Mobile radiology laboratory. Radiation Monitoring Laboratory - Radiation measurement by specialists from the laboratory of the IC "Olympus Radiation Laboratories"

The progressive achievements of mankind have made life not only comfortable, but, in a certain sense, more dangerous. As a result of large-scale construction, the use of various instruments and devices, and a negative attitude towards the environment, unfavorable physical factors, for example, increased radiation, have arisen.

A person does not see radiation, but he is able to control its level. The Vesta company carries out background radiation measurements with sampling on site and in its own laboratory. We provide services in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, issue official conclusions and recommendations for improving the situation.

The legal aspect of the activity is the necessary accreditation of government bodies.

When is background radiation measurement required?

This type of research is carried out:

  • within the framework of engineering and environmental surveys;
  • at comprehensive assessment suitability of the territory for urban development activities;
  • when coordinating construction documentation;
  • measurement of radon, which accumulates in large volumes in basements, must be carried out before demolition of dilapidated housing;
  • when assessing the impact of an object on environment;
  • in individual houses, apartments at the request of individuals.

High-quality radiation measurements are the key to successful approval of the listed projects, the absence of problems with regulatory authorities, and the ability to take preventive measures in a timely manner.

Danger of radiation to humans

Radiation is the most dangerous man-made factor for humans. Electromagnetic waves of gamma radiation have high penetrating power. Half of the total radiation dose is associated with radon radionuclides. Radon mixes with the air and penetrates the human body. This gas, according to the World Health Organization, is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Radon is considered the sixth most common cause of all cancers.

The most common objects where radon accumulates in high concentrations:

Radon measurements in residential, production premises for compliance sanitary standards- This is a way to save people's lives and health. If during the research it turns out that workers are production sites been exposed to radon for a long time, this will entail serious financial costs. Therefore, radon measurements should be ordered not only for social, but also for economic reasons.

Measuring background radiation in various environments

Radon measurements are carried out:

  • in tap water, in water from wells and wells. The gas dissolves well in water, is not noticeable by smell or taste, and its presence can only be detected with special devices. Radiological analysis of water also involves studying its composition for the presence of alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides, determining the specific activity of uranium, lead, radium, polonium;
  • in the air;
  • in the soil.

In the process of measuring background radiation in laboratory conditions, the following is determined:

  • equivalent equilibrium volume activity (ERV) of radionuclides;
  • radon flux density.

Order a professional background radiation examination

We have at our disposal a certified, well-equipped laboratory for measuring radon and other types of gamma radiation. Among the key advantages of the company:

  • vast work experience;
  • wide scope of accreditation;
  • own fleet of vehicles, equipment for high-quality sampling;
  • highly qualified specialists.

For clients with a large volume of work, we provide favorable discounts on the service.

Useful information for customers:

  • SanPiN Radiation safety standards (NRB-99/2009)

Our advantages

IL "Vesta" is accredited in the Russian Accreditation system to carry out testing work in accordance with the scope of accreditation.

Implemented and operating QMS.

Has a License Federal service for supervision in the field of protection of consumer rights and human well-being No. 01.07 dated 01.29.2007 for activities related to the use of pathogens infectious diseases(work with microorganisms of 3-4 pathogenicity groups).

Having our own fleet of vehicles (7 cars). All are equipped with refrigeration equipment to comply with all methods for delivering samples to the laboratory.

The latest analytical equipment, constant replenishment of the instrument base.


Highly qualified personnel, among the company's employees are doctors of general hygiene and doctors of food hygiene. Samplers constantly improve their skills in the 1st honey. Managers understand their fields at an expert level.

Our versatility allows us to help our Clients comply with all legal norms in the field of labor protection (special assessment, professional examinations, training) and sanitary legislation ( production control, food research, des. processing), development of technical documentation, certification and declaration of products.

We are constantly mastering new research methods and expanding the scope of accreditation and, accordingly, control over us by inspection bodies.

Trust from large retailers.

Mobile radiology laboratory (PRL) is designed for prompt collection of information on radiological and meteorological parameters of the environmental situation on the ground and is one of the mobile means of environmental control.

Scope of application

special services, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, VGSCH, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, industry, maintenance of hazardous facilities.


radiological reconnaissance and control.

Standard chassis

Ford Transit off-road (4x4).

Alternative chassis

Peugeot, Volkswagen, Fiat, VOLVO, Ford, Iveco, MAZ, KamAZ, GAZ, Scania, other options are possible.

Composition of the working group

3 people, including the driver.

Basic special equipment

expanded set of dosimetric and measuring equipment. Environmental controls.

Additional benefits

Modern precision equipment.

Conducting radiological reconnaissance en route.

Comfortable accommodation for a working group.

Flexible delivery set.

Possibility of using a special vehicle for a wide range of tasks.

BPD is a must technical means at nuclear facilities such as nuclear power plants, nuclear material storage facilities and nuclear fuel production.

Also, a mobile radiological laboratory can be used in the structure of special and environmental services.

Using PRL, rapid initialization of a numerical model for calculating the transfer of radionuclides in the event of an emergency is ensured.

Implemented search and discovery gamma sources, measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation, flux density of alpha and beta particles from flat contaminated surfaces, as well as rapid assessment of the specific activity of Cesium 137 in samples.

A mobile radiological laboratory is a means of high-quality and reliable processing and analysis of information, including for tracking adverse and hazardous meteorological phenomena.

The mobile laboratory is implemented using VHF, GSM, GPS technologies.

Special equipment of the radiology laboratory:

  • Mobile acoustic locator (sodar).
  • Dosimetric installation.
  • Set of wearable dosimeters (digital wide-range wearable dosimeter).
  • Portable radio spectrum analyzer.
  • Handheld oscilloscope (4 isolated channels, 200 MHz bandwidth).
  • VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio) meter.
  • Digital current measuring clamps (AC/DC voltage and current).
  • Electronic counting frequency meter (for setting up, calibrating and testing the transmitting and receiving paths of electronic equipment, communication systems and other equipment).
  • RLC meter (immittance meter).
  • RF signal generator from 9 kHz to 2.51 GHz.
  • Digital multimeter.
  • Laptop.
  • Walkie talkie.
  • Mobile-basic radio.
  • Gasoline generator 2.3 kW.
  • A set of entrenching tools and a set of automotive tools.

The mobile radiological laboratory is fully equipped with the necessary furniture. The delivery set includes a sink with water tanks. A monoblock air conditioner and an autonomous interior heater are installed.

All equipment meets safety requirements according to GOST 12.2.003-91, GOST, GOST 12.1.004-91.

The special vehicle can be equipped with various additional equipment at the request of the Customer.

INRUSKOM LLC is responsible for the acquisition and installation of all components of the future special vehicle, and is also engaged in the design and registration of type changes with the traffic police authorities vehicle. Our organization is an official car manufacturer and has all the necessary licenses and certificates, which gives us the right to carry out all the listed manipulations with the base chassis.

The production of special vehicles is carried out by INRUSKOM LLC in St. Petersburg. The customer can receive finished product at the place of manufacture or at the place of its actual location. If the car is delivered to the Customer at its location, it will be carried out under its own power. The cost of delivery of the car is negotiated separately.

Issues of radiological safety are currently quite acute, and therefore radiological research is mandatory when monitoring the ecological state of agricultural lands, territories of settlements and industrial zones, when conducting engineering surveys for construction in order to identify sources of radiation contamination and prevent negative impacts radiation on human health.

Specialists of our Center conduct radiological studies using modern radiometers and spectrometers.

During a radiation survey of the territory, the following radiological studies are performed:

  • dosimetric monitoring, during which gamma-ray survey of the area is carried out;
  • background values ​​of equivalent dose rate of the territory;
  • areas of radioactive contamination, their scale and composition of contamination are identified;
  • sampling of radiation monitoring samples from objects and subsequent laboratory spectrometric measurement of the content (specific activity) of radionuclides in soils and soils is carried out;
  • The radon flux density from the soil surface, in pits and in the air of buildings located on the construction site is measured, and the potential radon hazard of the surveyed area/building is assessed.

Based on the data obtained, conclusions are drawn about the compliance or non-compliance of the studied indicators with the requirements of regulatory documents (NRB-99/2009, OSPORB-99/2010, etc.).

What is radiological contamination?

Radioactivity is the spontaneous transformation (decay) of the atomic nuclei of some chemical elements, leading to a change in their atomic number and mass number. Such chemical elements are called radionuclides. Atoms of the same element having different mass numbers are called isotopes.

Naturally occurring radioactive substances are widely distributed in nature. Their radiation creates a natural radiation background of external irradiation. The natural radioactivity of soils is mainly due to the content of uranium, radium, thorium and the isotope potassium-40. Usually in soils they are in a highly dispersed state and distributed relatively evenly.
Activity is a measure of the amount of radioactive substance expressed by the number of radioactive transformations per unit of time. The unit of activity is one nuclear transformation per second. In the SI system this unit is called the becquerel (Bq). Until recently, a special (non-systemic) unit of activity was widely used - the curie (Ci): 1 Cu = 3.7 1010 nuclear transformations per second. The relationship between the indicated units of activity: 1 Bq ~ 2.7 1011 Cu. During radiological monitoring of natural objects, specific activity is determined, which characterizes the activity of a radionuclide per unit mass or volume of the sample.

The development of life on Earth has always occurred in the presence of a natural radioactive background. Its sources are cosmic radiation and natural radionuclides (RNN). soils As a result of human activity, artificial radionuclides appeared in the biosphere, and the amount of natural radionuclides extracted from the bowels of the Earth with oil, coal, gas, and ores increased. The problem of global contamination of soils and soils with radioactive isotopes of some elements arose with the development of the nuclear industry and testing of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.

Particularly significant radioactive contamination of soils, soils and the biosphere as a whole occurs during emergency situations.

Radioactive contamination of soils in landscapes and ecosystems is currently caused mainly by two radionuclides: cesium-137 and strontium-90. Therefore, the gross content of research objects is determined, first of all, by them. In soils of long-term intensive agroecosystems, in addition, the gross amount of potassium-40 is determined.

Cesium-137 is a beta and gamma emitter with a maximum beta energy of 1.76 MeV and T1/2 = 30.17 years. The high mobility of cesium-137 is determined by the fact that it is a radioisotope of an alkaline element.

Strontium-90 has a half-life of 28.1 years and is a beta emitter with a maximum energy of 0.544 MeV. It is considered one of the most biologically mobile. The fixation and distribution of this radionuclide in the soil is mainly determined by the patterns of behavior of the isotopic carrier - stable strontium, as well as the chemical analogue - stable calcium.

Potassium-40 is a beta emitter with an energy of 1.32 MeV and T1/2 = 1.28 109 years. Each gram of natural potassium contains 27 Bq of potassium-40. In progress economic activity human flows of this radionuclide in the components of the biosphere increase - an additional 6.2 1016 Bq of potassium-40 is involved in the natural cycle. With an average application rate of potassium fertilizers of 60 kg/ha, potassium-40 1.35 106 Bq/kg enters the soil (Aleksakhin et al., 1992).
The most dangerous pollutants of agroecosystems - long-lived radionuclides - cesium-137 and strontium-90 require special attention. Their share in the mixture of fission products increases over time. Being included in the biological chain “soil - plant - animal - human”, they have a damaging effect on human health. The “Cesium period” will last about 300 years.

The main criterion characterizing the degree of radioecological safety of a person living in a contaminated area is the average annual effective dose. The unit of effective dose is the sievert (Sv). To assess the general consequences of exposure of the population in the case of living in a contaminated area, the collective effective dose is used, which is the product of the average effective dose for a group of people by the number of individuals in this group. The International Commission on Radiological Medicine has recommended a dose equal to 1 mSv/year (0.1 rem/year) as a limit for the radiation dose to the population.

The main routes of human exposure that must be taken into account when estimating actual effective doses include: external exposure from gamma-emitting radionuclides in a radioactive cloud, external exposure from aerosol and particulate fallout, internal exposure through food chains and through inhalation. Our laboratory carries out radiological analysis of soil according to modern standards, we accept applications by phone and from the website.

Radiation safety criteria

How are radiological examinations carried out?

Determination of NRN in the soil of areas allocated for construction is carried out by gamma spectrometric analysis of samples. Soil and soil samples are taken using special samplers, as well as when drilling geotechnical wells.

Sampling and processing of samples and determination of the isotopic composition of radionuclide concentrations must be carried out in laboratories accredited for this type of work.

Route gamma survey of the territory should be carried out with the simultaneous use of search dosimeters-radiometers and dosimeters. Dosimeters-radiometers are used in the “Search” mode to detect areas (points) of radiation anomalies. Dosimeters are used to measure DER at control points (grid with a step of no more than 10x15 m). Measurements are carried out at a height of 0.1 m above the soil surface, as well as in geotechnical wells - gamma ray logging.

The equivalent dose rate (EDR) of external gamma radiation should not exceed 0.3 μSv/hour. Areas where the actual EDR level exceeds that determined by the natural gamma background are considered anomalous. In areas of identified gamma background anomalies, the intervals between control points should be consistently reduced to the size necessary to delineate zones with an DER level > 0.3 µSv/hour.

In such areas, in order to assess the value of the annual effective dose, the specific activities of man-made radionuclides in the soil must be determined and, in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities, the issue of the need for additional research or decontamination measures must be resolved.

If a radiation anomaly with DER > 0.3 μSv/h or higher is detected, special services must be informed.

The radon hazard of an area is determined by the density of radon flux from the ground surface and its concentration in the air of nearby already constructed buildings and structures. Measurement of radon flux density is carried out at control points located at the nodes of a rectangular grid with a step determined taking into account the potential radon hazard of the area (20x10, 10x15, 50x25), but not less than 10 points per area.

Radon flux density is measured on the soil surface, the bottom of a pit, or at the bottom level of a building’s foundation. It is not allowed to carry out measurements on the surface of ice and on areas flooded with water.

Radon flux density is measured by exposing storage chambers with radon sorbent at control points, followed by determining the flux value using radiometric installations based on the activity of beta or gamma radiation from daughter products of radon absorbed by the sorbent.
Based on the data obtained, the class of required radon protection of the building is calculated.
The results of radiation-ecological surveys are presented in the form of a technical report.

The report includes the following materials and data:

  • site plan indicating the DER at control points;
  • results of work on gamma survey, determination of NRN in the soil, assessment of the radon hazard of the site;
  • conclusion on the radiation safety of this site, and, if necessary, recommendations for improving the safety level.

Mobile laboratory - inside view

The radiation laboratory of IC "Olympus" provides services for radiation monitoring of metals, building materials, industrial and residential facilities, personnel, facilities personal protection. The work is carried out throughout Russia. Radiation measurements are carried out by certified specialists with more than 10 years of experience in solving complex and non-standard problems.

The purpose of radiation testing is to confirm the compliance of study objects with radiation safety norms and standards.

Find out the cost of the service - send a request

Radiation monitoring services

When working with sources of ionizing radiation (IRS), it is necessary to regularly carry out tests and measurements. Laboratory specialists perform:

  • Monitoring the operational parameters of medical X-ray machines: dental (sighting, computed tomographs), orthopantomographs, diagnostic, mobile ward, surgical, mammographs, fluorographs, densitometers, angiographs, computed tomographs (at least once every two years - clause 8.9., clause. 8.10.SanPiN
  • The development of tables of effective radiation doses to patients during medical X-ray examinations is carried out in accordance with section 2 of SanPiN
  • Radiation monitoring of the X-ray room and adjacent rooms (upon receipt of a sanitary-epidemiological report and technical certification of the room).
  • Individual radiation monitoring of personnel (once a quarter - clause 8.5. SanPiN
  • Dosimetric monitoring of an industrial X-ray machine is regulated by SanPiN and SP
  • Control technical condition personal protective equipment (PPE) (once every 2 years - clause 5.7., clause 8.5. SanPiN aprons, vests, skirts, robes, capes, gloves, capes; screens, doors, shutters.

Persons who require radiation measurements

Services for measuring background radiation and radiation are needed by physical and legal entities, which:

  • They extract, produce, design, store, use or transport radioactive substances and other radiation sources.
  • They carry out storage, processing, collection, transportation and burial of radioactive waste.
  • Perform installation and repair of equipment and installations that generate or use ion radiation.
  • Monitor the level of radiation from man-made radiation sources.
  • Perform work that affects the level of exposure of people to natural radiation sources.
  • They work in areas contaminated with radioactive substances.

IMPORTANT! Persons who violate radiation safety requirements bear disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”).

Objects of radiation monitoring research

Our dosimetry laboratory produces:

  • measurement of radiation from construction sites;
  • measuring vehicle radiation;
  • checking the radiation level of food products;
  • radiation control of metal and building materials;
  • radiation monitoring in residential premises;
  • measurement of radiation in soil, ground, silt.

Registration of test results

Research in the radiation control laboratory is carried out by certified specialists. After radiation measurements and tests have been carried out, we provide the corresponding protocols. You will receive a detailed analysis or a report on individual studies.

What determines the price of radiation monitoring?

The cost of radiation monitoring is determined depending on a number of factors:

  • Scope of work.
  • Urgency of the research.
  • Geographical location of the object.

Advantages of the radiation control laboratory of SK OLIMP

  • Guarantee of reliability and accuracy of measurements of the state of the radiation situation at facilities.
  • Research is carried out only by certified specialists.
  • The laboratory's capabilities make it possible to carry out radiation monitoring at enterprises in any industry.
  • Inspection protocols are accepted by regulatory authorities operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Each customer is included in the database of regular customers of the radiation monitoring laboratory and receives a discount the next time he contacts or orders other services from the SK OLIMP company.

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