Useful habits of millionaires. Habits of Millionaires by Brian Tracy

Following these simple rules has helped more than one person gain a strong financial foundation. Maybe you can do it too?

In addition to all the other global differences between “us” and “them,” we also have the wrong millionaires. Our millionaire, in most cases, is either a former Komsomol worker or a former bandit, although the difference between them, to be honest, is not that big. No, there are exceptions, I don’t argue, but they only confirm the rule.

If we look at the rich on the other side of the border, we see a completely different picture.

According to a Fidelity Investments survey, 86% of wealthy people gained their wealth through their personal entrepreneurial activity and innovation. And not only luck and personal qualities helped them in this, but also strict adherence to a few simple rules.

What is held in high esteem is not the ability to “squeeze and divide,” but the ability to create something new.

Create a budget and stick to it

It sounds boring, but real millionaires know exactly not only their income, but also all their expenses.

Thomas Stanley and William Danko write about this in their book Millionaire Next Door, which is devoted to the study of the most typical traits and habits common to the majority American millionaires. Moreover, this scrupulousness of calculations does not disappear as new zeros appear in the amount of their count.

Invest in yourself first

Millionaires do not see money as a means of constant pleasure, but, above all, as an opportunity for savings and investment. A good habit that anyone can learn from them is to put at least 10% of their income into their savings account.

As financial advisor Dave Ramsey notes:

Saving just $100 a month from age 25 to 65 at 12% will give you $1,176,000. Anyone can retire a millionaire!

Wealthy people do even more: they invest up to 20% of their income. Many experts suggest following the 50-30-20 rule, which means you spend 50% of your income on essentials, 30% on things like new clothes or travel, and save the remaining 20%.

Set ambitious goals

Rich people pay great attention to organizing their time—about 81% of millionaires conscientiously keep to-do lists. And among low-income people, according to research by Thomas Corley, only 9% do this. As we can see, a set goal and well-thought-out steps to achieve it really bring results.

"They set really big goals," says Steve Siebold, author of How Rich People Think.

Guys like Richard Branson set a huge goal, achieve it, and do it again. At first it seems that it is simply impossible, but they do it and never stop.

Live modestly

Most millionaires continue to lead a fairly modest lifestyle even when they can afford almost everything. Legendary investor Warren Buffett lives in the same Omaha, Nebraska house he bought for $31,500 in 1958, before he made his billions. Most of America's millionaires buy used cars, according to the aforementioned study by Thomas Stanley and William Danko. The most popular brand is Toyota.

Obsession with consumption is not a typical trait for most American rich people. This is especially true for people who have acquired their wealth not through inheritance or lottery winnings, but through hard work, persistence, planning and, above all, self-discipline.

Work for yourself

Only 20% of Americans have own business, but two thirds of millionaires are self-employed. Globally, according to the Economist, more than half of millionaires own their own businesses, and only a measly 16% inherited their money.

Truly rich people try not to depend on one source of income and try to have several sources of income at once.

Build the right connections

If you want to become successful in business, then you will have to spend time networking with people who are successful entrepreneurs.

Just as musicians seek to spend time among fellow musicians, writers will find themselves among authors. It’s not that they limit their communication only to this circle, but it is useful to spend a significant part of their time in a professional environment.

Treat money as a tool, not a goal

A characteristic feature of many real millionaires is the absence of the cult of money. They simply go towards their goal and money is just a pleasant bonus for them along the way.

Love what you do, don't stop developing in professionally, and wealth will come to you, sooner or later, writes Stanley in The Millionaire Mind. It's hard to argue with that.

To be financially independent and earn more than one million, you first need to become completely responsible for your financial life. Instead of striving for this, most of us spend our money randomly and unwisely and live our whole lives waiting for a miracle.

But in reality, a serious amount of money cannot appear quickly. Many rich people have managed to organize their finances in such a way that they annually receive up to 10% more profit than the previous year. They are not trying to get rich suddenly and without any problems. They are characterized by such traits as patience, perseverance and foresight. They managed to accustom themselves not only to maintaining, but also to increasing their capital over many years. They strive not to invest money in suspicious projects, avoid unnecessary risks, and not look for quick and easy ways to make money. Their wealth is growing rapidly every year, and the mark always crosses a million dollars, but it doesn’t stop there, and it’s all thanks to this way of thinking. Habits of Millionaires, we'll talk about this further...

You should stop being that person who constantly worries about money. Change your way of thinking and you will see great prospects to improve your financial condition. To achieve all your financial goals, you need to become a completely different person, change your habits and character.

When you manage to earn and save your first million dollars, or even more, there is a high probability that you will also easily be able to earn subsequent millions. And if you suddenly lose all your money, you will be able to get it all back quickly, because you will already be the person who will manage to become a millionaire. And believe me, once you become a millionaire, you are unlikely to be the same as you were before.

Probably the most characteristic millionaire habits who have managed to make themselves, these are the habits of being thrifty. Rich people in the US are used to saving every cent and every dollar. They take finances very seriously and are accustomed to carefully considering the investments of their capital and planning probable expenses. Even when choosing between new things and second-hand, discounted ones, preference is given to the latter. And in general, they tend to buy only if it is impossible to rent, and they can rent only when it is impossible to rent. And we can say with confidence that they will not rent or rent in the case when the necessary thing can simply be temporarily borrowed from their relatives or friends. “If you take care of the pennies, the pounds will take care of themselves” is an English proverb that they strictly follow.

Self-made millionaires have developed the habit of constantly saving and investing money profitably from early childhood.

The life of any person is generally built on habits. We can easily get used to any external circumstances or conditions. By training yourself to save 10% of your profits and live on 90%, over time you will be able to settle for a small level of comfort. And then you will not pay attention to this standard of living; it will become quite familiar to you.
When forming a habit, you should monitor your expenses more closely and save money; very soon you will notice how your daily expenses have decreased. You will be able to pay off existing debts faster and stop borrowing altogether. In addition, you will be more selective in your purchases and stop spending money on unnecessary things.

Meanwhile, the habit of thrift will contribute to the growth of your profit on the account. In just one year this will be quite a decent amount. And if you take ten to twenty years, then your capital will amount to more than tens of thousands of dollars.

Among other things, you should get into the habit of periodically depositing unaccounted amounts into your account. For example, having sold something from furniture or electronic equipment and received a fee or bonus, there is no need to rush and waste money, as unsuccessful people usually do. Add this money to the capital you already have in your account, which will bring you closer to achieving your previously set financial goal.

The more you think about the joy and satisfaction that increasing your savings will bring, the more motivated you will be to spend less and save more. It will not be noticeable how at the end of the month you will stop worrying about paying bills, and will begin to imagine the amount of money that has replenished your bank account.

For many people who have achieved certain financial success, it has become a habit to think with pleasure about the accumulation, contribution and growth of their capital. At the same time, many financial losers tend to enjoy what they spend their money on as soon as they have it.

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

B. Tracy offers an unusual theory of improving your well-being. The author argues that people with a lot of money have a certain set of habits that help them be rich. Don’t think that these habits are some kind of magical ritual that you can regularly repeat to become a millionaire. Of course not, money won't come without hard work. But this statement has its own rational element. It lies in the special approach of rich people to managing and spending their money. After all, it is important not only to earn a lot, but it is equally important to be able to spend your money correctly.

According to B. Tracy, useful habits can and should be developed by displacing existing negative ones. This is a painstaking task, but it is worth it.

Millionaires are used to thinking about financial independence most of the time. They are patient, persistent and forward-thinking. They have taught themselves to preserve and increase their capital for many years. They are in no hurry to invest in dubious projects, avoid unjustified risks and do not look for easy and quick ways earn money.

1. Thrift

Rich people will never buy a new thing if they can buy a used one, or if they can rent it or get it for free from relatives or friends. They carefully think through each of their purchases, weigh all the pros and cons, consider how often this item will be used and whether it is possible to do without it.

2. Save regularly and invest your money profitably

Train yourself to save 10% of your income every month without starting to spend what you earn, and live on the remaining 90%. This will distinguish you from most people who always lack and live in debt. If it’s difficult to change immediately, then start living by saving 1% of your earnings and gradually increasing this amount to the required 10% per month. This amount should never be spent. Under no circumstances, even the most extreme. It can only be replenished. To resist the temptation to waste it, make a deposit at the bank.

Train yourself to also save all unaccounted amounts. This could be bonuses or money received from the sale of your property. Don’t spend it right away, this will make you significantly different from most people who don’t successful people.

It’s quite difficult to force yourself to save part of your monthly income. However, most often people grow professionally, look for best places work and, accordingly, begin to earn more. Accustom yourself to the idea that to achieve financial independence you will need to save 50% of your new profit and start saving as soon as you receive it. This is important because it is easier to force yourself to save some of the money that you are not yet used to spending.

The Law of Money Attraction states that the amount you set aside for your financial independence gives you more confidence and instills positive emotions that contribute to the influx of new funds to you.

Since childhood, we perceive the need to accumulate funds as a punishment. After all, my parents tried, and we, as children, treated money only as a source of pleasure - buying new toys, sweets, etc. That is, from childhood, the call to save, rather than spend, is perceived as punishment. This habit needs to be radically changed. Saving is not a punishment, not a pain or a loss, it is the basis of financial independence. Tell yourself this every day and every time you want to spend money. Let it not be the spending of money that pleases you, but the accumulation of it, the increase in the amount of money you already have. This is exactly what happens to rich people. Poor people, as soon as they receive money in their hands, think only about where to spend it.

3. Modesty

Self-made millionaires do not show by their appearance, house, car, or level of leisure that they are truly rich.

4. Plan your finances carefully

The rich have two rules: first, do not lose money, second, if you are tempted to spend, see rule one. Carefully plan your expenses, devote a lot of time to this every day, and not just when you have to pay bills every month. Thinking more often about your money and how you can make more money can help you make the best decisions about your money. The average millionaire spends 20-30 hours a month counting his income and expenses, as well as planning them.

Before you invest money in any project, carefully study all its details. Spend the same amount of time gathering information about the project as it took to earn money for it. Don’t leave anything to chance and don’t rely on luck - this is the lot of losers. Always have a plan and a rainy day fund for the worst case scenario.

5. Financial advisor

Find yourself a financial advisor. This could be a hired employee from a trusted company. At the initial stages it may be each other good income who knows how to manage money, and you can learn from him. Read literature about personal finance.

6. Choosing the right job and boss

The most important task is to choose a job that combines the following basic qualities: it is easy for you, it is easy to do, it brings satisfaction, you like it, it turns out well and brings highest income.

95% of people spend a significant part of their lives working not for themselves, but for someone else, and this does not prevent them from becoming millionaires. Many current business owners have worked long and hard for their owner. At the same time, it is very important to choose a worthy, fair, intelligent, balanced, purposeful boss and establish yourself as a reliable employee who always copes with his duties efficiently and quickly and is not afraid new job. In business, initiative is not punished, but on the contrary, it helps you make yourself and reach heights. Strive to complete your work responsibly and quickly.

7. Rational attitude to work

At work, do your work, not personal affairs, surfing the Internet, chatting on the phone. Focus on your main tasks and use every minute of your working time. All successful people have one common habit - to work much more and harder than their colleagues. People who work more produce more value, get paid more, and advance faster. Nowadays, in any business, past merits are no longer given importance; all that matters is what and who you are right now. That is, to be successful, you can no longer go with the flow. To be on top, you need to constantly acquire more and more new skills and abilities.

8. Your image

How others perceive you matters great value. You need to look like a person who wants to achieve something in life. Everything is important, including appearance, no matter how you look at it, but people are greeted by their clothes. Think about it one by one appearance, the type of workplace, the car, the contents of the bag, people who don’t know you will tell about you what impression you leave about yourself.

9. Relationships with superiors and colleagues

Set up good relationship with your boss is the basis for career success. Your boss is your first and main client. Always remember this and act based on it. Also try to maintain good relationships with your colleagues and employees, help them work more efficiently. Do not participate in gossip and intrigue; this takes away a lot of time and effort that could be spent on bringing greater benefit to your company. Take on more responsibility. Spend a little more time on your work. Imagine that you work for yourself and this company is yours. You will become more collected and responsible, you will make decisions and act faster and better. This way you can achieve success in your business.

Dreams of wealth can come true if you use the experience of people who have earned a good fortune through their labor. Follow the habits of millionaires to make your life stable and prosperous.

People become successful the moment they decide to make their dreams come true. It is unlikely that you have elderly uncles and aunties who dream of leaving you their huge inheritance. Psychologists note that the success of each person depends not only on the place of work, but also on the way of thinking. In order to start earning good money, it is important to motivate yourself every day, broaden your horizons and not be afraid of drastic changes.

Millionaire Habits That Will Help You Get Rich

Habits can serve you well on your journey to achieving your goals. In order to begin the path to improving your life, do not delay or postpone the start date of changes in yourself. Don't negotiate with your conscience, but just start taking steps towards success one day. Take note of a few habits of people who have achieved everything through their hard work and desire to enjoy every moment of their existence.

1. Read as much as possible

Reading will help you learn from the experiences of successful people. Many millionaires have used self-development literature on their path to success. We read biographies of people who have already achieved success, and on the pages of books they share their advice and notes. Don't overlook books that will help you understand human psychology. With them you can learn how to interact correctly with others and achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

You've probably noticed that families with the same monthly income live differently. Some people can save money, others live paycheck to paycheck. Why is this happening?

There is a direction in psychology that studies the way of thinking and behavioral strategies of poor and rich people. As experts say, a person with high level income there are certain habits that help them earn more. We will talk about these habits in this article.

Habits are our second nature.

They force us to act and think in stereotypical ways. And do this again and again, despite the unsatisfactory results obtained. Thus, the habit of buying things in installments or on credit deprives us of the opportunity to fully manage our own income.

The actions we perform daily or in a certain situation, that is, our habits, depend on the way we think. By changing your own perception of the world, in particular, ideas about wealth and rich people, you can earn more.

People who received inheritance or those who won in lottery large sums, most often do not become millionaires. Because they don't know how to handle money. Scientists say that poor people have a psychological ban on wealth. Because in our society there is a stereotype that you cannot become a millionaire in an honest way.

Researcher Thomas Corley tried to understand how the behavior and habits of a person earning millions of dollars differed from people whose annual income was below $150 thousand. He found that most millionaires have the same habits and lifestyle. He cites figures that were obtained from a survey of 233 people with high annual income and 128 whose income was low.

  • 44% of wealthy people Wake up at least three hours before work. Only about 3% of the poor do this.
  • 88% of millionaires read daily, allocating at least half an hour for this. Although 26% of the poor said they like to read, only 2% do it every day.

Among the habits of the rich Corley's people notes that 67% write down their goals. As the survey showed, the rich do not watch TV and reality shows, but prefer to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Let's take a closer look at what habits unite people who have managed to earn millions of dollars.

Habits of rich people

Don't put it off until later. Once you have made a decision, start taking action. Don't delay, someone can realize your idea and you will be left with nothing. Don't wait for the “convenient” moment, you may miss your chance. Read useful information- start using it. If you act under Scarlett's motto " I'll think about it tomorrow", you will never get rich.

Work not for someone else, but for yourself. This way you can earn in proportion to the efforts you put in, rather than a salary. And this is the most powerful incentive. is in second place in the Forbes ranking. Today he has $67 billion. And in 1975, he and his wife started a business sewing robes and underwear in their own living room. Today the company Zara world famous brand.

Do what you love. If a person truly loves his job, he will undoubtedly achieve success. And professionalism and dedication will help you become financially independent. It's never too late to change your occupation.

Set global goals. If the task is to earn a certain amount, then you will receive it. To start, set a goal of earning $5,000. More is possible, but not less. And go towards your goal in small daily steps. The right goals are those that can actually be achieved and depend only on you, and not on the weather, other people or fortune.

Communicate with people, make contacts. Other people pay us money. A large circle of contacts will help you quickly find investors or potential buyers.

Invest. Money should make money. They should not lie under the mattress, waiting in the wings. Expand the geography of your business, buy shares, invest in real estate.

Know your worth. Your time is your money. Before you name the cost of services, study the market. Value your reputation and don’t miss opportunities. The creator of the ATM prototype received only five dollars for his invention, although he could have earned millions from the money dispensing device. And another striking example, you know the image of a smiley face on a yellow background? Spain Brothers bought the licensed image and earned more than $50 million from it. The creator of the smiley, Harvey Ball, received $45.

Think outside the box. Completely unexpected things can bring income. Paul Brown The creator of the bottle that goes on the cap was able to sell the business and design rights for $14 million. Inventor of bright children's toys " Rainbow"I earned about $250 million. The idea came when he saw a metal spring fall and begin to “step over” the floor. The sticker creator's idea helped him earn more than a billion dollars.

Spend less than you earn. Most people increase their expenses in proportion to their income. So, if the salary was raised, then again all of it goes towards acquisitions. Rich people do not try to spend money right away; they save it until it is successfully invested. We must learn to live on a certain amount, and when we receive more than that, create savings for passive income. You need to plan your expenses wisely and not make impulsive purchases. The aforementioned Warren Buffett, who ranks third on the Forbes list, lives in a house that he purchased back in 1957 for just over $30 thousand.

Value your time. Rich people do not count how much they earn per month or year, but how much they earn per hour. Review your day and think about what activities are not benefiting your health, business or family. Eliminate watching useless films, social correspondence in social networks, empty conversations on the phone and you will have temporary resources for self-education, planning and proper rest.

See opportunities. For a person moving towards financial independence, the glass is not half empty, but one into which you can add water. He does not focus on the problem and why it happened, but quickly looks for ways to solve or eliminate it.

Willingness to share. Most rich people are distinguished by their generosity. They participate in charity, sponsor public and scientific programs, and become philanthropists. They are ready to help other people, but only if they themselves want to. Don't treat money as a goal, it's just a means to achieve it.

Create a quality product needed by people . Only that product or service will generate income that truly simplifies a person’s life. If the client is satisfied, then he will definitely return to you.

Take responsibility. Wealthy people attribute all their successes and failures to themselves. The rich man believes that he himself makes his life the way it is, while the poor man believes in luck and believes that nothing depends on him. Wealthy people are ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

By changing your habits, setting clear goals for yourself, and making a plan for their implementation, you will definitely achieve financial success. The main thing is not to stop, but to go towards your dream.

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