Why the router does not distribute the Internet. My router does not distribute Internet via Wi-Fi

People often come to us with this problem - the router does not distribute WiFi to the devices connected to it - laptop, phone, tablet or TV. Everything seems to be connected correctly, all the gadgets work, but there is no Internet access. Why does this happen and how to get the router to distribute Wi-Fi again?!

Before taking any steps - first try rebooting your router first and then all other gadgets. As practice suggests, in most cases the reason why the router does not distribute WiFi Internet is a banal failure of one or more devices at once. A simple restart solves problems in half of the cases.

Next, you need to check Internet access through the LAN ports of the device by connecting a computer or laptop to them using a network patch cord. If the router does not distribute the Internet either via Wi-Fi or cable, then either it is broken or the settings have been reset, or there are problems with the communication channel and you can safely call the technical support of your telecom operator.

WiFi is turned off on the router

You need to start diagnosing by determining whether the wireless module on the router works at all. To do this, there must be a corresponding indicator in the form of an antenna on its body. Here, for example, is the indicator on the Rostelecom Sagemcom 2804 router:

It signals that Wi-Fi on the router is turned on, power is supplied to it and the radio signal should be broadcast. That is, on the physical level everything functions as it should.

If the indicator is off, it means that the router is not distributing WiFi because the radio module is turned off. To turn it on, you need to find the Wi-Fi power button on the device. It is usually marked in the form of an antenna:

If there is no such button. then you need to go into the router settings through a web browser (using its IP or ) and in the basic wireless network settings find the item “Enable wireless broadcasting” (Enable Wireless, Enable Radio, etc.):

In cases where you press a button or check the desired box, but the radio module still does not turn on and the indicator diode does not light up, all that remains is either to take the device to the service center or buy a new one.

WiFi is on, but the network is not visible

The second common case is when the router does not distribute WiFi, although everything seems to be working correctly. But at the same time, the network is not visible on the connected phone, tablet or laptop.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is whether identifier broadcast is enabled SSID. To put it simply, is the network hidden by chance? To do this, on TP-Link routers, in the basic Wi-Fi settings, check whether the “Enable SSID broadcasting” checkbox is checked:

For other manufacturers such as Zyxel, D-Link or Asus, this moment is organized a little differently - you need to check if the “Hide SSID” checkbox is checked:

If it is installed, then the name of the router’s network is not broadcast, which means that when scanning the range it will not appear in the list of available ones.

The second common reason why the router’s network is not visible and it does not distribute WiFi is the radio channel being used. Owners of smartphones and tablets brought from other countries, in particular from the USA, often get caught up in this. The fact is that in Europe and Russia 13 channels are allowed, and in the USA - only 11. From here the router will broadcast the signal on channels 12 and 13, but the American iPhone will not see the network. The solution here is simple:

In the main wireless broadcasting settings of the router, select the 1st or 6th radio channel by default. After this, you need to start scanning the range again on the connected gadget.

The network is available, the router does not distribute the Internet

The third case is the most interesting. It is interesting because it confuses the user the most. The router distributes Wi-Fi, devices connect to it without problems, but the Internet does not work.

In Windows 10, there is an exclamation mark on the WiFi icon, and a comment in the connection status No internet connection. What to do in this case?

You need to check access from the router’s LAN ports (if you haven’t done this before) to determine exactly where the problem lies. And it often happens that there is no money in the account or there is a problem on the line, and the user cannot understand why the router does not distribute the Internet via WiFi.

Is everything ok on the cable? Then most likely the reason is incorrect settings of the wireless adapter. Press the Win+R key combination and enter this in the “Run” line:

Press the Enter key. This is how we get to network connections Windows.

Right-click on the wireless network card and select "Properties". A window will appear in which you need to double-click on the item IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) so that the following protocol parameters window opens:

Here you need to set automatic acquisition of IP addresses and DNS servers. Click the OK button in turn in both windows and check access.

If this does not help and the router still does not distribute the Internet via WiFi, try manually registering the DNS server. To do this, go back to the protocol settings and check the box "Use the following DNS server addresses", like in the picture.

Have you wanted to enjoy web surfing on the World Wide Web, turn on your computer or laptop and wonder why the Internet doesn’t work? This unpleasant situation can occur for any user. For some reason, your router does not provide a Wi-Fi signal and you find yourself cut off from the endless world of information and entertainment. Why did this happen and what can be done to quickly fix the problem?

There are several reasons for stopping access to a wireless network. They can be divided into two large groups: hardware, for example, a breakdown of a network device, and software, for example, a failure in the router settings. If there is a physical malfunction of the equipment, it is best to contact a repair specialist, and we will try to sort out any freezing or incorrect operation of the router on our own. There is nothing very complicated about this. And don’t forget to make sure that your Internet provider is connected before troubleshooting. current time does not conduct any renovation work or maintenance on your servers and lines. Also make sure that the wireless module is turned on on your device (computer, tablet, laptop, netbook, smartphone).

Due to its main purpose, the router operates continuously for a long period of time and therefore can simply freeze. A simple reboot of the device very often helps to fully restore the normal operation of the router, including the distribution of Wi-Fi to local network subscribers. You can read about how to properly reboot your router in another material on our resource. The algorithm of actions is similar for equipment from different manufacturers.

It is possible that you or someone else with access to the router’s configuration mistakenly turned off the wireless signal or these parameters were lost. This means we need to get into the router’s web interface and use the function we need so much. The sequence of manipulations for this is similar on various network devices with slight differences in the names of the parameters and interface. For a clear example, let's take a TP-Link router.

Method 3: Rollback the router configuration to factory default

It often happens that the user himself gets confused and gets confused in the router configuration settings. In addition, a software failure of the router occurs. Here you can reset all network equipment settings to factory settings, that is, the default settings at the factory. In the initial configuration of the router, the wireless signal is initially turned on. You can learn how to roll back to factory settings using the example of a device from TP-Link from another brief instructions on our website.

Method 4: Reflash the router

As a last resort, you can reflash the router. Maybe the old firmware has started to malfunction or is outdated, creating process conflicts and hardware incompatibility. All router manufacturers periodically update the firmware for their devices, correcting identified errors and adding new features and capabilities. Visit manufacturers' websites for firmware updates. You can learn in detail about the possible algorithm for reflashing the router, again using TP-Link as an example, by following the link below.

As we have seen, there are ways to independently restore Wi-Fi distribution from a router. Try, slowly, to put them into practice. And in case of failure, with a high degree of probability, your router, unfortunately, will need to be repaired or replaced.

I chose the title for this article not by chance. These are the questions that users often ask for help in the comments. As a rule, the problem occurs due to the fact that the router does not distribute the Internet over Wi-Fi networks, is associated with an incorrect connection of the client (computer, TV, tablet) to the network device. However, it also happens that there is a connection to the router, but there is no access to the Internet via Wi-Fi, and clients connected via a LAN cable to a network device have excellent access to the global network.

I think that many users, when this problem occurs, contact a service center or call a technician to their home. But if you don’t mind sorting out the problem yourself and at the same time saving N amount of money, then I propose to consider the main points related to the lack of connection and access to the Internet via the router’s wireless network.

No matter how trivial it may sound, the first step is to make sure that the Internet provider provides us with access to the global network and at the moment everything works fine. To do this, you need to insert the provider's network cable into the Ethernet port of the computer - bypassing the router. If you have access to the Internet, great; if not, then find out why your provider does not have access to the global network.

We made sure that the Internet works. Now we need to find out whether the problem is with the router or with the connecting client. To do this, for example, you can connect several devices (computer, tablet, smartphone) to the wireless network. If all devices find your wireless network, but when connecting to it there is no access to the Internet (websites do not load), then the problem is related to the configuration of the network device.

But if all devices connect safely and load sites and only one laptop, for example, receives the status without access to the Internet, then it is obvious that the problem is related to it. Earlier I described, and, so I will not dwell on these points, but below I will mention the problem with DNS servers.

The device does not connect to the Wi-Fi network.

If, when a client connects to Wi-Fi, the device does not see the wireless network, but connects to others without problems, then, as a rule, the solution to the problem lies in the router settings. Look at the top panel of the router in the indicator area and look for the LED that informs you about the activation status of the Wi-Fi module in the router. The indicator is located near the antenna with radio waves and if the module is turned on, the LED will blink or remain lit.

If the indicator does not light, this indicates that the module is deactivated. To turn on or turn off the Wi-Fi module in the router, you can use a special button located on the body of the network device, unless, of course, manufacturers have provided such an option.

But if there is no button, then you should go to the section responsible for wireless connection(Wireless). As a rule, to enter the router interface you need to enter the gateway or in the browser line and log in.

This is how you can enable the Wi-Fi module in your TP-Link router:

And this is how activation is performed in an ASUS router:

Sometimes you cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network due to the assigned radio channel. Very often, users of this function assign automatic mode. Try changing, for example, to 1st or 6th. By the way, these are not intersecting channels. If, after changing the radio channel, the device (tablet, smartphone) finds the network, then most likely they are using different region. In one of the publications, I already said that each region is assigned a certain number of channels. For the USA - 11; Europe and Russia - 13; Japan - 14.

It also happens that when connecting to a Wi-Fi network, the device crashes, accompanied by a message stating that the wrong password was entered. In this case, you can do the following one by one:

  1. Set the encryption type to AES for the WPA2-PSK standard;
  2. Enter a password consisting of only numbers (at least 8 characters);
  3. Change the standard from WPA2-PSK to WPA-PSK.

The device connects to the Wi-Fi network, but does not access the Internet.

Sometimes it happens that the device is almost connected, but instead of accessing the Internet, we have to see the “Obtaining an IP address” message on the screen for some time, and then the connection is re-connected. If you encounter such a reconnect, then this indicates that the devices connected to the Wi-Fi router cannot obtain an IP address due to the fact that the DHCP server function is not enabled on the network device.

If, nevertheless, the DHCP server function is activated, and the router does not distribute the Internet via the Wi-Fi network, this may indicate problems with the DNS servers. The fact is that the domain name service may be unstable, assign DNS incorrectly, or not assign it at all. However, there is still a way out. You need to register DNS from Yandex or Coogle You need to register DNS manually in the settings of the connected device. I mentioned earlier

A Wi-Fi router is a useful device that relieves the user of the need to be literally tied to the Internet by wire. According to numerous experiments, the signal range of an average power router reaches 100 meters indoors, and 300 meters outdoors. Once configured, a wireless router does not require any additional maintenance, is extremely easy to use, but, like any technical means, is not insured against failures and breakdowns.

Examples when a seemingly correctly configured router does not distribute Wi-Fi are not that uncommon. In this case, the network status, depending on the nature of the problem, can be “No Internet access” or “Restricted”, although a scenario in which the network is detected by the system, but there is no actual connection or large traffic losses are observed, is also possible. In this article we will try to figure out why the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, and at the same time we will see what can be done in this or that case.

Temporary failure of the router

If the router works day and night, its operation may sooner or later fail, so the very first thing to do if the router stops distributing the Internet is to turn it off, wait a few minutes, and then turn it on again.

Rebooting the router can also help the device (computer or tablet) detect the network if it is suddenly not detected when the device is turned on. Users of devices connected to one or another wireless network often encounter this problem.

Problems on the provider side

If rebooting doesn't help, the next thing to check is whether there are any restrictions from your internet service provider. It is likely that there was an accident somewhere on the server, the backbone cable was damaged, unplanned maintenance work is being carried out, and you will delve into the settings and be at a loss as to why the router does not distribute Wi-Fi. Dial your provider's technical service number and make sure that the problem is not on their side, and only then look for the source of the problem on your own.

Hardware faults

At the next stage, we check the serviceability of the equipment - cables and router. If the power light does not light, the power cord or power supply may be damaged. We check the condition of the cables in the house (apartment) and outside it, and see if the plugs fit tightly in the sockets. Many modern routers have hardware power on/off and Wi-Fi distribution buttons.

It often happens that someone at home picked up the router and accidentally pressed one of these buttons. This point also needs to be checked. The wireless network indicator deserves special attention. If the Wi-Fi icon on your router is not lit, this could indicate several problems.

  • Breakdown in the distribution system. You can’t do anything here yourself, you need to call a specialist.
  • Crash in software router. It can be eliminated by rebooting, adjusting or resetting the settings, or, in extreme cases, flashing the firmware.
  • The Wi-Fi sharing button is disabled. In this case, the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, but the Internet is available and you can connect to it through the router via cable. If a cable connection is only possible directly, without a router, this may indicate either a breakdown of the device or a failure of its settings.

Incorrect Wi-Fi settings

Incorrect router settings are most often indicated by a lit but not blinking Wi-Fi indicator, as well as a change in its color from green to orange or red. The problem is being fixed correct setting network parameters. This procedure is somewhat different in different router models, although the principles are the same. If you have never configured routers before, it is best to entrust this task to a specialist called to your home; at a minimum, you can check whether the wireless network is enabled in the device settings.

To enter the router settings, connect it to your PC via cable, go to or in any browser and log in with your login/password (admin/admin by default). In TP-Link routers, for example, you need to go to the “Wireless” section and check whether the “Enable Wireless Router Radio” item is checked. The checkbox “Enable SSID broadcasting” must also be checked, otherwise devices will not be able to see the network. In other models, the setting may be located in a different place (look for the Wireless network or WLAN section).

A very interesting case is when a laptop sees the network, but a smartphone or tablet does not. It turns out that the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi only to mobile devices. Owners of smartphones and tablets brought from the United States sometimes have to face this problem. The reason for this is the discrepancy between the channel selected in the router settings and the settings specified in the firmware of the mobile device. The problem is usually solved by manually selecting the channel, 1st or 6th.

Incorrect network adapter settings

If Wi-Fi does not work on the router, this does not always mean that the problem is hidden in the router. It is quite possible that the settings on the receiving device - a computer, laptop or tablet - have gone wrong; in any case, it won’t hurt to check the configuration of the wireless adapter. Open with command ncpa.cpl network connections, go to the properties of your wireless network, in the list of parameters on the “Network” tab, find the item IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and double-click on it.

In the properties window that opens, set the receiving IP address and DNS server address to automatic mode. If automation is already set, try manually setting the DNS address (Google) or (Yandex). You can also set the address of any other alternative DNS server, which is not difficult to find on the Internet.


It is difficult for a modern person to imagine life without access to the World Wide Web. The times when a family had only one computer are long gone. Now people use tablets, smartphones, and laptops that are equipped with a WiFi module. A wired router without wireless network support has already become obsolete. It is not able to provide Internet access to all available gadgets. How can this be? Of course, replace it with a device operating in WiFi mode.

Previously, routers were quite expensive. Setting them up required special knowledge. Now everything has changed dramatically. Router manufacturers have tried to make their devices not only accessible to every customer, but also as simple as possible. Buyers who have purchased devices from brands such as ZyXel, Asus, D-Link and others will be able to verify this. Their range includes both budget models and expensive ones.

However, even though the configuration of routers is as simplified as possible, sometimes users encounter failures. For example, lack of WiFi signal. There are many reasons for this malfunction. Therefore, let's figure out together how to set up a TP-Link WiFi router and others brands, and also fix problems with the wireless network yourself.

Wireless network: signs of trouble

As soon as the user encounters malfunctions in the router for the first time, he begins to look for reasons in the device itself. However, in rare cases it is precisely this that fails. Typically, the problem lies in the settings. Moreover, it is important to note that they need to be checked not only on the router, but also on the gadget that cannot connect to the access point. Most of all, users are concerned about why the router does not distribute the Internet via WiFi.

What signs may indicate a malfunction?

  • No signal.
  • Long connection time.
  • Low speed of the Internet distributed by the router.
  • Frequent network failures and reconnections to WiFi.

If such signs are detected, you will need to check that the devices are connected and configured correctly.

Search for the culprits

When you cannot figure out why the router does not distribute the Internet via WiFi, but still connects to the network, you need to find out what or who is to blame for this. To do this, a number of specific actions are carried out:

  • Provider cable. Its functionality is checked in the following way: connect it directly to the computer and make all the necessary settings. If there are no problems with the Internet, then you should look for the reason in the router.
  • Wireless network settings. After checking the cable and connection, we can conclude that the device itself is functioning correctly. The problem may be with the wireless network configuration. There are devices that are equipped with a function to turn WiFi on/off.
  • Checking devices. There are cases when the malfunction lies directly in the device that connects to the network. To make sure it works, just connect from another gadget.

Why doesn't the router distribute Internet via WiFi? Reasons

If, while the connection is active, the user cannot access the global network, then the reason for this is errors made when setting up the router.

  • Incorrect IP address entry/definition.
  • The transmission channel is not configured correctly.
  • Invalid DNS value.

The first two mistakes are made by users themselves when creating a wireless network. And this is the reason that the TP-Link WiFi router does not distribute the Internet. The same problems apply to routers from other brands. As for the last error, the value can be influenced by several factors, such as a virus on the device.

To fix such a problem, it is not necessary to contact qualified programmers. All the user needs is a cable that allows you to directly connect to the Internet, a PC or laptop, and, of course, the router itself.

How to set up a TP-Link WiFi router?

Devices from this manufacturer are in high demand among domestic buyers. Therefore, it would be fair to start with him. Entering the settings is standard - entering the address in the browser line. After authorization, you need to find the WAN item in the Network tab. It will ask you to select a connection type. You can find it out from your provider. The computer has the current gateway and subnet mask values, provided that the Internet cable is directly connected to the device. In some models, it is possible to activate automatic detection. After this, you can start setting up the WiFi network. To do this, you need to find the Wireless tab. In it, the user selects the Wireless Settings item. On the page that opens you will need to enter the network name. Be sure to select a region for correct operation. It is recommended to set Auto in the line with the transmission channel. After that, click Save.

Now you can start protecting your network. How to change the password on a TP-Link WiFi router? All settings are located in the Wireless Security item. Having entered it, the user is asked to select the type of encryption. Most programmers recommend using WPA/WPA2. Once activated, you can enter a user key. Afterwards, be sure to save and reboot the router. If necessary, change the network access key (password) in the same way.

Asus routers: setting up a wireless network

In addition to the two models described above, Asus routers are popular in Russia. They are easily and quickly configured using a special program. Ideal for novice users. In modern models, the firmware has an intuitive interface. All tabs are presented in Russian.

How to change the password on an Asus WiFi router if you don’t remember it? Very easy. It is enough to connect the device directly to the PC via cable. Then do a complete reset. The router will reboot and the user will be able to enter all the data.

Setting up a network on a D-Link router

Why doesn't the router distribute Internet via WiFi? In order to answer this question, you need to go to the “Network” tab. In the WAN item, check that the selected connection type is correct. It is important to note that there are some providers that work based on MAC addresses.

Most devices with new firmware have the function of automatically setting up a wireless network. To do this, go to the “Quick Setup” item and activate the “Wireless Network Setup Wizard”. At the end, save the results. There may also be a WiFi tab. All you have to do is select “Enable”.

Setting up a WiFi network on ZyXel routers

In the product range of this brand it is easy to choose an excellent WiFi router for your apartment. According to many users, these devices are characterized by reliability and high quality signal. However, sometimes problems with the wireless network may occur. The reasons and solutions have already been described above. But in order for the user to know exactly where to correct the error in the settings, you should follow the instructions below step by step.

  1. Enter settings -
  2. In the interface that opens, select the “Internet” tab and check the connection type.
  3. Go to “WiFi Network”. There, check the parameters of the network standard and channels.

It is important to pay attention to the selected signal strength.

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