The right to drive a taxi. How to get a license (permit) for a taxi

1. General Provisions

1.1. These model Rules determine the procedure for using a taxi and organizing the operation of taxi transport (taxi) that is uniform throughout the city of Moscow and is recommended to passengers in taxi operators (regardless of the form of ownership).
The rules apply to all types of passenger taxi transport, the drivers of which provide services for the transportation of passengers and luggage along the route agreed with the passenger and the established rate.

1.2. These Rules use the following concepts and definitions
- car for passenger transportation and baggage with payment by tax, equipped with special identification marks and a device that provides accounting for the distance of the trip and its cost (taximeter).
Tax set by the taxi operator, the uncoupling of payment for a unit of taxi mileage or time of its use.
The taxi operator is an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity that has a license to carry out and in accordance with the established procedure the transportation of passengers by passenger cars by car on commercial basis and accredited by the Department of Transport and Communications of the city of Moscow.

Taxi driver
- a person driving a taxi. Licenses - a special permit for the implementation in the prescribed manner of transportation of passengers by passenger cars on a commercial basis.
Taxi ordering operator
- an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity accredited with the Department of Transport and Communications of the city of Moscow, accepting orders for passenger and baggage transportation services cars taxi and transferring these orders for execution taxi operator.

Regulated city taxi rank
- special a platform (place) outside the carriageway of the streets, equipped with information signs, equipped with control points and marked with appropriate road signs and markings, intended for boarding (disembarking) passengers and parking taxis.
Sidewalk city taxi rank
- a taxi rank, which is located outside the carriageway of the streets, along the sidewalks, is indicated by road signs (clause 5.14 of the Rules of the Road) and markings (clause 1.17 of Appendix 2 to the Rules of the Road).

Dispatching service
- employees of the organization operating the parking lot in carrying out:
a) regulation of disembarkation/embarkation of passengers;
b) verification of compliance by drivers and passengers with the Rules for the organization of passenger taxi transport (taxi) in the city of Moscow and the Regulations on urban parking of passenger taxi transport (taxi) in the city of Moscow;
c) operation and maintenance of parking equipment and control over its safety and performance;
d) keeping the territory and equipment of the parking lot clean.
Dispatch service pavilion is a room intended for the location of employees of the dispatch service, placement of special equipment and other purposes that meet the interests of the organization and operation of the parking lot.

1.3. Activities for the transportation of passengers and baggage by passenger taxi transport (taxi) in the city of Moscow are carried out on the basis of a license and license cards for each taxi car issued by the licensing authority, a certificate of accreditation with the Department of Transport and Communications of the city of Moscow and in accordance with these Rules.

2. Appearance and equipment of the taxi car

2.1. Taxi must meet the following requirements:

a) the presence of distinctive signs in accordance with GOST 25869-90 “distinguishing signs and information support for passenger rolling stock land transport, stopping points and passenger stations, general technical requirements, as well as information about the taxi operator;
b) compliance of the technical condition and taxi equipment with regulatory and legal acts to ensure road safety;
c) the presence of a sealed speedometer
equipment and taximeter in good condition, as well as cash register duly registered with the tax authorities;
d) the presence in a place visible to passengers in the car (on the front panel of the car to the right of the driver) information about the tax and business card driver with photo, name and contact phone numbers of the taxi operator, the Moscow Transport Inspectorate and the State Unitary Enterprise of the City of Moscow Moscow Taxi Transport
e) the presence in the cabin of the car of the Rules for the organization of passenger taxi transportation (taxi) in the city of Moscow and a map of the city of Moscow.

2.2. The use of taxi identification marks when transporting passengers by passenger cars on a commercial basis by carriers that are not accredited by the Transport Administration in connection with the city of Moscow as taxi operators is not allowed.

3. Requirements for taxi drivers

3.1. Driving experience of at least three years.

3.2. Knowledge of the city of Moscow and the Rules for the organization of passenger taxis (taxi) in the city of Moscow.

3.3. The presence of a medical certificate of the established form, confirming the suitability for driving vehicles, the gross weight of which does not exceed 3500 kg and the number of seats of which, in addition to the driver, does not exceed 8 (category

3.4. Availability with you and at the request of authorized employees bodies, institutions and organizations presenting them for checks:
- a set of documents provided for by the Rules of the road;
license card;
- travel documentation.

4. Procedure for taking a taxi car

4.1 A passenger may use taxi services by prior arrangement, at designated city parking lots or on city streets in areas exceeding 100 meters from city parking lots, by raising his hand.

4.2. At designated taxi ranks, passengers take the first car.
If there is a queue of passengers for boarding a taxi, disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War(upon presentation of an appropriate certificate), passengers with infants, pregnant women and disabled people with injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

4.3. The organization of boarding and disembarking passengers at regulated taxi ranks is carried out by a dispatcher on duty, the requirements of which must be met by drivers and passengers. the actions of the dispatcher on duty can be appealed to the organization operating this parking lot.

4.4. Boarding and disembarking from the taxi car is carried out from the sidewalk or roadside and only after the car has completely stopped. If boarding and disembarking is not possible from the sidewalk or shoulder, it can be carried out from the side of the carriageway, provided that it is safe and does not interfere with other traffic participants.
4.5. The number of taxi passengers must not exceed the number of seats specified technical specification car. If this number is exceeded, one child under the age of seven is allowed to be carried by an adult passenger in the rear seat.

4.6. The driver must not pick up additional passengers, except at the request of a passenger already in a taxi.
5. Fare payment
5.1. Taxi fares are paid according to the established rate in accordance with the indications of the taximeter.
5.2. Make a settlement with the passenger, the driver is obliged to return the change to the passenger in full and issue a cash receipt.
5.3. If it is necessary to wait for a passenger (at his request), the driver is obliged to make a full settlement with him for the trip and receive an advance for the stipulated waiting time.
5.4. Passengers who refuse to pay for the use of a taxi are transferred to law enforcement agencies, the amount due from them is collected in the manner prescribed by law.
delivery of passengers to law enforcement agencies to resolve conflict situations is carried out with the taximeter turned on at the expense of the guilty party.
6. Rights and obligations of the operator and taxi driver
6.1. The operator is obliged:
a) ensure that the taxi car meets all the requirements for appearance and equipment established by these Rules;
b) not to allow the operation of taxi cars that do not meet the requirements set forth in paragraph 2, as well as in the event of malfunctions and other conditions, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
6.2. The driver has the right to demand from passengers strict observance of these Rules in the part that concerns them.
6.3. The driver must:
a) at a call exceeding 100 meters from the nearest taxi rank, stop on the passenger's raised hand, except for those places where stopping is prohibited by the Rules

road traffic, and cases provided for in clause 6.5 of these Rules;
b) keep the car interior clean;
c) observe the order in the conditions of transportation of passengers, regulated by the license and these Rules;
G) transportation of passengers to be carried out only with the included taximeter and at the established rate;
in taxi parking lots, strictly observe the order in which cars are placed, do not leave the car in order to search for passengers;
f) when boarding passengers, notify them of the tax, clarify the desired route of travel and turn on the taximeter;
g) use the shortest reasonable route to deliver the passenger to the destination and agree with the passenger's request to change the route;
e) to load and unload passengers' luggage into the trunk of a car;
i) at the end of the trip, announce to the passenger its cost according to the indication of the taximeter and make a calculation;
j) comply with the current transport legislation in the manufacturer's instructions;
k) comply with the norms of communication and rules of conduct in public places, have a neat appearance.
6.4. The driver must not deny boarding to a passenger who has requested boarding by means of gestures, words or other
6.5. The following circumstances may serve as grounds for a justified refusal:
a) The presence of another passenger in the car;
b) stopping at the request of another passenger who has already applied for boarding by means of gestures, words or other indications;
c) the passenger has carry-on or baggage that, in the opinion of the driver, can damage the interior of the car or cause any other damage, as well as leave unpleasant odors in the taxi;
d) the end of the driver's working hours;
e) taxi malfunction;

f) the passenger has animals without safety equipment (special container, muzzle, etc.);
g) the passenger is in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication or violates public order.

6.6. The working day of the driver should not exceed the duration established by the current legislation.

6.7. Passenger property found in the vehicle must be returned directly to the passenger, if possible. If this is not possible, the driver must transfer the discovered property to the police station closest to the place where the passenger was disembarked, or to the Lost and Found State Unitary Enterprise of the City of Moscow ‘Moscow Taxi Transport’.

7. Rights and obligations of a passenger

7.1. The passenger has the rights of the consumer of transport services provided by the legislation.

7.2. The passenger has the right:
a) require the driver to comply with these Rules;
b) apply to the Moscow Transport Inspectorate, to the operator, to the State Unitary Enterprise of the City of Moscow "Moscow Taxi Transport" with complaints in statements on the quality of service in matters of violation of transport legislation, without indicating the contact address or telephone number.

7.3. When using a taxi, passengers are required to;
a) comply with these Rules;
b) observe the Rules of the road, including:
- when approaching a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened with them;
boarding and disembarking should be carried out from the sidewalk or roadside and only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.
If boarding and disembarking is not possible from the sidewalk or shoulder, it can be carried out from the side of the carriageway

parts, provided that it will be safe and will not interfere with other road users;
c) observe public order;
d) not to take actions that threaten the safety of the driver, other passengers and traffic.

8. Transportation procedure

8.1. opening windows by passengers and the driver is carried out only by mutual agreement.

8.2. Turning on (off) the radio or
the audio player is made at the request of the passenger, as well as the choice of programs.

8.3. The air conditioning device in the taxi is switched on (switched off/adjusted) at the request of the passenger.

8.4. Disputable issues between passengers and the driver can be resolved by the operator, employees of the Moscow Transport Inspectorate, State Unitary Enterprise of the City of Moscow "Moscow Taxi Transport" in other authorized bodies and organizations within their competence.

9. Transport quality control
passenger service
Control over the implementation of these Rules and licensed activities is carried out by the Department of Transport and Communications of the City of Moscow, the Moscow Transport Inspectorate, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow, the operator (in relation to the taxis owned by him).

10. Responsibility of taxi operators and drivers
Taxi operators, drivers and passengers are responsible for non-compliance with the established norms and rules governing the transportation of passengers by light taxis, in accordance with legislative acts Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

Every day different areas entrepreneurial activity subject to regulatory pressure. Similarly, tax audits have become more frequent in the taxi sector, and the frequency of license checks has increased. Legislation has significantly tightened the procedure for the operation of the taxi-motor sphere of entrepreneurship. Therefore, the law "On Taxi" and amendments to it should be familiar to every taxi driver. But few people have time to keep track of the fluidity of changes and additions that are constantly being made to its structure. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most latest changes, knowledge of which will help protect yourself in future work.

Law "On Taxi", main provisions

the federal law" ABOUT state regulation transportation of passengers and luggage passenger taxi in the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" - popularly known as the Law "On Taxi". The new taxi law of 2016 brought significant changes to the operation of private carriers. In particular, according to him, fines for illegal carriers have been tightened and decreased for legal taxi drivers.

Interesting fact! The first taxis, according to some sources, appeared in ancient Rome. These were chariots with a kind of taximeter in the form of a basin, into which a pebble fell after every 200 meters - then the pebbles were counted and payment was made.

The taxi dispatch service, which is regulated by this law, is responsible for the transfer of orders to illegal taxi drivers and for the quality of the services that this service provides. In addition, now the distribution of revenue between taxi drivers and the dispatch service will be more equitable.

According to the same law "On Taxi", the taxi car must be painted in yellow, white, or one of the other four colors that have been determined by the local authorities. Moreover, the taxi service must operate under a separate license for each car and driver. If the driver does not have a license, then he faces a rather impressive fine.

Interesting fact! The first taximeter in Russia appeared at the end of the 19th century.

This law gave taxi drivers the opportunity to serve government agencies, which should significantly reduce the waste of public funds on the rental and maintenance of cars of officials.

Documents required for registering a taxi

In order to obtain a work permit for a private carrier or an employee of an enterprise providing such services (taxi), you must, first of all, be an individual entrepreneur or register your own company (legal entity).

First, you need to visit the tax authorities in your region to register an individual entrepreneur. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, you must have the original passport and copies of all completed pages with you. To speed up the registration process, it is better for you to immediately download a tax receipt from the website of the tax service of your region and pay it at the nearest Sberbank.

Also, you need to check with the tax officer when applying for an IP, which taxes you should pay, Required documents reporting, etc. You can immediately register in the online tax office as a taxpayer, this will help you track your payments and control reporting in the future.

Having issued an IP, you can apply to your regional executive authority to issue an appropriate permit for activities (usually, this is the Ministry of Transport). To speed up the receipt of this kind of permit, before submitting documents, it is better to call this structure back and clarify the necessary documents, as they may be supplemented, depending on the region.

However, according to the Taxi Law, you definitely need certain documents when applying for a permit.

Important!When leaving the track, the taxi driver must always have a notarized copy of the work permit with him.

First of all, you need an application, because without it, no one will issue you a license. It can be submitted in writing or electronically, whichever is more convenient for you. The application must contain information about the enterprise (if any), or about an individual entrepreneur, Contact phone numbers, place of registration and tax identification number.

The application must be accompanied by a copy of the identity document of the applicant or the representative of the applicant (for legal entities), a copy of the registration documents of the vehicles that the applicant will use to transport passengers, and if vehicle acquired under a leasing or lease agreement, or transferred by proxy - a copy of these documents must be attached to the application. Also, depending on the region, you will need to pay a state fee, this is approximately from 0 to 5000 rubles.

The public authority assumes the authority to refuse to issue the desired permit in cases where you have submitted false information or the vehicle is already registered.

A taxi license is issued for 5 years. If the entrepreneur has lost it, or for some reason it has worn out, etc., a duplicate will be issued for the remaining time.

Vehicle Requirements

To obtain a permit for the carriage of passengers, the car must comply with certain standards, which are also defined in the new law "On Taxi" 2016.

First of all, the vehicle must have the appropriate identification color. On the car body, on the sides, contrasting squares in a checkerboard pattern should be applied. Usually, it is black and some separate contrasting color.

The color of the taxi is set in each region separately. Authorities have the right to define up to three colors. So, when applying for a license, it is necessary to clarify the issue of the color of taxi cars in your region.

Important!A prerequisite for a taxi car is the presence of an orange lamp, which, however, is the main attribute of a taxi, especially at night.

Also, you will most likely have to get a taximeter - this is a more convenient (for both the passenger and the taxi driver) means of calculating the fare. The passenger will know the exact fare, and the driver will protect himself from scandals and discontent.

Whatever the rumors, the taxi should not be equipped with a tachograph or GLONASS.

How and where can I get a license to carry passengers

To obtain a license for the carriage of passengers, the conditions are partially different from the conditions for obtaining. To receive it, you need to be the founder of an enterprise or an individual entrepreneur.

Required documents to be attached to an application for a license to carry passengers:

notarized copies of documents on registration of a legal entity;

Notarized copies constituent documents: agreement of founders, charter, certificates of IIN, OGRN, a copy of the passport of the head and the decision (order) on taking the position of head;

Copies of documents of the employee who will be responsible for the transportation of passengers;

Documents of a hired health worker, or a cooperation agreement with a medical institution that will carry out medical checkup drivers before flights;

Contracts with drivers, their medical certificates, confirmation of the three-year work experience of drivers, a copy of the driver's license category "D";

Copies of documents for the ownership of the vehicle (leasing agreement, PTS, rent);

Documentary confirmation of the possibility of independent technical inspection of machines, or an agreement with a third-party company that provides technical support;

A copy of the car park rental agreement, or the availability of your own parking lot;

TO coupons;

Notarized copy of the OSAGO policy;

Receipt of payment of the state license fee.

For private entrepreneurs, the list of documents for obtaining a license for passenger transportation is almost the same, only instead of constituent documents, only an extract from the USRIP and a certificate of state registration are needed.

Issuance of license documents is carried out by bodies of Rostransnadzor. An application for obtaining such a license is considered within 45 days, while all information on the progress of the consideration is located on the portal of this service. The result of such a review comes by e-mail and regular mail. Fines for taxi drivers

In accordance with the Taxi Law of 2016, if you do not have permission to engage in such activities, then you will be fined for an illegal taxi, in 2016 this is 30 thousand rubles. If you were repeatedly convicted of such a violation, then you will again be charged with an administrative fine in the amount of 30,000 rubles and the right to drive a vehicle will be taken away for a period of 3 to 6 months. A legal entity carrying out such activities without a license is fined up to 400,000 rubles.

If you are an individual entrepreneur, then the fine for working in a taxi without a license will also be quite significant.

For taxis operating without a sheet with the necessary information on the transportation of passengers, the legislation provides for a penalty of 1,000 rubles, and the same amount will have to be paid for not issuing a check to the client.

If you have a taxi license, but the color scheme of your car does not comply with the rules in your region, or you do not have an orange identification lamp, the fine for individual entrepreneurs is 3 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 50 thousand rubles .

In the event that you do not have a taxi license, but your car has an identification lamp and an appropriate color scheme - a fine of 5 thousand rubles, and also take into account the fine for working without a permit. In the presence of a license, but the absence of identification attributes, the fine will be 3,000 rubles.

In total, in total, a driver with or without a license can pay up to 50,000 rubles in fine for one trip.

How to bypass the law "On Taxi"

We all remember how, back in 2015, cars with checkers of an incomprehensible color, orange sponges, etc. were cruising the cities. The 2016 Law on the Regulation of Private Transportation and amendments to the Law on Taxi made the situation much tougher.

For a taxi driver, an individual entrepreneur, it has become difficult and expensive to "taxi". You need to earn money, but what kind of earnings is it, especially in small towns where fees of up to 5,000 rubles are levied for registering a taxi. True, an individual entrepreneur is cheaper in taxes than a separate enterprise with its own dispatch service and fleet, but for an ordinary taxi driver this amount is quite impressive.

Illegal taxis, as a way to avoid responsibility and big waste, has become a Mecca for most entrepreneurs of this kind. Although, you can always try to get along with the law in the role of an enterprise.

To do this, a legal entity is created that specializes in the order service, and there can be no question of any taxi service.

Individual individual entrepreneurs use the services of this company as an intermediary between the client and the taxi driver himself, who is simply registered as an individual entrepreneur. There is no fact of creating a taxi company, taxes are paid regularly. True, when creating this kind of organization, you will have to get used to frequent lawsuits and undermining state bodies, and also be sure to get a lawyer. Most claims of this kind will be groundless and, as usual, subject to appeal.

Since 2011, significant amendments have been made to the "taxi" legislation, resulting in a modern look for this service. The Law "On Taxi" makes it possible to carry out licensing of private entrepreneurs almost painlessly. The only negative was the large expenditure of individual entrepreneurs for maintenance, registration and medical examination, and if in large cities, such as Moscow, St. at least for most private cabbies.

Interesting fact! In 2016, Fujisawa City will conduct an experiment to operate a taxi without a driver.

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Transportation of passengers on individual orders is a popular and fairly profitable small business activity that can be started at no particular cost. Until 2011, private drivers were in serious competition with legal taxis. Private traders not only did not pay taxes and fees, but did not always ensure the comfort and safety of passengers.

If you are interested in this line of business, then in our article you will find out if a taxi license is needed, what will happen if you work in a taxi without a license and how to get a taxi permit.

Permission or license

There is no separate federal law on taxis, but the basic requirements for the organization of such transportation were established by the law of 04/21/2011 N 69-FZ. In order to control the activities of taxis, the regional authorities are obliged to keep registers of carriers and transport units that have received the right to this line of activity.

What is the name of the document legalizing the activity of a passenger taxi - a license or a permit? Some confusion in this matter is caused by the fact that the license for Passenger Transportation really issued, only it has nothing to do with a taxi.

The issuance of such a license is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2012 No. 280, and according to these rules, a license is issued only for regular passenger transportation in urban, suburban and intercity traffic. That is, these are transportations along routes by vehicles with a capacity of more than 8 passenger seats, which are also called fixed-route taxis.

And if we talk about transportation on the orders of private individuals, then, as such, a taxi license does not exist; instead, a permit is issued to carry out passenger transportation activities. A license for passenger transportation and a taxi permit are not synonyms, and they are not the name of the same document.

If you want to get a legal opportunity to transport passengers and luggage in passenger cars on individual orders, then you will need a permit for the transportation of passengers by passenger taxis, and not a license.

This is how, for example, the form for checking issued taxi permits on the territory of Moscow and the region looks like. From it you can find out the presence of information in the register not only of carriers, but also of each unit of transport that is allowed to carry passengers. There are similar registries for each region.

Do I need to open an IP for a taxi

Is it possible to get a taxi permit without opening an IP? No, you can’t, permission is issued only to those individuals and organizations that are registered as a business entity.

A permit for the transportation of taxi passengers (and this is possible only after registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC) can be issued even if you have one car. Having received permission, you can connect to any dispatch service, including such a large one as Yandex Taxi. In this case, you will always be provided with customers, but a certain percentage of the proceeds (about 15%) will have to be given away. Another option is to look for clients on your own, in which case you don't share with anyone.

To work in a taxi without registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to get a job in the staff of a carrier company for employment contract. Everything is standard here - ordinary work under an employment contract according to a schedule and under the control of the employer with a salary.

If you find in an advertisement an offer of assistance in obtaining a taxi license without an IP, then this is either a scam, or when you apply, it turns out that you can rent a car from a legal carrier that has a permit. This option is also called renting a taxi with a license, although we found out above that this is not entirely true.

For renting a car entered in the register, licensed carriers charge a fee - from 1,500 rubles per day. There are also options for paying the driver a certain percentage of the proceeds. At the same time, the car belongs to and is registered with the carrier company that maintains it.

How to get permission to carry passengers and luggage

Recall that only a registered individual entrepreneur or organization can obtain a taxi permit. You need to apply for permission to the authorized government agency(this may be the Ministry of Transport for the region or the Department of Roads and Transport).

A taxi permit is valid only on the territory of the region where it was issued, except for situations where the destination on the passenger's order is outside this subject of the Russian Federation.

The application and other necessary documents can be submitted through the regional portal of state and municipal services, so you need to get a password in advance to access the public services website.

A taxi license is issued for a period of five years, in contrast to a passenger transportation license, which is indefinite. As for the issuance fee, it depends on the region. In Moscow, permits are issued free of charge, in St. Petersburg for a nominal fee of 320 rubles.

To transport law of 21.04.2011 N 69-FZ special requirements does not present, it is sufficient that the car has an orange identification lamp on the roof; color scheme (checkerboard); taximeter. As for the color of the car itself, it also depends on the region. For example, in Moscow there is also a special city law on taxis, which obliges you to have a yellow body only.

An applicant (individual entrepreneur or LLC) wishing to obtain a transportation permit must provide Maintenance and repair of their cars, control their condition before leaving the line, as well as the passage of medical examinations by drivers before the flight. A taxi driver can only be a person with a total driving experience of at least three years.

The package of documents, in addition to the application itself, includes:

  • a copy of the passport of the applicant (entrepreneur or director of LLC) or his representative;
  • copies of vehicle registration certificates that will be used to transport passengers;
  • a copy of the leasing or lease agreement, if the vehicle is not owned by the applicant.

Answers to other questions on obtaining a taxi permit can be obtained on the regional websites of the authorized state bodies themselves. Here, for example, there is all the necessary information on the city of Moscow.

Working in a taxi without a license or permit

So far, the fines for transporting passengers without permission are not so high - 5,000 rubles under Art. 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. However, there is a nuance here that not everyone pays attention to. The commented article has the following wording: "... not having permission with them ...".

That is, a fine of 5,000 rubles is charged if the permit was issued, but at the time of the check, the driver did not have it with him. If a taxi permit was not issued at all, then the sanction for such an offense is indicated in article Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It provides not only a fine of 2,000 to 2,500 rubles, but also the possible confiscation of the instrument of production, in this case a car. This opinion is expressed in the Review judicial practice Supreme Court for the 4th quarter of 2013.

In addition, on the last day of last year 2016, the deputies introduced bill No. 69583-7, which toughens the responsibility for activities without a taxi permit. So far, the bill has not even passed the first reading, but if it is adopted in the proposed version, then the size of administrative sanctions will be as follows:

  • for the transportation of passengers without a taxi permit: 30,000 rubles per driver, and in case of a repeated violation - the same fine and deprivation of rights for a period of 3 to 6 months;
  • for the transfer of an order for transportation to a driver who does not have a taxi permit, the dispatch service is punished with a fine of 350,000 to 450,000 rubles, and an official - in the amount of 45,000 rubles (instead of a fine, activities may be suspended for a period of 14 to 90 days).

Control over the activities of taxis is entrusted to police officers and government agencies in the field of road and transport.

Drivers involved in private cabs are concerned about the upcoming changes in the law on taxis. The tightening of requirements for drivers and registration of a car, the increase in fines make private traders think about obtaining a license. The legalization of activities, according to the state, will help not only simplify the work of taxi drivers, but also save a significant part of their budget on fines, improve the safety of transportation and the quality of services provided. Do you need permission, and how do you get it?

Work on your car in Yandex.Taxi

Requirements for a driver to work in Yandex.Taxi:

  • competent Russian speech;
  • driving experience of two years;
  • age from 23 years;
  • device with IOS or Android operating system.

Yandex does not work directly with drivers.

In Yandex.Taxi, customers can order a comfort, economy or business class car. Each class has specific requirements.

Business Class:

  • Mercedes CLS-Class;
  • Lexus GS, ES, LS;
  • Kia Quoris;
  • Audi A6;
  • Mercedes E-class;
  • BMW 7 or 5;
  • Hyundai Equus;
  • Mercedes S-Class;
  • Audi A8.

Comfort: cars, the average market price of which is above 600,000 rubles.

Economy class: cars, the average market price of which is not lower than 350,000 rubles.

General requirements for cars:

  • not older than 4 years;
  • the absence of advertising inscriptions of other taxis on the body of the car.

Yandex.Taxi connects taxi services that comply with the law and have:

  • more than twenty cars on the line for the taxi service on software supporting the Yandex.Taxi module;
  • more than 100 machines on other software.

Connected services enter into a direct contract with Yandex, work at their own rates, not exceeding Yandex's rates, and are displayed in the database under their own brand.

Do I need a taxi permit in 2017?

Due to the increasing number of accidents, the state is tightening rules for taxi drivers. Now carting is not considered a part-time job, and anyone who wants to be a taxi driver after the main job can be fined a serious amount. It is allowed to carry out activities for the transportation of citizens by car only after obtaining a special permit, whether it is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. Thus, a taxi is a full-fledged job that requires registration. social guarantees And work book worker.

No relaxation of the law is foreseen. registration of a license- a mandatory item for any driver who is going to take up transportation, and there can be no exceptions. So the state wants to protect citizens from dishonest companies that, for the sake of profit, neglect the safety of customers. An example is calling a taxi via SMS, when an order comes to a driver who has paid for participation in the program, while there is no guarantee that he has a driving experience sufficient to obtain the right to carry out such activities, as well as evidence that he can drive a vehicle. means. So, in order to “bomb” you need to register your activity as an individual entrepreneur and go through the procedure for obtaining a license. Is it possible to legally transport people without registering an IP?

Is it possible to get a license without an IP?

The procedure for issuing permits for taxis without individual entrepreneurs is established and regulated regulations, which is contrary to the basic law. In practice, a “license without an IP” is the issuance of licenses to those drivers who are employed as a taxi driver in an enterprise that is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. So, a driver who works as a taxi driver in a company that has the right to engage in passenger and freight transportation can obtain a license.

How to get a taxi license?

To obtain permission to transport people by car, you will need to contact the Ministry of Transport or another authorized body in your region. You can find out exactly where to go in the district administration.

A package of documents for obtaining a license

The request is made out by an application, which is filled in on the spot. The form of the document is established by the registering organization. Copies of the following documents are attached with the application.

List of papers required to be presented to the authorized body:

  • a copy of the document on registration with the tax service(extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP);
  • copy of the vehicle document(copy of the rental or leasing agreement, general power of attorney, PTS);
  • copy of the passport.

An application for a license can be submitted personally or sent via the Internet to the authorized body (through the public services website), and you can receive a finished document by mail. For assistance in obtaining a license, you can contact a special company, however, this will require additional financial costs.


The term for consideration of the application does not exceed one month from the moment the request was made. In case of a positive decision, the driver will be issued a license for a period of five years (the period is the same for all subjects of the Russian Federation).

  • vehicle information;
  • owner data;
  • information about the entity that issued the license;
  • data about the company where the driver works as a taxi driver;
  • individual number;
  • place and date of issue.

The cost of the license is not exactly defined and depends on the region, in which it is issued, since the federal law does not contain information about the cost of such a document. There is also no information on the amount of the state duty for issuing a license.

In most settlements, the cost of a taxi license varies between 4,000–7,000 rubles, however, in larger cities (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod) it can reach 10,000 rubles.

Taxi permit revocation

Reasons for revoking a license:

  • the taxi driver has less than three years of experience;
  • the driver has committed an accident with a fatal outcome or causing serious bodily harm;
  • repeated violation of the taxi law;
  • if the offenses identified by the inspectors on the part of the taxi driver were not corrected in due time (usually 1 month).

Features of Taxi Licensing

Basic moments:

  • the period of validity of the permit is five years;
  • in case of loss of the document, the period for its restoration should not exceed 10 days;
  • you can get permission not only for your own car, but also for a vehicle that is rented or operated by proxy;
  • the register of issued permits must be posted on the website of the authorized body and available for viewing;
  • the law does not prohibit the issuance of licenses for cars that are not the property of individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities with a taxi permit are required to:

  • carry out timely technical inspection of the vehicle;
  • conduct a daily medical examination of drivers to allow them to drive the vehicle;
  • check the technical condition of the car daily before release on the road.

Requirements for a car and a taxi driver

To obtain a permit, the driver and vehicle must meet a number of requirements.

  • A taximeter must be installed in the car if the service fee is not fixed, but is set based on the mileage or time the taxi is used.
  • A passenger vehicle must have a color graphic scheme (checkers) on the body and its side surfaces.
  • The taxi must match the body colors if there is such a requirement in the region.
  • The vehicle must be equipped with an orange identification lamp.
  • At least three years of driving experience (previously five).

Fines for illegal taxi drivers

Previously, the fine for lack of permission was 5,000 rubles. In 2016, the traffic police inspector has the right to issue a fine of 30,000 rubles if the taxi driver stopped by him does not present permit document. In case of repeated violation, the taxi driver's budget will decrease by the same amount, in addition, deprivation of rights for 6 months will follow. The presence of a permit for the transport of people in the car is a prerequisite. The fine for forgetfulness is also 30,000 rubles.

In addition, it will be more difficult for private traders to find work, in 2016, the state wants to introduce a fine for mobile services for transferring orders to taxi drivers without a license.

Another innovation of 2016 is that the absence of OSAGO is now registered by automatic surveillance cameras. We recommend renewing the policy two weeks before its expiration date.

To obtain a taxi license, you must contact the authorized body, provide the necessary package of documents and write an application. Within a month, if a positive decision is made, it will be possible to carry out activities for the transportation of people on legal grounds. It is mandatory to have a valid license in the car. Those who do not want to get permission and continue to “bomb” in circumvention of the law risk not only incurring large financial expenses, but also losing their rights for a long time.

Work on the car in Gett taxi

Driver requirements:

  • driving experience of three years;
  • license (permission to operate a taxi);
  • politeness;
  • cleanliness;
  • good knowledge of the city;
  • office dress code for business class and VIP drivers.

Vehicle requirements:

  • foreign car not older than 4 years;
  • class from Chevrolet Lacetti and above.

Terms of connection to Gett taxi:

  • grammatically correct speech;
  • passing training;
  • smartphone/tablet operating system Android or IOS, GPS, Internet.

Work on the car in Uber taxi

Driver requirements:

  • car not older than 4 years;
  • driving experience for more than three years;
  • card of any bank;
  • age from 21 years;
  • tablet or smartphone running on the IOS or Android operating system.

In Uber taxi, cars are divided into 3 classes, each of which has certain requirements.

UberXUber BlackUber Taxi

Renault Fluence; Nissan Almera; Chevrolet Captiva, Cruze, Orlando; MAZDA 3.6; Skoda Octavia; Kia Ceed, Rio; Ford Focus, Mondeo and other cars of the same class in any color.Black cars, Audi A6, A8, Mercedes S/E class, BMW 7 etc. P.MAZDA 3.6; Hyundai Solaris; Volkswagen Golf, Polo, Jetta; Kia Ceed, Rio; Chevrolet Orlando, Cruze, Captiva; Skoda Octavia; and other cars of the same class are yellow.

The connection process includes several steps:

  • send scans of your passport, license, STS, insurance and rights, photos of the rear seats and the car diagonally (with the registration number captured) to the mail;
  • waiting for a call from the manager;
  • attend the seminar at a convenient time for you;
  • start working in 1-2 days.

If the driver does not have a license, Uber taxi will help you get one for a car of any make and color.

Uber taxi offers cars for rent. To conclude a deal you will need:

  • deposit for a car - from 10,000 rubles;
  • driver license;
  • passport.

In April 2011, the President of the Russian Federation signed Federal Law (FZ) N 69-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", individual articles and the provisions that regulate the organization, state registration and implementation of the current activities of taxi companies in the territory of the Russian Federation.

This distinguishes the taxi law from other legal acts that regulate specific areas of activity in the Russian Federation and therefore bear the appropriate names, for example, the Law on the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation or the Law on judicial system". Federal Law N 69-FZ consists of 10 articles that were subject to changes and additions in 2012 and 2014.

Separate provisions of the law came into force not 10 days after the official publication of the text of the Federal Law, but after significant periods of time. The dates of commencement of these provisions are determined by article 10 of the law.

Part 23 and part 24 of Article 9 of the Federal Law entered into force on January 1, 2015, therefore, in the media, in relation to this legal act, the term “ new law about taxi in 2015”. Which is still relevant today in 2019.

Legal support of the law "On Taxi"

The following articles of Federal Law N 69-FZ are directly related to taxis:

  • Article 3 introduces into the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation the norms of responsibility (in the form of administrative fines) for various violations of the rules in the operation of a taxi;
  • Article 7 introduces an additional article 36.1 into the Federal Law N 259-FZ of 2007 "Charter of Road Transport ...", which defines the area of ​​​​administrative responsibility of taxi companies in case they violate the rules established by law;
  • Article 8 includes within the scope of the Federal Law N 294-FZ of 2008 "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs...» enterprises for the transportation of passengers by passenger cars;
  • Article 9 contains 24 points and is essentially a new law on taxis. The provisions of the article regulate all areas of activity of taxi companies (both legal entities - legal entities, and private entrepreneurs - individual entrepreneurs), starting with obtaining a permit (license) for the right to transport passengers, establishing requirements for vehicles approved for transportation, and ending with issues of control and supervision of the work of taxi enterprises by state bodies;
  • Article 10 determines the procedure and terms for the entry into force of the law as a whole, as well as its individual articles and provisions.

Main provisions of the law

Federal Law on Taxi N 69-FZ, in its final version of 2015, fixed a list of 4 documents required to obtain a taxi license and greatly simplified the procedure for obtaining it. One license (one permit) is issued for one vehicle (V).

List of documents submitted by the applicant:

  • Application made in the approved form;
  • A copy of the identity card of the applicant (his representative);
  • A copy of the document on registration with the tax authorities (extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP);
  • Copy of vehicle registration certificate (PTS, copy of leasing agreement, lease agreement or general power of attorney).

The list of documents is final and valid throughout the Russian Federation. Regional or municipal authorities do not have the right to change it. An application can now be sent to the relevant authorities via the Internet (using the public services website), and a ready-made permit can be received by mail.

Compared to the norms of the previous taxi law Law 69-FZ gives significant relief to entrepreneurs who decided to enter this field of activity:

  • You can get a taxi permit not only for your own car, but also for a vehicle that is officially leased or used by proxy. Refusal to obtain a permit must be unconditionally motivated by the authority that is authorized to issue it. Refusal is possible only if the applicant provides false information about himself or about the car;
  • To obtain a license, a three-year driving experience is required (previously it was 5 years);
  • The technical inspection for taxi cars is unified with the technical inspection of personal vehicles, the requirement for the obligatory presence of a MOT coupon in the car is canceled (previously, the inspection had to be done once every six months);
  • It is allowed to carry out inter-regional transportation of passengers even in the absence of special agreements between regions, if the address of taxi delivery is in the region in which the license was obtained (previously, transportation could only be carried out within the territory of one's own region). If there are relevant agreements between the regions, landing and transportation of passengers can be carried out in another region.

Since January 2015, the provisions of the law on the regulation of the color design of the taxi body came into force in those regions where local authorities had previously established such requirements. Under the new law on their territory, regional authorities have the right to approve several options for the color design of a taxi. Another innovation that came into force in 2015 relates to the mandatory installation of a taximeter on taxis in cases where the fare depends on the time or actual mileage of the trip, and is not a fixed value (approved tariff). Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have taxi permits are required to carry out the following activities:

  • timely technical inspection of the vehicle;
  • daily control of the technical condition of the vehicle before leaving it on the route;
  • medical examination of taxi drivers to allow them to drive the vehicle.

Features of licensing taxi activities

The issuance of permits (licenses) for taxis in each region is carried out by a special authorized body. Most often, such a body is the regional division of the Ministry of Transport - the Committee on Transport of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The validity of the permit is at least 5 years. A reasoned refusal to issue a permit must be provided within 1 month from the date of application.

When changing the registration data of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, it is allowed to re-register the license. If the permit is lost, the deadline for its restoration is 10 days from the date of application. The authorized body maintains a register of all issued permits and is obliged to place it in the public domain on the pages of its website.

In case of detection of violations in the activities of a taxi, the authorized body (usually a regional division of the traffic police) has the right to issue instructions to license holders to eliminate violations within a period not exceeding 1 month. In turn, permit holders are required to submit reports to the authorized body on the elimination of violations (implementation of the requirements of the prescriptions) before the expiration of the prescriptions. Failure to comply with these requirements or inconsistency of the report data with the real state of affairs may lead to the cancellation of a taxi license.

Revoking a taxi permit is possible and for other reasons:

  • repeated (during the term of the license) violation of the rules for chartering a taxi on the territory of other regions (if the relevant agreements are not concluded between the regions);
  • repeated violation of the provisions of the law on taxis in terms of requirements for the car (the presence of a color scheme in the form of "checkers" in a checkerboard pattern on the sides, an identification lamp "Taxi" on the roof of the vehicle and a taximeter in the cabin, as well as the compliance of the color of the vehicle with the color established for taxi cars in this region);
  • driving a taxi by a driver with less than 3 years of experience;
  • a taxi driver committing an accident resulting in death or serious bodily harm.

The presence of a valid license in the cabin of a taxi car is a prerequisite for the admission of a taxi to the carriage of passengers. Administrative responsibility for violation of this requirement is defined by the Code of Administrative Offenses - fine up to 30 thousand rubles. The specific amounts of other fines for various violations in the activities of a taxi are given in article 3 of the Federal Law N 69-FZ (or in articles 11 and 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

How to "get around" the taxi law

Many individual drivers who were previously involved in the illegal transportation of passengers in passenger cars and who today want to make this type of activity more legal, but are not ready to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, are interested in the question - how can you “get around” the taxi law without a direct danger of being subjected to severe administrative penalties from regulatory authorities.

In fact, the law leaves a few minor loopholes that allow semi-legal taxi drivers to circumvent some of its requirements. This applies both to the issues of special equipment for cars for taxi tasks, financial transactions with customers, and the procedure for implementing mandatory measures for the admission of cars and drivers to the route.

If earlier the taxi law prohibited the issuance of licenses for cars that are not the property of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, the new law does not contain such restrictions. This means that entrepreneurs can obtain taxi permits for a large number of cars rented or issued under a general power of attorney. Thus, former private traders with their personal cars are involved in the activities of taxis, with whom entrepreneurs simply enter into an employment contract.

Equipping the vehicle with the necessary attributes of a taxi poses no difficulty (with the exception of the color requirement, if applicable in the region), since all these devices and fixtures are removable, and the Law does not impose any standard requirements on them. This also applies to the sign on the roof, and the color-graphic stripes on the sides (they can be magnetic or simple stickers), and even the taximeter.

The Law also lacks clearly defined requirements for the procedures for technical control of the state of the vehicle before entering the route and medical examination of drivers, as well as for professional qualifications personnel who should carry out these activities.

The new law on taxi N 69-FZ as a whole quite fully and efficiently fulfills its main purpose - the civilized regulation of the activities of numerous enterprises that carry out paid transportation of passengers by passenger cars in all regions of the Russian Federation. And some of its minor flaws and gaps are likely to be carefully analyzed and eliminated by introducing new changes and additions in the future.

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    Every taxi driver has a panic button. They travel around back streets more than employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB. Cars have risen in price, spare parts have risen in price, gasoline has risen in price, taxi services are getting cheaper.

    Smog in the capital, and citizens of the CIS drive and live in cars!

    Taxi driver Boris

    Tell me in which country does this law work and for whom is it written?

    Only four out of ten of his articles are devoted to amendments regarding the operation of taxis. But these amendments will significantly reform the entire system of taxi transportation, which is why the document received the unofficial name of the “Taxi Law”.

    Taxis filled the yards. Stand around the clock! There are no places left for personal transport of owners and tenants in their own yards. Total barriers - isolation of yards - not an option! So, residents for money: residence permits, people's garages, and taxis for free in our yards? Why does the Law bypass such important things as parking and parking of taxis?

    Question: Can I, while driving a rented licensed taxi car, conduct (video record) a video blog, respectively, with the consent of the passenger? Is this prescribed by law? After all, many modern cars are equipped with a hands-free system and, in fact, this can also distract from the road.

    What is being done in "mishandled" taxis is a nightmare. Yandex, UBER, GET hire drivers remotely without seeing drivers or the condition of cars, while drivers are recruited bypassing 69 Federal Laws, namely, with a driving experience of 6 months. In what state the machine these services are also seen is not entirely concerned. They conclude contracts for the transportation of passengers, what time the car arrives on order, you will never know, there is no one to complain to. Drivers also come and are rude, the cars are dirty in the cabin, the drivers smell. There is no additional passenger insurance. And most importantly, I just can’t understand what kind of fuel they are pouring, because. at their rates ... it must be water

    • I’m sorry for being rude, I’ve been working in this area for 13 years, there are passengers who think I’m crying what I want and I’m doing it, and it’s your business to carry, so there’s enough provocateurs for a while and I’m sure that they won’t be rude to a friendly passenger. So there are all sorts of cases, just describe for a long time .But for the law I want to say one thing, it was raw and will remain and not in all regions, travel costs a lot of money, we travel (not landing) 50 rubles up to 3 km and gasoline 40.15 It would be better to ask the deputies where our property of the people and the law of the constitution is where things are going on

Absolutely agree with you. The fact is that they are taxed in the country not to generate income, but to survive. As one taxi driver said: “I borrow from the car.” In fact, working as a taxi driver on your own car is unprofitable. And the more expensive the car, the neater the driver, the more legal the trip, the greater the loss. And the prices will certainly increase when the deputies finally defeat the people, depriving them of this opportunity to work part-time. Only monopolists will remain in the market. Not everyone can become a taxi driver, and ordering a taxi is the same. This is happiness...

If you want to ride in a brand new car, where the driver smells like Dior, the interior is fresh and they say “don't be so kind” to you, then get ready to pay not like for a trip by minibus! .. First, calculate how much it costs to maintain a car in proper condition when you Every day you carry different people for 12 hours a day, or even more. And the driver should be left to support the family, himself and the car, so that everyone is happy!

The main drawback of Law No. 69-FZ is that a license is issued for a car and not for a driver: if you change a car, apply for a new license. In civilized countries, a driver buys a taxi license and becomes the owner of the license for life, he can donate it, sell it. In this case, if you crash or sell a car, the license remains valid until the end of your life and does not require registration for a new car. the whole planet and the mind does not understand it.

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