Popular products via the Internet. What is profitable to sell now? What to sell to make good money

What to sell in an online store: TOP 5 product categories in the Russian Federation + studying demand and choosing a niche + 5 tips from sales experts + 4 steps to start sales.

The popularity of the Internet in recent years has simply gone through the roof! We spend a lot of time in front of the computer monitor and other gadgets.

Most people simply relax: watch movies, listen to music, chat with friends.

For others, the World Wide Web has become a place of work that brings excellent income.

There are many options, but the majority of people on the Internet are engaged in sales.

What to sell in an online store to receive real income? And how to build on it successful business?

What to sell in an online store: rating of popular products

The first step is to study the statistics of products that are most often purchased in online stores.

Statistics show that the most popular are companies selling real estate, as well as clothing, footwear and children's accessories stores.

Of course, working with real estate is an area for specialists and owners of large investment capital. But selling souvenirs or clothes for women is an activity available to anyone with the Internet.

When you are just starting to “explore” the field of online shopping, it is best to start selling one type of product.

It will be easier and more interesting if you choose an industry that is closer to your type of activity or lifestyle. For example, young mothers will be interested in selling children's clothing or toys.

What categories of goods are more profitable to sell in an online store?

A novice businessman should direct sales to his hometown and region.

Think about what people are missing. Perhaps you don’t have it in your region good store sportswear or outdoor products.

Walk through supermarkets, study the assortment, interview people (and at least your neighbors), listen to their opinions.

The products that you want to sell to customers must be in demand, be relevant today, have target audience in your region.

Let's say you decide to sell souvenirs, but there is already a similar store in the city. It is unlikely that in this case they will order products from you. After all, in an online store it is impossible to touch a thing or study its advantages and disadvantages.

On the other hand, if the price is an order of magnitude lower, then buyers may make a choice in your favor.

So what to sell in an online store?

  1. Real estate.
  2. Clothes and shoes.
  3. Children's products.
  4. Digital and household appliances.
  5. Recreation and sports.

These are the most popular product groups today throughout Russia.

In order to decide what exactly you want to do, you need to consider each option separately.

No. 1. Sale of real estate.

A very profitable idea is to create a website about real estate. This category includes the sale of cars, apartments, houses, land, etc.

Of course, for this type of employment it is good to have experience as a realtor or at least a basic understanding of this profession.

Since the price for this category of goods is high, the owner of such an Internet project will have considerable income.

A real estate office that operates online places all advertisements for the sale or purchase of real estate, most often for free. Income will be accrued to the owner from the placement of related products, and most importantly, from completed transactions.

You can increase your profit if you hire 1-2 realtors in your mini-staff, who will be able to visit real estate sites and sell real estate.

In addition to the website, you can also create pages in social networks to increase your reach to potential clients.

No. 2. Online store of clothes and shoes.

Increasingly, people began to order clothes and shoes via the Internet. You can find many different models online at a lower cost than in regular retail outlets.

There is a risk of making a mistake with the size or encountering poor quality service in the online store. However, people continue to buy new things online.

If you decide to start selling clothes, then decide on your target group. You may want to sell men's clothing or clothing for curvy women.

The next step is to conclude a deal with the supplier. During the course of cooperation, he will send you photos from the collection, which you will post on your page on social networks or on the website.

We remind you! Analyze pricing policy other online stores, as well as clothing markets. Your price should be slightly lower than your competitors, but you should still make a profit.

No. 3. Children's products.

Young mothers simply do not have enough time to go shopping to buy clothes or toys for their baby. They turn to the same online stores for help.

If you have children, you can sell your baby’s used items along with new products. Online thrift stores have become especially popular in recent years due to the crisis in the country.

You can recruit friends and relatives to sales, who in this way can help themselves and you (for example, on the condition of selling “at a percentage”).

No. 4. Digital and household appliances.

On the Internet you can find many offers for the sale of digital and household appliances. There is a lot of competition, but the profits will also be high.

To become a leader in equipment sales, you need to spend a lot of time and your own resources.

Opening such a project will not be easy. It is imperative to hire a consultant who knows all the nuances of equipment sales and understands technical innovations.

He must always be in touch and be able to answer all customer questions.

Due to the oversaturated market of digital and household appliances, it will quickly become successful entrepreneur unrealistic.

No. 5. Recreation and sports.

Products for active recreation and sports are popular. As a rule, products of this category are much cheaper on the Internet than in ordinary stores.

As for provincial cities, they often lack high-quality sporting goods and recreational products.

In such an area, if potential buyers have the opportunity to purchase similar products, opening a specialized online store will be very useful.

Where to start selling online?

Typically the work flow looks like this:

  1. You are looking for a good supplier who will supply products in bulk at the lowest price.
  2. Create your own online store based on social networks, trading platforms or as a separate website.
  3. Next, you will display the product on the website with a “inflated” price. This difference in cost will be the store's income.
  4. After your business begins to develop, you can add some other product categories to your assortment (for example, accessories will be a good “batch” for women’s clothing).

Pay attention! Before increasing the price, study the policies of your competitors.
To attract buyers, it is important that your price for the same product is slightly lower than that of your “rivals”.
Reducing the cost even by 5-10 rubles can make a difference.

Often people, dreaming of how much money they will make, open a business without a business plan. This is a big mistake!

A well-drafted business development plan is the key to success, even if you just want to sell jewelry online.

The approximate structure of creating a business plan looks like this:

If after several months of operation the business is not profitable, think about where you made a mistake. Perhaps there was a bad advertising campaign or your product range is simply not suitable for sale in a particular region.

To draw up a business plan, as well as determine the vector of development of your online store, answer yourself the following questions:

How much will you have to invest in the project? Decide how much money you have. It’s impossible to open a store without any money. You need to spend the first months purchasing products + creating and promoting a website. Only after “things are going well” will you be able to make a profit and use it to develop your business.
Where do you plan to sell your products? Decide for yourself which regions of the country or perhaps the world you hope to cooperate with. It’s better to start with your city and regional center, and then expand and sell products throughout the Russian Federation + abroad.
Do you have experience in sales or website promotion? If you're new to this, don't worry. There are many useful lessons and seminars on the Internet that will help you understand the basics of online trading.
Will there be demand for the products? Analyze the ratings of products that are sold through the World Wide Web. It’s better not to take risks, but to follow a proven path (at least when this is your first business and there are no unique ideas).
What about delivery? Decide how you will send packages to customers. This is one of the most important moments for any online store.

What to sell in an online store to make your business profitable?

When choosing products that are profitable for sale, let’s turn to 5 tips from successful online store owners:

    If you have a limited budget, it is better to sell inexpensive products.

    It requires less + they will be cheap to ship to the buyer.

    It is worth comparing the pricing policies of online stores and markets in your region.

    Every seller understands: a customer on the Internet is looking for something that is cheaper than in a regular store.

    During a crisis, it is worth selling mid-price products in an online store.

    After all, those who have money will buy anything in an expensive boutique. People of average income (there are many more of them in our country) will look for where to buy cheaper.

    It is best to sell products that you understand.

    If you can easily give advice to your customer, it will be significant competitive advantage.

    If your online store sells only in a specific region, then conduct a survey on the topic: “What can’t be bought in our city?”

    Based on the results of a survey of people, add to your product line those products that many are looking for potential clients your city.

If you decide to open a store on the Internet, then feel free to take action. Don't be afraid that there are already a ton of projects online.

Statistics confirm that the number of online shoppers in the world is only increasing, so there is and will be demand.

How much can you earn from sales through an online store?

It is difficult to name a specific figure that you will receive from your online store.

Income depends on the following factors:

    Project scale.

    The larger the assortment, the higher the income.

    Contribution of own funds to the business.

    Owning your own business is always a risk. It happens that an entrepreneur invests a large sum, but the business idea “burns out”.

    It is better not to act so rashly at the initial stage of opening an online store. Develop the project gradually.

    Site traffic.

    Unfortunately, many are still afraid to order online, especially in new stores. According to statistics, out of 500 people who visited the site, 1-2 people make a purchase.

It's one thing to answer the question what to sell in an online store, and another thing is to make buyers appear.

What is better to sell in an online store?

Find out what's in demand right now:

At the initial stage, on average, earnings will be 5,000-7,000 rubles. Successful projects that have been running for years can already generate profits in the millions, but this requires a lot of work and investment of effort and money.


As you might have guessed, commodities are the most traded commodities in the world. Below are the 10 most common items that generate major transactions. This is the top 10 The most popular and best-selling products in the world.

No. 10. Cotton

A soft, fluffy plant that grows as a capsule or capsule around the seed. The plant is more than 7000 years old. Its use is not limited to the production of clothing, coffee filters and paper. It is also used to produce fishing nets, fire hoses, oil, cosmetics, medicines. It is the most commonly used natural fiber in the world.

  • The largest producers are China (26%), India (22%), USA, Pakistan, Brazil.
  • The largest exporters are the USA, Australia, Brazil.
  • Delivery month futures - March, May, July, October and December

No. 9. Wheat

It is the main food product among grain crops. It is rich in proteins. In addition, its role in the history of mankind is great - it is considered one of the first crops that could be easily grown on a huge scale. It is the third largest grain crop in the world. And the ninth most.

  • The largest manufacturers are China, India, USA
  • The largest exporters are the USA, France, Canada

No. 8. Corn

Corn (maize) is one of the most mature crops worldwide due to its ability to survive in different climates. It is the largest cultivated grain crop in the world after rice. There are two main types: corn, used for feed and chemical purposes, and sweet corn, which is used for human consumption.

  • The largest producers are the USA, China, Brazil
  • The largest exporters are the USA, Argentina, China
  • Delivery month futures – January, April, July

No. 7. Sugar

Mainly extracted from sugar cane and sugar beets. It can bring not only sweetness into our lives, but also sweet profit into the portfolios of brokers and stock market players.

  • The largest producers are Brazil, India, China
  • The largest exporters are Brazil, India, China

No. 6. Silver

Silver - metallic chemical element, which exists in its pure form in the natural environment. Mainly used for making jewelry, tableware and currency. But besides these household uses, silver is widely used in industry: electrical conductors, mirrors, chemical industry, photographic films, etc. It is valued as a precious metal and has been used since ancient times.

  • The largest producers are Mexico, Peru, China
  • The largest exporters are Peru, China, India

No. 5. Copper

Copper is another chemical metal widely used for commercial purposes. In fact, one of the oldest used in trade of all times. It has been used for thousands of years in its pure form and also in the form of alloys. It is the third most widely used metal in the world after iron and aluminum. And the fifth most popular and best-selling product.

  • The largest producers are Chile, USA, Peru
  • The largest exporters are Chile, USA, Peru

No. 4. Gold

A metal characterized by a soft, shiny, very plastic consistency. It is a pure potpourri of beauty, rarity and indestructibility. Since ancient times, gold has been used as a currency.

  • The largest manufacturers are China, Australia, USA
  • The largest exporters are China, Australia, USA

No. 3. Natural gas

Natural gas is one of the most important sources of energy, mainly used for heating and electrification purposes. 25% of US energy consumption is natural gas. The gas mixture is based on methane, CO 2 and nitrogen. Natural gas is typically found in close proximity to crude oil, which is the world's most traded commodity.

  • The largest producers are Russia, USA, Canada
  • The largest exporters are Russia, Canada, Norway

No. 2. Coffee

One of the oldest crops of mankind is green grain. It is grown in more than 70 countries (the main part is in Latin America and Southeast Asia).

  • The largest producers are Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, India
  • The largest exporters are Brazil, Germany, Colombia
  • Delivery month futures – March, May, July, September, December

No. 1. Crude Oil

It is a fossil fuel and is considered one of the most expensive commodities due to the high demand for end products derived from oil. Crude oil is the most traded and best-selling global commodity.

  • The largest producers are Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA
  • The largest exporters are Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran
  • Largest consumers – USA, China, Japan.

The modern market is oversaturated various goods and services, which is why many novice entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a direction of activity. If you want your business to bring good profits, you need to find an idea that will be in demand in any economic conditions. We will tell you in this article what is in demand among the population in 2019.

In-demand products

First, let's talk about goods that are in great demand among the population. First of all, these are, of course, food:

  • Meat and sausages;
  • Fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Cereals;
  • Pasta;
  • Vegetables and stuff.

Household chemicals and personal hygiene items should also be mentioned separately. Such products are in high demand among the population even in conditions economic instability. It never disappears from the market basket, which is why many experienced experts recommend that beginners open their own business in the food industry.

Regardless of income, people continue to buy:

  • Washing powder;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Detergents and cleaning products;
  • Shampoos;
  • Soap;
  • Cosmetics, etc.

When thinking about what product is in great demand among the population during a crisis, we should also mention alcohol:

  • Vodka;
  • Cognac;
  • Wine;
  • Beer;
  • Ready-made alcoholic cocktails.

Such a product attracts the attention of buyers, not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Don't forget about tobacco products. Despite the fact that recently the state has been actively fighting smoking, many citizens regularly buy cigarettes, thereby bringing huge profits to tobacco manufacturers.

The production or sale of seasonal goods can bring enormous success to a small enterprise:

  1. Chilled juices;
  2. Ice cream;
  3. Hot drinks;
  4. Fuel briquettes;
  5. Seasonal clothes, etc.

Forming own business model, pay attention to “impulse demand” goods. Many consumers do not perceive small things such as candy, chewing gum or small chocolate bars as a purchase. But from the sale of such goods, which are in great demand among the population, you can make a good profit.

What is profitable to sell?

If you are planning to open a store, you first need to find out. The most important thing is to correctly determine what is currently in demand among the population. In this case, the business will flourish and bring excellent profits. So, let's try to figure out what sells well during a crisis:
  1. Equipment and electronics - phones, laptops, tablets, video cameras. This . Such a business will require you to have certain knowledge and significant financial investments;
  2. Products. If you open a grocery store in a good location, it will bring in a decent profit all year round. To increase the profitability of your enterprise, you can create a household chemicals department in your store;
  3. Shoes and clothing. Buy inexpensive, high-quality goods in bulk and sell them at retail at attractive prices. You can also offer consumers luxury products, but they are rarely purchased in small quantities;
  4. Stationery. Such a product is in great demand among the population at the beginning of the school year;
  5. Sporting goods. Many modern people people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, so recently the demand for various sports equipment, clothing and exercise equipment has begun to grow. If you are interested in what products are in great demand during a crisis, be sure to pay attention to this market segment;
  6. Fabrics and accessories. During the crisis, many citizens sew their own clothes, so the demand for high-quality inexpensive fabrics, threads, needles, buttons, etc. begins to grow;
  7. Flowers. People celebrate weddings, anniversaries and other special occasions in all economic conditions. As you know, the best gift for any occasion is flowers. The cost of bouquets is sometimes several times higher than their cost, so such a business brings a decent profit;
  8. Children's toys. Parents try not to deny their kids anything, so the demand for children's products remains consistently high even during a crisis. In addition to toys, the assortment can include strollers, cribs, clothes, diapers and hygiene items.
  9. We figured out which products are in demand during the crisis. Now let's talk about what services will be in demand in conditions of economic instability.

    Most popular services

    To determine what services are in demand among people in your region, you need to carefully analyze the market. This will allow you to assess the level of competition, as well as determine the profitability of the business and its approximate payback period. At first, you can provide services yourself, without hiring employees. Once you have created your own client base, you can hire qualified personnel.

    The most popular services in demand by the population:

  • Minor repairs (husband for an hour). This business idea is perfect for beginners who are looking for... The "husband for an hour" agency offers clients a wide range of services - repair of household appliances, installation of plumbing fixtures, replacement of electrical wiring, sockets and switches. Before you start work, you need to fill out documents, purchase tools and place advertisements in local media. Such activities will bring monthly 30–50 thousand rubles of net income;
  • Freight transportation. This is a fairly popular area of ​​activity, since recently services transport companies began to be used by both legal entities and individuals;
  • Service and repair of household appliances. If you involve qualified specialists in the work and carry out effective advertising campaign, you can earn 50–60 thousand rubles monthly. To increase your revenue to 100–150 thousand rubles, you need to constantly promote your business and expand the range of services;
  • Hairdresser, cosmetologist. According to experts, this is a fairly promising species commercial activities, which can bring excellent profits. In order to open a small beauty salon, you will need approximately 300 thousand rubles. At good choice location of the establishment, monthly revenue can reach 100 thousand rubles. The success of such a business also largely depends on the intensity of promotion and professionalism of the craftsmen;
  • Shoe repair. Such a business will require minimal financial investments from you - for paperwork, purchasing tools and raw materials. If you work independently, without hiring employees, you can earn 40–50 thousand rubles a month;
  • Organization festive events. Services for weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other celebrations are most in demand among the population in large cities. If you provide an effective advertising campaign, the business will generate 50–150 thousand rubles of net income per month;
  • Funeral services. If you include the production and installation of monuments in the list of services, you can earn up to 200 thousand rubles per month;
  • Delivery of environmentally friendly products to your home. This business idea is perfect for residents rural areas who don't know. Many modern people care about their health, so they try to eat only natural, environmentally friendly food. If you organize regular delivery of fresh vegetables, milk, meat and other products to your regular customers, such a business will bring in 50-80 thousand rubles of net profit every month.
  • Video on the topic Video on the topic

What to offer the consumer, and make a profit from it yourself? What is more profitable to sell on the market in the coming years will be discussed in this article.

What is a hot commodity

A hot commodity is a product that is in great demand and is easy to find a buyer for. However, not in every case, popular goods can be unambiguously recognized as reliable and profitable for the seller - those for which a person will come, even if he is limited in supply. cash. Therefore, before choosing products for sale, you always need to take into account not only the level of sales at the moment, but also in the future, and also calculate the profit per unit of goods sold at the checkout.

Good hot commodity – this is a product that will be equally popular both in times of crisis and during times of economic development.

It’s easier and smarter for an entrepreneur to get a little less income, selling reliable products (always needed) than expensive high-risk products that are purchased situationally. Compare cereals and delicious seafood: a person can eat buckwheat several times a week, while he will only eat caviar or shrimp on a holiday.

The simplest examples of in-demand products

If you sit down for a minute and think about the most frequently purchased in Russia goods, then bread, cigarettes and alcohol come to mind. This is true, but this does not mean that opening a business selling any of these products is guaranteed to bring high and stable income or any advantages over other products.

Take, for example, cigarettes - one of the most popular products in the Russian Federation. The cigarette business is far from the most profitable. This is all due to the system, which is aimed at creating maximum prices in this particular niche.

Or take alcohol for consideration.

Not every drink from the huge variety will be on the list of popular leaders. Expensive elite drinks - wines, cognacs, whiskey in rare cases can be brought stable income business owner in the same way that cheaper and more accessible drinks do. Beer is considered the most popular drink. For the past 5 years, its sales have confidently maintained their position at one high level. But sales success is weak alcoholic products influenced by many additional factors: location, assortment, competition, brand.

But no matter how high and massive the sales of alcohol and tobacco products may be, there is another profitable product for a business that every person purchases every time they go shopping. And this place of honor belongs to the ordinary plastic bag. Starting polyethylene production is not so easy, but people make millions of rubles from this insignificant product.

Popular popular products in Russia (in examples)

Now in the Russian Federation the population is mainly interested in simple baked goods, vodka and cigarettes. But here the entrepreneur needs to be careful at the start: all of the indicated items are subject to certain restrictions when pricing, provided for by law. Thus, it will be necessary to ensure an extremely large turnover in order to make a profit, and this is difficult in the sales market, since competition in these segments is very high.

Those currently in demand in the Russian Federation include:

  • small household appliances, budget electronics;
  • electrical goods;
  • household chemicals and personal care products;
  • children's toys;
  • simple food products (mainly bakery products, semi-finished products, oils, cereals and cereals, vegetables, tea).

However, a popular product and a profitable one are not the same thing.

The latter includes everything that the buyer is willing to spend his money on, without thinking too much about the amount. Such products, small and rather banal at first glance, can be sold for good profit. Usually the assortment of this retail " cheap» is presented in small shops and stalls, and is purchased for free in China: dishes, hygiene products, stationery, small things useful in the household (clothespins, hangers, hangers, adhesive tapes, etc.). Thus, a profitable product is everything that surrounds us every day, which a person uses regularly.

The buyer will always need food, so even in a crisis, food products do not give up the leading position in sales. Consumers try to avoid expensive offers and look for affordable analogues, for example, instead of natural cheese, they take a cheese product.

Another profitable position is gastronomic products by weight. Nuts, teas, dried fruits, dried seafood and other small items, which are purchased in huge quantities in China or Asian countries, and then sold in small containers at a premium. So much and cheap turns into little and expensive.

How to choose a popular product for your business niche

Everyone chooses a certain strategy for themselves:

  • sale of risk-free goods with smaller but stable profits;
  • trade goods from a high-risk group and obtaining unstable, but at times high profits.

Most entrepreneurs will choose reliability, that is, the first option. When looking for goods for commerce, you should start not from the most popular varieties, but from promising and profitable ones.

The most purchased goods in the country can be grouped into the following categories:

  • small household appliances - among them kettles, irons, mixers, blenders, hair dryers and others, without which life is in principle possible, but with them it becomes more comfortable and simpler;
  • electrical goods - this includes sockets, switches, light bulbs, adapters and other similar items that a person needs;
  • sanitary items - plumbing fixtures and components that tend to be damaged - these are gaskets, valves, taps, showers and others;
  • tools for daily use - include hammers, saws, nails, screws, screwdrivers, axes and many other household essentials;
  • household chemicals - includes various cleaning products, detergents, personal hygiene items that people purchase on a regular basis;
  • items of clothing and shoes are goods that a person will not buy every day, but cannot do without them;
  • goods for children - clothes, toys, shoes, accessories, accessories for everyday life, etc.;
  • other daily goods.

There are also leaders among food products. According to statistics, the most purchased for last year steel in the country:

  • meat, including chicken, pork, beef and turkey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • semi-finished products - are in great demand among women;
  • frozen seafood and fish;
  • vegetable oil and butter;
  • cow's milk;
  • pasta, flour and flour products;
  • salt, sugar;
  • cereals – rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • black tea;
  • fruits – bananas, apples;
  • vegetables - onions, potatoes, cabbage, carrots.

Among all the variety, some products are in great demand, while others are in less demand. How to do right choice and stop at a certain type?

  1. Focus on your own knowledge, interest and dictates of the heart. Not every product will bring equal satisfaction from working with it. Somewhere there will be a lack of knowledge, somewhere experimental knowledge, somewhere the frequency of implementations. The key to the success of any sales should not lie in the thirst for a quick profit. First of all, you need to love your own business.
  2. Comparison of product groups that are most suitable for you. If you are torn between several types of products and do not know which one to give preference to, a detailed analysis will help you decide.

The first steps towards a big deal

Once you have decided what to sell , you need to answer a number of questions that will help develop a business strategy. So this is:

  • where to sell;
  • to whom to sell.

The solution to the first question can be found in two ways:

  1. Open a retail outlet, go to the market , rent premises for a store, rent a stall or retail space and so on.
  2. Trade via the Internet. This method will reduce the prices of goods and attract more buyers.

Any of these options has both advantages and disadvantages. Not every product can be successfully sold on the Internet, and not every product on store shelves can attract the same interest as on the Internet.

Now let's return to the second question - who will we sell the goods to?. If products are in demand mostly among the elderly population, then there is no point in organizing trade via the Internet. Regarding real trade, it is also important to decide on buyers in order to profitably locate your sales markets in the future.

The next step is to take into account all your capabilities in the following aspects:

  • availability and volume of start-up investments for starting a business;
  • When opening a retail outlet, it is advisable to carry out preliminary marketing research in the proposed territory: demand opportunities, traffic flow, likelihood of competition, etc.;
  • care must be taken to ensure maximum demand in the chosen location, as well as sustainability of demand for the product even with changes in the economic situation.

Upon detailed study of the listed aspects and correct answers to the proposed questions, opening a business It won't seem so complicated and scary.

Online trading

Offering products online is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, global network coverage in the Russian Federation is over 70%, and this figure is growing every year. One way or another, almost all residents of the country have access to online stores. Secondly, if previously online shopping was popular among young people, now these people are getting older, and the “army” of young visitors to sites is constantly replenished, that is, sales volumes are also growing. And finally, thirdly, the rhythm of life forces us to look for more quick ways acquisitions necessary products, so online stores come to the rescue (they are visited from computers, and 1/3 of users are visited from tablets and smartphones). In addition, shopping in them becomes more profitable and saves your budget.

Hot products on the Internet

What to build an online business on, what is most required by users who prefer to make purchases online?


The first group includes all kinds of electronic devices and electrical goods, characterized by compact dimensions: home and kitchen appliances, mobile gadgets, laptops, readers, tablets. As for various kettles, toasters and coffee makers, it is better to organize their sale on well-known sites, since opening your own online store is an expensive business, and you will also need to constantly compete with major players.

Perfumes and cosmetics

This group includes eau de toilette and perfume, cologne, face and body skin care products, cleansing serums and gommages, and decorative cosmetics. The range can also be supplemented with accessories for applying and removing products.

Gift items and toys

Even in the absence of money, people strive to pamper a loved one with a gift. Unusual items are purchased for adults, and toys (plush, plastic, radio-controlled) are purchased for children. Quadcopters and their accessories are becoming popular.

Clothing and shoes, accessories

Contact online stores People are forced to buy such a seemingly simple product by the high price in regular retail outlets. Often on the Internet you can find a similar product much cheaper, plus free shipping- double benefit, and the person does not need to leave the house anywhere.

Green tea, coffee

Trade in these products is promoted by customers seeking to lead a healthy lifestyle, advocating for cleansing the body and saturating it with useful elements. Despite the crisis, many people cannot deny themselves a cup of delicious drink.

Prices for online purchases

Any person organizing a business is interested in what price premium can be made on the assortment, how much revenue he will ultimately receive by selling all the purchased goods.

For the most everyday goods, the markup cannot be large, from 5 to 35%, and only large stores. But even they, like smaller entrepreneurs, strive to find goods with a high markup from 100% (umbrellas, bags, gifts) to 300% (cases for gadgets, seasonal products). It is most profitable to purchase cheap Chinese products, and only then sell them on the territory of the Russian Federation at several times more expensive.

If you plan to open a store from scratch, then it is better to refuse to sell equipment and electronics, since they need to be purchased in large quantities, and customers may experience breakdowns during operation.

At the start of opening a business, it is quite possible to start trading wow goods (purchases of impulse demand). This includes various items that will help a person do something without much effort (weight loss belt, exercise equipment for individual muscle groups, devices for savingelectricity, fuel). The main thing is that such products are not perishable (since the percentage of disposal of expired raw materials is high), and do not require special storage conditions (humidity, temperature), since you will have to look for additional premises and spend money.


As an illustrative example, we present information collected using the well-known Avito portal, where both individuals and companies sell. So, over the past year, users spent almost 34 billion rubles on the purchase of products from 5 categories:

  • personal goods – 6.5 billion;
  • products for home and garden – 5.5 billion;
  • products for recreation and activities – 3.5;
  • household appliances – 15.2;
  • everything for pets – 4.7.

The leaders according to statistics were seasonal goods(for example, fans, tents, gadgets and components, and clothes were well purchased in the summer.

General statistics for 2016 allowed us to create the following list of the 10 most frequently purchased products on the Internet:

  1. Small household appliances have become the top sellers on the Internet.
  2. In second place are cosmetics and perfumes.
  3. They took an honorable third place mobile phones. Moreover, approximately 10% of citizens RF They regularly update their gadgets by purchasing phones on the Internet at better prices. On average, people purchase models that cost up to 600 US dollars.
  4. Then there are tablets and laptops.
  5. Toys and original gifts.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Shoes, clothing, accessories.
  8. Books. It is quite interesting that, despite the free, easily accessible and convenient nature of the electronic version of books, paper-bound literature is being sold at a good pace via the Internet.
  9. Order and pay for tickets online.
  10. Large household appliances.

But most of the most popular goods are not suitable for starting online trading from scratch. For example, even if you have enough money to invest in a large household. equipment, then you need to purchase it only in bulk and in large quantities. The costs of breakdowns cannot be excluded. A market is already crowded with large entrepreneurs with whom it will be difficult to compete.

Difference by region

In many ways, demand depends not only on how much money the client has in his wallet, but also on seasonality. The selection service will help you evaluate this parameter. keywords wordstat.yandex.ru. On this site you need to enter the query you are interested in and select the region. Next, the system will show how many times the word was requested during the month. To assess the seasonality of a product, just switch to the “query history” and look at the data provided. Based on the information received, it is easy to conclude which product will be more interesting to people in summer or winter.

Of course, you can make assumptions based on life experience, but statistics are much more reliable than subjective hypotheses.

For example, a person should need a rain umbrella in the fall or spring, but in reality this product is most purchased from May to September.

Another direction for local trade is regional branding. This means the production and sale of T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs and other souvenirs with the logos of a district, city or region, or, for example, clothing for Siberians.

As you can see, determine the most profitable product not so difficult, because in fact all these products are everything we need almost every day. Those things that a person cannot refuse even in a crisis will always be in the shopping cart when leaving the store.

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A high-margin product is a product for which there is always a consistently high demand and a small percentage of supply on the market. Every seller tries to sell products with high margins: they not only increase average bill, but also give the biggest profit. “Business.ru” has compiled a list of the highest-margin products of 2018.

Products with high margins for business in 2018

Margin, in the simplest sense of the word, is a kind of synonym for the word “profit”, that is, the difference between the cost of a product and its selling price. It is the revenue received from its sale that is the “margin”.
Therefore, the higher the “margin” received for a product, the more high-margin it is.

That is why retailers around the world today have the most important goal - to sell high-margin goods in large volumes, thereby increasing their profits.

Today there are several types of margin: exchange, credit, banking, guarantee, maintenance, trading. In our article we will talk specifically about trading (market) margin. We all know that a trading company can stay afloat only by marking up goods, which is necessary to make a profit.

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Calculate marginality not only specific product, well, the entire store will be helped by the Business.Ru Retail program. It will also make it easy to automate workplace cashier, work with weighted goods, maintain warehouse records and sales analytics. Supports 54-FZ and EGAIS.

By “increasing” a trade markup on a product of one hundred, two hundred, and sometimes three hundred percent, each seller is chasing profit. What “stimulates” them in this process is that today in our country maximum size There is no margin established, which means any seller or owner of a service enterprise can set any margin depending on their needs and demand for the product.

Important! If the markup on your goods is prohibitively high, then simply no one will buy such things or products.

Introducing your range of products retail store new products, you must use calculations to determine the optimal markup level to obtain desired level margin after covering all expenses.

Buyers of goods and consumers of services will never know how much money they actually overpay for goods - we can only guess about it. On average, the margin level is 20–30% of the cost of goods or services, but for different categories goods margin can reach 1000%. And, despite this, they are actively bought.

This, for example, is the purchase of items from world-famous brands - consumers overpay hundreds of times the cost of these goods and, of course, will continue to do so.

In general, all products can be divided into three categories:

1. Low-margin goods. These types of goods are sold everywhere, the demand for them is quite high, but due to the fact that such things can be bought on every corner, you cannot put too much of a markup on them. The purchase price of these goods is quite low, which means that a margin of more than 10-20% is not established on them. But, at the same time, such products are the best-selling, which means they will quickly “leave” from store windows.

The profitability of selling low-margin goods lies in the fact that the benefit from them can be “removed” due to their good turnover, that is, “taken” by the number of goods sold. For example, low-margin goods include household chemicals, toys, children's products, non-food products etc. As for the service sector, the lowest level of margin is observed in the transport sector;

2. Medium-margin products. For such groups of goods, the markup is higher than for low-margin goods, and all because these are no longer everyday goods and there are significantly fewer offers on the market. This category includes household appliances; in some stores the margin is 30-40% of their cost, or, for example, building materials;

3. High-margin goods– these are goods that sell well “here and now”. They are the most coveted among retailers. These may be new items, “seasonal goods” or goods for which demand is high on certain days of the year, or goods for which demand is always consistently high, regardless of the time of year, the economic situation in the country and the income level of the population.

This includes Apple products, items from well-known brands, jewelry and products from precious metals etc. There is always a demand for such goods, which means that 100% mark-up will not scare away customers!

As for the service sector, the absolute leader here, receiving the largest margin, is public catering enterprises. And this applies to both small cafes and elite restaurants, where a cup of coffee, the cost of which is no more than 40 rubles, can be sold for 400, or even a thousand rubles.

How to choose a profitable product to sell: ideas for business

Important! The cheaper the cost of a product at which the retailer purchased it for further resale, the lower the markup on it will be, and therefore the size of the margin.

You can automate the calculation of the cost of goods and trade margins by connecting

  • add up the average cost transport costs spent on delivering goods to the store;
  • the average cost of servicing a client, including the salary of the seller, the cost of maintaining a trading enterprise;
  • funds invested in advertising one unit of goods, as well as other costs.

Based on these components, you will receive the amount of markup on your product, which can be set on the goods.

Today, in a difficult economic period for the country, many retailers are tormented by the question: what high-margin products should be introduced into the store’s assortment to increase the average check and obtain the greatest profit?

The online magazine “Business.ru” lists the top 10 high-margin goods that can be sold at the highest markup in 2018.

Top 10 product categories with the highest markups


Experienced retailers and catering establishment owners know firsthand that drinks are one of the highest-margin products. So, for example, the cost of a liter of high-quality plain drinking water is no more than two rubles, but today on the market the average liter bottled water costs from 30 rubles.

Imported copies can cost up to a hundred rubles or more. For example, in resort towns (on the Russian Black Sea coast or abroad), the cost of bottled water in a five-liter container can reach several hundred rubles. And tourists will still buy drinking water at such “crazy” prices.

This is certainly beneficial for sellers - the markup on water here can reach 100, 200, or even 500 percent, and in fact its actual cost differs many times from the price presented in the store.

The same can be said about drinks in catering establishments. The price of drinks can be increased several times. Even just adding to your assortment grocery store hot tea or coffee, cocktails or refreshing drinks, you can “win” a decent amount of money and get a good margin.


Let us “feel” for sellers and buyers the size of the margin in flower business. The markup on goods here is colossal. For example, Ecuadorian roses, popular in our country, in Ecuador itself, in terms of Russian rubles, will cost 30-50 kopecks per piece, but in Russia their price today ranges from one hundred rubles per flower. Of course, the cost of a rose includes the costs of its delivery, but the markup amounts are still significant.

Selling flowers is always profitable, especially in pre-holiday days. And, if you can competently and beautifully “introduce” the sale of flowers into the store’s assortment, then this will become a stable source of constant profit, since any flowers today are goods with a consistently high markup. The only problem lies in finding a reliable supplier who can deliver flowers at an attractive wholesale price for you.

Read more about how to open a flower shop in 2018.


Today, exclusive handmade products are wildly popular all over the world. It is very difficult to estimate their cost, which means that when selling and reselling them, the seller is free to “inflate” any price. Hand-made products include dolls self made, hand-sewn clothes, accessories, beautifully designed interior items, original designer “things” and similar beautiful and stylish little things.

Retailers are confident that with the right approach, adding such exclusive hand-made items to the store’s product range, you can make a fortune in the shortest possible time. The margin level here is really high, demand is also high, and the supply market is still relatively calm.

Fits this type high-margin goods for various stores: from furniture stores to clothing stores, children's goods, accessories, etc. Handmade products are really profitable to sell to any retailer today.

You can automate the calculation of the cost of goods and trade margins by connecting

Accessories for the holiday

This category also includes goods at “unreasonably high” prices. Sellers, by increasing prices for holiday goods, are betting that people will be forced to purchase them at any cost. That is why a postcard - colored cardboard with a poem inside, the cost of which is a few rubles - can cost up to a hundred rubles in stores today, and a simple balloon filled with helium, the cost of 10 rubles, will cost 150!

That is why many retailers are introducing these high-margin products into their store assortment: cards, balloons, room decorations, “caps,” as well as wedding accessories, posters, flags and much, much more. The cost of all these goods is a pittance, but the “margin” from their sale can reach hundreds and thousands of rubles. In addition, the demand for such products is always high.


Products with high margins, the introduction of which into the store’s assortment is quite profitable today, include various decorations, accessories, jewelry. Expanding the assortment to include such related products is important for shoe or clothing stores, underwear, and even a small retail outlet.

The markup on products made of colored plastic and glass - costume jewelry - can reach three hundred percent. Sometimes the cost of simple beads or accessories famous brands can reach cost jewelry from gold or silver. In other words, it is through the sale of “penny” jewelry that you can get particularly large revenues in the store.

Expensive alcohol

Of course, selling alcoholic beverages today is a costly business; in addition to obtaining a license to sell alcohol, you need to follow special trade rules, connect to the Unified State Automated information system and solve many other related problems. But all time and material costs are more than compensated by the margin received from the sale of alcohol.

And if, for example, in an average restaurant the cost of a bottle of good wine is at least tripled, then even in a grocery store, if you “increase” the markup by 100%, you will get a good profit. For elite alcohol and rare wines, this is far from the limit - alcohol has been and remains the highest-margin product and brings net constant profit to those involved in its retail sale.

Have you opened a store, delivered goods, kept records and are thinking about automating its work? Pay attention to the commodity accounting program Business.Ru Retail. It will allow you to easily automate the cashier’s workplace, work with weighted goods, maintain warehouse records and sales analytics. It also supports 54-FZ and EGAIS.

Loose tea and coffee

It’s an amazing fact, but today more and more retail enterprises choose loose tea and coffee to sell related high-margin goods. All people love good tea and quality coffee, and true connoisseurs are ready to pay a tidy sum for their elite varieties.

For example, by purchasing teas directly from China and selling them in your store with a 300% increase in cost, you can definitely get significant benefits.

This high-margin product has long established itself, and today the most popular varieties of elite Chinese tea can be found on the shelves not only of tea shops, but even in sports stores in the sports nutrition departments and in retail grocery stores. Such a related product will in any case increase the average check in your store.


It is a priori to introduce cosmetics from well-known popular brands into the assortment of store products. profitable business: the cost of cosmetic products, as a rule, does not exceed 20% of the market price of the goods. That is, 80% of the cost of cosmetics is its beautiful packaging, promotion and advertising costs. But women, the main buyers of cosmetics, are willing to overpay almost any money for cosmetics from their favorite brands.

The same goes for perfumes - their cost is much lower than market value. Having done related product In your store with high-quality cosmetics or perfumes, you can increase the average check and receive consistently high profits. This option for related products is also suitable for women's clothing stores, accessories, pharmacies, shops industrial goods and others.

Snacks and popcorn

The top ten products with the highest markups today certainly include such popular products as snacks, sweets, and popcorn. These options for related products are good for retail outlets located in shopping and entertainment centers. Also, these are generally really high-margin products.

For example, by opening even a small point selling chewing marmalade, which children love so much, popcorn and other snacks near a movie theater, in an amusement park, near a city water park, near children's playgrounds, you can recoup all costs in a matter of months. Just imagine: the cost of raw materials for popcorn - dry corn kernels - is ten times lower than the cost of ready-made hot popcorn!

And even minimum costs the cost of its production does not justify the high prices for this type of product: in cinemas the price of a box of hot popcorn can reach a thousand rubles.

The same goes for other sweets, chewing marmalade, cotton candy, ice cream - these high-margin products are always loved and desired among children, and that is why parents are ready to “spend” a tidy sum for them. Introduction, for example, to the assortment of a children's goods store, a stand with “related” products - candies and chewing marmalade - you will already see later short time get tangible benefits.

About others effective ways increasing sales in grocery stores

Related services

It is quite a profitable business today to provide the population with services related to your business in the field of trade. You can also “inflate” prices here indefinitely, and still these types of servants will be in demand among buyers.

For example, for a clothing store - these are clothing fitting services, for a furniture store - furniture collection and delivery services, for a household appliance store - their repair, refilling cartridges, installation software with home visits, for a flower shop - bouquet delivery services, decoration of premises with fresh flowers, etc.

You just have to use your imagination, come up with a high-margin related service for your business, and you can not only increase profits, but also make them stable, thereby diversifying your business and finding new ways to generate income. It is this “niche” that is recognized by marketers and retailers as the most promising and profitable.

In general, experts advise entrepreneurs in the retail sector not to be afraid to take risks and introduce high-margin products into the store’s assortment. With a competent approach, weighing all the pros and cons, analyzing the market and competitors, you can increase your profits.

But you shouldn’t think that everything is so rosy: today, even when selling high-margin goods in a store, certain difficulties may arise, which means that an entrepreneur must be able to quickly respond to all changes in demand and the market, monitor the situation and try to keep up with the demands of the population .

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