Research project. Research and Project Plan

Research project is a student’s independently conducted research that reveals his knowledge and the ability to apply it to solve specific practical problems. The work must be logically complete and demonstrate the student’s ability to competently use special terminology, clearly express his thoughts, and justify proposals.

The objectives of the project are:

  • development of independent skills research activities and their application to solving current practical problems;
  • carrying out an analysis of existing ones in domestic and foreign science theoretical approaches in the field of research being performed;
  • conducting independent research on the chosen topic;
  • systematization and analysis of data obtained during the study;
  • project protection.

Defense of a research project - presentation, justification of targeted activities of a theoretical and practical nature in the field of physical knowledge, involving independent study and analysis of literary sources, observations, experiments, analysis of the work done.

As a topic for completing projects, you can choose any topic that is in any way related to physical phenomena and processes; modern equipment and technology. A project, like research, can have both a theoretical and applied focus. The topic may be closely related to areas related to physics: mathematics, computer science, astronomy and others.

Work structure

The structure of the work should be presented as follows:

  • title page;
  • table of contents;
  • introduction;
  • chapters of the main part;
  • conclusion;
  • bibliography;
  • applications.

The title page is the first page of the scientific research work and is filled out according to certain rules. The full name is indicated in the top field educational institution, on the basis of which the research is carried out. In the middle field is the title of the work, which is written without the word “topic” and is not enclosed in quotation marks. Below, closer to the right edge of the title page, the last name, first name, patronymic of the performer, class, educational institution are indicated, and then the last name, first name, patronymic of the head, his scientific title (if any) and position, place of work are recorded. The lower field indicates the location of the educational institution and the year the work was written. A sample title page is given in Appendix 1.

The table of contents should be on the second page. It contains the titles of chapters and paragraphs and the pages on which they begin. The headings of the table of contents must exactly repeat the titles of chapters and paragraphs in the text. When designing, the headings of steps of the same level must be placed one below the other. The headings of each subsequent stage are shifted five characters to the right relative to the headings of the previous stage. They all start with a capital letter without a period at the end. Page numbers are fixed along the right edge of the printed field.

The introduction sets out the problem, relevance, and practical significance of the study; the object and subject of research are determined; the purpose and objectives of the study are indicated; The methods of work are briefly listed. All components of the introduction must be interconnected.

The work begins with a statement of the problem, which determines the direction in the organization of the research, and represents an overview of the state of knowledge in the field under study. By posing a problem, the researcher answers the question: “What needs to be studied that has not been studied before?” Raising questions and identifying contradictions is important in the process of formulating a problem.

Raising a problem involves justifying the relevance of the research. When formulating it, it is necessary to answer the question: why does this problem need to be studied at the present time?

After determining relevance, it is necessary to determine the object and subject of research.

In physics projects, the object of research can be understood as a process towards which cognition is directed, or a phenomenon that generates problematic situation and favorites for study.

The subject of the study is more specific and provides insight into how new relationships, properties or functions of the object are considered in the study. The subject sets the boundaries of scientific research within a specific study.

The purpose of the research is understood as the final, scientific and practical results that should be achieved as a result of its implementation.

Research objectives represent all the successive stages of organizing and conducting research from beginning to end. As a rule, the purpose of a research work is one, while there are several tasks. Solving a problem allows you to go through a certain stage of research. The formulation of tasks is closely related to the structure of the study, and individual tasks can be set for both the theoretical (review of the literature on the problem) and the experimental part of the study. Objectives determine the content of the study and the structure of the text of the work. The first represents everything that was done during the research.

An important point The work is to formulate a hypothesis, which should be a logical, scientifically substantiated, quite probable assumption that requires special proof for its final approval as a theoretical position.

A hypothesis is considered scientifically valid if it meets the following requirements:

  • does not include too many provisions;
  • does not contain ambiguous concepts;
  • goes beyond the simple registration of facts, serves to explain and predict them, specifically affirming a new thought, idea;
  • testable and applicable to a wide range of phenomena;
  • does not involve value judgments;
  • has the correct stylistic design.

The chapters of the main part are devoted to revealing the content of the work.

The first chapter of the main part of the work is usually entirely based on an analysis of scientific literature. In the project it is necessary to give brief description what is known about the phenomenon under study, in what direction it was previously studied. This characteristic is given in a review of the literature on the problem, which is based on the analysis of several works.

In the process of presenting the material, it is advisable to reflect the following aspects:

  • define and clarify the terms and concepts used in the work;
  • outline the main approaches, directions of research on the problem under study, identify what is known on this issue in science and what is not, what has been proven, but not fully and accurately enough;
  • identify the types, functions, structure of the phenomenon being studied;
  • list the features of the formation (factors, conditions, mechanisms, stages) and manifestations of the phenomenon being studied.

In general, when writing the main body of a paper, it is advisable to end each section with a short summary or conclusion. They summarize the material presented and serve as a logical transition to subsequent sections.

The structure of the chapter can be presented in several paragraphs and depends on the topic, the degree of development of the problem, and the type scientific work student.

In subsequent chapters of the work, which are experimental in nature, the rationale for choosing certain methods and specific techniques research, provides information about the research procedure and its stages. When describing a methodology, the required data are: its name, author, indicators and criteria, which will subsequently be subject to statistical processing.

The experimental section of the work ends with an interpretation of the results obtained. It is advisable to describe the results in stages, regarding the key points of the study. The analysis of experimental data ends with conclusions. When writing them, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • conclusions must correspond to the objectives;
  • conclusions should be a consequence of this study and not require additional measurements;
  • conclusions should be formulated concisely, without large quantity digital material;
  • conclusions should not contain generally known truths that do not require proof.

A description of what and how the author of the study did to prove the validity of the hypothesis is a research methodology. It must also be described in the text of the work. Next, we present our own data obtained as a result of research activities. The obtained data must be compared with each other and with data from sources contained in the literature review on the problem. After this, the patterns discovered during the research should be formulated. It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between working data and data presented in the text of the work. The research process often produces a large array of numbers (or other data, such as texts) that do not need to be presented. In the text there are numbers or specific examples serve to illustrate the results obtained during the study, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn. Therefore, working data is usually processed and only the most necessary is presented in the text. However, it must be remembered that someone may want to get acquainted with the primary research material. In order not to overload the main part of the work, the most interesting primary material can be included in appendices. The most advantageous form of data presentation is graphical, which makes it as easy as possible for the reader to perceive the text.

The presentation of the content of the work ends with a conclusion, which is short review completed research. In it, the author can evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen approach and emphasize the prospects of the research. The conclusion should not be a mechanical summation of the conclusions found at the end of each chapter of the main part. It should contain something new and essential that makes up the final results of the study. Conclusions in the conclusion can summarize the results of the study, according to the order of tasks. Conclusions are, in a way, short answers to questions about how the research tasks were solved. The set of conclusions is proof of the completeness of achieving the goal. The goal can be achieved even if the primary hypothesis turns out to be untenable.

You need to clearly understand the difference between the text of the work and the report on it. The main task of the speaker is to accurately formulate and emotionally present the very essence of the study, succinctly illustrating it with a small amount of brightly, imaginatively designed, easy-to-read illustrative material. During the report, it is unacceptable to read out the work or overload it with “extra” data. To highlight the essence of the study, 5-10 minutes is enough. Everything else, if the audience is interested, is stated in the answers to questions.

At the end, after the conclusion, it is customary to place a list of references, which includes only those works that are referenced in the text, and not all articles, monographs that the author read in the process of performing research work. The appendix contains extensive materials. This includes primary tables, graphs, practical results of experimental activities, etc.

Registration of research work

The amount of work may vary, the report is 1-5 pages (depending on the class and the degree of readiness of the student for this type of activity). For text written on a computer – font size 12-14, Times New Roman, regular; line spacing – 1.5; margin size: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 20 mm (when changing the size of the margins, it is necessary to take into account that the right and left, as well as the top and bottom margins must total 40 mm). With correctly selected parameters, an average of 30 lines should fit on a page, and an average of 60 printed characters per line, including punctuation marks and spaces between words.

The text is printed on one side of the page; footnotes and notes are printed on the same page to which they refer (single spaced, in a smaller font than the text).

All pages are numbered starting from the title page; the page number is placed at the top center of the page; There is no page number on the title page. Each new section (introduction, chapters, paragraphs, conclusion, list of sources, appendices) begins on a new page.

Between the section title (chapter or paragraph headings) and the following text, you need to skip one line, and after the text, before the new heading, two lines. The title is located in the middle; there is no period at the end of the title.

The title of the chapter is printed in bold in capital letters, the title of paragraphs is in capital letters, and the titles of chapters and paragraphs are highlighted from the text by adding additional spacing. The serial number of the chapter is indicated by one Arabic numeral (for example: 1, 2, 3, etc.), paragraphs are double numbered (for example: 1.1, 1.2, etc.). The first digit indicates belonging to the chapter, the second – its own numbering.

Quotes are often used to confirm one’s own conclusions and to critically analyze a particular position. When quoting, the following requirements must be met:

  • when quoting verbatim, the author’s thought is enclosed in quotation marks and given in the grammatical form in which it is given in the original source. At the end, a link to the source is made, which indicates the number of the book or article in the list of used literature and the page number where the quotation is located, for example: the designation indicates that the quotation used in the work is located on page 123 in the original source at number 4 in the list of references ;
  • When quoting non-verbatim (retelling, presenting the points of view of various authors in your own words), the text is not enclosed in quotation marks. After the thought expressed, it is necessary to indicate in brackets the number of the source in the list of references without indicating specific pages, for example: ;
  • if the text is quoted from another publication, then the reference should begin with the words “Cit. according to...", for example: (Quoted from the book);
  • if the quote is an independent sentence, then it begins with a capital letter, even if the first word in the source begins with a lowercase letter and is enclosed in quotation marks. A quotation included in the text after a subordinating conjunction (what, for, if, because) is enclosed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter, even if in the cited source it begins with a capital letter;
  • When quoting, it is allowed to omit words, sentences, and paragraphs without distorting the content of the source text. An omission is indicated by an ellipsis and is placed in the place where part of the text is missing;
  • quotations retain the same punctuation marks as in the source;
  • if the author in the above quotation highlights some words, then he must specifically indicate this in parentheses, for example: (underlined by me - F.I. or (our italics - F.I.);
  • If there are two or three links to the same source on one page, then the serial number is indicated once. Further in square brackets it is customary to write [Ibid.] or when quoting [Ibid., p. 309];
  • All citations and references in the text of the work must be formatted identically.

Digital research data is grouped into tables, the design of which must meet the following requirements:

  • the word “Table” without abbreviation and quotation marks is written in the upper right corner above the table itself and its title. Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals without a number sign and a period at the end. If there is only one table in the text, then it is not assigned a number and the word “table” is not written;
  • The numbering of tables and figures can be continuous throughout the entire text of the work or independent in each section. It is then presented in levels like chapters and paragraphs. The first numbering option is usually used in works that are small in volume and structure. The second is preferable if there is a detailed structure of the work and a large amount of visual material;
  • the name of the table is located between its designation and the content itself, written with a capital letter without a dot at the end;
  • when moving the table to the next page, the headings of the vertical columns of the table should be numbered and when moving the table to the next page, repeat only their number. First, above the table on the right, place the words “Continuation of Table 8”;
  • the name of the table and its individual elements should not contain abbreviations or abbreviations not previously specified in the text of the work.

As illustrations in research papers, drawings, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, which are discussed in the text, can be used. When designing illustrations you should remember:

  • All illustrations must be numbered. If the work presents different kinds illustrations, then numbering separately for each type;
  • Only those illustrations to which there are direct references such as “the above is confirmed by the drawing...” are placed in the text of the work. The rest of the illustrative material is located in the appendices;
  • numbers of illustrations and their titles are written below the image, indicated in Arabic numerals without a number sign after the word “Fig.”;
  • Various inscriptions are allowed on the illustration itself, if space permits. However, symbols are more often used, which are deciphered below the image;
  • Diagrams of all types must express the features of the main and auxiliary, visible and invisible parts, connections of the depicted objects or process.

Applications can be varied in content. When preparing them, you should take into account the general rules:

  • appendices are designed as continuations of the main material on subsequent pages. If the volume or format is large, applications are drawn up as a separate block in a special folder, on the front side of which the heading “Appendices” is given, and then all elements of the title page of the research work are repeated;
  • each application must begin on a new sheet, must be numbered in the upper right corner, write: Annex 1 (2, 3 ... etc.) without a period at the end;
  • each application has a thematic heading, which is located in the middle of the line;
  • the numbering of pages on which appendices are given should continue the general numbering of pages of the main text;
  • The connection between the main text and appendices is carried out through links using the word “see”. The indication is usually enclosed in parentheses, for example: The data (see Appendix 1) can be grouped as follows.

The bibliography of a research paper consists only of those sources that are referenced in the text. When compiling a list in scientific circles, it is customary to use an alphabetical method of grouping literary sources, where the names of authors or titles (if there are no authors) are placed in alphabetical order.

The bibliographic list is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules of compilation."

Rules for the design of bibliographic lists:

  • For books of one or more authors, the surname and initials of the authors (dot), the title of the book without quotes with a capital letter (dot and dash), place of publication (dot, colon), publisher without quotes (comma), year of publication (dot and dash) are indicated. , the number of pages in a book with a capital "c" at the end (period). Example: Perret-Kpermont A. N. Role social interactions in the development of children's intelligence. – M.: Pedagogy, 1991. – 248 p.
  • For a collection compiled by two or three authors, indicate the name of the collection (one slanted line), followed by the word “Compiled.” (dot) initials and surname of the compilers (dot, dash), place of publication (dot, colon), name of the publisher (without quotes, comma), year of publication (dot, dash), number of pages in the collection with a capital letter “s”. For example: Advice to the manager / Comp. A. N. Zotov, G. A. Kovaleva. – Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural. book publishing house, 1991. – 304 p.
  • When preparing a collection with a group of authors under a general editorship, the name of the collection is indicated (one slanted line), then there may be 2 options: 1) the word “Compiled.” and a list of compilers (semicolon), the word “Ed.” (dot), initials and surname of the editor (dot, dash), place of publication (dot, colon), publisher (comma), year of publication (dot, dash), number of pages (capital “s”, dot); 2) the word “Ed.” (dot), initials and surname of the editor (dot, dash), place of publication (dot, colon), publisher (comma), year of publication (dot, dash), number of pages (capital “s”, dot). For example: Brief explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Comp. I. L. Goretskaya, T. N. Polovtseva, M. N. Sudoplatova, T. A. Fomenko; Ed. V. V. Rozanova. – M.: Russ, language, 1990. – 251 p. Psychology. Dictionary /Under general. ed. A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. – 2nd ed. – M.: Politizdat, 1990. – 494 p.
  • For articles in the collection, indicate the surname and initials of the author (dot), title of the work (two oblique lines), title of the collection (dot, dash), place of publication (dot, dash), capital letter “C” (dot), number of the first and last pages (dot). Example: Leontyev A. Ya General concept about activities // Reader on developmental psychology. Ed. D. I. Feldshteina - M.: International. Pedagogical, Academy, 1994. – P. 112-121.
  • For articles in the journal, indicate the surname and initials of the author (dot), title of the article (two oblique lines), name of the journal without quotes (dot, dash), year of publication (dot, dash), journal number (dot, dash), capital letter " C" (dot) page (dot). Example: Einstein V. Examinees and examiners // Higher education in Russia. – 1999. – MZ. – P. 34-42.

Research projects are independent (or group) projects of students.

Work on a research project takes place in several stages:

  1. Selecting a topic.
  2. Definition of the goal, objectives, hypothesis, object and subject of research.
  3. Selection and study of materials on the topic.
  4. Compiling a bibliography.
  5. Selection of research methods.
  6. Development of a project plan.
  7. Writing a research project.
  8. Design of a research project.

The first stage is choosing a topic

The choice of topic for a research project must meet the following requirements:

1. The topic must correspond to the inclinations of a particular student (that is, correspond to the books read, as well as the political, ideological, spiritual culture of the student).

2. Core texts must be accessible (that is, physically accessible to a particular student).

3. Core texts must be comprehensible (that is, intellectually feasible for a particular student).

The second stage is defining the goal, objectives, hypothesis, object and subject of research

When determining the purpose of the study, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

1. What result is expected to be obtained?

2. How do you see this result even before you get it?

Research objectives refer to what needs to be done in order for the goal to be achieved.

Hypothesis - scientific guess, put forward to explain any phenomena.

The object and subject of the project are also determined.

The object of research is the process or phenomenon that generates the problem situation and is chosen for study. The main question when defining an object is - What is being considered?

The subject of the research is determined by answering the following questions:

1. How to view an object?

2. What relationships does it have?

3. What aspects and functions does the researcher highlight to study the object?

The third stage is the selection and study of materials on the topic

When studying materials on a chosen topic, it is customary to divide all sources into primary sources and secondary sources.

When working with books, primary sources are considered to be the first edition or academic edition of the text

Translations, anthologies, retellings made by other authors, even those equipped with long quotations, are not sources.

The fourth stage - compiling a bibliography

Compiling a bibliography is an integral part of working on a research project.

There are certain rules for designing a bibliographic list, such as:

1. The list is compiled strictly alphabetically, with publications in Russian written first, followed by publications in foreign languages.

2. Sources (documentary materials, memoirs, correspondence, etc.) are written at the beginning, followed by research. For example, you can divide the bibliography into sources and literature.

3. The rules used when compiling a list of references are the same as when compiling a footnote. The only difference is that at the end of the description the total number of pages in the book or the pages on which the article is published in the collection, newspaper, or magazine is indicated.

Fifth stage - selection of research methods

It is mandatory in a research project to indicate research methods , which serve as a tool for obtaining factual material, being a necessary condition for achieving the goal (Table 1).

Table 1

Selection of research methods

Research methods



It is an active cognitive process, based primarily on the work of human senses and his objective material activity.


Allows you to establish the similarities and differences between objects and phenomena of reality. As a result of comparison, what is common to two or more objects is established.


The procedure for determining the numerical value of a certain quantity using a unit of measurement. Provides accurate, quantitative information about the surrounding reality.


It involves interfering with the natural conditions of existence of objects and phenomena or reproducing certain aspects of objects and phenomena in specially created conditions in order to study them without accompanying circumstances complicating the process.


The essence of this method consists in mental abstraction from non-essentials, highlighting, fixing one or more aspects of these objects that interest the researcher.

The abstraction process is a set of operations leading to obtaining such a result (abstraction). Examples of abstraction include countless concepts that people operate not only in science, but also in everyday life: tree, house, road, liquid, etc.


The study of each element or aspect of a phenomenon as part of the whole, the division of the studied object or phenomenon into its component elements, the identification of individual aspects in it


The combination of elements, properties (sides) of the object under study into a single whole (system), carried out both in practical activity and in the process of cognition


The basis of induction is data obtained through observation and experiment


The transition from general knowledge about objects to individual knowledge about a separate object.


a method for studying objects using their models - analogues of a certain fragment of natural and social reality;

construction and study of models of real-life objects and phenomena and constructed objects.

According to the nature of the models, subject and symbolic modeling are distinguished. Subject modeling is called modeling, during which research is carried out on a model that reproduces the geometric, physical, dynamic, or functional characteristics of the original object. In symbolic modeling, models are diagrams, drawings, formulas, etc.


One of the mental actions is present in any activity, allowing a person to discover in the variety of objects something common that he needs for correct orientation in the world around him.

Empirical generalization is carried out by comparing a group of objects (or ideas about them) and identifying their identical, repeating properties.

Theoretical generalization is carried out by analyzing the system, which consists of transforming it in order to identify some abstract initial relationship as the genetically general basis of this system.


Development of forecasts, i.e. probable judgments about the state of a phenomenon in the future. Usually divided into scientific and technical, economic, political and social.

Ascent from abstract to concrete

It represents a universal form of the movement of scientific knowledge, the law of reflecting reality in thinking. Consists of two stages.

At the first stage there is a transition from the sensory-concrete, from the concrete in reality to its abstract definitions. A single object is divided and described using many concepts and judgments.

The second stage of the process of cognition is the ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Its essence lies in the movement of thought from abstract definitions of an object, i.e. from the abstract in cognition to the concrete in cognition.


It is organized with the aim of identifying the individual characteristics of a person, his motives, and position. The conversation is used at the stage of preparing mass questionnaire surveys to determine the area of ​​research, replenish and clarify mass statistics data, and as an independent method of collecting information.

Stage six - developing a project plan

When working on a research project, it is necessary to outline a work plan.

This plan should be given the form of a reference index.

A work plan will help clarify what needs to be done.

The work plan consists of a title, introduction and content.

A successful title contains the entire concept (idea) of the work.

If the introduction doesn’t work out, it means there is no clear understanding of where to start. And if, when starting to work on a project, you know how to start, then you have at least an approximate idea of ​​how to finish. It is clear that the introduction and content will be rewritten several times.

How will the first edition of the introduction differ from the final one?

Because in the final edition you will promise much less than in the first. The purpose of a final introduction is to help the reader understand your work. The purpose of a high-quality final introduction is to tell your opponent enough so that he is satisfied and does not have to read the entire paper.

Stage seven - writing a research project

When writing a research project, you should keep in mind that the language and style are scientific.

The scientific style has its own characteristics:

- emphasized, strict logic, manifested in the fact that all sentences are arranged in a sequence corresponding to the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena, and conclusions follow from the facts presented in the text;

- accuracy, which is achieved by careful selection of words, their use in their literal meaning, wide use of terms and special vocabulary;

— abstraction and generalization, achieved through the predominance of abstract vocabulary over concrete;

— objectivity in the presentation of facts, inadmissibility of subjectivism and emotionality. In linguistic terms, these properties are manifested in the fact that in scientific texts it is not customary to use emotional and evaluative vocabulary, but instead of the pronoun I and verbs in the 1st person singular sentences that are more often used are vaguely personal (they believe that......), impersonal (it is known that......), definitely personal (let's consider the problem...);

— clarity — the ability to write in an accessible and intelligible manner;

— brevity — the ability to avoid unnecessary repetitions, excessive detail and verbal garbage.

It is important to be able to link accumulated scientific information into a coherent text. To do this, it is necessary to understand speech functions and lexical means of their implementation (Table 2).

table 2

Speech functions and lexical means.

speech function

lexical means

Cause and effect, condition and effect.

(and) therefore, therefore, since.since it follows; this implies; whence follows

as a result; as a result; depending on the …; due to this; according to this

in this case; in this case; in these conditions; under such conditions

which evidences; which indicates; what he says; what corresponds; What allow; what contributes


Temporal relevance

first of all, first of all, first of all

the first step; next step; previous step

at the same time, at the same time, here

previously, previously, above

subsequently, subsequently, subsequently

firstly, secondly, etc.

currently, up to now

V last years, in recent years

Compare and contrast

both... and...; as well as …

not only but …

compared; if... then...

in contrast, in contrast, on the contrary

similarly, also, in the same way

on the one hand on the other hand

while, meanwhile, at the same time

Addition and clarification

also and, moreover, at the same time, together with that; more than that; moreover

mainly, especially

especially since...including, in the case, that is, namely

as was said; as shown; as established; as discovered above; as found above; as stated above; as noted above; as stated above

according to this; accordingly

in this regard, in accordance with this

in connection with the above

given, named, etc.

most, majority

Generalization, conclusion

thus, thus, therefore, as a result, ultimately, ultimately

from here (from where) it follows; hence (where) it follows; from here (from where) it is clear; from here (from where) it is clear

This allows us to conclude; it comes down to this; this shows

finally, in conclusion

Introduction of new information

Let's consider the following cases and dwell in detail on...

Let's give some examples

some additional notes...

Indication of the source of a particular message

according to...according to...

Illustration of what was said

for example, so, as an examplean example would be

such as (for example)

in case, for the case

what can be judged, what is obvious

Let us list some linguistic means of the scientific style:

— words of generalized semantics (importance, systematicity, increase, decrease, application, etc.);

— terms characteristic of any science and general scientific concepts (law, principle, classification, information, probability, hypothesis, etc.);

- words indicating the regular nature of the described phenomena (usually, usually, always, regularly, every, every, as a rule, etc.);

- present timeless verbs in generalized abstract meanings (speech GOING about the problem..., from here SHOULD conclusion …, SHOULD notice that ..., calculation (observation) LEADS to the next result..., let's move on to the next question..., the conclusion is preliminary..., it follows from what was said earlier..., this gives reason to talk about..., this speaks about... etc.);

- verbs of the past and future tense are used in the meaning of the present tense (we will receive / received /..., apply..., used, expressed, observed, etc.);

- imperfective verbs are used more often, as they are more abstractly generalized; verbs of the perfect form are characteristic of stable phrases (we will prove that ..., consider ..., derive ...);

— 3rd person forms of pronouns and verbs predominate. The author's “We plus the personal form of the verb” is used in an abstract, generalized meaning (we believe ..., we have established ...). Pronoun " I"is used relatively rarely.

— singular nouns predominate, neuter forms for nouns of abstract meaning (movement, quantity);

— short adjectives: Space is homogeneous and isotropic.

At the syntactic level, the connection between sentences is carried out using repeated nouns and pronouns. Make sure that words are not repeated in close context THIS,THIS, replace them with synonyms. For example, this one is similar, the same, above, given, etc. Direct word order in a sentence predominates (subject - predicate - objects).

The coherence of a scientific text is supported by special constructions and stereotypical turns of communication, without which “speech becomes abrupt and spasmodic.” Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 will help to overcome this shortcoming.

Please note that in the process of working on the entire text of a research project, you constantly refer to its most important components: goal, objectives, hypothesis, topic formulation. These components seem to permeate the entire text and are repeated many times (necessarily in variations), fulfilling an important text-forming role. These extensive variable repetitions serve as the compositional core of your essay, ensuring its coherence and thematic unity.

Eighth stage - design of the research project

Presentation of tabular material

Digital material, when there is a lot of it or when there is a need to compare and derive certain patterns, is presented in the form of tables.

A table is a method of presenting information in which digital or textual material is grouped into columns, delimited from one another by vertical and horizontal rulers.

According to the content, the tables are divided into analytical and non-analytical. Analytical tables are the result of processing and analysis of digital indicators. As a rule, after such tables a generalization is made as new knowledge, which is introduced into the text with the words: “the table allows us to conclude that ...”, “from the table it is clear that ...”, “the table allows us to conclude that ...”, etc. .

Non-analytical tables, as a rule, contain raw statistical data that is necessary only for information or statement.

Typically, a table consists of the following elements: serial number and thematic heading, sidebar, vertical column headings (heads), horizontal and vertical columns of the main part, i.e. prographs.

The serial number of the table serves to connect it with the text. It consists of the word “table” and the number of its number in the work. The word “table” is written with a capital letter, the “No” icon is not placed before the serial number and there is no dot after it (for example: Table 5).

If there is only one table in the work, then neither a numbered title nor the word “table” is needed.

The textual material of the research project is very diverse. It usually includes numerals, letter designations, quotes, links, listings, etc. (Table 3)

Table 3

Performance individual species text material

Digital form of recording numerals

It is used when writing cardinal numbers, for writing ordinal numbers (for example: XXIII Scientific Conference; in Table 5; in Figure 10; in the 9th volume; in the 5th chapter; June 18, etc.).

Alphanumeric form of recording numerals

  1. for multi-digit round numbers in digital form (25 thousand people; 100 million rubles, etc.);
  2. for ordinal numbers in the form of Arabic numerals;
  3. For compound nouns and adjectives (850th anniversary; 100-kilometer).


This is a truncation of a word, as well as a part of a word or a whole word formed by such truncation. (Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language. - 1986)

When abbreviating words, three main methods are used:

  1. only the first (initial) letter of the word (year – g.) is left;
  2. part of the word is left, the ending and suffix are discarded (Soviet - Sov.);
  3. several letters are skipped in the middle of the word, instead of which a hyphen is placed (university - un-t).

1) letter abbreviations

They are made up of the first (initial) letters of the full names and are divided into:

  1. readable by letter names (USA);
  2. read by sounds indicated by letters (university - higher education institution.

2) compound words

Made up of a combination of:

  1. truncated words and full words (trade union - trade union);
  2. some truncated words (collective farm - collective farm).

3) conditional graphic abbreviations

Abbreviations by initial letters (n.m.t. - bottom dead center)

Common abbreviations:
  1. Abbreviations that are made after enumeration: i.e. (that is), etc. (and so on), etc. (and the like), etc. (and others), etc. (and others).
  2. Commonly accepted conditional abbreviations that are made when making references: see (see), cf. (compare).
  3. Commonly accepted abbreviations when designating centuries and years with numbers: c. (century), cent. (century), year (year), years (years).
  4. Other generally accepted abbreviations: t. (vol.), (new style), art. Art. (old style), AD (AD), city (city), region. (region), gr. (citizen), p. (pages).

The words “and others”, “and the like” and “and so on” within a sentence are not abbreviated. Abbreviations of the words “so-called”, “since”, “for example”, “about”, “formula”, “equation” are not allowed.


They consist of both completed and unfinished phrases. Unfinished phrases are written in lowercase letters and are indicated by Arabic numerals or lowercase letters with a semicircular closing bracket.

For example:

Turbines are divided into three types: 1) active, 2) reactive and 3) combined.

The new machine differs from the old one:

a) the presence of a screening shield;

b) high rotation speed of the drill;

c) better insulation of electrical wiring, distribution boards and control panels.

When parts of a listing consist of complete phrases, they are written with paragraph indentations.

For example:

Based on their operating principle, automobile and motorcycle engines are divided into two main groups:

  1. 1. Carburetor engines. These include car engines and motorcycle engines.
  2. 2. Diesel engines. These are, first of all, engines of heavy trucks running on diesel fuel.

Headings and subheadings

They should reflect the topic of the text placed underneath them in an extremely concise manner. Headings are placed above the text in the middle part of the sheet, are not enclosed in quotation marks, are written in capital letters on a red line, and do not have a period at the end.

Presentation of certain types of illustrative material

It is necessary to illustrate a research project based on a certain general plan, according to a carefully thought-out plan that helps to get rid of random illustrations related to minor details of the text. Each illustration must correspond to the text, and the text must correspond to the illustrations.

All illustrations in the work must be numbered. If there is only one illustration in the work, then it is not numbered.

Each illustration should be provided with a caption that corresponds to the main text and the illustration itself.

The caption below the illustration has four main elements:

— the name of the graphic plot, denoted by the abbreviated word “Fig.______”;

— serial number of the illustration, which is indicated without a number sign in Arabic numerals;

— thematic title of the illustration, containing text describing the image in the most concise form;

- an explication, which is structured like this: the details of the plot are indicated by numbers, then these numbers are included in the signature, accompanying them with text.

For example:

Fig. 124. Layout of cassette elements:

1 – film unwinder;

2 – steel rollers;

3 – drive roller;

4 – support risers.

The main types of illustrative material in research projects are: drawing, technical drawing, diagram, photograph, diagram and graph (Table 4).

Table 4

Main types of illustrative material in a research project

It is used when it is necessary to depict the design of a machine, mechanism or part as accurately as possible. Any drawing must be made in strict accordance with the rules of drawing and the requirements of the relevant standards.


It is used when it is necessary to depict an object or phenomenon with all its individual characteristics with documentary accuracy.

Technical drawings

They are used when it is necessary to depict a phenomenon or object as we visually perceive it, but without unnecessary details. With the help of a technical drawing, you can more clearly depict the shape, structure and arrangement of objects.

This is an image that is usually conveyed using symbols and without observing the scale, the main idea of ​​any device, object, structure or process and showing the relationship of their main elements.


One of the ways to graphically depict the relationship between quantities. Diagrams are drawn up for visualization and analysis of mass data.

Conventional images of quantities and their relationships through geometric shapes, points and lines. Graphs are used both for analysis and to improve the clarity of the illustrated material.

In addition to the geometric image, the graph must contain a number of auxiliary elements:

— general title of the graph;

— verbal explanations of conventional signs and the meaning of individual elements of the graphic image;

— coordinate axes, scales and numerical grids;

— numerical data that supplements or specifies the value of the indicators plotted on the graph.

Use and formatting of quotations

Quotes come in two varieties:

a) texts are quoted and then interpreted;

b) texts are quoted to support the stated opinion

There are ten rules of citation:

Rule 1: Passages intended for interpretation should be neither too short nor too long.

Rule 2. Passages from critical literature are quoted only when they authoritatively confirm or authoritatively complement the opinion you express.

Rule 3. It is assumed that you agree with what you quote, except in cases where your remark is placed before or after the quote.

Rule 4. Whenever quoting, it must be clear who the author of the phrase is and what printed or handwritten source the text refers to.

Rule 5. Quotations from primary sources, as a rule, are made from academic collections, or from the most respected publications.

Rule 6. If you are studying a foreign text, quote from the original source in the original language. This rule is absolutely for works of art. Translations can be added to such quotations, either in parentheses or in notes. Regarding non-fiction texts, consult your supervisor.

Rule 8: When the quotation does not exceed two or three lines, it can be inserted directly inside the paragraph, delimited by quotation marks. If the quotation takes up more space, it is highlighted with a retract, and in addition, it is printed with less spacing (if the entire text of the work is typed in two spaces, type the quotes in one and a half spaces). In this case, quotation marks are no longer required, since it is obvious that all pieces of text with indentations and reduced spacing are quotes.

Rule 9: Quotes must be absolutely accurate. Firstly, the words must be given in the same form in which they appear in the source. Secondly, you cannot throw out pieces of text without indicating this in any way. Thirdly, you cannot distort the text with your intervention.

Rule 10. A quotation is almost a testimony. You cannot quote without indicating what the title of the book is and what page the text is from.

When documenting facts that have reached you through oral conversation, letters, or manuscripts, refer to them as follows:

4. J. Smith, Speech of Snorri Sturluson's Edda (manuscript)


Why are notes needed?

1. Notes indicate the source of the quotation.

2. Notes refer to additional sources that support your idea: “see. on this topic also such and such work.”

3. Notes indicate parallel places in your own work and in other people's works.

4. The notes confirm the thoughts expressed in the main text.

5. The notes convey the ideas of the text.

6. Ideas in the text are corrected in the notes.

7. Notes are also needed to translate those words that need to be given in a foreign language in the text.

8. Notes serve to repay debts. To quote a book from which an idea is borrowed means to pay the bill. To indicate the author from whom an idea or information was taken means to return the debt.

Application design

An appendix is ​​a part of the main text that has additional (usually reference) value, but is necessary for a more complete coverage of the topic.

The appendices do not include a bibliographic list of used literature, reference comments and notes, which are not appendices to the main text, but elements of the reference and accompanying apparatus of the work that help to use its main text.

Applications are made on the last pages of the work. Each application must begin on a new sheet (page) with the word “Appendix” in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one application in the work, they are numbered in Arabic numerals (without the No. sign), for example: “Appendix 1”, “Appendix 2”, etc.

In this section we will look at research plan students and its main sections for carrying out individual research activities at school, writing and designing a research project in order to develop the search, research and creative skills of children.

We will also describe in detail the contents of each item. research project plan schoolchildren and will give important explanations and recommendations that will help you correctly and competently plan and execute your research work.

We will try to give answers to questions and a plan for how to write a research paper, we will give an example of writing and completing an educational research paper, as well as each section of a student’s project. These recommendations will be important for teachers to carry out research and project activities At school.

Research plan

An example and example of a student's research work plan is also a plan for individual research work, design and research work, an individual project plan, carried out under the guidance of a teacher of a certain subject, teacher additional education or a teacher in a preschool educational institution (kindergarten).

1. Title page of a research paper

3. Introduction of research work

In the Introduction of the research work, the relevance of the chosen topic is substantiated, the object, subject of research and main problems are determined, the purpose and content of the tasks are formulated, and the novelty of the research (if any) is reported.

The introduction also defines research methods and substantiates the theoretical and practical significance (if there is a practical part) of the research work (project).

According to the plan, after the conclusion, it is customary to place in the text of an individual research paper a list of literature used in studying the material of the theoretical part of the study, conducting search work on the Internet or in archives.

Each source included in the list of references must be reflected in explanatory note. Work that was not actually used in the research project should not be included in this list.

8. Applications

The application of the research work and project contains diagrams, graphs, diagrams, photographs, tables, maps. According to the plan, the application section is placed last in the work.

Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the main part of the work are placed in appendices. Each application must begin on a new sheet (page) with the word “Appendix” in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading.

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