Project on the topic: “All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Completed by Senior Group Teacher Volkova I.A.

The work contains materials on the content of the project (relevance, purpose, objectives, expected results, products), on its brief description (preparatory, main, final stage of work), on planning work in educational areas within the framework of this topic.



Relevance of the project

Among the educational tasks put forward by society, the issues of moral and labor education of children always come first. In the theory and practice of preschool and school education, special importance is attached to the formation of children’s knowledge about the work of adults and an accessible understanding of its role in people’s lives. Work is a manifestation of people’s care for each other. By introducing children to the work of adults, the educator (teacher) already begins to orient them towards a particular profession, showing its importance and necessity. All values ​​embodied in objects of material and spiritual culture are created by human labor.

Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children specific knowledge and ideas about work and to instill respect for the work of adults, teach them to appreciate it, and arouse interest and love for work. At the same time, the task is solved to influence the behavior of children - to create a desire to work, to work conscientiously, carefully.


“In the preschool years there is a closure

connections between the objective world and the world of human relations.

Therefore, introducing preschoolers to the work of adults

plays an important role in establishing their contacts with adult life.”

D. B. Elkonin

Project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Project duration: 2 weeks

Project type: information-practice-oriented

Project participants: children middle group, parents, educators.

Children's age: 4-5 years.

A problem that is significant for children and which the project aims to solve:children do not value work, the results of work, do not understand the significance of work activity.

Objective of the project: educate children to have a conscientious and respectful attitude towards work and people different professions.

Project objectives

For children:

  • Foster a desire to work and be useful;
  • Promote early career guidance for children;
  • To develop children’s interest in the world of adults, in work;
  • Expand children's ideas and knowledge about the work of people of different professions, show the results of work, their social significance;
  • Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, artistic activities and other activities;
  • Cultivate pride in parents, in their labor activity.

For teachers:

  • ensuring the implementation of educational, developmental and training tasks through children’s mastery of educational areas;
  • collection, systematization and generalization of theoretical, methodological and practical material on this topic;
  • creating conditions for independent and joint activities of children with adults within the framework of the ongoing project;
  • creating interest in the topic among parents and teachers through the use of electronic educational resources in the correctional educational process (computer presentations in Power Point);
  • establishing friendly relationships between teachers, preschool specialists and parents in the process of developing and implementing the project;

For parents:

  • involvement in the problem of labor education of children, using counseling, stands, presentations;
  • stimulating the creative activity of parents through participation in events, exhibitions and leisure activities;
  • establishing partnerships between parents and teachers in matters of education, training and correction of children.

Form of the final project event:final lesson on the topic, exhibition of albums “Who I want to become.”

Name gaming event project: "Who to be?"

Project products

For children:

  • albums and stories “What I want to become”

For teachers:

  • presentation of the project “Who to be?”

For parents :

  • stands, album exhibition.

Expected results for the project

For children:

  • respectful and conscientious attitude towards work, towards people of different professions; awareness of one's own interests.

For teachers:

  • systematization and generalization of material on this topic;

For parents :

  • conscious interest of parents in the problem of moral and labor education of children.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 32 combined type


“All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Project stages






family members


(problem, planning,

forecasting project results/products)

Planning the entire project;

Selection of theoretical and methodological material on this topic;

Development of stands for parents;

Selection and systematization of didactic, board-printed, plot-role-playing games, attributes;

Writing a script


Children become familiar with different types of professions while studying other Garden topics. Vegetable garden" (gardener, farmer), "Pets and birds" (milkmaid, groom, poultry house, pig farm), "House" (construction professions), "Clothing. Shoes" (weaver, dressmaker, shoemaker), etc.

Parents summarize their knowledge and information with the help of teachers: consultation for parents, stand on the topic “The role of the family in the labor education of children”


(direct activity

according to the project, phased


Conducting NOOD with children (taking into account scheduling), conducting conversations, role-playing, didactic, board and printed games.

Excursion to the kitchen, laundry, accounting, carpenter's workshop.

Carrying out children's work on a given topic within the framework of various types of activities (modeling, appliqué, drawing, etc.)

Conversations on a given topic, observing the work of adults.

Active participation in role-playing games “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Shop”, etc.

Parents telling their children about their professions, conversations on the topic “Who should I be?”

Making albums together with children and composing stories “Who I want to become” according to a given algorithm.


(presentation of project products

and reflection - thinking about new knowledge or experience)

Conducting a final lesson on the topic “Who to be?”

Summing up the implementation

project in the form of an exhibition of albums “Who do I want to become?”

Summarizing materials in the form of a project presentation

Participation in the final lesson, in the album exhibition

Preparation of speeches, retelling of invented stories

Design of works, albums

Participation in the album exhibition “Who to be?”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 32 of a combined type


Directions of development

Social and communicative development

Developing children's interest in the life and work of adults through thematic conversations and excursions;

Development of consciousness and activity of children through awareness of social significance, the value of work - showing the results of work (the cook prepares dinner, the laundress washes and irons clothes, etc.)

Development of communication and interaction of children with adults and peers through conversations, role-playing games, joint production of albums.

Role-playing games " Ambulance", "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Shop", etc.

Cognitive development

Formation and generalization of children’s ideas about the work of adults, about various types labor and professional activity during a lesson on familiarization with the environment;

Guessing riddles about professions.

Naming, selection, counting of labor tools in classes on "FEMP"

Board-printed, didactic games “Who should I be?”, “Workwear”, lotto “Professions”, “Who works where?”, “Correct the mistake”

Speech development

Conversations on the topic; speech games “Who should I be?”, “Who needs what?”, “Who does what?”, “What does he do?” at a lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical categories

Compiling stories “Who I want to become” according to the reference diagram at the final lesson.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Modeling “We are confectioners”

Drawing “We are pilots”

Application “We are builders”

Reading fiction “Who to be?” V. Mayakovsky, “What crafts smell like” by G. Rodari

Analysis and learning of proverbs and sayings about work.

Physical development

Finger gymnastics “Professions”

Speech with the "Professions" movement

Imitation of labor actions of different professions

During the classes

I. Organizing time

III. Self-determination for activity

(Write on the board.)

Collect the scattered word.


What is the word? (Profession.)

Guess what we will talk about in class. (About professions.)

What does the word "profession" mean? (Children's answers.)

Here's what S.I.'s dictionary says about it. Ozhegova: profession - This is the main occupation of a person, his work activity.

What professions do people need to work in? ( Everyone needs to work.)

Read lesson topic us. 124 textbooks. (All professions are important.)Slide 1.

Do you agree with this statement?

We need a doctor, a builder, a teacher, and many other specialists. Let's try today to check the correctness of this statement.

What learning objectives will we set for ourselves? (Children's answers.)

Read what Ant says about this.

I think I'll find out...

I would like to know about...

So, goals and objectives our lesson:

Find out what a profession is;

Expand knowledge about the diversity of professions;

Determine the role of professions in the economy and people's lives.

Let's try to figure this out.

IV.Work on the topic of the lesson

Conversation about professions. Slide 2.

There are many professions on earth

And each one is important.

Decide, my friend, who you should be.

After all, we have one life.

What professions do you know? (Children's answers.)

Let's guess riddles about professions. (Presentation. Slides 3-20 )

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

1. If your ear hurts,

If your throat becomes dry,

Don't worry and don't cry -

After all, it will help you..... ( DOCTOR)

2. The kids know exactly

The food is delicious... ( COOK)

3.Under the spring bird whistle

Plowing the land... ( TRACTOR DRIVERS)

4. Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron.

He has a bucket in his hands,

He himself is colorfully painted. (PAINTER).

5. Who will clean up the stall?

Milks a cow

Will he sing a sonorous song?

Well, of course... (MILKMAID)

6. Furniture, bread and cucumbers,

They sell us...( SELLERS)

7. Walks around the area with a heavy bag,

He puts letters in our mailbox... ( POSTMAN)

8. I am at the easel with a brush.

Paints are my friends.

I am alone and not alone -

Surrounded by paintings. ( ARTIST).

9. He will direct the glass eye,

Click once - and we remember you.( PHOTOGRAPHER)

Well done boys. You guessed some people's professions. And this is a tiny part of all existing on earth. It is impossible to list all professions and specialties.

Let's read and discuss.

Let's read the text by A. Dietrich, G. Yurmin, R. Koshurnikova "Who Made the Bread" us. 126-127.


1. Where did the conversation take place? (In the train carriage)

2. What professions have you read about? ( Agronomist, tractor driver, driver, combine operator, flour miller, baker.)

3. What common cause did they have in common? (Production of bakery products)

Completing the task electronically application to the textbook.(You eat bread every day. What professions are people involved in baking and selling bread? Place the professions in the appropriate order, starting with agronomist.)

Tell us about the relationship between the work of people of different professions. For example, when building a house . Discuss this task with your deskmate. (For example: the profession of a builder is related to the professions of an engineer, driver, electrician, plumber, gas worker, etc.)

V. Physical education “New Home” Slide 21.

Mason made of bricks

He's building a wall.

Nobody's house. (Place your right hand on your left, your left on your right, etc. higher and higher.)

I - painter, I paint the walls, ( Move up and down with a relaxed brush.)

ceiling (“painting the ceiling”)

and your kitchen. ( Move your hand left and right.)

I - electrician.

I'll turn on the light (“Turn on the light by pressing the switch.”)

I'll just screw in the light bulb.

Screw in the light bulb" - rotational movements with the right hand.)

Come to a new home ( Palms "house".)

And live long in it! ( Spread your arms to the sides.)

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson. Work in groups.

Game "Find out a profession."

On each table there is a card with the name of the profession encrypted. Turn over the cards, guess the profession using the key words, write this word in the center and pick up the card.

Card 1.

Sky, helm, plane, airport.

Card 2.

Comb, scissors, mirror, hairspray.

Card 3.

Wires, poles, switch.

Card 4.

Books, shelves, exhibition of books.

Children work independently.

Let's check: you name the supporting words first, and then the profession.

Now let’s check the spelling of professions correctly. Slides 22-30.

Images of professions and words appear on the board: pilot, hairdresser, electrician, librarian.

Why do you think these professions are important?

The children answer.

We can do it conclusion: all professions are needed, all professions are important.

2. Creative task “Collect proverbs.”

Guys, now we will do it creative task in groups. You need to collect proverbs about work from words. (Students receive envelopes with proverbs cut into words, put together the proverbs, and explain the meaning of each of them.)

Slides 31-32.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

Patience and work will grind everything down.

Love your work and you will become a master.

What goes around comes around.

- What other proverbs about work do you know?

Labor created man.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

VII. Reflection.

Slide 34.

During the lesson I learned...

I was interested to know...

I would like to know more

(Students take out one of the emoticons and explain their choice.)

There are many different professions in the world, each necessary and important.

Who would you like to become in the future?

On your desks are STARKS. What do you dream of becoming in the future? Write the name of this profession on your stars on one side, and on the other - your last name and first name. This is your dream. We'll keep the stars until we graduate. You will probably be very interested to know whether your wish will come true.

Now attach your stars next to the photo with a view of our city ​​of Korenovsk. Slide 35.

You attached stars here because you are our future, hope and support city ​​of Korenovsk.

Slide 36.

You just have to learn.

It is very important that each person chooses a business to his liking. Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession. They say about such a person that he is in the right place or has “golden hands.” I wish you to choose your path correctly. After all, there are countless wonderful professions in the world, and glory and honor to every profession!

What kind conclusion we can do it?

All professions are needed, all professions are important! Slide 37.


Textbook p.124-129

Workbook: No. 3 (p. 50).

Oceanologist- specialist who studies oceans and seas.

Speleologist - one who studies caves - the history of their origin, existence and use by man.

Entomologist - specialist who studies insects.

Ichthyologist - specialist who studies fish.

Ornithologist - specialist who studies birds.

Dog handler - specialist who trains dogs.

Lesson topic: All professions are important. Project "Professions".

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

The girls sit quietly, the boys even more quietly! Well done!

II.Updating knowledge.Checking homework.

MDOU kindergarten "Ryabinka"

Senior group project

on the topic of:

"All professions are needed

all professions are important..."

Educator: Leonova I.A.

Topic: "All professions are important, all professions are important..."

Project type: creative, informational, short-term;

Project participants:children senior group, educators, parents

Children's age: 5-6 years

Problem: From the conversation with the children, it became clear that they have a superficial understanding of professions, so we decided to introduce the children to all professions more closely. Also, many children do not know the professions of their parents, they cannot name them, this suggests that parents do not talk with their children about their work, do not tell them why they chose this particular activity.

Relevance of the project:

Familiarization with professions already at preschool age ensures the child’s further entry into modern world, introducing him to values, satisfying and developing cognitive interests.

What do we know?

Doctor heals people (Arima)

Each person has his own profession (Denis)

Hairdresser doing hair (Alina)

What do we want to know?

How do firefighters save people from a burning house? (Denis)

How do police officers work? (Denis)

Who is a dog handler and what does he do? (Denis)

What does an archaeologist do? (Arima)

Who is a dentist? (Arima)

How are such tall houses built? (Diana)

What does a teacher do? (Arina)

How do we find out?

The teacher will tell us

Let's ask the parents

Let's watch presentations on this topic

Objective of the project: expand ideas about the work of people of different professions, show the results of work, their social significance, cultivate respect for working people, and the desire to work.

Project objectives:

  1. Expand children's understanding of the variety of professions and specific work activities
  2. Expand children's horizons and cognitive interest in professions.
  3. To develop respect for the work of adults in different professions.
  4. Determine the importance of professions.
  5. Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, art and other activities.
  6. Form a generalized concept of “profession”, enrich the active vocabulary.
  7. Develop attention, memory, thinking.
  8. Foster positive motivation for learning and respect for the work of adults.

Expected result:

  • Children's complete knowledge of information about professions
  • Understanding the meaning of the word “profession”.
  • Children's stories about these professions.
  • The ability to express one’s attitude towards a particular profession
  • Knowledge of your parents' professions
  • What qualities should people in these professions have?
  • What clothes do people in these professions wear?
  • What technologies and tools do people in these professions use?

Project implementation stages:

Preparatory stage:

1. Setting the goals and objectives of the project;

2. Select illustrations and video presentations about professions.

3. Find literature about professions

4.Pick up games, songs, dances, poems, finger gymnastics.

5. Prepare excursions to kindergarten.

Main stage:

Speech development: Topic “Professions” (composing a story from pictures).

Conducting GCD

Playing didactic and outdoor games on the topic

Solving game situations

Speech development: conversations, work with pictures, work with a dictionary, with proverbs and sayings about work.

Reading fiction about professions, highlighting the main meaning of the work, the ability to ask questions about the text.

Productive activities: drawing, designing, modeling, appliqué.

Joint activities of the teacher with children

Production of teaching aids (didactic games, demonstration material, folders).

Replenishment and updating of gaming areas.

Tour of the kindergarten.

Work on educational areas

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

DI. “Think about what to call someone who...”

Problem situation“What profession is not needed?”

Watching an educational video of the film: “Bunny, know about professions”

Conversation: "What is a profession?"

GCD Drawing “Who do I want to be?”

Morning exercises “Different professions”

P.G. "Cook"

DI. “Name the professions”

S.R.I. "Firemen"

Cognitive conversation with the problematic situation “If it weren’t for...”

Working with a poem

GCD Application “Future firefighters and ballerinas”

DI. "say it the other way around"

S.R.I. "We're at the circus"

GCD modeling "Toy clown"

P.G. "circus"

DI. "give me a word"

GCD The living and inanimate world “Profession dog handler”

Riddles about professions

GCD Application

"Future firefighters and ballerinas"

DI. “who can name more actions”

GCD FEMP “Repetition”

Poems about professions (analysis)

GCD Applique “Dress for a doll”

F.M. "Pilots"

DI. “Who needs what?”

S.R.I. "We're playing kindergarten"

GCD FEMP “Properties of objects and symbols”

ECD Reading fiction “The Adventure of the Yellow Suitcase”

GCD Plasticineography

“Every profession has its own transport”

P.G. "Professions"

DI “Pronounce it correctly”

S.R.I. "We are firefighters"

GCD The world of living and inanimate “Profession - doctor”

Work on speech development with proverbs

Listening to war songs

Sports competition between boys and girls

DI. “who can do what?”

Conversation on the topic: “Profession of fashion designer”

H.I. "Barmaley"

Interview “Who will I be?”

Additional work “I am a profession”

GCD Reading fiction “The most interesting profession”

GCD Drawing

“My future profession is to treat people!”

DI. "Chain of professions"

Tour of the kindergarten

Quiz: “There are many good and necessary professions”

Interaction with parents

  1. Questionnaire for parents "Me and my profession"
  2. Replenishment of play areas (doll house, training area)
  3. Master class on professions with parents (physical education teacher), (hairdresser)
  4. Consultations for parents

The final stage

  • Exhibition creative works children
  • Quizzes on the topic
  • Replenishment of the playing area
  • Replenishment of board games
  • Replenishment of didactic games on the topic

Thus, we teachers are satisfied with the results of the project. During the project, the children showed interest in the project and asked many interesting questions. Parents and children began to talk about their activities, and children began to talk about it in kindergarten. The children and I also did a lot of creative work. The children really enjoyed drawing on the topic “My profession is to treat people.” All the material on the topic of the project was collected and systematized.

Preschoolers have formed a holistic understanding of the work activities of adults. Children know and call a large number of professions, proverbs, sayings about work, tools, can make up a descriptive story about the profession.

Children have become more liberated and independent. In free activities, singing songs is widely used, and attributes and outfits are used for this purpose.

Parents developed an interest in the educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, a desire to communicate with the teacher, and participate in the life of the group. The children got acquainted with new professions, such as: dog handler, mechanic, economist, lawyer... Parents had the opportunity to introduce all the children in the group to their profession.

Middle group Educator: Krichevtsova M. S. Cherepovets Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 92"

Project type:

  • creative
  • short

Project participants: children of secondary group No. 5, parents of students,

Educator: Krichevtsova M.S.

Implementation period: March-April 2015

Relevance of the project:

Preschool education is the first stage of general education, which is enshrined in law “On the formation of the Russian Federation” .

Familiarization with professions already at preschool age ensures the child’s further entry into the modern world, introducing him to values, satisfaction and development of cognitive interests.

Problem: From a conversation with the children, it became clear that they have a superficial understanding of professions, so we decided to introduce the children to professions more closely:

Goal: To develop in children a sense of belonging to the adult world through familiarity with professions.

Project objectives:

  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about professions.
  2. Expand children's horizons and cognitive interest in professions.
  3. To develop respect for the work of adults in different professions.
  4. Determine the importance of professions.
  5. Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, art and other activities.
  6. Learn to write short stories using diagrams.

Estimated results of the project:

Understanding the meaning of a word "profession" .

Teach children to write stories about their chosen profession using the TRIZ RTV scheme.

Collect and systematize all material on the project topic.

Show children's interest in this topic.

To form a holistic understanding of the work activities of adults.

Teach children to understand proverbs and sayings about work.

Stage 1. Preparatory

  1. Inform parents about the project.
  2. Select illustrations and presentations about professions.
  3. Find literature about professions.
  4. Choose games, songs, dances, poems, finger gymnastics.
  5. Prepare excursions to the post office, kitchen, laundry, and medical office of the preschool educational institution
  6. Instruct parents to prepare messages on any of the professions.

Conversations with children:

  1. What professions do you know?
  2. Why are these professions important?
  3. What clothes do people of different professions wear?
  4. What technologies and tools do people of different professions use?

Organizational stage

1. Creation of a problem situation for children, the solution of which the project will be aimed at, using a model of three questions:

Why do you need to work? What do your parents do, what do you know about their professions? What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do we need to do to find out?

Where can we find out? How can we tell everyone what we learn?

2. Joint discussion with children about the stages of work on the project

Health and physical development

Introduction to professions related to sports;

Daily thematic rhythmic exercises;

Thematic physical education minutes

P/i "Firefighters in training" , "Cosmonauts" , relay games

Compliance with work regime (work and rest)


Safety rules for household work

People of different professions have their own safety rules


  • Presentations "All works are good" , "The master's work is afraid" , "Professions"
  • Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on the topic "Professions"
  • Series of conversations: "Who works in kindergarten" , “Items and tools needed by people of various professions” , "World of Professions"
  • Conversations about the professions of parents and relatives, their places of work

Didactic games: "Give me a word" , "Guess who?" , "A toy shop" , “Who can tell you more about the profession!” , "Guess what I'm doing?" , “What first, what then?” , “Where can I buy this?” , "Name your profession" , "What to whom" , "Guess the profession" , “Who can’t do without them” , "People's Professions" , "Who's doing what?" , , “What do they do with this object?” , “What the object will tell you” .

  • Labor process modeling
  • Using logic games
  • Using TRIZ elements when solving problem situations
  • Drawing up a diagram for writing a story about professions
  • “As it was before, but as it is now”


Interaction with parents:

Meeting with an interesting person:

  • Misha's dad is a police officer “Our service is both dangerous and difficult...”
  • Kirill's mother - junior teacher, "On the importance of the profession"
  • Kirill's grandfather is a former military man "About military professions"
  • Nastya's grandmother - former nurse. Problem situation "What happened to the doll Katya"

Games and conversations

  • Role-playing games: "Shop" , "Builders" , "Hospital" , "Salon" , "Beauty saloon" , "Studio"
  • Simulation Games: "Mom's Helpers" , "Preparing dinner for the whole family" .
  • Game situation: "What will I become?" ,
  • A conversation about the qualities that a person who wants to get a particular profession must have “This profession suits me”
  • Game-discussion "I am in the past, present and future" (work is the main occupation of an adult)


  • Writing stories about parents' professions
  • Learning poems about various professions
  • Enriching children's vocabulary with new terms
  • Guessing riddles on the topic "Professions"
  • Stories from children personal experience "At the doctor"
  • Speeches by children with a message about any of the selected professions
  • Proverbs and sayings about work
  • Discussion of phraseological units about work
  • Household work in a group
  • participation in the cleanup (labor in nature)
  • manual labor


Proverbs and sayings about work

Poems and riddles about professions

Reading poems and stories about professions

V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" .

S. Marshak "Where did the table come from" , "We are military" ,

S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?” , "Uncle Styopa" , "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" .

To Lifshits “And we will work” ,

L. Voronkova "We build, we build, we build" .

Music game “If you have fun, do it this way”

Conversation about creative professions related to art (pianist, conductor, composer, singer, ballerina, artist)

Artistic and creative activities

Exhibition of drawings "Who will I be"

Making attributes for games: "Mail" , "Shop" , "Pharmacy" , "A television"

Coloring coloring pages - professions

Drawing tools and equipment, using stencils in your work

Modeling – vegetables and fruits, confectionery

Play activity

  • Board games - "Professions" , "Who to be?" , "Associations" , “Who needs what for work?” , “We know all professions” , Puzzles "Professions" , "Couples" (by topic), "Associations" , lotto, dominoes, cut pictures
  • Didactic games "Give me a word" , "Guess who?" , "A toy shop" , “Who can tell you more about the profession” . "Guess what I'm doing" , "What's first, what's next" , "Where can I buy this" , "Name your profession" , "What to whom" . "Guess the profession" , “Who can’t do without them” , "People's Professions" , "Who's doing what?" , "Who needs what" , “What happened if I didn’t work...” , “What do they do with this object?” , “What the object will tell you” .
  • Games “We won’t tell you where we were, we’ll show you what we did.” , “If you have fun, do this”

Working with parents

  • consultations for parents "Children's responsibilities at home"
  • placement of materials in parent corners
  • designing a photo newspaper together with parents "Mom at work"

Final stage

Holiday “All professions are needed” with children's performance (presentations).

Project results:

  • Teachers are satisfied with the work done and the results of the project
  • All material on the project topic has been collected and systematized
  • Preschoolers have developed an interest in this topic;
  • A holistic understanding of the work activity of adults has been formed
  • Children know and name a large number of professions, proverbs, sayings about work, tools, and can write a descriptive story about the profession.
  • Children have become more liberated and independent. In free activities, singing songs is widely used, attributes and outfits are used for this purpose.
  • Parents developed an interest in the educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, a desire to communicate with the teacher, and participate in the life of the group.
  • Parents have the opportunity to introduce their profession to all children in the group
  • The holiday was prepared and held “All professions are needed” .

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 295"

I approve

Head of MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 295" Perm

Zvezdina E.V.

" "________________2015

for older children preschool age

“All professions are needed, all professions are important»

Developed by: educators

Shestakova Natalia Valerievna

Kosheleva Larisa Leonidovna

Perm, 2015

Project “All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Project topic:“All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Implementation deadlines: long-term.

Project type: exploratory - creative.

Teachers - Shestakova Natalia Valerievna, Kosheleva Larisa Leonidovna

Project activity participants:

pupils and parents preparatory group №7

Relevance of the project:

In older preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by their labor acquires special importance for the full development of a child’s personality. Familiarization with the professions of parents ensures the child’s further entry into the modern world, familiarization with its values, ensures the satisfaction and development of the sexual cognitive interests of boys and girls of senior preschool age. That's why the idea of ​​creating this project arose. An in-depth study of professions through the professions of their parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, and the development of evidence-based speech. Right choice profession determines success in life.

Objective of the project:

Developing children's interest in various professions, in particular the professions of their parents and their place of work.

Involving parents in educational process

Project objectives:

- expand and generalize children’s understanding of professions, tools, labor actions;

- arouse interest in the proposed activity;

Form realistic ideas about people’s work;

Help children understand the importance and necessity of each profession;

Develop the ability to independently fail them, based on your life experience and previously acquired knowledge;

Develop communication skills;

Develop coherent speech, fine motor skills, imagination, memory;

Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Expected results

  • Project participants will have an idea of ​​the professions in demand in society.
  • Children will be motivated to explore a range of careers on their own.
  • Parents will be active assistants in the upbringing and career guidance of children.

Conditions of implementation.

  • Organization of a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution, acting as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of personality development of a preschooler, ensuring the emotional well-being of children and meeting their interests, needs, and desires.
  • Implementation of the communicative-dialogue basis of relationships between preschoolers and adults and peers as an aspect of the child’s personal development with the regular inclusion of games in the educational process of preschool educational institutions and families.
  • Creation of a single value-semantic cooperation between teachers and parents based on an understanding of the essence of the problem, forms and methods of ensuring the social success of children.

Fixed assets:

Informing parents about the objectives and content of the project;

Involving parents in working together on the project;

Preparation of equipment, materials and tools;

Enrichment of the subject-development environment.



Study and selection of necessary literature



Questioning children and parents




A series of conversations with children “In the world of professions”


During the academic year

Compiling photo albums by profession “Professions of my family”



Excursions to the fire station, library, school, store, hairdresser.



Tradition: Meetings with interesting people(parents)



Master classes with parents and children:

“A DIY gift for dad”

“Good Doctor Aibolit will heal everyone, heal everyone”

"Letter for Santa Claus"



Exhibition of creative works on the theme “What I want to become”



Reading fiction and educational literature.

Replenishing the library and “smart book shelf” with new encyclopedias, books, and magazines on the topic.



Design of attributes, tailoring of costumes for role-playing games: “Supermarket”, “Car Repair Shop”, “Beauty Salon”, “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Polyclinic”, “Library”,



Drawing up algorithms for role-playing games


Registration of information about the work carried out on the project for parents (stand)




Drawing up the “ABC of Professions” (final meeting)



1. Artyomova O. I would go into a profession, let them teach me! / O. Artemova // Children's health: App. to gas "First September." - 2007. - No. 6.

2. Astakhova T.N. “And to every profession - glory and honor!” / T. N. Astakhova // Read, learn, play. - 2008. - No. 6.

3. Emelyanova, L. Guess the profession / L. Emelyanova // Read, learn, play. - 2006. - No. 1.

4. Zharenkova N., Murtazina O. Getting to know the professions. Long-term project for older preschoolers. - M., 2014

5. Zavelnyuk L. About professions.-M., 2006.

6. Ignatieva, Yu. My dad is a miner: [experience in introducing preschoolers to the work of a miner and related professions in preparatory school speech therapy group] /YU. Ignatieva, G. Predvoditeleva, T. Geck // Preschool education. - 2008. - No. 8. - P. 113-116.

7. Penkina, E. M. There is such a profession - to defend the Fatherland!: entertainment / E. M. Penkina, N. V. Seleva // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 12.

8. Popova T.V. Conversation with preschoolers about professions. - M., 2005.

9. Selezneva, T.V. I would like to become a sailor, let them teach me! / T. V. Selezneva // Read, learn, play. - 2010. - No. 11.

10. Usov, N.V. When work is a joy / N.V. Usov // Read, learn, play. - 2009. - No. 9

11. Usova, N.V. Your favorite profession always gives you joy! : Classroom hour/ N.V. Usova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2011. - No. 3

12. Shapaeva G. Big book of professions for the little ones. - M., 2005

13. Shorygina T.A. Professions. What are they? - M., 2007.

14. Shorygina, T. A. Economics: accessible about science / T. A. Shorygina // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2010. - No. 3,6,8, 9.

15. Shorygina, T. A. All works are good!: a series of conversations for children 4-6 years old / T. A. Shorygina // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2005.- No. 3-6.

16. Yushko, A. My destiny is archeology: grades 5-11 / A. Yushko // History: App. to gas "First of September." - 2007. - No. 19

Literature for children

1. Aldonina, R. Amazing people / R. Aldonina // Misha.- 2010.- No. 11. (poems about professions)

2. Artyukh, E. Hold on, geologist! / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha.- 2010.- No. 7 (About the profession of geologist)

3. Artyukh, E. Uncle Styopa of the XXI century / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 8.

4. Artyukh, E. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 3.

5. Artyukh, E. Hold on to the steering wheel tighter, driver? / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 9. (About the invention of the car and the profession of a driver)

6. Artyukh, E. From a stone needle to a minicomputer / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha.- 2010.-No. 11 (About the profession of a tailor and seamstress)

7. Artyukh, E. Profession for real men / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha.- 2010.- No. 6

8. Artyukh, E. The most delicious profession / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 10.

9. Artyukh, E. I would become a pilot... / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 12 (About the profession of a pilot.)

10. Architect // Fun lessons. - 2009. - No. 1. (About the profession of architect)

11. Burachevskaya, D. Zubnoy / D. Burachevskaya // Bell. - 2009. - No. 5. (Poem about the dentist profession).

12. Zhukova, L. Riddles about professions / L. Zhukova; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 7.

13. Why does an orchestra need a conductor // Why and why. - 2010. - No. 8. (The history of the emergence of the conductor’s profession.)

14. An engineer means a creator! // Klepa.- 2011.- No. 2.- P. 12-13: ill. (About the profession of engineer).

15. What do you want to become in the future? // Klepa.- 2006.- No. 6.

16. Lugarev, A. Controversial question: will you be a teacher? / A. Lugarev; artist E. Reznichenko // Klepa. - 2007. - No. 9.

17. Lugarev, A. I will become a scientist, let them teach me"/ A. Lugarev; artist V. Uborevich-Borovsky // Misha. - 2010. - No. 8.

18. Merkulova, E. Who does what when creating a computer game / E. Merkulova // Klepa. - 2007. - No. 9.

19. Pavlova, E. Happy Hairdresser’s Day!/ E. Pavlova // Why?.- 2010.- No. 9, 10. The game library is dedicated to the profession of a hairdresser.

20. Baker // Fun lessons. - 2009. - No. 2. (About the profession of a baker)

21. Professions of the 21st century // Klepa. - 2009. - No. 10. (New technologies and professions of the 21st century)

22. Profession - robot // Klepa.- 2010.- No. 9.

23. Savelyeva, E. Dad’s profession / E. Savelyeva // Bell. - 2009. - No. 2.

24. Sobakin, T. Vain dreams / Tim Sobakin // Prostokvashino. - 2009. - No. 6. (How tempting it is to become an astronomer...")

Project result:

The project “All professions are important, all professions are needed” has achieved its objectives.

The results indicate positive changes in children’s ideas about the work of adults (knowledge of the direction and structure of specific labor processes, understanding the value of the work of people of different professions, the ability to transfer knowledge about the content and structure of adult work to one’s own work activity, understanding the significance of one’s work).

During the implementation of the project, such a form of work as joint, partnership activities of educators, children and parents clearly emerged. Parents have gained important experience that allows them to help their children successfully adapt to the new federal state requirements in the process of preparing for school.

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