Passport for the export appearance of military products. Passport of export appearance of military products Technological passport of military products

Not valid Editorial from 25.05.2008

Document typeorder, order
Receiving authorityMinistry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Document number300
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date25.05.2008
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice11813
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice07.06.2008
Statusdoesn't work
  • "Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities", N 26, 06/30/2008



I approve \r\n Chief of Armaments \r\n of the Armed Forces of the Russian \r\n Federation - Deputy \r\n Minister of Defense \r\n Russian Federation\r\n \r\n Agreed Agreed \r\n Head of Direction Deputy Director \r\n of Expertise of Supplies of the Federal Service \r\nof Weapons and Military Equipment for Technical and \r\n Ministry of Defense Export Control \r\n of the Russian Federation \r\n \r\n Export appearance passport \r\n N ______________ \r\n \r\n __________________________________________________________ \r\n (name of military products) \r\n \r\n Recommendations \r\nfor registration passports of export appearance \r\n \r\n 1. When registering the IEO, multi-level (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, \r\n2, 2.1, etc.) numbering of its sections and subsections is used. \r\n2. In the PEO, various options for the export execution of military products can be assigned their own names (indices). \r\nDifferences in performance characteristics, composition and scope of delivery various options\r\nexport versions of military equipment are recommended to be presented in tabular \r\nform. \r\n3. To describe the sample of military goods in the PEO, it is advisable to use the following sections: \r\na) name of the export sample<*>; \r\n \r\n<*>The real and conventional names (code) are given, as well as \r\n symbol(index) of an export sample. \r\n \r\nb) assignment of an export sample; \r\nc) Performance characteristics of an export sample<*>; \r\n \r\n<*>Information is provided on the performance characteristics of the export sample and their measurement values ​​in accordance with the standard description format \r\napproved in the supply cataloging system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the Russian analogue \r\n(prototype) of the export sample. \r\n \r\nd) composition of the export sample<*>; \r\n \r\n<*>The section is supplemented by a diagram of dividing the export sample into its component parts, designed taking into account GOST 2.711-82. For complex \r\nPVN samples, the division scheme can be drawn up as an appendix to the PEO. \r\n \r\ne) export sample delivery kit<*>; \r\n \r\n<*>The section includes a list of products and documents included in the delivery of the \r\nexport sample, grouped into \r\nmilitary \r\ncategories in accordance with the Classifier of Military \r\nProducts, the import and export of which is carried out under licenses \r\nissued Federal service on military-technical cooperation (Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations on the procedure for licensing in the Russian Federation the import and export of military products, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 2005 N 1062). \r\n \r\ne) the main differences between the export sample and the analogue (prototype), \r\ncreated (created) in the interests of the Russian customer; \r\ng) requirements for restricting access to products and documents \r\nintended for transfer to foreign customers. \r\n4. To describe research and development and design\r\n works, other works (services) that are PVN, in the PEO it is advisable \r\n to use (where applicable) the following sections: \r\na) name of the work (service); \r\nb) purpose of work (service); \r\nc) the procedure for performing work (providing services); \r\nd) parameters (performance characteristics) of the military equipment proposed for creation (modernization); \r\ne) a list of work results (services) that can be \r\ntransferred to a foreign customer, as well as work results \r\n(services) that cannot be transferred to a foreign customer; \r\nе) requirements for limiting access to products and documents \r\n intended for transfer to foreign customers in the process \r\n of performing work (providing services). \r\n5. To describe the production technology (modernization, repair, \r\ndisposal) of military equipment intended to be transferred to a foreign customer \r\nunder a license (license agreement), it is advisable to use \r\nthe following sections: \r\na) name of the technology; \r\nb) conditions for the transfer of rights to technology, including: methods \r\nof use, territory, program (volume) of production and duration \r\nof the license, an exhaustive list of elements of technology \r\n (results of intellectual activity, documentation , \r\nmaterials, equipment, accessories, components) that are \r\nthe subject of the license, as well as elements of technology that are not subject to transfer \r\nto a foreign customer; \r\nc) the procedure for technology transfer, which includes a list of works \r\n(services) that are supposed to be performed (provided) at the stage \r\nof technology transfer and development by a foreign customer; \r\nd) requirements for limiting access to technology and its elements \r\nintended for transfer to foreign customers. \r\n \r\n \r\n

Appendix No. 2
to the Order (clause 3)

Approve and put into effect from September 1, 2008 the attached approval of the export configuration, tactical and technical characteristics of military products and coordination of the volume of information about them reported to foreign customers.

2. To approve the performance characteristics (TTC) and export configuration of military products (MP), the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Defense) considers:

In this case, the secrecy classification of the PEO (information carrier with its electronic copy) is established in accordance with the degree of secrecy of the information contained in it.

B) four certified copies, conclusions of the permanent technical commission on the protection of state secrets of the organization - developer (manufacturer) of military equipment (hereinafter referred to as PDTK) on the possibility of open publication of information contained in the RP;

4. The originals of the PEO (RP) are signed by the head of the organization - developer (manufacturer) of military equipment and approved by the head of the military representative office of the Ministry of Defense assigned (accredited) in the organization - developer (manufacturer) of military equipment. If necessary, these documents can be signed (agreed upon) by the heads of other organizations related to the development, production or operation of the relevant military equipment. Signatures officials certified by the official seals of their organizations.

The head of the military mission of the Ministry of Defense organizes control over the accuracy of the information given in the documents, the availability required signatures and seals, ensuring secrecy.

5. PEO (RP) received by the Ministry of Defense are sent to the Department intellectual property, military-technical cooperation and examination of supplies of weapons and military equipment of the Ministry of Defense (hereinafter referred to as UIS, military-technical cooperation and electronic military-technical cooperation of the Ministry of Defense), where they are registered in the logbook of incoming documents.

Based on the results of the preliminary review of the IEE (RP), the head of the Department of Intellectual Property, Military-Technical Cooperation and Expertise of Supplies of Arms and Military Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, within 5 working days from the date of registration, makes a decision to return the IEE (RP) to the applicants to eliminate identified deficiencies with indicating the reasons for the return or sending them in the prescribed manner:

The Head of the Department of Intellectual Property, Military-Technical Cooperation and Expertise of the Supply of Weapons and Military Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, if necessary, has the right to send the IEE (RP) for consideration to other military control bodies.

6. Review of documents by military command and control bodies and the FSTEC of Russia is carried out only in relation to issues related to the established field of activity. In this case, the review period should not exceed 20 working days from the moment of their registration with the military authorities (FSTEC of Russia).

8. PEO (RP) submitted for consideration to the FSTEC of Russia, with agreement or agreement with the comments, are agreed upon on the title pages of their originals, while the comments are drawn up with a reasoned conclusion.

9. In case of violation of the deadline for consideration of the IEE (RP), a certificate indicating the reason for the violation of the review period is sent to the UIS, military technical service and EP of the military and military equipment of the Moscow Region.

10. Upon approval of the IEE (RP) with comments, the head of the Department of Intellectual Property, Military-Technical Cooperation and Expertise of Supplies of Arms and Military Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will organize, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the comments by the Penal System, Military-Technical Cooperation and Electronic Military-Technical Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense, their elimination (accounting), and if it is impossible to eliminate (take into account) the comments within the specified period, sends them in the prescribed manner to the applicant PEO (RP) with generalized comments for revision.

11. The agreed PEO (including those agreed upon with comments and modified taking them into account) is agreed upon by the head of the Department of Intellectual Property, Military-Technical Cooperation and Expertise of the Supply of Weapons and Military Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and is submitted in the prescribed manner for approval to the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation.

The agreed RP (including those agreed with the comments and modified taking them into account) is agreed upon by the head of the Department of Intellectual Property, Military-Technical Cooperation and Expertise of the Supply of Weapons and Military Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

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ORDER of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 05/25/2008 300 (as amended on 10/30/2010) ON THE PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL OF EXPORT EQUIPMENT... Relevant in 2018


Approved by the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Agreed Agreed Head of the Department Deputy Director of Intellectual Property, Federal Military-Technical Service for Technical Cooperation and Expertise in Export Control of Supplies of Arms and Military Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 10/30/2010 N 1449 ) Export appearance passport N ______________ __________________________________________________________ (name of military products) Recommendations for issuing an export appearance passport 1. When registering the PEO, multi-level (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 2, 2.1, etc.) numbering of its sections is used and subsections 2. In the PEO, various options for the export execution of military products can be assigned their own names (indices). It is recommended to present the differences in the performance characteristics, composition and scope of delivery of various export versions of military equipment in tabular form. 3. To describe the sample of military goods in the PEO, it is advisable to use the following sections: a) name of the export sample<*>; <*>The actual and conventional names (code), as well as the symbol (index) of the export sample are given. b) assignment of an export sample; c) performance characteristics of an export sample<*>; <*>Information is provided on the performance characteristics of the export sample and their measurement values ​​in accordance with the standard description format approved in the system of cataloging supplies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the Russian analogue (prototype) of the export sample. d) composition of the export sample<*>; <*>The section is supplemented by a diagram of dividing the export sample into its component parts, designed taking into account GOST 2.711-82. For complex PVN samples, the division scheme can be drawn up as an appendix to the PEO. e) export sample delivery kit<*>; <*>The section includes a list of products and documents included in the delivery package for an export sample, grouped into categories of military equipment in accordance with the Classifier of Military Products, the import and export of which are carried out under licenses issued by the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations on the Procedure licensing in the Russian Federation for the import and export of military products, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2005 N 1062). f) the main differences between the export sample and the analogue (prototype) created (being created) in the interests of the Russian customer; g) requirements for restricting access to products and documents intended for transfer to foreign customers. 4. To describe research and development work, other works (services) that are PVP, in the PEO it is advisable to use (where applicable) the following sections: a) name of the work (service); b) purpose of the work (service); c) the procedure for performing work (providing services); d) parameters (performance characteristics) of the military equipment proposed for creation (modernization); e) a list of results of work (services) that can be transferred to a foreign customer, as well as results of work (services) that are not subject to transfer to a foreign customer; f) requirements for restricting access to products and documents intended for transfer to foreign customers in the process of performing work (providing services). 5. To describe the production technology (modernization, repair, disposal) of military equipment intended to be transferred to a foreign customer under a license (license agreement), it is advisable to use the following sections: a) name of the technology; b) conditions for the transfer of rights to the technology, including: methods of use, territory, production program (volume) and license validity period, an exhaustive list of technology elements (results of intellectual activity, documentation, materials, equipment, equipment, components) that are the subject of the license , as well as elements of technology that are not subject to transfer to a foreign customer; c) the procedure for technology transfer, which includes a list of works (services) that are expected to be performed (provided) at the stage of transfer and development of technology by a foreign customer; d) requirements for restricting access to technology and its elements intended for transfer to foreign customers.

Appendix No. 2
to the Order (clause 3)

Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure (clause 2) for approving export equipment, tactical and technical characteristics of military products and agreeing on the amount of information about them reported to foreign customers (as amended by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2010 N 1449)

APPROVED First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation AGREED AGREED Head of the Department Deputy Director of Intellectual Property, Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation for Technical and Expertise of Arms Supplies and Export Control of Military Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation EXPORT PASSPORT N ______________ __________________________________________________________ (name of military products)

1. When preparing a PEO, multi-level (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 2, 2.1, etc.) numbering of its sections and subsections is used.

2. In the PEO, various options for the export execution of military products can be assigned their own names (indices).

It is recommended to present the differences in the performance characteristics, composition and scope of delivery of various export versions of military equipment in tabular form.

3. To describe a sample of PVN in the PEO, it is advisable to use the following sections:

a) name of the export sample 1;

1 The actual and conventional names (code), as well as the symbol (index) of the export sample are given.

b) assignment of an export sample;

c) performance characteristics of export sample 1;

1 Information is provided on the performance characteristics of the export sample and their measurement values ​​in accordance with the standard description format approved in the system of cataloging supplies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the Russian analogue (prototype) of the export sample.

d) composition of the export sample 1;

1 Section is supplemented by a diagram of dividing the export sample into its component parts, designed taking into account GOST 2.711-82. For complex PVN samples, the division scheme can be drawn up as an appendix to the PEO.

e) delivery set for export sample 1;

1 The section includes a list of products and documents included in the delivery package for an export sample, grouped into categories of military equipment in accordance with the Classifier of Military Products, the import and export of which is carried out under licenses issued by the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations on procedure for licensing the import and export of military products in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2005 N 1062).

f) the main differences between the export sample and the analogue (prototype) created (being created) in the interests of the Russian customer;

g) requirements for restricting access to products and documents intended for transfer to foreign customers.

4. To describe research and development work, and other works (services) that are PVN, it is advisable to use the following sections in the PEO (where applicable):

a) name of the work (service);

b) purpose of the work (service);

c) the procedure for performing work (providing services);

d) parameters (performance characteristics) of the military equipment proposed for creation (modernization);

e) a list of results of work (services) that can be transferred to a foreign customer, as well as results of work (services) that are not subject to transfer to a foreign customer;

f) requirements for restricting access to products and documents intended for transfer to foreign customers in the process of performing work (providing services).

5. To describe the production technology (modernization, repair, disposal) of military equipment intended to be transferred to a foreign customer under a license (license agreement), it is advisable to use the following sections:

a) name of the technology;

b) conditions for the transfer of rights to the technology, including: methods of use, territory, production program (volume) and license validity period, an exhaustive list of technology elements (results of intellectual activity, documentation, materials, equipment, equipment, components) that are the subject of the license , as well as elements of technology that are not subject to transfer to a foreign customer;

c) the procedure for technology transfer, which includes a list of works (services) that are expected to be performed (provided) at the stage of transfer and development of technology by a foreign customer;

d) requirements for restricting access to technology and its elements intended for transfer to foreign customers.

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