Presentation on the topic of man-made emergencies. Man-made emergencies

>> OBZD: Technogenic radiation accidents. The Chornobyl disaster has its legacy

Technogenic emergencies and their classification


EMERGENCY is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, catastrophe, natural or other disaster, which may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, as well as significant material losses and disruption of living conditions.

Man-made emergencies that can occur in peacetime are industrial accidents with the release of dangerous toxic chemicals (CHS); fires and explosions, accidents in transport: railway, road, sea and river, as well as in the subway.

Depending on the scale, emergency incidents (ES) are divided into accidents in which destruction is observed technical systems, structures, vehicles, but there are no casualties, and disasters in which not only destruction is observed material assets, but also the loss of life.

Number of deaths during the disaster;
- number of wounded (those who died from wounds or became disabled);
- individual and social shock;
- long-term physical and mental consequences;
- economic consequences;
- material damage.

Unfortunately, the number of accidents in all areas of production activity is steadily increasing.

This occurs due to the widespread use of new technologies and materials, non-traditional energy sources, mass application hazardous substances in industry and agriculture.

Modern complex production facilities are designed with a high degree of reliability. However, the more production facilities there are, the greater the likelihood of an annual accident at one of them. There is no such thing as absolute accident-free operation.

Increasingly, accidents are becoming catastrophic, with destruction of facilities and severe environmental consequences (for example, Chernobyl). Analysis of such situations shows that regardless of production, in the vast majority of cases they have the same stages of development.

In the first of these, an accident is usually preceded by the occurrence or accumulation of defects in equipment, or deviations from the normal operation of the process, which in themselves do not pose a threat, but create the preconditions for this. Therefore it is still possible
accident prevention.

In the second stage, some initiating event occurs, usually unexpected.
Typically, during this period, operators usually have neither the time nor the means to act effectively.

The accident itself occurs at the third stage, as a consequence of the previous two.

Main causes of accidents:

Miscalculations in the design and insufficient level of safety of modern buildings;
- poor quality construction or deviation from the project;
- ill-conceived production location;
- violation of requirements technological process due to lack of training or
indiscipline and negligence of personnel.

Depending on the type of production, accidents and catastrophes at industrial facilities and transport may be accompanied by explosions, release of chemical substances, release of radioactive substances, fires, etc.


Man-made emergencies are associated with production activities humans and can occur with or without environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution can occur during accidents on industrial enterprises with the release of radioactive, chemically hazardous and biologically hazardous substances.

Incidents involving the release or threat of release of radioactive substances include accidents that occur:

at nuclear power plants, nuclear installations at research centers, nuclear ships; when falling aircraft with nuclear power plants on board, also at enterprises of the nuclear weapons complex.

As a result of such incidents, severe radioactive contamination of the area or water area may occur.

Incidents involving the release (threat of release) of chemically hazardous substances can occur at: chemical facilities countries, at bases and warehouses for the temporary storage of chemical warfare agents (CWA), 2 while chemical contamination of territories outside their sanitary protection zones is possible, damaging personnel and the population.

Incidents have a negative impact on the environment and necessitate decontamination of the area and sanitary treatment of buildings and the population.

Incidents involving the release (threat of release) of biologically hazardous substances include incidents that resulted in the contamination of large areas with biologically hazardous substances when they were released. manufacturing enterprises And research institutions engaged in the development, production, processing and transportation of bacterial agents.

Classification of emergencies of man-made origin according to the nature of the phenomena

Man-made emergencies are diverse both in the reasons for their occurrence and in scale.

Based on the nature of the phenomena, they can be divided into 6 groups.

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Topic: Technogenic emergencies and their classification. 1. Basic concepts and definitions 2. Consequences of man-made emergencies 3. Classification of emergencies according to the scale of distribution and severity of consequences 4. List of man-made emergencies MBOU “Gymnasium No. 10” Baglay E.V.

1. Basic concepts and definitions Accident Dangerous man-made incident Threat to the life and health of people at an object, a certain territory or water area Destruction of buildings and structures, equipment and vehicles Damage to the environment

An emergency situation (ES) is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster, which may or has caused human casualties, damage to human health, damage to the natural environment, significant material losses, disruption of people's living conditions.

Major accident Large number of casualties Large material damage Severe environmental consequences Industrial or transport disaster IMPACT

Industrial accidents and catastrophes Man-made emergencies CASE Dangerous phenomenon Approximate number per year Pipeline accidents 60-80 Aircraft accidents 20-40 Major automobile accidents 120-150 Major railway accidents 15-20 Hydrodynamic accidents 4-8 Frequency of some man-made emergencies in Russia

Emergency situations of a man-made nature are divided into:

Man-made emergencies Transport accidents Accidents involving the release of biologically hazardous substances Accidents wastewater treatment plants Fires and explosions Sudden collapse of buildings and structures Accidents with the release of chemically hazardous substances Accidents with the release of radioactive substances Accidents energy systems Accidents on utility systems life support hydrodynamic accidents

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Fragments from the presentation

The concept of an emergency situation (ES) of a man-made nature

  1. the situation that has arisen as a result of an accident, catastrophe or other disaster (the accident itself, the catastrophe, is not yet an emergency situation, but can only become the source of its occurrence);
  2. the presence or possibility of severe consequences (human casualties, damage to health and the environment, material losses and disruption of life);
  3. the technogenic nature of the event, that is, its connection with the technical, production sphere of human activity.


This is a dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to the life and health of people at an object (a certain territory or water area) and leads to the destruction of buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production or transport process, as well as damage to the natural environment.

classification of industrial accidents according to their severity and scale.
  • Incidents - minor accidents with minor damage
  • accidents with large damage are called major accidents
  • Catastrophe - large-scale accidents resulting in numerous casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences

Statistical data

More than 72 million people in Russia live in areas where there may be an immediate threat to life and health in case of accidents at potentially dangerous objects

Classification of emergencies by scale of distribution and severity of consequences


emergency situation in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source do not go beyond production site or object and can be liquidated on our own and means.


Local emergency situations include those in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source do not extend beyond the boundaries of the populated area, city (district).


Territorial emergency situations include those in which the damaging factors and impact of the source of the emergency do not extend beyond the boundaries of the subject Russian Federation(republics, regions, autonomous entities).


Regional emergency situations include those in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source cover the territory of two or three constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Federal emergency situations include those in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source extend beyond the boundaries of four or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


There is also the concept of a global emergency, in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency extend beyond the borders of the state.

Classification depending on the nature of origin:

  1. transport accidents and disasters;
  2. fires, explosions, bomb threats;
  3. accidents involving the release (threat of release) of chemically hazardous substances;
  4. accidents involving the release (threat of release) of radioactive substances;
  5. accidents involving the release (threat of release) of biologically hazardous substances;
  6. sudden collapse of buildings and structures;
  7. accidents in electrical power systems;
  8. accidents in communal life support systems;
  9. accidents at wastewater treatment plants;
  10. hydrodynamic accidents (breaks of dams, dikes, sluices, dams).

Answer the questions

  1. What emergency situations include accidents and disasters?
  2. Define an accident and a disaster, how do they differ?
  3. Name the types of emergency situations and places of their possible occurrence.
  4. How are emergencies classified depending on the affected area?

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Topic 1.2 Causes of man-made emergencies and protection from them Questions: Causes of man-made emergencies Protection from man-made emergencies

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The boundaries of the biosphere are determined by factors that provide the possibility of the existence of living organisms. The upper boundary passes at an altitude of approximately 20 km from the surface of the planet and is limited by a layer of ozone, which blocks the life-destructive short-wavelength part of the ultraviolet radiation of the sun. Thus, living organisms can exist in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. In the lithosphere, life occurs at depths of up to 3.5–7.5 km, which is determined by the temperature of the earth’s interior and the condition of penetration of liquid water into them. The bulk of organisms living within the lithosphere are located in the soil layer, the depth of which does not exceed several meters. In the hydrosphere (it makes up 70% of the surface of the globe and contains 1300 million m3 of water), organisms penetrate the entire depth of the World Ocean - up to 10–11 km.

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Causes of man-made accidents and disasters. The main causes of major man-made accidents and disasters are: 1) failure of technical systems due to manufacturing defects and violation of operating conditions. Many modern potentially hazardous industries are designed so that the likelihood major accident they are very high (unregulated storage and transportation of hazardous chemicals leads to explosions, destruction of high-pressure systems, fires, spills of chemically active liquids, emissions of gas mixtures, etc.); 2) human factor: erroneous actions of operators of technical systems. Statistics show that more than 60% of accidents were the result of errors service personnel; 3) high energy level of technical systems; 4) external negative impacts on energy, transport, etc. facilities (shock waves and (or) explosions lead to destruction of structures). 5) wear technological equipment, vehicles and basic production assets; 6) insufficient production and low quality level of devices for detecting and monitoring hazardous and harmful factors, as well as means of collective and personal protection from these factors; 7) increasing the scale of use of explosion, fire, chemical, radiation, and biologically hazardous substances and technologies. Thus, one of the common causes of fires and explosions, especially at oil and gas facilities chemical production and during the operation of vehicles, there are discharges of static electricity (a set of phenomena associated with the formation and preservation of a free electric charge on the surface and in the volume of dielectric and semiconductor substances), the cause of which is electrification processes.

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The main reasons for the increase in the number of injured and killed in man-made accidents and disasters are the insufficiency and inconsistency in the implementation of measures to prevent accidents and disasters, reduce possible human losses and material damage; accommodation hazardous industries and potentially dangerous objects in close proximity to residential areas and their life support systems; insufficient control over the condition of potentially hazardous industries and facilities; a sharp decrease in the volume of construction and production of collective and individual funds protection for personnel of economic facilities and the population; lack of the required number of local emergency warning systems at potentially hazardous facilities. 6) Panic, the spread of false and provocative rumors, and disobedience significantly increase the negative consequences of man-made emergencies officials and government officials.

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Ensuring personal safety in case of man-made accidents What should everyone do to ensure personal safety and the safety of their family members in the event of a man-made emergency?

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1. Analyzing various sources of information (local radio and television broadcasts, testimonies of neighbors and co-workers, etc.), try to find out the degree of potential man-made danger of your place of residence (work, study), as well as a list of emergency situations that took place in this area in the past . The potential danger of emergency situations is created by: enterprises located near the place of residence or work that produce, process or store harmful chemicals or radioactive materials; fire and explosion hazardous objects, cargo railway stations, cargo ports, airfields, gas, oil and product pipelines, hydraulic structures, chemical and radioactive waste disposal sites, landfills, etc.; the presence in the air, rivers and reservoirs of the area adjacent to the place of residence, work, study, of harmful substances in quantities exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations; increased radioactive background in the area of ​​residence. The given list of typical causes of possible emergency situations can be clarified depending on the characteristics of the area of ​​residence. Knowing the nature and causes of possible emergency situations in your area, you can approximately assess its potential danger and understand what preventive action must be accepted.

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2. For each type of emergency that is actually possible in your area, you need to find out what potential danger they pose. The danger of man-made emergency situations lies in the impact on humans and environment factors such as air shock waves, radiation, harmful chemicals, high and low temperatures, flooding, pathogens, etc. To more fully assess the danger, you need to have an idea of ​​​​the general socio-economic consequences, including long-term ones, to which brings about an emergency. For a person, they mainly come down to harm to health, loss of ability to work, material and financial damage, a decrease in the level of life support, deterioration of living conditions and other negative social consequences.

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3. It is necessary to take measures in advance to prevent emergency situations and prepare to take protective measures when they occur, for which it is necessary: ​​to master the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”; know warning signals and the procedure for informing the population in emergency situations; know the organizations that you can turn to for help in case of an emergency, the location of the nearest protective structures, points for issuing personal protective equipment and collecting evacuees, telephone numbers of the fire service, police, ambulance, government emergency response authority or other special bodies; have personal protective equipment and be able to make the simplest of them on their own; know the order of your practical actions, family and team actions during various types possible emergency situations; in the event of obvious danger, be able to take measures for self-rescue; comply with fire and other safety rules in the home ( educational institution, at work), vehicles and crowded places; monitor the serviceability of fire and other emergency systems installed in the house (educational institution, workplace); be able to isolate the home or its individual premises from external environment and have the necessary materials for this; keep in a certain place or be able to quickly collect a minimum set of essential items in case of evacuation (documents, clothes, shoes, a change of linen, food, a supply of dishes and boiled water, first aid supplies medical care and medicines for the sick, hygiene items, money, securities and etc.).

There are over 8 thousand fire and explosion hazardous objects in the country. Most often, accidents with explosions and fires occur at enterprises in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries. In 2010, an accident occurred in Leninsk-Kuznetsk (Raspadskaya mine). Several people died. Transport. Transport is a source of danger not only for its passengers, but also for the population living in the areas of transport highways, since they transport a large number of flammable, chemical, radioactive, explosive substances that pose a threat to human life and health in the event of an accident. Such substances account for 12% of the total volume of cargo transportation. There are a lot of transport highways in our country, such as the M5 Ural. Hydraulic structures. Hydraulic structures are usually located within or above large populated areas. Since many hydraulic structures are in disrepair, they are objects of increased risk. So in 2009 An accident occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

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