Position. Organizational documents

Standard template for a regulation on a structural unit

Standard template for a regulation on a structural unit

Requirements for the content of provisions can be determined by internal documents of the organization (for example, an enterprise standard). If the company does not have such documents, then when developing the regulations, you can use a standard template for the regulations on the structural unit (see Table 1).

In any case, when developing a regulation, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that it must indicate:

Place in the structure of the organization (independent division or part of a department, management, etc.),
- what documents are he guided in his activities (federal laws, Charter, other documents of the enterprise),
- division structure,
- direct head of the department,
- main tasks of the unit,
- functions, rights, responsibilities of the unit.

The position is endorsed by the head of the unit and approved by the head of the organization.

Example 1

Let's consider the stages of developing a regulation on a structural unit using the example of developing a regulation on the personnel service (see Example 2).

The Regulations on the HR Service regulate the order of construction and functioning of the company's HR management system. The HR Service Regulations establish:

The status of the HR department in the hierarchical structure of the company;
- goals and objectives of the personnel service;
- functions of the company's personnel service;
- relationships between the HR department and other departments of the company;
- rights and responsibilities of HR employees.

Stages of development of the Regulations on Personnel Service

1. First of all, it is necessary to study standard and exemplary provisions, as well as previously existing organizational and legal documents. It is especially useful to study standard samples for those specialists who work in newly created companies that do not have previously valid documents and have nothing to rely on in their work. 2. You should also study the organizational and administrative documentation of the company: constituent documents, staffing table, etc. The purpose of this stage is to determine the place of the personnel service in the company, areas of responsibility and authority. 3. Drawing up a draft Regulation, determining its structure and content of sections (see Table 2). Table 1

4. Discussion with the company management of the draft Regulations.

The purpose of this stage is to clarify management’s opinion regarding the document being developed, its purpose and fundamental provisions. The most important condition for the development of a company's HR service is the position of top management, since it is impossible to count on success if top management does not consider the problem of people management to be one of the company's key priorities. The heads of leading structural divisions also need to be involved in the discussion.

Often in companies there is a situation where middle managers do not understand the range of tasks and functions of the HR service, since they see it only as a department whose main task is to conduct HR records. Therefore, their participation in discussing the content of the Regulations on the Personnel Service will help change existing stereotypes and perceptions.

5. Coordination and signing of the document.

The regulations must contain approval visas from the heads of structural units who took part in the discussion of the document at the stage of its development. The regulation is signed by the head of the HR department and approved by the head of the company. Personnel department employees must be familiar with the Regulations against signature.

  • 4. Methodological recommendations for studying the discipline
  • Topic 13. Documentation support - the basis of management technology
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 13.1. History of office work in Russia
  • 13.2. Office work as a management function, its place among other management functions
  • 13.3. Distinction between the concepts of “office work”, “documentation support for management” (DO) and information and documentation support for management
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 14. Normative and methodological regulation of documentation support for management
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 14.1. Modern document management structure in Russia
  • 14.2. Federal legislation in the field of working with documented information
  • 14.3. Basic modern normative and methodological documents on office work
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 15. Unification and standardization of management documents
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 15.1. Unification of management documents. Purpose, objects and methods of document unification
  • 15.2. The concepts of “unified document form”, “unified documentation system”. Basic principles of development of USD
  • 15.4. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), general characteristics of its activities
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 16. Form and form of management documents
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 16.1. The concept of “props” of a document. Constant and variable details, mandatory document details
  • 16.2. The concept of “document form”. The form is arbitrary and regulated, individual and standard. Sample form
  • 16.3. The concept of a “form” document. Requirements for forms of organizational and administrative documents determined by the State Standard
  • Business management order
  • Federal Archive Service of Russia
  • 16.4. Requirements for the design of forms with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • Housing Maintenance Committee
  • Form-sample of an external document on a corner form
  • Form-sample of an external document on a longitudinal form
  • Form-sample internal document on a corner form
  • Form-sample internal document on a longitudinal form
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 17. Requirements for the design of header details of management documents
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 17.1. Composition of constant and variable header details
  • 17.2. Requirements for the preparation of permanent details of the header part of the management document
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation
  • 17.3. Requirements for the design of variable details of the header part of the document
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 18. Requirements for the composition and location of the details of management documents
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 18.1. Composition of the details of management documents
  • 18.2. Appointment of signing documents. Using a facsimile signature. Electronic signature
  • 18.3. Coordination of documents. Procedure and types of approval. Visas and approval stamps, their execution and place in the document form
  • 18.4. Seals and stamps, their types and purpose. State stamp. Procedure and place of stamping on documents
  • 18.5. Marks on documents as a reflection of the stages of their passage and execution
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 19. Requirements for the details of the content of management documents
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 19.1. Composition of the details of the content of the document. Requirements for the text of a management document
  • 19.2. Categorization of document text
  • 19.3. Unification and standardization of texts of management documents
  • 19.4. Heading and attachment as elements of the content of an official document, their purpose and design
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 20. Classification of management documents. System of organizational and legal documentation
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 20.1. The concept of “document classification”. Classification of management documents
  • 1) By type of activity:
  • 10) By stages of creation:
  • 11) By shelf life:
  • 12) By control function:
  • 20.2. System of organizational and legal documents, their purpose and content
  • 20.4. Constituent documents: charter, constituent agreement, regulations on the organization. Rules for their compilation and execution
  • 20.5. Provisions. Rules for their compilation and execution
  • 20.6. Instructions. Rules for their compilation and execution
  • 20.7. Regulations. Rules as a type of organizational document
  • 20.8. Structure and staffing of the organization, staffing table. Rules for their compilation and execution
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 21. System of administrative documentation
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 21.1. Purpose and composition of administrative documentation. Methods of making management decisions
  • 21.2. Stages of preparation of draft administrative documents
  • 21.3. General rules for the preparation and execution of administrative documents
  • 21.4. Coordination and signing of administrative documents
  • 21.5. Rules for the preparation and execution of administrative documents issued on the basis of collegiality
  • 21.6. Rules for the preparation and execution of administrative documents issued on the basis of unity of command
  • 00.00.200__ №
  • 05/12/2008 No. 26-L/s
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 22. Information and reference documentation system
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 22.1. Purpose and composition of information and reference documentation in management activities. The special role of information and reference documents in the process of making management decisions
  • 22.2. Preparation, drafting and execution of reports, explanatory and official notes, proposals, submissions, certificates, summaries, lists, lists, conclusions
  • 22.3. Official correspondence. Classification of official letters. Rules for their compilation and execution
  • 22.4. Operational information and reference documents: telegram, telephone message, fax message, electronic message. Rules for their compilation and execution
  • 22.5. Act, protocol, their varieties, rules for drawing up and execution
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • Topic 23. Personal documents
  • Basic lecture notes
  • 23.1. Purpose and composition of personal documents
  • 23.2. Rules for drawing up and processing a personal statement, autobiography, resume, personal power of attorney, receipt
  • 23.3. Rules for drawing up and filing a reference, review, recommendation, petition
  • Characteristics for ___________________________________
  • Test questions for self-test:
  • Literature
  • 5. Conclusion
  • 1. Main conclusions on the content of the material read
  • 2. Practical recommendations for organizing independent work and preparing for the exam
  • 6. Topics of term papers for the course
  • Table of contents
  • Chapter 1. Chapter title (no period at the end) 5
  • 7. Questions for the exam for the course “documentation support for management.
  • Part 2. Basics of office work"
  • Topic 13. Documentation support - the basis of management technology
  • Topic 14. Normative and methodological regulation of documentation support for management
  • Topic 15. Unification and standardization of management documents
  • Topic 16. Forms and forms of management documents
  • Topic 17. Requirements for the design of header details of management documents
  • Topic 18. Requirements for the composition and location of the details of management documents
  • Topic 19. Requirements for the details of the content of management documents
  • Topic 20. Classification of management documents. System of organizational and legal documentation
  • Topic 21. System of administrative documentation
  • Topic 22. Information and reference documentation system
  • Topic 23. Personal documents
  • 9. Glossary of basic terms
  • 20.5. Provisions. Rules for their compilation and execution

    The most diverse and least regulated group of organizational and legal documents are regulations, instructions, regulations, and rules. These documents can be developed for any area of ​​the organization’s activities (internal regulations, regulations on remuneration, regulations on the protection of personal data of employees, instructions for office work).

    Position- This:

      a legal act establishing the basic rules for the activities of organizations, their structural divisions, as well as lower (subordinate) institutions, organizations and enterprises;

      a set of rules governing a certain area of ​​activity (cultural, political, economic, etc.).

    A separate group should include provisions regulating the totality of organizational, labor and other relations on a specific issue, for example: “Standard regulations on the management of proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in government bodies, enterprises, and institutions”; “Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation”; “Regulations on documents and document flow in accounting”; as well as provisions on holding competitions, shows, festivals and other events.

    There are standard and individual provisions. Standard provisions are developed by a higher organization for similar subordinate structures, and individual provisions are developed for a specific organization, body, structural unit, etc.

    Regulations on the structural unit- a normative act, the main purpose of which is to regulate the areas of activity of this unit.

    The document is drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead and includes the following details:

      name of company,

      name of the document type,

      document registration number,

      place of compilation,

      title to the text,

    • approval stamp,

    The regulations on the structural unit, as a rule, consist of the following sections:

    1) "General provisions" - the full and abbreviated (if any) name of the structural unit is given, its place (status) in the organizational structure of the organization is characterized, the degree of its economic and economic independence is determined. It also provides information about the subordination of this unit to the management of the enterprise, specifically indicating the position of the person directly managing the unit, the procedure for appointing and releasing him from his position.

    A separate paragraph provides a list of the main regulatory, legal, directive and instructional documents that guide the department in its work. If the division contains any internal divisions (for example, the department is divided into several sectors), the section includes the item “Internal structure”. It contains a list of internal divisions, their full and abbreviated names, the title of the position of the head of each internal division, indicating who they directly report to.

    The final paragraph of the “General Provisions” section contains information about the presence of a seal in the department, its description, purpose and storage conditions.

    2) “Goals and objectives of the unit” - the main goals and objectives of the unit, its main purpose are formulated, justifying the existence of the unit in the structure of the enterprise. Goals must be long-term, realistic and closely linked both to each other and to the goals of the enterprise (organization) as a whole.

    3) "Functions" - contains a complete list of the functions of the unit, indicating which of them are performed by the unit as a whole, and which ones are performed jointly with other units. In this case, the form of participation is specified.

    If there are departments in the division, subsections corresponding to their names are introduced into the text of the section, in which a description of the functions for each division is similarly given.

    4) "Rights and obligations" - contains a list of powers that are exercised by this unit; characterizes specific rights that similar structures usually do not have. The right of a unit in relation to other structural units is understood as the legalized ability to demand (offer, use, prohibit) the performance of any actions or the provision of any information. The rights of a unit are usually established to the extent necessary for the effective implementation of its functions.

    5) "Responsibility" - establishes the types of disciplinary, administrative (if necessary, criminal) liability that the head of a unit may bear in the event of failure of the unit to fulfill its duties. The section precisely formulates the economic responsibility of the unit within the framework of internal economic calculations.

    6) “Relationships with other structural divisions” - contains characteristics of various types of relationships with other structural divisions within the enterprise (organization) and outside it. It also regulates the department’s documentation flows, indicates the list of main documents created by it and documents developed jointly with other departments, as well as the frequency and deadlines for submitting documents.

    The regulations on the structural unit are signed by its head and approved, as a rule, by the first person of the enterprise (organization).

    Regulations on collegial and advisory bodies- an organizational and legal document that has a normative nature and determines the composition, formation procedure, competence, work procedure, rights and responsibilities of collegial and advisory bodies. Collegial (advisory) bodies can be both governing (board of directors, board) and specialized (academic council, pedagogical council, scientific and technical council, etc.) (8).

    The regulations on a collegial or advisory body determine:

      status of a collegial or advisory body;

      work planning procedure;

      the procedure for preparing materials for consideration at the meeting;

      submitting materials for consideration;

      the procedure for considering materials and making decisions at the meeting;

      keeping minutes of the meeting;

      registration of decisions;

      the procedure for communicating decisions to executors;

      logistics for meetings.

    A number of commercial organizations are developing Personnel Regulations. This is a document in which:

      issues of professional and social development of the workforce are reflected;

      the basic principles of labor relations between the administration and staff are established;

      methods of labor organization are determined;

      the personnel concept of the enterprise is revealed - systems and principles of recruitment, personnel planning, labor incentives, social policy of the enterprise;

      mutual responsibility of the administration and staff is formulated.

    The personnel regulations, a document borrowed from foreign office practice, began to be actively used to regulate social and labor relations during the formation of the institution of private property in modern Russia and the emergence of the first commercial organizations.

    Various specialized specialists should take part in the development of personnel regulations - the department of organization and remuneration, the personnel department, the legal department and other divisions of the organization. The group is headed, as a rule, by the development director or deputy head of the organization for personnel management.

    The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain instructions on this document. Therefore, the personnel regulations do NOT apply to persons performing work (providing services) on the basis of civil law relations.

    The personnel regulations define the principles of relations between staff and administration, the main of which are:

      compliance with laws;

      authority of representatives of the parties;

      equality of the parties;

      voluntariness of accepting obligations;

      prevention of forced or compulsory labor and discrimination in labor;

      the reality of ensuring the obligations assumed.

    When developing personnel regulations, it is necessary to take into account these, as well as other principles of relations between personnel and administration, for non-compliance with which social, but not legal, liability is possible.

    Very often, company owners demand that the provision include an obligation for staff not to criticize the company’s policies when communicating with customers and competitors, as well as a ban on reporting temporary difficulties of the company to anyone outside the company, or on committing actions that undermine the company’s reputation.

    There are no uniform forms and layouts of personnel regulations. Each organization develops them independently.

    One possible text structure layout is as follows:

      General provisions.

      Basic principles of labor organization in the company and the relationship between the company’s management and personnel.

      The procedure for registering labor relations.

      Basic rights and responsibilities of personnel.

      Basic rights and responsibilities of the company's management.

      Working time and rest time.


      Social package.

      Improvement of personnel qualifications.

      Personnel employment guarantees.

      Disciplinary measures (incentives and penalties).

      Final provisions.

    The Personnel Regulations are drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead, indicating the type of document, and signed by the head of the personnel management service, to be agreed at the general staff meeting. Approved document for the Board of Directors.

    If the organization has a personnel regulation, then the hired employees are introduced to it on receipt even BEFORE signing the employment contract.

    Regulations on temporary bodies (meetings, commissions, councils) are created for the period of operation of such a body. The structure of the text is not normatively fixed. Approved by the body whose competence includes the creation of a temporary body.

    Regulations on material and moral encouragement - is a local document, therefore, pension and social insurance authorities, when disputes arise regarding certain payments, often do not take this document into account as an analogue of the bonus provision.

    The purpose of the provision on material and moral incentives is to interest employees in greater labor productivity, in improving the quality of the tasks assigned to them, in the timely and conscientious performance of work duties, and in increasing the level of responsibility for the assigned area of ​​work.

    The provision on material and moral incentives should define:

      Principles of encouragement.

      Main indicators of the use of incentive measures.

      Forms and measures (types) of encouragement.

      The procedure for nominating employees for promotion.

      The competence of the organization's management to apply a particular incentive measure.

      Grounds for the use of incentive measures (order of the head of the organization, order of another official, etc.).

      The procedure for holding incentive events (ceremonial atmosphere, meeting of the workforce, etc.).

      Other information.

    As a rule, the regulation on material and moral incentives is developed by the organization and remuneration department together with the legal department and the personnel department. Compilation can also be entrusted to individual specialists - a labor organization engineer, a personnel engineer, a legal adviser, a labor economist, etc.

    Signs position: deputy head of the organization for personnel management, endorsed by the head of the legal department or other official responsible for legal work.

    Validation by the chief accountant of the organization may also be provided (especially if the regulations provide for a significant number of forms of material incentives). The position is approved by the head of the organization.

    Regulations on certification- a document that regulates the certification of enterprise employees: its goals, principles and methods, organization of the work of certification commissions, contains forms of characteristics (reviews), certification cards, certification sheets.

    Any organization in its work relies not only on legislative, legal and normative-methodological documents of national importance, but also on organizational and legal documents developed by the organization itself . Such documents include: charter, regulations, regulations, staffing, instructions, job descriptions.

    Let's consider the concept, purpose, structure and features of the charter, regulations and regulations of an enterprise, institution, organization.

    Charter of an enterprise, institution, organization

    In accordance with Art. 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “a legal entity acts on the basis of a charter, or a constituent agreement and charter, or only a constituent agreement. In cases provided for by law, a legal entity that is not a commercial organization may act on the basis of the general regulations on organizations of this type.”

    In many cases, the charter is the main constituent document of a legal entity.

    Under the charter as an organizational document , is understood as a set of rules governing the activities of organizations, institutions, societies and citizens, their relationships with other organizations and citizens, rights and responsibilities in a certain area of ​​government, economic or other activities.

    The charter of a legal entity is approved by its founders (participants) and is subject to state registration in the prescribed manner. The charter refers to the mandatory constituent documents when creating non-state commercial organizations.

    The charter must define : name of the legal entity, its location, the procedure for managing the activities of the legal entity, as well as other information provided by law for legal entities of the corresponding type.

    General requirements for the procedure for drawing up, execution and content of the charter of a legal entity are given in part one of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts. Let's name some of them:

    • charter of a limited liability company (LLC) – Art. 89 Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 11, 12 of the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ;
    • charter of a company with additional liability (ODO) – art. 95 Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
    • charter of a joint stock company (JSC) – art. 98 Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 11-14 of the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ;
    • charter of the institution - Art. 14 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ.

    Regulations on the organization, structural unit, collegial (or advisory) body

    Position is a legal act that determines the order of formation, legal status, tasks and functions, rights and obligations, organization of work of institutions, structural divisions, services.

    Regulations on the organization refers to the constituent documents. It determines the status of the organization, the procedure for its creation, place in the management system, internal structure, functions, competence, responsibilities, procedure for reorganization and liquidation.

    Mandatory details of the organization's regulations are: name of the higher authority, name of the organization, name of the document type, date, document number, place of compilation, title to the text, signature, approval stamp, seal imprint.

    Regulations on the structural unit is a legal act that defines the status, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of structural units.

    Regulations on divisions can be standard and individual. Standard provisions are developed for similar organizations and structural divisions. Individual provisions are developed on the basis of standard ones.

    There are no normatively established requirements for the content of the division regulations. The text of the regulation on the division may include the following sections :

    Mandatory details of the regulations on the structural unit : name of the organization, name of the type of document, date and number of the document (with direct approval by the manager), place of preparation, title to the text, signature, document approval visas, approval stamp.

    The concept, sections of the text, details of the regulation on a collegial (or advisory) body are similar to the concept and sections of the text and details of the regulation on a structural unit.

    Regulations as a legal act

    Regulations - a legal act establishing the procedure for the activities of the management of an organization, collegial or advisory body.

    The text of the regulations consists of sections that have independent headings and are divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs, numbered in Arabic numerals. The regulations of a collegial or advisory body determine :

    In the process of preparation, regulations go through the stage of discussion at a meeting by members of a collegial or advisory body, the stage of coordination with interested departments and the legal service, and the stage of approval by the head of the organization or the head of the collegial body.

    Mandatory details of the regulations : name of the organization (name of a collegial or advisory body, if the regulations are dedicated to this body), type of document, date, document number (if directly approved by the head), place of preparation, title to the text, document approval visas, signature, approval stamp.

    A document that defines: the procedure for creating (forming) a unit; legal position of the unit in the structure of the organization; division structure; tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the unit; the procedure for interaction of the department with other structural units of the organization.

    The procedure for developing this document is similar to the procedure for developing job descriptions. Therefore, in this section we will limit ourselves to only considering the models of provisions and give recommendations for the development of some sections.

    One of the simplest is a layout in which sections are highlighted:

    1. General Provisions.

    2. The main tasks of the unit.

    3. Functions of the unit.

    You can also find the following blocks in position layouts:

    1. Organizational structure of the unit.

    2. Subdivision rights.

    3. Relationships (service connections) of the unit with other units.

    4. Responsibility of the unit.

    Now briefly on each of the sections.

    Section 1. “General Provisions”

    Place of the unit in the organization's management structure

    It is indicated whether the unit is independent or part of another unit

    The procedure for creating, reorganizing and liquidating a division

    It is determined: who (body or official) creates the unit, with what documents; who makes the decision to reorganize or liquidate a division


    It is indicated which of the management (the head of the organization or his deputies, other management employees) reports to the independent unit. Subordination is determined according to the organizational structure diagram

    Department management

    Fundamental organizational and legal documents that guide the division in its activities

    It is indicated which official manages the activities of the unit, in what order appointments to positions and dismissals are made, and qualification requirements for him/her

    Division activity planning

    It is indicated according to what plans the department is working

    Forms for reporting on the activities of the unit

    Here you can indicate in what order the department reports: submits a written report once a month (quarter, year); the head of the organization hears the report of the head of the unit; other forms

    Explanations of terms used

    Are given if units perform specific functions and are characterized by special terminology

    Section 2. “Main tasks of the unit.” The main tasks of the department are, as a rule, determined on the basis of the distribution matrix of management functions. If the organization does without it, the provisions of the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees can be taken as a basis. If the department includes structural units, then the breakdown of tasks is recommended to be carried out in the same areas.

    Section 3. “Functions of the unit.” When developing this section, the distribution matrix of management functions is also used. If there is none, then you can use the Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Other Employees - to “derive” the functions from the job responsibilities of the heads of the relevant departments. It will help to determine the functions of a structural unit and GOST 24.525.5-81 “Management of a production association and industrial enterprise. Resource management. Basic provisions"*.

    * M.: State Standard of the USSR, 1981.

    The structure of the “Unit Functions” section can be presented in the form of text or tables and diagrams. For example, for a regulation on the legal department:

    III. Functions

    The tabular form is convenient. The only difficulty is that the document is not the result of any function, so dashes will be placed opposite individual functions.

    To ensure that the same functions are not duplicated in regulations for different departments, you can use the method that is used when developing job descriptions (see recommendations for developing the “Job Responsibilities” section of the job description in paragraph 3.1 of paragraph 3 of this chapter - p. 61 ). But, in principle, the use of a matrix for the distribution of management functions should exclude duplication.

    Section 4. “Organizational structure of the unit.” The name of this section may be different, for example “Structure” or “Structure and staffing”.

    Proposals for the structure of the unit are developed by the head of the unit together with the organization and remuneration department. As the unit operates, the structure may change.

    The structure of the division can be given by a simple listing, for example: “The personnel department includes: the reception sector, the dismissal sector, the accounting sector, the employee consulting sector.” The structure can also be presented in the form of a diagram, for example:


    Reception bureau (sector, group)

    Bureau (sector, group) of accounting

    The diagram can be more complex - reflect the connections between the structural units that make up the division.

    In the “Structure” section, you should also determine the procedure for approving regulations on the structural units of the division.

    In small organizations, divisions may not be structured into smaller units. In this case, groups of specialists performing work in certain areas, or individual specialists in general, are indicated, and it is also determined in what order the job descriptions of department specialists are approved.

    This section also indicates the staffing level of the unit. It can be provided in the provision itself or issued as a separate application.

    Section 5. “Rights of the Subdivision.” Before developing this section, we recommend that you pay attention to the procedure for developing the “Rights” section of the job descriptions (see paragraph 3.1, paragraph 3 of this chapter - p. 66). In contrast to the job description, the regulation on the unit gives rights not to an individual employee, but to the entire unit. If you wish, you can “describe” the rights of employees. But it is best to provide a common list of rights for the head of the department and his employees and highlight the rights of the manager as a separate block. When giving the latter rights, preference should be given to functional rights, since his labor rights are the same as those of the department’s employees.

    Here is a very general example of the “Rights” section of the HR department regulations:

    1.1. Monitor the activities of the organization’s structural divisions and individual specialists on issues within the competence of the department.

    1.2. Request from structural divisions information, documentation and materials necessary to resolve issues related to the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department.

    1.3. Invite representatives of third-party organizations to resolve issues within the competence of the department.

    1.4. Submit, through the Deputy General Director for Personnel, proposals on issues within the competence of the department for consideration by the General Director.

    3. The head of the department has the personal right:

    3.1. Participate in the selection of department employees for vacant positions.

    3.3. Represent, by proxy, the interests of the organization on personnel selection issues in employment services and recruitment agencies.

    3.4. Participate in the preparation and approval of the organization's personnel plans.

    3.6. In agreement with the Deputy General Director for Personnel, involve experts and specialists in the field of personnel management from third-party organizations for consultations, preparation of opinions, recommendations and proposals.

    5. Department employees have the right:

    5.2. Demand that officials of the organization comply with labor legislation and eliminate violations of labor legislation.

    When developing this section, you should use the recommendations given in paragraph 3.1 “Job Instructions” of this book, and also analyze the options for provisions given below.

    Section 6. “Relationships (service relations) of the unit.” All recommendations for preparing the section of the same name, but only job descriptions, are given in paragraph 3.1 “Job Descriptions” of this book. You just need to pay attention to the fact that the interaction of departments, and not individual employees, is “described”. Therefore, first of all, you need to focus on official connections between the heads of various departments, and secondly (if this is necessary) - on coordinating official connections between ordinary employees of departments (i.e., determine whether you need to obtain consent from the head of your department, you need whether to coordinate your actions with the head of another department before interacting with its employees).

    Design methods (text, diagrams, tables, etc.) may be the same as those specified in paragraph 3.1 “Job Descriptions” of this handbook.

    Section 7. “Unit Responsibility.” The procedure for developing this block of provisions is also in many ways similar to the procedure for drawing up the “Responsibility” section of the job description (see paragraph 3.1, paragraph 3 of this chapter - p. 69). Meanwhile, there are some peculiarities. Thus, it is desirable in the position, along with the responsibility of the entire department, to highlight the responsibility of its manager, since, as a general rule, he is guided in his activities by the position and in most organizations job descriptions are not developed for him.

    You can divide responsibility into personal (for example, the head of a department) and collective (employees of a department).

    If the above sections are not enough for the developer, we recommend the following structure of the text of the provisions on divisions:

    1. General Provisions.

    2. Main goals and objectives.

    3. Functions.

    4. Rights and obligations.

    5. Interaction.

    6. Responsibility.

    7. Incentives.

    8. Property and funds.

    9. Organization of activities.

    10. Labor relations.

    11. Structure and staffing.

    Regulations on structural divisions are drawn up by the department of organization and remuneration of labor or the laboratory (bureau) for labor organization. If there are no such departments, you can assign this function to the legal department or human resources department. Development can also be entrusted to individual specialists, for example, a production management engineer.

    General control and management of the development of regulations on structural divisions is carried out by the deputy head of the organization for personnel management.

    The regulations on the structural unit must contain the following details:

    1. Name of the organization.

    2. Name of the document.

    3. Date and number.

    4. Title to the text (name of the structural unit).

    5. Approval stamp.

    7. Developer's signature.

    8. Approval visas (if the position is subject to external approval, then the approval stamp).

    The list of persons who must obtain their visas is, as a rule, determined by the head of the organization in accordance with the order on the distribution of responsibilities, as well as based on operational plans. In order to avoid inaccuracies and duplication of individual functions, official connections, and, accordingly, subsequent disagreements between the heads of various departments, it is practiced to endorse the position of a particular department by the heads of those departments with which it interacts. If the number of visas is more than 3, then they are issued on a separate page or in the form of a separate “Approval Sheet”.

    A number of organizations provide for the approval of regulations on divisions by the head of the legal department or the organization’s lawyer.

    The head of the organization approves the regulations on structural divisions. The right of approval may also be granted to other management employees (for example, deputy heads of an organization who ensure the activities of groups of divisions).

    Employees of the unit must be familiar with the situation. This may be a column about familiarization or a column about bringing the situation to the attention of employees. In this case, signatures are affixed in order of seniority (first the head of the department, then everyone else). To record familiarization with the position, the method specified for job descriptions and consisting in drawing up a familiarization sheet can be used.

    The basis for making changes to the regulations on a structural unit is an order from the head of the organization. The procedure and methods for its execution are similar to the procedure for issuing an order to amend the job description. However, it should be borne in mind that changes to the regulations on a structural unit may, and in some cases should, entail a revision of the job descriptions of employees of this unit.

    In order to show different models of provisions, the samples below are developed for one department - the personnel department. Samples of provisions for other divisions (over 60) are given in the practical manual “Enterprise Personnel. 60 samples of regulations on departments and services"*.

    * Shchur D.L., Trukhanovich L.V. Enterprise personnel. 60 samples of regulations on departments and services: A practical guide. 2nd ed. - reworked and additional - M.: Publishing House “Delo and Service”, 2002.

    CJSC "Alkotrade"


    (name of company)



    O. A. Onufriev


    (full name)


    № 2

    About the HR department

    (name of division)

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. The HR department is an independent structural unit of the organization, subordinate directly to its head.

    1.2. The HR department is headed by the head.

    1.3. The appointment and dismissal of the head of the personnel department is carried out by order of the general director.

    2. Main tasks of the HR department

    2.1. Organization and implementation of work on the selection, placement and training of personnel.

    2.2. Studying the qualities of employees based on their practical activities.

    2.3. Creation of a personnel reserve for promotion to managerial and financially responsible positions.

    2.4. Organization of all types of accounting and reporting on personnel.

    3. Functions of the HR department

    Human Resources Department:

    3.1. Develops proposals on the nomenclature of positions for employees appointed and dismissed by the General Director.

    3.2. Together with the heads of interested departments, selects employees and makes appropriate proposals for their appointment to the specified positions, draws up the necessary documentation for this.

    3.3. Together with the heads of departments, he studies the business and moral qualities of employees in the process of their practical activities and makes proposals for the relocation and promotion of employees.

    3.4. Ensures the certification of employees and constantly monitors the progress of implementation of the recommendations of the certification commission.

    3.5. In accordance with the requirements of labor legislation, with the participation of department heads, makes proposals for the release and relocation of workers and carries out the necessary paperwork.

    3.6. Taking into account the development of the organization, determines the need for specialists and workers in mass professions, determines sources of personnel replenishment.

    3.7. Takes measures to accommodate young specialists and ensures their proper use.

    3.8. Considers complaints and statements from employees regarding recruitment, relocation and dismissal, violations of labor laws, and makes proposals for resolving these complaints.

    3.9. Keeps records of the organization's employees, draws up and stores their personal files and other personnel documents in the prescribed manner.

    3.10. Receives, fills out, stores and issues work books.

    3.11. Monitors the timely provision of regular vacations to employees.

    3.12. Together with the legal department, monitors the correct organization and application of financial liability to the organization’s employees.

    3.13. Together with other departments, makes proposals and prepares appropriate documentation on rewarding employees and other incentives.

    3.14. Prepares personnel reports using approved forms.

    3.15. On behalf of the organization, represents on issues of working with personnel in state and municipal bodies, organizations, enterprises and institutions.

    The HR department, within its competence, has the right to:

    4.1. Request the necessary information about employees from structural divisions, and when hiring and relocating employees, the opinion of the heads of the relevant structural divisions.

    4.2. Require, when hiring and in other established cases, the presentation of relevant documents and materials (work records, copies of education diplomas, etc.).

    4.3. Monitor compliance with labor legislation in relation to employees in structural units, as well as the procedure for providing established benefits and benefits.

    4.5. Make proposals to the management of the organization on issues of working with personnel, including improving the work of employees.

    5. Manual

    5.1. The head of the HR department supervises the work of the department.

    5.2. Head of HR Department:

    Organizes the work of the department;

    Takes measures to improve the work of the department;

    Provides interaction with other structural units.

    5.3. The head of the HR department is personally responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department.

    5.4. The job duties, rights and responsibilities of HR department employees are established by job descriptions.

    We are familiar with the situation

    Head of HR Department

    VC. Smirnova

    (job title)


    (full name)

    (job title*)


    (full name)

    CJSC "Alkotrade"


    (name of company)


    (director; deputy director for personnel; other official authorized to approve the job description)


    O. A. Onufriev


    (full name)


    № 2

    About the HR department

    (name of division)

    I. General provisions

    1. The HR department is an independent structural unit of the organization.

    2. The department is created and liquidated by order of the general director.

    3. The department reports directly to the General Director*.

    * May also report to the Deputy General Director for Human Resources.

    4. The department is headed by a chief*, appointed to the position by order of the general director.

    * The head of the HR department may be the Deputy Director for HR.

    5. The head of the department must have professional education and work experience in organizing personnel management in engineering, technical and managerial positions for at least 5 years.

    6. In its activities, the department is guided by:

    6.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    6.2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.

    6.3. Charter.

    6.4. Regulations on personnel.

    6.5. By these Regulations.

    7. The work of the department is carried out according to annual and quarterly plans.

    8. The head of the department submits a report on the work of the department to the general director once a quarter.

    *Other regularity may be specified.

    II. Structure

    1. The structure and staffing levels of the department are approved by the General Director, based on the conditions and characteristics of the organization’s activities, upon the proposal of the head of the personnel department and in agreement with the organization and remuneration department.

    2. The HR department includes structural units (groups, sectors, bureaus, sections, etc.) according to the diagram below*.

    * Other structural units may also be formed within the HR department, for example, a bureau (sector) for the registration of pensions, for monitoring the state of labor discipline, etc.


    Reception bureau (sector, group)

    Bureau (sector, group) dismissals

    Bureau (sector, group) of accounting

    Employee consultation bureau (sector, group)

    3. The distribution of responsibilities between employees of the bureau (sectors, groups) is made by the head of the personnel department.

    4. Chief specialists (heads) of bureaus (sectors, groups, etc.) within the HR department, other employees of the department are appointed to positions and dismissed from positions by order of the General Director on the proposal of the head of the HR department.

    5. Department employees in their activities are guided by job descriptions.

    III. Tasks

    1. Selection, placement and training of personnel.

    2. Study of the business and moral qualities of employees based on their practical activities.

    3. Personnel accounting.

    4. Ensuring the rights, benefits and guarantees of the organization’s employees.

    5. Monitoring the state of labor discipline in the organization.

    IV. Functions

    1. Development of personnel policy and strategy of the organization.

    2. Development of forecasts, determination of the current need for personnel and sources of its satisfaction based on a study of the labor market.

    3. Providing the organization with a workforce of workers, employees and specialists of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and profile of the organization, the changing external and internal conditions of its activities.

    4. Formation and maintenance of a data bank on the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel.

    5. Recruitment and selection of employees together with the heads of interested departments and making appropriate proposals for their appointment to the specified positions, issuing employment orders and other necessary documentation.

    6. Development of proposals for employment through a competition in accordance with the procedure established by law, preparation and organization of the work of the competition commission.

    7. Informing the organization’s employees about available vacancies; using the media to recruit workers.

    8. Establishing direct connections with educational institutions and employment services.

    9. Registration of hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations, instructions and orders of the general director.

    10. Personnel accounting.

    11. Issuance of certificates about the current and past work activities of employees.

    12. Receiving, filling out, storing and issuing work books.

    13. Maintaining established personnel documentation.

    14. Preparation of materials for presenting personnel for incentives.

    15. Preparation of materials on bringing employees to material and disciplinary liability.

    16. Placement of personnel based on an assessment of their qualifications, personal and business qualities.

    17. Monitoring the correct placement of workers and the use of their labor in the structural divisions of the organization.

    18. Study of professional, business and moral qualities of workers in the process of their work activities.

    19. Organization of certification of the organization’s employees, its methodological and information support, participation in the analysis of certification results, constant monitoring of the progress of implementation of the decisions of the certification commission.

    20. Preparation of relevant documents on pension insurance and their submission to the social security authorities.

    21. Issuance of certificates of work in the organization, position held and salary.

    22. Ensuring social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, compliance with the procedure for employment and retraining of released workers, providing them with established benefits and compensation.

    23. Drawing up a vacation schedule, recording the use of vacations by employees, registering regular vacations in accordance with the approved schedule and additional vacations.

    24. Registration and accounting of business trips.

    25. Timesheets.

    26. Monitoring the state of labor discipline in the organization’s divisions and employees’ compliance with the Internal Regulations.

    27. Analysis of staff turnover.

    28. Development of measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, loss of working time, monitoring their implementation.

    29. Consideration of complaints and statements from employees regarding recruitment, relocation and dismissal, violation of labor laws.

    30. Taking measures to identify and eliminate the reasons that give rise to employee complaints.

    1. To perform the functions assigned to it, the HR department is granted the right to:

    1.1. Monitor compliance with labor legislation in relation to employees and the established procedure for providing benefits and advantages in structural divisions.

    1.2. Request the necessary information about employees from structural divisions, and when hiring and relocating employees, the opinion of the heads of the relevant structural divisions.

    1.4. Provide heads of structural divisions with binding instructions on issues within the competence of the department

    1.5. Conduct correspondence on personnel selection issues, as well as on other issues that are within the competence of the department and do not require approval from the General Director.

    2. The rights granted to the department are exercised by the head of the department, as well as by the employees of the department in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities established by job descriptions.

    3. The head of the HR department is vested with the following rights:

    3.1. Submit proposals on issues within the competence of the department for consideration by the General Director.

    3.2. Make proposals for the activities of other departments of the organization.

    3.3. Represent in the prescribed manner on behalf of the organization on issues within the competence of the department in relations with state and municipal bodies, as well as other enterprises, organizations, institutions, including recruitment agencies and employment services.

    3.4. Participate in the preparation and approval of the organization’s personnel plans.

    3.5. Give instructions to subordinate employees that must be followed.

    3.6. In agreement with the General Director, attract experts and specialists in the field of personnel management from third-party organizations for consultations, preparation of opinions, recommendations and proposals.

    3.7. Manage allocated labor, material, financial and technical resources and distribute them between structural units.

    4. The head of the HR department signs (endorses) documents related to the selection and movement of personnel, accounting forms.

    5. HR department employees have the right to:

    5.1. Visit departments of the organization to monitor the state of labor discipline and compliance with the labor rights of employees.

    5.2. Demand that officials of the organization comply with labor laws.

    5.3. Set deadlines and monitor compliance with requirements.

    5.4. When identifying violations of labor legislation, draw up acts, memos, reports and submit them to the legal department for legal analysis and subsequent submission to the General Director for consideration to bring the perpetrators to justice.

    5.5. Attend meetings and participate in discussions of issues within the competence of the department.

    VI. Relationships (service connections)

    To perform functions and exercise rights, the HR department interacts with divisions of the organization according to the following scheme:

    Division name

    Documents and information


    Provides (directs)

    All structural divisions

    Applications for workers and employees

    Employee incentive decisions

    Submissions for promotions

    Extracts from orders (copies of orders) for personnel (at the request of department heads)

    Characteristics of employees

    Approved vacation schedule

    Materials for bringing employees to disciplinary and financial liability

    Copies of orders on rewarding employees and imposing disciplinary sanctions

    Explanatory notes from violators of labor and production discipline

    Orders to eliminate violations of labor legislation

    Draft vacation schedules by department

    Decisions of the certification commission

    Materials for business travelers

    Copies of travel orders

    Main accounting department

    Salary certificates for applying for pensions

    Materials for issuing certificates to employees about work in the organization, position held and salary amount

    Draft orders on the hiring, dismissal and transfer of financially responsible persons

    Information about financially responsible persons

    Draft agreements on liability

    Time sheets

    Vacation schedule

    Temporary disability certificates for payment

    Certificates about changing the employee's surname

    Travel orders, other documents for payment of travel allowances

    Writs of execution from the courts for deduction from workers' wages

    Department of organization and remuneration

    Staffing table

    Information on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees

    Schemes of official salaries, additional payments, wage supplements

    Information on the number of employees

    Labor standards

    Certificates of staff turnover

    Staff Regulations

    Reports, statements on the state of labor discipline

    Regulations on material and moral incentives for employees

    Regulations on disciplinary liability

    Regulations on the structural divisions of the organization

    Payroll and headcount calculations

    Calculations of the need for workers and employees

    Personnel training department

    Schedules for sending managers and employees to educational institutions for advanced training

    Calculations of the need for qualified personnel

    Plans for training, retraining and advanced training

    Information on the qualitative composition of workers and employees

    Information about student progress and duration of study

    Lists of employees

    Results of final exams, qualifying tests, professional skills competitions

    Draft employment contracts with teachers and instructors

    Proposals for the composition of certification commissions

    Information on candidates for positions of teachers and instructors

    Legal department

    Information on changes in labor legislation, social security legislation

    Draft employment contracts with senior employees of the organization

    Labor regulations

    Applications to search for the necessary regulatory legal acts and clarification of current legislation

    Explanations of current labor legislation and the procedure for its application

    Orders for approval

    VII. Responsibility

    1. Responsibility for the proper and timely performance by the department of the functions provided for in these Regulations lies with the head of the personnel department.

    2. The head of the HR department is held accountable for:

    2.1. Inadequate organization of the department’s activities to perform the tasks and functions assigned to the department.

    2.2. Late and poor quality preparation of documents.

    2.3. Failure to properly maintain records in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.

    2.4. Providing false information on issues within his competence.

    2.5. Failure of department employees to comply with labor and production discipline.

    2.6. Failure to take measures to eliminate large-scale violations of labor discipline in the organization.

    2.7. Failure to ensure the safety of property located in the department and failure to comply with fire safety rules.

    2.8. Inconsistency of the draft orders, instructions, regulations, resolutions and other documents endorsed (signed) by him with the current legislation.

    2.9. Irrational use of labor and material resources.

    3. The head of the personnel department for committing offenses in the course of his activities is held accountable in the manner established by labor, administrative, and criminal legislation.

    4. When assessing the business qualities of the organization’s employees, HR department employees are required to proceed only from officially received data and materials and do not have the right to disclose available data about the personal lives of employees.

    5. The responsibility of HR department employees is established by their job descriptions.

    * Visas for heads of structural units with which the department interacts, and other officials.

    We are familiar with the situation

    Head of HR Department

    VC. Smirnova

    (job title)


    (full name)

    (job title*)


    (full name)

    * Positions, signatures of other personnel department employees, dates of review.

    CJSC "Alkotrade"


    (name of company)


    (director; deputy director for personnel; other official authorized to approve the job description)


    O. A. Onufriev


    (full name)


    № 2

    About the HR department

    (name of division)

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. These Regulations define the main tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the HR department of the closed joint-stock company "Alcotrade" (hereinafter referred to as the joint-stock company).

    1.2. The HR department in its activities is guided by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the joint-stock company, the Regulations on Personnel, rules and standards for documentation support for management, and other regulatory legal and regulatory and methodological documents on issues of personnel work.

    1.3. The HR department is an independent structural unit of the joint-stock company and reports to the general director.

    1.4. The staffing level and structure of the department are determined by the general director of the joint-stock company.

    1.5. These Regulations determine the procedure for carrying out work on the selection, placement and training of personnel, personnel records, and management of labor discipline in a joint-stock company.

    1.6. Direct management of the work of the department is carried out by the head of the personnel department, to whose position, by order of the general director, a person with a higher professional education and work experience in organizing personnel management in engineering, technical and managerial positions is appointed for at least 5 years.

    1.7. During the absence of the head of the department (vacation, business trip, illness, etc.), his duties are assigned to the senior HR engineer, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to fulfill his duties.

    2. Main goals and objectives of the department

    2.1. The main purpose of creating a personnel department is to implement personnel policy in a joint-stock company.

    2.2. The main objectives of the department are:

    Selection, placement and training of personnel;

    Registration and accounting of personnel;

    Ensuring the rights, benefits and guarantees of employees of the joint-stock company;

    Monitoring the state of labor discipline in a joint-stock company.

    3. Department functions

    To solve the assigned tasks, the HR department performs the following functions:

    3.1. Develops personnel policy, as well as a set of measures for its implementation.

    3.2. Calculates the need for personnel and determines the sources of its satisfaction based on a study of the labor market.

    3.3. Provides the joint stock company with personnel of workers and employees of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and subject of the joint stock company.

    3.4. Forms and maintains a data bank on the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel.

    3.5. Together with the heads of structural divisions, it recruits and selects employees and makes proposals for their appointment to positions.

    3.6. Informs employees of the joint-stock company about available vacancies.

    3.7. Establishes connections with educational institutions, employment services, recruitment agencies for personnel selection, as well as the media for placing advertisements for hiring workers.

    3.8. Prepares the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations, instructions and orders of the general director of the joint-stock company.

    3.9. Maintains personnel records and established personnel documentation.

    3.10. Issues certificates about employees’ work activities, positions held and wages.

    3.11. Receives, fills out, stores and issues work books.

    3.12. Prepares materials for presenting employees for incentives, to bring employees to financial and disciplinary liability.

    3.13. Together with the heads of structural divisions, he arranges personnel based on an assessment of their qualifications, personal and business qualities.

    3.14. Organizes certification of employees of the joint-stock company, its methodological and information support.

    3.15. Analyzes certification results.

    3.16. Organizes, in accordance with regulatory legal and methodological documents, inspections in the divisions of the joint-stock company:

    Compliance with the correct use of labor in structural divisions;

    State of labor discipline;

    Execution of decisions of the certification commission.

    3.17. Records and analyzes the results of inspections and, if intervention is necessary, informs the General Director about existing violations and ways to eliminate them.

    3.18. Prepares documents for registration of pensions and submits them to social security authorities.

    3.19. Provides social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, compliance with employment procedures and retraining of laid-off workers, providing them with established benefits and compensation.

    3.20. Draws up a vacation schedule, keeps records of employee use of vacations, and arranges vacations in accordance with the approved schedule.

    3.21. Arranges for business trips and maintains travel records.

    3.22. Provides timesheet maintenance.

    3.23. Develops measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, loss of working time, and monitors their implementation.

    3.24. Considers complaints and applications from employees regarding recruitment, transfer and dismissal, violations of labor laws.

    3.25. Takes measures to identify and eliminate the causes of employee complaints.

    4. Department rights

    4.1. The HR department has the right:

    Request from structural divisions the necessary information about employees, and when hiring and relocating employees - the opinion of the heads of the relevant structural divisions;

    Exercise control over the activities of any structural unit of the joint-stock company regarding compliance with labor legislation, internal labor regulations, as well as on other issues within its competence;

    Participate in the work of commissions that consider personnel issues, as well as hold meetings on issues within the competence of the department;

    Submit proposals, acts, opinions on holding heads of structural divisions accountable for violations of labor legislation for consideration by the management of the joint-stock company.

    4.2. The specific rights of the department head and department employees are established by job descriptions.

    5. Responsibility

    5.1. The HR department is collectively responsible for:

    The quality and timeliness of performing the tasks and functions assigned to the department, as well as for the full implementation of the rights granted to the department;

    Compliance with labor legislation requirements;

    Correctness, completeness and quality of activities for the implementation of personnel policy in a joint-stock company.

    5.2. The individual (personal) responsibility of department employees is established by job descriptions.

    6. Interaction

    6.1. The HR department performs its functions in close contact with all structural divisions of the joint-stock company on issues of personnel placement, preparation of personnel documentation, application of incentive and penalty measures to employees, conducting certifications, issuing vacations, and maintaining labor discipline.

    6.2. To perform its functions and exercise the rights granted, the HR department interacts:

    With the main accounting department on the exchange of information: on wages of employees; staffing levels; working time recording; financial support for vacations, business trips, dismissals; other objects and items;

    With the department of organization and remuneration regarding the exchange of information: on the management structure; staffing table; salary plans; payroll calculations; labor standards; calculations of personnel requirements; hiring, relocating and dismissing employees; staff turnover; other objects and items;

    With the personnel training department on the exchange of information: on the needs for qualified personnel for individual positions, specialties, professions; quality composition of employees; the procedure for sending executives and specialists to educational institutions for advanced training; lesson plans; information about student progress and terms of study; results of final exams, qualifying tests, professional skills competitions; composition of certification commissions; other objects and items;

    With the business department on the provision of office equipment, office supplies, as well as on repairs in the premises assigned to the personnel department.

    6.3. Interaction with the structural divisions of the joint-stock company should not go beyond the competence of the HR department, and also lead to the performance of the functions of the HR department by other departments.

    7. Logistics support

    7.1. The material and technical basis of the department’s activities consists of the premises assigned to it, furniture, office equipment, computer equipment, software, and documents necessary to perform the tasks assigned to the department.

    7.2. Department employees bear individual and collective responsibility for the safety of property and funds assigned to the department.

    8. Organization of work

    8.1. The work of the HR department is carried out in accordance with approved plans.

    8.2. Department plans are drawn up by the head of the department.

    8.3. The instructions of the head of the department are mandatory for subordinate employees.

    8.4. Department employees perform the functions assigned to the department. It is prohibited to require employees to perform duties not specified in the employment contract and not defined in job descriptions.

    8.5. To ensure high-quality and complete performance of functions in the department, groups of workers are created who are responsible for the following areas:

    2) dismissal;

    3) movement, vacations, business trips;

    4) study and assessment of personnel;

    5) the state of labor discipline;

    6) registration of pensions.

    8.6. The staff of the department is 12 people.

    9. Changes

    Changes and additions to these Regulations are agreed upon with the head of the HR department and introduced into the Regulations based on the order of the General Director.

    * Visas for heads of structural units with which the department interacts, and other officials.

    We are familiar with the situation

    Head of HR Department

    VC. Smirnova

    (job title)


    (full name)

    (job title*)


    (full name)

    * Positions, signatures of other personnel department employees, dates of review.

    administration of Novonikolayevsky

    Education Department

    Narodnaya st., 77, r. p. Novonikolayevsky, 403901

    tel.(2, 6-12-96, fax.(2, E-mail: *****@***ru

    "22"No. _959_____

    To No. _______ from ________________

    In accordance with Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” an educational institution is granted autonomy, which includes the right to independently determine the regulatory legal basis for its activities. This is the competence of the educational institution. Educational authorities are responsible for recommendations and control. During the examination of local acts, the following problems emerged in the development of the legal framework for the activities of an educational institution:

    1. Determination of the necessary list of local acts of the educational institution in accordance with the Charter;

    2. Development of local acts of an educational institution as a legal document in accordance with the established form;

    3. Determination of the tasks and functions of state-social forms of self-government of an educational institution;

    4. Compliance of the developed regulatory legal framework regulating the activities of an educational institution with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

    P.1.7. "b" art. 13 “Charter of an educational institution” of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” shows that the Charter of an educational institution must indicate: the structure, the procedure for forming the governing bodies of the educational institution, their competence and the procedure for organizing activities. Therefore it is necessary to determine:

    – what governing bodies operate in this educational institution;

    – what are their functional management connections;

    – whether they act in accordance with the approved regulations (local act).

    Problems arise for heads of educational institutions with the registration and execution of local acts, with determining responsibility for failure to comply with a local act, with the procedure for making changes and additions, with familiarizing the employees of the institution with the local act, with the personnel who are subject to the local act.

    Technology for drafting regulations

    Regulations are an organizational and legal document that regulates the activities of departments, institutions and their structural divisions.

    Typically, provisions consist of the following sections:

    1. General Provisions.

    2. Relationships with other self-government bodies.

    3.Main tasks.

    4. Functions (responsibilities).


    7. Organization of management.

    8.Clerical work.

    Section "General Provisions" includes:

    – determination of the status of the self-government body in the management system;

    - instructions about who it is headed and to whom it reports;

    – degree of independence;

    The basis for drawing up job descriptions for employees of educational institutions should be the Charter and Regulations on the type and type of educational institution, existing qualification characteristics and qualification requirements for the position. Current legislation does not impose strict requirements on the structure and content of job descriptions. However, taking into account the existing recommendations, it seems advisable to include the following sections in the job descriptions:

    1.Section “General provisions” The exact name of the employee’s position is determined. This is necessary to determine the role of the position in the specific conditions of the educational institution, the level of remuneration of the employee filling the position, bonus conditions, as well as to correctly resolve social security issues. The employee's job title must reflect the nature of the work he performs and strictly comply with the current nomenclature of positions.

    Next, the employee’s subordination is determined. In accordance with management principles, an employee should have only one immediate supervisor. The presence of two or more managers leads to a decrease in the responsibility of both the subordinate and the managers themselves.

    In addition, an official is determined who appoints the employee to the position and dismisses him from it.

    Indicates whether the employee has subordinates.

    This paragraph is linked to the “Responsibility” section, which, in the case of subordinates, stipulates responsibility not only for the employee’s own actions, but also for the actions of subordinates.

    Contains instructions on the procedure for replacing an employee in the event of his temporary absence (vacation, long business trip, illness, etc.). This point is especially important in job descriptions for managers. If there are no clear instructions about the officials who perform the duties of managers during their absence, this will disorganize the work of the institution.

    In addition to the above, it contains a list of documents (legislative acts of the Russian Federation, charter of an educational institution, instructions, recommendations, etc.) that guide the employee in his activities.

    Section "Main tasks and functions" The job description reveals the main tasks of the employee arising from the tasks and functions of this educational institution. In this case, the content of a specific task or function, the implementation of which is assigned to the employee, is most accurately determined. It should be noted that all functions of an educational institution, without exception, are distributed among employees, including managers.

    Section "Job Responsibilities" reveals the specific responsibilities of the employee, the fulfillment of which ensures the solution of the tasks assigned to him. If we consider the development of job descriptions for a developing school, then the nature of the work not only of the administration, but also of the teaching staff will be of a research nature. Therefore, for almost all teaching positions, an employee will be required to:

    analyze relevant part of the educational (teaching and educational) process;

    forecast activities in one’s own area of ​​the educational (teaching and educational) process;

    plan and organize work;

    coordinate the activities of persons in the relevant area of ​​the educational (teaching and educational) process;

    control employees who are directly subordinate;

    adjust own activities and the activities of that section of the educational (teaching and educational) process for which he is responsible;

    develop plans, programs and other documents;

    consult participants in the educational (teaching and educational) process falling within its competence;

    evaluate and carry out examination activities in their area of ​​the educational (teaching and educational) process;

    provide performing its functions.

    Section "Rights". It provides a list of rights. Provided to the employee for the successful performance of the duties assigned to him. When compiling this section, it is necessary to take into account the fixation of specific rights in the employee’s area of ​​activity, taking into account the specifics of his work.

    A clear definition of rights helps resolve controversial issues in relationships between employees in an educational institution. If necessary, an employee can assert his rights on the basis of a legal document, such as a job description.

    Providing rights to an employee facilitates the full performance of the duties assigned to him. That is why the next section of the job description - “Responsibility” - provides for equal responsibility both for failure to fulfill duties and for failure to use the rights granted to the employee.

    Section "Responsibility". In this section, it would be possible to list all the duties and rights, indicating in the title part personal responsibility for their non-fulfillment or non-fulfillment. However, this would unjustifiably increase the volume of each instruction, therefore it is recommended to define responsibility in one phrase: “the employee bears disciplinary liability for poor quality and failure to fulfill duties in a timely manner and not to use the rights provided for in the job description.”

    Section "Connections by position". The section specifies when, in what form and in relation to which positions reporting and control is carried out.

    An examination of local acts of educational institutions showed that:

    – most local acts conflict with current legislation;

    – many local acts duplicate legislative norms;

    – the requirements for the structure and content of the local act are not met;

    – the normative nature of the local act is not fully ensured;

    – the registration of the local act is not completed correctly, and therefore the details are not completed;

    – there is no control over the implementation of the local act;

    – the procedure for making changes and additions is not provided;

    – it is not possible to track whether employees are familiar with the local act and who is covered by the local act;

    - syllabus;

    – annual calendar training schedule (in agreement with the Regional Educational Institution);

    – Regulations on the classroom;

    – Regulations on the school museum.

    The stamp Adopted by the pedagogical council, the protocol dated _______ No. _______ can be affixed in the left corner of the title page or at the end of the document.

    All local regulations approved by the self-government body must be put into effect by order of the head.

    The procedure for drawing up local regulations

    1. The local regulatory act must be signed by the developer indicating his position and last name.

    2. The document approval stamp is located in the upper right corner on the title page. The abbreviated name of the institution is acceptable if the full name of the institution is available on the form or on the corner stamp.

    3. The stamps for putting into effect, taking into account opinions, approval, etc. are located in the upper left corner on the title page.

    4. Approval can be of two types: direct approval (option 1), and through an order (option 2).

    5.The words APPROVED and APPROVED are written in capital letters without quotation marks. Next, depending on the type of approval, the position of the person approving the document, his signature, the transcript of the signature (initials and surname) and the date are indicated.


    Direct statement

    name of company


    title of the manager's position



    full name

    "___" _______ 200__g.

    through an order


    name of company




    By order of the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No.

    dated 01/01/2001 No.

    2. Documents that require taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee. Approved as follows:

    Direct statement:


    name of company


    taking into account the opinion of the director of the municipal educational institution

    trade union committee of secondary school No.___________

    Municipal educational institution secondary school No. ________ _______ (transcript)

    protocol dated _____ No._____ 00.00.0000.g or

    Chairman of the trade union committee "___"____________year


    If the document was approved by order of the director, then the stamp “Approved taking into account opinion” is affixed at the end of the order, and it is recommended to indicate in the appendix:



    by order of the Ministry of Education

    Secondary school No. __________

    from _____ No. _________

    taking into account the opinion

    trade union committee

    protocol dated ______№__

    3. In documents where they are required to be put into effect by order of the head of the municipal educational institution, the stamp “Enacted into effect” is placed in the left corner


    name of company

    Put into effect APPROVED

    by order of the director at the Council of the Municipal Educational Institution

    Municipal educational institution secondary school No._______ secondary school No.__________

    dated________ No._______ protocol dated_______ No.__

    Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No.____


    Chief Specialist of the Education Department


    2.g. Library Children's School, 2008

    3. Information and methodological materials, VGIPKIPRO, Department of Educational Management

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