Presentation on "efficient use of electricity". Physics presentation on the topic “Production, transmission and use of electrical energy” free download Presentation on the topic of energy use

Presentation on the topic: Electricity and its efficient use

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Presentation on the topic: Electricity and its efficient use

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Electricity Electricity Electricity is a physical term widely used in technology and in everyday life to determine the amount of electrical energy supplied by a generator to the electrical network or received from the network by a consumer. The basic unit of measurement for the production and consumption of electrical energy is the kilowatt-hour (and its multiples). For a more accurate description, parameters such as voltage, frequency and number of phases (for alternating current), rated and maximum electric current are used. Electrical energy is also a product that is purchased by participants in the wholesale market (energy sales companies and large wholesale consumers) from generating companies and consumers of electrical energy at retail market from energy supply companies. The price of electrical energy is expressed in rubles and kopecks per kilowatt-hour consumed (kopecks/kWh, rubles/kWh) or in rubles per thousand kilowatt-hours (rubles/thousand kWh). The latter price expression is usually used in the wholesale market. Dynamics of global electricity production by year

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Dynamics of global electricity production Dynamics of global electricity production Year billion kWh 1890 - 9 1900 - 15 1914 - 37.5 1950 - 950 1960 - 2300 1970 - 5000 1980 - 8250 1990 - 11800 2000 - 14500 2002 - 100.2 2003 - 16700 .9 2004 - 17468.5 2005 - 18138.3

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Industrial production electricity Industrial electricity production In the era of industrialization, the vast majority of electricity is generated industrially at power plants. Share of generated electricity in Russia (2000) Share of generated electricity in the world Thermal power plants (TPP) 67%, 582.4 billion kWh Hydroelectric power plants (HPP) 19%; 164.4 billion kWh Nuclear power plants (NPP) 15%; 128.9 billion kWh Recently, due to environmental problems, the shortage of fossil fuels and its uneven geographical distribution It becomes expedient to generate electricity using wind power plants, solar panels, and small gas generators. Some countries, such as Germany, have adopted special programs to encourage household investment in electricity production.

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An electrical network is a set of substations, switchgears and power lines connecting them, designed for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. An electrical network is a set of substations, switchgears and power lines connecting them, designed for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Classification of electrical networks Electrical networks are usually classified according to purpose (area of ​​application), scale characteristics, and type of current. Purpose, scope of the Network general purpose: power supply for household, industrial, agricultural and transport consumers. Autonomous power supply networks: power supply to mobile and autonomous objects ( vehicles, ships, airplanes, spacecraft, autonomous stations, robots, etc.) Networks of technological objects: power supply to production facilities and others utility networks. Contact network: a special network used to transmit electricity to vehicles moving along it (locomotive, tram, trolleybus, metro).

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The history of the Russian, and perhaps the world, electric power industry dates back to 1891, when the outstanding scientist Mikhail Osipovich Dolivo-Dobrovolsky carried out the practical transfer of electrical power of about 220 kW over a distance of 175 km. The resulting transmission line efficiency of 77.4% was sensationally high for such a complex multi-element structure. Such a high efficiency was achieved thanks to the use of three-phase voltage, invented by the scientist himself. The history of the Russian, and perhaps the world, electric power industry dates back to 1891, when the outstanding scientist Mikhail Osipovich Dolivo-Dobrovolsky carried out the practical transfer of electrical power of about 220 kW over a distance of 175 km. The resulting transmission line efficiency of 77.4% was sensationally high for such a complex multi-element structure. Such a high efficiency was achieved thanks to the use of three-phase voltage, invented by the scientist himself. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the capacity of all power plants was only 1.1 million kW, and the annual electricity generation was 1.9 billion kWh. After the revolution, at the suggestion of V.I. Lenin, the famous plan for the electrification of Russia GOELRO was launched. It provided for the construction of 30 power plants with a total capacity of 1.5 million kW, which was implemented by 1931, and by 1935 it was exceeded 3 times.

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In 1940, the total capacity of Soviet power plants amounted to 10.7 million kW, and annual electricity production exceeded 50 billion kWh, which was 25 times higher than the corresponding figures in 1913. After a break caused by the Great Patriotic War, electrification of the USSR resumed, reaching a production level of 90 billion kWh in 1950. In 1940, the total capacity of Soviet power plants amounted to 10.7 million kW, and annual electricity production exceeded 50 billion kWh, which was 25 times higher than the corresponding figures in 1913. After a break caused by the Great Patriotic War, electrification of the USSR resumed, reaching a production level of 90 billion kWh in 1950. In the 50s of the 20th century, power plants such as Tsimlyanskaya, Gyumushskaya, Verkhne-Svirskaya, Mingachevirskaya and others were put into operation. By the mid-60s, the USSR ranked second in the world in electricity generation after the United States. Basic technological processes in the electric power industry

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Electrical energy generation Electrical energy generation Electrical energy generation is a conversion process various types energy into electricity at industrial facilities called power plants. Currently, there are the following types of generation: Thermal power generation. In this case, the thermal energy of combustion of organic fuels is converted into electrical energy. The thermal power industry includes thermal power plants (TPPs), which come in two main types: Condensing power plants (KES, the old abbreviation GRES is also used); District heating (thermal power plants, combined heat and power plants). Cogeneration is the combined production of electrical and thermal energy at the same station;

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The transmission of electrical energy from power plants to consumers is carried out via electrical networks. The electric grid economy is a natural monopoly sector of the electric power industry: the consumer can choose from whom to buy electricity (i.e. the energy sales company), the energy sales company can choose among wholesale suppliers(electricity producers), however, there is usually only one network through which electricity is supplied, and the consumer technically cannot choose the electric grid company. Power lines are metal conductors that carry electric current. Currently used almost everywhere AC. Electricity supply in the vast majority of cases is three-phase, so a power line usually consists of three phases, each of which may include several wires. Structurally, power lines are divided into overhead and cable. The transmission of electrical energy from power plants to consumers is carried out via electrical networks. The electric grid industry is a natural monopoly sector of the electric power industry: the consumer can choose from whom to buy electricity (i.e., the energy sales company), the energy sales company can choose among wholesale suppliers (electricity producers), but the network through which electricity is supplied is usually one , and the consumer technically cannot choose the electric utility company. Power lines are metal conductors that carry electric current. Currently, alternating current is used almost everywhere. Electricity supply in the vast majority of cases is three-phase, so a power line usually consists of three phases, each of which may include several wires. Structurally, power lines are divided into overhead and cable.

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Overhead power lines are suspended above the ground at a safe height on special structures called supports. As a rule, the wire on an overhead line does not have surface insulation; insulation is present at the points of attachment to the supports. There are lightning protection systems on overhead lines. The main advantage of overhead power lines is their relative cheapness compared to cable lines. Also, maintainability is much better (especially in comparison with brushless cable lines): no excavation work is required to replace the wire, it is not difficult in any way visual inspection line status. Overhead power lines are suspended above the ground at a safe height on special structures called supports. As a rule, the wire on an overhead line does not have surface insulation; insulation is present at the points of attachment to the supports. There are lightning protection systems on overhead lines. The main advantage of overhead power lines is their relative cheapness compared to cable lines. Maintainability is also much better (especially in comparison with brushless cable lines): there is no need to carry out excavation work to replace the wire, and visual inspection of the condition of the line is not difficult.

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Cable lines (CL) are laid underground. Electrical cables vary in design, but common elements can be identified. The core of the cable is three conductive cores (according to the number of phases). The cables have both external and intercore insulation. Typically, liquid transformer oil or oiled paper acts as an insulator. The conductive core of the cable is usually protected by steel armor. The outside of the cable is coated with bitumen. Cable lines (CL) are laid underground. Electrical cables vary in design, but common elements can be identified. The core of the cable is three conductive cores (according to the number of phases). The cables have both external and intercore insulation. Typically, liquid transformer oil or oiled paper acts as an insulator. The conductive core of the cable is usually protected by steel armor. The outside of the cable is coated with bitumen.

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There are two ways to satisfy this demand: There are two ways to satisfy this demand: I. Construction of new powerful power plants: thermal, hydraulic and nuclear, but this takes time and costs a lot. Also, their functioning requires non-renewable natural resources. II. Development of new methods and devices.

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“Production and use of electrical energy” - Electricity. Sun. Electricity production. Alternative energy. General scheme electric power industry. Production, transmission and use of electrical energy. The advantage of electrical energy. Comparison of power plant types. Type of power plant. Man-made accidents. Modern electric generators.

“Development of the electric power industry” - Russian Electricity Balance. Requirements for the gas market. Efficiency of generating equipment of thermal power plants. Structure of electricity production in the European part of Russia. Capital investments in the construction of power plants. Cost of electricity production. Structure of electricity production. Gas usage volume.

"Power lines" - Electricity consumers. Transformation coefficient. Electricity transmission diagram. Electricity transmission. Electric current heats the wires. The end. Step-up transformers. Length of lines. Solve the problem. Electrical stations.

“Transmission and consumption of electricity” - Man. EES. Electricity use. PES. Advantages. Electric current. Fuel energy. HelioES. Energy of water. Remember. Transmission of electrical energy. Production, transmission and use of electricity. Electricity consumers. Energy saving. How much energy does a person need? Broadcast.

“Electric energy production” - Tidal power plant. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas. PES. Production, transmission and use of electrical energy. SES. Thermal power plant. Solar radiation energy. TPP. Flaws. Wind farm. Krasnoyarsk region. Solar power plant. Energy sources. Transmission of electrical energy.

“Electricity in Moscow” - Organization of a project to sell electricity to customers. Certificate. Organization of work. Tariff menu. Moscow region. Classification of renewable energy sources. Green suppliers. Price dynamics. Renewable energy sources - RES. Green energy project at MES. Prospects.

There are a total of 23 presentations in the topic

"Distributed generation" - Reliable solutions. Highest efficiency in class. Ensuring the BMW plant's own production needs. Work on non-standard gas fuel. Engine container solution. Equipment. Urgent input of power. Gas engines. Stable growth in the share of small-scale generation. GE Power & Water. Solutions for distributed generation.

“Power Lines” - Solve the problem. Electricity consumers. Length of lines. Electric current heats the wires. The end. Electrical stations. Step-up transformers. Electricity transmission diagram. Electricity transmission. Transformation coefficient.

“Electric energy production” - Wind power plant. Flaws. Energy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Hydroelectric power station. Solar power plant. Thermal power plant. Production of electrical energy. Tidal power station. Wind farm. PES. Nuclear power plant. Solar radiation energy. Hydroelectric power station. A nuclear power plant uses the energy of nuclear fuel to generate steam.

"Electricity in Moscow" - Renewable energy sources - RES. Prospects. Tariff menu. Green suppliers. Price dynamics. Green energy project at MES. Organization of a project to sell electricity to customers. Organization of work. Classification of renewable energy sources. Certificate. Moscow region.

"Electric power" - Fluctuations in water levels near the shore can reach 13 meters. The first geothermal power plant was built in 1966 in Kamchatka, in the Pauzhetka River valley. Solar energy uses an inexhaustible source of energy and is environmentally friendly, that is, it does not produce harmful waste. Use of renewable energy sources in the electric power industry.

Sort things according to material. Tidal ES. Energy of the Sun. If you wash at 30 degrees, you can save up to 40% of energy. Energy saving. Disadvantage: Weak solar energy density. Wind energy. Buy devices that are classified as Category A in terms of electricity consumption. Read the labels carefully!

There are a total of 23 presentations in the topic


Electricity production. Type of power plants

Efficiency of power plants

% of all generated energy

Electrical energy has undeniable advantages over all other types of energy. It can be transmitted by wire over vast distances with relatively low losses and conveniently distributed among consumers. The main thing is that this energy, with the help of fairly simple devices, can be easily converted into any other types of energy: mechanical, internal, light energy, etc. Electrical energy has undeniable advantages over all other types of energy. It can be transmitted by wire over vast distances with relatively low losses and conveniently distributed among consumers. The main thing is that this energy, with the help of fairly simple devices, can be easily converted into any other types of energy: mechanical, internal, light energy, etc.

The twentieth century has become the century when science invades all spheres of social life: economics, politics, culture, education, etc. Naturally, science directly influences the development of energy and the scope of application of electricity. On the one hand, science contributes to expanding the scope of application of electrical energy and thereby increases its consumption, but on the other hand, in an era when the unlimited use of non-renewable energy resources poses a danger to future generations, the urgent tasks of science are the development of energy-saving technologies and their implementation in life. The twentieth century has become the century when science invades all spheres of social life: economics, politics, culture, education, etc. Naturally, science directly influences the development of energy and the scope of application of electricity. On the one hand, science contributes to expanding the scope of application of electrical energy and thereby increases its consumption, but on the other hand, in an era when the unlimited use of non-renewable energy resources poses a danger to future generations, the urgent tasks of science are the development of energy-saving technologies and their implementation in life.

Electricity use: Electricity consumption doubles in 10 years


Amount of electricity used,%



Let's look at these questions at specific examples. About 80% of the growth in GDP (gross domestic product) of developed countries is achieved through technical innovation, the main part of which is related to the use of electricity. Most scientific developments begins with theoretical calculations. All new theoretical developments after computer calculations are tested experimentally. And, as a rule, at this stage, research is carried out using physical measurements, chemical analyzes, etc. Here, the tools of scientific research are diverse - numerous measuring instruments, accelerators, electron microscopes, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. The main part of these instruments of experimental science operate on electrical energy. Let us consider these issues using specific examples. About 80% of the growth in GDP (gross domestic product) of developed countries is achieved through technical innovation, the main part of which is related to the use of electricity. Most scientific developments begin with theoretical calculations. All new theoretical developments after computer calculations are tested experimentally. And, as a rule, at this stage, research is carried out using physical measurements, chemical analyzes, etc. Here, the tools of scientific research are diverse - numerous measuring instruments, accelerators, electron microscopes, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. The bulk of these instruments of experimental science are powered by electrical energy.

But science not only uses electricity in its theoretical and experimental fields, scientific ideas constantly arise in the traditional field of physics associated with the receipt and transmission of electricity. Scientists, for example, are trying to create electrical generators without rotating parts. In conventional electric motors, direct current must be supplied to the rotor in order for a “magnetic force” to arise. But science not only uses electricity in its theoretical and experimental fields, scientific ideas constantly arise in the traditional field of physics associated with the receipt and transmission of electricity. Scientists, for example, are trying to create electrical generators without rotating parts. In conventional electric motors, direct current must be supplied to the rotor in order for a “magnetic force” to arise.
Modern society cannot be imagined without electrification production activities. Already at the end of the 80s, more than 1/3 of all energy consumption in the world was carried out in the form of electrical energy. By the beginning of the next century, this share may increase to 1/2. This increase in electricity consumption is primarily associated with an increase in its consumption in industry. Main part industrial enterprises runs on electrical energy. High electricity consumption is typical for energy-intensive industries such as metallurgy, aluminum and mechanical engineering industry. Transport is also a major consumer. An increasing number of railway lines are being converted to electric traction. Almost all villages and villages receive electricity from state power plants for industrial and domestic needs.

EFFECTIVE USE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY Electric energy has undeniable advantages over all other types of energy. It can be transmitted over long distances by wire with relatively small losses and can be easily distributed among consumers. Due to this, electrical energy is the most common and convenient type of energy. Electrical energy has undeniable advantages over all other types of energy. It can be transmitted over long distances by wire with relatively small losses and can be easily distributed among consumers. Due to this, electrical energy is the most common and convenient type of energy. It appears to be unique in terms of its universal applicability, adjustability, and ability to effectively perform multiple tasks. But the main advantage is that electrical energy, using fairly simple devices with high efficiency, can be converted into other types: mechanical, internal (heating of bodies), light energy, etc. It seems unique from the point of view of universal applicability, adjustability and ability to perform multiple tasks effectively. But the main advantage is that electrical energy, using fairly simple devices with high efficiency, can be converted into other types: mechanical, internal (heating of bodies), light energy, etc. Lighting, heating and cooling, thermal and machining , medical devices and equipment, computers, communications are just some of the services that electricity provides to the ever-increasing population of the globe, radically changing its entire way of life. Lighting, heating and cooling, thermal and mechanical processing, medical devices and equipment, computers, communications are just some of the services that electricity provides to the ever-increasing population of the globe, radically changing its entire way of life. Given the special importance of electricity for the functioning of all sectors of the economy, its shortage would have dire consequences. However, financing the construction of large power plants is a very expensive undertaking: a 1000 MW power plant will cost an average of US$1 billion. For this reason, electricity producers and consumers are faced with a choice: either generate the required amount of electricity, or reduce the need for it, or solve both problems at the same time. Given the special importance of electricity for the functioning of all sectors of the economy, its shortage would have dire consequences. However, financing the construction of large power plants is a very expensive undertaking: a 1000 MW power plant will cost an average of US$1 billion. For this reason, electricity producers and consumers are faced with a choice: either generate the required amount of electricity, or reduce the need for it, or solve both problems at the same time. The potential for increased efficiency is economically feasible based on the payback period of the investment, which should not exceed 5 years. The use of electricity in industry falls mainly on three categories of consumers: drive, technological processes (mostly thermal) and lighting. The potential for increased efficiency is economically feasible based on the payback period of the investment, which should not exceed 5 years. The use of electricity in industry falls mainly on three categories of consumers: drive, technological processes (mostly thermal) and lighting. The power consumption of the drive (electric motors) varies over a fairly wide range depending on the type of motor (DC, synchronous or induction), their power (size) and application. The power consumption of the drive (electric motors) varies over a fairly wide range depending on the type of motor (DC, synchronous or induction), their power (size) and application. The second largest consumer, process technology, tends to be less homogeneous than other categories. There are three main subgroups: electricity that directly generates heat; electrochemical processes; electric arc furnaces, used primarily in the production of iron and steel. Electrothermal processes in countries consume less than 30% of industrial electricity consumption (with the exception of Sweden, where they account for up to 37%). The second largest consumer, process technology, tends to be less homogeneous than other categories. There are three main subgroups: electricity that directly generates heat; electrochemical processes; electric arc furnaces, used primarily in the production of iron and steel. Electrothermal processes in countries consume less than 30% of industrial electricity consumption (with the exception of Sweden, where they account for up to 37%). The use of electricity to carry out electrochemical processes dominates in the production of non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminum smelting). Due to its high energy intensity, the aluminum industry occupies a special place in energy consumption compared to other industries. However, electrochemical technologies are identical in most industries and are well studied. The ways to further improve their efficiency are clear, but implementation is highly dependent on the cost of electricity, which in the aluminum industry, for example, constitutes the bulk of operating costs. The use of electricity to carry out electrochemical processes dominates in the production of non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminum smelting). Due to its high energy intensity, the aluminum industry occupies a special place in energy consumption compared to other industries. However, electrochemical technologies are identical in most industries and are well studied. The ways to further improve their efficiency are clear, but implementation is highly dependent on the cost of electricity, which in the aluminum industry, for example, constitutes the bulk of operating costs. The share of lighting in total energy consumption by industry is 4-11%. The efficiency of industrial lighting in general is significantly higher and its share in total electricity consumption is less than in the residential and social sectors. The share of lighting in total energy consumption by industry is 4-11%. The efficiency of industrial lighting in general is significantly higher and its share in total electricity consumption is less than in the residential and social sectors. Save energy!

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