Layout of the manager's workplace. Basic requirements for organizing a manager’s workplace Layout of the enterprise director’s workplace

To put it briefly, workplace is an open or closed area of ​​territory or space, equipped with the necessary production means within which the employee is engaged in labor activity. It can also be assigned to a group of employees. Typically, a certain part of the general production cycle is carried out at the workplace.

It is logical that in order to achieve high labor productivity, it is necessary to provide conditions under which his performance will be the highest.

Important! The employer should adapt workplaces, taking into account not only the specific type of activity and qualifications, but also the individual physical and psychological characteristics of each employee.

General requirements for workplace organization

These requirements are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (SanPiN) and other legal documents.

The main goal of organizing a workplace is to ensure high-quality and efficient performance of work in compliance with established deadlines and with full use of the equipment assigned to the employee.

To achieve this, organizational, technical, ergonomic, sanitary, hygienic and economic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

What requirements must an employee’s workplace meet?

Occupational safety is a primary requirement!

The most important requirement when organizing a workplace is to ensure safe, comfortable working conditions, and to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents. This entire set of measures is called occupational safety and health.

In other words, labor protection, in essence, is a system of legislative acts in conjunction with socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic and therapeutic measures and means that ensure safe conditions work and maintaining the health of enterprise employees.

To do this, it is necessary to create favorable working conditions in accordance with sanitary standards, safety precautions, ergonomics, aesthetics.

Indoor microclimate

The legislation of our country strictly regulates the temperature and humidity of indoor air. In particular, when the average daily temperature outside is below 10°C, the amplitude of its fluctuations indoors should be 22-24°C. At temperature external environment more than the specified value - 23-25°C. In case of temporary non-compliance with these conditions in one direction or another, the length of the working day is reduced (SanPiN dated June 21, 2016 No. 81).

Protection from the harmful effects of computer technology

Since today it is impossible to imagine office work without a PC, there are standards for employees who use computer equipment in their work. For example, when working with a computer with a flat-panel monitor, the workplace must have an area of ​​at least 4.5 square meters. m, when using a kinescope monitor - 6 sq.m. After each hour of operation, the room must be ventilated (SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 dated May 30, 2003). Same normative act the height, width and depth for the feet under the desk are regulated, and the mandatory presence of a footrest with a corrugated surface is stipulated.

The level of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, radiation and ultraviolet radiation, radio frequency ranges and other factors harmful to the health of employees are also regulated.

Attention! The use of copiers, printers and other office equipment in basements is prohibited, and for ordinary offices, appropriate standards for the distance between technical means(SanPin 2.2.2. 1332-03).

Lighting requirements

Also, the relevant articles of SanPin establish standards for lighting. For example, the illumination in the room should be between 300 and 500 lux. When using artificial lighting, lighting parameters must ensure good visibility of the information displayed on the personal computer screen. For local lighting, lamps installed on work tables or specially equipped panels for vertical installation are recommended (SanPiN 2.2.1/2.1.1.).

Noise requirements

The maximum threshold for noise level is 80 decibels (SanPin 2.2.4. 3359-16).

Regulatory documents provide for the installation of special foundations or shock-absorbing pads under the main noise-producing equipment and other equipment, as well as the use of noise-absorbing materials.

Providing conditions for eating

The procedure for eating at the workplace is regulated by Article 108 Labor Code RF, SNiP 2.09.04-87:

  • if the number of employees is less than 10 people, a space of at least 6 square meters is required. m, equipped with a dining table;
  • with up to 29 employees, the required area is twice as large;
  • if the enterprise employs up to 200 employees, it is obligatory to have a canteen-serving area;
  • if the number of employees exceeds 200, the canteen must be provided with raw materials or semi-finished products.

Unregulated situations

If situations arise that are not regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards (the roof is leaking, the toilet is faulty, etc.), the employee has the right to refuse work. In this case, the employer is obliged to offer him other employment until the problem is completely eliminated. If such a decision is impossible, according to Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to declare downtime with payment of a penalty in the amount of at least 2/3 of the average wages employee.

Of the ergonomic requirements for the workplace, the following should be additionally noted:

  1. Selection of a rational location of the working surface and zone, taking into account the anthropometric data of a particular employee.
  2. Provision of measures to prevent or reduce premature fatigue of an employee, the occurrence of a stressful situation in him, taking into account the physiological, psychophysiological characteristics of a person and his character. By the way, according to psychologists, workers who constantly use electronic computers in their work are much more exposed to stress than their less “advanced” colleagues.
  3. Ensuring speed, safety and ease of maintenance in both normal and emergency operating conditions.

Technical parameters include equipment with innovative technology, devices, laboratory equipment, load-moving mechanisms, etc.

Employer's liability

According to the requirement of Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the corresponding federal executive body establishes the procedure for certification of workplaces in order to determine factors affecting the safety of working conditions in production. The employer is responsible for every violation of established legislation.

On the first violation officials and individual entrepreneurs are warned or subject to a fine of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. The same for organizations - a warning or a fine in the amount of 50-80 thousand rubles (Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1).

In case of repeated violation, part 5 of this article already provides for more severe penalties:

  • officials are subject to a fine of 30-40 thousand rubles or disqualification from one to three years;
  • fine amount for individual entrepreneurs similar, or their activities may be administratively suspended for up to 90 days;
  • organizations can be fined 100-200 thousand rubles or also be subject to administrative suspension of their activities.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the state of workplaces at a particular enterprise or office, one can judge not only the level of labor organization in them and production culture, but also about their reliability and the degree of trust potential and existing clients have in them.

2. Organization of workplaces for office employees

Principles of workplace organization

Workplace – zone labor activity employee, equipped

necessary means to perform official duties.

Workplace organization is a system of measures to equip

workplace means and objects of labor and their functional size

tion, taking into account the anthropometric data of the performer.

The organization of workplaces for office employees is to ensure a rational arrangement and layout office premises, equipping workplaces with the necessary furniture and modern office equipment.

Basic factors in workplace design:

Technology and nature of the work performed;

Relationships in the labor process;

Fire safety and industrial sanitation rules;

Specific requirements of state supervisory authorities for special

social premises and services.

Place structural subdivisions as close to each other as possible

with a related nature of work, as well as workplaces of cooperation

those who have the most frequent business contacts with each other;

Departments that, due to the specifics of the work performed, are associated with

reception of third-party visitors: for example, personnel department, administrative department, department

MTO should be located in the lower floors of the building near the entrances;

When placing structural units, take into account the possibility

extensions, installations additional equipment, as well as organi-

formation of new departments;

When placing a workplace, take into account the standard area on

one person working, correct lighting (natural light

should fall to the left or front), uncluttered space

(unnecessary items for immediate work operations),

free and safe access to places where funds are included in the network

Eliminate distractions and adverse effects of street traffic

irritants, and also, if possible, reduce thermal radiation from heating devices and light radiation from monitor screens, televisions and other audiovisual media;

Choose the shape and dimensions of furniture taking into account anthropometric indicators to ensure a comfortable position for the sitting body when working and create a good visual perception;

. seiso (Sweeping) “keeping clean” (cleaning) – keeping the workplace clean and tidy;

. seiketsu (Standardizing) “standardization” (maintaining order) –

a necessary condition for fulfilling the first three rules;

. shitsuke (Sustaining) “improvement” (habit formation) –

nurturing the habit of strictly following established rules, procedures and technology logical operations.

Creation of a comfortable psychological climate, stimulation

Increasing the productivity of office employees;

Reducing time and material costs;

Minimizing “idle operations” and labor costs;

Reducing the number of accidents.

Calculation of the area of ​​office premises (according to V.V. Pirozhkov)

In the office premises, each employee must have the opportunity

free access to your workplace or public equipment

calling. Therefore, when placing workplaces and equipment, take into account

dimensions of passages and some other distances in service premises.

This is what they can be.

For example, passage width (cm):

for one person – 60;

for two people – 80;

for three people – 100;

between tables – 55–90;

between the wall and the table – 65–85;

between heating appliances and work table – 55.

Can be used to determine the required working area

places in each specific case summary calculation method:

where Total is the entire area of ​​the workplace;

Pr – area required for the employee’s work and movement;

Po – area occupied by equipment;

Ppr – area of ​​passages.

With this calculation method, you can also take into account the required area

for visitors and for equipment used collectively. When using

In the case of the summary method, calculations are carried out in accordance with the standards for individual

elements of the workplace.

The most convenient are rectangular rooms with a 1:1 ratio; 1:1.5 and maximum – 1:2;

minimum room height – 3.25 m;

minimum width – 2.5–3 m.

With two-sided natural lighting, the maximum width (depth) of the premises is 12–15 m, and with one-sided natural lighting – 6–7 m.

The minimum area per employee workplace (without PC) is 4.25 m2.

Factors in office space arrangement

An office should be both technologically advanced and comfortable, which is achieved not only by correctly calculating the area of ​​employees’ workplaces, but also, above all, through a well-thought-out system for arranging office premises (in particular, their layout and equipment).

The following should be taken into account:

The need of office employees for privacy and concentration;

Types of labor processes used;

The need for meeting and reserve space

Depending on the main specifics of the office, the ratio of these factors

changes: for concentrated work with maximum concentration it is better

a separate office is all that is suitable, and for communication – open in one or another

To take these factors into account when arranging office space, three types of layouts are used: closed, open and combined.

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Rules for organizing the workplace

Labor productivity will be much higher if management took into account some rules for the location of employees in the premises. Read how workplaces are organized in an enterprise or office.

Organization of a workplace in the office

General rules for organizing the workplace office employee consist in ensuring the rational arrangement of premises and equipping them with the necessary furniture and office equipment. The following features are taken into account:

  • the relationship between people in the process of performing work duties;
  • the nature of the work performed;
  • fire safety and sanitation requirements.

Advice: In order for the organization of places to be effective, it is necessary to locate structural units related to the type of work closer to each other.

It is also important to take into account technical features - lighting, standard area per employee, free access to office equipment, etc.

Organization of workplaces in production premises

A workplace in production is an area assigned to one or more workers, which is equipped with all the necessary technological, auxiliary and other resources to ensure the work process.

Employee's workplace in production premises consists of several elements:

  • production area;
  • equipment;
  • storage places for workpieces, materials, products;
  • waste disposal area;
  • a place to store devices and tools necessary for work;
  • devices to ensure the safety of the work process and sanitary requirements.

The existing unsatisfactory organization and maintenance of workplaces is a common cause of occupational injuries. This issue should be carefully considered to avoid trouble.

Organization of the manager's workplace

The manager's place of work is his office. It must be equipped with the necessary tools, filing cabinets, etc. Everything in the office should be conveniently placed to maintain the manager’s performance.

The area of ​​the office and its furnishings depend on the number of people who regularly come to this room - for meetings, meetings. The layout depends on the specifics of the manager’s work, as well as the requirements for his safety.

Requirements for workplace organization. Classification, equipment and safety of workplaces

The workplace is an organizationally indivisible element of the production process under specific conditions. It is serviced by one or more people, is designed to carry out various operations, and is equipped with appropriate devices and equipment depending on the specifics of the activity. IN Russian Federation There are certain regulatory requirements for organizing workplaces. Let's take a closer look at them.

Legal aspect

The requirements for organizing the workplace are established in:

  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Legislative acts of the subjects.
  3. International and state standards.
  4. Employment contract.
  5. Collective agreement.

These acts contain rules, procedures, establish criteria to ensure the preservation of the health and life of people during their professional activity. Compliance with workplace organization requirements is the responsibility of every employer.


Workplaces are differentiated depending on the degree of automation. In accordance with this criterion, jobs are distinguished:

  1. With a manual method of performing operations.
  2. Using power tools with external drive.
  3. Machine-handmade. In this case, there is a machine/mechanism that operates with the direct participation of an employee.
  4. Machine spaces. On them, the main activity is carried out by the installation, the control of which and auxiliary operations are performed by humans.
  5. Automated places. On them, key operations are carried out by machines, and auxiliary operations are fully or partially mechanized.
  6. Hardware places. They are equipped with special equipment on which production operations are carried out by exposing the object to electrical, physico-chemical or thermal energy.

Organization of the workplace: occupational safety requirements

Areas of professional activity are located outside the zone of movement of mechanisms, containers, goods, and movement of goods. At the same time, convenient monitoring of ongoing processes and management of operations should be ensured. The basic requirements for the organization of workplaces include the requirement to create free space between areas where employees carry out their activities. It is necessary for the free movement of people during operation of the equipment. Occupational safety requirements for the organization of workplaces include the obligation to place them along the technological process. In this case, counter flows should be excluded when moving containers, products, and waste. The path of movement of products should be as short as possible, and employee transitions should be kept to a minimum. The general requirements for the organization of the workplace of a mechanic and other specialists working at the machine, therefore, provide for the establishment of such a state of the areas, as well as the distance between them, to ensure the free movement of people and vehicles, normal maintenance, repair and cleaning of equipment.

Position of employees during operations

Requirements for the organization of the workplace include the need to provide sufficient space for the rational placement of additional inventory, containers, and equipment. The area where professional activities are carried out must be convenient for a person. We are also talking about the employee’s postures in which operations are performed. They should not create difficulties for a person. Requirements for the organization of the workplace include provisions for the possibility of performing operations in a sitting position or when alternating standing and sitting positions. This is provided if the activity does not require constant movement. When performing operations in a sitting position, people should be provided with comfortable chairs.

Protection of cashiers from criminal attacks

This is ensured by equipping the premises with emergency lighting and installing a panic button. In the process of depositing funds into a banking organization or when transporting them from it, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with security and, if necessary, a car. The cashier and his accompanying persons, as well as the transport driver, are prohibited from:

  1. Disclose the route of travel and the amount of transported funds.
  2. Allow unauthorized persons into the vehicle interior.
  3. Transport cash on public or passing transport, as well as carry them on foot.
  4. Carry out other assignments, be distracted from delivering cash to its destination.

Operations for wet-heat treatment of products

Workplaces for ironers are located in premises intended for receiving, maintaining and preparing goods for sale. Special surfaces equipped with a figured removable wooden board. It is covered with cloth on both sides. On the right, at a slight inclination to the surface, a metal stand for the iron is installed on the table. It should have sides on three sides, the height of which is 30-40 mm. They are necessary to prevent the iron from falling. A stand 800 mm high is mounted in the right corner at the top of the surface. It is used to hang the iron cord. The ironing table should also have a device for attaching a fan and a trough to prevent items from hanging onto the floor during processing. In addition, a retractable bracket for hanging the iron, a fan with a hinge, buttons for turning it on/off, and a frame for a piece of fabric, with which you can check the cleanliness of the soleplate of the iron, are installed on the surface. The design of the desktop includes drawers for storing accessories, tools, a cabinet for storing personal belongings, a shelf for special pads, brushes, etc. There must be a dielectric mat on the floor. The workplace is also equipped with a chair with a lift-and-swivel mechanism and a semi-soft seat for short rest.

Warehouse room

The area of ​​the workplace must be at least 6 square meters. m. To ensure normal conditions for the warehouseman to carry out his professional activities, insulated cabins are installed. The workplace can be enclosed by a glazed partition, the height of which is 1.8 m. The storekeeper's room is located closer to the areas where picking, packing and sending products to the expedition is carried out. The workplace is equipped with a table and a lift-and-swivel chair. The storekeeper must have at his disposal the tools necessary to open the container (pliers, scissors, pliers, knives, etc.). Lamps are installed above the employee’s desk, where he completes documentation, as well as next to the filing cabinets.

Space for picker

The workplace is equipped with appropriate equipment, mechanisms and materials depending on the categories of goods. When picking large-sized products (refrigerators, furniture, etc.), the workplace occupies the entire warehouse area. In this case, operations are carried out using trucks or cargo trolleys equipped with lifting devices. The activities of the picker related to weighing are carried out using scales with a load capacity of 5-2000 kg. A studio must be installed at the workplace. The height of its seat is 400-450 mm, depth is 410-500 mm. In addition, local lighting is installed at the workplace.

Room for an employee servicing a freight elevator

The workplace is located on the platform on the main loading floor. If the duties of the elevator operator include escorting the cargo, then his area of ​​activity extends to the cabin where objects are transported. At the workplace, install a bedside table for storing documentation and a first aid kit, a telephone or other means of communication, a stool, and an internal or external push-button system for controlling sound and light alarms. A dielectric mat and gloves, as well as a safety helmet, should be kept in the elevator machine room. The key to this room is given to the elevator operator.

Cleaner's area

The workplace of this employee is located directly near the area he serves. When planning the premises, it is necessary to provide passages for cleaning machines and passages for employees. The workplace is equipped with a cabinet with compartments in which detergents, workwear, equipment.

Equipping spaces for VDT and PC users

For employees whose work involves the use of personal electronic computers and video display terminals, work tables are equipped, the height of which is adjustable within the range of 680-800 mm. If there is no corresponding mechanism, the surface is located at a distance of 725 mm from the floor. The height of the legroom is at least 600 mm, the width is at least 500, and the depth at the level of the knees is 450 mm and the outstretched legs are 650 mm. This is where the stand should be installed. Its width is no less than 300, and its depth is 400 mm. The stand should be adjustable in tilt angle up to 20 degrees. and height - up to 150 mm. A side is provided along the front edge, the height of which is 10 mm. The stand must have a corrugated surface. The work cross (chair) of the PC and VDT user is equipped with a lifting and rotating mechanism, and a back and seat adjustable in angle and height. Changing parameters should be easy. All mechanisms operate independently and reliably fix the selected position of the elements. The surface of the back, seat and other parts with which the employee is in direct contact must have a semi-soft, non-electrifying, non-slip, breathable coating that allows for easy cleaning from dirt. The monitor should be located at a distance of 600-700 mm from the employee’s eyes, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and signs.

Organization of the workplace is a system of measures to equip the manager’s workplace with means of labor and their functional placement.

Proper organization workplace not only allows you to create comfortable conditions for work, which in itself is important, but also helps to increase the efficiency and quality of the manager’s work.

Rational organization The manager's workplace assumes:

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions;

Optimal layout of the work space and equipping it with furniture, various auxiliary devices and fixtures;

Optimal color scheme and design of the workroom;

Equipping with modern technical means.

Sanitary and hygienic standards require ensuring the cleanliness of the workplace in the manager’s office, its illumination and maintaining optimal climatic conditions there.

Maintaining a clean workplace makes it attractive, improves the manager’s mood and thereby increases his productivity.

Creating optimal climatic conditions in the manager’s workplace involves ensuring an influx of fresh air, optimal temperature regime and air humidity levels. Doctors have calculated that sedentary work requires an influx of fresh air of about 30 m 3 /h. Lack of fresh air leads to premature fatigue. Therefore, the manager’s workplace, as a rule, is equipped with ventilation and/or air conditioning units. Landscaping in the office space has a good effect on the composition of the air. Plants enrich the air with oxygen and, in addition, reduce nervous and visual fatigue and perform a decorative function.

In accordance with current standards, the temperature in the office space should be within 18-20 ° C, the relative air humidity in winter should be from 45 to 50%, and in summer – from 50 to 55%. High room temperature causes drowsiness, relaxation, and reduces performance. At low temperature Part of the energy produced by the body is spent fighting the cold, which reduces concentration on the tasks at hand.

The most important factor, affecting performance is the lighting of the workplace. The room (if possible) should have natural light. When daylight is too bright, blinds should be used. The light should fall on the working surface of the table from the left side or from the front. The best effect of artificial lighting is achieved by a combination of general (lamps installed on the ceiling) and local lighting (table lamps).

An important condition The rational organization of the manager's workplace is the design and color scheme of the office space. This is important both from the point of view of influencing the manager’s performance and from the point of view of creating his business image. The manager's workplace, as a rule, is designed in a strict classical style. When creating a color scheme for a workroom, it is necessary to take into account the influence of a particular color scheme on a person’s vision and nervous system. A color interior, influencing the human psyche, can evoke a variety of feelings - from depression, alertness to lightness and uplift. For example, light blue tones appear cool; green color is considered optimal, it has a beneficial effect on vision and has a calming effect; red color has a stimulating effect; shades of yellow and orange are emotionally warming.

The layout of the manager's workspace involves

allocation of three zones:

1) personal work;

2) collegial activities;

3) relaxation and friendly communication.

The personal work area is located in the most illuminated part of the office. It is equipped with a work desk, an armchair, an extension table for placing the necessary information and technical equipment, a table and chairs for visitors.

The collegial activity area is formed and equipped based on the requirements of operational and other meetings held by the manager in his office. It is equipped with a conference table and chairs (armchairs) taking into account the maximum number of participants in such meetings. When holding a meeting, participants must be provided with pens, pencils, and sheets of blank paper. It is also recommended to have water and glasses.

The area for relaxation and friendly communication is usually located in a room adjacent to the main office. It is equipped with a coffee table, sofa, armchairs, and is provided with soft drinks. When decorating this room, deviations from the strict classical style are allowed: everything here should be conducive to a friendly, informal atmosphere of communication.

The desktop is the main workplace of the manager. Since the manager has to work with a large number of documents, his desk must be comfortable and spacious. Directly on the surface of the desktop there should be only items of constant necessity: a table lamp, a calendar-diary, an organizer, a set of stationery, a notepad for notes, folders for incoming and outgoing documents. It is recommended to place unexecuted documents on the left side of the table, and executed ones on the right. All other current documents with which the manager works during the day are located on multi-tiered trays that are within arm's length so that they can be taken without getting up, and each of them must lie in a strictly designated place. The disorderly arrangement of documents causes loss of time associated with their search and reduces the possibility of concentrated work to complete the tasks facing the manager. Documents not required for daily work, reference materials, regulatory and legislative literature are located in document cabinets and desk drawers. Confidential documents and materials are stored in a safe.


Throughout the life of human society, there have been those who lead and those who are led. But people until the beginning of the 20th century attached little importance to the very concept of management. From the beginning of the 20th century, management began to emerge as an independent science, and continues to develop today. Throughout the development of science, the main focus has been on how a leader must lead in order for an organization to work effectively. But, unfortunately, little attention was paid to how to organize and design the work of the leader himself.

Modern development of society shows that the successful activities of an organization largely depend on skillful and competent leadership. And his work, in turn, depends on a well-designed workplace.

The object of work is the manager’s workplace.

The subject of the work is the interior of the workplace and technical conditions at the workplace.

The purpose of this work is to organize and design the manager’s workplace, and how to do this so that his work is most effective and comfortable. And therefore, in this work, whenever possible, methods and knowledge from such subjects as: Design, Ergonomics, Computer Science, Ethics, Psychology will be used. As well as the influence of physiological, psychophysiological and psychological factors when creating a manager’s workplace.


A leader is a special employee in an organization and therefore he has some characteristics that distinguish him from other members of the team:

    Managers are not directly involved in the creation of material assets, although they are actively involved in organizing production;

    The work of a leader is primarily mental;

    Unlimited work of the manager;

    Increased neuropsychic efforts of the leader associated with managing people and making responsible decisions;

    The work of managers cannot be quantified;

The need to make a large number of decisions in a short period;

Also, if we imagine a working day in general view, then the manager during his working day performs the following types of work (according to various sources):

    Scheduled meetings and appointments  60 – 65%;

    Talking on the phone  3 – 6%;

    Work with documents  17 – 22%;

    Trips, inspections  3–7%;

    Unscheduled meetings  7%;

    Rest  2%;

    Time loss  2%;

From this it follows that the manager spends most of his time at the workplace. If it's not correct

design and organize the workplace, the manager will not be able to work effectively, which will undoubtedly affect the work of the organization itself.

A leader is a person, and since he acts in real conditions, he is influenced by many factors. In general, the factors are as follows:

    Psychological – intangible factors that help a manager work more effectively in accordance with his personality and needs. These include:

Workplace aesthetics;

Job satisfaction;

Social status;

Nonverbal communication

    Physiological factors – factors related to human capabilities and environmental influences:


Ambient sound;

Illumination of the workplace and the coloring of the office associated with lighting;

3. Aesthetic, including color decoration of interiors, landscaping of office premises, use of works of painting and applied art

The external environment of the office and study.

Productive work in the field of management can be ensured by following simple rules for organizing the workplace, office layout, creating comfortable working conditions and a good psychological climate. All this offers

ergonomics– a science that studies the working environment in connection with human performance and functionality.

A modern executive workplace must meet the requirements of efficiency, high technical equipment, organic design and security in terms of both information protection and personal safety. The first thing they notice

people coming to the reception - this is the external environment of the room. The results of the conversation depend in part on what your office looks like. The construction of space requires adherence to a single style in everything: in the planning solution, in decoration, decor, furniture.

By correctly placing your work area and choosing the right color scheme, you can increase your mood and productivity at minimal cost. Traditionally, the director's office is divided into two zones - formal and informal.

1.Internal volume and shape of the cabinet. Depending on the rank of the manager, the acceptable area is from 20 to 50 square meters. But, as architects note, often 12 square meters is enough for a functional and cozy executive office. The height is at least 3.5 m. The shape of the cabinet also has great value, since it is also a place for planning and meetings. Taking this into account, the most rational is a rectangular cabinet shape with an aspect ratio of 1:2. Let us note some features. The entire office is divided into three zones. The first is the workplace itself. The second is the area for meetings, planning sessions, and presentations. The third zone is a relaxation area, where there is a coffee table, a sofa and one or two comfortable armchairs. It is used for confidential conversations with partners and, in some cases, with subordinates, when it is necessary to create an informal atmosphere.

The desktop should be larger than regular tables. The working surface of the table should be hard and smooth, preferably made of wood. You should not cover the table with glass, as its shiny surface is harmful to your eyesight.

“According to ancient Chinese teaching, a leader should sit in the office facing the front door and slightly diagonally from it - this, according to philosophers, helps to find a way out even in the most hopeless situation. The table should be positioned so that the owner sits facing the door and can see the guests coming and going.” The console on the left can accommodate your computer, phones, and other items that might take up a lot of desk space.

An attachment should extend from the manager’s desk. It is used for holding small meetings and receiving delegations of several people. The meeting table must be designed for a certain number of people (5–7 people +2 free seats). The chairs around the conference table should not be too comfortable or uncomfortable. Optimally - ordinary chairs with a soft seat. The office environment should not be depressing and overwhelming. For this purpose, the office may contain an aquarium with fish, green spaces, and a mirror. The office can also be supplemented with a stand where samples of manufactured products will be placed. A large wall clock is also needed, which should be visible from anywhere in the office. Fresh flowers, curtains or blinds, thoughtful color scheme.

1. Materials from the journal “The Lancet”.

“Modern furniture is more expensive than money.” A special conversation is about interior items. It's no secret that furniture, wallpaper,

flooring can be a source of toxic emissions. According to Article 414 “Hygienic

requirements..." materials used for interior decoration of the premises must be approved for use by the State Sanitary Inspection authorities.

Modern, aesthetically beautiful and environmentally friendly furniture will create comfortable working conditions and an idea of ​​the well-being of the company. When selecting furniture, you should take into account such points as: anthropometric indicators (height, body length, arm length, etc.) to ensure a comfortable position of the human body. This creates conditions for less fatigue, good visual perception, and freedom of movement.

The requirements for a manager's chair are extremely simple to formulate - it must be comfortable.

“It must provide a physiologically rational working posture in which blood circulation is not disrupted and no harmful effects occur. The chair must have armrests and be able to rotate, change the height and angle of the seat and backrest. It is desirable to be able to adjust the height and distance between the armrests, the distance from the back to the front edge of the seat. The chair should be adjustable, with the ability to rotate in order to reach objects that are far away."

2. Litvak I., “Ergonomics is a caring science.”

It is best to equip your workplace with inexpensive Italian or German furniture made of chipboard, coated with special protective plastic. A depressing impression is left by visiting directors' offices with scratched old tables, chairs worn to holes, cheap curtains and ashtrays filled with cigarette butts.

“The color scheme of the interior is characterized by a color scheme (a set of colors adopted for the color scheme

interior) and color contrast (a measure of the difference between colors in brightness and hue).” Traditional neutral white or gray, according to psychologists, should not dominate office design. The first one smacks of a hospital, the second one may be accidentally mentioned in the idiom “gray mass”. Of course, if you are forced to become attached, for example, to the color gray, it would be correct to use contrasting colors in the decoration: cherry, orange, cornflower blue. It is recommended to choose colors from light tones. Soft green, yellow, beige. They help not only reduce fatigue, but also increase the volume of the office. Some patterns can be mentioned: brown - improves executive functions; blue – improves brain activity and reduces appetite; yellow, orange - improve mood and stimulate the birth of non-standard solutions; green – brings calm. It is also important that the surfaces are matte, because shiny ones are harmful to health.

3. Monthly magazine “Design and Interior” No. 3, 2002.


Noise is also an ergonomic factor. The harmful effects of noise on the human condition have been reliably established. Maximum permissible noise levels are well known. The noise level for office premises set by the European Union is 55 dB. According to clause 6.2. “Hygienic requirements...”, the noise level should not exceed 75 dB. It should be said that the noise emitted by a computer, printer and fax exceeds 75 dB. That's why

carpeting on the floor, double doors, soundproofing upholstery, curtains made of thick fabric, mats for noisy equipment.


“Let there be light!” Proper room lighting is a factor in creating comfortable working conditions for a manager. Direct light without lampshades causes irritation to the eyes, low light leads to strained vision, weakens attention, and leads to rapid fatigue. The best option is to work in natural light, when the light falls from the left side or directly. It has been found to cause the least fatigue. However, it is not possible to use it all day long. Artificial and natural light should be in the same direction. The illumination of the workplace must be adjusted to individual qualities and be within 500 lux. The color of lighting has a psychological meaning, so preference is given to warm tones that emphasize yellow and red tones. It is recommended to use fluorescent and metal halide lamps as an artificial source.


“The steam breaks your bones!” Microclimate is characterized by such quantities as temperature, humidity and air speed. The most comfortable temperature is 19 – 22 degrees. Temperature level is related to humidity. Psychologically, at the same temperature, moist air seems hot, dry air seems cold. The minimum humidity should not be lower than 25 - 30%, normal within 40 -60%. It is also necessary to achieve air conditioning in the workplace, that is, simultaneous regulation of its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air exchange. Particularly justified

this is during the summer months when temperatures reach 27 degrees and above. For this purpose it is advisable to use air conditioners.


The concentration of production, the intense rhythm of work, and the increase in the number of managers required the development of unified documentation and technical means to facilitate the work of the director.

“Use an organizer!” All technical equipment for manual and mechanized work (pens, paper clips, pencils, erasers, binders, rulers, scissors) is best stored in a specially designed place on the table - an organizer. This saves time compared to traditional storage of funds in a drawer.

“Every thing has its place!” All documents (folders, papers) must be arranged in such a way that they have permanent place, and they can

it was easy to find. For correspondence, you can put special colored folders on the table so that the degree of importance can be immediately assessed by color. In foreign practice, the law of “free table” is used; there should be only one work on the table with the documents and tools necessary for it, everything else should be inside the table. At the end of the day, the table must be absolutely clean in the interests of maintaining official confidentiality. The manager's desk, littered with documents, books, newspapers, speaks of a sloppy, unbusinesslike person.

Diary. A necessary thing that allows the manager not to forget appointments or other useful information.

It is necessary to say something about the means of providing operational communications. These are telephone and radio communications, director switchboards that allow you to talk with several subscribers at the same time, concentrators, and answering machines. The manager needs two phones. One internal and the other to go beyond the organization. Moreover, if possible, the second telephone should be such that the secretary should answer the call first, and then switch the call to the manager.

All means of communication technology must be placed on the left or on a special stand so that you can use them with your left hand, leaving your right free to work;


Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine the normal work of a manager without a computer. Firstly, a computer allows you to make work virtually paperless, secondly, with the help of a computer you can quickly obtain information about the state of affairs on the market, thirdly, it allows you to keep abreast of affairs in the enterprise and much more. It is also necessary to take into account that for full-fledged work you need: good software, access to computer networks and the presence of a computer network within the organization.

It should be said about the rules of safe work and the physiological position when working at a computer. Just as it is not recommended to watch TV in a dark room, it is also not recommended to work on a display and only in local lighting. To reduce eye strain, it is necessary to take into account that dark signs on a light background are more easily perceived by the eye. The main sources of harmful effects on the body are low frequency electromagnetic vibrations. Accumulating on the monitor screen

electrostatic charge causes deionization of the atmosphere, which leads to harmful effects on the central nervous system.

It is possible to protect yourself from these types of radiation if you have a protective screen that has a quality certificate from the Ergonomics Research Institute.

To make your work safe and comfortable, you need to take care of your computer hardware.

Workplace with monitor

Special computer desk of variable height;

Length 120-160 cm;

Width 80-90 cm;

The surface is preferably light;


    luminous intensity 500-600 lux when working with the screen;

    balanced light without shadows;

    if possible, daylight, but not blinding;


    at a distance of at least 50 cm;

    with weak radiation;

    with high contrast and resolution;

    with the top line of the screen at eye level;

    with a screen installed parallel to the window;

    with regular screen cleaning;


    no higher than 3 cm;

    with an inclination of no more than 15 degrees;

    with a long cable for free movement;

Office devices

Laser printer with ozone filter

1.3 Nonverbal methods of communication, its features in the work of a manager

Successful leadership is inextricably linked to effective communication. If a leader does not know how to get the most out of his interactions with people, then he will not be able to get them to give their best.

People not only listen to what they are told, but also carefully monitor the gestures that accompany speech, as well as the environment in which communication takes place. Most people are familiar with the theory of body language related to the subconscious mind. There are situations in which the manager and subordinate feel awkward, and often the only way to relieve tension is an appropriate gesture. A good example Such a situation is a job interview. If the manager sits at the table, this once again emphasizes his position and power in the organization, but his interlocutor will feel tense and unnatural. Therefore, it is better for the director to sit down with him and throughout the conversation avoid positions that could put the visitor in a “dead end”.

4. Monica Thiel. “Get acquainted; Your computer."

Knowledge of body language also helps during communication, since the ability to understand body language helps to detect the change in mood of the interlocutor. The same can be said about receiving visitors. They can be divided into official and unofficial. Official ones can be held:

    at the table for conferences, meetings. This will put the manager and the visitor in the same conditions, that is, it will be psychologically easier for the interlocutor. This method is best used when the visitor’s reception is official, but the manager wants to establish personal contact;

    at the desk. It is best not to receive visitors at your desk at all, because... It may contain important documents. It is better for him to accept guilty workers.

When the manager sits at the desk and the employee in front, it is much more difficult psychologically for the employee and sometimes this alone is enough for the employee to understand his guilt without criticizing.

Another important factor in communication is interpersonal space - how close or far away the interlocutors are in relation to each other. The social status of the leader also plays a big role in determining personal space. Interpersonal space, based on the types of relationships, is:

    Intimate distance (up to 0.5 m) - corresponds to intimate relationships, and is used in communication with close people.

    Interpersonal distance (0.5 – 1.2 m) – for a conversation between friends with or without touching each other. At this distance, people communicate at parties, official receptions, friendly meetings or at work. If a manager wants to establish less formal contact with a colleague or partner, he uses this distance.

    Social distance (1.2 – 3.7 m) – for informal social and business relations, with the upper limit more consistent with formal relations. As a rule, this distance corresponds to the length of the table in the manager’s office, where he holds small meetings, which allows him to maintain a formal atmosphere.

    Public distance (over 3 m) – it is appropriate when addressing a large group of people, for example, when speaking in classrooms and at meetings.

Here are some rules that can be derived from the above. In order for people to feel comfortable when communicating, they must always maintain distance. The only exception to this rule is space determined by a person’s social status. For example, the CEO of a large company likes to spend weekends fishing with his subordinates. When fishing, they can invade each other's personal and even intimate areas. But at work, the director will keep his friend at a social distance. This is the unwritten law of social division. Managers can use the method of invading personal space if they want to obtain information from an employee who, for some reason, may be hiding it.

When designing a workplace, mention should be made of factors that influence the increase in the status and authority of the manager. This is the size of the chair and its accessories, the height of the chair and its position relative to the other person. The height of the back of the chair increases or decreases the status of the seated person. The higher the back, the higher the status. Therefore, managers prefer to sit in a leather chair with a high back. Swivel chairs also give their owners more authority than chairs with fixed legs. Low sofa for visitors. Telephone spinner. An expensive ashtray standing out of reach of the visitor, what

creates inconvenience for him when putting out a cigarette. Several folders lying on the table with the inscription “Top Secret”. Hung on the walls are photographs, diplomas, certificates confirming the awards and qualifications of the owner of the office. An elegant briefcase with a combination lock. Large, bulky briefcases are usually carried by those who do all the work.

All this will increase the status of the leader, give more weight in the eyes of others, and help communicate more effectively and influence others.


Designing a manager's workplace is the most important tool for organizing the manager's work as a whole. Labor productivity and work results largely depend on how correct, organic, and comfortable it is.

When designing, it is necessary to synthesize and apply knowledge in the field of ergonomics, interior design, and philosophy.

It is necessary to provide the manager with the necessary tools and equipment that meet the latest requirements.

Improving information technology implies the need for computer equipment and office equipment in the workplace.

Computer programs make the work process more paperless, confidential and dynamic.

The use of non-verbal methods of communication and the arrangement of objects in the office allows you to communicate with colleagues, partners, and subordinates in the most comfortable and painless way. Increase your manager’s status, communicate more effectively and complete assigned tasks.

5. Allan Pease “Body Language.”



In the second part course work Practical work will be carried out on designing a manager’s workplace using the example of an existing enterprise in the city of Kaluga. In place of the existing office, a workplace passport will be developed and proposed to the manager as a new, improved workplace design.

Required. Develop a workplace passport for the position of manager.

Sections. 1. Purpose and general characteristics.

2. Workplace layout.

3. Functions and tasks of management.

4. Regulatory information.

5. Furniture and equipment.

6. Technical means.

    Working conditions.


    Occupational health and safety.

    Social benefits.

    Labor efficiency criteria.

Methodical instructions.

    The development of a passport should begin with collecting the necessary information at the enterprise.

    The rational placement and planning scheme of the workplace should be justified using books and reference books.

6. Smirnov E.L. Reference book on NOTES – 2nd ed., additional.

The methodology for developing a workplace passport includes the following steps:

    Analysis of literature, standard projects, visits to leading offices.

    Calculation of the need for space, equipment, technical means.

    Development technical project, ordering furniture and equipment, renovating premises, installing furniture, developing documents.

    Implementation of a workplace passport.

The existing manager's office was taken as a basis. (Appendix No. 1)

Passport for the workplace of the director of a small enterprise.

1. Purpose and general characteristics workplace.

Enterprise LLC "Energotekhsnab" for the production of technical means and equipment.

Structural unit - management.

Director's workplace.

2. Layout of the workplace of the director of the enterprise(Appendix No. 2).

3. Functions and tasks of management.

      Development strategy management.

      Organization of the management system.

      Personnel management and social development.

      Economic development management.

      Financial and accounting management

      Labor and salary management.

      Marketing and sales management.

4. Regulatory documentation.

      Charter of the enterprise.

      Founders' agreement.

      Enterprise philosophy.

      Internal labor regulations.

      Regulations on wages.

      Staffing schedule.

      Director's contract.

      Director's job description.

5. Furniture and equipment.

Desktop 120*180 cm – 3 pcs.

Computer table 80*80 cm – 1 pc.

Corner R 80 cm – 1 pc.

Bookcase – 1 pc.

Director's chair – 1 pc.

Chairs for visitors – 3 pcs.

Soft corner – 1 pc.

Coffee table – 1 pc.

Office chairs – 10 pcs.

Metal safe – 1 pc.

6. Technical means.

Personal computer – 1 pc.

Printer – 1 pc.

Intercom switch – 1 pc.

Telephone set – fax – 1 pc.

Writing board – 1 pc.

Household air conditioner – 1 pc.

Stationery set “Organizer” - 1 pc.

Business folders – 20 pcs.

Standard total labor intensity

The complexity of performing basic functions.

Industrial trips.

Vacations and regulated breaks.

Controllability standard.

8. Working conditions.

Total area – 30 m.

The area per employee during a meeting is 2 square meters.

Sanitary conditions are normal.

The illumination standard is 200 lux.

Average temperature – 20 C

Humidity level – up to 50%

Noise level – no more than 50 dB.

The color of the room is light beige.

9. Remuneration.

Job salary.

Annual award.

10. Occupational health and safety.

Labor protection instructions.

Instructions for use of technical equipment.

Electrical safety instructions.

Personal protective equipment (electric shock).

11. Social benefits.

Personal car.

Another vacation.

Additional paid vacation.

12. Labor efficiency criterion.

Net profit growth (percentage compared to the previous year).

Reduced costs.

Growth in production volumes.

Reduced staff turnover.

Increased product quality.


The purpose of the practical part was to create an optimal workplace for the manager, based on the existing conditions, and to introduce the project into the activities of a real organization. Using the example of an existing office, the shortcomings that should have been eliminated using theoretical material are quite noticeable. In Appendix No. 1 we see that the manager was located in the office not alone, but together with his deputy for commercial work. This significantly complicated the work of both, because the specifics of the work of these positions are different. The head of the enterprise had to receive visitors and hold meetings without confidentiality. The first thing that had to be done was to move the director’s place to a separate office. Subsequently, work was carried out on the rational and comfortable placement of furniture. Three zones in the room were defined, since the manager often has to hold small meetings and negotiate with partners and visitors. The filing cabinet, visitor chairs, and office equipment table were replaced. The office was supplemented with a meeting table, a desktop attachment for easy negotiations, and an attachment for a computer and printer. There was also a seating area in the office, where there was a comfortable soft corner and a coffee table.

We left the artistic decoration, such as paintings, an aquarium, and fresh flowers, to the taste and preferences of the director.


This work examines a current topic - “designing a manager’s workplace”, as well as indicating the main ways to rationally improve the organization of a manager’s work.

The first chapter briefly examined the features of a manager’s work. Materials from such sciences as Ergonomics, Design, Psychology, Ethics were used. With their help, it is possible to rationally and functionally improve and design the working conditions of a manager.

In the second chapter, it was directly proposed to use an example to consider a workplace project and propose it for implementation.

When designing a manager’s workplace, we suggest using a workplace passport, which is drawn up based on the characteristics of the type of activity of the enterprise on the basis of the existing charter of the enterprise, the founders’ agreement, staffing table, internal regulations, and the director’s job description. Preparatory work was carried out; the premises were inspected, the design features of the building were taken into account, and the color scheme was considered.

The company's management, having reviewed the presented project, approved it. It was decided to re-equip the office in accordance with the presented option.

The purpose of this stage was to show that these events are not difficult to carry out, and the results will be impressive.

The goal was achieved. The plan has been approved, accepted for consideration, and the director's office will be presented in accordance with the design.





BY DISCIPLINE:_______________________________________________

ON THE TOPIC:__________________________________________________________

Completed by a student of ______course




Head - consultant



Delivery date: “____” ______________200_g. Grade: ____________

Defense Day: “____” ______________ 200_g. Signature:__________









BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST……………………………………………………………..24



    Shipunov V.G., Kishkel E.N. Fundamentals of management activities:

Educational For averages. specialist. textbook institutions - M.: Vyssh. school, 1996. – 271 p.

2. Meskon M.H., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management: Trans. from English

Delo, 199. – 704 p.

3. Smirnov E.L. Reference manual for NOTES. – 2nd ed., add. and processed -

M.: Economics, 1981. – 408 p.

4. Litvak I., “Ergonomics – a caring science” 297 p.

5. Voloshin V. “Ergonomics should be ergonomic”

6. Kabushkin N.I. Fundamentals of Management, Moscow: ZAO "Econompress"

7. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M. Fundamentals of management. Moscow "Business", 1995

8. Monica Thiel. Meet your computer. Moscow: “Christina and K.”96

9. Materials from The Lancet magazine

10. Alan Pease “Body Language” ed. "Moscow" 90 p.

11. Materials from the journal ErgAerobics. Inc.,

12. Materials from the magazine “Design and Interior”.

14. Seidler D., Bonomo P., “Guide to Ergonomics”




Topic of the course work: _______________________________________________


Date of submission of work “___” _________200

Who registered __________________________________________________

Head – consultant _____________________________________________________


Completeness of presentation of material, argumentation, independence


Compliance with registration rules ________________________________________________

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  • Working place and the basics of its organization. Classification workers places

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    Plays an important role design worker places, as well as related design worker places tasks to improve... planning and management. Automated working place head(Workstation head) - problem-oriented software-...

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    ... workers places in the department, to worker place head(foreman, foreman, department head, etc.), to aisles, passages, driveways, entrances. Design external...

  • Plan


    1. NOTE of the leader

    2. The manager’s workplace and its rational organization

    3. Equipping with technical means for processing, recording and storing information

    4. Requirements for organizing the manager’s workplace

    5. Conducting meetings at the manager’s workplace




    The manager’s workplace is the “brain center” of the company and often sets the design style for the entire office. The manager's office is perhaps the most unusual and multifunctional space in the office. This room cannot be classified as either an internal or external zone.

    In addition to the main one (the manager’s workplace), the office also performs a representative function, serves as a venue for business meetings, negotiations and conferences, is used for recreation and even as a museum of the “military glory” of the company or its owner. In this state of affairs, organizing space and equipping the director’s office is a non-trivial and purely creative task. And not only for manufacturers, furniture suppliers, architects, designers, but also for the heads of companies themselves. However, there are general principles that help make a manager’s work effective and his office truly comfortable and functional.

    The purpose of the essay is to consider the features of organizing a manager’s workplace.

    1. NOTE of the leader

    Scientific organization of labor (SLO) is one of the areas of activity of the manager. NOTE implies the use of modern technologies, methods and techniques of labor organization, ensuring efficient work manager

    Main elements scientific organization labor are:

    · Rationalization of the implementation of certain types of work and operations, ensuring an increase in the manager’s labor productivity;

    · reduction of direct loss of time;

    · planning and control of the use of temporary resources;

    · redistribution and delegation of work.

    Rationalization of a manager’s work includes:

    · organization of the workplace;

    · optimization of the use of working time.

    Question increasing labor productivity sooner or later confronts every leader. Thanks to the scientific organization of labor, productivity can be increased several times even without significant financial investments. Optimizing the work space, issues of division and cooperation of labor, interaction between departments and employees, reducing unproductive losses of working time, rationing labor and optimizing the number of employees - these and other measures will enable the company to become more efficient.

    In the field of scientific organization of labor, the manager solves the following tasks: ; ; ; .

    2. The manager’s workplace and its rational organization

    If we consider the manager’s workplace, we can say that this is his office in which he does most of his work. How the manager will work depends on what kind of office it will be. It is quite obvious that the better the workplace is adapted to perform the functions of a manager, the more productive and efficient the manager’s work will be (See Fig. 1)

    Manager's workplace is a separate part of the enterprise premises, equipped in accordance with the nature of the functions performed with the necessary means of labor. The rational organization of the manager’s workplace includes:

    · selection of necessary labor tools;

    · their rational placement;

    · ensuring working conditions that contribute to maintaining the manager’s performance and preventing harm to his health.

    The size of the area and equipment of the manager’s office depend on the number of participants in meetings or meetings held in the manager’s office, on the number of simultaneously arriving visitors, the nomenclature and volume of cases and documents, various technical means and working materials, tables, i.e. The layout of the manager's office may vary depending on the nature and volume of work. Several standard workplaces have been developed for various categories of managers, and you should familiarize yourself with these projects when deciding on a workplace.

    When considering the issue of workplace organization, the following points must be taken into account:

    1. Internal volume and shape of the cabinet.

    Depending on the rank of the manager, the acceptable area will be from 20 to 50 m2 and the height of the office is at least 3.5 m. It is also of great importance, since the manager’s office is not just the place where he directly works, but also, as a rule, the place where planning meetings are held , meetings. Taking this into account, the most rational is a rectangular cabinet shape with an aspect ratio of 1:2.

    2. Furniture.

    The following points need to be taken into account here:

    · anthropometric indicators (height, body length, arm length, etc.);

    · ensuring a comfortable position of the human body, which creates conditions for less fatigue, good visual perception, freedom of movement and more;

    · rational planning and arrangement of furniture;

    · furniture should look aesthetically pleasing.

    3. Equipment.

    For normal work, a manager must have:

    · stationery;

    · two telephones (one telephone must be internal (meaning a telephone for communication within the organization), and the other for going outside the organization.

    · computer.

    · diary.

    4. Color design of the office.

    Color tones should not be harsh, soft. It is better to choose colors from light tones (pale green, yellow, beige); light colors not only help reduce fatigue, but also increase the volume of the office. It is also important that all surfaces are matte, because... Shiny surfaces are harmful to health.

    Fig.1. An example of organizing a manager's workplace

    3. Equipping with technical means for processing, recording and storing information

    The equipment of the manager’s workplace as a whole is important. This is a table of modular design, a movable chair, a device for reading microfilms (on the table), a built-in voice recorder, a telephone, and an intercom.

    Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine the normal work of a manager without a computer. Firstly, a computer allows you to make work virtually paperless, secondly, with the help of a computer you can quickly obtain information about the state of affairs on the market, thirdly, it allows you to keep abreast of affairs in the enterprise, and much more. But here it is necessary to take into account that you can fully take advantage of the computer’s capabilities only if you have a good software, access to external computer networks and, most importantly, the presence of a computer network within the organization.

    Modern types of executive workplaces are often equipped with terminals. The most important element of the terminal device - the display (screen remote control) opens up wide opportunities for the manager to collaboration from PC. The display allows you to see forms on the screen at the right time that characterize the progress production processes, indicators finished products and the activities of the enterprise as a whole. Such displays are complemented by traditional technical means of communication with enterprise departments.

    In the work of a manager, various means of calling are also used, which mainly ensure ongoing communication between the manager and his deputies, assistants, etc. Various loudspeaker installations are a convenient means of transmitting oral information. Effective communication in an institution is ensured by special public address systems, where it is possible to connect any two subscribers who have devices with a dialing keyboard.

    Modern types of telephone and loudspeaker communications make it possible to hold office meetings in a circular manner, carry out selective and general disconnections of subscribers, transfer to standby, etc.

    The manager very often has to use the telephone, and often several devices at once. You can speed up communication by using a device with automatic dialing, such as “Auto dial” or “Eletap”. The first provides the ability to encode 24 seven-digit numbers most often called by the manager; the second allows you to do this for 60 numbers. The desired subscriber is called by pressing one of 24 (60) buttons. Some managers require radio communications. Radio communication can be installed both in the office and in the car. Portable radio communications separate categories Management employees can always have them with them at work. It is important that managers know how to correctly select and use the appropriate type of communication from a variety of different devices.

    To store information, the manager can use punched cards, various cards, forms, log books, and notepads. Simple means of storing information also include various kinds of folders, albums, envelopes, boxes, cases and stands. Card indexes should be used to store and organize more extensive information. Currently, more than 25 designs of filing cabinets have been developed: flat, vertical, rotating. It is necessary to strive to ensure that all these storage media as a whole take up as little space as possible and that the necessary data can be easily found in them.

    A rational way to store materials is the hanging method, in which documents are placed in folders with indicators and suspended on guide rails. The main advantage of the hanging storage method is that it saves space and makes it easy to find and retrieve. the required document on the indicator spine attached to the folder. Moreover, some indicators may correspond not only to the details of documents, but also to the timing of their execution, importance and other signs by which the manager can clearly imagine the evidence of the execution of a particular document. Documents stored in this way take up 40% less space and save at least about 50% of the time spent on arranging materials using traditional methods. horizontal way storage of documentation.

    4. Requirements for organizing the manager’s workplace

    The working conditions of a manager are determined mainly by:

    · area of ​​the room;

    · sanitary conditions;

    standard of illumination; room temperature;

    · humidity level;

    · noise level;

    · design and color scheme of the room.

    Table 1 shows the most general requirements for organizing a manager’s workplace, taking into account SNiP standards.

    Table 1. Requirements for organizing a manager’s workplace, taking into account SNiP standards



    1. spatial layout of the workplace

    According to SNiP for office premises

    1.1. office area

    20-50 sq. meth

    1.2. cabinet shape

    Rectangle with aspect ratio 1:1.5; 1:2

    1.3. Ceiling height

    1.4. ratio of floor area to windows

    1:10 for office premises, window area = 2.4 sq.m.

    2. sanitary requirements

    2.1.average air temperature (C°)

    In the warm period - 22-25, in the cold 18-22

    2.2. air exchange rate

    Inflow - 1.5, exhaust - 1.5

    2.3. Relative humidity (%)

    No more than 75 in winter, no more than 55 in summer

    2.4. Noise level

    2.5. Air speed (m/s)

    2.6. artificial lighting

    200 lux (lux) for small lamps, 75 lux for incandescent lamps

    3. office furniture

    3.1. desktop

    Height with average height - 720 mm, with tall height - 750 mm

    3.2. computer desk

    3.3. auxiliary table

    To install communications

    3.4. executive chair

    Selected in accordance with the anthropometric data of the manager

    3.5. armchairs and chairs for visitors

    3.6. meeting table

    3.7. filing cabinets


    4. office equipment

    In accordance with regulatory and technical documents

    4.1. computer

    4.2. voice recording equipment

    4.3. document processing tools

    4.4. printer

    4.5. copying equipment

    4.6. paper shredder

    4.7. computing tools


    5. Communication facilities and information systems

    5.1.multifunctional phone

    5.2. intercom device


    5.4. radiotelephone

    5.5. software

    6. inventory

    6.1.paper basket

    6.2. table lamp

    7. means of psychological relief

    According to technical documentation

    7.1.cabinet simulator for physical exercises

    7.2. functional music

    7.3. radio, TV

    It should be noted that to reduce noise you can use: carpeting on the floor, double doors, soundproofing upholstery and more. To maintain a normal microclimate, air conditioners and radiant heat sources are used. To reduce sunlight, you can hang blinds on the windows.

    5. Conducting meetings at the manager’s workplace

    Business meetings can be held:

    · at the table for conferences and meetings. This will put the manager and the visitor in the same conditions, that is, it will be psychologically easier for the interlocutor. This method is best used when the visitor’s reception is official, but the manager wants to better establish interpersonal contact;

    · at your desk. It is best not to receive visitors at your desk at all, because... it may contain important documents that a visitor may see for a number of other reasons. It is better for him to accept guilty workers. When the manager sits at his desk and the employee is in front, it is much more difficult psychologically for the employee, and sometimes this alone is enough for the employee to understand his guilt without criticizing him.

    It is better to hold non-formal receptions in the “relaxation area”. Sitting comfortably on a sofa or in an armchair will make it easier for the leader and interlocutor to relax and establish good interpersonal contact. A visitor who comes to have a personal and intimate conversation with the manager will feel much more confident in such an environment than in an official one.


    The modern office of the head of a company or company is a specific room in which the process of making responsible decisions takes place.

    The furnishings of the office should be thought out to the smallest detail in order, firstly, to make the manager’s workplace as comfortable as possible, secondly, to help strengthen the company’s image among partners and competitors, thirdly, this is not a space of personal taste, the furnishings of the office should concentrate as much as possible on yourself the corporate style of the company.

    So, the furnishings of the main office office should emphasize the main advantages of the company, there should be nothing superfluous and nothing should be missed, because the interior should help to position clients and partners for long-term and promising cooperation, and most importantly, create a comfortable atmosphere that will help you think through and bring to life interesting and important projects companies.


    1. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management: Trans. from English - M.: Delo, 1995. - 704 p.

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    Working in his office or office, a manager daily uses various technical devices that significantly facilitate and speed up the work of a manager.

    If he had applied for a job as an office worker a hundred years ago, the employer would have certainly asked whether his handwriting was beautiful. Now, first of all, they will ask whether you know how to use a computer, fax and other technical means.

    Workplace- this is the area of ​​work of one or more performers, equipped with the necessary means to perform job duties.

    Workplace organization- this is a system of measures to equip the workplace with means and objects of labor and their functional placement. The rational organization of managers' workplaces presupposes their correct layout, provision of furniture and the necessary organizational equipment, office supplies and various auxiliary devices.

    A properly organized workplace plays an important role for the successful implementation of work activities, since it is in the workplace that most of the manager’s time is spent. Therefore, every manager should seriously approach the issue of organizing their workplace: from a low-level manager to the director of a large enterprise.

    A scientific approach to organizing a workplace initially requires certain one-time costs, but in the future this will allow the manager to save his time and maintain his health.

    The rational organization of the workplace and the creation of the best working conditions for management employees include the following set of main problems:

    Layout of workspaces based on study and analysis of technology
    performing the main and most widespread types of work and information flows at an enterprise or institution;

    Placement of furniture and equipment at workplaces based on the functions and scope of work performed by each employee, and the maximum
    reducing physical effort when performing work;

    Effective use working areas, taking into account the requirements of the work process, the operational characteristics of the equipment and optimal working conditions.

    A feature of the work of a manager is the large proportion of mental (creative and logical) operations. This largely determines the requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces, as well as for the working conditions of the manager. Increased labor productivity is favorably affected by noise, temperature and humidity conditions, good lighting, a rationally organized and equipped workplace, equipped with modern office and computer equipment.

    Providing the workplace with the necessary office equipment allows you to speed up the process of decision-making and preparation memos, reports, frees the manager from unnecessary, often very labor-intensive work.

    The effectiveness of a manager is directly related to a properly planned and well-equipped workplace. We should not forget that the profit of any organization primarily depends on the effectiveness of the management personnel.

    Measures to improve the working conditions of management employees should be aimed at increasing their performance and maintaining health by creating lighting that meets regulatory requirements; required cleanliness, humidity and air temperature; favorable coloring of the work area; noise elimination; establishing the correct work and rest regime, as well as based on the use of modern office equipment.


    Arrangement of the cabinet (office).Appearance office, study - this is the face of its owner. Based on the appearance of the office, as a rule, a certain impression is formed about the character, taste and intelligence of the manager.

    The appearance of the office depends on many factors, including such as the gender of the manager, age; character, taste, habits; nature of the work.

    Like absence business card is a violation of business etiquette, and the primitive, and even more so, sloppy appearance of the workplace and office offices causes irreversible damage business reputation companies. As a result, the professional image of its employees suffers.

    The basic principles underlying the design of any office:

    1. Furniture, office equipment, lighting fixtures and even office supplies should be in the same style.

    2. Before starting to furnish the office, the manager needs to study his
    room. Office dimensions must correspond to the size and quantity
    items intended for placement.

    3. It is necessary to decide whether soft lighting is suitable for the manager or whether the office needs bright light.

    4. If your office windows face a noisy street, you will have to think about sound insulation. The sunny side “asks” for blinds or tinted glass.

    5. It is necessary to resolve the issues of decorative design of the office. For example,
    Modern offices are usually decorated with flowers and paintings. They transform the workplace, lifting the spirits not only of the manager himself, but also of clients and visitors. It is important not to get carried away - too much decoration does not mean good taste.

    6. The office should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable for both the owner (manager) and visitors.

    7. It is important to take into account the environmental friendliness of the materials from which it is made.
    furniture. Genuine leather, glass, steel, wood are harmless. At the same time, artificial leather, an abundance of varnishes, and paints are unlikely to contribute to improving the health of a manager.

    8. Furniture should be arranged conveniently from the point of view of its use.
    First of all, this applies to the desktop. Among the requirements placed on it, the first place should be given to its functionality (ease of use of the table as a working tool) and comfort (creating a working atmosphere among the manager and the visitor).

    9. The size of the table should be selected so that up to any placed on it
    the item could be easily reached or reached if the work chair had wheels.

    10. It is not recommended to cover the table with window glass, as it produces glare,
    distracts attention, has a bad effect on vision, and on health in general; much
    plexiglass (plexiglass) is more harmless; it is even better to cover the table with green cloth or
    upholster with leather. On the left, outside the zone of a straight outstretched arm, it is advisable to place
    sheets of paper (“finish copies” and “drafts”). In the same zone there may be races
    sorted pencils, felt-tip pens, glue, scissors and other stationery

    11. It is advisable to create two folders: “For execution” and “Completed”; first
    - on the right, the second - on the left. The “To Be Done” folder will help reduce the risk of
    be something important or lose it on your desk.

    The workspaces are also equipped necessary equipment and furniture.

    The set of furniture for equipping the manager's workplace includes:

    Desks (regular and specialized);

    Auxiliary tables and bedside tables designed for storing reference material;

    Armchairs, chairs (lift and swivel);

    Regular or special cabinets (for storing documents).

    When organizing workplaces can be used ready-made samples furniture produced by industry or made to order.


    The office (office) of the head of an organization can occupy a different area and is intended, in addition to working at the desk, for receiving visitors and holding business meetings.

    The most typical for a manager’s workplace is a T-shaped layout, when an extension table for meetings is placed directly to the desktop perpendicularly.

    In this case, the following rules must be observed:

    Departments related to the reception of visitors (HR department, cash desk, accounting,
    labor and wages department) should be located near the entrance to the building;

    Adjacent departments should be located nearby. For example, a meeting room
    should be located next to management offices and departments that will
    use it often. The office should be located at the same distance from all departments.

    The layout of workplaces is considered rational if the following requirements are met:

    Workplaces are located in accordance with technological process about
    document processing. As a result, unnecessary movements of employees and documents are eliminated;

    The area of ​​working rooms per worker corresponds to

    Distances between workstations, workstations and walls, aisles
    do not impede movement;

    The operational space of the workplace is provided, limited by the zone of maximum reach and including a table and chair, drawing tools,
    processing, storage and retrieval of documents for individual use;

    An auxiliary space is provided for the workplace, where labor items and office equipment that are used less frequently are located;

    The grouping of workplaces when creating zones should be based on commonality
    work performed;

    The desks of employees who most often receive visitors are placed
    closer to the exit, which eliminates unnecessary movement of visitors;

    Cabinets, file cabinets and other common office equipment are located so that it is convenient for employees to approach and use them;

    Natural light from the windows falls onto the workplace from the left and front;

    Free and safe access to places where funds are included in the network is provided
    office equipment;

    The adverse effects of thermal radiation from devices are excluded
    heating (it is recommended to cover the radiators with shields);

    Workplaces are located in such a way that the distracting influence of street irritants is excluded.

    When using a professional personal computer in the workplace, you should provide areas for placing the processor, display, keyboard and printing device, and determine the location of the power connection.

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