Open a cafe without a kitchen. How to choose equipment for a cafe: basic requirements, recommendations and prices

So what do you need to open your own cafe? What should be the first steps of a beginning businessman? Are there specific recommendations to ensure that the chosen business option leads to the result that a novice entrepreneur is looking for? You will find answers to these questions in the article that we bring to your attention.

What is a cafe?

According to GOST R 50762-2007, a cafe is an enterprise whose main purpose is to organize food and recreation for visitors, provide a limited range of products, and sell specialty dishes, soft and alcoholic drinks.

Unlike a restaurant, a cafe has a smaller assortment of difficult-to-prepare dishes; the variety of alcoholic drinks in a cafe is significantly inferior to a restaurant.

What is needed to open a cafe?

Before opening a cafe, you need to work out the following points:

  • assortment of products, which, in turn, is divided into specialized, for example, pizzeria, ice cream, pancake, and non-specialized; cafes where preference is given to national cuisine (Japanese, Chinese, Italian);
  • what interests do the consumers served have - children's, art cafes, internet cafes, clubs;
  • location (public or residential buildings, hotels, recreation areas, sports and entertainment facilities);
  • form of service (self-service and waiters);
  • seasonality of cafe operation (seasonal and permanent);
  • the purpose and composition of the occupied premises can be mobile or stationary.

Necessary documents for opening a cafe

Where to start opening a cafe? With permits, of course.

    • Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor to locate the facility, which will confirm official consent to locate the cafe in the existing premises.
    • Obtaining permission from fire safety authorities. If you plan to open a cafe in a newly built building, then permission can be obtained immediately after the building is put into operation.
    • Availability of documents confirming that the establishment complies sanitary standards.
      Obtaining permission from the chief physician of the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES) is carried out 10 days in advance, for this purpose it is necessary to submit the following necessary documents:
      – premises rental agreement; – conclusion on raw materials and finished products;– certificate of state registration;– results of the medical examination passed by the staff.
    • Availability of a cafe license:

— for retail trade (valid for 1 year);

- for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products(subject to the sale of alcoholic beverages in the cafe).

Requirements for the cafe premises

One of the determining factors for the success of a cafe is the premises in which it will be located. Considering the fact that a cafe usually operates in a low price category, a lot depends on the location of the cafe. The area of ​​the premises must be no less than 70 and no more than 200 sq.m.

Principles influencing the choice of the optimal location for a cafe:

  • the establishment should be as close as possible to potential consumer, next to it there should be a residential area, objects where he works large number people, recreation areas; plus the cafe should be within reach;
  • open economy-class cafes in residential areas; for expensive establishments, give preference to the city center, in buildings that enjoy prestige among citizens;
  • if the building you want to rent previously housed a cafe with a not very good reputation, which became famous for its unprofitability, then you should not settle on this option;
  • take into account technical specifications premises. The expected loads associated with the electrical network, water supply, heating, sewerage must comply with the stated requirements;
  • The following point should also be taken into account: is the building you have chosen not on the list of city planning authorities, would it turn out that it is subject to reconstruction or scrapping;
  • find out whether any redevelopment of the premises took place, whether the registration was properly completed, as required by law;
  • find out whether there is permission to place a cafe sign on the facade, and also find out about possible restrictions on placing advertising on the facade and shop windows.

What equipment is needed for a cafe?

In order for your cafe to function smoothly, you need to focus your attention on its high-quality equipment. When choosing, you should take into account both the reputation of the manufacturer and the availability of a warranty, thereby protecting yourself from huge expenses in the event of a breakdown. The list of cafe equipment can vary greatly depending on the type. But basic set everyone has the same one.

Be prepared for the fact that an oven or convection oven will be the most expensive purchase. Since the main dishes served in the cafe are prepared from semi-finished products, only a powerful oven can bring them to full readiness. If opportunities allow, then it is best to purchase a device that includes several levels.

An essential attribute of a cafe kitchen is an electric stove. You shouldn’t skimp on it; choose a multi-burner model, preferably equipped with an oven.

Refrigerated display cases for ready meals. They should be both spacious and attractive in appearance. Purchasing vertical and horizontal showcases is the best option; you should not save on this.

The dispensing counter is a necessary element for the cafe interior. Its main quality is ease of washing and maintaining an attractive appearance.

Additional components include: coffee machine, frying surfaces, microwave oven, dough mixer, washing bath.


It is no coincidence that one of the most important roles in public catering is given to the selection of personnel. Waiters need not only to be neat and beautiful, but also to react very quickly to various situations and be able to calmly and professionally resolve any conflicts. What the dishes are called, what is included in them, what their price is - the waiter must know by heart. The bartender must have knowledge about the drinks he offers, this also applies to the price of their type, wine or beer.

The invisible flagship of your establishment is undoubtedly the chef. Thanks to him professional skills, the visitor will definitely want to return to your cafe again. Both the quality of the food and the beautiful presentation of the dish depend on the chef. When hiring an employee as a cook, be sure to ask him to cook something.

A dishwasher should also be on your staff, but if the establishment is small, you can combine these positions in one person.

Cafe classification

Type, location, material and technical equipment, nature and scope of services provided by the establishment catering– components that influence the categories of cafes: luxury, highest, first, second and third. General type cafe - it is characterized by the highest, first and second; the first and second ones are classified as specialized cafes; luxury bars have the highest, first and second categories.

  • Bars included in the luxury category are distinguished by the unique character of the building and premises, the maximum level of comfort. Manufacturing of equipment, furniture and utensils is carried out according to individual orders.
  • The highest category includes cafes and bars, the level of service of which is very high; this category is characterized by the complexity of the range of prepared products, high-class interior design and modern technical equipment.
  • The first category is available for cafes, kebab shops, wine and beer bars, and cocktail bars.
  • The second category of enterprises is assigned to general and dietary canteens, dumplings, and dairy cafes.
  • The third category is typical for canteens, buffets, and other types of enterprises that are located on the territory of production facilities and institutions; their services are used by workers, students, etc.

Let us dwell in detail on each of the types.

Cafe (fast food)

The city cafe has become widespread due to its accessibility; you can have a snack here quickly and inexpensively. The menu is distinguished by an abundance of fast food dishes; semi-finished products are the basis of the assortment.

On average, a person spends about 100 rubles on lunch. The strongest drink is usually beer.

Free flow

This type of enterprise is classified as medium level. Home cooking is an advantage. The average bill is 150 – 300 rubles. In a cafe, the visitor is offered not a heated, but a fresh dish, and it is prepared in front of him. The list of drinks and alcohol-containing products is more extensive here.

Catering establishments "on the main course"

Includes pizzerias, steakhouses. The basis of the menu of such enterprises is one dish prepared using different ingredients and fillers. Side dishes and appetizers are considered additions. The number of soups is minimal. Service is both independent and waiter. The average bill is 300-400 rubles.


The advantage of these establishments is the expanded alcohol and cocktail range. As a rule, the bar counter is in the center of the room, with special high “bar” stools located next to it. The cuisine assortment includes small quantities of hot and cold appetizers; there are no soups on the menu. The presence of a stylish interior - for example, high-tech or underground, with low lighting. The room is divided into several soft, quiet zones.

Wine and cocktail bars

Their difference is the serving of fruit with wines and mixed drinks; the menu includes confectionery, special snacks. Bartenders and waiters provide service.

Disco bars

During the day, their activities are carried out as an ordinary cafe; in the evening, discos are held here. Menu: a large assortment of sandwiches and pastries, ice cream is a must. The design of the disco bar hall should be modern, special attention should be taken when choosing lighting and backlighting. Mandatory elements of equipment for such a bar are the presence of powerful musical equipment, video recorders, and equipment for creating lighting effects.


Most often used as auxiliary catering points, located on the territory of entertainment and educational institutions, train stations, cinemas, hotels. The assortment is minimal - drinks, sandwiches, ice cream.

Catering establishments “by method of preparation”


For the most part, these are cozy, elegantly decorated establishments with 20-50 seats. Designed for a wide range of guests. The visitor can choose either a cup of coffee or a full meal, including alcohol or a glass of beer. The assortment is a classic set of mixed cuisine dishes. The interior has a certain style, which is emphasized in everything, including small details. The average bill is 400-500 rubles.

Coffee shop

This type of cafe comes from Europe and has taken root well in Russia. There is a large selection of different types of natural coffee, and the dessert menu is extensive. The wine list features an abundance of liqueurs and dessert wines.

In conclusion, I would like to add a few words about the atmosphere of the establishment. The kindness and warm, cozy atmosphere you create in the cafe will guarantee that the visitor, feeling your attitude towards him, will become your regular customer. Your enterprise will definitely be successful, provided that the basic recommendations are followed.

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It is unlikely that a catering business can be classified as simple ways receiving income. To achieve success here, impressive is not enough starting capital and a burning desire to become a restaurateur: in addition, you need at least an understanding of the specifics of the enterprise, the ability to work with people, nerves of steel and complete personal dedication.

Entrepreneurs considering how to open their own cafe from scratch usually take into account only the prestige and profitability of such a business, forgetting about the pitfalls in the form of numerous bureaucratic procedures, the difficulty of finding decent and responsible personnel, high level competition. Therefore, the decision to open your own establishment must be preceded by a comprehensive study of the issue, careful planning and a certain moral preparation.

Business Features

The distinctive features of any cafe are its concept, target audience and pricing policy. The business idea should include the development of a unique selling proposition that sets the establishment apart from its competitors: this could include exclusive dishes, live music, a special interior design or a non-standard way of service.

In the absence of experience in the catering industry, an entrepreneur will inevitably have a question - where to start opening a cafe. This cannot be done without looking for answers to the following questions:
  • How successful is your competitors' business?
  • Where will the establishment be opened? In a shopping center, on a city street, in residential area or in the closed territory of any enterprise?
  • How many potential clients will they have access to the cafe located here?
  • year? Are there any free destinations on the market? Is it possible to create your own unique establishment format?
  • What are the sanitary requirements for the chosen type of cafe?

The smallest details should be thought through. Of course, not all mistakes of a novice restaurateur are critical, but an overly optimistic view of problems such as regular inspections, employee theft, noise complaints from surrounding residents, or the wrong choice of market niche can cause quite painful failure.

Choosing an establishment format

It is hardly possible to name any other type of business that provides the same opportunities for creative expression: the number of different formats of catering establishments is so large that they can only be classified approximately. Therefore, to a first approximation, cafes are divided:

  1. By assortment - specialized (kebab shops, pizzerias, pancake houses, grill bars) and non-specialized (including national cuisine);
  2. By target audience (children's, sports, students, art cafes);
  3. According to the form of service (with waiters or with a distribution line);
  4. By territorial location (in shopping centers, on the streets, in recreation areas);
  5. According to seasonality (summer and year-round).

The most common cafe formats are:

  • Fast food. It is popular due to its availability and reasonable pricing policy. Among other things, the establishment's assortment should include burgers, hot dogs, chicken rolls, French fries, chicken wings, coffee, beer and carbonated drinks. How to open a fast food cafe from scratch: most often, entrepreneurs buy one of the franchises, the number of which is now measured in dozens;
  • Cafe-bar. The most common format, allowing to accommodate 25–50 people. The establishment is characterized by the presence of a full-fledged kitchen, allowing the visitor to order cold and hot dishes to accompany alcoholic, hot or soft drinks;
  • Family cafe. In institutions of this type, it is supposed to organize joint leisure time for adults and children, there is a play area and a room for parents. How to open a family cafe from scratch: the project should include a place for a children's room, and the position of an animator should be provided on the company's staff;
  • Children's cafe. The target audience of such an establishment is exclusively children, therefore the assortment includes reduced portions of light snacks, milkshakes, juices, chocolate, and confectionery. How to open children's cafe from scratch: the emphasis should be on colorful interior design, order children's furniture, develop original dishes and provide space for a play area;
  • Roadside cafe. It is recommended to open establishments of this type only on own plot land located near a busy highway. The menu focuses on fast food, as diners are usually in a hurry. How to open a roadside cafe from scratch: you can build a prefabricated structure, but you will have to take care of water supply, heating and connection to electrical networks;
  • Internet cafe. Of course, almost everyone has access to the Internet from mobile devices, so when developing a cafe concept, the emphasis should be not on computers, but on a bar offering coffee and snacks. : the list of required equipment should include modern PCs, routers, and also provide a connection to a high-speed leased line.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Today, many busy people can no longer afford to spend time preparing food, preferring to use the services of catering establishments. Against the backdrop of growing demand, many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open their own cafe, where to start such a business: the process should include studying all the advantages and disadvantages of such an activity.

Positive factors include:

  • High profitability and acceptable payback period for the business;
  • The ability to highlight your target audience;
  • Growing demand for catering establishments;
  • The list of what is needed to open a cafe from scratch does not include special knowledge and professional training requirements.

This type of business has several more disadvantages, and the main one is the inability to accurately forecast demand. Calculations of traffic and the amount of the average bill are reliable only in a statistical sample: in fact, the income of two neighboring cafes can differ significantly. Other negative factors include:

  • High level of competition;
  • Difficulty finding suitable premises;
  • The amount of capital required to open a small cafe from scratch - the cost of premises and equipment can reach several million rubles;
  • Difficulty working with perishable food products;
  • Dependence of business on the human factor (quality of work of cooks, honesty of waiters and bartenders, adequacy of visitors).

Registration of activities

Legalization of the activities of a future catering establishment is a prerequisite for the question of how to open a cafe from scratch: step by step instructions includes registration of the enterprise, registration permitting documentation for premises and approval of the assortment in Rospotrebnadzor.

When choosing a legal form, you need to take into account that the status of an individual entrepreneur does not allow you to organize trade in alcoholic products. Therefore, cafe owners open two enterprises: individual entrepreneurs for sales food products and LLC for the sale of spirits. When calculating how much it will cost to open a cafe, we can assume that the fee for registering an LLC is 4,000 rubles, while an individual entrepreneur will cost only 800 rubles.

The taxation system used is UTII or simplified tax system. The first option is used when there is a large cash turnover for cafes whose hall area does not exceed 150 m². The main disadvantage of the second is the limitation of annual profit at 60 million rubles.

Before that, you will have to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to locate a new catering establishment, which indicates the type of facility and the duration of its operation.

Among other things, the supervisory authority is interested in:

  • Availability of contracts for waste removal, processing of workwear, disinfestation, deratization of premises and water supply;
  • Availability of contracts for the supply of raw materials, veterinary certificates for meat and fish, sanitary records for staff;
  • Arrangement of the consumer corner;
  • Availability of the required set of equipment, compliance with the rules of separate storage of meat and other products.

The second thing you need to open a cafe is permission from the SES. You should take care of obtaining it in advance by designing the layout, equipment of premises and the direction of production flows in accordance with SanPiN–01.

The third permit is issued by Gospozhnadzor based on compliance utility networks establishments to the requirements of SNiP and fire safety rules, the presence of fire alarms, fire extinguishers and emergency exits.

So, what documents are needed to open a cafe? The list includes:

  1. Certificates of enterprise registration and registration with the tax service;
  2. Letter from Rosstat indicating OKVED codes and their interpretation;
  3. Documents confirming the rights to the retail facility;
  4. Trade patent issued by the local administration;
  5. Permission from the State Fire Inspectorate;
  6. SES permission;
  7. Agreement with a security organization;
  8. Agreements with public utilities;
  9. A certificate from the BTI, including a site plan.

To open a mini cafe from scratch in accordance with the law, the following should also be placed in the sales area:

  • Fire evacuation plan;
  • Book of complaints;
  • Information about the registration of the enterprise and permission to sell alcohol;
  • Name and weight of products (indicated in the menu and on price tags);
  • Text of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Cafe business plan

“I want to open a cafe - where to start?” The answer to this question is the same for any type entrepreneurial activity: You should start by developing a business plan. The project takes into account not only basic costs and possible income, but also other factors that determine the success of the future enterprise. The most important of them is the size of the target audience, to estimate which the number of people required is approximately calculated. social status living or working within a radius of 1–2 km from the cafe location. The plan also includes the following sections:

  • Assortment and pricing policy of the enterprise;
  • Work schedule, personnel plan;
  • List of services provided;
  • Analysis of the market situation;
  • Analysis of competitors' activities, their advantages and disadvantages;
  • Investment plan and general project schedule;
  • Calculation of basic economic indicators.

When calculating how much money you need to open a cafe, it is important to take into account all possible costs. In some cases, the cost of fines, dry cleaning, monthly purchase of napkins, or covering cash shortages may turn out to be an unpleasant surprise for the entrepreneur. Finally, before opening a cafe, the premises will definitely have to be renovated: this process has a characteristic tendency to go beyond the budget.

Requirements for location and interior

When it comes to the question of how to open a small cafe from scratch, the problem of finding a suitable location requires the most responsible approach. If we are not talking about a fashionable or specialized establishment, for which clients would be willing to travel across the city, then it would be more advisable to consider renting premises in a large shopping center or in a first-line building. When calculating how much money you need to open a cafe, you should take into account that the tariffs here are quite high, but the prospect of eventually getting an establishment with high traffic justifies the expense - provided that the object meets the following criteria:

  • The object is located near places where potential clients gather - in a residential area, business center or recreation area;
  • The format and price category of the establishment are optimal for attracting the appropriate target audience;
  • It is not recommended to open a cafe on the site of predecessors who closed the establishment for unknown reasons;
  • The selected building is not subject to reconstruction or demolition in the near future;
  • The surrounding area includes convenient parking and access roads for suppliers' vehicles.


In order to open a cafe bar from scratch, you need to order the development of a project from experienced architects. When determining the size and layout of the hall in accordance with sanitary standards, each seat requires at least 2 m² of area. Thus, taking into account the passages between tables, a room of 100 m² can accommodate 35–40 visitors; another 10 m² will have to be allocated to install a bar counter.

Other requirements for the facility are the availability of ventilation, water supply, sewerage and connection to electrical networks with a capacity of 45–50 kW. The process of cooking on stoves and ovens is accompanied by increased energy consumption and the operation of a powerful hood; It is possible that the question of whether it will be necessary to provide for the costs of laying a separate power line.


The demand for a cafe is to a certain extent determined by its style: it is unlikely that banal painted walls and whitewashed ceilings will attract visitors. Therefore, asking yourself the question: “I want to open a cafe - what do I need for this?” - you should understand that you cannot do it on your own when developing an interior design.

The design process must be preceded by the definition of the concept of the establishment: the designer’s task is to create a style that is understandable and close to the target audience. In addition, it is advisable to determine in advance the project budget and the price category of finishing materials: the preferred architectural solutions depend on this.

Premises expenses

Thus, the main items of expenses preceding the opening of the establishment are associated with the premises. When considering how much it costs to open a cafe in Moscow, you should understand that the tariffs for the work of designers and builders here are two to three times higher than in other regional centers, however, the average bill in establishments of this type is 1,400–1,700 rubles.


When calculating how much it costs to open a small cafe, it is recommended to include the purchase of only professional equipment: as practice shows, not a single household appliance can withstand more than a month in this mode of operation. As a last resort, you can find used stoves, ovens and freezers, but to avoid unexpected failure, it is better to replace them with new ones at the first opportunity. Knives, cutting boards, work tables and refrigerators for food are purchased in double quantities, since sanitary standards require separate storage and processing of meat.

You should approach the choice of furniture for the hall no less responsibly. Some guides on how to open a small cafe from scratch suggest the use of plastic furniture, but most often this does not correspond to either the status or the concept of the establishment. It is advisable to choose durable and aesthetic tables and chairs made of wood and metal. As for the bar counter, here suppliers offer a sufficient number of ready-made options, varying in price and design.

Kitchen equipment

Name Quantity Price, rub. Amount, rub.
Electric stove with grill 1 30 000 30 000
Hob panel 1 12 000 12 000
deep fryer 1 8 000 8 000
Oven cabinet 1 28 000 28 000
Ventilation system 1 4 000 4 000
Microwave oven 2 2 500 5 000
Mixer 1 2 000 2 000
Kettle 2 1 500 4 500
Refrigerated drinks cabinet 1 8 000 8 000
Coffee maker 1 4 000 4 000
Vegetable cutter 1 4 000 4 000
Electronic scales 2 4 000 8 000
Bathtub washing 2 4 000 8 000
Work table 2 8 000 16 000
Refrigerator cabinet 2 30 000 60 000
Knife set 3 7 000 21 000
Kitchenware set 2 10 000 20 000
Total: 242 500

Hall equipment

Quantity Price, rub. Amount, rub.
Cash register 1 18 000 18 000
Set of dishes for the hall 40 1 200 48 000
Set of textiles for the hall 40 1 000 40 000
Table 10 5 000 50 000
Chair 40 2 000 80 000
Air conditioner 2 5 900 11 800
Bar counter 1 80 000 80 000
Bar stool 4 2 500 10 000
Workwear 17 1 000 17 000
Computer 1 10 500 10 500
Alarm system 2 10 000 20 000
Other costs 1 50 000 50 000
Total: 435 300


A balanced approach to personnel selection is what is needed to open a cafe from scratch and retain visitors, since it is the attentiveness, professionalism and integrity of the employees that determine whether the client will become a regular. Waiters and bartenders must not only know the composition and prices of the dishes and drinks offered, but also be able to serve the client and calmly resolve a conflict situation.

The head chef in the kitchen is the chef. The efforts involved in finding a qualified specialist for this position pay off in full: high quality, interesting presentation of dishes and the presence of a “signature” feature in the process of preparing or serving them will certainly leave a lasting impression on visitors.

Among what is needed to open a cafe, mention should be made of the development of a personnel plan: employees critical to the functioning of the establishment should be duplicated in case of illness, absenteeism and other unforeseen circumstances. Most often, work is organized in shifts according to the “two working days / two days off” schedule.

Cafe staff

Job title Quantity Rate, rub. Expenses, rub.
Administrator 2 25 000 50 000
Accountant 1 20 000 20 000
Chef 1 40 000 40 000
Cook 4 18 000 72 000
Waiter 4 15 000 60 000
Bartender 2 25 000 50 000
Helper worker 2 15 000 30 000
Dish washer 2 15 000 30 000
Cleaning woman 1 15 000 15 000
Total: 19 367 000

Financial investments

To determine how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch, you must first solve the problem of selecting premises. Depending on whether it will be rented, purchased or built independently, one can judge the initial investment and payback period of the project. Most often, entrepreneurs limit themselves to renting for the following reasons:

  • Space in shopping centers cannot be purchased;
  • Renting significantly reduces the required amount of start-up capital;
  • If the choice of location is unsuccessful, it is somewhat easier to stop the activity.

In the question of how much it costs to open a cafe, a distinction is made between initial and ongoing monthly expenses necessary for the normal functioning of the establishment:

Start-up costs

Current expenses

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Unfortunately, it is difficult to take into account the costs associated with the negative factors that accompany the operation of any cafe: staff theft and write-off of expired products. If in the second case costs can still be reduced by purchasing a smaller volume of raw materials, then the first is an almost uncontrollable process. Businessmen set latest systems accounting, resort to the help of video cameras, but “experienced” waiters and bartenders always find the opportunity to put some money in their pockets in addition to their salaries.

Of course, before opening a cafe from scratch, a business plan can be drawn up with financial reserve, however, the owner of the establishment must in any case constantly ensure that these unwanted expenses do not exceed reasonable limits.

Profit and profitability

Calculating the profit of a cafe includes such variables as the amount of the average check and the level of attendance. You can estimate the number of customers empirically by taking appropriate measurements near competitors’ establishments, and the order price is an accessible statistical indicator that you need to familiarize yourself with before opening a cafe from scratch; the cost of an average check in the regional center of Russia is 600 rubles during the day and 1,200 rubles in the evening, while in Moscow each visitor leaves an average of 1,450–1,700 rubles in a cafe.

Considering running costs 687 thousand rubles, you can calculate the break-even point: with a daily turnover of 22,900 rubles, the cafe will begin to make a profit. This amount will be left in the establishment by 25–30 visitors, each of whom will place an order for 700–900 rubles. With an attendance of 40–50 people per day, the monthly turnover of the cafe will already be 840–1050 thousand rubles, which means a net profit of 153–363 thousand rubles and a profitability of 22–25%.

The next thing you need to open a cafe bar is to calculate the payback period of the project. It should be noted that not a single catering establishment begins to operate at full capacity from the very first day: the process of developing a client base can take two to three months. Therefore, to the indicated initial costs of 1,406,900 rubles, one should add the costs necessary to ensure the functioning of the cafe during this period - at least 750–775 thousand rubles. Thus, the payback point will be reached no earlier than 7–14 months after the start of work.


The process of designing a new catering establishment is essentially creative. When choosing which cafe to open, you can consider dozens of different formats and varieties or develop your own unique concept. Interior design, corporate identity, menu design and dish names also provide a vast field for the manifestation of imagination and creative imagination. The main condition is that the idea must be in demand among the target audience, since it is customer loyalty that determines the viability of such a business idea.
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If you have decided to take the path of opening a catering establishment, most likely you have many questions, including how to open a cafe and what is needed for this. First of all, you should structure the fundamental points, which will help to create a complete picture of the actions.

Many people dream of a thriving restaurant or a comfortable and warm cafe. Becoming a good restaurateur is not easy, but it is possible. In this article I will offer information that will help you open a cafe and make your business prosper.

Executives, managers and even students prefer to eat in a cafe every day rather than carry bags of sandwiches with them.

To open an establishment from scratch you will need capital, premises and a package of documents.

  1. Select a market segment, analyze the market and draw up a business plan.
  2. Think over the concept of the establishment. For example, you can organize it in the form of a gallery or on wheels.
  3. Select the organizational and legal form of the enterprise and the taxation system.
  4. Select a location. If a youth establishment is opening, excellent locations are in the university area. Family cafes are opened in residential areas, and thematic cafes are opened in the city center.
  5. A menu is drawn up based on the expected number of clients. An excellent set - five hot dishes, twice as many salads and appetizers, a dozen and a half drinks.
  6. The list of the main components that leave an impression of an establishment is presented: staff, cozy atmosphere and a certain feature.
  7. It is better to entrust the selection of personnel to competent recruiting agency.
  8. Before starting renovations, obtain permission to locate the establishment. This document is official consent to open a cafe in a certain premises. You can get it from Rospotrebnadzor.

The opening permit will be issued by the head doctor of the sanitary and epidemiological station ten days in advance. You will need the following package of documents:

  1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur
  2. Premises rental agreement
  3. Employee medical examination results
  4. Conclusion on the product.

You will need to get these too permits:

  1. Trade license
  2. License to sell cigarettes and alcoholic beverages
  3. A patent for conducting commercial activities.

Many people make mistakes when preparing the listed documents. Will help you avoid such a fate professional lawyer.

Detailed video instructions

Now let's talk about the cost of opening. It's hard to say how much money will be needed if you don't have a business plan at hand. It all depends on the location, city, equipment, menu, etc.

You will have to seriously spend money on:

  1. Room
  2. Equipment
  3. Salary
  4. Advertising.

Take your time and think carefully about all the steps, because the future of the establishment and profit depend on it. All I can do is wish you good luck in starting your business.

Where to start - action plan

I will try to help you understand the peculiarities of the restaurant business by offering detailed step by step plan opening a cafe and some important tips.

Institution format

It is necessary to decide on the format of the institution. For example: canteen, restaurant, coffee shop, bar or cafe. Beginners are recommended to start by opening a regular cafe with minimal investment.

  1. Bar. Represents an establishment that has a counter with alcoholic drinks and a hall designed for an average of 30 visitors. You won't be able to order a hot dish at the bar. They offer an excellent selection of alcoholic drinks, snacks and various salads.
  2. Coffee shop. People come here to sit in a cozy atmosphere, drink a cup of tea or coffee and have a little snack. The coffee shop is perfect for small groups who want to relax a little and forget about the hustle and bustle for a moment.
  3. Cafe. A universal establishment. Here you can drink, eat, dance, socialize or celebrate a holiday. The menu includes hot dishes, salads, cold appetizers, desserts and drinks.

Location and design

Choosing a location. The establishment must be located in a passable and crowded place. Choose a design that is comfortable, interesting and original. The interior of the premises must correspond to the concept and name of the establishment. Waiters must wear a stylish uniform with the symbols of the cafe.


  1. Waiters are required to look beautiful and be smart. Unforeseen situations often arise, and the waiter must be able to calmly and quickly resolve them. They must know the names of dishes, composition and cost.
  2. The bartender must know the names of the drinks that are available, their prices, and be well versed in the types of beer and wine.
  3. The cook is the invisible flagship of the establishment. Whether the client will return to the cafe depends on his skill. The most important role is played by the quality of food.

Purchasing Products

A very important process in which the manager must also participate. The cooks try to take food in reserve. Undoubtedly, this approach is correct, but in an establishment that is just opening, no one knows what kind of dishes customers will order. At first, you need to buy a little of everything.

I’ll give a few words to the atmosphere of the establishment. You need to try to create a cozy, warm and friendly atmosphere so that the visitor has a feeling of care and love.

What to do if there is no money?

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a business without investment. I'll bring brief instructions, which will help you understand how to open a cafe without money.

  1. It is necessary to draw up a business plan. In the document, include the amount required at the initial stage and make an estimate, which includes the payment of personnel, public utilities, advertising, cost of products and rental of premises. Be sure to indicate your planned income
  2. Go with your business plan to the bank for a loan. Provide information correctly and truthfully.
  3. Discuss the issue of opening a cafe with relatives and old friends. Perhaps they will lend the necessary amount. It is better to pay interest to a loved one rather than to a banking organization.
  4. If you have a wealthy friend, offer him a partnership.
  5. If you managed to get funds, immediately start thinking about how to make money and become a millionaire. Initially, this is problematic, since the cafe will be rarely visited. Advertising or a well-promoted network portal will come to the rescue.
  6. You can create a page about a cafe on the Internet, launch advertising campaign on third party portals. Actively use social networks for advertising purposes.

Be persistent and confidently move towards achieving your goal.

12 Steps to Opening a Fast Food Cafe

The concept of “fast food” appeared recently, but fast food establishments instantly gained popularity. This market segment is attractive to budding entrepreneurs. Opening such an establishment does not require large expenses.

A fast food cafe is an establishment where you can have a quick and inexpensive meal. Service time does not exceed 5 minutes, and the duration of the client’s stay is on average 30 minutes. Success directly depends on the high turnover of seats.

  1. Choose a location. It must have high cross-country ability and meet the requirements of the fire inspection and SES.
  2. Decide on the type of establishment. Often, fast food cafes use ready-made semi-finished products that are heated or undergo final processing after the visitor orders. Suppliers prepare semi-finished products.
  3. If you want to make semi-finished products yourself, for example, tacos, you will need to equip an additional room for processing vegetables, cutting fish and meat.
  4. There are several types of fast food. You definitely need to decide on the variety. The set of equipment depends on this. Establishments like McDonald's. Cafe with a specific national cuisine. Establishments that put the product concept at the forefront - dumpling shops, pizzerias or pancake houses.
  5. Having decided on the issue of renting a room, arrange the interior. Most often, fast food cafes cannot boast of exquisite design and pretentious furnishings. Not surprising, because they are not focused on spending time for a long time.
  6. The main feature of “fast food” is the strictest standardization. It affects dishes, equipment, assortment and even the interior. This is due to the widespread development of networks of such establishments. If you decide to open a fast food cafe, be sure to find out whether it would be more profitable to organize a franchising business.
  7. Such establishments provide self-service; waiters are not required. However, you cannot do without cleaners, dishwashers, assistants and cooks.
  8. Hire only sociable, efficient and stress-resistant workers. They should know regulatory documents in the field of trade and public catering.

How to open a cafe on the highway

I often have to travel long distances by car. After sitting behind the wheel for several hours in a row, there is a desire to stop, look into a cozy cafe and relax a little.

At the same time, many people are not satisfied with the level of salaries, and they are starting to think about opening their own business - a cafe on the highway. This type of restaurant business deserves special attention.

  1. Get a location for a fast food outlet. Visit the Road Construction Department to find out which district it belongs to. land plot.
  2. Then go to the district administration and write an application for the provision of a plot for rent or ownership.
  3. Be sure to register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. For a small cafe, an individual entrepreneur is enough. If your plans include opening a chain of fast food outlets, you cannot do without registering a legal entity.
  4. Draw up a project and business plan. Take these documents to the administration for approval. Afterwards you will receive permission to open a cafe.
  5. Once you receive your plot of land, contact a licensed architect. Draw up a sketch and project of the building, solve issues related to communications.
  6. Take the project and sketch of the cafe to the urban planning department. Here you will receive an approval document. Together with him, go to the SES, fire protection, and administration.
  7. Having completed the construction of the building, invite a special commission that will carefully inspect the structure and make a final verdict.
  8. Before opening, invite SES employees. They will inspect the cafe and issue a conclusion. The building must have sewerage, water supply and a bathroom.
  9. The final point will be made by fire experts.

Get busy restaurant business you can only after receiving all necessary permits. Next, all that remains is to hire qualified personnel and get to work.

Many people call the restaurant business the most competitive and difficult field of activity.

But this does not mean that it is so big and inaccessible that an absolute beginner cannot cope with it. The main thing is to be systematic and accurate in your actions.

Nowadays, even small towns are ready to delight visitors with a huge variety of small and large restaurants. A young establishment will be able to compete with them only if it has a very narrow focus. For example, if it is delicious to cook Chinese, French or Italian food.

In addition, according to experienced businessmen, the success of work is strongly influenced by the literacy and determination of the owner. But if this business is something new and unknown for you, then it is better not to resort to drastic and drastic measures, but to start monitoring the reaction of visitors to the introduction of this or that additional service.

The success of an institution largely depends on:

  • from a good professional chef;
  • from the zest specific to your establishment;
  • from a good location.

The danger of bankruptcy frightens many novice businessmen, and for good reason, because such an outcome is far from uncommon.

Interesting material on how to properly engage in such activities is presented in the following video:

Where to start? Required documents

Before you begin inspections and collecting documents, you need to provide yourself with a premises ready for use.

The catering establishment is usually . The constituent documents of such a legal entity must consist of:

  • decisions of the founders on creation;
  • certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • order on the appointment of a director;
  • charter;
  • certificates of receipt of TIN;
  • letters with statistical codes (OKVED, OKPO, OKFS, etc.);
  • certificates of registration with the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  • certificate of registration with the Pension Fund;
  • agreement for opening a current account.

If a form such as CJSC or OJSC was chosen, then additionally you need to attach documents about the shares. The simplest organizational form is an individual entrepreneur, but at the same time it attracts very close attention from the tax inspectorate.

As for the premises, it should be documentary evidence that it is owned or officially rented.

The concept of the establishment

The basis of the restaurant should be interesting idea. But even if it is not there, this should not be an obstacle to starting your own business. The main thing is to have a detailed concept in stock, consisting of:

  • restaurant positioning;
  • distinctive features of the business project;
  • organizational and staffing management structures;
  • effectively organized zoning and maximum functionality of the premises;
  • detailed instructions on maintenance methods;
  • legends and original name;
  • menu project;
  • competitive analysis;
  • list of basic and additional services;
  • recommendations regarding advertising and promotion.

Selection of a suitable location, renovation and furnishings

The choice of premises is one of the most difficult issues, because it is subject to great technical requirements.

There are not many premises suitable for a restaurant, even in large cities, and those that exist are occupied very quickly. Of course, you can do construction, but usually restaurateurs do not resort to such an expensive method. If you have enough money, it is better to buy a room - this is the most profitable option.

If you plan to rent, you need to immediately sign an agreement for several years. This will allow you to calculate expenses, because its cost for a given period will be fixed.

The size and shape of the room are only a matter of your preference, but there are things that you need to pay attention to:

  • communications (water supply, electricity, sewerage) must be in perfect condition;
  • additional sound insulation and ventilation if the establishment is located in a residential building;
  • the general condition of the premises, because unsuitable finishing will result in large financial costs.

The most proven option, especially for beginners, is to rent a premises that has previously housed a restaurant.

When arranging a point, you need to pay attention to the combination of furniture with walls and floors, chandeliers with other lighting fixtures and other points on which the presentable appearance of the room and the formed opinion depend. Another important point is the cash register and cloakroom located nearby.

No restaurant ambiance can't do without a focal point– a fountain, a huge aquarium, an original bar counter, a stage, etc. This is the main landmark for all the tables located in the hall. By the way, the correct arrangement of tables can have both a positive and negative impact on the reputation of the establishment. Visitors value unobtrusive service most of all, and this can only be achieved if there is a large distance between tables.

Carrying out repairs or redevelopment requires compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules:

  • the height of the room is at least 3 meters to allow the installation of exhaust zones;
  • the presence of all utilities, alarms, as well as a service entrance;
  • correct distribution of space, for example, the kitchen should occupy at least 50% of the total area;
  • mandatory presence in the kitchen of a dispensing room, cold and hot shops;
  • rational arrangement: the refrigeration unit should not be adjacent to an oven or deep fryer;
  • carefully organized flow of raw materials and products.

Equipment needed for the kitchen and living room

Regardless of the type of establishment, its focus and size, the modern level of equipment provides for the presence of:

  • thermal equipment - stoves, frying surfaces, deep fryers, ovens, water heaters, convection ovens, etc.;
  • electromechanical equipment – ​​vegetable cutters, fish peelers, potato peelers, meat grinders, packaging machines;
  • dishwashers;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • technological equipment and furniture made of stainless steel;
  • equipped bar;
  • equipment for the hall - chairs, tables, audio systems, air conditioners;
  • plumbing products and industrial shelving;
  • computers and cash registers.

The choice of one or another equipment largely depends on the quality, warranty period, level and period of service, cost and country of origin.

The predominance of exclusively imported equipment on the market has been replaced by the emergence of high-quality equipment domestic producers, capable of competing with German, French or Italian counterparts.


Any restaurant cannot do without:

  • Bartender. For a small establishment, 1 person is enough, and if there is a large attendance or wide range cocktails, then you can hire him an assistant.
  • Barista, which can surprise visitors with excellent coffee.
  • Waiters. The optimal number of visitors for one employee is 15 people.
  • Head waiter. This vacancy is typical for a large institution. His responsibilities include the welcoming part, initial ordering and coordinating the work of waiters.
  • Manager, whose job responsibilities include solving organizational issues, drawing up menus, recruiting personnel and determining work schedules.
  • Kitchen workers: chefs and cooks.

Most often, restaurants use time-based wages. To assign a shift time for a particular employee, there is a special schedule, the preparation of which should be based on:

  • required number of employees;
  • number of visitors;
  • personnel qualifications;
  • interests of employees (combining several jobs or students).

In addition, it is necessary to take into account everyday circumstances, which sometimes lead to the fact that an employee cannot go to work.

Procurement of products, menu development

The new restaurant can count on workload is 10-15% Therefore, the chef will be able to independently determine the required amount of products.

The initial stock of the bar is, of course, known to the bartender, but since most alcoholic products It is expensive, the director prefers to control its consumption and the remainder.

A good restaurant should always have a so-called “shelf” bottle of cognac costing at least 1 thousand dollars, which someone will definitely buy at least once a year. And the assortment of the wine list should range from 50 to 70 items.

The menu of an establishment characterized by an average pricing policy should include the following main items:

  • hot dishes: at least 6 pieces from meat and fish, at least 3 from poultry;
  • several low-calorie dishes (salads), which are usually preferred by women.

Restaurant menus are usually focused on maximizing profitability, so the restaurateur must monitor items that are not popular and get rid of them.

Advertising of the establishment

Any kind of promotion pursues a goal that is more or less related to stimulating demand. The path of promotion depends on various factors: the direction of the cuisine, pricing policy, design of the sales area or quality of service.

The main types of promotion include advertising, publicity and personal selling.


  • Outdoor advertising- a sign, which is also mandatory requirement local authorities to each restaurant. To attract customers they also use panels, brackets or plastic figures of people.
  • Internal advertising, often presented with all kinds of booklets and leaflets that contain information about the establishment and planned or possible events.
  • Internet. A properly organized and promoted website is very effective method attracting a potential guest. The most important thing is to strictly monitor the menu - the visitor must know about every change.
  • Media. An extraordinary and bright layout is an excellent advertising move.
  • Souvenir products, for example, matches, lighters, toothpicks, glasses, etc.
  • Discounts for business lunch, set lunch, daily special, etc.

How much does it cost?

There are many opening options similar business, and it is almost impossible to describe the costs of each. Let's focus on the option that involves renting a ready-made premises that has all the necessary equipment:

  • 15,000 rubles - registration of an LLC;
  • 6,500 - payment for the work of a SES employee who will take measurements of lighting and noise for compliance with standards;
  • 50,000 - purchase of various small items: tablecloths, spoons, knives, rags, buckets, etc.;
  • 300,000 - the cost of a license giving the right to trade in alcoholic beverages;
  • 144,000 - employee salaries:
    • chef - 25,000 rubles;
    • hot shop cook (2 people) - 20,000 rubles;
    • cold shop cook - 8,000 rubles;
    • root woman - 5,000 rubles;
    • cleaning lady - 5,000 rubles;
    • dishwasher - 5,000 rubles;
    • accountant - 8,000 rubles.

    We multiply this entire amount (except for the accountant’s salary) by 2, since the establishment’s operating hours are on average 16 hours.

  • 100,000 - food products;
  • rent at the rate of 1000 rubles per 1 sq. m.;
  • payment of utilities;
  • advertising.

Payback period and approximate profit

The payback period and level of profitability of an establishment are influenced by various factors: location (the most successful option is a large microdistrict with a large number of offices), demanded quality food, a wide range and a beautifully designed menu.

If you follow these simple rules, the restaurant will be able to pay for itself in 2-2.5 years.

The profitability of a business depends almost entirely on the restaurateur, who must effectively organize the process, develop regular customers and constantly attract new ones.

Selecting worthy qualified personnel, providing impeccable service, a competent approach to menu creation, arranging an exquisite interior and organizing competent management allows you to count on a profitability of 30 to 50%.

How to open your own cafe from scratch, you will find out by reading the recommendations in this article. It reveals the legal aspects of registering a catering enterprise that must be provided for in order to start working correctly.

How much does it cost to open a cafe and how to do it without money?

All calculations for opening an establishment are tied to the number of seats. Thus, in accordance with clause 5.35 of SP 118.13330.2012 * “Public buildings and structures”, the minimum area of ​​the dining room in a cafe is calculated from an indicator of 1.6 square meters. m for 1 seat for a visitor. From these indicators the following are calculated:

  • design price;
  • cost of reconstruction;
  • costs of furniture, dishes and technological equipment.

The results will amount to the final price of opening a cafe.

If there is no starting amount, then this is not a reason to abandon the idea. In this case, the only way out is to draw up a very detailed, competent and convincing business plan. You can use it to contact private investors (this could be relatives, friends, acquaintances), post your proposal on specialized Internet sites, or take out a loan from a bank.

How to open a cafe: where to start?

You need to select a room. There can be 2 ways here:

  • The easiest one is if you manage to find the former cafe option. Then you can rent it or buy it, make cosmetic repairs, renew contracts with all supplying organizations (for electricity, heat and water supply, sewerage), import your equipment and work.
  • If the premises have a different purpose, you will have to contact a design company. She must be a member self-regulatory organization(SRO) for exploration and design work. Regular design firms They won't be able to handle this kind of work. This is important. Together with the design and construction (also a member of the SRO, but for construction work) organizations, you go through all the stages, including:
    • design;
    • obtaining permission for reconstruction;
    • direct reconstruction;
    • obtaining permission to put the facility into operation.

Then you need to get a new technical plan for the premises from the BTI.

Naturally, before this whole long procedure, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement for a period of more than 1 year and register it with Rosreestr. This is what you need to open a cafe if you are going to sell alcoholic beverages. Without real estate documents, you cannot obtain a license.

What needs to be done to open a cafe (establishing an organization and tax registration)

Stage 1

For a cafe, it is better to register a legal entity, because only an organization has the right to sell alcohol (with some exceptions). However, some owners are cunning and register the cafe itself as an individual entrepreneur (in order to simplify accounting and tax reporting), and the bar as an LLC (See. Which is better - individual entrepreneur or LLC (differences)?).

Stage 2

To register, you need to prepare and submit a package of documents to the tax office or multifunctional center:

  • application (if the applicant submits it personally, then it does not need to be certified by a notary);
  • charter and protocol on the establishment of the LLC in 2 copies (for the organization);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (individual entrepreneur - 800 rubles, LLC - 4,000 rubles);
  • passport (if submitted by a representative, then a notarized copy of the passport);
  • notarized power of attorney for a representative.

Stage 3

When drawing up documents, fill in the type of activity according to OKVED. In this case it is:

  • 56.10 - activities of restaurants and food delivery services. This is a general block, from which the organization selects a specific code(s), for example:
  • 56.10.1 - activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants;
  • 10.56.21 - activities of catering establishments with take-out service.

Stage 4

Decide on taxation. These could be:

  • basic tax regime(OSN);
  • special modes: simplified tax system, UTII, unified agricultural tax and patent (only for individual entrepreneurs).

There is no point in recommending an acceptable system here without specific indicators. However, there are some general trends:

Don't know your rights?

  • If the business brings big income, then it’s easier to go to fixed modes - UTII or patent. Since UTII is calculated based on the area of ​​the service hall (determined by the BTI passport), and a patent is calculated based on the type of activity. And the indicators do not depend on the amounts earned.
  • If the profit is small, then it is more profitable to be on the simplified tax system, because the tax is calculated from income.

An application to establish the chosen regime is submitted along with the documents for registration. Otherwise, it will be possible to change it only after a year.

Stage 5

When providing catering services, cafe organizations and individual entrepreneurs may not use cash registers(clause 2 of article 2 of the law “On the application of cash register systems” dated May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ), but at the request of the visitor, a receipt is issued (form strict reporting) or a check produced using a check printing machine (CHM). It does not need to be registered and maintained.

However, if a cafe sells alcohol, then the use of a cash register is mandatory.

Stage 6

After receiving all the documents, you should contact the Rosstat authority and receive a notification about the statistics codes. You will need it to open a current account.

There is no need to specifically go to extra-budgetary funds. The tax office itself will transmit the information, and you will receive notifications from them.

Finally, a stamp is made (optional) and a current account is opened.

What other documents are needed to open a cafe?

In addition to the above general requirements for state registration of an organization, determining the taxation system, and tax registration, there are special issues related to opening a catering enterprise.

As a rule, alcohol is sold in cafes. This requires a license for retail sales alcoholic products, which are obtained from the administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (territory, region, republic, etc.), by submitting the following documents:

  • statement;
  • copies constituent documents and originals for comparison;
  • a copy of the legal entity registration certificate;
  • copy of TIN;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a document confirming the availability and full payment of the authorized capital;
  • a document for the premises on ownership or a lease agreement for a year or more, registered in Rosreestr.

The license is issued for no more than 5 years. The state duty is 65,000 rubles. for 1 year.

In accordance with Art. 8 of the Law “On Protection of Rights legal entities And individual entrepreneurs when implementing state control(supervision) and municipal control» dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ, organizations providing public catering services are required to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of their activities. The notification is sent to the authority in person or by a valuable letter with notification and an inventory of the contents.

In addition, the cafe must conclude:

  • waste removal agreement;
  • contracts for deratization and disinfestation;
  • service agreement with an organization providing fire safety.

The listed documents are presented at the request of inspectors from Rospotrebnadzor and the State Fire Supervision.

Thus, opening a cafe from scratch is a rather complicated procedure. The main feature is to bring the premises into compliance with sanitary standards and regulations. However, these are justified requirements, because the quality of catering services affects the health of citizens, which places great responsibility on the cafe owner.

It should also be noted that on the Internet there is often information about the need to obtain other documents, conclusions, permits or licenses that are not listed in our material. This data is either outdated, or not confirmed by current legislation, or is of a discretionary nature, i.e., there is no direct obligation to receive extra papers.

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