Field of miracles bird theme 7 letters. Field of Miracles on the theme: “Birds are near us

Natalia Khitrova
"Our winged friends" Game-activity “Field of Miracles” to reinforce children’s knowledge about birds

Target: consolidate knowledge, previously received about wintering birds, about migratory; develop speech children, memory, quick thinking, quick wits. Cultivate good feelings towards birds. Learn play, following the rules of the game.

Progress of the game:

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window.

The nightingales will soon whistle

And the forest will be clothed with leaves.

Pure heavenly azure,

The sun became lighter and brighter.

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

It's gone for a long time again.

Spring has come, the month of March ends, they are returning to their homeland birds, begin to build nests and sing songs. At the end of March, all nature lovers celebrate the Day birds, enjoying these beautiful creatures. So you and I will remember what we learned about birds.

Guys, we will play the game« Field of Miracles» , and so that you need to know the rules to play. Listen their:

1. During the game, you cannot give hints to each other.

2. You can spin the top only once, then the move goes to

3. If you haven’t answered the question, then the audience comes to your aid.

4. If a sector falls out "Prize", then the participant in the game can choose

"Prize", if a game, then answers the question following

sectors "Prize".

will help me counting commission, in order to identify the winners.

Suddenly a noise is heard, croaking and a crow flies in.

Hello guys and adults! I am a scientist Crow, I know everything in the world and I want to see how our holiday is celebrated in your kindergarten - Day birds. Can I stay with you at your party?

Leading: We are very glad to see you, dear Crow, be a guest at our holiday! I really need your help. We have so many guys, and I need to choose the smartest ones. I don’t know what to do!

Crow: I will help you with pleasure, dear! I am an old wise Crow, I have lived in the world for 120 years. Here I have a book in which everything is written. I will ask the children questions, and whoever answers them correctly will be the one play.


What benefits does the wagtail bring?

What was the name of the little sparrow in M. Gorky's story? "Sparrow"?

Who is more dressed up? male or female birds?

Which bird can hiss like a snake?

Why are we talking about the goose? “comes out of the water unscathed”?

What bird has a spring name?

What do waterfowl feet look like? birds?

What is the body covered with? birds?

Which the bird is called"best singer"?

Leading: Thank you wise Crow, you helped me a lot!


1. Name the migratory ones birds?

2. Which migratory birds fly away first to warmer climes?

3. What are the names of warm countries where migratory birds fly


4. Show in the picture who is flying how?

5. Which birds Are they listed in the Red Book of Russia?

Crow announces the winner of the 1st round and rewards all 3 participants.



1. Name the winterers birds?

2. How does crossbill differ from other wintering birds?

3. Which birds saved by the titmouse Zinka in the story by V. Bianchi


4. Which birds are called"forest doctors"?

5. What wintering bird flaunts his outfit?

6. Why in winter birds approaching a person's home?

Crow announces the winner of ROUND 2 and rewards all three.



1. Which one the bird is odd in this row?

2. About which ones? birds say what they "bring spring to wings» ?

3. Using these pictures, tell us about the rules of behavior in nature.

4. What is taught birds their chicks?

5. Which birds are called"thoroughbred", "Mockingbirds"? Why?

6. Which one bird loves collecting everything shiny?

The Crow announces the winner of ROUND 3 and rewards all three players.



1. Who from birds can you dive underwater?

2. Name it birds - predators. Why are they called that?

3. Tell the proverb about the starling.

6. Why can’t you make noise in the forest in spring?

To the winner final game is offered super game.


1. Sing a song about birds.

2. Tell a poem.

3. Say a proverb about birds.

The crow gives a medal and prize to the winner of the game.

The active viewer is awarded a medal "Friend birds» , and gifts for all viewers.

Leading: Our holiday dedicated to birds. We want you to remember and take care of them on other days.

Publications on the topic:

Program content. Reinforce the concept that our speech consists of sentences. At the end of the sentence there is a (.))) Reproduce.

Game "Field of Miracles". “Customs and rituals of the peoples of the North” Goals and objectives: - to promote the development of children's interest in their native land; - cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; - develop intelligence.

Game “Field of Miracles” for environmental education in the preparatory group “Our Wealth is the Forest” Objectives: Learn to solve riddles. Introduce new plants, give new information about known plants. Speech correction. Ved: Good.

Game “Field of Miracles” for environmental education in the preparatory group “Our Wealth is Forest” Objectives: Learn to solve riddles. Introduce new plants, give new information about known plants. Speech correction. Ved: Good afternoon.

Game - entertainment for children of the preparatory group “Field of Miracles” Topic: “Wings, paws, tail” Game - entertainment for children preparatory group“Field of Miracles” Game theme: “Paws, wings, tail”

Game-activity “Field of Miracles” Game-activity “Field of Miracles” ( senior group) Goal: To consolidate knowledge about domestic and wild animals, birds ( appearance, habitats,.

in the 2nd grade of a special correctional school for children with speech impairments, type V.

Completed by: GPA teacher, Belova Evgenia Aleksandrovna MK S (To) Op-amp Primary schoolkindergarten No. 10 Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region


  1. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about birds and animals of their native land.
  2. Replenish the vocabulary of schoolchildren.
  3. Be able to solve riddles.

Today we will play a game that you all know very well. This is a game "Field of Miracles" .

Theme of today's game "Birds and animals of the native land" .

Those children whose numbers I name will participate in the game (Children are given numbers in advance) (Appendix 4).

The rest are given sheets of assignments. (Appendix 1)

1st round:

Here is the task for the first round:

5 letter word.

Be careful, remember the letters your opponents name.

He lives in a deep forest
Chews acorns from an oak tree
Mouth with sharp fangs
Causes horror, fear.

Boar (wild pig, boar)- non-ruminant animal. The boar's body length reaches 2 m. Height at withers – 1m. An adult boar weighs about 300 kg. The wild boar prefers pine-oak, oak-hornbeam forests, alder forests and thickets of mixed plantings. Wild boars fatten at night, lie down during the day, and live in herds. Hunting for wild boar under licenses, as a rule, in a collective way - in a pen or with huskies. When hunting a wild boar, you must remember that this is a serious and dangerous animal. A wounded and persecuted animal is especially dangerous. Boars are watched either in their feeding areas or on the paths between their daytime and feeding. Wild boars often visit crops of rice, corn, potatoes, melons and other crops and, where the number of this animal is large, can cause damage to crops, therefore in some areas special permissions are given to shoot them in the summer.

Pause: rearrangement: rearrange the letters to make the names of animals (Appendix 2)

Cort is a mole
Kolos - falcon
Strength is the fox
Bank - boar
Poop – mosquito

Here is the task for the second round:

8 letter word.

Who's in the hollow tree?
He waved his fluffy tail
Agile, small and red
I went down the trunk.



Along steep mountain paths
A deer was walking. There is space all around!
He has branched horns,
The fur coat is just golden!

He ran at a light trot
Along steep rock paths.

Here is the task for the third round:

9 letter word.


Game with the audience: remember 6 birds whose names contain the letter O, the dashes indicate the number of letters (Appendix 3)

2. Raven
3. Magpie
4. OrObey
5. Nightingale
6. Nuthatch


Here is the task for the final:

6 letter word.

This is the biggest couch potato. It very often occupies the holes of other animals, but mostly these are foxes. He maintains order in his home, and throws the garbage outside: neatly stacking it at the entrance. The badger feeds on small rodents and insects, but its biggest delicacy is earthworms.

Super game:

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns
Eats lichen, green moss,
Loves snowy meadows.

Elk is the largest game species. Height at shoulders 240 cm, weight 570 kg (record 655 kg). The male bears horns of more than one and a half meters in span and weighing up to 20 kg. By autumn, the little moose, born in the summer, reaches a weight of a hundredweight.

The largest animals inhabit Eastern Siberia. The European part of Russia is inhabited by medium-sized moose; the south of the Far East is inhabited by even smaller ones, although the average weight of bulls of these moose is more than 200 kg, and the maximum is 400 kg. Far Eastern moose are distinguished by their absence "shovels" flat extension on the horns. The span of their horns is no more than a meter, and their weight is only 5–6 kg. The history of the distribution of moose is amazing: the habitat seems to "breathes" then the borders are rapidly (on a historical scale, of course) they leave - the southern one to the north, the northern one to the south, and the range of the beast sharply narrows; then just as quickly the boundaries of the species’ habitat expand, and there are many moose again.

Presentation of prizes.

Appendix 1

I. 1st round:

He lives in a deep forest
Chews acorns from an oak tree
Mouth with sharp fangs
Causes horror, fear.

II. Pause:

Rearrangement: Rearrange the letters to make the names of the animals.

Court –
Kolos –
Strength –
Jar -
Stern –

III. Round 2:

Who's in the hollow tree?
He waved his fluffy tail
Agile, small and red
I went down the trunk.

This animal is the hero of many cartoons. He is small, red-haired, with longitudinal stripes on his back. He lives in the forest, in a hollow, like a squirrel. Makes provisions for the winter, like a hamster. And in winter it hibernates like a bear.

IV. Round 3:

A gray little bird that deftly crawls up a tree trunk upside down and skillfully covers its nest with clay.

V. Pause:

Remember 6 birds whose names contain the letter O, the dashes indicate the number of letters.

1. _O_O_
2. _O_O_ _
3. _O_O_ _
4. _O_O_ _ _
5. _O_O_ _ _
6. _O_O_ _ _ _ _

VI. Final:

What animal does a fox live with in the same hole?

VII. Super game:

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns
Eats lichen, green moss,
Loves snowy meadows.

(Extracurricular activity)

Teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 5

Art. Kalnibolotskaya

Novopokrovsky district

Bychkova Nadezhda


Target: introduce children to the birds of Kuban; cultivate a sensitive, caring attitude towards birds; work on developing attention and logical thinking.

Progress of the game.

Introduction: There are about 320 species of birds in Kuban. Not all birds live with us all year round. Many live only in the summer, hatch chicks, and fly to warmer climes in the fall. We will talk about some birds today, recognize them and guess them.

Listen to the rules of the game:During the game, no one gives any hints to anyone. If the arrow points to the “+” sector, you have the right to open any letter. If the arrow points to zero, the turn goes to the next player. If the arrow points to sector “B”, this means “bankrupt”, all the points you have earned are “burned” and the turn passes to the next player. If the arrow points to the “P” sector, you can choose a prize or continue the game.

Task for the 1st three players.

A slender bird with very slender legs and a very long beak. They live mostly in swamps and along river banks. But she doesn’t swim, doesn’t dive: she just runs near the water and bows her nose to the ground. With her nose she gets her food in the mud, silt, under pebbles and in the grass. WHAT IS THIS BIRD CALLED?


Task for the 2nd three players.

It is a gray bird with stripes on its chest. She is a big glutton. And this is very good, because it destroys a lot of harmful insects. This bird does not hatch, but lays its eggs in other people's nests. WHAT KIND OF BIRD IS THIS?


Task for the 3rd trio of players.

This bird is small, dull brown with dark streaks and specks. This coloring helps to hide from enemies. And this bird lives only on the ground, where it finds food and makes a nest. She has adapted perfectly to this: her paws have long and straight toes to make it easier to walk in the grass. WHAT KIND OF BIRD IS THIS?


Playing with the audience.

From morning until late evening, this bird works: resting its elastic tail on the trunk, clinging to its strong paws, it chisels the tree with its beak as strong as a chisel. and then, with a sticky, jagged tongue, it takes out insects from the hollowed out hole. WHAT IS THIS BIRD CALLED?



This is a large black and gray bird, dragging everything that is lying badly. Its nest looks like a large pile of haphazardly piled branches. It feeds on garbage and carrion, and catches large insects and rodents. It causes great harm to other birds, destroying their nests. WHO IS THIS?


Super game.

This lemon-yellow bird is one of the most beautiful birds and one of the best singers of our forests. It is not easy to see this bird - it always hides in dense foliage, as it sings very beautifully, as if someone is playing a flute. And at the same time, it is called a “forest cat”, since it can make such sounds - as if a cat’s tail was stepped on. WHAT KIND OF BIRD IS THIS?

Bird Day
(with elements of the game “Field of Miracles”)
Opening remarks
The April air is fresh and clean, Nature is waking up, Flocks of birds are rushing towards us from the south.
Millions of years ago, the first birds appeared on Earth. And the hitherto gloomy world, inhabited only by dinosaurs, was filled with birdsong. And millions of years later, a person walked across the planet who was able to appreciate this singing. The man raised his head up, looked into the blue sky, and there was a lark in the sky! Sings, sings, flutters its wings. The man looked to the side, there was an eagle soaring, freely, easily.
(slide) Since April 1, 1924, we have been celebrating Bird Day in our country.
You all know that there are many on our planet different birds. All of them are an important part of nature and we cannot imagine our life without them. Mobility, beautiful plumage, multi-voiced singing - all this makes birds a true decoration of forests, fields, and parks.
Nature sometimes surprises us so much
There are all sorts of birds in the world. For example, hummingbirds are adorable little creatures. You can fit 5 of them in your palm. And the ostrich, on the contrary, is so hefty, That’s why it probably doesn’t fly.
Singers and hunters, around the clock. They don’t sit idle for a minute, hatch chicks and pollinate flowers, save people from evil insects. So, it turns out that every bird can be proud of itself without embarrassment
Currently, about 8,600 species of birds are known. Over the history of civilization, about 200 species of birds have ceased to exist, 43 of them in the last 200 years. 312 species of birds are recorded in the Red Book of the World. In our region there are 300 species of birds, 50 of which are listed in the Red Book.
In order to understand the mysterious life of birds, to learn to recognize them in nature by their appearance or by their voices, you need to know a lot about birds. And you should not catch and keep birds in captivity at all. The most valuable observations of bird behavior can only be obtained from natural conditions, where birds do not depend on humans. And this requires knowledge. Let's check them out.
Communicating the Topic and Goals
Today, guys, we are holding a game-competition dedicated to our feathered friends and will identify the best bird expert among students in grades 5 - 7.
To do this, you just need to be an active participant. Answers are not read out in chorus.
Game plan (slide)
Warm-up Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Final Supergame
The blackest of all migratory birds, Cleans the arable land from worms, Jumps back and forth across the arable land, And the bird's name is... rook.
Together we built a house for the feathered guests, Or rather, a palace, Come quickly... starling.
He stands on one leg, looks intently into the water, pokes his beak at random - looks for baby frogs in the river. A drop hung on my nose... Do you recognize it? This is... a heron.
Lives in the forest
He hoots like a robber, People are afraid of him, and he is afraid of people. (owl)
In the forest at night a bird crows, She is afraid to name herself... - Kuk-ku, kuk-ku! - the edge is not sleeping, And this bird’s name is... (Cuckoo)
Helps us with the housework and willingly settles us in
Your wooden palace
Dark bronze... (Starling)
The blackest of all migratory birds, Clears the arable land of worms, Jumps back and forth across the arable land, And the bird’s name is... (Rook)
It's not a rainbow, it's not a flame! What kind of bird is it? Guess! He's been chatting all day long. Multi-colored... (Parrot)
Who, without notes and without a pipe, trills best, more vocally, more tenderly? Who is it? (Nightingale)
In the forest, to the sound of chirping, ringing and birds, the forest telegraph operator knocks: Hello thrush! friend And signs... (Woodpecker)
The firebird spread its tail,
It burns and turns golden.
From overseas valleys to us
This tail brought... (Peacock)
I respect water very much in any bad weather. I stay away from dirt, Clean, gray... (Goose)
3 players selected. Read the tour assignment.
- if participants cannot answer in words, then they answer in letters;
- if he says the word incorrectly, he leaves the game;
- if he guesses three letters he gets two boxes;
- if he guesses the letter, he calls it again;
Let's start the game.
1st round
Assignment - This bird can be seen in winter in the park, in the garden, at the feeders in a flock of tits. This small, short-tailed bird immediately attracts attention with its ability to quickly run upside down along a tree trunk. (NUTHATCH)
Congratulations to the winner.
A moment of rest
On the way they have to endure a lot, they suffer from hunger and cold, they are tormented by insects that they picked up from the ground with them. Bloody calluses appear under each bird's wings. But they still fly. Do you know that swallows always fly to the same place. None of our songbirds winter so far from their homeland. They fly more than 10 thousand km to get to southern Africa.
2 round
(slide) Assignment - Little songbirds, flying home from distant travels, put on a bright, festive outfit. This bird arrives in mid-April and is smaller than a sparrow. Itself is bluish-gray, with a black periorbital stripe. The forehead is white, the throat is black, and the tail and underside of the body are red-orange. (REDETAIL) Congratulations to the winner.
3rd round
(slide) Task - A very beautiful bird that can be seen in flocks. A red mask near the beak, the back and spots on the chest are black, there is a wide yellow stripe on the wings, the chest and belly are white. It feeds on the seeds of various plants. (GOLDINCH) (slide)
Congratulations to the winner.
(slide) Assignment - There are many varieties of tits. Eat big tits, there are also small ones. Previously, November 12 was celebrated as Tit Day. Tufted tit. They recognize her by the upturned crest on her head. She not only destroys aphids and small spiders, but also gets the seeds of cones; she is a specialist in coniferous trees. What is it also called? (GRENADIER) Congratulations to the winner.
Super game
(slide) Assignment - With the first frosts and snow, guests fly to us from the north. This bird flies from the Arctic Ocean itself, small and white, only the tips of the wings and the strip along the tail are black. He loves to run along roads and look for food. No wonder it is also called snow plantain. (PUNOCKA) - open four letters. Congratulations to the winner.
7. Summary Do you guys know? Take care of the birds!
9 out of 10 tits die, not from cold, but from hunger. Each of us can save at least a few birds! And even if we cannot do much, we will still do more than someone who does nothing at all! By regularly feeding birds, we not only help them survive, we ourselves become better, kinder and happier! If you don't believe me, try it!
In winter, let feeders hang by your window, and in spring, if you want your garden to always be beautiful and healthy, hang titmouses and birdhouses in the gardens.
Birds are our friends and tireless helpers in the fight against pests in agriculture and forestry.
Birds can be fed with sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, and hemp seeds. It is better to crush the seeds. Roasted seeds should not be given to birds. Birds can also be fed crumbs of white bread. Brown bread crumbs are harmful to birds. Birds willingly eat cottage cheese and creamy margarine. Woodpeckers and tits love to peck unsalted fat and meat. Collect weed seeds for bird feed: horse sorrel, mouse peas, quinoa, burdock heads, viburnum berries, elderberries, rowan berries, watermelon and melon seeds, alder and birch seeds.
Mix these feeds, and the birds will choose their favorite seeds from the mixture.
More birds - fewer pests - higher yield.
Feed the birds in winter, they will repay you in summer

Good afternoon, dear guys.

From April 1, 1924 Every year we celebrate Bird Day in our country.

Birds have long attracted human attention. People were delighted by their bright plumage, their bold, swift flights, and melodic singing.

By observing birds, people expanded their knowledge. Undoubtedly, the first thoughts about aeronautics, the desire to learn to fly, arose when looking at birds. Observations of their lives played a big role in the development of natural sciences.

Scientists are still working on an interesting scientific problem - the mystery of the annual migrations of birds.

Today, Bird Day is celebrated by hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren. They prepare for this day very carefully: they make houses, feeders and hang them to attract birds. But first, let's find out who the birds are.

Birds mean song and flight! These are the voices of our forests, fields, mountains and deserts. The songs of birds sound on earth all year round, their voices are heard day and night.

Birds are children of the air, conquerors of the ocean of air. They can rise above clouds and mountains, fly across deserts and seas.

Birds are children of the rainbow. Their feathers shimmer with all imaginable and inconceivable colors.

Birds are our faithful helpers, protectors of our forests, fields, orchards, and vegetable gardens from harmful bark beetles and rodents.

Birds are mystery and beauty. Birds are our friends. It is impossible to even imagine our Earth without birds!

Birds are everywhere - above you, around you, in the distance, nearby. You can meet them in the forest, in the field, on the river, and in the mountains. There are a lot of birds in nature. In Russia alone there are more than (seven hundred and sixty) 760 species. A lifetime is not enough just to look at all the birds. But you need to know those who live in the forest or in the park near your home.

They make noise, make noise, shout from morning to evening. The birds talk to each other and to us. Let's listen.

( A recording of bird voices sounds.)

Birds bring great benefits and joy to everyone. It would be difficult and boring to live in the world without birds!

Today, guys, we will hold a competition game dedicated to our feathered friends and identify the best bird expert among you.

I am pleased to welcome you today to our wonderful game “Field of Miracles” on the theme “Birds”.

(Intro music)

The rules of the game are familiar to all of you. Let me remind you of them again.
The game takes place in three rounds, each of which involves 3 players.
I think of a word with the number of letters indicated on the board.
Players from each trio take turns spinning the reel. Sectors with different numbers of points, or special sectors may appear on the reel:
Prize (P)
- the player can make a choice: take the prize and leave the game or continue the game and refuse the prize.
Plus (+)
- the player can open any letter.
Bankrupt (B)
- the points scored by the player are burned, and the turn passes to the next player.
Zero (0)
- the points scored do not expire, but the move is transferred to another player.
- the player's points are doubled if he names the letter correctly.
Each player will have a piece of paper with the alphabet on which you will mark all the named letters so as not to repeat themselves.
The player names the letter of the alphabet that he believes is present in the hidden word. If there is such a letter, then it opens on the scoreboard, and the player receives the dropped number of points and can spin the reel again. If the answer is incorrect, the turn goes to the next player. If the player knows the word, then he can name it immediately without guessing by letter.If a player dares to name a word, but makes a mistake in even one letter, he leaves the game.
Three consecutively guessed letters give the right to two boxes - one with a prize, the other empty.
The first player to guess the entire word wins. The winners of rounds 1, 2 and 3 advance to the finals. The winner of the final receives the main prize. He can take part in a super game.

The main task of each player is to guess the word faster than his opponents.
But before the start of each round, we need to conduct a qualifying round and find out which of you will be in the top three players.

I will now ask a question, and you, knowing the answer, raise your hand and when I ask, answer my question. Please do not shout from your seat.

Selection of participants for the 1st QUALIFICATION ROUND

He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed.
He flies to hunt
For frogs to the swamp. (STORK)

The air is cut without effort,
Like sickles, crooked wings.
It flashes by - you won’t see it,
Only... (STRIZH) flies like this

He wanders importantly through the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry,
Wears red shoes
Gives soft featherbeds. (GOOSE)

(White as snow, black as a beetle,

Spinning like a demon, she turned into the forest.....(magpie))

I remind you of the rules for spectators - there must be silence during the game, you cannot give hints, you can support the players with applause.


The most famous and widespread wild duck.
Umale the head and neck are green, the crop and chest are brownish-brown, the back and abdomen are gray with thin transverse spots.In a female The color is brown with darker spots, the ventral side is brownish-gray with longitudinal streaks.
What kind of bird is this? 6 letter word (MALLARD)

(Clue) The body length of the male is about 62 cm, the female is about 57 cm, the weight reaches 1-1.5 kg

Feeds on plant matter, small invertebrates, , , small , , , even .

Gifts for the first three players!

Selection of participants for the 2nd QUALIFICATION ROUND

Comes to us with warmth,
Having come a long way,
Sculpts a house under the window
Made from grass and clay. (MARTIN)

Please take the place of the first player of the top three, applause.

He comes every year
To where the house awaits.
He can sing other people's songs,
But it still has its own voice. (STARLING)

I invite you to take the place of the second player .

Everyone migratory birds blacker,
Cleans arable land from worms. (ROOK)

Please take the place of the third player.

(Sleeps during the day, flies at night. (owl))

I ask the first player to spin the drum (drum sound)


This bird is one of the most brightly colored birds of our fauna. The body and head of the male are bright yellow, the wings, part of the tail feathers and the narrow strip between the beak and eye are black. It usually lives in the crowns of trees, which is why it is rarely seen. It is easy to detect by its voice - a loud flute whistle “fiu-liu”.

What kind of bird is this? 6 letter word (ORIOLGA)

(Clue) This bird can make cat calls. And before a thunderstorm, she usually sits on the top of a tall tree among dense greenery, making sounds reminiscent of playing a flute.

Gifts for the second three players!

Selection of participants for the 3rd QUALIFICATION ROUND

Who is wearing a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me
Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking. (WOODPECKER)

Please take the place of the first player of the top three, applause.

Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.
Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river. (HERON)

I invite you to take the place of the second player .

Big, big bird,

Sits on the surface of the water,

And when he tries to take off,

It takes a long time to run away! (SWAN)

Please take the place of the third player.

(Mother, I don’t know my father, but I often call him

I won’t know the children, I’ll sell them to strangers. (cuckoo))

I ask the first player to spin the drum (drum sound)


A rather secretive bird, it lives in forests with a predominance of spruce, less often in young pine forests. Only at the end of winter and early spring can one hear its characteristic cry - a hoarse, sharp “cre-cre-cree”. The nest is made in the branches of young spruce trees, less often on pine trees.

What kind of bird is this? 8 letter word (KEDROVKA)

(Clue) The length of the bird is 30 centimeters, the length of the tail is 11 centimeters. Weight 125-190 grams. Mainly eat , And seeds,


And now the audience is playing.

We don't shout. We raise our hand.

This bird loves to settle in parklands and copses, along the edges of forests, closer to wet meadows. The bird feeds on both animal and plant foods. In winter, flocks of these birds flock to feast on ripe mountain ash and other berries.

What kind of bird is this? 8 letter word (Rowanberry)


And now I announce the final and invite our winners to the drum. Let's listen carefully to the task:

Large bird with a long neck and legs. The color of the plumage is mainly gray. On the crown of the head there is a red “cap” - an area of ​​bare, warty skin. The back of the head, the lower part of the cheeks, the throat and the front of the neck are black. On the sides of the head from the eye there are wide white stripes, connecting at the back of the neck, where they gradually turn into gray.
Included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

What kind of bird is this? 7 letter word (CRANE)


And now, according to the rules of the game, I want to offer a super game.

This bird is well known for its loud singing. The bird sings mainly in the evening and at night, but during the day it stays hidden.jumping on the ground under a canopy of bushes and nettles.
It makes nests in bushes along forest edges and clearings, along rivers and streams, in neglected parks and squares, in forest plantations along roads.

What kind of bird is this? A word of 7 letters, please open any 4 letters (NIGHTINGALE) ( sound a minute to think)

It’s not for nothing that they say about this bird: “In the forest orchestra, he is the first violin - the most reverent, the most sonorous.” Among useful insectivorous birds, this bird occupies one of the first places, because in large quantities destroy insect pests.

Let's congratulate the winner once again with applause. Our game has come to an end. Thanks to all the players. Congratulations to the winner! Thank you all for your attention, see you again!Summing up. Awarding the winners.

Questions for discussion:

1.What were we like?

2.What was good? What happened?

3.What needs to be done to make it better next time?

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