Why do people buy unnecessary things? Decluttering your closet for profit: how to sell unnecessary clothes? Why do people buy unnecessary things

A familiar situation: a person goes to the store to buy potatoes, and returns with a whole basket of groceries, or goes to buy new jeans, and returns with a whole bunch of new things.

And upon returning home, the simple consumer is deeply disappointed - WHY? Today we’ll talk about the reasons that make people buy unnecessary things.

1. Imaginary BENEFIT

It's just "profitable".

Ah, these sweet discounts! When buyers see yellow (or any other) colored price tags announcing discounts, or ads like “buy for $40 and get it free,” they for some reason forget about common sense and believe that they have received a surprisingly good offer. But in reality, the company is not involved in charity. All she wants is to make a person spend more than he planned.

2.... for LATER

This will come in handy in the future!

Isn't it fun to buy things for the future? There are some goods that will be needed in any case (for example, toilet paper and salt), but most things that were purchased “for later” will remain gathering dust on the shelf. It's worth using what you already have and replacing only as needed.

3. REFUND possible

The product can always be returned... and purchased again!

Now let everyone try to remember at least one person who often returns goods to the store. You should not count on the person returning to shopping mall to return the purchase - this will just give him another reason to end up buying even more.


I don't have anything like it!

It doesn't matter if it's a new color or new brand, but often people tell themselves that they need to “add” a new item to their collection. In this case, we are talking about collecting. Therefore, if you already have several items of the same type (for example, lipsticks, sweaters, wallets, pens, etc.), then why do you need to buy another one.

5. LIKE Vasya/Kolya/Petya

This will help to please (subject name).Advertising Relap

Someone watched a new movie or show, opened a magazine... no matter what, but he had a certain perfect image that he wanted to imitate. But you need to remember that no product will ever turn a person into someone else.

6... and ME!

One for him/her, one for me.

Another classic situation. Someone buys a gift for someone else and decides they want one too. Whether this is really necessary is a very controversial question, but I wanted to.


Calm emotions through consumption.

Naturally, we are not talking about citramone for headaches. In this case, it is so-called "retail therapy" - a concept that makes a person think that he can calm his emotions through consumption. Hint: it doesn't work.

So, how can one combat these lies so that a person can effectively use his resources? How you can avoid the household and financial clutter that typically results from these types of purchases. You should immediately think about why you would like to save money. For example, it could be a trip to the seaside or a gift to a loved one.

Make sure. Get scared. Think about it.

Before you go to a shopping center or grocery store, you need to tell someone what you plan to purchase, and then ask that person to ask after returning from the store what was ultimately purchased.

You also need to force yourself to write down 5-10 real reasons why you need the item you want to buy. If after this the purchase remains relevant, you can safely go to the store.


Charity Shop

You can bring clothes in any condition to the Charity Shop, as well as shoes, bags and accessories, provided they are in good condition. Underwear, books, socks, tights and stockings, as well as swimsuits without tags will not be accepted. Clothes in excellent condition will go to Charity Shop or second-hand stores. With minor defects but in good condition - in charities. Everything else is used for industrial purposes. Charity Shop transfers funds from the sale of clothing to a charitable foundation that helps families in difficult situations.

"Good Things"

“Good Things” collects everything unnecessary for further wholesale sale. Items without gross defects can be taken to the collection point yourself or use the services of a free courier; to do this, you need to leave a request on the website. Proceeds from sales go to charity. Reporting can be viewed on the website of the social business project.

"Shop of Joys"

This is the place to go if you have unwanted clothes and accessories in good condition. “The Shop of Joys” places everything collected for sale or sends it to charitable foundations. Moreover, you yourself can decide what the future fate of a once-favorite skirt or a suit bought in a fit of shopaholism will be - just tell the “Lavka” consultant about your desire. The proceeds will go to charity in any case.


The "dump" accepts appliances, clothes, dishes, books and "anything you just want to get rid of." The state of things doesn't matter. After collection, everything will be sorted and put in order: clothes will be washed, dishes will be washed, and equipment will be repaired if possible. Some will be recycled, some will be sold. In addition, for one category of things you will be given a small bonus - 100 rubles. Items can be transferred to the Landfill yourself, through the nearest parcel locker, or through free self-pickup.

"There is a heart"

The “Heart Is” project appeared in 2012 as an initiative of a team of volunteers and two years later grew into a charitable foundation. Its main goal is to help low-income, foster and single-parent families. “The Heart Is” accepts any clothing - the main thing is that it is in a suitable condition for further use. You can donate items through volunteers or bring them personally to the fund.

"Fair help from Doctor Lisa"

© Vladimir Fedorenko/RIA Novosti

The charitable organization “Fair Aid” was created in 2007 by doctor Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka, better known as Doctor Lisa. On December 25, 2016, Dr. Lisa died in a plane crash; Her post was taken by journalist Ksenia Sokolova. Foundation employees continue to work on various charitable programs. The fund also accepts clothes in good condition, equipment, toys, dishes and more. Everything you don’t need will be given to those in need: the homeless, the sick, pensioners and the disabled.

Your stuff 4 cash

The VKontakte community supports the idea of ​​street fashion and aims to sell only interesting and unusual clothes. Therefore, there is a rather impressive list of prohibited goods (you can find it in

Photo from official group"Chumodana" VKontakte.

What is one man's trash is another man's treasure. The guys from the Chumodan charity service will gladly clear away your rubble of antique items. Rag items and torn books are sent for recycling, broken furniture is given to craftsmen for restoration, and the most interesting items end up either in a warehouse on Volgogradsky Prospekt or are sold in an online store.

How does it work: you leave a request on the website (or contact Chumodan in any available way) and agree on a pickup time. If you don’t have large items, and you want to get rid of only a couple of unnecessary items, you can bring them yourself to the Chumodan warehouse.

Where it works: only Moscow.

What can be submitted: old furniture, household appliances, antiques, clothing, books and much more.

Price: for free. In some cases, you can receive a small monetary reward (from 100 to 1000 rubles).

Export time: within three days, sometimes longer when large quantities of things.


Photo from the official group “Svalki” on VKontakte.

Project "Dump" not only removes things and pays its clients for it, but also gives 70% of its profits to charitable foundations. Antique or simply curious items can then be purchased at special “Svalka” sales or in an online store.

How does it work: You need to leave a request for removal of items on the website or by phone, or bring it to the warehouse yourself.

Where it works: Moscow (only within the Moscow Ring Road), St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Krasnodar and Yekaterinburg

What can be submitted: clothes, old broken and working equipment, furniture, toys, dishes (everything except garbage).

Price: for free. If you donate more than one bag of items, you will receive a reward for thrift. The reward amount varies depending on the category of items surrendered. Valuable items such as antiques, working gadgets and high-quality jewelry made from precious metals are valued and purchased separately.

Export time: depend on the workload of the teams.

How to find: .

"Give a gift"

You don’t have to hand over old things for recycling or to flea markets - you can simply give them as a gift to someone. The Daru Dar social platform is suitable for this case. You choose who wants to give the unnecessary item and how exactly they will receive it - by mail or self-pickup.

How does it work: the principle of operation is in many ways similar to Avito - the main difference is that all goods are given away free of charge.

Where it works: in more than 2000 cities of Russia, 600 settlements of Ukraine and 100 countries of the world.

What can be submitted: clothes, furniture, toys, household items, dishes.

Price: for free.

Export time: by agreement.

How to find:

"Good box"

Another way to get rid of things is to donate them to charity. For this purpose, in Moscow there are convenient “good boxes” where you can put unnecessary clothes, shoes, stationery and toys.

How does it work: Find a “good box” in one of the points of the city and put in them what you want to donate. Once a month, Good Box employees pick up items and give them to orphanages, church parishes, boarding schools, as well as to needy families and homeless people.

Where it works: Moscow.

What can be submitted: only clothes, shoes, stationery and toys.

Price: for free.

Export time: depend on your free time.

How to find: The project website has a detailed map of the location of all boxes. For example, they can be found in Gorky Park or the Gogol Center.

"Shop of Joys"

"The Shop of Joys" is a network of charity shops and boxes where you can take your unwanted items. In addition, The Shop of Joys can install a Good Box in your office so that employees can bring old clothes and gadgets directly to work.

An interesting study was conducted in England. Before entering the supermarket, psychologists interviewed women, asking questions of the following nature:
how much money are you going to spend;
how much time to spend;
which departments to visit.

With the respondents' permission, a special device was attached to their clothes, which recorded the time they left the store. It turned out that on average British women spend almost two and a half times longer in the mall than planned, while spending three times more money! However, this feature is characteristic not only of England - visitors to hypermarkets all over the world unnoticed by themselves acquire a huge amount of unnecessary things. And why all? Because the goods were actually imposed on them.

Modern stores are designed in such a way that visitors have the opportunity to relax - isn’t this what residents of megacities need? Breaking away from the bustle, entering a world without windows and doors, we find ourselves in the kingdom of colored packaging, display windows, bright colors and positive slogans.

Stage oneabstraction. So, we distract ourselves from everyday problems and accept the rules of the game, allowing everything around us to attract our attention.

Stage twoattraction. We have already relaxed enough, which means that some of what was pleasing to the eye a few minutes ago is definitely asking to be handled. By the way, to say, the action itself pick up is the oldest and one of the first forms of declaring ownership of property, which gives the green light to the next stage.

Stage threedive. Now the general mood has completely captured us, and we do the same thing as everyone else - we try it on, study it, examine it, load it into the basket, in a word - consume it. And then comes the cherished moment of purchase, when we experience excitement, joy and even adrenaline...

Brightan example of such a behavior model is sales. Have you ever tried to stop and look at everything that is happening from the outside? This is a very positive action, happy, bustling people are running, looking, trying on and even exclaiming something... Please note that most often at such moments dynamic music plays as if by chance, creating a festive atmosphere and “accelerating” buyers’ decisions.

Oddly enough, but nothing random happens in stores. Specially selected music - another wonderful marketing ploy, based on consumer psychology. For us, this is just a pleasant background, but in reality it is the source of that very vanity that, as if at the behest of a magic wand, covers everyone around us. The same applies to the warm aromas that sometimes reign in clothing stores. If you smell the aroma of orange, cloves, cinnamon or something warming and pleasant, rest assured, this is nothing more than a stimulant of your consumer demand. What to do? Enjoy the scent, but don't rush into making a purchasing decision. Try to leave the department for at least a few minutes and think carefully about whether or not to purchase the item you like.

Sale, as a phenomenon - the reason for many unnecessary purchases. If the word “unplanned” is considered a synonym for the word “unnecessary” in this article, then everything falls into place. Let's read first: sales are the reason for many unplanned purchases! This is the secret of our unnecessary expenses. Succumbing to the general mood of sales and similar events, Wewe buyunplanned things, which, in essence, are not needed. It’s interesting that we make decisions about such purchases almost at lightning speed – and this is undoubtedly the merit of marketers. The only way to avoid unnecessary expenses and, as a result, unnecessary things - know exactly what and in what quantity you need, be it food or clothing items. In both cases, the essence remains the same. Write down on paper everything you want to buy, trying to be as precise as possible, and go to the store with a clear list. For example, if you need a jacket, describe its color, purpose, material, length - a short green jacket to wear over such and such a dress for going to the theater. Such specificity will set you up to find the things you need without depriving you of the pleasure of shopping!

Advertising is the engine of trade, and one of its most important levers is package. This is another one psychological trick, forcing us to accept the imposed rules. Packaging fills gray store shelves with colors (without it they would be gray), and our decision to purchase this or that item largely depends on its attractiveness. A good marketer knows this psychological characteristic of the consumer and uses it 100%. That is why many housewives prefer to buy synthetic cottage cheese in packaging that is effectively stylized, say, like a rustic can, rather than natural cottage cheese in a completely nondescript wrapper. It is difficult to condemn them for this - a person thinks associatively, relying on his associations much more often than we might think. Another question is that a real, that is, natural product does not at all require that it be “dressed” in elegant attire that deliberately emphasizes its naturalness. Fortunately, now more and more people are trying to pay more attention to the composition of a product rather than to its beautiful packaging, which, by the way, takes up 20-30% of the cost of its contents.

By the way, you can do a little experiment– pay attention to the contents of your... trash can. You will be surprised, but it will be filled with packaging from different types products. Nutritionists believe that judgingproper nutritionmaybe in the trash can– the less synthetic packaging it contains, the more correct and natural its owner eats. Psychologists, in turn, can tell from the same bucket how strongly associative advertising influences its owner, and determine the archetypes that influenced the decision to make a particular purchase.

In a word, going to Once again to the store, it is important to know that the entire space there is built according to the laws of behavioral psychology, but the main thing is to remember that, as in everything else, In an exciting shopping experience, it is not the form that is important, but the content!

August 10, 2015


Surely a situation has happened to you when you started planning major renovation and suddenly discovered a bunch of unnecessary things in the apartment: furniture, books, decorations or household appliances. It’s a shame to throw it away, but there seems to be no one to give it to. But it is possible that at that time there lived a person on the other side of the city who dreamed of the furniture that you wanted to get rid of...

Or maybe you found yourself in the opposite situation. You urgently needed, say, a kitchen table, but there was no money at all for new furniture. And then you thought: “It would be nice if someone gave me the unnecessary table!”

You probably didn’t know then that there are many places on the RuNet where people give things away completely free of charge. By now you have probably become wiser. Now you know that you can get a lot for nothing: just as you can give a lot to those whom it will help. But if you don’t yet know which sites and message boards to pay attention to, then we will help you.

Where do people give things as gifts?

LiveJournal community “I’ll give it for free”


Where do they give it?: Moscow

What do they give?: clothes, shoes, furniture, household appliances, electronics, etc.

The LiveJournal community “Give for nothing” can perhaps be called one of the oldest Runet services for “getting rid of” unnecessary things. The community, which appeared in 2002, is growing every day. During the day, from 5 to 15 advertisements for donations of a variety of things appear here: from women's and children's clothing to medicines, from furniture to... animals (but this is still not a thing). All “gifts” in the community are marked with appropriate tags, which greatly simplifies the search.

To use the community, you will have to create an account on LiveJournal: anonymous comments are prohibited here. In addition, before “reserving” the item you like, do not forget to read the community rules.

By the way, the community has “regional” branches in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities. “Give for Nothing” groups are also active on VKontakte and exist independently of the LiveJournal community.



Where they give it: throughout Russia and abroad

What they give: jewelry, food, clothes, books, etc.

"Darudar" is an international gift service. Here you can give other people something that you no longer need, but that might be useful to someone else. The site has a user-friendly interface: each gift is accompanied by a detailed description, and the announcements indicate the city and region of the donor. Anyone who wants to receive an item must leave a comment and tell them why he wants to receive this particular thing, and the donor has the right to promise the item to the person who likes him the most. Gifts, of course, are free, but those given the gift traditionally thank the givers with postcards or simply warm words and kind reviews.

To become a member of the service, you will have to register. At the same time, you can connect your Darudar account with profiles in one click in social networks Facebook and VKontakte.

"Hand to Hand"


Where do they give it?: everywhere

What do they give?: everything, but mostly animals

The popular advertisement newspaper “From Hand to Hand” has long migrated from paper format to electronic format. As in other services, they give away everything: clothes that don’t fit, chairs that are no longer needed, gifts that have nowhere to put... But most often they give away pets - the “I’ll give away for free” section is simply replete with texts in the style: “I’ll give away funny kittens" or "Who will adopt a cute puppy"?

To use the services of the “Hand to Hand” service, it is not necessary to register: you just need to call the phone number indicated in the advertisement, or send a message through a special form posted on the website.

“I’ll give it for free/I’ll accept it as a gift”


Where do they give it?: in Moscow

What do they give?: clothes, furniture, jewelry, etc.

This Facebook group is relatively small, but quite active. Any user registered on this social network can not only respond to an advertisement for a gift from other participants, but also place their request. For example, if you need a baby stroller, then you do not wait for someone to offer it to you, but publish an ad yourself.

The group is closed and the rules are strict. Only those who have Moscow listed as their city of residence are accepted, so make sure that your settings are not hidden from others. The rules may seem strict, but they are the ones that protect the group from spam and allow participants to communicate normally.



Where do they give it?: mainly in Moscow and the region

What do they give?: children's clothing

Babies grow so quickly that their clothes often last only one season. Therefore, mothers happily exchange unwanted clothes with each other or give them to strangers. The website Detstvo.ru has a forum and a bulletin board where children's things are sold inexpensively or given away for free. The board is updated regularly. To contact the author of the ad, just send him a message through a special form on the website, indicating your phone number and address Email. Registration is not required.

sister to sister! mutual assistance


Where do they give it?: everywhere in the Russian Federation

What do they give?: animals, musical instruments, equipment, etc.

In this VKontakte public, women can seek mutual support and help from each other, as well as give various kinds of announcements and ask for advice. In the public you can also give and ask for things as gifts. The main thing is to carefully read the rules and place the appropriate tags. Only VKontakte users can leave advertisements and respond to them.



Where do they give it?: in most Russian cities

What do they give?: books and audiobooks

BookRiver is, in fact, an exchange service. Have you bought a book, read it, but don’t want to keep it? Or did you happen to have two copies of the same book? In this case, it would be logical not to take the books to the trash heap, but to exchange them for something more interesting. Participants in the BookRiver service make lists of unwanted and desirable books, and then exchange them among themselves. However, some are ready to give away a book just like that or for a chocolate bar.

To participate in the exchange, you will have to register on the site. In your profile, it is advisable to indicate where and at what time it is convenient for you to meet.



Where do they give it?: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Minsk, etc.

What do they give?: plants, clothes, building materials, dishes, books, etc.

“Otdamtak” is a large bulletin board made like a forum. Here people from a dozen cities in Russia and some cities in Belarus and Ukraine give away for free what they themselves did not need. Each city's forum is divided into thematic subforums, so navigation is easy. You can contact the donor at the phone number indicated in the post or through private messages on the forum (you must register for this).

You can also ask on this forum, so feel free to leave your requests.

We haven't written about your favorite bulletin board? Or maybe you yourself have created a page on social networks that serves the same good purposes? Feel free to share your links in the comments!

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