Procedure for selecting a new management company. Rules for holding an open competition for the management of microdistricts

Is the management company doing a bad job? Or have you begun to suspect that your money is going to the wrong place? Or did they simply decide to bankrupt your management company?

There is only one answer - the management company needs to be changed!

Addition - at the end of the material you can find a video from the seminar, where we explained a number of subtleties associated with changing the management company.

Step 1. Select an alternative management company.

Look at all kinds of ratings of management companies (here is our old rating, and here is the rating of the Krasnoyarsk city administration, or here is the rating of the Housing and Communal Services Reform website). Go and see the yards. Talk to the residents of the buildings served by the management candidates.

If you live in the city of Krasnoyarsk, then it would be a good idea to look at the list of violations found in the houses of the management candidate by the Construction Supervision and Housing Control Service.

This can be done on the violation map (link).

Be sure to discuss the issue of changing the management company with your neighbors. Go to the management of the management company you have chosen and discuss all the issues that interest you. Moreover, it is necessary to go with the largest possible group of skeptical citizens.

Step 2. Choose a method for changing the management company.

The Housing Code does not give us the right to simply change the management company. There are a number of restrictions, and knowing them you can make a choice in which way you will change the management company.

The main ways to change the management company:

1) Selection of a new management organization upon expiration of the management agreement with the old management company.

2) Significant violations of the management agreement of the old management organization, giving apartment owners the right to terminate the management agreement in unilaterally(Part 8.2 of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

3) Deprivation of the management company’s license to manage your home in accordance with Article 199 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

4) Termination of the contract by agreement of the parties, if the old management company agrees to terminate the contract.

5) Changing the method of managing an apartment building. For example, at a general meeting of owners you make a decision to create a HOA or TSN, but subsequently the partnership does not manage the multi-apartment residential building on its own, but hires a management company for this in accordance with clause 1 of part 1 of Article 137 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

By the way, this method has one important advantage - if the new management company does not live up to expectations, then it will be possible to change it by holding just one meeting of the HOA board, if this is provided for by the charter of the partnership.

Step 3. We hold a meeting of owners to change the management company in person or in absentia.

Before holding a meeting, we carefully study the management agreement with the old management company. This will avoid many mistakes.

1) Prepare the meeting agenda.

The meeting agenda should include questions about:

a) holding a meeting in the form of absentee voting,

b) termination of the management agreement concluded with the old management organization,

c) choosing a method of management and approval of a new management organization,

d) approval of the terms of the management agreement between the owners and the new management organization, as well as approval of the amount of fees for maintenance and Maintenance common property,

e) the timing of the transfer of technical documentation (no later than 30 days before the termination of the management agreement with the old management company, the recommended period is 2-3 days from the date of the meeting) and accumulated funds from the old management organization to the new one (after termination of the management agreement),

If the old Criminal Code has lost technical documentation or part thereof, she is obliged to restore it within three months at her own expense (clause 21 of Rules No. 416).

f) questions about the procedure for notifying owners about the results of the meeting and the place of storage of the original minutes of the meeting.

2) We notify all owners of premises in the house about the meeting at least 10 days in advance.

According to the Housing Code, notification must be made by registered mail or in person against signature. However, if earlier at the meeting of owners you decided on another appropriate method of notification, for example by posting notices at the entrances to the entrances, then you can use this method.

If you do not remember making such a decision, look at the current management agreement and the minutes of previous meetings of owners. Many contracts contain such a clause.

Don't forget to keep a register of notifications ().

In the register, if we delivered the notice to the owner personally, then he signs for receipt of the notice himself. If we sent the notice by registered mail, we will make a record of this indicating the number postal item. If we have placed (hung up) a notice in a designated place, then we make a record of this, and the person who posted the notice, as well as one or two witnesses, leave their signatures.

In addition, since April 2016, a complete register of owners of premises in the apartment building has become a mandatory appendix to the minutes of the meeting (clause a clause 19 at the link).

3) We conduct the face-to-face part of the meeting in absentia and in person. We make sure to take into account the requirements of the Ministry of Construction for the preparation of minutes of general meetings, specified in Order No. 937/pr dated December 25, 2015.

It is not necessary, but it is highly advisable to keep a register of issuing forms to owners.

4) We conduct the correspondence part of the meeting in person and in absentia. We go around to the owners who were not present at the meeting in person.

The owner's resolution form is still used.

5) We draw up minutes of the meeting.

Actually, everything is clear from the sample minutes of the meeting.

6) We notify the owners of the results of the meeting.

A notice of the results of the general meeting of owners is posted no later than ten days after the end of the meeting in a place determined by the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in a given building and accessible to all owners of premises.

In addition, do not forget that from now on we are obliged to send a copy of the minutes of the meeting to the managing organization in force at the time of the meeting within the same ten days.

Step 4. We notify the old management organization that we have replaced it.

If the meeting makes a decision to change the method of managing an apartment building, the person authorized by the meeting, within 5 working days, sends to the old management company, as well as to the state housing supervision authorities, municipal housing control authorities, a notice of the decision made at the meeting with a copy attached. this decision.

The specified notice must contain the name of the organization chosen by the owners of premises in an apartment building to manage this building, its address, and in the case of direct management by the owners of premises in such a building - information about one of the owners specified in the decision of the meeting on choosing a method of managing the apartment building (p .18 Rule No. 416).

Step 5. We conclude a management agreement with the new management organization.

According to Part 1 of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, more than 50% of the owners of premises in an apartment building must sign a management agreement with the new management organization. If the owners do not take this action, then the management agreement is not considered concluded, despite the decision of the general meeting of owners.

After the meeting has been held, minutes of the meeting have been drawn up and a management agreement has been signed, the new management organization will have to apply to the state housing supervision authority to make changes to the license of this management organization.

If all documents are in order, then changes to the license are made within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application (clause 4 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2015 No. 938/pr).

Step 6. From what moment should I pay into the new management company?

You start paying to the new management organization only from the moment when the State Housing Supervision authorities include your house in the license of the new management organization. This information is easy to check, since the State Housing Inspectorate bodies are required to post it on their website on the Internet.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments to this material.

Dmitry Ivanov for NKZHKH.RF

Samples of documents were prepared by Serafima Vinogradova, lawyer of the People's Control in Housing and Public Utilities Ministry.

Also read:

Video recording of the first part of the seminar “How to change the Criminal Code?”:

Video recording of the second part of the seminar “How to change the Criminal Code?”:

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Housing legislation establishes that apartment buildings, in order to comply with safety measures, protect the rights of owners and constantly maintain the functionality of utilities, are subject to management. For houses with more than 16 apartments, there are only 2 control methods:

  1. Management of homeowners' associations or housing cooperatives;
  2. Involvement of specialized organizations - management companies - on a contractual basis.

The most common subjects of managing an apartment building are management organizations.

Selecting a management company

The procedure for selecting a management company is regulated in detail by the norms of Housing Law.

It should be noted that the procedure for appointing a management company for a new building has recently changed. Earlier, when putting the house into operation, the choice service organization was given entirely to the discretion of the developer, thus the developer appointed a friendly or subsidiary management company. Today, the developer, before the procedure for commissioning a house and transferring apartments to owners, is obliged to hold an open competition to select a management company. Further management issues, including the issue of creating a HOA, are left to the discretion of the residents.

Selecting a management company for apartment building, By general rule, is carried out at a general meeting of owners by voting. At the same time, the meeting must be recognized as having taken place, with all documents properly executed. Otherwise, concluding an agreement with the management company chosen by voting cannot be considered legal.

The management company can also be appointed by the body local government, but only if the residents did not exercise their right to choose a management method during the year or if all meetings of owners could not be recognized as valid.

Reasons for changing the management company

The responsibilities of the housing and communal services management company include not only maintenance of utilities, but also routine repairs of the house to ensure the safety of residents, cleaning activities, and maintenance of common property in proper condition. Accordingly, companies charge for their services according to the tariff approved at the conclusion of the contract. The tariff is established in agreement with the general meeting of owners.

If residents are dissatisfied with the quality of services provided and the tariffs applied, the question arises of how to change the housing and communal services management company.

You can change the management company in an apartment building for the following reasons:

  • expression of the will of the general meeting of owners;
  • the company does not have a license to conduct activities related to the management of an apartment building, which is required by law to be obtained before May 1, 2015;
  • the company was brought to administrative responsibility for failure to comply with the instructions of the state housing supervision authority twice in a year.

One of the grounds for administrative liability is a well-founded complaint against the housing and communal services management company filed by residents of managed buildings. The subject of the complaint may be improper provision of services, illegal inflation of tariffs, or other violations.

The procedure for changing the management company in an apartment building

An agreement for the management of an apartment building can be concluded for a period of no less than 1 year and no more than 5 years. As a general rule, residents of the house have the right to terminate this agreement early. Termination of the contract with the management company is also within the competence of the general meeting of homeowners.

As a rule, at this meeting, the selection of a new service organization takes place, to which management of the house will be transferred in the future.

The requirements for holding such a meeting are as follows:

  • the meeting must be initiated by at least one of the owners of the apartment in the building;
  • owners must be notified of the date and time of the meeting at least 10 days before it is held;
  • the announcement should indicate the agenda: termination of the contract with the service organization and selection of a new management company.

As mentioned above, a meeting can be recognized as valid, and its decisions legitimate, only if the quorum condition is met. A quorum is recognized as the presence of more than 50% of the votes of all owners. It should be noted that votes are counted not by the number of owners, but by the area of ​​residential premises belonging to them. Thus, the owner of 20 square meters will have 20 votes, and 50, respectively - 50.

When holding a meeting, it is mandatory to keep minutes, which must be signed by the secretary and the chairman. As a rule, the chairman of the meeting is its initiator.

The meeting can be held either in person or in absentia. Absentee voting involves voting by owners not at the time of the general meeting of owners, but during a designated time by filling out a ballot.

Any management organization can be involved as a new management company. The requirements for housing and communal services management companies, which can be selected during a general meeting of owners, are stipulated by the Housing Code: they must have a license (from May 1, 2015), provide access to information about its activities, tariffs, and services provided.

After the decision of the general meeting of owners to change the management company in an apartment building is announced, the procedure for concluding an agreement with the new company and transferring the right to manage the apartment building to it. The decision of the meeting can be appealed to the court by any of the owners if they consider the change of management organization to be illegal and carried out in violation of the requirements established by law.

The procedure for changing the management company in an apartment building is a very troublesome undertaking. As a rule, its implementation falls on the house council, an initiative group of residents, or representatives of the organization that claims to manage the house. However, ordinary residents of the house usually do not have in-depth knowledge of the provisions of the Housing Code, and the involvement of representatives of the management company in the meeting may result in falsification of voting results.

For the above reasons, competent lawyers should be involved in the procedure for changing the housing and communal services organization. A lawyer specializing in housing law can provide the following assistance:

  • consulting on housing legislation;
  • assistance in organizing the meeting, documenting its results, drawing up minutes;
  • analysis of the management agreement for an apartment building;
  • appealing the results and decisions of the general meeting of owners;
  • other services.

Changing the management company may take several months. The entire period until control is transferred new organization, the old management company must do its job in full. In addition, current regulations allow delaying this process. The participation of a competent lawyer in the procedure will allow you to change the management company in an apartment building quickly and in accordance with the procedure established by law. With us you can get free legal advice online on any issues.

The need, procedure and timing of an open competition for the selection of a management company to manage apartment buildings are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/06/2006 No. 75. Let's talk about the rules and procedure of the competition.

General provisions

The basis for holding an open competition is Art. 162 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. It should be remembered that the owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to hold a meeting to choose a method of managing their home before and during an open competition until the winner is announced.

A participant in the competition can be an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. The subject of the competition is the right to conclude MKD management agreement. The object of the auction is the cost of mandatory and additional work for the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building.

The winner of the open competition will be the management company that, for the fee specified by the organizer, offers the largest amount of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building.

It should be noted here that according to latest changes In the Rules for conducting an open competition for the selection of management companies, enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2015 No. 191, the tender documentation must contain a list of additional works and services for maintenance and repair with requirements for the volume, quality and frequency of their implementation. The competition organizer independently determines the estimated cost of each additional work and service.

Grounds for holding an open competition

An open competition to select a management company to manage apartment buildings is held if:

  • owners of premises in an apartment building did not choose a method of managing their home due to the fact that:
  1. There was no meeting of residents on this issue.
  2. The meeting was held and the residents' decision was made, but not implemented.
  3. After 2 months from the date of entry into legal force of the court decision to declare the residents’ meeting invalid, a second meeting was not held or was held, but the decision was not made.
  • The residents’ decision on how to manage the apartment building was not implemented due to the fact that:
  1. The majority of apartment building residents did not enter into agreements under Art. 164 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. The residents did not send the documents required for state registration special consumer cooperative.
  3. No management agreements have been concluded under Art. 162 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  4. A new apartment building was built and permission to put it into operation was issued.

Procedure for holding an open competition

If an open competition is held in relation to a new building, then, in accordance with Part 13 of Art. 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, within 20 days from the date of issuance of permission to put it into operation, the local government body publishes information about its implementation on the official website. Within 40 days from the date of notification of the auction, the organizer holds a competition.

Within 10 days from the date of the open competition, the local government body notifies all residents of its results and the terms of the apartment management agreement. Residents must enter into this agreement with the selected management company. The management agreement is concluded individually with each tenant. The owners of the premises are a party to the concluded agreement if they make up more than 50% of the total number of residents of the apartment building.

Also, an open competition for the selection of a management company is held if the previous management company’s license was revoked by a court decision based on consideration of the application of the State Housing Authority. According to Part 4 of Art. 200 of the Housing Code, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the notification from the State Housing Authority about the revocation of the license, the local government body convenes a meeting of apartment building residents to decide on the choice of management method. If a decision is not made at the general meeting, or it is not held, or a quorum is not reached, then an open competition is held.

Organization of an open competition

The organizer of an open competition, 5 working days before informing about its holding, must determine the composition and work procedure of the competition commission, create it and appoint a chairman, as well as approve the protocol. The competition organizer can simultaneously create several permanent commissions, which are given powers for a period of 2 years.

The notice of the competition contains:

  • basis with reference to regulatory legal acts;
  • name and details of the organizer;
  • characteristics of the competition object;
  • list of mandatory and additional works and services for maintenance and repair;
  • the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of common property;
  • list of utilities provided by the management company;
  • official website address;
  • deadline, place and procedure for submitting tender documentation and applications for participation;
  • place, date and time of consideration of applications and opening of envelopes with applications;
  • place, date and time of the competition;
  • the amount of security for an application for participation in the competition.

No later than 25 days before the opening of envelopes with applications from participants, the organizer of the open competition must notify the date of its holding:

  • all owners and tenants of premises in the apartment building;
  • all those who accepted premises from the developer after issuing permission to put the apartment building into operation under a transfer deed or other transfer document.

In order to become a participant in an open competition, you need to submit an application using the form. The application submission period is 25 days. Acceptance of applications stops immediately before the opening of envelopes.

The application for participation in the competition contains:

  • information and documents about the participant:
  1. Name, organizational form, legal and mailing address, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - for legal entity.
  2. Full name, passport details, place of registration, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs - for individual entrepreneurs.
  • phone number;
  • a document confirming the participant’s competence to carry out actions on behalf of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • bank account details;
  • documents (certified copies) confirming the participant’s compliance with the established competition requirements:
  1. On depositing funds as security for an application for participation in the competition.
  2. On the participant’s compliance with the requirement established by paragraph. 1 clause 15 of these Rules.
  3. Balance sheet for the last reporting period.
  • bank account details for payment by owners and tenants of premises in the apartment building for the maintenance and repair of common property and public utilities.

Conclusion of a management agreement for an apartment building

The winner of the open competition, within 10 working days from the date of approval of the competition protocol, provides the organizer with a signed draft agreement for the management of the apartment building. And within 20 days from the same moment, he must transfer the draft apartment management agreement signed by him to the residents for signing the specified documents on their part. If the winner does not implement this algorithm of actions within the specified period, then he will be considered as having evaded concluding a contract for the management of the apartment building.

In this case, the chance to become the winner is given to another participant in the competition with the largest volume of services provided after the winner for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the apartment building for a fee set by the organizer. If this participant fails to provide a signed management agreement within the specified period of time, then the organizer has the right through the court to force him to fulfill his obligations. If the winner is the only participant competition, then if he evades his direct duties, the organizer has the right through the court to force him to conclude MKD management agreement or, otherwise, recover damages from him.

Initially, the issue of home ownership management is dealt with by the developer.

He receives permission to put the house into operation, then within 5 days from this moment he, at his own discretion, chooses a management company with which for 3 months.

At the same time, the local government, within 20 days from the moment the apartment building is put into operation, notifies that the house is being put up for an open competition to select a management company. Within 40 days from notification of the event, the local government body must hold this competition and inform all shareholders about its results within 10 days from the date of its completion.

Management activities are assigned to the company or by the local government, since not all apartments are occupied and there are few owners to vote for the management company.

Grounds for holding the competition

The first basis for holding an election competition is the delivery of an apartment building for direct use or operation.

When the construction stage is completed, and the owners have received their documents and the long-awaited keys, the law allots a certain period for the residents to choose a management method.

The second basis arises due to failure to fulfill the will of the legislator. If, within the allotted period of one month, the residents do not choose a management method, the local administration takes control of this issue and helps residents decide on a management method.

If the owners refused the services of one management company, they will need a new organization that services the common property. Thus, a change in the organization for managing an apartment building can also be considered grounds.

Reference! The law provides for situations where she breaks the contract. In this situation, it is also necessary to select a new management company for the apartment building.

Competition rules

Regulatory acts

If representatives of the local government body are present at the meeting and competition, then a large role in the regulation of the event is given to local regulations . Each municipality has its own, but they do not contradict the basic law.

To get acquainted with the acts of your municipality, you should go to the city administration website.

In addition, when holding a competition, it is important to be guided by the articles of the Housing Code, as it says. The rules for holding a competition for the selection of a management company, adopted by Government Decree No. 75 of February 6, 2006, are the main source in accordance with which the entire procedure takes place. Read in advance all the nuances specified in this act.

IN last years The legislative system of our country is being reformed more and more often, and the Housing Code has not been spared innovations. Some articles reveal themselves more fully in Federal Law No. 38 of April 5, 2013. The act talks about the changes that have been made to the Housing Code, and also provides some comments on the articles.


The participants in the competition are, on the one hand, the voters, that is, the residents of the house and the local government body (SRO), and on the other hand, the applicant or applicants for mandatory management of the entire house.

The number of applicants is not limited, the main thing is to familiarize residents in advance with your participation in the auction.

Subject of the competition

The subject of the competition is the right to manage the house and common property, which will be expressed in the conclusion of an agreement between the parties for a limited or unlimited period.

The subject may also include cash, which will be managed by the management company, providing reporting to residents.

Subject of the auction

The subject of bargaining is payment for the activities of the management company, as well as its capabilities in property management. So, if one management company has valued its services and work at a certain amount, another may lower the bar and thus be more interesting to the owners.

Reference: During the bidding, management companies introduce owners to the results of their work in other areas, talk about possible prospects for cooperation and the program of action for the first time.

How is the winner determined?

If the initiators of the competition are the owners of an apartment building, then the winner is determined by voting.

The competition can be:

In both cases, the results obtained are summarized and a management company is appointed. But there is one “but”.

If the sum of votes cast for the winner still does not reach the fifty percent mark, the company with the most votes does not pass the competition. Unanimity of owners is required, which manifests itself in voting, where more than half of all votes are cast for one candidate.

All or more than two thirds of all owners must be present during the competitive selection. If 2/3 of all residents of the house are absent, the competition cannot be considered objective and the management company cannot be elected.

If the initiator of the competition is a local government body, it itself appoints the management committee or adds its vote to the votes of residents.

Selection deadlines

The management company must be elected within a month from the moment the house is put into operation. If this does not happen, the self-government body has the right to help residents make their choice for another month. Thus, The entire procedure for appointing a management company should not take more than two months.

Who has the right to initiate a tender?

Initiate a competition to select a management company for an apartment building according to the current Housing Code can only:

  1. Residents who choose a management company immediately after the completion of a new building.
  2. Local government - within a month the administration must receive information about the organization servicing the house. If this does not happen, the local government independently initiates the election of a management company through a competition.

Herself The management company does not have the right to call residents to meetings, arrange meetings and sessions.

How to choose a management company for an apartment building?

Homeowners need to be critical when choosing a management company so that the organization suits all owners.

All residents of the apartment building must be notified in advance about the choice., the most suitable for this is an evening walk-through of apartments (when all residents return from work) or information by phone/SMS/announcement at the entrance to the house.

Application for participation

Applications for participation are submitted on behalf of management companies. They must indicate the name of the management company, the responsible person, the program under which the cooperation should take place, conditions and contact information. You can accept an unlimited number of applications.


The notice of a competition to select a management organization must comply with a number of rules, and first of all, be available to every owner.

Here main ways to notify owners:

  • personal notification to each owner by visiting the property;
  • publication of information about the meeting in local media;
  • publication on the website of a local government body;
  • notification by invitation to the mailbox;
  • placement of information on stands at each entrance;
  • calling each of the owners.

Voting procedure when choosing a management company

The first step is for the owners to familiarize themselves with all the applicants for the position of management company before voting begins.

For this The time and date of the meeting are determined, and the information is posted on a common stand, where all owners have access. It is also possible to personally invite each owner to the meeting.

All management companies, without exception, can introduce the terms of their cooperation to owners through personal communication, distributing leaflets, and publishing articles on Internet resources.

On the day of the competitive selection, representatives of management companies, as well as most of the residents of the house, must appear. Representatives of organizations once again familiarize residents with their conditions, proposing certain clauses in the contract. Next, voting begins, which can be either open or closed.

If the initiator of an open competition for the selection of a management organization is a municipal body, then information about the meeting should also be conveyed to the owners, but the presence of representatives of local government bodies will also be required at the meeting.

Important! In the absence of unanimity in the vote, it is the representative of the local government who appoints the management committee.

Opening envelopes and reviewing applications

Applications are reviewed carefully and discussed directly at the meeting. From these, a list of the most worthy and trustworthy candidates is formed, from which the winner is selected.

The moment of opening the envelopes with applications is recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Owners can ask questions of representatives in an attempt to obtain the most complete information.

Conducting the competition and summing up its results

A competition to select a management organization for an apartment building is held immediately at the meeting, after all candidates have been presented.

When all votes are recorded in the protocol, the result is announced. If the voting took place in the format of ballots, the papers are not thrown away, but remain in order, if necessary, to confirm the legality of the victory of a particular management company.

When the winner is announced, the prospects for the future contract are discussed with him, a document is drawn up and signed. The remaining candidates who do not receive the required votes leave the meeting.

Sample minutes of the general meeting

Examples of drawing up minutes of a general meeting to select a management company are presented below.

How does the administration choose a management company?

Reference: if the residents did not independently elect a management company within the specified period (one month), then the selection and appointment of a manager is the responsibility of the district administration.

In this case, specialists appoint a competition among management companies (both parties are required to be notified of the competition - the owners of the apartment building and all management organizations that may participate in it).

Actions of the administration in this process:

The developer can enter into a building management agreement with the management company no later than five days after the apartment building is put into operation. Residents of the house have the right to leave the same company within a month after putting the house into operation.

Conclusion of a management agreement for an apartment building

The final stage of the competition is. As a rule, it is drawn up in the presence of representatives of the owners and management company.

Once again, all the details, the duration of interaction, and possible reasons for termination of the contract are discussed. After this, the agreement is certified by a notary and signed by the parties.

The agreement is signed in two copies— one will be kept by the management company, the other by the owner’s representative.

Residents can specify their wishes for property management, but be sure to coordinate this with a representative of the organization. As soon as the agreement is signed, the management company can begin its direct responsibilities.

What types of violations are there?

Violations of the selection of the management company are associated with the election process itself:

Any violation of the selection process not only entails dissatisfaction among residents of the selected management company, but also jeopardizes the financial side of cooperation.

To appeal detected violations, apartment owners do the following::

  1. statement of discovery of a violation;
  2. collect signatures from residents indicating consent and participation in the accusatory process;
  3. collect the necessary evidence. This could be video recording of the voting process, ballots, irregularities in the work of the management company, etc.

Persons who discover violations must contact the prosecutor's office or the district court.

The competition for selecting a management organization for an apartment building is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Remember your rights as an owner, and then no one will be able to infringe on them.

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Hello! According to the Rules for assignment, change and cancellation of addresses" approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 N 1221

The address assigned to the addressing object must meet the following requirements:
a) uniqueness. The same address cannot be assigned to more than one addressing object, except in cases of re-assignment of the same address to a new addressing object to replace the canceled address of the addressing object, as well as assignment of the same address land plot and the building (structure) located on it or the object of unfinished construction;
b) obligation. Each addressing object must be assigned an address in accordance with these Rules;
c) legitimacy. Legal basis address ensures compliance with the procedure for assigning an address to an addressing object, changing and canceling such an address, as well as entering the address into the state address register.

11. In the case of assigning an address to an apartment building, simultaneous assignment of addresses to all premises located in it is carried out.

44. The address structure includes the following sequence of address-forming elements, described by details identifying them (hereinafter referred to as address details):
a) name of the country (Russian Federation);
b) name of the subject of the Russian Federation;
c) the name of the municipal district, urban district or intracity territory (for cities of federal significance) within the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
d) the name of an urban or rural settlement within a municipal district (for a municipal district) or an intracity district of a city district;
e) name of the locality;
f) name of the element of the planning structure;
g) name of the road network element;
h) land plot number;
i) type and number of the building, structure or object of unfinished construction;
j) type and number of premises located in the building or structure.

61. In the addressing structure, an integer and (or) fractional number is used to number addressing objects, with the addition of a letter index (if necessary).
When forming the number part of the address, Arabic numerals and, if necessary, letters of the Russian alphabet are used, with the exception of the letters “е”, “з”, “й”, “ъ”, “ы” and “ь”, as well as the symbol “/” - oblique trait.

So I believe this is a single apartment building and general meeting must be carried out by the owners of the letters “a”, “b”, “c”.

Since the decision to assign an address is made by local authorities, you can additionally clarify the issue regarding the address with the local administration.

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