Orxe orthodoxy sermon of christ presentation. Presentation for the lesson "Preaching Christ" presentation for the lesson on orxe (grade 3) on the topic

Objective of the lesson: acquaintance with the teachings of Christ.

Lesson objectives.

Educational: introduce children to the meaning of the words sermon, tablets, Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, Kingdom of God.

Developmental: to consolidate children’s understanding that the sacred attitude of believers to the texts of the Bible is due to the fact that they see in the Bible God’s appeal to humanity; the significance of the gospel stories for Christian culture.

Educational: continued work on mastering the difference between respectful and sacred attitudes towards objects in the Orthodox tradition. A conversation about the rules of behavior of people in the Orthodox tradition.

Key concepts of the lesson: sermon, tablets, Sermon on the Mount, Kingdom of God.

Lesson type: introduction to new material.

Lesson format: traditional.

Educational material: textbook “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”, M., “Enlightenment”, 2012, pp. 20–23.

Additional material: presentation for the lesson “Preaching Christ”, questions and assignments for the topic “Preaching Christ”.

Lesson equipment: multimedia projector, handouts: textbooks, “Questions and assignments on the topic of Preaching Christ.”

Lesson progress

First section of the lesson. Repetition of the previous lesson..

To repeat the lesson on the topic “Gospel”, the children are asked to remember the key words of the previous lesson, then look through the files from their homework with paintings of “The Last Supper” by Russian and foreign artists.

Second section of the lesson. New material.

1 slide. The guys read its name. Next, the teacher and students work together. Considering two works of artists, from which it is clear that the Lord taught different people. His teaching lived and lives always. In the work of I.K. Makarov, time was united by the teachings of Christ.

2, 3 slides. 2 slide. 1.Icon. Miracle in Cannes. 2. G. Dore. Healing the paralytic. 3. Healing the blind man. 4. Icon. Healing a withered hand. 3 slide. 1.G. Dore. Miracle of saturation with bread. 2. El Greco. Saint Veronica. 3. The miracle of catching fish. 4. I.E. Repin. Resurrection of Jairus' daughter. They talk about miracles performed by Jesus Christ. Children also talk about miracles here (from their homework). The sidebar on page 21 is read, the icon of the Raising of Lazarus by Christ on page 23 is examined.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the Savior performed miracles with those people who believed in God, from the depths of their hearts they desired His help; no one could help them.

4 slide. It contains a question that the guys answer themselves. They say that people then became evil, greedy, and vindictive. Teacher’s question: “What kind of people should they be?”

5 slide. What is the preaching of Christ? There were commandments By gift ena God to people.

6 slide. A job familiar to children. Finding roots in words and working on mastering these words.

The teacher and the children travel through time, telling who the commandments were given from God. Introduces the word tablets - clay tablets with inscriptions.

Slide 7 The children, looking at the icon of the prophet Moses, learn that it was to him that God gave the tablets with the Ten Commandments for the life of people on earth.

8 slide. Again in the lesson the question arises about the coming of the Savior to earth. Repeating a slide with a question is not a mistake. This is a way to draw attention to an important life issue. The answer this time is in slide 9.

Slide 9 The guys are having a conversation about what the Kingdom of Heaven is and where it is. Let the kids themselves tell everything they know about it. Only then proceed to reading in the tenth slide.

10 slide. In it, the children themselves read out what Jesus Christ taught. Here the children have questions that require an answer from the teacher.

11 slide. Takes us to Palestine, to a place near Capernaum. It was here that the sermon now known as the Sermon on the Mount was preached. The children very quickly discover the meaning of the word Nagornaya.

12 slide. The famous subject of the Sermon on the Mount in paintings by artists. Within the Orthodox tradition there is another name: “The Beatitudes.” With the children, the meaning of the word beatitude and its understanding in the Orthodox tradition are revealed.

13, 14 slides. Sermon on the Mount in two versions of the text. It is better if the teacher reads the left column and the children read the right column. Conversation about teaching in Sermon on the Mount. It is necessary to draw students' attention to the fact that this teaching (what people should be) is very modern. All these commandments must now be in demand by us. Everyone wants attention and kindness. And if we want it, it means that the people around us also need it. The guys can give examples from life that correspond to the commandments in the Sermon on the Mount.

Third section of the lesson. Fixing the material.

Slide 15 Completion of the work done. The Gospel is a book that keeps the secrets of life in the Orthodox tradition.

Work according to the textbook. Questions and answers in the box on page 23. It is important that the children determine novelty relationship between God and man. Answer on page 23 - Jesus Christ has come serve people. This is an important example for Christians of living the life of the Orthodox tradition.

The fourth section of lessons. Repetition.

The guys fill out “Questions and assignments on the topic of Preaching Christ.” Children need to be reminded of the opportunity to help each other, of their cooperation.

Fifth section of the lesson. Summing up.

The guys tell us what they learned and what they remember. They ask questions. Actively working students receive their favorite “pluses”. For those interested homework: look for artists’ works about the miracles of Jesus Christ the Savior.

Municipal Autonomous educational institution average secondary school No. 6 - Gelendzhik

Lesson summary

on the topic “Preaching Christ”

Prepared by:

Primary school teacher

Svechkareva L.V.

Lesson topic

Preaching Christ


Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”

Lesson type

lesson in gaining new knowledge.

Purpose of the lesson

  • To introduce students to the moral law given to people by Jesus Christ.
  • developing in students the ability to independently construct new methods of action based on the method of reflexive self-organization.

Lesson Objectives

  • introduce the words “Sermon on the Mount”.
  • to instill interest in Orthodox culture, to cultivate the moral values ​​of the teachings of Christ;
  • develop the ability to express one's point of view.


laptop, screen, projector, presentation for lesson

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework.

Slide 1-2.

Guys, tell me, what holy books did you get acquainted with in the last lesson?

How many of you have read the Bible at home?

Why is the Bible called the Book of Books?

What does the word "Covenant" mean?

How is the word "Gospel" translated?

III. Updating knowledge and motivation for activity.

What is the Gospel about?

Why was the Son of God - Jesus Christ - sent to earth?

What did Christ preach about on earth?

IV. Learning new material.

Slide 3.

- Formulate the topic of the lesson and set a goal.

Slide 4.

- What do you think the word “revenge” means? Revenge - revenge - place - remove, return to place, sweep, throw, compensate. Those. you were offended - you “returned” the insult, called you a name - “returned” the offensive word, hit you - “returned” the blow... It seems that everything is fair. But is this really so?

Working with the textbook pp. 20-21

« Do not resist evil. But whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you».

Slide 5.

Our grievances are the seeds of evil. Getting into the heart and not meeting resistance, resentment, like a weed, begins to grow very quickly, bloom and further disperse the seeds of evil. Therefore, all grievances must be immediately torn out of the heart (with a click - a pure heart). You need to sow the seeds of love and goodness in your heart, take care of them and protect them from the weeds of evil (on click - the guard). And for this we are given the mind. And we must keep it sober, and not allow evil feelings to take over our hearts. And a kind, pure heart will enlighten our mind.


Work in groups.

Task 1 group:What to do if you were offended?

Slide 7.

Task 2 group:What will we experience when we do not forgive the offender?

Slide 8.

Task for group 3:What kind of love can be called Christian?

Select the statements with which you agree. Explain your position.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

If you feel sorry for everyone, no health will be enough.

Only weak people take revenge, strong people know how to forgive.


Slide 9.

The main goal of human life is not to get rich. "Lay up not for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where no moth destroys and where thieves do not steal, forwhere your treasure is, there your heart will be also».

  • What did Christ understand by the expression “Treasures in heaven”?
  • How do you understand the expression “eternal spiritual treasures”?

Working with the textbook p.22.

Who do you see in this picture?

Tell us what is happening on the depicted hill or mountain?

Introduction to the concept of the Sermon on the Mount.

What else do you want to know while looking at the picture?

Let's try to voice this picture, make it come alive.

- How do you understand the words“Do not worry about tomorrow: your worry is enough for each day”?

Slide 11.

« Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind».

VIII. Reflection of activity

Slide 12.

- We draw the outline of the hand. Each finger means the answer to the question.

What new did you learn? (Big)

What did you like most? (Pointing)

What did you remember from the lesson? (Medium)

In what mood do we leave the lesson? (Nameless)

What didn't you like? (Little finger.)

Slide 2

Slide 3

Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ

Despite the fact that the words of Christ were spoken almost 2000 years ago, they are important for a person of any time.
About revenge:

  • You were offended, hit, called names - this happens often.
  • What should I do? Give back, take revenge?
  • Slide 4

    About revenge

    Should you always fight back? Should you always use force when defending yourself?
    Let's remember the situations in your life in which you used force and how it all ended.

  • Slide 5

    Let's think: what fills our world if we do not forgive the offender?

    • wars
    • anger
    • friendship
    • joy of life
    • murders
    • help in difficult times
    • peace
    • love
    • hatred
    • calmness
  • Slide 6

    A person who knows how to forgive develops the best qualities in himself:

    • Ability to love
    • The ability to understand another
    • Will always come to the rescue
    • Be loyal and good friend

    A person who does not know how to forgive develops the worst qualities in himself:

    • The ability to sow around yourself
    • Anger and hatred
    • The ability to betray
    • Ability to commit crimes
  • Slide 7

    Christ taught

    • “Do not resist evil. But whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.”
    • But if these few people did not exist, if everyone always took revenge for themselves, our world would become less humane.
    • Very few people have been able to live their lives in accordance with this advice of Christ.
    • Do you agree with this?
  • Slide 8

    About wealth

    • “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth does not destroy and where thieves do not steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
    • “Treasures in Heaven” are the good that man has done.
    • Such a treasure cannot be stolen. Your money or phone may be stolen. But the good deed you have done will remain yours forever.
  • Slide 9

    • Wealth, success, fame - everything will remain in this world: wealth will go to others or it will decay, fame will fade.
    • But she (the soul) brings her “bait” (good and bad deeds) to Heaven - before the face of God.
  • Slide 10

    Sermon on the Mount

    • These words were spoken by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount. One day Christ ascended a small mountain so that the people who came to Him could better hear His voice.
    • Many were surprised by the deep meaning and beauty of the words spoken and became disciples of Christ. It was they who later recorded this sermon in the Gospel.
  • Slide 12

    Testament of Christ

    • Previously, religious preachers talked about what sacrifices people should make to God or gods.
    • And the New Testament spoke about the sacrifice God Himself makes for people and for people. Christ did not just talk about such a sacrifice. He Himself became this victim.
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