Proper Instagram promotion. How to quickly and at minimal cost promote your Instagram page yourself

Developing and promoting your account on social networks, including Instagram, can bring in good income. You just need to move progressively in the direction of popularizing yourself as an individual or a resource with information useful to visitors. In short, placement is the key to success.

Why Instagram

Instagram is currently one of the three most popular social networks. The majority of convertible traffic comes from these three. Moreover, it is on Instagram that the most active audience is now concentrated, ready for feedback and various external influences. This network is not filled with a huge amount of advertising garbage, which can now be found almost everywhere.

Perhaps, Instgram currently continues to follow the main goal that the developers invested in their project. People just post their own photos here and look at others. The constantly updated feed creates a characteristic atmosphere that encourages users to be active.

Those who offer their services for quick account promotion are not really doing anything unusual. Your popularity will grow if you can retain your audience and attract new visitors with good content.

Independent promotion

It consists of actions that are contrary to rapid promotion, which involves attracting dead souls to subscribers who are of no use. Traffic needs to be collected lively, reacting to the information posted and providing feedback.

First steps

The first step is to analyze your audience. What are you going to advertise and what categories of users are most predisposed to such products or services. You must have a clear understanding of everything before you start working. After all, it is not known to whom to advertise who knows what; this is far from the best business plan.

But once you know what you are doing and for whom, it will become much easier to generate good content. You will be able to analyze the interests of your audience and use them for your own purposes.

  1. Create a profile.
  2. Develop a content plan and start publishing.
  3. Start your own PR company.

How to create a profile

Of course, you must be in the photo. In your profile, place information about yourself and the product you plan to advertise. If you're having trouble, here are some suggestions:

  1. Photo– a real photo, preferably the one you use as an avatar on social networks.
  2. Name– feel free to write your first and last name in Russian. There is no need for translations into English or transliteration, unless of course you are going to work with an English-speaking audience.
  3. Location- at least there’s nothing stopping you from pointing out the city. And this seriously increases loyalty.
  4. Occupation– don’t hide what you do from your subscribers. Then they will know exactly what issues they can contact you about and for what purpose they can support you.
  5. Link in profile- This is the only place where you can put an active link on Instagram. Do not neglect this opportunity and place the address of your website or page here.

Traffic on Instagram begins its path to conversion with this link in the profile. There is no point in posting the address of a store or something like that, because it will be impossible to go in one click, and most likely no one will copy the link and paste it into the browser line.


It is the posts that force users to subscribe to one or another account. The content you post piques the interest of visitors and encourages them to more actively study the issue you are addressing.

Therefore, immediately understand that ninety percent of the information you post must be unique. You also need to compose your comments and descriptions yourself. You can sometimes dilute the content with pictures, but they should also be useful and on topic.

Instagram is actually your photo album, so the photos should be yours. But you shouldn’t post anything as long as it’s your own. It should be a pleasure to visit your profile. All content used needs to be well thought out, and not just spammed.

Well, a few words about the main work:

  1. Learn to do nice pictures – this is a service for photographs. Don’t expect popularity if you only post pictures of food, pictures or demotivators. Users come to see live photos of people they are interested in.
  2. Don't neglect signatures – each image should become a small story that you reveal in the caption. People will read with interest about your adventures and achievements.
  3. Frequent publications – of course, within reasonable limits, one or two photos a day will be enough.
  4. Pay attention to feedback – respond responsibly to the comments of your subscribers. They may ask you questions and expect a response. By starting discussions, you also increase interest in the account. When you increase your momentum, you can use the help of software that collects comments from all your posts for ease of work.

Attracting subscribers

To speed up the process of attracting real people, you need to wisely use all the tools that Instagram provides for your use:

  1. Place hashtags– helps expand your audience.
  2. Make marks with places– information about where exactly the photo was taken helps users find places of interest.
  3. Don't skimp on likes– by liking other people’s photos, you arouse interest in yourself.
  4. Comment on other people's posts– by communicating with popular people or starting discussions in well-known groups, you can lure some of their subscribers.
  5. Subscribe yourself– active actions on Instagram will always benefit you.
  6. Mutual PR– exchanging advertising posts is a cheap and easy way.
  7. Advertise yourself– if you have pages on social networks, then no one forbids you to put links to your Instagram account there.
  8. Use promotion programs– there are many services where you can receive points for performing some simple actions. In the future, points can be used to buy likes, subscriptions, etc. The method is quite dirty, but sometimes it can be used.

Paid promotion methods

Of course, for money everything happens faster and more efficiently:

  1. Buy advertising from popular groups and users – advertising your account in the form of paid posts in large public pages can immediately increase the number of your subscribers by an order of magnitude.
  2. contextual advertising – the appearance of your photo in the news feed contributes to the rapid development of your account.
  3. Promotion software – software simulation high level activity. There are software that can travel through thematic resources, like and perform other useful actions for you.

Programs for Instagram promotion

In the vastness of the global network there is a whole lot of different programs that can help you with promotion. Here's what you should pay attention to.

Software for increasing likes and subscribers:

  1. Pmgrm;
  2. Jet-insta;
  3. Socialkit.

The small money you need to pay is more than compensated by the degree of usefulness of the functionality provided.

Instagram is one of the most promising social platforms for business promotion. Firstly, the popularity of this network is growing steadily. At the same time, Instagram users demonstrate high engagement in interaction with each other and with brands. Secondly, Instagram allows you to publish and consume visual content, which is perceived by users tens of thousands of times faster than text content. Add to this the ability to use Instagram literally on the go using mobile gadgets. It turns out to be almost an ideal social platform for modern man living at a frantic pace. Third, unlike traditional social networks, visual content sharing platforms successfully generate immediate conversions.

After reading this article, you will no longer doubt the effectiveness of promotion on Instagram. You will also learn how to promote projects using Instagram.

Why business needs Instagram

This question can be answered using statistics. According to the Pew Research Center, 17% of total social media users over 18 check Instagram daily. The core audience of this social network are represented by young people aged 18 to 29 years. We are talking about the millennial generation, who often make purchasing decisions influenced by social platforms. In terms of gender, women dominate on Instagram. Instagram users are very active on this network. 57% of owners check their account at least once a day, and 35% do so several times a day.

The following materials were used in preparing the material

Greetings to all Instagrammers! Let's get to know each other a little and I'll get started.

My name is Vasily Blinov, I am the author of this blog about remote work and everything connected with it. Instagram too! I myself have been working remotely since 2015 and traveling around the world. I am promoting my account on Instagram and other social networks, which will also be discussed on my blog.

I could have made a paid course on Instagram promotion and promotion, but I decided that I would post all my experience and knowledge for free, let those who make money from such training execute me for it :)

I think today’s article will be long but interesting, so I recommend reading it carefully to the end. And at the end, leave your reviews and comments about what you read.

So, let's go?

Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

In terms of audience activity, it is in first place for me.

Because there is not as much garbage there as there is, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook. News and update feeds that are teeming with advertising and all sorts of entertaining nonsense. People still strive to use Instagram for its intended purpose, to add photos from their lives there.

And the audience there, thanks to live content, is more open and adequate.

Therefore, I recommend that everyone who is promoting their brand, looking for clients, selling their services and products, should start promoting their business accounts or personal page on Instagram. Moreover, you can promote Instagram yourself, learn everything from scratch, using free and paid methods, which I will talk about today.

Some specialists who offer to quickly promote an Instagram account do the same thing only at 5-10 times the price. My friends, freelancers and online entrepreneurs have ordered similar services, and the results are the same as what I do myself.

Instagram promotion is a constant process, you shouldn’t hire guys who promise you short term get a lot of subscribers.

If you don’t have time to promote yourself, then it’s better to hire a permanent one remote employee— an Instagram manager who will do all the work for you, retain your audience and bring new clients.

How to promote Instagram yourself?

I’ll say right away that I’m not interested in inflated numbers (subscribers), which are usually of no use. I try to gather only a live and active audience.

Where to begin?

Ahh? A! - Audience! First step.

Why the hell are you going to promote Instagram? Earn? I think that is why 95% are interested in this issue.

Then how are you going to make money? What does your client look like? What will he be interested in? What will help solve his problem, NEED? If I can put it that way.

For example, my goal is to convey to people how, thanks to it, you can make your life more interesting, free, and start traveling. Help them take the first step - master the promising Internet profession of the future.

They often write to me, ask questions, give feedback. I know that I have a large audience ranging from 17 to 70 years old. But the target group is guys aged 21-35 who want to develop, learn, master something new and dream of traveling the world.

Knowing your audience, it’s easier to create useful and interesting content for them, look for places where they live, and attract them from there through your own activity or advertising.

Next 3 simple steps- This:

  1. Profile design.
  2. Content plan creation and publication.
  3. PR and advertising.

Today I will look at them briefly, more detailed information and instructions will be in separate articles.

How to create a profile?

A photo and information about you or your product is the first thing a person who visits the page will see. For me personally, these two indicators play an important role in whether to subscribe or not.

For example, this is what my profile looks like, SUBSCRIBE -

  1. Profile photo is a live photo that is used on all my social networks. This makes it easier to find and remember me.
  2. First and last name. It is better to write in Russian as it is, and not in transliteration. Translit, firstly, not everyone will decide to make out what is written there, and secondly, they may read and remember it incorrectly.
  3. Where are you from. Increases the loyalty of your fellow countrymen.
  4. Who are you and what do you do? Let the person know right away what you do and on what issue you can be useful. To make it clear why I should subscribe to you.
  5. Active link in profile. The only place on Instagram where you can put an active link. It can lead to your website or other social network. In my case, there is a link (), which leads to an article about the online marathon in our Knowledge base.

Almost all traffic from Instagram comes through this link in the profile. Posts usually simply write a “call to action” - click on it. Because there is no point in inserting links in posts, they are inactive there, and no one will click on them.

How to publish posts?

As they say: CONTENT IS KING!

Your posts are main factor, which will hook a person, turn a visitor into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a friend or client, and will retain him for many years.

If you want to promote Instagram, gain live and active followers, then publish only your photos and thoughts. Sometimes, not often, you can dilute them with some pictures or infographics with something useful.

Instagram - this is your photo album , only on the Internet and open access. Make it so that you yourself would be pleased to enter it and look at your photos.

  1. Take great photos.
    Beautiful pictures from the Internet, jokes, demotivators, photos of food, etc. Nowadays, few people are interested anymore. People need your photos! It’s cool when Instagram is done in real time.
  2. Sign your photos.
    Create useful and entertaining content. Write your stories, what you think about, where you go, what you do, let's useful tips. Encourage your opinion in the comments or like.
  3. Post more often.
    But not too often, 1-2 photos a day will be enough.
  4. Reply to comments.
    When you publish a new post, try to respond to comments immediately. Active discussions attract the most attention from other subscribers, and they also begin to comment. Live communication with subscribers in person will create more trust in you. On Instagram, it is not very convenient to track comments when subscribers are very active. That's why the service helps me StarComment in controlling comments under all posts.

To properly maintain contact with your audience, you need a content plan or at least a simple plan based on your interests. target audience. IN separate article Let's talk about how to make such a plan (link will come later).

How to attract new subscribers?

Now let's move on to methods that will allow you to be noticed and interest real people.

Free actions:

  1. Conduct live broadcasts.
  2. Make Stories.
  3. Use #HASHTAGS. Using hashtags, your photos can be seen by other Instagram users. Here's an article about
  4. Mark the places where the photo was taken. Other users can also notice you using geolocation tags.
  5. Give it a like. The person you liked may want to know who liked their photo, and they will go to your profile.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


According to official statistics, more than a million companies around the world rely on promoting a business account on Instagram. And there are good reasons for this:

  • Over the past year and a half, monthly traffic to Instagram in Russia has exceeded 22 million people.
  • In May 2018, active Instagram users generated more than 71 million messages.
  • Users from Russia update their Instagram feed on average about 16 times a day. In 1 second they write 1 thousand comments and give 8.5 thousand likes.

So, after all, how to promote your business on Instagram from scratch.

  • To get started, switch your profile from personal to “Business account” mode and optimize it. By optimization I mean the company logo, a designed profile header, and contacts to contact you.
  • Start posting photos of the products you sell. Remember that Instagram is a showcase, so monitor the quality of publications.
  • Write informative texts describing your company’s products, services, and processes.
  • Use at least 5 hashtags. relevant to the theme of your business.
  • Hold competitions for subscribers.

This is a standard but effective promotion strategy. Depending on the topic of the business, ways to promote a business on Instagram may vary.

How to promote an Instagram business if you sell goods and services

If you are promoting a fitness club or a bakery, these tips will help you:

  • Write the brand name in the profile title.
  • Complete each field on the registration form.
  • Put the company logo on your avatar. You can add a slogan if it is easy to read.
  • Make a promotion plan - what, when and why to publish.
  • Post photos of excellent quality. This is your business card when promoting services and products.
  • Communicate with subscribers in stories, find out their opinions, conduct surveys.
  • Create unique hashtags.

Let's say you are the owner of a small cafe-bakery. You will promote your service on Instagram as follows:

  • Create a content plan for publications. Show the inside of your business, tell us about sesame buns, shoot funny videos with the participation of your staff. Your subscribers should like the “picture”. Decide on which day the recipe will work best, and on which day – a video about friendly waiters and beautiful shop windows.
  • To attract subscribers to your page, treat an Instagram blogger popular with your target audience to barter with buns. The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing a blogger. Check how active and “live” its audience is, how it reacts to advertising.
  • Do beautiful photos and run ads. Here it is important not to miss the target when selecting an audience, so that targeted advertisements for baked goods do not appear in the feeds of those losing weight. This is the task of an experienced targetologist.

If you have an abstract understanding of how to promote an Instagram page for business, it is better to turn to professionals. This way you will quickly achieve the expected result. And remember, on quality promotion business on Instagram is not worth saving.

How to promote “non-photogenic” products and services on Instagram

If everything is clear with the promotion of goods, then a fair question arises: how to sell services on Instagram that cannot be photographed. After all, more and more often people are starting to run a business whose product is difficult to visualize.

There are several non-trivial ways to promote such a business:

  • Place your bets on product features. The Instagram of the creator of Adobe graphic editing programs contains many works by illustrators and designers. All these people work in Adobe programs.

  • And GoPro publishes pictures from their action cameras. The company does not spend any money on its content, because users themselves post photos with the hashtag #gopro.

  • Promote your brand ideology. Come up with a message and promote it. Red Bull was the first to implement this strategy. There are no product photos on their Instagram, but there are photos of people involved in extreme sports. Users publish these photos under unique hashtags.

  • Transform your product. For example, let's say you sell stationery. Which user would be interested in markers in their feed? Precisely because there is nothing, give free rein to your imagination. For example, office supplies store Office deport turned pens into funny characters.

How to promote your business on Instagram yourself

And don't make a million mistakes.

To understand how to promote a business page on Instagram yourself, you will need to know everything about:

  • Targeted advertising.
  • Ranking of publications in the feed.
  • Quality content.
  • Photo processing.
  • Tracking popular hashtags.
  • Statistics and analysis of key engagement indicators.
  • Work to increase audience loyalty.

And if it's too much for you long process, then you will probably misfire:

  • Start using bots. Non-living accounts are immediately visible; no real users will follow them.
  • Start mass mutual following. 3% of users subscribe mutually, and not 30% like two years ago. This method is obsolete.
  • Use the wrong hashtags. And this is an important mechanic for promoting a business account on Instagram. Repeated tags may provoke sanctions from the Instagram administration.
  • Post low-quality photos. The Instagram audience values ​​visual content. Low quality photos are disrespectful to subscribers.
  • You won't make updates on a regular basis. Publications should not be frequent and highly informative or, conversely, rare and entertaining. When creating a content plan, you must take into account the ratio of educational, advertising and engaging posts so as to attract, and not scare away, subscribers.
  • You will create low-quality texts. The text must be divided into paragraphs, otherwise no one will read the letter vinaigrette. Markers, emoticons, “inverted pyramid” - these are all tools for working with text.

Bottom line, if you want to take business promotion on Instagram into your own hands, arm yourself useful resources, study the mechanics in detail, proceed by trial and error. But I advise you to contact specialists, because as long as you spend time gaining basic knowledge about marketing, competition in your niche will gain momentum. In just a couple of months, your competitors will have an active audience, discussions, and interesting content, while you are gaining your first subscribers. Whether you spend time on it or not is your choice, but running a business requires not only strategic decisions, but also tactical. And in the business arena, high-quality development and promotion of a company’s Instagram account is a tactically correct decision.

Hi all! You probably already have a page on the social network Instagram. Do you dream of becoming a popular blogger and having hundreds of thousands of subscribers, but don’t know how to achieve this? Take your time to contact specialized agencies and hire administrators. Today I will tell you how to promote Instagram yourself.

From this article you will learn:

Of course, popularity is not an end in itself. Everyone knows perfectly well what can be done. Not only show business stars receive income from their pages. Anyone can succeed in this. The main thing is to know a few secrets.

Greeted by clothes

It may sound trivial, but the first thing we pay attention to on Instagram is the photo. It should attract attention and stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, not everyone has the skills of a professional photographer and is not ready to part with a round sum for the sake of a good camera. And only models can do daily studio photo shoots with hair styling, make-up and outfit changes. What should a mere mortal do? Remember the main thing:

  • Lighting. It plays a key role. The best photos are taken in natural light. The ideal option is outside during daylight hours. Clumsily placed artificial lighting and the yellow light from Ilyich’s bulb will spoil even Angelina Jolie.
  • Photo editors. Don't neglect them. There are many good apps, which will help you pull out your pictures.
  • Design. Add inscriptions, decorative elements, and stickers to your photos. Accounts in the same style and color scheme are very popular.
  • Cats and children. Oddly enough, cute cats, raccoons, dogs and other animals get the most likes. And the pages of Instagram moms who regularly post their children are just a hit.
  • Come up with your own trick, and promoting Instagram won’t require much effort.

For example, one Canadian blogger runs Instagram from the face (or muzzle?) of her cat. She takes it with her on trips and photographs it against the backdrop of nature. Many believe that the profile of the cat (his name, by the way, is Sookie) is one of the most beautiful in the world.

I always feel a little sad if I come across gorgeous photos online without any captions or comments. It seems that the author spared the letters. Or he decided to keep where he captured such a magnificent view a secret to avoid competition. Am I not the only one? Don't be curmudgeons, write! Even if you don't know how!

It is clear to everyone that the text should be interesting, engaging, touch on pressing topics, and touch a nerve. I will cover other aspects of this issue:

  1. Literacy. Be sure to check the text for errors before publishing. Re-read several times, use a text editor to check spelling. Grammar errors, which are often found in the text, turn off the reader.
  2. Write more simply. Long sentences with different turns of phrase only confuse the reader. The thought is lost, and the essence escapes.
  3. Follow the style. If you are writing a review of a newfangled gadget, then you should not use outdated words. Don't be afraid to use colloquial expressions. Be closer to the people.
  4. Write from the heart. What you think about, problems, experiences. Stories from life are more captivating than posts on abstract topics divorced from reality.
  5. Use emojis and emoticons. They diversify and enliven the post and perfectly convey the author’s mood. They can also be used to structure text, inserted between paragraphs and at the end of a sentence instead of a period.


A hashtag is a special tag that reflects the essence, meaning of what is shown in the photograph. It is placed under the photo after the “#” sign without spaces. By clicking on a hashtag, you will see all photos with similar content. Moreover, first you will see the publications that made it to the top, and then the latest photos. They collect a lot of likes and comments, and accordingly bring their owners new subscribers. Instagram promotion very much depends on the correct placement of hashtags.

Choose hashtags that are relevant to your photo. If you start entering a hashtag, the program will automatically offer you several options to choose from. To the right of them will be indicated the number of posts with the same tag. Choose the most popular and most relevant to the topic of your publication.

You can put hashtags not only in Russian, but also in English. This way you will at least double your audience. It would be wonderful to learn Chinese. Why? There are more than 1.3 billion Chinese people! Even Kim Kardashian cannot imagine such a number of subscribers.

Currently, Instagram allows you to put no more than 30 hashtags under one photo. So enter all thirty! This will maximize your chances of success. In addition, a hashtag subscription feature has recently appeared. By subscribing, the user will see the best publications with the selected hashtag.


Don't forget to indicate the location of your photos. Geolocation is your second assistant after hashtags. It is relevant for both blogs and Instagram stores. Very often people look for objects near their home (hairdressers, shops, beauty salons). When planning a trip, I myself often look at the sights on Instagram, build routes, and evaluate the convenience of a particular hotel for staying with children.

Geolocation is detected automatically if the corresponding function is enabled on your device. You can set the location manually, however, it is better not to experiment with this. The fact is that the same system works with geotags as with hashtags. That is, it is wise to choose the most popular places to get to the top, because they will be the most clickable. There is no need to open America, literally!

personal information

Even during the registration process, you should think about how to do it on Instagram. No wonder they say, whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. In my previous article, I already wrote that there may be problems with the name, since the most interesting and attractive ones, as a rule, are already taken. Of course, you will need to use your imagination and ingenuity to come up with a unique name for your profile.

Don't forget that Instagram has a search by title. If you are starting a page for a business, then instead of the username it would be appropriate to enter the type of product that you plan to distribute or the type of service. You can include in the name the city or area in which you will operate. For example, “parikmaherskaya_mitino”, “Produkti_na_dubrovke”.

If you weren't able to create an attractive login the first time, don't worry. You can change it easily. Just click the “Edit profile” button. But don't get carried away, changing your name frequently can confuse your followers.

Here you can enter personal information or information about your store. You can write whatever you deem necessary, but I would advise you to definitely indicate the following:

  1. First and last name in Russian (if you plan to work with a Russian-speaking audience). I don't like it when names are written in Latin letters. Firstly, a transliteration like Ivan Pupkin looks stupid. Secondly, it is not always possible to read your name correctly, since the English alphabet does not contain the letters ь, ы, е, й, ь, ъ, and you have to type them using combinations of other letters.
  2. Occupation, hobby. For example, blogger, traveler, mother on maternity leave, etc.
  3. Where are you from and where do you live? Please indicate your country or city. This way, your subscribers will know where to find you so they can throw rotten tomatoes at you. Joke. In fact, many are looking for fellow countrymen and willingly subscribe to them.
  4. Link to your website, blog, store on a third-party resource.
  5. Contact information. People most actively use Whats App and Viber now. Therefore, do not just write the phone number, but also mark: “Whats App/Viber: +7 964 *** 55 55.” You can also specify Skype, e-mail, VKontakte id or another preferred method of communication.

Remember about emojis and line breaks! They will make your profile header more attractive. In general, pictures and emoticons are great for highlighting paragraphs.

Set a beautiful avatar. This is still relevant. You can create your own logo, which will become business card your store. It should be bright and recognizable. It’s not a sin to spend money on a designer or go to a professional photo shoot. In some cases, Instagram promotion requires sacrifices.

What? Where? When?

Decide on content and create rough plan actions. You must understand when and what you will download. Regularity is important to attract and retain subscribers. Make it a rule to publish 1-2 posts a day. This is the optimal amount. Posting a bunch of photos at once is ineffective. Photospam bores users and overloads the feed. Interesting shots need to be distributed over time and uploaded one at a time. Save your trump cards.

Rare publications are also bad. A minimum of 3 pieces per week is necessary in order to stir up the interest of the audience.

Think about who you are targeting and determine what hours to post. As practice shows, the best time for posting is evening. The period from 17 to 22 hours is considered ideal for uploading new photos. At this time, the majority of people return home from work, travel on public transport, stand in traffic jams, relax after working day, which means he has a couple of free minutes at his disposal to slowly and thoughtfully scroll through the feed.

Morning and lunch hours are also considered active. I know from myself that most often I grab my phone immediately after waking up. I'm deceiving myself and the alarm clock. It seems like I’ve already woken up, but I can lie in bed for another 5 minutes, pointing my finger at the screen and collecting my thoughts.

On weekends, as a rule, there is a decline in activity. People have a hectic time, go to clubs, cinemas and restaurants, in short, there is no time. As they say on Instagram: “It was so much fun that we didn’t take a single photo.” Or they did, but it’s better to post and discuss it in a calm atmosphere on Monday, while sitting at work.

Once you have at least a couple hundred followers, you can experiment with timing. You can track the peak of activity by likes. Who knows, maybe your readers will be night owls or homebodies, not at all tied to time.

Analyze your audience

Let's say you posted a new post and saw the first likes. What to do? Like back! Mutual likes and subscriptions quickly expand your circle of friends. However, don't overdo it. To avoid cheating subscribers, Instagram has set limits on the number of likes, subscriptions, unfollows and comments. For new accounts - no more than 720 per day, for groups with more than 6 months of experience - no more than 1440 per day.

To ensure that your efforts do not go to waste, carefully analyze the pages you subscribe to. Look through the latest photos and stories, evaluate the user’s activity, think about whether he can become a potential buyer, and whether he will be interested in posts on your blog.

You should not subscribe to competitors' profiles. Ordinary human envy often does not allow one to be loyal and subscribe in return. So, if you post cats, it’s better to like an account with landscapes and avoid cat people.

Try to respond quickly to comments and comment on other people's posts. A like is taken for granted, and a comment expresses keen interest. Therefore, potential subscribers are more likely to respond to comments.

Popular bloggers who have already achieved some popularity use the following tricks to expand their audience:

  • SFS. You post a post of praise about one of your Instagram friends on your page, and in response, he publishes a note about you. His subscribers will know about you, and yours will know about him. And everyone is happy!
  • Competitions with prizes. Conducted by prior arrangement with several members of the Instagram community. You independently set the prize fund and the rules of the drawing, among which there will definitely be a subscription to all sponsors.

You can also include the following requirements:

  1. like and comment under the competition post,
  2. repost the post on your page,
  3. Tag 2-3 friends in the comment.

The winner receives a prize, and the organizers receive a bunch of likes and subscribers.

These tools must be used very carefully. The trend is that many network users began to be annoyed by such actions on the part of bloggers. A fool understands that this is just advertising.

Cheat subscribers

You will have to spend a lot of time online, keep your finger on the pulse, and learn to feel the audience in order to independently promote Instagram from scratch. Achieving popularity through hard work is a tedious and thankless task. And, of course, craftsmen have long come up with special programs for promoting Instagram. Of course, their use is completely legal, but it is not entirely fair to other users. Whether to use it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

The choice of programs and services on the Internet is simply huge. Please note that free applications are ineffective. They quickly catch up with bots and are monitored by Instagram security service. For using programs to increase followers, your account may be blocked.

In order to get live subscribers, it is best to use paid services or hire an Instagram administrator who will provide comprehensive services for maintaining your group. Here are some popular sites for mass following and mass liking:


Everything in our world is sold and everything is bought. Fame, popularity, subscriptions, likes. The main thing is not to sell yourself. Be honest with others, and first of all with yourself. This is such a rarity nowadays!

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