We are opening a business - a goose farm. Your own business: growing snails

Especially geese, is considered a profitable field of activity. A goose farm does not require large investments and brings stable income. Besides this this type birds are resistant to diseases, unpretentious in keeping and feeding. Geese as a business are very common, because this bird is bred in various climatic zones due to its hardiness.

When starting to breed geese as a business, you must understand that you will need a flock of at least 500 heads. This is enough to make a noticeable profit, but not enough to take serious risks. A smaller herd will only be additional income, not a business.

Business registration

Like any business related to food products, the goose business is no exception. Certification is required for poultry meat and its liver.

List of required documentation:

  • registration, OKVED code 01.24 – Breeding poultry;
  • permission to open, issued by Rospotrebnadzor and fire supervision;
  • certificate of compliance with veterinary standards of the premises, issued by veterinarians;
  • a product certificate is also issued by a veterinarian.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs through professional intermediaries will cost 4,000 rub.. Additionally you need to pay state fee800 rub.

Business areas

The first option of this business is incubation of geese for the purpose of their further sale. To do this, you need to buy an incubator and consider the breeding features. The eggs are kept in the incubator for up to 30 days; the birds are sold at one day old, three days old or one week old.

Second direction - breeding for meat. As a rule, geese grow up to 75 days of age. One individual consumes approximately 12 kg of grain, 3 kg of other feed and about 30 kg of greens. At the age of 10 weeks, a large individual weighs 4.5 - 5.5 kg. The cost of adult individuals is 200-300 rubles. for 1 kg.

This option also includes selling goose liver, a fairly popular delicacy. A very expensive pate can be made from it. If this option interests you, consider breeding special breeds for fatty liver.

When organizing a farm, it is advisable to implement both options. Most of the geese are slaughtered, and the strongest ones are left “for the tribe.”

Where to start?

First, you need to create a detailed one. Perhaps a novice entrepreneur will need help in drawing it up. Keep in mind that at this stage it is important to calculate everything down to the smallest detail.

Second, choose a breed.

The most popular breeds for industrial breeding:

Experts recommend starting raising geese as a business with one breed, and over time expanding farms to include other breeds. Usually the Legart breed is preferred. Pay attention to the region in which you plan to open a goose farm. Different breeds suit different climates:

  • southern climate – Gorky, Romny breeds;
  • temperate climate, high humidity - Ural (Shadrinsky).

Farm land

Place your farm away from the city. Choosing suitable land for raising geese as a business plays an important role if you plan to raise geese for grazing. There are several requirements for the land:

  • the presence of a reservoir nearby (possibly one-piece) - at least 100 sq.m. for 500 heads;
  • the presence of pasture (grass can be sown) with an amount of 10 m per individual, they eat about 2 kg; when feeding with compound feed, much less space is needed;
  • distance from dwellings through high level noise and slight aggressiveness of birds.


The next step is to decide where to raise the geese. It is important that the room is spacious, warm and dry. Considering that birds like to spend more time outside where they graze. In winter, only in severe frosts are they indoors. Thanks to their thick down, they can withstand the cold well. The beak and legs are very sensitive to cold, so bedding is required in the gooseneck.

It is easier to start a business in an old cowshed or poultry house, but investments are needed to restore the building.

Premises requirements:

  • area – 75 sq.m. for 500 heads;
  • room heating: minimum 8ºС (a warm room promotes weight gain), insulated floor;
  • passage height – 2 m, wall height – 1.5 m;
  • dry, no drafts, moderate humidity;
  • bedding 30 cm (hay – 500 kg, sprinkled with superphosphate to prepare the litter for further use);
  • the possibility of dividing the room into parts (for the main birds, laying eggs, young animals, lively ones)

Disinfect and clean the premises regularly.

The part of the room reserved for geese with eggs includes additional partitions that do not allow them to see each other. Take care of the lush bedding and cover it with goose down.

Purchase of birds, selection of pairs

The average cost of geese is 90 rubles.

Buy only certified birds, otherwise there will be complications during product certification.

Most birds sold are only suitable for fattening for slaughter. They are not suitable for breeding. Start your business with fattening, and gradually you can start breeding your own flock of geese.

In Russia you can find pure breeds for forming a herd. They are offered by 3 factories:

  • Pyatnitsky;
  • Lindovsky;
  • Priirtyshsky.


Feed adult geese 3 times a day:

  • 7:00 – ⅓ sprouted grains, flour mixture;
  • 15:00 – raw sugar beets, boiled potatoes; mineral feed;
  • 20:00 – remaining flour and grain.

Daily food intake for an adult:

  • sugar beets + potatoes – 500 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • hay flour – 150 g;
  • grain – at least 70 g;
  • mineral feed – 25 g.

Concentrated feed is often added to this.

The purchase of feed does not exceed 40% of the cost of a goose.

Feeding geese aged 3 - 5 days - every 2 hours. Diet includes: nettles, clover, cereals, legumes, dandelions, cottage cheese chicken eggs, crushed wheat, oatmeal, barley.

Feeding geese, 1 month old: eat a lot of greens and grains.

Pay special attention to abundant feeding during mating to increase egg production.

Herd breeding

The business plan for a goose farm involves not only raising geese, but also breeding them to form a flock. For such purposes, adhere to several rules:

  • selection of a pair without family ties, it is best to buy birds from different breeders;
  • the male must have more weight than the female and be stronger;
  • the presence of flight feathers of the 1st and 2nd order, on the tails - the same number of lower and upper tail feathers;
  • per one male (will be useful for breeding up to 10 years) 4 – 5 itself;
  • annually replenish the business with young animals, their number in the herd is up to 30%%
  • egg laying - from February to March, immediately collect the eggs and place them in a warm room, placing them vertically, with the sharp end down; turn over daily; shelf life – up to 1 month;
  • if a goose does not hatch eggs well, it can be replaced with another one;
  • try to keep the brood more or less the same age;
  • on days 10–27, unsuitable eggs are rejected;
  • Sprinkle the eggs with water for 28 days, the chicks will appear on 30 - 31 days.

If hatching eggs doesn't work out, use an incubator.

Watch a video of how geese are bred in the Shushensky district

Equipment for goose farm

The goose farm room must maintain a stable temperature. To do this, heating is necessary. General heating is not enough for incubator goslings; heat them with a brooder.

A brooder is a box-like structure in which chicks are kept warm and spend their first weeks of life. Serves as a substitute for a hen.

You can make the design yourself, but it is better to buy a ready-made brooder, the reliability of which will not be in doubt. The cost starts from 6,000 rubles. They are equipped with heating lamps, temperature regulators, feeders, and drinking bowls.

For adult birds, also stock up on drinking bowls and feeders. The cost depends on the volume: starting from 1,600 rubles. up to 2,800 rub.

Sales of products

When drawing up a business plan, think through all possible ways to implement finished products. There will be no problems with the sale of live geese and carcasses. Meat is purchased by supermarkets, food outlets, restaurants and processing factories. In addition, there is still little competition in this area.

An additional source of income can be the sale of fluff, feathers, and goose droppings in the form of fertilizer. When you have established business connections and sorted out all the details, open additional production, for example, a small workshop for sewing pillows and duvets.

One goose weighing up to 10 kg brings:

ProductsCost, rub.
Pooh, 600 g.1200
Feathers, 40 pcs.250 per kg.
Litter, 1 kg/day12

At proper organization entrepreneurship, if no force majeure circumstances arise, breeding geese as a business will pay off in the first year. Then you can expand your business.

Financial investments

Breeding geese is an excellent option for a family business. To start, buy 500 chicks. The prices for them are different, for each you will pay at least 90 rubles. Additional expenses will include the purchase of feed, mixtures of grains and other feeds. It is ideal to buy the first 500 pieces in the spring, when they can already be grown into fresh greens.

It is important to build a premises, which will require an average of 300,000 rubles. If you only need to renovate the old premises, reduce this figure by at least two times. In addition, you will need to purchase a high-quality incubator (80–200 thousand rubles).

In this case, it is assumed that the area for grazing geese is the property of the businessman. If you do not have a plot of land, add a considerable amount to purchase or rent it. If you don’t have the necessary funds, you can take out a loan; moreover, it is developed in our country.

Total initial investment:

You can save on hay by harvesting it yourself. For 500 geese you need 500 kg. hay, it’s about 3,500 rubles.

Profit calculation

Expect market weight (8 kg) in 3–4 months.

1 goose produces up to 8 goslings per year.

The average cost of goose meat is 350 rubles = 2,450 rubles. for the goose

1 kg. liver = 500 rub.

1 kg. liver foie gras = 850 rub.

Down, feather = 1,450 rub.

Litter = 1,000–1,500 rub.

Business profitability: 75–100%

Payback of breeding geese: 1–3 years.

Stable profit will be in 14 months.

Extra Income Ideas

Turkey breeding

Nowadays, turkeys are very popular among poultry farmers, the breeding of which is a source of high-quality dietary meat for some people, and a highly profitable business for others. By providing turkeys with comfortable and stable living conditions, you will receive good profits from the sale of turkey meat, young animals, fluff and eggs. – very current direction, since today the trend of taking care of one’s health and eating low-calorie foods is gaining momentum.

Quail breeding

Keeping quail is no more difficult than any other type of bird. In addition, they do not take up much space and require special care. The only condition for normal egg production in quails is strict adherence to temperature and light conditions, and the use of special food containing protein. Otherwise, these are quite unpretentious birds. is one of the simplest and most profitable business options in the field of poultry farming. In addition, there is still little competition in Russia.


Animal meat is no less in demand on the market than poultry meat. Perhaps it is not so healthy and dietary, but true lovers cannot refuse pig meat. Read more about the features of organizing a business for raising pigs. Let us only note that pig farming is the most profitable direction livestock farming

When implementing the idea of ​​your own poultry farm, you need to draw up rough plan actions and associated costs. Before starting his own business, every entrepreneur, one way or another, analyzes the market, competitors, and finds out the prices of raw materials and goods. Conducts data analysis and decides whether it is profitable or not to invest in an idea. In economics, such calculations and conclusions are usually written down in a certain order. Business plan for breeding geese - main document in deciding the feasibility of creating a goose farm or any other business that involves income.

Without a good business plan, there is a risk of wasting some of your investments.

There are two options.

  1. Raising geese for 8-9 months followed by slaughter of the entire flock.
  2. Year-round maintenance of a goose barn with its own breeding stock.

In the first option, the costs of purchasing and feeding geese must be covered after sale each season. Usually slaughter takes place in November - December.

In the second case, geese of different ages can generate income regardless of the time of year. But the costs of their maintenance are increasing. In addition, it is necessary to build warm rooms so that the birds can safely overwinter.

Breeding geese is very profitable in both cases. But only if you choose a breed that is adapted to your climatic conditions and meets the necessary requirements.

Breeds of geese and their characteristics

  1. Krasnoozerskaya– climate-resistant breed of medium-heavy type. The weight of an adult is 5-6 kg. The paws are frost-resistant. Grows up to 11 kg with appropriate feeding. Immunity is high. Early ripening. They can gain 4 kg in 2 months. The meat is tasty, medium fat. About 350 g of feathers and 80 g of down are removed from an adult goose.
  2. Kholmogorskaya– a climate-resistant breed of heavy meat-and-fat type. Not sick. The weight of an adult is 7.5-10 kg. Unpretentious, excellent hens. The young quickly gain weight - by 2 months they reach 4-4.5 kg. Life expectancy is 16 years. Females lay eggs throughout the entire period, unless overfed.
  3. Lindovsky breed– the combination of high climate resistance and unpretentiousness makes this medium-heavy breed highly profitable for beginning farmers.
  4. Toulouse– resistant to frost, reaches a weight of 11 kg. For the Christmas holidays, mass slaughter is carried out. Poultry is raised not only for meat, but, with proper feeding, for foie gras and liver pate.

Waterfowl definitely need a body of water.


If you want to make a profit in the first year, it would be rational to buy an established ready business. The cost of such a farm will be from 5 to 10 million rubles. Despite the unpretentiousness of birds, it is necessary to prepare equipment for a goose farm. If the poultry house will be maintained all year round, then it is necessary to insulate the barn in which the geese will be kept. The area of ​​the room should be calculated as 1 m2 per 1 bird. Young animals and laying hens are separated from the main herd.

The height of the building in the center is at least 2 m. The lowest wall is 1.5 m. The floors are made dry and quite warm. Hay is used for this. The flooring should be about 15-30 cm in height. Do not allow the litter to rot or get wet. On average, about 3 kg of hay is needed per goose per year. For a flock of 100 - 300 birds - 300 kg of hay annually.

On the territory of the farmstead there should be a pasture, a pond (natural or artificial), drinking bowls and a summer canopy from the sun.

If it is intended to breed geese for meat, then the business plan must include the costs of a slaughterhouse, refrigeration units, a drainage system and waste disposal. A plan of a goose farm with the size of buildings and their location is part of the preparatory work.

Ready-made plan with financial calculations

Title: “Business plan for creating a goose farm.”

The goal is to make a profit from the sale of goose meat in the process of organizing a farm in your own backyard.

The mission is to grow and sell organic goose meat to the population of the nearby city and the entire region.

Type of activity— growing, breeding and selling geese for meat, feathers and offal, wholesale and retail.

SWOT analysis

  • Project strengths– the presence of your own farmstead, a goose barn (room of 300 m2), personal cargo transport “Sobol” (Gaz-2752), a natural pond on the farm, experience in raising geese (5 years), own store“Meat”, the possibility of wholesale supplies to the Melissenta restaurant chain, the presence of a preliminary agreement for large wholesale supplies to the 33 Birds chain of stores.
  • Weaknesses: rising feed prices, mass mortality of poultry, costs for certificates and sanitary inspections.
  • Competitors - farms in the region (2 farmsteads).
  • Suppliers – feed manufacturers, packaging material, incubators.
  • Consumers– retail: residents of the city and nearby settlements. Wholesale: restaurants, cafes, private companies for the production of semi-finished products, supermarkets.
  • Market overview - retail cost of 1 kg of goose meat is 300 rubles. Wholesale price – 200 rub. for 1 kg. The retail product is in high demand from early November to April. During the warm season, demand drops by 35%. Wholesale sales in the warm season they decrease by 15%.
  • Competitiveness– provided high quality offered products, minimized transport costs, competitive price (due to sales directly from the manufacturer).
  • Profitability will be ensured due to low cost (the main share of feed is self-produced).
  • Risks and threats - loss of poultry, lack of feed, filling the market with cheaper, imported products.

There will always be competitors because this is profitable business for farmers

Business planning. An insufficient filling of the niche in the field of poultry breeding and providing the market with goose meat and liver (foie gras) was revealed. Increased demand with minimal supply in the pre-New Year period ensures guaranteed profits.

Material and technical base:

  • maintenance premises (poultry house 300 m2);
  • artesian well;
  • hay storage shed;
  • barn and containers for storing grain and feed;
  • room for refrigeration units;
  • slaughterhouse - covered room or shed 10-15 m2;
  • cutting shop – 20 m2;
  • 2 drainage pits of 6 m 3 each;
  • water supply, sewerage system;
  • electric crusher for grain – 2 pcs.;
  • drinking bowls, feed containers;
  • feather removal machines for industrial purposes;
  • tables made of food-grade aluminum for cutting carcasses and goose offal;
  • in the second year of project implementation - the presence of an incubator and an electric generator;
  • related materials - knives and other tools.

Financial plan for the project implementation period


Weight / quantity

Approximate amount of financial


Preparation of the farmstead, utility rooms, workshops, poultry houses and insulated areas for receiving five-day-old goslings. March – April 900 thousand
Purchase of feed for goslings (0-10 weeks). April - 5040 kg 13300
Purchase of five-day goslings. 600 pcs. 120 thousand
Purchase of feed for goslings 4-8 weeks. Mid June 15120 kg 25250
Purchase of feed for geese from 8 weeks (for 5 months). July 18 tons 436500
Purchase of a refrigeration room from a domestic manufacturer. Chamber size – 3x4 m 30 thousand
Purchase of feather removal machine "Sprut - 1000Prof". 1 piece 107 thousand
Periodic slaughter of poultry (200 birds in total). August - November As the order arrives, a total of 200 heads (on average 7 kg each). Revenue – 420 thousand.

By-products – 120 thousand.

Purchase of freezers. October 3 chest freezers. 165 thousand
Mass slaughter (remaining 50 heads for growth). Late November – mid January 350 pcs. (on average 9 kg each). Revenue – 945 thousand.

By-products - 240 thousand.

Purchase of incubators. February 2 pcs. for 189 eggs each. 44 thousand

Revenue from the sale of meat and poultry by-products will be approximately 1 million 725 thousand rubles.

Taking into account risks and force majeure circumstances - 800 thousand rubles. minimal.


Feed mixtures and wet mash are mandatory daily nutrition for poultry. The diet of geese throughout their life, in addition to a mixture of grains, includes carrots, potatoes, greens, shell rock, limestone, and salt. For a more accurate plan, it is advisable to attach tables of feed and daily dosage per bird.

To quickly recoup costs, it is planned to slaughter poultry from August. For this purpose, 600 goslings will be purchased. The first slaughter of 200 heads, with appropriate feeding, will begin in August for the 33 Birds chain of stores. The remaining 350 geese will be slaughtered from late November until Christmas.

The cost of chilled meat is higher than that of frozen meat. In this regard, a decision was made to sell only fresh or chilled product. Slaughter will be carried out as needed.

Of the remaining 400 geese, it is planned to allocate 50 individuals of different breeds to form families for further raising of young animals.

Cost estimate

Accurate calculations are made based on prices prevailing in a particular area.

Example of cost estimate for this business

Based on the cost estimates presented below, you can plan financial investments in a business project.

Main cash receipts:

  • own funds – 1 million 600 thousand rubles;
  • borrowed funds - 200 thousand rubles;
  • loans from Rosselkhozbank secured by a farm - 950 thousand rubles. for 7 years;
  • compensation - 50 thousand rubles.

Total: without grants and compensation – 2 million 750 thousand rubles.

Expense item Amount/rub. Source of funding
1 Registration of individual entrepreneurs and relevant documents. 45 thousand Own funds (subject to compensation within 3 months).
2 Construction, preparation of premises, communications and insulation of the poultry house. 900 thousand Own funds.
3 Purchase of five-day-old goslings. 600 pcs.*200 rub.=120 thousand. Own funds.
4 Providing food. 475050 Credit.
5 Fund wages 4 employees in 3 months. 180 thousand Borrowed funds.
6 Purchase of equipment: 346 thousand Credit.
refrigeration room; 30 thousand
freezers; 165 thousand
feather removal machine; 107 thousand
incubators 44 thousand
7 Costs for electricity, water supply, sewerage 150 thousand Own and borrowed funds.
8 Other expenses. 270 thousand Credit.
9 Total expenses: 2216050 — — —
10 Bank account balance: 533950 — — —

In the first year, the planned income is from 800 thousand to 1 million 725 thousand rubles.

The planned payback time is 2 years, subject to an increase in the herd size.

Reserve funds must remain in the current account to repay the loan in the first months.

Long-term (5 years) strategy for the development of a farm for raising geese

  1. Increase the number of the herd to 1000 individuals.
  2. Establish processing of down and feathers.
  3. Open a workshop for sewing pillows and blankets.
  4. Pass certification and establish sales of poultry manure as fertilizer to agricultural farms.
  5. Expand the incubator and raise goslings of different breeds for sale.

The strategy assumes:

  • reducing waste disposal costs to a minimum;
  • increase in profits;
  • creation of additional jobs in the area.


The summary of the business plan must prove the relevance of your project in the chosen industry for the economy of a particular region. The document is drawn up in accordance with all requirements and is a project on 20 - 30 sheets. Only in this case, with the approval of your preliminary work by a special commission, can you receive a grant. In addition, your business must involve the creation of jobs with wages not lower than the minimum in the industry.

If you draw up a business plan correctly, you can receive a grant for 300 thousand.

All deductions to Pension fund and insurance premiums as an employer you are obliged to bear. The entire process of developing and preparing documents can take about 6 months. If the outcome is successful, you will receive a grant in the amount of 200-300 thousand. This happens quite rarely. One can hope for this, but in economics it is customary to make pessimistic forecasts in order to insure against possible force majeure. An optimistic aspiring entrepreneur must be very careful when it comes to financial calculations.

A more common way to minimize costs is to contact an employment center. After submitting a package of documents according to the list of this organization, you will be compensated for the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur and some taxes for the first quarter. But the amount does not exceed 50 thousand rubles.

If it is quite difficult to obtain a grant, then compensation from the employment center is paid without delay.

Organizing your own farm for raising and breeding geese may not be a bad idea. The goose is an unpretentious bird, is not afraid of the cold and is indiscriminate in its food. On some farms, geese are grazed at temperatures down to -20 degrees. With the correct feeding ration, only 1.5 kg of feed is consumed per 1 kg of bird growth. By the age of two months, young animals can weigh 4 kilograms and are ready for sale. Goose meat is very tasty and highly valued by consumers. Hence the price – 250 rubles/kg. Of course, with the right approach, your own goose farm cannot be unprofitable...

How much do goose farms earn?

There are a lot of options for generating income from a farm for breeding and raising geese:

  • sale of goose carcass;
  • sale of eggs;
  • sale of young goose, including day-old goose;
  • sale of breeding stock (adult goose);
  • sale of offal;
  • sales of feathers;
  • sale of feed for geese (mixed feed) and equipment for farms (cages, drinking bowls, etc.).

How much can you earn from your own farm? Goose meat on the market in a number of regions costs, on average, 250 rubles/kg. In Moscow, you will not find prices below 400 rubles/kg. Selling just one 4 kg carcass will bring you about 1,600 rubles. We sold 1,000 carcasses and earned 1.6 million rubles.

A daily gosling costs between 130-170 rubles, and each day it is kept increases the price by 6 rubles. We sold 10 thousand goslings and received an income of 1.3 - 1.7 million rubles.

Your farm's most expensive product is goose liver. The retail price of this delicacy often exceeds 900 rubles/kg. An average of 250 grams of liver is obtained from one adult goose. Accordingly, from 1000 geese we will get approximately 250 kg of liver, from the sale of which we will earn up to 220 thousand rubles.

It becomes clear that even a small farm with a working herd of 2000 - 3000 geese can generate good income.

When to start?

Many farmers choose a seasonal scheme for raising goose. This is a cheaper option in terms of starting and quite effective. The herd is raised in the warm season, which means that the cost of heating the premises is eliminated. In addition, in summer, most of the diet consists of succulent and green feed from natural pastures, which reduces the cost of fattening.

One of the disadvantages of seasonal rearing is that the receipt of farm products always coincides with the season of lower meat prices, since many farmers also use this method of rearing. Another disadvantage is that by the beginning of the season you have to additionally complete the herd, purchase young stock (not cheap), re-look for distribution channels for the products, and so on. Also, the farm cannot make money from selling young animals, since the production of day-old goslings begins in winter. In this regard, an all-season farm has some advantages.

Conditions for keeping geese

To maintain a flock of geese of 1000 heads, you will need a room with an area of ​​750 square meters. m. The norm for one goose is about 1.5 square meters. m. In addition, some part of the area is allocated for utility room. If you are building a summer farm to keep geese, you can construct a regular shed with thin walls. Construction costs in this case will not exceed 400 thousand rubles. While arranging premises for all-season keeping of a herd will require somewhat higher costs for building material(foam blocks or cinder blocks). Construction of a building of similar size will cost 1.0 - 1.5 million rubles.

Among other things, you will have to incur some costs for arranging the premises: purchasing feeders, drinking bowls, bedding material, arranging nests, and so on.

It is also necessary to organize a slaughterhouse on the farm, where poultry will be slaughtered and processed. It is also necessary to install refrigeration equipment where poultry carcasses and eggs will be stored until they are sold.

Which breed should I choose?

The choice of goose breed depends on the direction of the farm's activity. If the farm's specialization is the sale of young geese, then it is most profitable to keep egg-laying breeds of geese. First of all, these are Lindovsky and Chinese geese. These are industrial birds that have high egg production and egg fertility and hatch goslings themselves.

If your goal is the production of goose meat, then the leaders here will be such breeds as: large gray, Kholmogory, Toulouse, Gorky. The carcasses of geese of these breeds are very large. An adult goose gains weight up to 12 kg. Just 6 weeks after birth, the Kholmogory goose weighs 4 kg and is ready for sale. Some farmers do not advise placing large breeds the basis of an industrial herd. The fact is that such breeds have a reduced egg production (no more than 80 eggs per year) and hatch goslings very poorly: the geese crush the eggs with their weight.

Current issues in raising goose

Geese usually lay eggs between January and July. But for industrial cultivation it is important to get as much as possible more eggs. Therefore, there are ways to make a goose lay eggs more often, which increases egg production by 1.5 times. To do this, in mid-July the geese are transferred to a shortened daylight hours. They are put to “sleep” at three o’clock in the afternoon, driven into a dark room. Geese are kept in this mode for up to 20 days. It seems to the bird that winter has come, which means spring is just around the corner - it’s time to breed. Starting in September, the goose begins active egg laying, which lasts 3.5-4 months. The next egg-laying period begins in March.

If you are going to breed goslings, then it is important to take into account such an indicator as the hatching rate of goslings. As a rule, out of 100 eggs, on average, only 70 goslings are hatched (hatch rate is 0.7). Thus, if you plan to get 1000 goslings, this will require laying 1428 eggs (1000/0.7).

There are certain subtleties with the selection of parent stock. For breeding, much attention is paid to the formation of parental pairs. The most egg-laying geese and healthy meat geese are selected for breeding. Duration of breeding use is about 6-8 years.

According to the age composition of the herd, it is necessary to adhere to the following principle: young animals - 30%, overfledged geese - 25%, geese aged 3 years - 20% and older geese - 25%.

Organizational issues

To maintain the operation of the farm, you will have to hire an appropriate number of workers. Although geese are herd birds and do not require special control, there is still a lot of work on the farm, without which the farm cannot exist. Feeding and watering, walking the herd, transferring young animals, cleaning up litter and collecting eggs, incubating and slaughtering birds - all this is done by farm workers. To service a farm of 1000 heads, 2-3 workers will be required.

Among other things, the farm will need a spacious car, which will transport the farm’s products to the places of sale. Appropriate funds may be required to purchase it.

Finally, you need to decide on the organizational form of the economy. You can sell your products to stores only if you are an entrepreneur. The most suitable form is peasant farming. Registration of a peasant farm requires a minimum package of documents (similar to opening an individual entrepreneur) and takes only 5 working days. As a taxation system, the most suitable is the Unified Agricultural Tax, a unified agricultural tax, in which the farmer pays a tax of only 6% of the organization’s profit.

Geese farming is not a very popular branch of poultry farming, although they are a source of dietary meat. The article explains how profitable it is to engage in goose farming: it gives a business plan for breeding geese, recommendations on where to start. In addition, there is a video about farming, where they engage in goose farming.

Geese are not only profitable to breed, but also interesting to watch. They are very smart birds who treat the owner with respect. Another advantage is the ease of maintenance: these birds are unpretentious to conditions and food. Geese, unlike other birds, can find their own food.

Geese are a great business

Raising geese is beneficial not only in the home, but also for sale on the market. This could very well become family business. One adult goose produces approximately 6 kilograms of meat, with an average of 2.5 kilograms of high-quality goose fat. Its liver is highly valued by culinary specialists as a delicacy. Goose liver pate is comparable in nutritional value and price to black caviar.

Feathers and down of birds have water-repellent and heat-conducting qualities that can even be compared with eider down. If you raise a goose for 2 months, you can get up to a kilogram of young goose meat. Geese are not picky eaters; they can browse grass all day and eat food scraps.

Where should you start organizing a farm to raise geese? The main thing is to understand the basics of breeding technology. This, of course, is a long and labor-intensive process, but the possibility of preparing your own goose for the table is New Year worth the effort.

Business plan for a goose breeding farm

A goose farm starts with a business plan. First you need to draw up a project, calculate income and expenses. The drawn up business plan can be used to guide the further organization of the farm.

Land for maintenance

To raise healthy geese, it is advisable to breed them away from the city. For this it is recommended to buy land plot, which is located as far as possible from the city limits. If you plan to walk your herd, the area should be large. It is also advisable that there be some body of water nearby. If you have about 300 individuals, then you need about a 40-meter area that overlooks the meadow.

Poultry purchase

To prevent raising geese from becoming a depressing chore instead of a pleasure, you need to decide what breed you want to raise on your goose farm. Today there are more than 35 breeds, differing not only in egg production and productivity, but also in conditions favorable for their breeding.

For example, the Arzamas breed is one of the ancient breeds, originally bred for fighting. Over time, instead of the fighting direction, the breed acquired qualities that were perfect for the meat direction.

The Chinese breed stands out primarily for its small size. But, despite their size, they have high egg production and increased endurance. The offspring obtained from crossing a Chinese goose and an Italian, Kholmogory or Toulouse gander has high fattening characteristics and a rate of weight gain. This combination of characteristics in the breed gives an advantage over other breeds. They can be raised under special conditions as broiler geese.

The Italian breed is very popular in Western countries, but it appeared in the CIS during Soviet times thanks to Czechoslovakia. When fattening the breed exhibits high performance, both for obtaining meat and liver. The young animals show active growth, and the geese make good hens.

Feeding goslings must begin from the first days of life. The first days you need to feed at least 6 times a day. The diet may consist of good quality feed. Ideal if it has already been tested. Also suitable for feeding is a ground grain mixture of wheat, rolled oats, peas, corn and buckwheat. You can add chopped boiled eggs or cottage cheese to this mixture. You can add chopped clover, nettle and other herbs. The ratio of grain and herbs should be 1:1.

After 4 days, you can add cake and root vegetables to the diet. The most important thing is to provide wet food without being sticky, which can clog the nostrils and cause inflammation. Fine gravel should be poured into separate feeders, and ground shells and chalk should be added to the food.

If you plan to breed geese for meat, then you need to feed them intensively and not allow them to roam. Both greens and fortified food should be given. Mineral additives such as chalk, shell and salt must be added to the grain part. If you stick to this feeding, then for one 70-day goose there are up to 12 kilograms of grain and 24 kilograms of greens. IN summer period Geese can be raised in the wild. Why you should build a pen: sow grass, equip it with feeders to provide additional feed. You should also provide drinking bowls and bathing containers.

Sales of finished products

There are no problems with the sale of finished goose products. Although this area of ​​business is in demand, there are still few competitors on the market. You can not be afraid of competition and count on profitable and fast trading. Goose meat can be sold to restaurant kitchens or supplied to store shelves.

The most profitable thing would be to open your own outlet, where it will be possible to sell eggs and goose meat. If you install appropriate equipment on your farm, you can expand the range of products from goose meat, liver and fat.

Goose farm is profitable business, which can bring big profits.

Video “Daniil Penchalov about the goose farm”

In this video, the owner of the goose farm, Daniil Penchalov, talks about his farm and the benefits of breeding geese.

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