PPR is included. Basic questions about ppr

Previously this type documentation was called POR - work organization project. Many builders still call it this, but it is not correct. According to the standards, the documentation is called PPR - work execution plan.

Work production projects (WPP) are projects bound in A4 format, consisting of a text and graphic part. The text part briefly and succinctly describes the most important requirements for the procedure and safety of the type of work performed. In the graphic part, all drawings must be developed taking into account the type of work performed - plans and sections for the implementation of particularly important technical processes, the implementation of which is associated with increased danger.

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Work execution project (WPP)

PPR can be developed for the object as a whole, or for individual types construction work(according to clause of the joint venture “Construction Organization”).

Composition of PPR

PPR in full should be developed if you:

  1. The construction work considered by the project takes place directly in the urban area.
  2. The construction work considered by the project takes place directly on the territory of the existing enterprise.
  3. This is required by supervisory authorities that issue construction permits in difficult conditions or on particularly critical sites.

PPR in incomplete volume is developed in all other cases, unless the Customer himself expresses a desire to receive a full PPR.

The composition of the PPR in its usual form is as follows:

  • explanatory note indicating and detailing the following sections: general data , preparatory activities , work procedure , occupational safety measures , quality control of work , bibliography;
  • graphic part, including: situational plan , construction plan for the period of the work in question , technological schemes for conducting the main (most important) stages of work , equipment list, equipment and devices ;
  • appendices to the project, including permitting documentation(permits, SRO, employee certifications) , PPR familiarization sheet , PPR approval sheet .

What can be added to the PPR

In exceptional cases, for example, for particularly complex objects, or at the request of intractable approval bodies, it is necessary to add PPR composition following:

  • installation diagram of geodetic signs and a brief description of geodetic work;
  • work schedule;
  • movement schedules of workers and construction vehicles in relation to the calendar schedule;
  • drawings of non-standard structures used during the work.

For what types of work is it customary to develop PPR?

Typically, PPRs are developed for those types of construction installation work that are directly related to the danger. For the same reason, PPR is extremely rarely developed for finishing work.

Most often, the PPR is developed for a specific object, however, there are cases when the Customer needs to develop a standard PPR for repeated work at different sites (for example, installation of noise barriers, installation of piles, etc.). Similarly, for repetitive (typical) construction work, standard technological maps (TTK) .

List of construction and installation works for which site-specific work plans are usually developed:

  • excavation work to construct a pit with slopes;
  • excavation work to construct a pit with fastening systems (tongue pile, wall in the ground, spacer system);
  • excavation work to replace soil;
  • concreting of monolithic structures of foundations, underground and above-ground parts of residential and industrial facilities;
  • roofing work on the installation of inclined or exploitable roofs;
  • facade work on the installation of ventilated facades, masonry facade work, or reconstruction of architectural monuments;
  • installation and operation of scaffolding (clamp, frame, wedge, etc.);
  • installation and operation of mast cargo-passenger lifts;
  • installation and operation of facade cradles;
  • installation and operation of protective screens from scaffolding from ground level, or on consoles, or the use of non-standard metal structures;
  • installation of linear objects (heating mains, water supply, sewerage, electricity) in trenches, by piercing or using the HDD method (horizontal directional drilling);
  • stone work on the construction of internal partitions made of bricks or blocks;
  • external stone work on facing external blank walls with bricks using adjustable remote platforms;
  • installation of non-standard internal communications(vacuum waste removal systems, forced ventilation, etc.);
  • installation of artificial surfaces and pavement during the construction of roads and airfields;
  • construction of light buildings from sandwich panels;
  • installation of engineering equipment in difficult construction conditions and on the roofs of existing buildings.

How much does it cost to develop a PPR?

The development of PPR, like any other project in construction, is a creative matter, and the cost of these services, as a rule, is directly proportional to the quality. We can confidently say that there is no such thing as cheap and good. However, it also cannot be said that expensive PPR will necessarily be performed with high quality.

The cost of developing projects for the production of work in acceptable quality in Moscow and the region begins from RUB 20,000.00 no taxes.

If the quality of documentation is not good for you last place, then you should be wary of companies offering project services at discounts and promotions, as well as at extremely low prices. Thus, some sites offer to develop a PPR from 6 thousand rubles. Obviously, even a “freelancer” from the province will not always be ready to fulfill quality project for such a small amount. Design work- no sale of vegetables in shopping center- therefore, serious and responsible companies will not offer you any promotions in connection with the spring holidays and the like.

Quality of PPR development

The production of PPR is not an extremely complex type of design. However, many companies do not pay due attention to the design, content and appearance of their projects, not to mention technical errors in projects.

Before contacting this or that company, you should familiarize yourself with examples of work on the website of these designers. Even the examples that they published on their websites can discourage you from working with some companies. If you have doubts about the competence of employees of such companies, ask for examples of work or separate sheets and the composition of the project for similar work.

Time frame for development of PPR

The timing of project development directly depends on the complexity of the work described, as well as on the quality of the project. Production of PPR usually takes from 4 working days for projects on simple types works Beware of companies that are ready to develop a project in one working day, since in these cases, in addition to chaotic “copy-paste” (“ Copy-Paste" - "Copy-Paste" ) you won't get anything.

3. The procedure for preparing work projects and technological maps.

3.1. Before the approval of the rules for the execution and execution of text and graphic materials included in the design and working documentation, the execution and execution of the design and working documentation must be carried out in accordance with state standards design documentation systems for construction (SPDS), as well as state standards unified system design documentation (ESKD) and other valid technical documents (see letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 24, 2008 N 15/36-SM/08).

3.2. The preparation of text and graphic materials for work projects and technological maps is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101-97 “SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation."

3.2.1. Text and graphic materials, according to GOST 21.101-97, are completed, as a rule, in the following order:
- cover;
- title page;
- content;
- project composition:
- explanatory note;
- basic drawings required by building codes and regulations.

3.2.2. Since the requirements of GOST 21.101-97 are mainly advisory in nature, for ease of development and familiarization with the PPR, it is advisable to divide the project into the following main parts:
- general data;
- explanatory note;
- graphic part;
- applications.

3.3. The list of ESKD standards that must be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Appendix B, GOST 21.101-97.

3.4. Text and graphic materials must be prepared on sheets of standard format, in accordance with GOST 2.301-68 “ESKD. Formats" (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) with a frame and a stamp of the form established for each sheet, according to Appendix D, GOST 21.101-97.

3.5. When drawing up an explanatory note, you should be guided by the requirements of GOST 2.105-95 “ General requirements to text documents."

3.5.1. According to clause 4.1. “Construction of a document” GOST 2.105-95, adhere to the same sequence of numbering of chapters, sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs for all sections in the explanatory note (i.e., each paragraph of the explanatory note must be numbered). Tables, diagrams, drawings, etc. included in the explanatory note should be numbered in the same way.

3.5.2. According to clause 4.2. “Construction of a document” GOST 2.105-95 The text of the document must be short, clear and not allow for different interpretations. When setting out mandatory requirements in the text, the words “must”, “should”, “necessary”, “required that”, “only allowed”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”, “should not” should be used. When setting out other provisions, the words “may be”, “as a rule”, “if necessary”, “may be”, “in case”, etc. should be used. It is allowed to use a narrative form of presentation of the document text, for example “apply”, “indicate”, etc. The documents must use scientific and technical terms, designations and definitions established by the relevant standards, and in their absence, those generally accepted in the scientific and technical literature. If a document adopts specific terminology, then at the end of it (before the list of references) there should be a list of accepted terms with appropriate explanations. The list is included in the contents of the document. The following is not allowed in the document text:
- use colloquial speech, technicalism, and professionalism;
- apply for the same concept various scientific and technical terms that are similar in meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words and terms if there are equivalent words and terms in the Russian language;
- use arbitrary word formations;
- use abbreviations of words other than those established by the rules of Russian spelling, relevant state standards, and also in this document;
- abbreviate the designations of units of physical quantities if they are used without numbers, with the exception of units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of tables and in transcripts letter designations included in formulas and drawings.

3.5.3. According to clause 4.3. “Design of illustrations and applications” GOST 2.105-95, the number of illustrations should be sufficient to explain the presented text. Illustrations can be located both throughout the text of the document (possibly closer to the relevant parts of the text) and at the end of it. Illustrations must be made in accordance with the requirements of ESKD and SPDS standards. Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of applications, should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. If there is only one drawing, then it is designated “Figure 1”. Illustrations of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the number. For example - Figure A.3. It is allowed not to number small illustrations (small drawings) placed directly in the text and to which there are no further references. It is allowed to number illustrations within a section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a dot. For example - Figure 1.1. Illustrations, if necessary, may have a name and explanatory data (text below the figure). The word “Figure” and the name are placed after the explanatory data and arranged as follows: Figure 1 - Parts of the device.

3.5.4. According to clause 4.4. “Construction of tables” GOST 2.105-95, tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The title of the table, if available, should reflect its content, be accurate, and concise. The title should be placed above the table.
When transferring part of a table to the same or other pages, the title is placed only above the first part of the table.

3.5.5. According to clause 4.5. “Footnotes” GOST 2.105-95, if it is necessary to clarify individual data given in the document, then this data should be indicated by superscript footnotes.
Footnotes in the text are placed indented at the end of the page on which they are indicated, and separated from the text by a short, thin horizontal line on the left side, and to the data located in the table, at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

3.5.6. According to clause 4.5. “Examples” GOST 2.105-95, examples can be given in cases where they clarify the requirements of the document or contribute to a more concise presentation of them

3.6. Drawings of the graphic part (plans and sections) must be carried out on the scale established by GOST 2.302-68 “ESKD. Scales”, while Stroygenplan is carried out, as a rule, on a scale of 1:200 and 1:500. Technological diagrams may be performed on an arbitrary scale, provided that the basic proportions are observed and actual dimensions, marks, etc. are indicated, in accordance with GOST 2.701-84 “Diagrams. Types and types. General requirements for implementation."

3.7. When performing design, working and other technical documentation, intended for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, should be guided by the requirements of SPDS standards, as well as the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).
The list of ESKD standards that must be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Appendix B, GOST 21.101-97.

3.8. Drawings are made on an optimal scale, taking into account their complexity and richness of information.

3.8.1. The scales on the drawings are not indicated, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards.

A work project is often developed for particularly difficult installation, finishing or special work. The PPR for installation of prefabricated structures includes:

Calendar (shift, hourly) schedule for the production of work on the facility, combined with schedules for the need for workers and machinery;

Construction master plan for this type of work with the arrangement of the necessary cranes, routes for their movement, organization of storage facilities and permitted movement zones within the site;

Methods and schemes for the production of work and, if necessary, a technological map (maps) for the production of work indicating the mandatory and controlled geodetic work;

Technical and economic indicators for the work project;

Explanatory note with the necessary explanations and justifications for the decisions made in the PPR.

The development of a project for the production of work on the installation of a building frame begins with the determination of the main provisions (the general concept of work), which include installation methods, the necessary installation equipment and the timing of the work.

These basic provisions for the work are agreed upon with the project customer (construction or installation organization). They should be based on the working drawings of the structures recommended in the project, so that the PPR takes into account their specific features and proposes a technology for their installation. Basic provisions are developed for all proposed options for carrying out installation work. Options for work production methods should differ not only in the installation mechanisms used, but also in the technology of installation work. The choice of the optimal option is carried out by comparing technical and economic indicators: the features and cost of mechanization options, the complexity and duration of work for each of them.

The main provisions must contain an explanatory note with the scope of work, a fragment of the construction plan for each option, diagrams and an enlarged work schedule and technical and economic indicators. The development of a work project begins only after approval of one of the installation options proposed by the contractor, the head of the installation organization and the general contractor (the construction organization carrying out the construction).

The work project establishes the sequence of installation of structures, measures that ensure the required accuracy of installation of elements, spatial immutability of structures during the process of enlargement and installation, stability of parts of the building during the construction process, the degree of enlargement of structures and, necessarily, the safety of the work. The completed PPR is reviewed, approved and accepted for execution by the installation organization.

The main part of the PPR for a complex construction process or simple construction work is a technological map, which includes the following sections:

1. Scope of application - composition and purpose of the construction process;

2. Material and technical resources and selection of basic mechanisms - data on the need for materials, semi-finished products and structures for the designed scope of work, the need for mechanisms, tools, inventory;

3. Calculation of labor costs and machine time - a list of operations performed, the volumes of labor required to perform them;

4. Hourly or shift work schedule - the relationship of processes over time, the sequence and total duration of their implementation;

5. Technology and organization of a complex process - list and technological sequence of operations, composition of units or teams of workers. The section should contain working drawings of installation devices and rigging; slinging diagrams for the main structural elements of the frame; locations of installation scaffolds, fences, passages and stairs;

6. Quality requirements. Operational control. Acceptance of work - instruments and equipment used for control, instructions for its implementation, mandatory measures for operational quality control of installation work performed and connections of installation elements, assessment of the quality of individual processes;

7. Safety precautions - measures to ensure the safety of construction processes, including organizing the safe operation of installation mechanisms;

8. Technical and economic indicators - labor costs per unit of measurement, duration of work according to the technological map.

Work Project (WPP) is a project that contains decisions on the organization construction production and technologies of construction and installation works. Together with the construction organization project (COP), the work performance project (WPR) contains measures for the most effective organization construction using modern technology and information.

The goal of the work production project (WPP) is to use the most advanced construction technologies using high-performance and mobile mechanization equipment that helps improve quality, reduce the time and cost of work. The work execution project (WPP) ensures high-quality and safe execution of work within a given time frame, since it contains measures to meet the requirements of technical regulations in construction.

Solutions for work projects (WPP) must ensure the achievement of safety of capital construction projects.

  1. Basic regulatory and technical documents

The system of regulatory documents in construction is a set of interrelated regulatory and technical documents. The main ones are the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Technical Regulation”. For regulation production processes There are sets of rules - updated building codes and regulations (SNiP). Prescribes the mandatory development of a work project, first of all, the set of rules SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction Organization”:

"5.7.2. Organizational and technological documentation includes a project for the production of work, as well as other documents that contain decisions on the organization of construction production and technology for construction and installation work, drawn up, agreed upon, approved and registered in accordance with the rules in force in organizations developing, approving and coordinating these documents”, as well as:

"5.7.4. The work project must be developed in full:

during any construction in urban areas;

during any construction on the territory of an existing enterprise;

during construction in difficult natural and geological conditions, as well as technically particularly complex objects - at the request of the authority issuing a construction permit or for performing construction, installation and special work.

In other cases, the PPR is developed by decision of the person carrying out construction in an incomplete volume.”

Construction norms and rules SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction” also establish requirements for the development of PPR:

“4.18. Organizations developing and approving construction organization projects (COP) and work performance projects (WPP) must include in them decisions on occupational safety that, in composition and content, comply with the requirements set out in Appendix G.

Carrying out work without PIC and PPR containing the specified solutions is not allowed.”

PPR is normative document for a specific construction site, it takes into account all mandatory requirements legislation for the production of work. Deviations from design decisions without agreement with the PPR developer are strictly prohibited.

List of basic regulatory and technical documentation:

“Projects are developed, as a rule, by design or design and technology organizations. Having qualified engineering personnel, a construction organization can develop work projects on its own.”

“Projects for the production of works and technological maps for construction, installation and loading and unloading operations using lifting machines are developed by specialists with experience in construction, trained and certified in the field industrial safety hazardous production facilities in the manner established by the Service” ( Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision)

3 .2 RegardingSRO approvals

“The work production project is drawn up according to working drawings based on the construction organization project for the work of the preparatory construction period, for the execution individual species construction and installation works, as well as for the construction of the facility as a whole and (or) its components"

When developing a work project, standard organizational and technological documentation should be used: standards (standard projects) for organizing construction and work, technological maps for the production of certain types of work, methodological manuals.

The starting materials for the development of PPR are:

  1. development assignment issued by a construction organization as the customer of the work project;
  2. construction organization project and necessary working documentation;
  3. terms of delivery of structures, finished products, materials and equipment, use of construction machines and vehicles, providing workers for construction workers in the main professions, production and technological equipment and transportation of construction materials;
  4. materials and results of technical examination operating enterprises, buildings and structures during their reconstruction, as well as requirements for construction, installation and special construction work.

3.4 Requirements for the composition and content of work projects

"6.2. A work project is developed for the construction or demolition (dismantling) of the facility as a whole and (or) its components, for work in the preparatory period, as well as for performing certain types of construction and installation work or demolition (dismantling) work.

As part of the project for the execution of work on the facility as a whole and (or) its components, the following are developed:

  1. calendar plan for the production of work on the object (type of work);
  2. construction master plan or site plan for demolition (dismantling) work and adjacent areas;
  3. arrival schedule building structures, products and materials or removal of dismantling waste from the site;
  4. workforce requirement schedule;
  5. schedule of demand for main machines;
  6. technological maps for certain types of work;
  7. maps (diagrams) for quality control of work;
  8. occupational health and safety measures;
  9. explanatory note."

3.5 Requirements for the approval procedure for PPR

“6.14. The construction project is approved by the chief engineer of the general contractor construction organization, and sections of the project for installation and special construction work - by the chief engineers of the relevant subcontractors. The approved design is transferred to the construction site before work begins.”

The work execution plan (WPP) must contain in full:

1. work schedule;
2. construction plan made on a geological basis;
3. arrival schedules at the facility:
− building structures, products, materials and equipment;
− movement of workers around the facility;
− movement of main construction vehicles around the site;
4. technological maps for performing types of work;
5. layout of geodetic signs;
6. Explanatory note containing:
− solutions for geodetic work;
− solutions for laying temporary networks of water, heat, energy supply and lighting of the construction site and workplaces;
− justifications and measures for the use of mobile forms of work organization;
− work and rest schedules;
− decisions on work performance, including winter time;
− demand for energy resources;
− the need and connection of construction camps and mobile (inventory) buildings;
− measures for the safety of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site;
− environmental protection measures;
− measures for labor protection and safety in construction;
− technical and economic indicators.

The work execution plan (WPP) in part must contain:

  1. construction plan made on a geological basis;
  2. technological maps for performing certain types of work (as agreed with the customer);
  3. layout of geodetic signs;
  4. explanatory note containing:

− main decisions;

− environmental protection measures;

− measures for labor protection and safety in construction;

If necessary, the work performance project (WPP) can be supplemented with other sections related to the implementation of construction and installation works at the Customer’s request, for which the corresponding items are included in the design assignment, which forms an integral part of the contract for the development of the work performance project (WPP).

4 .1 Schedule

The schedule plan is the most important document in the PPR. Compiled in specialized computer programs, for example, Microsoft Project.

"6.3. The work schedule for an object (type of work) establishes the sequence and timing of construction and installation work. According to the calendar plan, the need for construction machines, workers, delivery times for building structures, products and materials, and technological equipment are determined.”

4 .2 Stroygenplan

The choice of solutions for organizing construction is carried out on the basis of variant study with the widespread use of criteria-based assessment methods, modeling methods and modern computer systems based on Autodesk autoCAD.

"6.4. The construction master plan is developed to the extent necessary to carry out work at the site. The plan indicates the location of permanent and temporary transport routes, networks of temporary water supply, sewerage, electricity, heat supply, cranes, warehouses, temporary inventory buildings, structures and devices used to support construction or demolition (dismantling) work.”

4 .3 Charts

Developer of the PPR according to the forms presented in the set of rules

“Technological maps are developed for individual (complex) types of work and for work performed using new technologies.

For other work, standard technological maps are used, for example, TK-25 for disassembly (dismantling), which are adjusted taking into account the characteristics of the given facility and local conditions.

Technological maps are developed and executed in accordance with MDS 12-29.

Cards (diagrams) for quality control of construction work are developed to monitor and evaluate quality technological processes and operations. The map is drawn up according to the attached form.

This section of the work project must contain operational control schemes for the work performed; list of required inspection reports for hidden work; instructions on the timing of quality control of work with laboratory tests of materials, structural elements, temperature and humidity conditions, as well as on the procedure for testing individual units and systems of engineering equipment"

4 .5 Occupational health and safety measures

Solutions for work projects must ensure the achievement of safe work at construction sites!

“6.10. Occupational health and safety measures indicate typical (standard, for example, protective fences and canopies) and those requiring design elaboration (for example, fastening earthen slopes, temporary strengthening of structures) activities.”

"3.2. Guidance and reference materials for taking into account requirements, as well as developing solutions for labor protection and industrial safety in PIC and PPR are:

requirements of regulatory legal and regulatory technical acts containing government requirements labor protection and industrial safety;

standard solutions on occupational safety, reference manuals and catalogs of technological equipment and protective equipment for workers;

instructions from factories - manufacturers of machines, equipment, equipment used in the process of work;

previously developed documentation on the organization of construction and execution of work"

4 .6 Explanatory note

An explanatory note is drawn up for the construction master plan. It should contain updated calculations and justifications for the need for construction in a temporary construction facility based on the natural (physical) volumes of work determined according to the working documentation (detailed design), as well as specific technical solutions for the selection of construction machines, mechanized installations, temporary buildings, structures, etc. When choosing certain devices, the specific capabilities of the construction organization must be taken into account.

"6.11. In general, the explanatory note should contain:

description and justification of decisions made in the project;

calculations of the need for electricity, water, steam, oxygen, compressed air, working drawings for temporary lighting of a construction site and workplaces, supplying networks to the site from power sources;

a list of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures with calculation of their needs;

technical and economic indicators of the work project"

“6.13. In a work project, as a rule, the following technical and economic indicators are given: labor intensity, duration and cost of construction and installation work or demolition (dismantling) work. For a number of works, specific indicators can be given, for example, per 1 m, 1 m², 1 m³, etc.”

In addition, the following are described: measures to ensure the safety of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site.

5 A work project can be developed for the following types of work:

Project for the production of PPR works for the preparatory period;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of temporary fencing;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the construction of temporary roads;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of household premises (amenity camp);

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of a wheel washing station;

Project for the production of PPR works for loading and unloading operations;

Project for carrying out PPR work on territory planning;

Project for the production of PPR works for dismantling buildings and structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the demolition of buildings and structures using a mechanized method;

Project for the production of PPR works for the dismantling of building structures and structures using load-lifting cranes;

Project for carrying out PPR work for internal dismantling of buildings with strengthening of preserved structures;

Project for carrying out PPR works for measures to protect communications and neighboring buildings;

Project for carrying out PPR work on demolition of buildings;

Project for carrying out PPR work for dismantling the building;

Project for carrying out PPR work on dismantling structures;

Project for carrying out PPR work for the main construction period;

Project for the production of PPR works to carry out engineering and geodetic surveys;

Project for the production of PPR works for earthworks;

Project for the production of PPR works for the development of a pit;

Project for the production of PPR works for the development of a trench;

Project for carrying out PPR work for backfilling a pit;

Project for carrying out PPR work for backfilling a trench;

Project for carrying out PPR work on soil compaction;

Project for the production of PPR works on the installation of embankments;

Project for the production of PPR work on the development of excavations;

Project for the production of PPR works on vertical planning;

Project for carrying out PPR work on water reduction;

Project for carrying out PPR work on drainage system;

Project for the production of PPR works for zero-cycle works;

Project for the production of PPR works for installation of the foundation;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a monolithic foundation;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a pile foundation;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of bored piles;

Project for carrying out PPR work on soil stabilization;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction of a “wall in the ground”;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction of a “wall in the ground” from secant piles;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a retaining wall;

Project for the production of PPR work for the immersion of metal pipes;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of sheet piling;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a spacer system;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the construction of load-bearing structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction of monolithic structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for reinforcement works;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of formwork;

Project for the production of PPR works for concrete work;

Project for the production of PPR works for the production of monolithic works in winter;

Project for the production of PPR work on the connection and operation of a concrete pump;

Project for the production of PPR works for the connection and operation of concrete pumps;

Project for the production of PPR works for the work of distribution booms;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of wooden structures;

Project for the production of PPR works on the installation of metal structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for loading and unloading;

Project for the production of PPR works for facade work (facade finishing);

Project for the production of PPR works for roofing work;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation and operation of scaffolding;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation and operation of facade lifts;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation and operation of remote platforms;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of protective and catching systems (ZUS);

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of suspended platforms;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of remote platforms;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction and installation of scaffolding and protective screens;

Project for carrying out PPR work on waterproofing of building structures;

Project for carrying out PPR work on roof installation;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of stone structures;

Project for the production of PPR work on brickwork;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of walls made of sandwich panels;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of light enclosing structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of internal engineering systems and equipment;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of a staircase-elevator unit made of precast reinforced concrete;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a swimming pool;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of tanks;

Project for the production of PPR work on the installation of technological equipment;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of communication equipment;

Project for the implementation of PPR works for the laying of underground utilities in an open way;

Project for carrying out PPR work on laying underground utilities using a closed method;

Project for carrying out PPR work for removal or relocation of underground utilities;

Project for the implementation of PPR works for the laying of above-ground utilities;

Project for carrying out PPR work on laying internal engineering communications;

Project for the production of PPR work for puncture;

Project for the production of PPR work for punching;

Project for the implementation of PPR work on the installation of internal engineering systems and equipment;

Project for the production of PPR works for finishing work;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of doors;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of windows;

Project for carrying out PPR work on floor installation;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of self-leveling floors;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of anti-corrosion protection of building structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of utilities;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction of subsidence wells and caissons;

Project for the production of PPR installation of off-site utility networks and communications;

Project for the execution of PPR works for the relocation of utility networks;

Project for carrying out PPR works for landscaping;

Project for carrying out PPRk works with cranes;

Project for the production of PPRK works for the tie-down, installation and operation of a tower crane;

Project for the production of PPRK works for the installation of a foundation for the installation of a tower crane;

Project for the production of PPRk works for the operation of a crawler crane;

Project for the production of PPRk works for the operation of a truck crane;

Project for the production of PPRK works for the operation of a floating crane.

Work execution project (WPP) - this is a set of documents defining the procedure for performing work and providing them with resources. PPR can be developed for: the construction of individual structural elements, parts of a building and structure; for the construction of buildings and structures in general; for the performance of certain technically complex construction, installation and special construction works and for the work of the preparatory period.

Responsible for the development of the PPR are: for the PPR for the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of enterprises, buildings and structures - the general contracting construction organization; for PPR for certain types of general construction, installation and special construction work - specialized construction organizations performing these works.

Organizations responsible for developing PPR can perform this work either on their own, or to involve design, design and construction organizations and design and technology trusts (Orgtekhstroy, Orgstroy, etc.).

The initial data for developing the PPR are:

    assignment for the development of a PPR with justification for the need to develop it for the building or structure as a whole, its part or type of work and indicating the development timeframe;

    construction organization project;

    necessary working documentation and delivery conditions building materials, structures and equipment, use of structures. body machines and vehicles, providing workers for construction workers in the main professions, production and technological equipment and transportation of construction materials.

The PPR for the construction of all or part of a building or structure includes:

    A calendar plan for the production of work on an object, in which the sequence and timing of the work must be established with the maximum possible combination of them.

    Site construction master plan (construction plan), which should show: the boundaries of the construction site and the types of its fences; existing and temporary underground, ground and air networks and communications; permanent and temporary roads, as well as traffic patterns for vehicles and machinery; installation locations, travel routes and coverage areas of construction and lifting machines; placement of permanent, under construction and temporary buildings and structures; locations of geodetic alignment signs; hazardous areas; ways and means of lifting workers to working tiers (floors): passages into buildings and structures; placement of sources and means of power supply and lighting of the construction site, as well as grounding loops; locations of sites and premises for storing building materials and structures, as well as devices for removing construction waste; sites for larger assembly of structures; location of premises for sanitary services for construction workers, drinking water installations and recreation areas; high-risk work areas.

    Schedules for the receipt of construction materials, structures and equipment at the site with data on their receipt for each contracting team with the attachment of picking lists.

    Movement schedules for workers and main construction vehicles around the site.

    Technological maps (schemes) for the performance of certain types of work with the inclusion of operational quality control schemes (OQC), a description of work methods, an indication of labor costs and the need for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers.

    Solutions for the production of geodetic works, including layouts of signs for carrying out geodetic constructions and measurements and instructions on the required accuracy and technical means of geodetic control of construction and installation work.

    Safety solutions developed on the basis of SNiP 12-03-2001.

    Solutions for laying temporary networks of water, heat, power supply and lighting (including emergency) of a construction site and workplaces with the development, if necessary, of working drawings for connecting networks from power sources.

    Lists of technological equipment and installation equipment, as well as load slinging diagrams.

    Explanatory note.

The required sections include:

justification of decisions on the performance of work, including those performed in winter;

the need for energy resources and solutions to satisfy it;

measures aimed at ensuring the safety and preventing theft of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site, in buildings and structures;

measures to protect existing buildings and structures from damage;

environmental measures.

a list of inventory buildings and structures and devices with a calculation of the need and justification for the condition of linking them to sections of the construction site;

technical and economic indicators, including volumes, duration and cost of construction and installation work, level of mechanization and labor costs both in general and per 1 m3 of volume, 1 m2 of building area per unit of physical volumes of work, etc.

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85*, the mandatory sections of the PPR for the construction of all or part of a building or structure are: calendar plan for the work on the facility; object construction plan; technological maps; decisions on geodetic work, safety precautions, laying temporary utility networks and an explanatory note.

The PPR for certain types of work includes:

Schedule plan for the production of work of this type.

Construction master plan (stroygenplan).

A technological map for the production of this type of work with the inclusion of an operational quality control scheme (OQC), a description of work production methods, data on the need for basic materials, structures and products, as well as the machines, equipment and devices used.

A brief explanatory note, including the necessary justification and technical and economic indicators.

In addition, the project for carrying out geodetic work must include: instructions on the accuracy and methods of work when creating a layout network of a building, structure and detailed layouts; layout diagrams of points of the distribution network, installation marks, beacons and methods of securing them; designs of geodetic signs; list of executive geodetic documentation.

The PPR for the preparatory construction period includes:

Schedule of work for the object (type of work).

Construction master plan (stroygenplan), which indicates: the location of temporary, including inventory buildings, structures and devices, off-site and on-site networks with their connections to places of connection and consumption, and permanent facilities erected during the preparatory period for construction needs.

Technological maps.

Traffic schedules for workers and main construction machines.

The schedule for the arrival at the construction site of the building materials, structures and equipment necessary during the preparatory period.

Schemes for placing signs for performing geodetic constructions, measurements, as well as instructions on the required accuracy and technical means geodetic control.

An explanatory note, the content of which is similar to the content of the explanatory note included in the PPR, developed for the construction of the entire building (structure) or part of it.

Work execution project (WPP) - document developed by a construction organization;

The PPR must be transferred to the construction site no later than 2 months before the start of work.

The PPR is developed, at a minimum, for the object or its stage.

Source material:

    development task with deadlines;

    working documentation, including PIC;

    conditions for the supply of material resources, equipment;

    use of construction machines, vehicles and provision of workers;

    materials of technical inspection of buildings and structures, reconstructed objects, or existing ones nearby;

    requirements for construction and installation works in the conditions of existing production (during reconstruction).

PPR composition:

1) Schedule plan for the facility by type of work.

2) Stroygenplan

3) Schedules for the movement of work crews, main construction machines and mechanisms around the site.

4) Schedules for setting mat. Resources, equipment for the site and distribution among teams.

5) Technological maps for certain types of work with operational quality control systems.

6) Geodetic works.

7) Technological equipment, installation equipment, labor protection and equipment


8) Explanatory note - justification for all decisions made, as well as measures to protect existing buildings and structures and environmental measures.

9) TZTs: volume of construction, duration of construction, specific

labor costs, level of mechanization, cost of work, profit. The PAR is developed for the preparatory period and the PAR for certain types of work.

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