Increase in salaries of the Civil Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation. Features of payments and workday flames for civilian personnel

About 40 percent of the army is considered civilian specialists. Most of them perform work that is directly related to combat readiness. We include these civil servants as:

  • Drivers.
  • Cooks.
  • Storekeepers.
  • Psychologists.
  • Secret agency workers and so on.

Salary increase program for personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry

According to the article, remuneration for civilian personnel of military units and organizations is accrued to each employee. But then they add to the salary:

  • 40 percent of salary for long service bonus.
  • 25 percent of the salary of the established allowance for the position held.

And 13 percent of income tax is deducted from this amount. The total will be 8570 rubles per month. This is the monthly salary of civilian personnel for the position of inspector. When the summer minimum wage increased, the salary became not 5970, but 6700 rubles.

If we take into account total income the most common position of civilian personnel for the year, it is equal to just under 170 thousand rubles, including payments under order 1010 and savings. Based on the analysis of data for 2017, it can be determined that civilian personnel in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarters of 2018 can receive such payments ranging from 2,000 rubles to 7,000 rubles.

Real numbers and salary calculations

Excessively active unrest in the foreign exchange market, the decline of the economy and the imposed Western sanctions have caused a rapid deterioration in the quality of life of the majority of Russian residents. So today many people not only live, but survive. Shortage state budget, according to preliminary data for 2018, will be equal to about 1.5-2 billion rubles. so there are simply no available funds for salary indexation.

Today, humanity has quite naturally raised the question of increasing wages. Will this get the ball rolling? It was not possible to be very happy even in 2012, when salaries for military personnel were raised. For some reason, then the Ministry of Defense forgot about civilian specialists in the Armed Forces.

As for the trade unions, which are obliged to protect the rights of able-bodied people, all this time they have been trying to defend what the civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry deserved. Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense, spoke to reporters back in March last year and said that there would also be no salary increase by the end of the year.

In our time, additional payments are still in effect, which have been applied for some years to certain categories of civilian specialists. Shevtsova thus assured that salaries would not yet be increased for civilian personnel.

How have salaries changed in recent years?

Since 2012, wages such warriors were much higher than the average earnings in Russia. For example, starting in 2012, the income portion was equal to 57,800 rubles. the figure after two years increased to 62,100 rubles. At the same time, bonuses were made, which vary in accordance with the size of the salary in each specific case:

  • Salaries for diving work increased by 50 percent.
  • Explosive disposal and parachute jumping received a 50 percent bonus.
  • Execution large quantity flight hours increased employee salaries by 70 percent.
  • 20 percent for managing various departments.

Civilian personnel

If we return to civilian specialists, we must say that in 2014 there was minimal incentive for civil servants. Certain groups of employees received their additional payments: scientific, educational, government institutions of art and medical organizations. During the salary increase, about 6.7 billion rubles were spent. Nachfin says that this work will be extended in 2017-2018. But there won’t be a general increase in salaries.

What should civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry expect in 2018?

The procedure for calculating pensions for military personnel was created back in 2012. So the amount of pension payments on average has increased by 50-70 percent. Thanks to the accrual procedure pension provision could be provided:

  • An equal amount of pensions under other identical conditions, despite the number of dismissals of military personnel from all places of work.
  • An increase in the average pension for military personnel compared to the average labor pension.
  • Permitted in the future to initiate financial support for retired military personnel.

As of 2013, in addition, an increase in pensions by 7.5 percent was recorded, and in 2014 by 7 percent. If you count everything, then in our time the average aid from the state is about 21 thousand rubles. throughout Russia, the average pension is about 13 thousand rubles. Official data still show that in 2018 there will be no recalculation yet.

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Results of the meeting of the working group of the Commission on wages, income and living standards of the population Russian Federation tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations, which examined the issue of the socio-economic situation of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the light of ensuring national security countries.

The Chairman of the Trade Union of the Russian Armed Forces, Reserve Major General Boyko N.N., made a report, in which he emphasized the following points:

1.Pay level for civilian personnel The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a whole, according to the Trade Union, does not correspond real responsibility and the complexity of the work performed.

The provisions of Article 349 have not been implemented Labor Code Russian Federation, where it is determined that for employees who have concluded employment contract about working in military units(institutions) military educational and other organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation “special conditions of remuneration, as well as additional benefits and benefits” are established.

The Russian Armed Forces Trade Union offers for civilian personnel working in the Armed Forces, introduce a 20% increase in salaries (tariff rates).

2. Problems related to the fact that part of the civilian personnel working in military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the field of medicine, science, education, culture, are not included in the Roadmap Action Plan.

A list of units of military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that were not included in the “May” decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 2012 has been sent to the Government.

3. To eliminate the disproportion in salary levels, the Trade Union of the Russian Armed Forces proposes in 2019 to increase the salaries of that part of the civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that were not affected by the change in the minimum wage, by an amount proportional to the increase in the minimum wage in the period from 2016 to 2018.

4.The question regarding the amount of daily expenses for business trips, which has not been revised since 2002.

The current standards of expenses for business trips, specified by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2002 No. 729, The daily allowance was determined in the amount of 100 rubles.

This does not correspond to the actual level of food costs. At the same time, refuse to refer to business trip the employee has no right. Consequently, workers are forced to use personal cash for food.

Based on this report, the following decision was made by the working group:

Take note message from a member of the RTK, Chairman of the Trade Union of Civilian Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation N.N. Boyko on the issue: “On the socio-economic situation of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the light of ensuring the national security of the country.”

Invite the Russian Ministry of Labor, together with the Russian Ministry of Finance, the Russian Ministry of Transport, the Russian Ministry of Health, the Russian Ministry of Education, and the Russian Ministry of Education, to send their proposals to the Trade Union materials to the secretariat of the Commission.

Consider at a meeting of the working group of the Commission on Wages, Income and Living Standards of the Population proposals received from the indicated federal executive authorities.

It has long been no secret that the Government of the Russian Federation has recently distributed budget expenditures in such a way that most of it is directed towards maintaining the defense capability of the country and the army as a whole.

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Also a significant share tax deductions citizens are spent on campaigning events to attract people to military service under contract.

Indeed, being a military man is now profitable - high pensions, a “thirteenth” salary and other benefits - all this allows the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to avoid a shortage of workers.

However, this government structure does not care at all about its civilian personnel - according to the latest statistics and numerous disputes on the forum, the wages of employees “without shoulder straps” of the Russian Defense Ministry are at a critically low level.

Even the implementation of Order No. 1010, which provides quarterly payments to GPs, does not help correct the current problem. One can understand the workers' dissatisfaction.

In this regard, it is relevant to clarify about payments and working life flames for civilian personnel: is it planned to increase the income at all and how they are going to implement this.

Current state of affairs

The functioning of the services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is carried out with the participation of not only military personnel - a fairly significant layer of work is carried out by civilian personnel.

However, with the average salary in Russia being 36 thousand rubles, remuneration for labor activity GP does not exceed 12 thousand rubles; in some regions of the country the figures are only 10 thousand rubles.

Previously, the Government made attempts to increase earnings. For example, in 2010, measures were introduced aimed at providing financial incentives for personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry - this was implemented at the moment through quarterly bonuses.

It must be admitted that at first this mechanism coped with its task quite successfully, but over time the amount of payments decreased and, as a result, by 2016, the bonus began to amount to only a third of the basic income.

It is worth clarifying some of the features of such government actions.

The additional GP bonus was determined by Order No. 1010 “On additional measures to improve the efficiency of using funds for military allowances and wages for civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

In accordance with the provisions of this regulatory legal act in relation to these persons, an allowance was established, the need for which was clarified based on performance results.

The calculation procedure and methodology for identifying the amount of additional payment are reflected in a special document “The procedure for determining and spending the volume of budget funds...”.

Now the size of the “thirteenth” salary of civilian personnel has been significantly reduced. If after the adoption of the initiative the bonus was kept at around 30 thousand rubles, then in 2017 employees of the Russian Defense Ministry were given an average of 4 thousand rubles.

This result was achieved due to the fact that the scheme for establishing the amount of payments directly depends on the number of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In other words, additional incentive bonuses were formed through budget savings.

Considering that every year the number of those who entered into an employment contract in the RF Armed Forces increased, the amount of the additional payment decreased annually until it reached the current levels.

Obviously, it is very difficult to live with such an income, especially in large populated areas.

What kind of money should civilian personnel expect in 2019?

Despite the hopes of civilian personnel after the publication of changes in order No. 1010, the Government decided not to raise salaries to a decent level.

In other words, judging by latest news, in 2019, wages for employees of the Ministry of Defense will remain at the level of low-skilled personnel.

Indexation of payments

Based on the approved provisions of the budget for 2019-2020, the state plans to index salaries for civilian personnel. However, the figure is far from adequate.

The income portion will be increased by only 4%, which corresponds to the inflation rate. This conclusion was approved by a decision of the State Duma Defense Committee.

In the final review, the following indicators will be calculated to pay for the activities of employees of the RF Ministry of Defense:

When determining the size, only the forecast level of inflation was taken into account.

It is worth noting that such measures at least to some extent maintain wages at the minimum wage level. Whereas, in the period from 2014 to 2017, the Committee decided not to index the income of civilian personnel.

Moreover, in just 2 years (from 2015 to 2017), the minimum wage increased by almost 40% - from 5.5 thousand rubles to 7.8 thousand rubles.

Award by order No. 1010 of the RF Ministry of Defense

Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1010 provides for the provision of an additional bonus for contract military personnel once a year and civilian personnel once a quarter.

The calculation of surcharges for the military is carried out through the annual approval of a “unit”, the amount of which is established by the Government. So, in 2017, one “unit” corresponded to 50 thousand rubles.

How many of these indicators are assigned to one or another contractor depends on the rank and position. For sergeants and warrant officers - usually no more than 1 unit, for captains and majors - from 2 to 3, for higher ranks the “thirteenth” salary could be several hundred thousand.

The same cannot be said about civilian personnel. Despite the fact that the bonus was provided four times a year, its size was ridiculous - for one period in 2017, on average, an employee of the Russian Defense Ministry received 2 thousand rubles.

But even this money could be deprived if disciplinary action for failure to fulfill assigned official duties.

In this regard, a situation emerges where the mechanism for attracting and stimulating civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry is being implemented extremely ineffectively.

And again about the problems of civilian personnel ​ Last December, at a meeting of the bilateral commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Trade Union of Civilian Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, dedicated to summing up the implementation of the Agreement between the Ministry of Defense and the Trade Union, the chairman of the trade union Nikolai Boyko announced a letter in which problematic issues were formulated cooperation with the military department. The list of the most pressing issues listed in the letter that Nikolai Boyko addressed to Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pankov was compiled from letters from local activists. This list covers practically all areas of activity of civilian personnel. Today, the most pressing problem for civilian personnel of the Russian Armed Forces is the low level of wages, which does not meet the level of responsibility and labor costs. The salary of civilian employees of the military department is significantly lower than payments to personnel of other budgetary structures of the country. This has been stated more than once at congresses and meetings of the trade union of civilian personnel of the RF Armed Forces. About this in once again the chairman of the Trade Union informed the Deputy Minister of Defense in writing. The letter emphasizes: “With the official total increase in consumer prices for 2013-2016 amounting to about 35 percent, the salaries of civilian personnel have not been indexed over the past three years. In 2016, incentive payments were significantly reduced - from 35 thousand rubles per quarter in 2014 to 8 thousand in 2016. Qualified workers, for the most part, receive a salary of 9-15 thousand rubles, which leads to an outflow of specialists, intensification of the work of the remaining workers, and conflict situations.” Boyko’s letter notes the deterioration of the situation of civilian personnel after the issuance of Order No. 515, which canceled compensation and incentive payments for work on weekends and holidays. Moreover, - the letter emphasizes, - the completed overtime is not paid in full, overtime is often forgiven, which leads to dissatisfaction among workers. In order to overcome negative trends that directly affect the combat effectiveness of military units and organizations, the Trade Union proposes to index wages to the inflation rate of three recent years, increase the amount of incentive payments under Order No. 10-10. Also, according to trade union activists, issues related to compliance in military units and organizations need to be resolved. labor legislation, labor protection, and social protection of workers. The trade union does not find understanding from the Department social guarantees The Ministry of Defense to increase the transparency of bonuses, establish clear criteria for bonuses for civilian personnel and establish specific grounds for reducing bonuses. Therefore, he proposes to establish a control amount for the bonus, which can be reduced only if there are disciplinary sanctions. The message addressed to the Deputy Minister of Defense refers to the unsatisfactory implementation of Order of the RF Ministry of Defense No. 485 “On the organization in the RF Armed Forces of work to provide official residential premises or living quarters in a dormitory to persons of the RF Armed Forces.” The attention of the department's top officials is also drawn to violations of labor legislation in terms of involving workers in combat training and mobilization training events. Nikolai Boyko proposes to adopt appropriate legal acts regulating the activities of the State Enterprise in the special conditions of conducting combat training and mobilization training events. And also to charge the housing department of the RF Ministry of Defense with the responsibility at the legislative level to provide housing for civilian personnel of the Armed Forces. Civilian specialists today make up up to a third of all personnel Armed Forces, they solve numerous important tasks to ensure the country’s defense capability. At the same time the level social protection, proper working conditions, and most importantly, the amount of pay for people performing their duty in equal conditions with military personnel is an order of magnitude lower. Nikolai Boyko believes that “that is why there is a need to adopt a single document, a kind of Status of civilian personnel, which would combine all the regulations governing this area.” ​ Oleg SEMIN

The benefit for the state budget was more than obvious: the official retained all his previous duties, the list of which was even expanded, but at the same time everything was performed not by a military man, but simply by an employee. Everyone won except the employees themselves. People automatically lost all military privileges. Now, naturally, they did not have the right to apply for a package of social guarantees that were legalized for military personnel. In addition, the official salaries, and also canceled the possibility of accessing early retirement according to length of service. Such a decision in the context of the economic crisis was a good solution for the state. But it did not bring anything good to the civilian personnel of the Russian Armed Forces. Let's take a closer look at a few specific examples. In particular, the position of military psychologist.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018

And the bulk of the civilian personnel are various inspectors.

For example, a personnel inspector or, in the old way, a clerk of a combat unit.
Their salaries are even less. The monthly salary of a HR inspector is about 8,000 rubles.
Moreover, the HR inspector now has much more responsibilities than 10 years ago. And the salary is 8,000 rubles. Profitable... The salaries of the majority of employees of the RF Armed Forces are the same as we cited above.
Moreover, civilian personnel have not seen any increase or indexation of salaries for a long time.
They survive as best they can. They run, but not all of them. The fact is that most civil servants are, in one way or another, connected with the army.


Or they are military pensioners or wives of contract servicemen who, due to frequent moves, cannot find a good permanent job.

The Ministry of Defense is successfully taking advantage of this situation, forgetting about civilians in terms of pay.

About poor gp mo - say a word

The year 2018 is significant for many events and not last place It is occupied by the Russian Presidential Elections, but news about an increase in salary is also important.
Since the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are not only military personnel, but also civilian employees serving the army, many of them are interested in the issue of increasing wages in 2018.

Based on the results adopted by the State Duma The draft Budget 2018 of the Russian Federation means that the long-awaited indexation will take place.

  • 1. Who belongs to the civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense
  • 2.

    Salary and bonus by order of 1010 civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry



    Will there be a salary increase for civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry in 2018?

    Who belongs to the civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense? Civil servants of the Russian Ministry of Defense are almost half of all employees who serve for the benefit of the state.

    For many years now, civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense have been asking the question: “How can one live on such a meager salary and when will there be an increase or at least indexation of salaries?” I must say that this question is very fair.

    The number of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense is about 40% of the total number of the Armed Forces. Since the reduction in the number of military personnel under the legendary Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov (and it must be said that the reduction was very significant), military positions have been successfully replaced by civilian ones.

    The benefit was obvious: responsibilities official remained the same, even expanded somewhat, and the executors became an employee, not a military man.

    The difference is colossal.

    Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

    At the same time, the list of duties required to be performed by a personnel inspector has been significantly expanded. And such “ridiculous” salaries are laid down for the majority of civil servants of the Russian Armed Forces. At the same time, there has been no talk of indexation or salary increases for a long time. People are trying to survive as best they can. Some of them leave, but even more remain.

    The reason is the direct connection of employees with the army. Very often, such positions are occupied by military retirees or spouses of military personnel under contract, who, due to too frequent moves, are not able to get a permanent job.

    And the Ministry of Defense, unfortunately, uses this situation for its own purposes, completely forgetting about civilians in terms of providing salaries. 2017 has almost come to an end, but no changes regarding indexation and salary increases for civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense will probably occur.

    Salary of civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018

    However, everything quickly died down and a budget with a 4% increase, which “does not solve the material problems of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense” was adopted. Most likely, the government knew about plans to increase the minimum wage to the subsistence level as early as May 1, 2018.

    The fact is that the meager salaries of the State Enterprise of the Moscow Region are included in the list of those salaries that, according to the laws adopted in this regard, must be raised to this level.

    But here another problem appears - leveling. Absolutely all categories of Ministry of Defense employees will receive almost the same salary - both simple clerks (inspectors) and highly qualified ones.

    The employee does not need to be provided with an apartment, does not need to be provided with the social guarantee package required under the law on the status of military personnel, does not need to pay a large salary and is not provided with an early pension for long service.

    Such a “knight’s move” in the face of economic problems was life-saving for the government.

    But what good did he bring for civilian personnel? BETWEEN US - nothing.

    Let us clarify this statement. Let's take a military psychologist as an example. Previously, this position was filled by military personnel. For example, in a regiment it was a whole major. Nowadays this position is filled by civilian personnel of the ministry.

    If a major received about 55,000 rubles in this position, then a civilian psychologist is paid at most 15,000 rubles.

    The difference is noticeable, isn't it? By the way, psychologists with their salary of 15,000 rubles per month are considered highly paid.

    Salary and bonus by order 1010 of civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense Currently, the wages of civil servants of the Russian Ministry of Defense are regulated by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2014.

    (with amendments and additions dated: September 22, 2015, August 18, 2016) No. 255 “On measures to implement in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 No. 583,” which establishes official salaries in accordance with the tariff schedule. Compared to the salaries of military personnel, salaries of civilian personnel are much lower, although they often perform the same difficult and dangerous work, with no less risk. Also, as an additional measure of financial support for civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense, a quarterly bonus is provided in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2010.

    Salary GP MO RF 2018

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    Quite a number of years have passed since the implementation of the reorganization of the Russian Armed Forces proposed by the Ministry of Defense Serdyuk (the Chief of Finance covered this information).

    According to the plan, the lion's share of military positions was replaced by civilian ones.

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