Presentation on the topic "What is good and evil?" Presentation on the topic of good and evil, morality, democracy, etc.

Goal and objectives Goal:
Find out the difference between good and evil.
1. Find out what good and evil are.
2. Find out what good and evil mean in the religions of the world.
3.Draw conclusions.

What is good?

Goodness is a bright and pleasant feeling that gives a smile,
brings joy. Sometimes it causes the heart to skip a beat.
Goodness is comparable to a piece of happiness.
Good is actions that bring happiness and not
causing harm, damage, pain, suffering to anyone.
the opposite of evil. People strive for truth, goodness and

What is evil?

Evil is the concept of morality, the opposite of
good, means intentional, deliberate, conscious
causing harm, damage or suffering to someone.
Evil is the opposite of good.
Evil is everything that corresponds to its ideals, a destructive force
Good and its opposite. The ideals of evil are destruction,
fear, hatred, aggressiveness, anger, envy, anger and
lack of freedom.

The designation of good and evil in Christianity

From the point of view of Christianity, good is, first of all,
God's providence that man brings into life.
The fact is that the culture of good calls for victory over
evil, that is, to the fact that with evil and bad deeds
need to fight. Aggression is not good in this case.
alien. At the same time you need to rely on will
Gentlemen, because he cannot be wrong.
The higher mind will free you from suffering if a person
will serve him and follow his commandments and

The designation of good and evil in Buddhism

In Buddhism, the terms “Good and Evil” do not exist. U
Buddhists have the concept of "Samsara", that is, earthly
suffering that is closely related to physical
existence, and
from which if possible
a person must get rid of it. Suffering is caused
For example,
There is.
the fulfillment of this desire is consumed as food
meat of animals or birds, and thereby causes them

The designation of good and evil in Judaism

In Judaism, goodness symbolizes responsibility.
a person for his actions, freedom of choice. problem
lack of justice punishment of evil and encouragement
believers believe that evil was created in order to
teach the wanderer more faith in the Lord.

The designation of good and evil in Islam

According to Islamic tradition, both good and evil
(indirectly, through Satan) come from Allah,
who in his actions is guided by choice
person. It is believed that by nature people
inclined towards good, and people's overcoming their inclination
exalt in spirit. So the choice
a person of goodness is a kind of test.

Poems about kindness

In bursts of solar rainbows,
Everything children need!
The sadness will instantly disappear,
And the smile of nature
Let it illuminate their faces
Radiant sunrise!
Draw KINDNESS This bright fairy tale,

Kindness is an earthly creation,
light of hope, faith and love,
God's mercy, radiance of joy,
days filled with goodness!
a gentle splash of care and attention,
mercy, news of warmth,
kindness beautiful message
good deeds illuminate!!!

All people need kindness
Let there be more good ones.
It’s not in vain that they say when we meet
“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”
And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wishes "Good morning."
Kindness is from time immemorial
Human decoration...

Poems about evil

Silent conversations about evil
countless years.
Conversations, rumors, even disputes,
but there is still no true truth!
Evil is often multifaceted.
Has thousands of faces.
And of course, oddly enough,
without gestures, manners and decency.
Inherent in everything, like a particle,
it haunts you.
You look for evil in sly faces,
but better, look inside yourself.

Evil has settled in our old house,
Not today, but for a long time.
Evil plays hide and seek, hides in the corner,
And when it comes out, it’s not good.
Evil knows how to bury its head in the sand
And then he laughs, spitting on your sock.
If someone cries, evil is having fun.
As if it had done this nasty thing.
Evil does not need a reason to do evil.
Hurting people is a craft.
If someone accidentally stumbles,
Evil then laughs with a cry - “get it”
If suddenly such evil enters you,
Swallow the gingerbread with the inscription "good".
You will treat everyone around you with it
Evil fears him more than fire.

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Test "Am I kind"

  1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?
  2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this?
  3. Your partner doesn't play chess or any other game well. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?
  4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?
  5. Do you often use mean jokes?
  6. Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?
  7. Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?
  8. Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?
  9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?
  10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person's arguments?
  11. Will you do work at your parents' request if it is not your responsibility?
  12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

The traditional ideas that have developed in society about what is considered correct and good;

Behavior consistent with these ideas;

A synonym for morality is morality.

Morality and law:

I have common and distinct features. The general thing is that these are systems for regulating human relations. Excellent: law, unlike morality, is based on coercion. The state punishes a person for an unlawful action by establishing the extent of his guilt and responsibility in court. For an immoral act, only public censure is possible.

  • Good
  • Justice
  • Duty
  • Conscience
  • Honor
  • Freedom


  • Injustice
  • Irresponsibility
  • Shamelessness
  • Dishonor
  • Unfreedom


  • The main moral category that underlies all other moral concepts and actions:
  • related to human activity;
  • a pattern of people's actions and relationships between them;
  • always selflessly, without expectation of benefit or reward.


Goodness is closely related to the concept of free will. If a person shows his best qualities by chance, spontaneously, in a situation that has developed independently of him, then from a moral point of view such an act is not good. In order to do a good deed, you need an act of will, to do it consciously and purposefully. Such an act is possible only when the person has high moral qualities.

Moral qualities of a person are those properties that characterize a mature person. These are personal values ​​that are formed on the basis of the assimilation of the moral and cultural experience of previous generations, education, assimilation of moral examples, etc. As a result, they turn into a person’s personal values ​​that determine his worldview and actions.


Antonym of good.

  • Evil can only give rise to evil.
  • It is the deliberate and intentional infliction of suffering, harm, or damage on someone. Closely connected with the concepts of lies and ugliness. It is also one of the fundamental concepts that form the basis of all immoral human actions.

Evil has many faces:

  • It is insidious and often seeks to become a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  • A moral choice is a choice between good and evil, which every person makes repeatedly in his life.

Is it possible to overcome evil?

It can only be overcome by goodness. The main thing is to distinguish one from the other.

Does good always win?

Always, but it takes effort. Victory is not achieved automatically.

The price of victory

It can be very high, since such a victory will require sacrifices. The struggle between these two moral principles arose with the advent of the human race, and will continue as long as it exists.

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What is good?

GOOD is a selfless and sincere desire to achieve good, for example, helping one’s neighbor, as well as a stranger, or even the animal and plant world. In an everyday sense, this term refers to everything that receives a positive assessment from people, or is associated with happiness, joy, or love. Since ancient times, the idea of ​​an insurmountable connection between good and evil has been comprehended. This idea runs through the entire history of culture and is concretized in a number of ethical provisions:

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Poems about goodness.

KINDNESS heals the soul, will heal from all ILLNESS, the Elixir of LOVE will illuminate the soul with LIGHT. KINDNESS is a medicine of love, God appointed to drink it, Everyone with pure FAITH could cure a cold. Hug!!! Throw away all FEARS and DOUBT, Look high with pride, The sun is pouring rays of aspiration, May you be HEALTHY and HAPPY!!! Show earthly KINDNESS, BE MERCIFUL, HELP, You will be twice as HAPPY, GOD’S truth, know it! !!KINDNESS heals the soul, will heal from all ILLNESS, the Elixir of LOVE will illuminate the soul with LIGHT!!!

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What is evil?

Evil is the concept of morality, the opposite of the concept of good, and means the deliberate, deliberate, conscious infliction of harm, damage, or suffering on someone. In a broad sense, evil includes negative human states and the forces that cause these states. In this sense, the term “evil” refers to everything that receives a negative assessment from people or is condemned by them from any quarter. For example, both lies and ugliness fit the concept of evil. In a closer sense, evil refers to the suffering of living beings and their violation of the moral order. The question of the predominance of evil or good in the world is a subject of dispute between pessimists and optimists.

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    Sithikh about anger.

    Perhaps everyone had to learn what anger is capable of. Like a dog guarding a bone, anger growls and bares its teeth. When luck is at random, there is no peace. And next to it is anger. If something somewhere doesn’t come together, hope is replaced by anger. When you haven’t slept for half the night, anger creeps out of the darkness. Melancholy squeezes your heart into a fistful when anger touches it. Driving a nail into the coffin lid, sighing, buries friendship with anger. In the love of ripe berries, jealousy, bitterness, and anger will poison the bunch. It will burn through me with fire, leaving dust and ashes, anger. An uninvited, unwanted guest, a bad adviser in a dispute - anger. And don’t rely on “maybe” when you’re annoyed you are looking for anger. Mistakes, envy and selfishness will make you “gnaw your elbows” later. Kill, so that you don’t have to cry, a mad dog - anger!

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