with him.

Did the doctor cure our bear? Now he doesn’t cry, look how joyful and cheerful he has become.

Are you happy or sad now?

What train will we use to return to the group?

Let's play with the bear, because he is healthy now.

The game “The bear walked through the forest” is played.

GCD on cognitive and speech development “Introduction to the medical profession”

Program content : introduce children to the medical profession, tell them what people in this profession do, what tools help them in their work. Instill in children a sense of appreciation and respect for work. Activate children's vocabulary by deepening their knowledge.

Vocabulary work : thermometer, syringe, pills, medicines, vitamins.

Demo material : a suitcase with doctor’s instruments, a doll toy.

Materials and equipment : gouache, napkins, brushes, sheets with plates and building material bricks.


    Organizational moment. The teacher shows objects: thermometer, phonendoscope, pills, syringe, tanometer; names the objects himself, and then asks the children to repeat the objects.

    Main part. Guessing the riddle.

Who is the most useful during sick days?

And cures us of all diseases? (children's answer)

(If children find it difficult to answer, show a picture of the answer “ doctor")

What is his job?

- Who treats you when you are sick?(children’s answer – doctor)

- Yes, children, when you are sick, a doctor treats you: he takes your temperature, listens to you, looks at your throat, prescribes medicine, and your mothers look after you. Doctors are smart and kind people, they know about every disease and every medicine.

- Let’s remember what doctors usually dress in?(children's answer - white robe, white cap)

Educator : Look guys, our doll is not happy today. What happened to her? Maybe she got sick?

Masha, my doll, why are you pale?

Don't you laugh, don't you play pranks? You sit still sad.

You haven’t eaten anything for three days, are you probably sick?

How can you check this, kids?(children's answer)

Yes, we need to take her temperature. How? (children's answer)

(child measures temperature with thermometer)

Yes, our Masha is sick. She has a cough and fever. How can we cure it?

Doctor. Stop being sad Mashenka, I’ll treat you. You have a fever, I’ll give you pills and medicine. I'll tie a scarf around his neck and put him in bed. Children, where is the crib? Let's build it.

Designing a bed

Educator. Look, you have bricks on your table. What color are they? (red).

The building is made of three large bricks - one is laid flat, the other two are placed on a smaller edge and pushed on both sides like backs. Children put the doll on the bed.

(the teacher reads Berestov’s poem)

Quiet, quiet, quiet

The poor doll is sick.

She asks for music.

Sing what she likes

And she will get better.

Educator. Children, why should we talk quietly? (answer - the doll is sick). What does the doll want to listen to? (children’s answer is to listen to the song). Yes, a good song improves a doll’s mood(the teacher reads the lyrics of the song, inviting the children to dramatize the text, rock the doll, call for silence, raising a finger to their lips and repeat the words)

Educator. Well, let's sing a song to our doll Masha. The teacher sings the song “Bayu”. Children rock the doll and sing along with certain phrases, pat it on the head, and feel sorry for it. Say: “Don’t cry, the doctor will cure you.”

"Bye-bye, bye-bye

You little dog don't bark

Whitepaw didn't whine

Don't wake up our Masha.

You must now remain silent.

Our Masha wants to sleep"

Educator. Our Masha is already cheerful. Look, she's already smiling. Tell me guys. What else should you do to avoid getting sick? (children’s answer is to do exercises)

Educator. Do exercises correctly and move a lot.

(Music “Fun exercises - big legs” sounds. Children walk.)

Educator. Guys, in order not to get sick, you need to eat apples. They are very helpful. Let's draw a lot of apples for the doll. Let her eat them and not get sick.

Drawing apples. The teacher shows the children an apple.

Educator. Look at the apple. It is round and looks like a small ball. Let's trace its outline with our finger. (children complete the task, then the teacher invites the children to draw a circle in the air with their fingers). What color is our apple? What color paint should we use to paint an apple? (children's answer) Today our helpers will be green, yellow, and red paint. The teacher shows the techniques of drawing a circle on the easel, then asks the children to draw apples on their pieces of paper for the sick doll. Children draw, the teacher, while working, shows the children how to draw a circle and controls whether they are holding the brush correctly.

Children's drawings are laid out on the table in front of the doll.

Educator. Look what wonderful apples we have prepared for our doll!(The teacher invites the children to treat the doll with apples) Eat apples, Masha, don’t get sick!

Children repeat this phrase.

ECD "Constructing a crib for a sick doll"

Tasks: continue to teach how to build a crib, name the parts from which they are built, enrich the sensory experience of children, and cultivate independence.

Material: 3 bricks for each child.


Educator. Our doll is sick and has a headache and fever. We need to put her to bed and call the doctor, but in order to lie down she must... (the children's answer is a bed). Of course, guys, the doll needs to make a crib, then you can put it down (the teacher makes a sample bed, actively involving children in the activity).

- What parts of the building material will we select?

- What should we put at the base of the crib?

-Are these parts stable?

- What is the main detail of the crib?

- Are the bricks stable?

- Will the doll be comfortable in such a crib? Soft? Hard? What's missing from our crib? (bedding).

- Let's make the bed? Then the doll will be soft, warm and cozy.

- Now make the same beds for your dolls. And I will help you (Children are building)

- Check if your cribs are secure. We must take care that the dolls do not fall and get hurt. Put your dolls to bed.

Now the doll has a crib.

You can sleep comfortably and sweetly in it.

Our guys have skillful hands,

The dolls say thank you.

It's good, like a doll sleeps,

Let her have a sweet dream.

Let the doll recover and rest peacefully,

While the guys are taking a walk

- Come on, kids, quickly, get dressed for a walk.

GCD Modeling

"Cookies for a Sick Doll"

Tasks: Teach children to roll plasticine balls using circular movements of their hands; flatten the workpiece using all fingers; develop an interest in working with plasticine; identify a round object; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Material : Yellow plasticine, plastic plate, doll.

Reception of sculpting. Flattening.



My doll Masha is very sick!

Doesn't want to eat porridge, big eyes don't look.

Doesn't go out with me. We need to call the doctor!

But the doll suddenly quietly said: “I’m upset: I ate all the cookies!”

Educator. Guys, doll Masha really loves cookies. Let's treat her to cookies. I want to bake round cookies. To make it neat and beautiful, you need to do it correctly. Before you begin the task, let's stretch our fingers (children bend their fingers one by one):

This finger wants to sleep, this finger jumped into bed,

This finger has taken a nap, this finger has already fallen asleep,

Keep your finger quiet, don't wake up your brothers.

Fingers stood up, hurray! It's time for us to sculpt. (children sit down and do their work)

Educator. First, roll a lump of plasticine into a ball, then flatten it (showing techniques for rolling small balls from plasticine and flattening them). Children perform circular movements with their palms, then flatten the workpieces. (During the sculpting process, the teacher controls the work methods and helps children who have difficulty completing the task).

Educator. That's how many delicious cookies you baked. Eat Masha cookies. It’s delicious (children repeat the words after the teacher). Masha ate delicious cookies and became cheerful.

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