Presentation of protection of finished projects in dhow. Project activities in dow

Project participants

  • Teacher of MBDOU “DS No. 28 “Cheburashka” - Balyuk Natalya Alekseevna.
  • Children of the senior preparatory group of MBDOU “DS No. 28 “Cheburashka”.
  • Parents.


In the course of life, it is common for a person to leave behind all kinds of garbage and various wastes.

We throw out a lot of garbage every day: plastic bottles, food packaging, plastic bags, glass containers, boxes, candy wrappers... It’s too much to list.

Previously, we did not think about the fact that much of this garbage could be used for new purposes, becoming the basis for an original craft. And if you throw away less garbage, then the environment will be more environmentally friendly.

Relevance of the topic

We often go on excursions to the park with the older children - the preparatory group: to the eternal flame or to collect natural materials for crafts. My children began to pay attention to the garbage: candy wrappers, plastic bottles that were lying on the ground and began to be indignant that people do not care about nature. Coming back to kindergarten, we always discussed this problem with the children.

Cultivating a creative attitude to work (the ability to see beauty in everyday things, experience a sense of joy from the work process, the desire to learn the secrets and laws of the universe, the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations) is one of the most difficult and interesting tasks of modern pedagogy.


The main goal in this direction: the development of creative abilities in children through the creation of crafts from various materials.

Formation of the foundations of rational environmental management.


To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:

promote knowledge of the properties of the material, the desire to experiment with them;

develop the ability to create artistic images;

develop eye, dexterity of hand and finger movements, ability to use tools and materials.

Project implementation stages.


During the first week of the start of our project, the children and I decided to track what kind of garbage is most often thrown away in kindergarten and at home. To do this, I decided to involve my parents.

We learned that household waste accumulates the most at home. These include paper, plastic and food waste. And in kindergarten, paper mostly accumulates.

The next step of our project was watching a presentation about what kind of waste exists and what can come out of this waste.

Photo from the Internet.

Then they started collecting waste. After using colored and white cardboard, there were a lot of packages left, when the children drank juice at home, cocktail straws were left, and Vanya’s parents left me with a piece of backing.

The main stage of the project implementation

And now the most interesting moment has come, we started making crafts.

New life for an old cover. "Gift Bag"

The children suggested making handbags from cardboard covers. We folded a large sheet of cardboard in half, cut a strip of the required size from another piece, folded it like an accordion and glued it to the sides, cut off a narrow strip for a handle

Beautiful beads for dolls will be made from cocktail tubes.

The girls suggested making beads from cocktail tubes. We cut tubes of different sizes, strung them on a thread and tied them. Very easy and simple, but it turned out beautifully.

Beautiful snowflakes will be useful for decorating the group.

New Year is coming soon and the children and I decided to make an unusual decoration, snowflakes from the substrate. We cut strips of different lengths and glued them together.

Working with family.

Introduction to the topic of the project.

Assistance in selecting the necessary materials.

Consultations for parents “What can be made from waste material”, “Treasury of ideas”.

Practical advice in the corner for parents.

Mom is the first assistant in any matter!

Fan of forks.

When the parents learned the topic of the project, they became very interested and decided to take part. Grisha Somko’s mother, Ekaterina Yuryevna, offered to make a fan out of disposable forks with her son. We made a blank fan. A fork was glued onto the disk in a semicircle. The disk was wrapped with twine and decorated with ribbons and beads.

Fan of spoons.

Polina Kramar's mother, Irina Aleksandrovna, also decided to make a fan, but from disposable spoons. First I made a blank from spoons and a disk and decorated it with ribbons.

Final stage

Exhibition of works


Thus, engaging in artistic and creative activities using various materials, including waste materials, contributes to the development of children's creative abilities.

The project method was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the American philosopher, psychologist and educator John Dewey (). According to D. Dewey, education should be built “on an active basis through the expedient activities of children in accordance with their personal interests and personal goals.”

Research activities bring joy to the child, exerting a positive moral influence, and harmoniously develop the mental and physical abilities of a growing person. The organization of such activities is carried out using modern technology: the project method.

The starting point of the study is the children's interests of today. The role of the teacher when using the project method: taking into account the age characteristics of children, creating conditions for stimulating children’s interests, building their relationship with the child on complicity and co-creation, motivating children’s activities, using gaming methods and techniques. The role of the preschooler: is an active participant in the project, overcomes difficulties in solving problems (the leading didactic goal of the project methods). The project plan is developed jointly with children and parents, social partners are involved, and a project team is selected. After the project is defended, its implementation begins.

When using the project method, a number of requirements must be taken into account. Firstly, the result towards which the project is focused must be practically and educationally significant for its participants. Secondly, the problem posed must be investigated in a certain logical sequence: putting forward hypotheses about ways to solve it; discussion and selection of research methods; collection, analysis and systematization of obtained data; summing up and preparing them; conclusions and raising new problems. Thirdly; the content of the project should be based on the independent activities of children planned by them at the preparatory stage of work. Using the project method, the teacher becomes an organizer of children's research activities and a generator of the development of their creative potential.

Stages of the project goal setting; searching for a form of project implementation; development of the content of the entire educational process based on the topic of the project; organization of a developmental, cognitive, subject environment; determination of directions of search and practical activities; organization of joint (with teachers, parents and children) creative, exploratory and practical activities; work on parts of the project, correction; collective implementation of the project, its demonstration.

An approximate work plan for a teacher to prepare a project. Setting the goal of the project. Developing a plan for moving towards the goal (the teacher and methodologist discuss the plan with the parents). Involvement of specialists in the implementation of relevant sections of the project. Drawing up a project plan. Collection, accumulation of material. Inclusion of classes, games and other types of children's activities in the project plan. Homework and assignments for independent completion. Presentation of the project, open lesson.

Types of projects: Research-creative: children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design; Role-playing games (with elements of creative games, when children take on the role of fairy tale characters and solve problems in their own way); Information-practice-oriented: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (decoration and design of the group, stained glass windows, etc.); creative (designing the result in the form of a children's party, children's design, for example, “Theater Week”).

Creative: autumn (spring, winter) opening day; musical fairy tale (optional); tabletop theater (inventing a fairy tale, making characters, scenery and showing the play to children and parents); "Fun Fair" creating a film library of hand-drawn filmstrips; arts festival "Spring Drops". “Bake a cake” “In the world of plasticine”

Project “My Family” Goal: fostering a sense of affection and love for your parents and relatives. Objectives: 1.Introduce children into a problematic situation, find out what children know about their parents and relatives. 2.Create conditions in the group that promote better communication between children - parents - relatives. 3.Formulate in children a friendly attitude towards family and friends who care about them. 4. Project participants: kindergarten staff, children, parents.

Ways to implement the project. 1. Family club meeting over a cup of tea, looking at family photographs. 2. Conducting a survey of parents. 3.Design of the doll - Dunno. 4. Competition of children's drawings about my family. 5. Design of the newspaper “We Relax with the Whole Family.”

6. Listening to songs, poems, reading fiction about family members, together with Dunno. 7. Family competition “My family’s coat of arms” and its presentation. 8. Conducting the game “Family” (in which children must portray their parents, and Dunno guesses what their parents work - profession). 9. During the walk, conduct outdoor games for our parents and grandparents (with their participation).

10. Sports festival “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.” 11. Didactic games “Name it correctly” (family relationships to each other), “Guess who we’re talking about”, ... 12. At the end, hold a big holiday “Secrets of our family” (performing artistic numbers, reading poetry, games, dancing, ... ) 13. Drawing up a genetic tree.

Expected results. 1. The children learned more about their family and close relatives. 2. Children and parents became closer and became more tolerant of each other. 3.Correctly name family relationships. 4.Parents’ interest in continuing cooperation with the kindergarten.

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Kravchenko Irina Anatolyevna

Teacher of the first qualification category

MKDOU Veselovsky kindergarten

During the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, kindergarten teachers often began to use the design method in their work. This allows you to successfully plan both the educational process and its results. Project activities have become a bright, developing, interesting method in the work of teachers. If you apply this method systematically, you can track the results.

The ability of a teacher to analyze the result of his work, the development of a child as an individual who knows how to think, plan, implement, and be able to apply the resulting product of his work in life, in practice, are important qualities of modern education.

Stage 1. The teacher, together with the children, formulates the problem, looks for solutions, collects information together with the children, and involves the parent community. Schemes are created, templates, card files, attributes and other necessary material are prepared.

It is decided where, in what place, the selected project will be implemented, and the time frame that will be spent on its implementation is specified.

Stage 2 . A work plan is determined. System-forming factors are selected. Deadlines are set. The teacher takes an active part in the development of the project, provides assistance if necessary, guides the children, but in no case does the work that the children themselves can do. In the process, children must develop and develop certain skills and acquire new useful knowledge and skills.

Stage 3. There is a self-examination, a mental assessment of one’s activities, one’s work. When checking a project, they assume how it can be used in practice, how work on the project will affect the participants in this project.

A sense of responsibility for the quality of your project develops.

After this action, the implementation of the project in practice begins.

Stage 4. We organize a presentation of the project (celebration, entertainment, KVN) or compose an album, etc. Let’s summarize: we speak at the pedagogical council, round table, and summarize our experience.

Indicators of the effectiveness of introducing the design method into the educational work of preschool educational institutions:

A high degree of development of children’s curiosity, their cognitive activity, communication, independence;

- increasing children's readiness for school;

- development of children's competencies;

- positive dynamics of children’s attendance at preschool educational institutions;

- active participation of parents in projects.

Our priority is

solving the following problems:

- ensuring the comfort of the child’s stay in kindergarten;

- formation of a healthy lifestyle;

- improving the quality of preschool education.

Using the project method in working with preschoolers, I have implemented the following projects:

In the junior-middle group:

- “My toy (Dymkovo toy)”

  • "Domestic Animals and Their Young"
  • "Signs of Spring"
  • "Safety Week"

In the senior group:

  • "Golden Autumn"
  • "My family."
  • "Professions and Tools"

In the preparatory group

- "Underwater World"

It’s not difficult for us to tackle the project,

He carries the covenant forward!

It helps to make friends and unite,

And gives us new ideas!

Thank you

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