We are opening a business for finishing and renovating apartments from scratch. How can I open an individual entrepreneur for apartment renovation? How to open your own apartment renovation business

If an entrepreneur decides to renovate apartments, it will not be difficult for him to open an individual entrepreneur. This type business has good development prospects, despite the fact that currently there are a lot of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs engaged in similar business. Every year new apartments are rented out, often with a rough finish, which require cosmetic repairs, and the owners are in no hurry to repair old housing themselves, entrusting this work to specialists, so the demand for such services is simply huge. Even despite high competition, renovating apartments and other premises is a very profitable business.

Where to start a business

The business of renovating premises has existed for quite a long time and, as practice shows, brings good income. The first step is to decide in what form the business will exist. There are 2 options here:

  1. Register your activities as an individual entrepreneur. If an entrepreneur plans to carry out all the apartment renovation work himself or with a small number of assistants, then it is wiser to choose this form of activity registration. This choice is much simpler and cheaper.
  2. Register as a society with limited liability. If you are planning a large-scale activity with a considerable number of employees on staff and concluding contracts with legal entities, conducting cash and non-cash payments with them, then this form will be preferable. It should be remembered that in this case the registration of statutory documents and payment of the authorized capital will be required.

Obviously, it is much more profitable for a novice entrepreneur to register an individual entrepreneur for apartment renovation, gain experience, see how his business will develop, and, if everything goes well, in the future it is possible to develop his business even before creating an LLC. And if something goes wrong, the entrepreneur will suffer less losses.

An entrepreneur can register an individual entrepreneur in tax office at the place of residence. At the same time, there is no need to send information to the Pension Fund - the tax authorities will do this themselves. If there is no IP employees, you no longer need to register with any funds. Otherwise, the entrepreneur needs to register with the Fund social insurance to pay insurance premiums for employees.

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Registration with tax authorities

An entrepreneur can carry out repair work only after registering an individual entrepreneur with the tax office. At the same time, he must choose the scheme according to which the taxation of his activities will be carried out. The size will depend on the correctness of this choice. tax deductions, as well as types of reporting and deadlines for its submission.

If individual entrepreneur recruits a team of workers and then makes a deal with them employment contracts, registers with the Social Insurance Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, it is preferable for him to choose a tax deduction system in the form of a single tax on imputed income (UTII). At the same time, individual entrepreneurs are exempt from paying property and income taxes. individuals and from value added tax. Not every type of activity gives the right to use UTII, but apartment renovation is included in the list of works that allow the use of this scheme.

The optimal taxation scheme for an individual entrepreneur engaged in repairs is considered to be the simplified taxation system (STS).

The patent tax scheme (PTS) is considered no less profitable. When choosing the simplified tax system, an application for transition to this system is submitted to the tax authority along with documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs. True, in this case the entrepreneur will have to buy and use cash register for the accounting Money received from clients. It is also important to register the cash register correctly. In this case, the entrepreneur can easily conduct accounting himself, and he needs to submit a tax return and a report once a year. average number In addition, you will need to pay insurance premiums and tax advances every quarter.

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Other requirements

When deciding how to open an individual entrepreneur for finishing apartments, you must remember that everything renovation work, carried out in this case, are strictly regulated by the Town Planning Code. To perform some of their types, the entrepreneur will need special permission. First of all, such work includes those that can affect the safety and integrity of the building: this can include all types of major repairs, as well as reconstruction of premises. Finishing and interior work can be performed without permission.

An individual entrepreneur will need to purchase a license to perform repair and finishing work. This type of activity includes, for example, glass work, installation of suspended ceilings, plastering, tiling work and much more. The license is purchased for a period of 2 months or 5 years. Large customers prefer to work with licensed individual entrepreneurs, as this is an indicator of their competence and seriousness in their approach to this business.

The profit received by an individual entrepreneur engaged in repairs directly depends on what work he primarily performed during the period under review. The most profitable are considered to be electrical work, installation of plastic double-glazed windows, and redevelopment of the premises. Based on this, you can set priorities for selecting clients or the specifics of the repair work being performed.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

As soon as man stopped using natural caves for shelter from the weather and learned to build houses, he needed and interior decoration home renovation. How are things going today in this ancient and eternal market?

Previously, when there was no business in Russia, but there was repair, everyone who worked in this area were “black” entrepreneurs. Later, when the opportunity arose to legally organize one’s own business, “white” entrepreneurs appeared. However, the principles of operation of companies that have licenses are not much different from those that do not have a license and never will. This business was black and remained so in 90% of cases. Tax officials, neither theoretically nor practically, can track anything; money flows in real banknotes from one wallet directly to another wallet.

The number of repair and construction companies in Russia is not quantifiable. Only one thing is clear - there are a lot of them. In Moscow alone there are at least five thousand of them. There is enough work for everyone.
There are so many new houses appearing in Moscow that the situation for business is simply fabulous.

Firstly: construction is in full swing in the country, and houses are being rented out as standard or with minimal finishing;

Secondly, 70 thousand transactions are made annually on secondary market housing. There are no more than 5% of those who try to do the repairs themselves, because people do not buy an apartment with their last money, which means that they set aside certain funds for repairs and the purchase of furniture.

Thirdly, each apartment needs routine repairs every 7-10 years.

Repairs are divided into three categories: cosmetic, economy class, luxury.

Please never use the word “euro” as a prefix to indicate the “quality” of the goods you sell. There are no words in the Russian language to express how unfashionable this is. If our population uses this word, it is in a purely ironic context; printed on advertising brochures, it will ruin your reputation, much like the habit of speaking on a mobile phone, hiding from your partner under the table and whispering into the phone: “I’ll call you back, bro! »

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

This article may be out of date. More relevant articles on this topic:

How to open your own repair and construction business

So, cosmetic renovations are the cheapest - on average $50 per sq. m. m. For this money, the simplest work is done, giving the room the appearance of a non-existent virtue: clean wallpaper, ceiling, replacement of tiles.

At the other extreme is “Lux”. It costs $100-$150. During such renovations, builders give (or create the illusion for the customer that they give) Euclidean geometry to walls, ceilings and floors built in non-Euclidean space and use the best materials (from the local market) for finishing.

In this vein, economy class renovation plays the role of a kind of “golden mean”. Its cost is from $70 to $80 per 1 sq. m. Why is it cheaper?

For example, not the entire wall is leveled, but only 20 cm from below and above... This was practiced in the era that preceded the era of jeans and T-shirts. Clerks who did not have the opportunity to either buy snow-white men's shirts or care for them (wash, iron and starch) tied themselves paper cuffs, a paper collar and a paper napkin shirt-front, designed to hide their bare hairy chest, and then put it on all this splendor put on their only business suit and went to the office. But it was rather a bachelor's option. Statutory fathers of families who belonged to the middle class, as a rule, sported shirtfronts made of thin Dutch linen... Therefore, when V.V. Mayakovsky wrote that “except for a freshly washed shirt/he, frankly, doesn’t need anything,” then it must be understood in the context that Mayakovsky wanted to both be and appear to be both a dandy and an aristocrat.

Ready ideas for your business

“It is most profitable to do economy class renovations,” say today’s middle class theorists. – It requires less time and labor than
luxury, but more expensive than “cosmetics”.

What is the order fulfillment algorithm?

1. A potential client calls the company.

2. Free call for a foreman, estimator (and, if necessary, an architect). They find out on site the scope of work and the approximate cost.

3.Drafting an estimate with detailed list necessary materials and labor costs.

4. Signing the contract.

5. If the customer is satisfied with the amount, work begins in three days.

Majority small firms works by delivering materials from the market. But the warehouse becomes profitable, allowing you to purchase materials in bulk if there is a lot of work.

Ready ideas for your business

– The first to appear at the site are non-construction breakers, whose task is to demolish interior partitions. These are the lowest paid workers, 300 rubles per day. Their main tool is a sledgehammer. This is often done by immigrants from the republics of the former USSR, students who want to earn extra money.

You don't need a permanent staff of salaried workers. It is profitable to pay for work piecework.
By the way, companies that value their reputation try not to use the services of visiting migrant workers.
– A person advertising his services on a cardboard sign charges $120 per square meter, that is, his prices are practically “proprietary”, but there is no guarantee. During an emergency construction companies We also occasionally use the services of “construction pimps” to find workers. True, “foreign” workers need to be
check in action. Otherwise, they may damage the materials.

After the demolishers come specialized specialists - plasterers, tilers, parquet floorers, electricians, plumbers. Sometimes there are generalist workers who combine several related professions at once, for example, tiler-plumber.

If 20 people work sequentially in one apartment, this allows for almost assembly-line precision.

The busiest time for renovations is spring and summer. Everything comes to a standstill for the New Year.

A three-room apartment is finished in luxury class for three months.

Two-room apartment - for two (with daily work with one day off). It doesn’t work faster, if only because some materials take a long time to “dry” and before they “dry”, repairs cannot be continued.

A one-room apartment can be renovated in a week and a half (with cosmetic repairs) and with minimum quantity of people.

Ready ideas for your business

There are almost no companies that do luxury renovations, because no one needs such renovations, and people here don’t believe that anyone a) wants to b) will be able to carry out such renovations. Firms are switching to cheap and fast orders because there are many of them.

Different types of work have completely different profitability. The most profitable ones are the installation of air conditioners, double-glazed windows, and electrics. In them, profit can reach up to 50%. For example, installing one socket or switch in Moscow costs $8, chiseling a hole (a channel in the wall for laying cables) costs another $2-3 per linear meter.

– At first glance, it seems that the prices for some types of work are low, but in fact, in a three-room apartment, a complete electrical installation will cost a thousand dollars. That's a pretty decent estimate. Therefore, it is beneficial to keep an electrician on staff

Plumbing work is also very profitable. Scrapping remains one of the most profitable operations: with low costs for unskilled labor, it can bring up to several hundred percent of profit. A couple of workers in one apartment can destroy $100 worth of walls in a day. But tiling and painting work is on the verge of breaking even. For example, a customer pays $10-12 per square meter of tiling. But many companies do not refuse to paint even a few meters of the wall. After this, the customer can be persuaded to do something else if he is satisfied with the quality.

Mistakes always happen. Builders fix them without question, at their own expense: reputation is more valuable. The most common problem is meeting deadlines.
Almost all builders have a clause in their contract about penalties for violating deadlines, although at first it seems that it is better to do without it. The fact is that if the amount of the fine is not documented, the customer can make a claim for any amount. As a rule, the penalty is 0.5% of the total estimate for each day of delay. In this case, the total amount of payments cannot exceed 10%.

Where to find a client

The main clients are residents sitting in front of their broken down construction site. Direct your activity to areas under construction. Distributing advertising brochures to new homes is the easiest and most intelligible way to make yourself known. But this is only the first step.
Up to 80% of customers come by recommendation,” says Azamat Khasanov. – The remaining 20% ​​is via the Internet.
But there is no benefit from advertising in the press. They didn't give anyone a single customer. Booklets, the Internet and personal contacts are the surest ways to make yourself known.

How much should you invest in business?

Investments in a renovation and construction company can be quite modest. In general, you need to “invest” in personnel selection - start looking for masters. At first, you can do without an office.

– Now the threshold for entering a business starts from $10 thousand.

1. Of this, $3 thousand will be spent on organizational issues (registration, obtaining a license)

2. the purchase of a professional tool will require approximately $5 thousand

3. Plus money to buy a car. Even the smallest company will have a hard time without Gazelle.

Office conversions are more profitable because office space is often much larger than apartment space.

The best thing is when a company receives a very large corporate order. But this game is played by different rules. As absolutely all builders admit, it is possible to receive a large order only for a “kickback”. Its size, as a rule, is up to 10% of the estimate.

How much can you earn

On such financial results A Moscow company can count on renting out four properties every month - apartments with an average area of ​​60 square meters. meters each - with a repair cost of $100 per sq. meter.

What can I say finally? If you are a good organizer, if you can find honest, conscientious craftsmen who do not suffer from star fever, and if you do not grab orders that you cannot fulfill, then just from recommendations from neighbor to neighbor you will earn yourself both reputation and money . You don’t have to be afraid of competition, because you simply won’t have competitors.

Nazarenko Elena based on materials from the magazine “Your Business” especially for the project

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Active urban development has made the apartment renovation business promising and profitable direction activities. Most new buildings are sold with minimal finishing or no finishing at all. Therefore, entrepreneurs working in this area, despite the presence of competitors, do not lack clients.

Where to start an apartment renovation business: design

Before opening an apartment renovation company, you need to go through the business registration procedure. Depending on the expected scale of activity, you can register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company), and also choose a suitable taxation system (see).

If you plan to work with large customers and projects, the entrepreneur will need to obtain licenses to perform the relevant work (a separate document for each type of activity).

The following types of work are subject to the licensing procedure:

  • plastering;
  • molded;
  • assembly;
  • facing;
  • decorative;
  • glass

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Types of services provided

When figuring out how to organize an apartment renovation business, you need to decide on the type of services provided. There are three main categories: cosmetic, major and improved repairs.

Cosmetic repairs include laying tiles, wallpapering, leveling and painting ceilings, replacing linoleum, dismantling or installing baseboards. Sometimes it is possible to replace plumbing fixtures. This is the most budget-friendly and simplest type of work. Prices in this segment range from 1,500 rubles. up to 2,000 rub. for 1 sq. m.

Major renovations are the most in demand today. The services provided in this segment are already more significant and expensive; they include the replacement of basic structures and outdated or broken communications. The list of works will include plastering and painting work, dismantling and installation of doors and windows, installation of additional parts (arches, niches, columns). The cost of services starts from 3,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

Improved repair means performing work using advanced technologies and modern high-quality materials. These include leveling and screeding floors, parquet work, installation of the “Warm Floor” system, three-layer painting of walls, drawing up design projects (see), installation of interior items, furniture and other services.

Recruitment of personnel for work

Employees are one of the most important aspects of a home improvement business. Therefore, it is necessary to assemble a team of qualified and conscientious specialists. Typically, a team of workers includes a plasterer, plumber, painter, electrician and carpenter. It is advisable to have on your staff installers for stretching ceilings and laying floors, specialists in installing door and window structures, finishers and general workers.

Advice: the role of foreman, accountant and estimator can initially be taken on by the entrepreneur himself, this will help reduce running costs for 60,000 – 100,000 rubles. When there are more clients, you can think about expanding your staff.

Purchasing tools for repair work

Having decided where to start an apartment renovation business, what services will be provided, and how many people will work in the team, you should purchase the appropriate tools. To get started you will need:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • a set of brushes;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • industrial dryer;
  • spatulas;
  • rollers;
  • ladder;
  • Consumables.

Attention! To provide apartment finishing services, it is advisable to have your own car, for example, a GAZelle, to deliver the work team to the site and transport the available tools.

Promoting an apartment renovation business

A business idea such as apartment renovation requires a carefully worked out advertising campaign, since there are a lot of competitors in this niche. Undoubtedly, there is no better advertising than reviews from satisfied customers. But besides " word of mouth» there are also more modern and effective types of promotion, such as online advertising, that can attract a large number of potential customers and helping to make money on apartment renovations.

Today, most people turn to online sources in search of information about future contractors. Therefore, it is advisable to have your own website, group in in social networks or a one-page site. If it is available, you can run contextual, banner and teaser advertising. It will also be useful to place advertising posts on thematic forums and websites.

Advertising in magazines and newspapers can also help in finding clients. But, as a rule, such columns are replete with similar advertisements, so you need to try to attract attention with the help of a non-standard and original presentation of information.

You can post notices near shops, passages, bus stops and entrances. The main thing is that these are places with large concentrations or traffic of people. In addition, you can distribute business cards and leaflets.

How much capital is needed to open a company?

Having figured out how to start an apartment renovation business, it would be advisable to calculate how much initial capital you will need. On average, this amount is about 400,000 - 600,000 rubles. (consider also RUR). The most expensive items are the purchase of a car and necessary tools to carry out repair work.

The list of main expenses is as follows:

Monthly revenue is 200,000 - 400,000 rubles, net profit is from 60,000 to 160,000 rubles. The return on investment is usually achieved fairly quickly - from 6 to 9 months. Much depends on the season of the year.

Today, some repair companies provide a full range of services, for example, a “turnkey residential building”, this allows you to earn much more. Take a look, you might also like this idea.

Read how you can organize it with a simple set of construction tools.

Simultaneously with the renovation of apartments, it is possible to develop... In this case, clients whose apartments are undergoing finishing work can be immediately offered to update the furniture.


Apartment renovation as a business is a direction that can bring good income to their owners. The average investment is about 500,000 rubles, however, you can start this activity with less investment if, for example, you refuse to purchase a car, or if the entrepreneur already owns one. In general, by providing high-quality services and working on the recognition of the enterprise, you can receive monthly from 100,000 rubles. net profit. Read what else

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 330,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 119,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 380,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 4 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan apartment renovation services with calculations.

Description of service

The company is engaged in apartment renovation. Apartment finishing services are provided, major renovation. The organization does work at different levels, but mainly focuses on the middle class. Please note that this business plan is not designed for large company, but for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Market analysis

Apartment renovation services – quite profitable enterprise. In many cities, the niche is not overcrowded, and entry to it is free. This opens up excellent prospects in this matter. Firstly, the costs will be reduced to wages, because the client can buy raw materials independently or pay separately. To these expenses you can add funds for advertising. The remaining categories of costs can be considered insignificant.

In this business, it is very important to understand what you are working with. The ideal option would be if self employed worked in this area of ​​business, knows prices, required quality and sequence of work, understands how the service should be promoted.

Most often, such enterprises are opened by former workers who decided to try their hand at sailing on their own.

Remember that the two most important criteria are the quality of services provided and advertising. Moreover, the second aspect influences success no less.

Even in developed cities there are no large organizations involved in repairs. More precisely, there are very few of them. Benefit from large enterprise it is possible, only costs rise and often reduce profitability. Therefore, the main competitors will be small firms. The difficulty is that it is quite difficult to assess their influence on the market. Many today work in the gray segment of the market; their activities cannot be tracked in any way. Needless to say, many do not have their own offices at all.

How can you conquer the market? Quality and promotion of services. Active advertising will become the main driver, but more on that a little later.

It is quite difficult to create a specific buyer persona. Today, many people use the services of such repair teams. These are not necessarily people with great income. Although, it will be possible to receive large orders from them. Therefore, it is worth organizing your work in such a way as to attract the attention of people with average and high income levels.

If we talk about age, then most often people under the age of 45-55 turn to such offices. The older generation, as a rule, makes repairs themselves. Pensioners often simply do not have enough money to use such services.

SWOT analysis

Creating own organization, it is necessary to assess the internal and external factors affecting the operation of the business. Impacts external environment cannot be changed, but many consequences can be avoided, and opportunities can be used for good. TO external factors include:

  1. Possibilities
  • Free entry into the market.
  • Different price categories.
  • Mobility of own production facilities.
  • Possibility of optimizing your own production.
  • Possibility of using beneficial tax regimes(USN, UTII).
  • Excellent opportunities to expand your own business.
  1. Threats
  • Average level of investment (due to the high cost of professional tools).
  • The service is not an essential commodity.
  • No guarantee of a constant level of demand.
  • Inconsistency of orders (possible blockages or, conversely, lack of objects).
  • High level of competition.

You can and should work with internal factors. These include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Providing quality service.
  • Providing guarantees for work performed.
  • Acceptable cost of work.
  • Qualified personnel.
  • Quality tools.
  • Short terms of work.
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Well-developed marketing and pricing strategy.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Inexperience.
  • Lack of customer base.
  • Zero business reputation.
  • Difficulty in finding qualified personnel.
  • Lack of personnel training programs.

Based on the analysis of internal factors, the organization can follow one of the following paths:

  1. Strengthen your own capabilities thanks to positive aspects, use them as a competitive advantage.
  2. Try to deal with weaknesses.
  3. Minimize the consequences arising from the presence of weaknesses.

Opportunity Assessment

Demand in this industry is difficult to estimate. Its peak occurs from April to October. But the rest of the time the value of demand does not fluctuate much. Its influence can be reduced with the help of a good advertising company and a permanent customer base.

Work will be carried out according to the following schedule:

Total: 58 hours per week. Per month: 252 hours.

Remember that according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee cannot work more than 40 hours weekly. In order not to hire additional people, you can register each of them as part-time workers, so that everything on paper complies with the law. Then each worker (namely finishers and tilers) will have a rate of 1.45. If this option does not suit you, you can arrange overtime or work on days off.

Thus, there will be one shift. You don't have to break up your work across multiple teams. This will improve the quality of work and increase the level of responsibility.

After developing a client base, you can think about expanding and increasing the number of teams. It will also be possible to hire a foreman rather than deal with these matters yourself. Soon you should think about a secretary or deputy who will be involved in selecting clients, calling, and advertising. The foreman can take on the responsibilities of checking the work and agreeing on the plan of services provided with the client. Additionally, you can offer a service for the purchase and delivery of materials, having previously agreed with any organization on the wholesale supply of raw materials.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. or . OKVED codes that can be used:
  • 45.25.5 - Production of stone works;
  • 45.31 — Electrical installation work;
  • 45.32 — Production of insulation work;
  • 45.33 — Sanitary work;
  • 45.42 — Carpentry and carpentry work;
  • 45.43 — Installation of floor coverings and wall cladding;
  • 45.44 — Production of painting and glass work;
  • 45.44.2 - Production of painting works;
  • 45.45 — Production of other finishing and finishing works.

Remember that one main OKVED code must be selected, the rest must also be indicated.

  1. This type of activity no need to license.
  2. Apartment renovation according to OKUN ( All-Russian classifier services to the population) – household service. Therefore, an entrepreneur can use not only, but also. Please note that UTII is provided only when providing services to individuals. If you will be renovating apartments transferred to commercial real estate, For legal entities, then you will need to switch to the simplified tax system. You can also obtain a patent and receive certain benefits and privileges. But this will increase the initial costs. You can use the simplified tax system “Income” 6% or the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. None permitting documents no need. It is very important to take care in advance of drawing up contracts, acceptance certificates and other documentation that will not only confirm income, but also protect you from dishonesty of customers.
  4. Make a detailed price list that will help the customer navigate.
  5. It’s better to get a stamp, especially since today there are many online programs that allow you to track and manage funds in your bank account.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy: Do not underestimate the cost of work. Firstly, it can reduce the profitability of the enterprise to nothing. Secondly, such a move can completely frighten potential clients. In this business, people most often associate the price of services with their quality. It is worth considering setting the average market price. If you are confident that there will be clients in a higher price segment, and the quality of work is at the same level, then you can set the price above average.

“You shouldn’t put your eggs in all baskets at the same time.” Firstly, this approach will cost a pretty penny. Secondly, an advertising company in the field of repair services has its own specifics. It is worth studying this market in more detail and choosing those types of advertising that have the greatest impact on potential consumers. These include:

  • Posting advertisements.

This type is considered the most effective way attracting clients. If possible, they can be posted throughout the city. It is especially necessary to bypass new buildings or objects under construction. Mostly such advertisements should be posted directly on entrances or inside them.

  • Advertisements in newspapers.

It is worth placing them in all well-known city newspapers. The cost of such advertising is low. It is very important to appear in newspapers regularly. Weekly announcements will remain in memory; if necessary, a person will look in the newspaper and find the phone number he needs.

  • Internet advertising.

This can include maintaining your own website (better). Moreover, it needs to be filled to the maximum. Make a price list, tell about your craftsmen, show examples of work (preferably with videos and customer reviews).

  • Word of mouth.

This is a free form of advertising. It is impossible to control it directly. But the quality of your work will ensure the receipt of new orders. You can also give out your business cards to satisfied customers. This type of advertising begins to operate, as a rule, after the first 5-10 orders. If, of course, the quality of your work is at top level. Even if something is done wrong, you need to try to correct the shortcomings and satisfy the customer’s requests as much as possible.

Don’t forget that the most important thing is the systematicity and correct focus of your advertising.

Calculation of projected income

Production plan

As such, no room for work is required. At first, you can meet on the customer’s premises, especially since you still have to evaluate the apartment, draw up a plan and estimate. As a last resort, you can always use renting a room. Of course, when the organization becomes famous, it will have client base and the entrepreneur wants to expand his activities, it makes sense to think about renting his own office, as well as hiring a designer. All this will increase the range of services offered and improve the company’s reputation.

Can be removed small room for holding inventory. No repairs will be required there.

Thus, you will not have to spend money on repairs and furniture. But the tools will require serious expenses. Our organization will employ two teams of finishers (each of two people) and one tiler. They all need their own tools and supplies.

You will have to spend a lot on tools for 5 people. This includes various drills, screwdrivers, mixers, levels, sawhorses, sanders and much more. Of course, it’s better to buy a high-quality tool right away.

Consumables do not include the cost of raw materials required for repairs. This is paid for by the client and everything needed is provided.

It's worth buying a uniform for the workers. Firstly, it will add respectability, and secondly, they will have everything they need for work. This will provide them with comfort.

Salary will be calculated as follows:

Take better than people with work experience, not necessarily education.

When calculating, the amount is indicated as “dirty”, that is, personal income tax and contributions are not deducted from the salary.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

Monthly income 330,000 rubles
Rent 6,000 rubles
Consumables 5,000 rubles
Wage 165,000 rubles
Advertising 20,000 rubles
Outsourcing (services of electricians, telecom operators, mechanics) 8,000 rubles
Office expenses 2,000 rubles
Total costs: 206,000 rubles
Profit before tax 124,000 rubles
Tax 5,000 rubles
Net profit 119,000 rubles
Profitability (net profit/income) 36,06%
Payback (Initial costs/Net profit) from 4 months

We took the UTII tax, since it turned out to be more profitable in this case. In your specific case, it may happen that the simplified tax system will be more profitable. The amount indicated is per month. Remember that UTII payment is made once a quarter. That is, an entrepreneur pays a tax of 15,000 rubles per quarter.


It is important to take everything into account at the preparatory stage possible risks. They are usually divided into internal and external. The latter risks include the following:

  1. Decrease in income of the population.

This could lead to a sharp decline in demand for services. To combat this, it is worth strengthening the advertising campaign and, if necessary, reducing prices. These actions will help reduce losses and reduce downtime.

  1. Increased competition in the industry.

To avoid this risk, it is necessary to offer clients only high-quality services. You must be able to present yourself, your employees and the company. Become recognizable in your city, increase your business reputation, respectability. By the way, reducing the price may help here, but only slightly.

  1. Dishonesty of the customer.

All contracts must be formalized. You can work after prepayment. It is worth considering risk insurance. If necessary, you will have to go to court to demand payment of the debt.

The probability of occurrence is average.

Internal risks will include:

  1. Low level of personnel qualifications.

It is worth taking a more careful approach to personnel selection. Think over ways to test skills, develop acts and other documentation that allows for quality control. Place new employees on a probationary period.

The probability of occurrence is average.

  1. Downtime due to breakdowns of the equipment used, as well as a decrease in quality, slow execution of work.

It is necessary to promptly check the condition of the tools used. It is worth considering purchasing additional units of equipment. Special attention should be paid to the quality of purchased equipment. These must be reliable tools. One of the most popular companies is HILTI (Germany).

The probability of occurrence is high.

  1. Lack of staff.

It is worth thinking about ways to attract employees and motivate them for further fruitful cooperation. The search should be done not only through newspapers and television, it is worth using the Internet.

The probability of occurrence is low.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

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