Report on the day of your favorite cartoons in the library. Exhibition for World Cartoon Day in Children's Library N3

Childhood is the most wonderful time in a person’s life. But what is most connected with him? Of course, cartoons! October 23 V children's library branch No. 3 held a presentation of the book exhibition “Favorite Fairy Tale - Cool Cartoon”» , dedicated to World Cartoon Day. This holiday is celebrated all over the world on October 28th. The exhibition invites children to visit the fairy tales on which the cartoons were made.

During the conversation with the children, the librarians learned that children love to watch not only modern cartoons (“Naughty Family,” Pirate Captain,” “Barbie,” “Smeshariki,” “Luntik,” etc.), but also old ones (“ Well, just wait!”, “Prostokvashino”, “A Kitten named Woof”, etc.). These and many other cartoon books found their place in our exhibition.

It is believed that book heroes can come to life. The guys witnessed this miracle. Baba Yaga herself, who became the heroine of many fairy tales and cartoons, came to visit the library to greet the children.

Within the walls of the library was created booklet “Interesting facts about Soviet cartoons”, which young readers enjoy getting acquainted with.

Read fairy tales, look at pictures, watch instructive and kind cartoons!

1. Psychological attitude.

A man without a smile -
This is a kitchen without tiles,
This is a sea without a seagull,
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
It's a tail without a cat!
Always smile
And have a nice day!

2. Introductory word.

Teacher: Guys! Look at the screen. (video clip)

What type of art will our event be dedicated to?

Yes, guys. We will talk about screen art, namely about such a form as animation or animation.

Teacher: Do you like cartoons?

How do cartoons make you feel when you watch them?

What do cartoons teach us?(Friendship, love, respect, good deeds.)

Teacher: Yes. Cartoons evoke in us feelings of joy, admiration, sadness, and worry. They teach you to do the right thing. And, probably, there is no child who would not like to watch cartoons.

Pupils of 1st "B" and 2nd "B" classes read poetry.

I don't know who or how

Invented cartoons

But it’s impossible without them now

We wouldn't be able to live.

Without funny smeshariki,

Hedgehog with a fox cub

No naughty monkeys

And an elephant and a tiger cub.

Cheburashka, Shapoklyak,

The wolf and the nimble bunny,

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet

Kesha the parrot,

Matroskin the cat, Barbos the dog,

Piglet Funtik,

Carlson and Miss Bok,

Nice and kind Luntik...

If only someone had cartoons

Didn't come up with the first idea

I'd have to invent them

Probably myself!

Teacher: Today, guys, we will visit the wonderful land of cartoons, where you will not only meet your favorite characters, but also show how much you know cartoons.

But first, I would like to introduce you to the most significant figures in the field of animation - the directors of our most beloved cartoons.

NameWalt Disney Anyone who has watched cartoons at least once in their life knows. This amazing man as a director made one hundred and eleven cartoons. For his services to animation, he received 25 Oscar statuettes. It was Disney who created the most popular and recognizable animated character - , and also founded an animation studio . Thanks to his work, we have been watching magical cartoons since early childhood, which all, as one, begin with a screensaver with a fairy-tale castle. His most famous works are Steamboat Willie.« », « », « », « », « », « ».

Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin remains one of the favorite animators of Russian viewers. His most famous films are the “Well, wait a minute!” episodes, on which more than one generation was brought up.

Amen Khaidarov is a famous Kazakh artist, the founder of domestic animation.Several generations grew up watching Khaidarov's cartoons. Through his works, Amen Abzhanovich tried to teach the kindest and brightest. “Sunny Bunny”, “Tail”, “Forty Tales”, “Aksak Kulan” - he created all these masterpieces of animation with love and trepidation, putting his soul into every stroke. The master’s most famous creation was the cartoon “Why does a swallow have horns on its tail?” This is the first domestic cartoon that has gained popularity not only among Kazakh but also among foreign audiences.

It is impossible not to mention those directors who delight us with their cartoons in recent years.Konstantin Eduardovich Bronzit -Russian animator, director of cartoons: “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “ ", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey" and others.

The directors of the cartoon “Er Tostik and Aydahar” are Zhaken Danenov and Rustam Turaliev. The first is a recognized master of Kazakh animation, working in this genre since 1973. Rustam Turaliev, on the contrary, is a young, little-known animator.

Each animator has assistants: artists, screenwriters, composers, actors. Artists create images, draw, sculpt, and move dolls. Screenwriters come up with the story of the film. Composers write music for the film. Actors voice their roles. And the result of this painstaking work isthose cartoons that we love and watch today.

Teacher: Well, now it's time to check how much you know cartoons. To do this, we will divide into teams.Now every student will receivecard with a picturecartooncharacter.

"Holidays in Prostokvashino": Uncle Fedor, Dog ShArik, Cat Matroskin,postman Pechkin, calf Gavryusha, little chick Khvataika.

"Musicians of Bremen": donkey, dog, cat, rooster, Troubadour, princess, king.

And now, on my signal, you must gatherI was in one friendly company at that timecartoon,of which you are the heroes.

Teacher: So, we got 2 teams: “Holidays in Prostokvashino” and “Bremen Town Musicians”.

Competition 1: Warm-up

    What was written on the dial of Misha's alarm clock?(spring, summer, autumn, winter, New Year)

    What did Masha ask the goldfish for her second wish?(cockerel on a stick)

    Which of the Smeshariki is an advanced Internet and computer user?(Losyash)

    What did the squirrel always carry with him in the Ice Age cartoon?(acorn)

    Who did the hero of the cartoon "Kitten from Lizyukov Street" turn into?(in hippopotamus)

    Brother Rabbit asked Brother Fox not to throw him away...(into the thorn bush)

    What was the name of the main character of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"?(Uncle Fedor)

    What did the two mice say to Leopold the cat at the end of the episode? ( Forgive us, Leopold )

    Tai Lung from the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda" is...(snow leopard)

    Name the epic hero who is looking for gold stolen from Rostov by Tugarin the Serpent(Alyosha Popovich.)

    What are the names of the American cartoon characters cat and mouse from the cartoon of the same name?(Tom and Jerry)

    What was the name of the princess from the cartoon about Shrek?(Fiona)

    What cartoon character came to us from the moon?(Luntik from the cartoon “Luntik and his friends”)

    Which cartoon character about Prostokvashino shot animals with a photo gun?(dog Sharik)

    In this cartoon, the main character is a superhero. He can save those in trouble, fight evil, climb walls, fly, and weave webs. Going to his next job, he puts on a special suit with the image of an insect, the name of this insect is also in the title of the cartoon.("Spider-Man")

Competition 2: What cartoon are we talking about?

1. “I live well, I have my own house, it’s warm. We recently found a treasure and bought a cow. Our stove is warm. But my health is not very good: sometimes my paws ache, sometimes my tail falls off. And the other day I started shedding, the old fur is falling off, and a new, fluffy one is growing.” (Holidays in Prostokvashino)

2. “These are the wrong bees... And they probably make the wrong honey... And if you don’t shoot, then I’ll be spoiled... It’s not that I didn’t hit the ball at all, but not the ball...”

(Winnie the Pooh)

3. “I saved the device for you, and you ... . Well, don't! I really need your Moon! Well, kiss your Moon!” (Dunno on the Moon)

4. “Do you find it very difficult to carry things? Listen, come on, I’ll carry the things, and you take me in your arms...” (Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena)

Competition 3: Guess the melody

The teams take turns choosing a melody number and listening to it carefully. Task: guess the name of the song. You can earn extra points if you remember which cartoon the song is from.


1 – “I’m lying in the sun” (from the film “The Lion Cub and the Turtle”

2 – “There is nothing better in the world” (from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”

3 – “Chunga-Changa” (from the film “Katerok”)

4 – “Song of Leopold the Cat” (from the film “Leopold”)

5 – “About traces” (from the film “Masha and the Bear”)

6 - “Who are the Fixies?” (from the film “The Fixies”)

Competition 4: Cartoon Friends

II'll give it away nowto youcards with the names of the characters, and you must within a certain timefind who was friends with whom in the cartoon and pair them up.

1. Crocodile Gena - Cheburashka.

2. Malvina - Pinocchio

3.Tom - Jerry

4.Piglet-Winnie - Pooh

5.Leopold - Mice

6.Kitten Woof - Puppy Ball

7.Timon - Pumbaa

8 .Donut - Dunno

9 .Cinderella - Prince

10 .Carlson-Kid

11 .Wolf-Hare

12 .Matroskin-Uncle Fedor

- Now a line from a cartoon will be heard for you, and you will have to say what the name of the cartoon is or which character is speaking. Are you ready? And so, the first remark:

1. “Leopold, come out!” Come out, you vile coward!” (mice)

2. “There’s no one! Well, where are you all?” (Masha)

3. “It looks like it’s going to rain!” (Piglet)

4. “Freedom for parrots!” (Parrot Kesha)

5. “Hare! Can you hear me? (Wolf)

6. “Owl! Open up! The bear has arrived! (Winnie the Pooh)

6 competition: Karaoke

Guys! I will give you envelopes containing pictures of cartoon characters cut into pieces. You need to collect a picture, name who is depicted on it, and everyone sing the song of this hero together. The team that sings the song more friendly, louder, and more emotionally will win.

Picture for 1 team – Crocodile Gena from the film “Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena”

Picture for team 2 – Antoshka from the film “Antoshka”

Summing up

Dear guys!Our quiz has come to an end. You were all great, answered the quiz questions well, and helped each other. I see that you know and love cartoons and know their characters. Let's count the number of points you've earned. The one who has the most of them becomes the winner of the game, he is the best cartoon connoisseur (award).

Cartoon country is a wonderful country. And whoever has visited it at least once will remain a prisoner forever.Continue to watch cartoons. Goodbye.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten s. Rogatkino, Krasnoarmeysky district, Saratov region"


activities in the middle and senior groups (4 – 6 years old)

on the topic: « A miracle called cartoon » educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Compiled by the teacher

1 qualification category

Savateeva E. A.


Head of practice:

head of MBDOU

Shishkina O.I.

Rogatkino village


Age group Middle and senior group

Leading educational area OO "Artistic and aesthetic development»

The theme of the event is “A Miracle Called Cartoon.”

Target: Organization of children's leisure time.

Educational objectives:

Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about cartoons;

Learn to recognize a cartoon based on assignment, consolidate the name and characters of familiar cartoons;

Developmental tasks:
- develop memory, auditory attention, observation, thinking, oral speech, develop the ability to analyze, compare, systematize the studied material, highlight the main thing, creative abilities; develop the ability to answer questions comprehensively and coherently;

Educational tasks:
- instill a love for Russian cinema, in particular cartoons;
- expand children's horizons about Soviet and Russian cartoons and their creators.

Wellness tasks:

Relieving visual tension (eye gymnastics), relieving muscle tension (physical education)

Methods : gaming, verbal-logical, ICT, independent.

Techniques : watching a cartoon, word of mouth (riddles), gymnastics for the eyes, physical education, independent activities for children.

Vocabulary work : expanding the vocabulary on the topic - selecting adjectives for a noun (the word “cartoon”)

Material: game put together the cartoon puzzle “Mowgli”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Cheburashka”.

Equipment: audio recordings with melodies, laptop, tables, screen, chairs.

Forms of work : individual, collective.
Preliminary work: watching cartoons, reading, listening to songs from cartoons.

Progress of the program:

Hello guys! Today I invite you to plunge into the magical world of cartoons and fairy tales, because the festival for children “A Miracle Called Cinema” is currently taking place. Guys, do you want to plunge into this world? Then close your eyes and repeat the magic words after me - bambare, chufare, loriki, eriki, moriki, kreks, fex, pex. So, welcome to the magical world of cartoons! And the first thing that awaits you on the way is riddles. Are you ready?
Task No. 1 “Guess cartoon riddles.
I'm sure you know
Heroes of fairy tales from different countries.
And the evil characters - the villains -
Will we still be able to remember together?
Then remember more friendly
And answer out loud in rhyme!

Everyone says he's immortal
Just don't believe it
After all, it consists of relics -
Terrible, very evil... (Koschei.)

It flies, although it is heavy.
Sometimes seven-headed, sometimes three-headed.
And Zmey Gorynych is also he -
Evil fire-breathing... (Dragon.)

She's a mean old lady
She has one girlfriend -
Lariska rat. Everyone knows:
The old lady’s name is... (Shapoklyak.)

He has lived in Africa for a long time,
He waits and waits for Aibolit,
Doesn't like small children
Evil, bloodthirsty... (Barmaley.)

She lives alone in a hut,
She doesn't need friends or girlfriends.
Her broom is her servant.
Lives in the forest... (Baba Yaga.)

He knows the reservoirs,
All the fords in them are familiar to him.
Filled with mud and water,
Lives in a swamp... (Water.)

He lives in a dense forest -
Sometimes in a hollow, sometimes in a pile of leaves.
Walks everywhere only on foot
Wild guardian of the forest... (Leshy)

You guessed all the villains.
Evil is unlikely to win now!
Goodness flies everywhere!
And all of you together... (Well done.)

Educator: Well done! We completed the first task.
Educator: What is the name of the place where there is a big screen, a lot of places, do you go there with your parents or friends, can you buy popcorn?
Children: Cinemas.
Educator: What are people called who go to the cinema or theater?
Children: Spectators.
Educator: Do you know how to behave at the cinema?
Children answer: Don’t make noise, be quiet; if you need to pass and spectators are already sitting, you need to pass facing those sitting.

Children answer.

Physical education "Pinocchio".

Task No. 2 “Guess cartoon character."

Alina, ours, to the zoo
I went with my brother
Look at the monkeys
And Genu-… .
(crocodile, cartoon "Crocodile Gena").

A shaggy elephant calf was looking for its mother.
He pestered everyone: “Whose child am I?”
The baby had to experience a lot!
The elephant accepted him like a mother.
(Baby Mammoth, cartoon "Mom for the Baby Mammoth")

He is not a soft toy
And from a fairy tale there is a little animal.
He worked at the zoo
And he lived with a crocodile.
The fur on him is like a shirt.
The name of the beast is...
(Cheburashka, cartoon "Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena")

Their home is in Prostokvashino,
Four of them live.
Which of them on a fine day
Suddenly fell into a pond?
(Ball, cartoon "Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat")

This hero has
I have a friend - Piglet,
It's a gift for Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
I climbed into the hollow for honey,
He chased bees and flies.
Bear's name
Certainly, - ...
(Winnie the Pooh, cartoon "Winnie the Pooh")

It's always like jam day
Celebrates birthday
There is a button embossed on the pants,
To take flight,
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy "in the prime of his life."
Who is he? Give me the answer.
(Carlson, cartoon "Kid and Carlson")

This cat is the kindest in the world.
He kills mice in his apartment
He always said what was needed
Cats and mice live together.
(Leopold the Cat, cartoon "Leopold the Cat")

You've heard of him, haven't you?
Knows everything and about everything.
“Have you been to Tahiti?” -
Ask him yourself.
Yes, the riddle is simple!
What was the parrot's name?
(Kesha, cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot")

The turtle is three hundred years old.
She's no longer older.
And she told
The secret I knew about
And which I kept
Pinocchio handed the key:
“Here it is, the golden key.
Open the door to the city of Happiness.
I’ll stay here in the pond.”
What is the turtle's name?
(Tortilla, cartoon "The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Golden Key")

Educator: Well done! We completed the second task.

Task No. 3 “Guess the fairy tale from the illustration.”

Educator: Well done! And you completed the third task perfectly.

Musical break - dance "Chunga - Changa".

Task No. 4 “Answer the question correctly.”

1.Which cartoon characters sing a song about the island "Chunga-Changa"?

2.Name a pest of old age. Is her name the same as the hat?

3.A cartoon about a veterinarian?
("Doctor Aibolit").

4.Name the boy who went to live in the village.
(Uncle Fedor).

5. In which cartoon was the height of a boa constrictor measured?
("38 parrots").

6.What is the name and patronymic of the postman Pechkin?
(Igor Ivanovich).

7.What did the Hedgehog lose in the fog?

8.What was the name of the kitten who suggested being afraid together?
(Kitten Woof).

9.What was the little Raccoon tearing up by the pond?

10.What was the name of the big black cat from the Jungle?


Task No. 5 “Let’s sing with the cartoon hero.”

What a wonderful day
What a wonderful stump
How wonderful I am and my song. La-la-la.(Mouse song)

She flew up onto the spruce tree,
Or maybe it didn’t take off,
Or maybe on a palm tree,
I climbed up with a running start,
And there she will have breakfast, or maybe lunch,
Or maybe she was going to have a quiet dinner. (Plasticine crow)

Little children, for nothing in the world,
Don't go to Africa for a walk!
In Africa there are sharks, in Africa there are gorillas,
There are big crocodiles in Africa. (Aibolit)

I now have a son,
I won't be very strict with him,
He suddenly appeared from a log,
Great young mischief maker,
After all, people like him are expected everywhere,
Tell me, what is his name?(The Adventures of Pinocchio)

Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely.
Everyone knows, taram-paras, that’s why it’s morning!
That's why it's morning! (Winnie the Pooh and everyone all everything)

Good riddance, good riddance, the long journey spreads,
And it rests directly on the sky.
Everyone, everyone believes in the best...
The blue carriage is rolling, rolling.(Crocodile Gena).

Come on, come on out and dance!
- No, Santa Claus, no, Santa Claus, no, Santa Claus, wait!(Wait a minute)

A grasshopper sat in the grass,
A grasshopper sat in the grass,
Just like a cucumber
He was green.(The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends)

At least believe it, at least check it,
But I dreamed at night,
It was as if a prince had rushed to me,
On a silver horse.(Cinderella)

Across the blue sea, to the green land,
I'm sailing on my white ship.
On your white ship, on your white ship.
Neither the waves nor the wind scare me,
- I’m swimming to the only mother in the world.

I swim through the waves and wind to the only mother in the world.
(Mom for baby mammoth)

There is nothing better in the world,
Why friends can wander around the world.
Those who are friendly are not afraid of worries,
Any roads are dear to us,
Any road is dear to us.(Bremen Town Musicians)

If only there were no winter,
In cities and villages,
We would never have known
These are fun days.
If the baby wouldn't spin around,
Near the snow woman,
If the ski track wouldn't loop,
If only, if only, if only...
If the ski track wouldn't loop,
If only, if only, if only...(Holidays in Prostokvashino)

Educator: Well done! And you completed the fifth task perfectly.

Task No. 6 “Cinema connoisseurs.”

Name the heroes of the film “Well, wait a minute!”

Which of the heroes lived in Prostokvashino?

Which hero called: “Let’s live together”?

What are the names of the rescue chipmunks who always rush to help?

What is the name of the big green hero, scary on the outside, kind on the inside?

What are the names of the two mischievous brothers from the film “Luntik”?

What is the name of the hero who performed feats in the form of a bat in the name of the triumph of goodness and justice?

The heroine of a Russian folk tale brings a lot of trouble to her big, very patient and reliable friend from the forest. What's her name?

Educator: And we did it! Great!

Educator: Guys, you know cartoons very well, I am pleased with your work. You all took a very active part and responded unanimously.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Result of the event “Teremok”
In an open field
Where there are no roads
It is not low, not high,
Everyone is invited to the door
This house... (teremok).
And in this little house, you will now watch a cartoon about friendship, “On the Road with the Clouds.”
Educator: All the best, see you again.

Elena Pereverzova

October 28th is international cartoon day. And how can such a wonderful day be ignored? In the end, this is a small I succeeded in the event.

I called it "Journey to the Country animation"

Target events: generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about acquaintances cartoons.


develop memory, thinking, speech of children;

develop communication skills, skills of interacting with each other;

cultivate interest and love for cartoons;

introduce children to such genres of cinema as animation;

develop the ability to recognize cartoons and cartoon characters by image and music.

Equipment: computer, presentation "How to create cartoons", recordings of children's songs from cartoons, cut pictures "Collect cartoon character"for every child, pictures with heroes cartoons and scenes from cartoons to create a collective collage, whatman paper, scissors and glue for each child, a disk with cartoons.

Progress of the event:

Educator: Children, October 28 was international cartoon day. Tell me, do you love cartoons? (children's answers)

Educator: What is your favorite cartoon? (the children talked about their favorite cartoons)

Educator: Do you want to know how and who creates cartoons? (Yes). Then I propose to go to the camp" Animation"

Show presentation "How to create cartoons"

After watching, we discussed the presentation we watched with the children.

Educator: And now, I propose to complete several tasks since we are in a magical land" Animations"

1st task "Collect cartoon character"

On the tables there were plates with cut-out pictures depicting cartoon characters, the children collected the picture.

Having collected the picture, name the hero and what he is from cartoon.

2nd task musical "Guess which one is from cartoon song»

The children listened to songs from cartoons(sang along happily) and guessed

3rd task - creating a collage "We love cartoons

Children cut out pictures depicting cartoon characters or scenes from cartoons and pasted it onto whatman paper to create a collective collage.

at the end of our little trip to the camp" Animations"Having completed three tasks, I propose to choose cartoon to view and watch it. This is our the event is over. The children were delighted!

Publications on the topic:

Event “Come on, girls” dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8 The event “Come on, girls” dedicated to International Women’s Day on March 8. Target. Formation of the right competitive ones.

On April 12, our group had a meeting with Denis Fedorovich Orlov, a pilot who devoted many years to the sky and airplanes. Not only that.

Event dedicated to Victory Day Summary of educational activities in the mixed-age group “Stars” Sports and educational event “The Road to Victory Day!”

SCENARIO OF AN EVENT DEDICATED TO VICTORY DAY Presenter: Dear children. Congratulations on the Great Victory Day! On this day - MAY 9 ended.

Event dedicated to Victory Day in the senior group Senior group event. Memorial Day. Goal: to expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the Great Patriotic War. Tasks: introduce.

Event dedicated to the Day of the Elderly“Old age must be respected.” The presenter enters to the music: Presenter. 1- Hello dear friends! Today is a special holiday, a day of respect and honor.

Objectives: To give children an idea of ​​who terrorists are, why September 3 is the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism; Continue teaching children.

Target: development of creative abilities, ingenuity, speed of reaction.

Equipment: audio equipment with recordings of melodies from cartoons, musical accompaniment, paper flags according to the number of participants, cardboard stars.

Characters: presenter, two teams of participants, jury.

The hall is decorated with drawings with episodes from children's favorite cartoons, drawn during art lessons. The song “Hello, childhood!” is played. to the words of M. Yasnov, music by I. Kosmachev from the cartoon “The Scarecrow-Meow”.

The host of the celebration comes out.


Hello, dear guys. Today we have gathered to remember our favorite animated films and their characters. This holiday will be held in the form of a competition between two teams. The teams came up with a name and motto for themselves in advance.

The competition participants come out, introduce themselves, and state their motto.


Our first competition is called “Guess the Melody”. You will listen to short excerpts of melodies from cartoons. Whoever guesses the name of the cartoon first raises his flag. For each correctly named cartoon, the team receives a star. The team with the most stars wins. Attention! You must remember the full correct name of the cartoon. The jury will monitor who raised the flag first and help us in all controversial issues.

A “Guess the Melody” competition is being held.


Our next competition is called “You Can’t Eliminate Words from a Song.” Now you will hear words from songs sung by cartoon characters. You need to name the character and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung. For each correctly guessed song, the team receives a star.

Competition You can’t erase words from a song

“I have water inside me. Well, why bother with me?” ( merman from the film “The Flying Ship”);

“But I don’t want to, I don’t want to for reasons of convenience! But I want it for love, for love!” ( Princess Zabava from the film “The Flying Ship”);

“The rain passed barefoot on the ground, the maples clapped on the shoulders” ( Leopold from the film “The Summer of Leopold the Cat”);

“I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking at the sun, I’m lying and lying” ( lion cub from the film “How the lion cub and the turtle sang a song”);

“Do you want some cake, do you want some ice cream” ( Vovka from the film “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom”);

“Oh, my poor Trubodurochka, look how thin the little figure has become! I’ll take care of you!” ( the king from the film “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians”);

“I’m not bored at all, I sing when I want! How cheerful I am, and my song!” ( mouse from the film “The Little Mouse’s Song”);

“I can’t think with my straw, I would like to ask Goodwin for some wisdom” ( Scarecrow from the film “The Wizard of Oz”);

“Neither waves nor wind scare me, I’m swimming to the only mother in the world” ( baby mammoth from the film “Mother for the Baby Mammoth”);

“Finally all dreams come true, my best gift is you” ( wolf from the film “Well, wait a minute!”);

“And it doesn’t matter what he does if he doesn’t lose weight, and he’ll never lose weight! Yes!" ( Winnie the Pooh from the film "Winnie the Pooh");

“You made an omission, apparently a wolf entered the room” ( goat from the film “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”);

“We are sailing on an ice floe like a brigantine across gray, harsh seas” ( Umka's mother bear from the film "Umka");

“If it weren’t for winter in cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days” ( Uncle Fyodor’s mother from the movie “Winter in Prostokvashino”).


And now we will hold a competition “With Baba Yaga.” Teams are given three minutes to think. During this time, they must remember as many cartoons as possible featuring Baba Yaga. Then the teams take turns naming cartoons; the same one cannot be named twice. For each cartoon named, the team receives a star. The team that scores more stars than its opponents wins this competition.

The competition “With Baba Yaga” is being held.


Our next competition is called “Everything is the other way around.” A small excerpt from the song has been changed, all phrases have been replaced with the opposite ones. The one who first guesses which song is encrypted raises the flag. For each song guessed correctly, the team receives a star.

Competition It's the other way around

Under the ground the cloud smiles, smiles, smiles,
Someday the sun will rise, someday the sun will rise.
(The cloud in the sky frowns, frowns, frowns,
Soon there will be thunder, soon there will be thunder.)

Sivka-Burka sadly died,
Sivka-Burka read the opera.
(Chunga-Changa lives happily,
Chunga-Changa sings songs.)

The pink tram is standing, rotating,
A slow ship is slowing down.
(The blue carriage runs, sways,
The fast train is picking up speed.)

To tears and hailstones in three streams
The funniest downpour will laugh.
(A smile will make everyone brighter,
The saddest rain will stop crying.)

They don’t want to be different from the flying piglets,
They don’t want to be different - looking, looking.
(They want to be like dancing ducklings,
They want to be similar not in vain, not in vain.)


Our fifth competition is called “Description”. Now you will hear a description of a cartoon character. You have to guess who it is. For each correctly guessed hero, the team receives an asterisk.

Competition Description

A small creature with very good hearing, he has a big green friend ( Cheburashka);

Sniper, weather forecaster, little friend of the big bear ( Piglet);

The little eared sly and prankster always leaves his enemy with his nose ( hare from the movie “Well, hare, wait a minute!”);

Little white child of a big white mother, dreams of finding a friend ( bear Umka);

Measurement measure for boa constrictors ( parrot from the movie "38 Parrots");

A very honest sailor ( Captain Vrungel);

A harmful woman, she has a rat with a human name ( old woman Shapoklyak).


The next competition is called “Song of Friendship”. Competitors need to remember as many songs about friendship as possible in five minutes. Teams will take turns naming songs, and for each song the team will receive a star.

The “Song of Friendship” competition is being held.


This competition is called "Names". Teams are given five minutes to remember as many human names of cartoon characters as possible. Then the teams take turns calling out the name and title of the cartoon, and for each name the team receives a star.

A “Names” competition is being held.


Our latest competition is called “Beyond Words” and is conducted as follows: the team stands in a row and turns away from the audience. I show the first player a picture of a character from a fairy tale. The neighboring player turns, the first one depicts a fairy-tale hero with gestures, and so on in the chain. The last one in the chain names out loud the hero he guessed. Attention! You can’t repeat the gestures with which you were depicted as a fairy-tale character, you need to come up with something of your own! Teams play in turns. For a correctly identified hero, the team receives a star.

Teams take turns portraying the following heroes: Pinocchio and Cheburashka.


This is where our game ends, I ask the teams to hand over their earned stars to the jury, who must count them and name the winning team.

The jury announces the winner, all players receive memorable prizes, dressed up girls perform ditties from Babok Ezhek from the film “The Flying Ship”.

Stretch your bellows, accordion!
Eh, play and play!
Sing ditties, Grandma Ezhka,
Sing, don't talk!
I was tipsy
And she flew on a broomstick.

Oh, I don’t believe it myself
These superstitions!
I walked along the forest side,
The devil is following me.
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil!

I walked along the forest side,
The devil is coming after me again.
I thought it was a man.
What the hell!

The most harmful of people -
This is a villain storyteller.
What a skilled liar...
It's a shame it's not tasty.

Stretch your bellows, accordion!
Eh, play and play!
Sing ditties, Grandma Ezhka,
Sing, don't talk!

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