Describe achievements in your work. How to describe professional achievements in a resume? Real examples for different professions

Listen to someone who has reviewed over 100,000 resumes throughout his career and really knows how to make a resume more compelling. Here, by the way, is my LinkedIn profile, see for yourself: mpritula.

But let's agree right away: no deception on your resume. Only honest information. How to make your resume really cool without cheating - about this in my life hacks.

Why almost perfect? Here are 10 tips I would give on this resume:

  • Take a photo on a plain background (white or gray).
  • Remove one phone. Why does a recruiter need to think about where to call?
  • Change your email to a personal one, not a company one.
  • Remove marital status.
  • Combine competencies and key experience. Reduce sentences to 7-10 words and format them as a list.
  • Remove recommendations.
  • Correct the misspelling of the word “company” in your last place of employment.
  • Reduce responsibilities to 10 lines.
  • Make the link short (,
  • Reduce the total length of your resume to two pages.

Making your resume more expensive

Now let's talk about what makes a resume more expensive. I advise people on how to improve their resume. Representatives of the most various positions: from ordinary sellers to company directors. Everyone makes the same mistakes. There wasn't a single resume for which I couldn't write 10 tips on how to improve it. Below I have collected the most frequent advice that I gave on the resumes sent.

10. Combine many jobs into one

It is considered normal if a person works for a company for 2–3 years. If he changes jobs more often, he may be called a job hopper. Recruiters don’t like such people, since about 70% of customers refuse to consider such candidates. And this is quite natural.

After a year of work, a person only begins to benefit the company.

Of course, everyone has the right to make mistakes, and a good resume may contain a couple of places where the candidate worked for 1–1.5 years. But if the entire resume looks like this, then its value is very low.

However, it often happens that a person has changed several job positions in one company or moved from company to company within a holding structure. Or was he studying project work, during which I changed several employers.

In such cases (and wherever possible), I recommend registering this as one place of work, with one name and common dates of work. And inside this block, you can unobtrusively show a change of positions, but in such a way that visually, during a quick inspection of the resume, there is no feeling of a frequent change of jobs.

11. Keep your resume to the ideal length

I believe that the ideal length of a resume is strictly two pages. One is too few, it is only permissible for students, and three is too many.

If everything is clear with one page - such a resume looks like a resume for a novice specialist - then with three, four, and so on pages, everything is not so obvious. And the answer is simple: the recruiter will look at only two pages 80% of the time. And it will only read what you indicated on these two pages. Therefore, no matter what you write on the third and subsequent pages, it will remain unnoticed. And if you write valuable information about yourself there, the recruiter will not know about it.

12. Share your achievements

If you remember only one sentence from my article, let it be about achievements. This immediately adds 50% value to your resume. The recruiter is simply not able to interview everyone who sent a resume. Therefore, the one who indicated his achievements and was able to thereby interest the recruiter will always win.

Achievements are your measurable ones, which are expressed in numbers, deadlines or significant qualitative changes in the company. They must be specific, measurable, impressive and relevant to the position.

Example of achievements:

  • In three months, I increased TV sales by 30% (store director).
  • Brought to market new product in four months, which helped me earn 800 thousand dollars in six months (marketing director).
  • Negotiated with suppliers and increased the deferment on payments by 30 days, saving the company on loans - $100 thousand monthly (purchaser).
  • Reduced staff turnover from 25 to 18% through employee engagement (HR).

13. Tell us about your personal qualities

Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to the personal qualities of an employee when selecting candidates. If you analyze what exactly you will be assessed at the interview, then most likely it will be like this:

  • 40% - lore;
  • 40% - personal qualities;
  • 20% - motivation (the desire to do this particular job in this particular company).

What are personal qualities? These are personal qualities of a person that contribute to effective implementation their responsibilities.

This includes: energy, openness, ability to work in a team, initiative, proactivity, and so on. Moreover, these are no longer empty words; at interviews, more and more often you will hear the following question: “Tell me about a situation in which you had to take responsibility and how you dealt with it.” This is called competency-based assessment.

Therefore, your personal qualities, especially if they correspond to those required by the vacancy, are extremely important. And if previously it was enough to simply list them, now this is no longer enough. Now we need to confirm their presence, so I recommend writing them like this (of course, you give your own examples, a mandatory rule: they all must be real and from the past):

  • Initiative: developed and implemented a strategy for the department to overcome the crisis when the head left.
  • Energy: My sales volume for 2014 was 30% above the department average.
  • Stress resistance: successfully negotiated with a client who refused seven managers, and concluded an agreement with him.
  • Leadership: conducted five management trainings and developed 10 managers from line employees.

Here it is important to write not many qualities, but qualities with examples. That is, examples here are more important than quantity.

14. Throw functional responsibilities from the job description into the trash!

Functional responsibilities that are indicated on a resume are usually the most banal and tedious thing. In 30% of cases they are copied from their own job description, in 50% of cases - from other people’s resumes or job descriptions, and only 20% really write them well on their own.

I always recommend writing down responsibilities, not areas of responsibility, and describing them in the form of actions that you performed. This is similar to achievements, but numbers are not required here, responsibilities may not be so impressive, and, naturally, these are not one-time actions.

Before writing them, I recommend reading several job openings to get an idea of ​​what is worth writing about. Next, write down the responsibilities in order of their importance: the most significant ones come first (strategy development, launching new products to the market), and the least significant ones come last (preparation of reports).

15. Sell your job title and company

Job titles and a list of companies are, in fact, exactly what a recruiter looks for in a resume in the first place. It’s like a buyer sliding his eyes along a store shelf in search of brands familiar to him (Nescafe, Procter & Gamble, Gallina Blanca, Mars, Snickers, Tide). It is on these lines that the recruiter forms the initial cost of the resume in his head and only then begins to look for details.

  • We write only the generally accepted name. If you work for Nails and Nuts LLC, which is an official dealer of Coca-Cola, then simply write Coca-Cola. Believe me, no one is interested in the legal name of the company.
  • We write the number of employees in brackets, for example: IBM (3,000 employees).
  • Under the name of the company, we write briefly in 7-10 words what it does. For example: one of the top 5 in the field of consumer lending.
  • If the company is little-known, but works with well-known brands, be sure to indicate this. For example: “Autosupersuperleasing” (leasing partner of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Honda). Name famous brands near an unknown company will significantly enhance the perception of the company.

16. Remove template phrases from the “Goal” section

Immediately after your contact information in your resume there is a section called “Goal”. Usually in this section they write template phrases like “Maximize your potential...”. Here you need to list a list of positions that interest you.

17. Always check your spelling

Typically, about 5% of all resumes I review contain errors:

  • basic grammatical errors (there was no spell check);
  • errors in the spelling of foreign words (only Russian spelling is checked);
  • errors in punctuation: a space before a comma, a comma between words without spaces;
  • in lists there are different punctuation marks at the end of the sentence (ideally there should be none; a period is placed after the last item in the list).

18. Save your resume in DOCX format and nothing else.

  • Not PDF - many recruiters make their edits or notes (salary expectations, their impressions of the candidate, information that was obtained during the interview) in the resume before sending it to the customer; they will not be able to add them to PDF.
  • Not ODT - may not open correctly on some computers.
  • No DOC is a sign that the resume is from the past (pre-Office 2007).
  • Not RTF - usually weighs more than alternatives.

19. Use a resume file name that is convenient for the recruiter

The title of the resume file must contain at least your last name and preferably your position. This will make it more convenient for the recruiter to search for a resume on his disk, send it, and so on. A little concern for the recruiter will definitely be noted. Again, this makes the resume a little more expensive in the eyes of the recruiter.

20. Show your value in your cover letter.

There are different opinions about cover letters. I always say this: good cover letter 20% of the time it can add value to a resume if it is written correctly. But it is not always necessary.

If you decide to write it, then here is a simple structure:

And if shown with an example, it could look like this:

Mistakes in your resume

Along with the secrets to increasing the value of a resume, there are things that make a resume significantly cheaper. Let's talk about some of them.

Nowadays, many job search sites allow you to download a resume created there. At the same time, they always add their logo and various fields for entering information into such a resume, which is not at all necessary for the resume. For example, gender. These resumes look like they're really cheap, so I don't recommend ever doing that.

21. Remove confusing abbreviations

When you work in a company for a long time, some of the abbreviations adopted in it already seem so familiar that you write them on your resume. But they are unfamiliar to the recruiter, so very important information is lost. Try to avoid abbreviations wherever possible.

22. Paraphrase cliched phrases

Very often you want to give in to temptation and stuff into your resume template phrases that can easily be found in any resume or job description. Avoid them as they are a waste of space to the recruiter.

Paraphrase, for example:

  • Result orientation = I always think about the result in my work.
  • Customer focus = the client always comes first for me = I put the client’s interests above my personal ones.
  • Communication skills = I can easily negotiate with any clients/colleagues = I can easily carry on conversations with clients.

23. Create a normal box

What distinguishes a professional from a child? A professional calls his mailbox by first and last name, and a child uses children’s words, nicknames from games and forums, and his date of birth.

Well, it is absolutely unacceptable to indicate your work mailbox. The recruiter in this case will interpret this nuance as follows: “I’m being fired from my job, and therefore I don’t have to be afraid and send my resume from my work email.”

24. Delete marital status, it is only of interest to visitors of dating sites

There is only one case when indicating marital status can play a positive role: if a young girl is looking for a job and wants to show that she will not go on maternity leave immediately after employment. In this case, you can indicate the presence of children.

The options “civil marriage” and “divorced” immediately reduce the cost of the resume, as additional questions arise.

The option “I have children” is written by very narrow-minded people, since all normal people are “”. :)

25. Explain the work experience gap.

You can’t just show a gap in work. You need to write why exactly it arose. The option “I’ll explain at the interview” is not suitable, since the recruiter, seeing the gap, will think the worst that could happen.

If there was a maternity leave between two jobs, we write that. By the way, if the maternity leave was without leaving for another job, there is no point in writing it at all. I don’t even recommend highlighting this in any particular way during an interview.

26. Remove the end date from the last place

This is the only resume trick that can be forgiven. It is believed that a person draws up a resume before dismissal and after dismissal simply does not update this date. In any case, the specified dismissal date will work against you.

27. Don’t write reasons for dismissals

There is no reason why reasons for dismissal need to be specified. No matter what you write there, the recruiter will always have suspicions about your desire to explain the reason for your dismissal. Or maybe you're lying?

28. Don't explain details of your resume.

It is not allowed to write explanations, comments, footnotes, etc. in your resume. Only dates, facts, achievements.

The worst thing that can happen is the “Recommendations” section and the phrase “I will provide it upon request.” What is the point of such a section? A list of recommenders is unnecessary. Nobody will call them before the interview with you. And after the interview, you will be able to provide this list if there is a request.

30. Remove tables and large indents

Tables in resumes were adopted in the early 2000s. Then the entire civilized world abandoned them. Don't act like a dinosaur.

Also, don't take up most of the summary with very large spaces on the left side of the document.

31. Leave the first jobs for your grandmother

For simplicity, I'll just describe how it would be OK:

  • Last place of work: 7–10 lines of responsibilities and 5–7 lines of achievements.
  • Previous place of work: 5-7 lines of responsibilities and 3-5 lines of achievements.
  • Place of work before last: 3–5 lines of responsibilities and 3 lines of achievements.
  • Other places of work: 3 lines + 3 lines of achievements, if they fall within the range of the last 10 years of work.
  • Everything that was before 10 years ago: only the names of companies and positions.
  • If in your career there were places of work that were not relevant to your current position, feel free to delete them. For example, now you are a marketing director, but you started 15 years ago as an engineer at a factory or a salesperson at the market.

32. Remove vocational school

If you studied at a vocational school, college, technical school, and then graduated from a university, show only the university.

33. Don’t show your resume to HR specialists you know if you’re not sure of their professionalism.

We have many HR specialists who consider themselves gurus and give advice left and right. Find out how many vacancies they filled themselves, how many people are interviewed on average per day. What books have you read about recruiting? How many of them were foreign?

If you receive answers like this:

  • more than 500 vacancies;
  • 5–10 per day;
  • more than five books (at least!);
  • Lou Adler, Bill Radin, Tony Byrne;

...then feel free to trust the advice!

I'm doing a little research, so in the comments to this post, write which of all the tips described was most valuable to you. This will help me understand your needs and write another cool article on how to sell yourself more during an interview.

P.S. Friends, thank you all for your comments. My colleague and I wrote a book where we shared even more advice. It is available at the link.

The article was visually designed by the genius of presentations

You may have heard that a resume should list your accomplishments, not your job responsibilities. After all, this is the best way to demonstrate what you have achieved in past jobs, as well as show potential employers what you can do for them. But many people forget to include a “Professional Achievements” section on their resume. How to write it in such a way as to interest the personnel officer as much as possible and get the desired position? Read on to find out all the details.

Relationship and difference between responsibilities and achievements

A simple example. Yours main responsibility- organizing and holding events. Then your achievement could be: “Collected more than 200 thousand rubles. from 100 visitors during a charity evening.”

Why is this so important? The person reading your resume needs to know more about you. Personnel officers already know what responsibilities are required for a specific position. When you list obvious facts, you are only wasting valuable space on your resume as well as the decision maker's attention. Each phrase about you should have a specific purpose, namely, to prove to the employer that you are the best candidate for the position.

Sphere of trade

Today it is not so difficult to make a product as to sell it. Therefore, trade-related professions benefit from huge demand, and offer job seekers prospects for high earnings and career growth. What professional achievements Will a salesperson's resume help you get the position you want?

Important rule

If you can't confirm, don't write. Recruiters often complain that applicants for sales positions lie too much on their resumes. If you are asked for proof of your outstanding achievements, you should be able to obtain another document from former employer, which will confirm your words.

The main achievement of any seller

For young professionals

If you cannot yet say that your activities have significantly influenced the turnover of the enterprise, you can still find something to write in the “Professional achievements” section of your resume. Examples:

  • “I developed a presentation “Enterprise Economics for Non-Economists” and presented it to management, and then to other employees, in order to improve the team’s understanding of the requirements of the accounting and analytical department.”
  • “Analyzed financial statements for the last 18 months, identified formatting errors and created a universal reporting template.”

Precision and accuracy

Professional achievements in an accountant's resume are also directly related to numbers, and timing and accuracy also play a big role. So their list might look like this:

For those who want to become an employee of a financial institution

Again, professional accomplishments on a resume are all about numbers and money. But in addition to this, it is important for the applicant to show that he knows how to work with people, has leadership qualities, and at the same time is a team player. After all, a bank is large company, consisting of many branches throughout the country, and all its employees must work harmoniously.

So here's how to describe your professional accomplishments on your resume. Example:

  • “In the first six months after employment, I sold 20% more financial services, than was set in terms of sales, through careful consideration of customer needs and working with regular customers.”
  • “Ensured an increase in the volume of mortgage lending to the business, which led to an increase in the profit of the bank branch by 2%”
  • “In 2014, I increased client base by 10% through telephone calls to potential clients, and encouraging the recommendation of the bank’s services by existing clients.”
  • “Trained a group of 5 new employees on the rules of documenting the issuance of loans.”
  • “I worked with 3 VIP clients of the bank, with a total turnover on their accounts of about 7 million rubles.”
  • “Took direct part in the design of 5 new loan packages to attract more potential borrowers.”

But you shouldn’t take a purely formal approach to filling out the “Professional Achievements” section of your resume. Example: you can also include a fact such as “Organized a corporate picnic for 120 people with a trip to a suburban sanatorium.” This achievement may seem to have very little to do with your professionalism, but in fact it will demonstrate to a potential employer that you have excellent organizational skills, support corporate culture, and have excellent relationships with the team, which is highly valued in

For the servants of Themis

The specialty of a lawyer is always very popular. In order for the recruiter to notice you among a bunch of other applicants, take a responsible approach to filling out the “Professional Achievements” section in your lawyer’s resume. Avoid general phrases and provide specific facts. Use the problem-action-result model.

How exactly do you use it when you're describing professional accomplishments on your resume? Example: instead of the phrase: “I completed legal research and drew up a statement from the plaintiff for the court to make a decision,” describe the situation like this: “I filed a claim in a case regarding the plaintiff’s receipt, as a result of which damage to health was caused, which is estimated at more than 100 thousand rubles. The court satisfied the victim’s demands.” The second formulation reveals your role in the matter much more fully and shows your competence.

If you do not have high-profile victories in court, and you work as an in-house lawyer for an enterprise, then concentrate on the benefits that the company received from your actions: contracts for large amounts, drawn up in accordance with the law and with the greatest benefit for your enterprise; successful solution controversial situations with suppliers, etc.

The “Results and Achievements” section of the resume contributes more than all other sections to achieving main goal- receiving an invitation to an interview.

Your professional results and achievements are your advantages over other candidates.

Moreover, this information increases the level of trust in you as a specialist and professional in your field who can be entrusted with a responsible task! This is especially important if you are applying for a leadership position.

Employers select candidates who can demonstrate that they are capable of achieving results and making a valuable contribution to the organization. They strive to deal only with bright professionals!

This is why it is so important to focus on describing the results and achievements in past jobs. Today, bare facts are not enough for employers. Therefore section "Results and achievements" should be on the resume of every specialist, and even those whose experience is quite limited!

We are not talking about any outstanding results. Achievement refers to any positive results that have been achieved through ability to achieve goals, initiative, or other special skills and knowledge.

How to make a list of your professional achievements?

When compiling a list of their own professional achievements, first-time candidates often find themselves stumped. At first it may seem that there are none. However, professional career consultants explain: achievements can be found in the experience of almost any candidate.

To make it easier for you to list your own accomplishments, try to answer all of the questions below.

  • Is there good reviews about my work?
  • What can I do better than anyone else?
  • In what situations do I take initiative?
  • Have I received thank you reviews or letters from clients or colleagues?
  • Was it the case that I was trusted to carry out important assignments? How often did this happen? What were the results?
  • Do I have any awards, promotions, titles (for example, employee of the month)?
  • Have I been involved in any significant project (such as a new product launch)? What was my contribution?
  • Was it so that major project was completed by me on time and within budget?
  • Was it the case that, on my initiative, business processes were changed with a subsequent increase in efficiency?
  • Did the company save time or money because of me?
  • What are the 10 most important achievements in my life, and what skills helped me achieve these results?
  • Do I have time to do all the things planned for the working day?
  • Am I often able to complete tasks in less time than planned?

As a result, you should have a fairly long list of your strengths, as well as the results you achieved thanks to your most developed competencies. Now select the results and achievements that best fit the profile of the job for which you are writing a resume.

And if you still have not written the answers to the proposed questions, then it is strongly recommended that you take the time to do so right now!

Firstly, you will prepare information for your resume. Secondly, questions like: “What are your 5 strengths?” “Why should we hire you?”, and also "Tell us about your achievements"- this is a classic interview.

In one form or another, these questions will definitely be asked during the interview, and you will have to give a reasoned answer to them, if, of course, you want to receive a job offer... Therefore, the answers to the above questions will provide you with invaluable help when describing professional results in your resume , and during the interview.

The secret formula “PROBLEM + ACTION = RESULT”!

After you have made a list of your achievements and strengths professional qualities, it is necessary to correctly describe them in the “Achievements and Results” section. This is where a very effective self-presentation technique comes to the rescue, called.

When describing your achievements, you need to briefly explain how it all began (problem or task), what actions you took to solve the problem, and what the result was. At the same time, it is important to make it clear to the employer what your role was in achieving the result.

Here are some examples of achievements that are described using the formula “Problem-Action-Result”:

"Developed new program professional and career development of employees resulting in growth non-material motivation personnel and a reduction in staff turnover by 11%" (personnel management)

“Daily processing of more than 85 requests to the technical support service with successful decision 95% of problems encountered by clients" (technical support specialist)

"Won two awards last year for excellent customer service" (service worker)

“I helped the loan processing manager call potential clients by phone. As a result, the volume of loans issued increased by 17%. (assistant credit manager)

“A new management system has been developed and implemented production process with an increase in production volumes by 20% and a reduction in costs by 8% (savings of more than 4 million rubles monthly)" (production technologist)

“I have developed an effective methodology for finding and attracting new clients. Trained sales representatives in effective sales techniques. As a result, the volume of concluded transactions increased by 16%, sales volume by 21%" (Head of Sales Department)

As you may have noticed, in almost every example there is a result that can be objectively measured, quantified. When results are described in this way, they inspire more confidence in the recruiter than unsubstantiated claims.

Therefore, it is important to avoid a common mistake. Achievements should not be described simply as statements of fact, such as this: “Increased such and such company indicator by 30%”. What a fantastic number is this? 30% ? Where did she come from?

To ensure that this formulation arouses greater interest and confidence in your candidacy, never forget about the formula “Problem-Action-Result”. In the example given, the first two components of this formula are missing.

Let's consider the option of working with a production technologist. This implies problem- inefficiency of technology. process. Eat action- development new system production management. And there is result- an increase in volumes by 20%, as well as costs reduced by 8% - saving money, and in fact - increasing profitability.

Results and achievements are described for each place of work separately - immediately after the description of responsibilities.

Finally, I would like to touch on another very important point for employment. This is the candidate's motivation to do this or that job. The professional achievements and results section helps to competently demonstrate to the company’s recruiter your motivation, and most importantly interest in my profession. Such candidates always have much more advantages over all other applicants and are more likely to receive invitations for interviews.

In this article I will tell you how to write a resume correctly in 2019 using specific examples. Resume samples can be downloaded in Word and easily edited.

Hello, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

As you already understood from the title, today we will talk about getting a job, namely competently writing a resume. There is a lot of literature on this subject on the Internet, but I did not find clear and understandable instructions. Therefore, I offer my instructions, compiled according to an accessible and simple algorithm.

Be sure to read the article to the end - the finale is waiting for you to download!

1. What is a resume and what is it for?

If you still don’t quite understand what a resume is, I suggest giving it a definition:

Resume- This brief self-presentation in writing of your professional skills, achievements and personal qualities that you plan to successfully implement at your future place of work in order to receive compensation for them (for example, in the form of money or another type of compensation)

In the past, I myself had to write a resume when applying for a job. After all, without this, no employer will even know about you and your professional skills.

I remember when I first sat down to write my resume, it took me a lot of time to compose it correctly and format it according to all standards. And since I like to understand everything thoroughly, I studied the issue of correct spelling very deeply. To do this, I talked with professional HR specialists and studied large number articles on the topic.

Now I know how to write a resume correctly and will gladly share it with you.

I am sharing with you samples of my resumes, which I wrote for myself personally:

(you can download them completely free)

Thanks to the fact that I could write professional resumes I have never had any difficulty getting a job. Therefore my knowledge is reinforced practical experience and are not dry academic theory.

So, what is the secret of writing good resume? Read about it below.

2. How to write a resume correctly - 10 simple steps

Before we move on to the steps, I want you to remember 3 main rules for successful resume writing:

Rule #1. Write the truth, but not the whole truth

Emphasize your strengths and don't mention your weaknesses too much. You will be asked about them at the interview, be prepared for this.

Rule #2. Stick to a clear structure

The resume is written on 1-2 sheets, no more. Therefore, try to briefly and succinctly present all the necessary information, even if there is a lot of it.

Take care of careful formatting of the resume text and its structured presentation. Because no one likes to read gobbledygook.

Rule #3. Be optimistic and cheerful

Positive people attract success. In your case, a new job.

So, let's move on to the structure of writing a resume.

Step 1. Resume title

Here you must write the word “Resume” itself and indicate for whom it was compiled.

All this is written on one line.

For example: Resume of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Then your potential employer will immediately understand who owns the resume. For example, you previously called a company you are interested in to find out if they still have this vacancy open. You were given a positive response and asked to send your resume.

At the end of the first step, your resume will look like this:

Step 2. Purpose of the resume

It is important to remember that your resume must have a purpose. It is correct to formulate it as follows (phrase):

The purpose of the resume is to apply for an accountant position

Since at this moment you are called that - an applicant, that is, a person job seeker, potentially claiming it.

At the end of the second step, your resume will look like this:

Step 3. Applicant and his data

In this paragraph you must write the following:

  • date of birth;
  • address;
  • contact phone number;
  • e-mail;
  • marital status.

At the end of step three, your resume should look like this:

Step 4. Education

If you have several entities, then write them in order.

For example:

Moscow state university, 2005-2010,

Speciality: accountant (bachelor)

Moscow State University, 2007-2013,

Speciality: translator in the field of professional communication (bachelor)

At this stage, your resume should look like this:

Step 5. Work experience

Please note that the column “work experience” is written in the resume starting from the very last place Your work, if it is not the only one, and begins with the period spent in this position.

For example:

Job title: Deputy Chief Accountant;

Job title: accountant

Now we have already written half of the resume, it should look like this:

Step 6. Job Responsibilities

This item in the resume is not always required if the vacancy for which you are applying is quite common, and you held a similar position in your previous place of work.

Sometimes this paragraph can be included in the previous one by writing your job responsibilities immediately after the position.

Step 7. Achievements at previous jobs

The “Achievements” item is one of the most important in a resume! It is much more important than education and even work experience.

Your potential employer wants to know what exactly they will pay you for wages. Therefore, it is very important to mention when writing a resume all significant achievements at previous jobs. At the same time, please note that it is correct to write in words that are so-called “markers” for employees personnel services reviewing your resume.

For example, the correct way to write:

  • increased sales volumes by 30 percent in 6 months;
  • developed and implemented new technology into production;
  • reduced equipment maintenance costs by 40%.

It is incorrect to write:

  • worked to increase sales;
  • took part in a project to create a new technology;
  • reduced equipment costs.

As you can see, it is also important to write specific numbers, since they very clearly reflect the essence of your achievements.

Now your resume looks something like this:

Step 8: Additional Information

Here you need to describe your strengths, professional knowledge and skills that will directly help you better and more efficiently perform the tasks assigned to you at your new place of work.

Usually the following is written here:

  1. Proficiency in computers and special programs. This is relevant for office workers and employees whose direct work is related to a PC. For example, for designers, accountants, programmers, office managers.
  2. Knowledge of foreign languages. If your future work involves reading, translating or communicating in a foreign language and you speak it to a certain extent, be sure to write about it. For example: English spoken.
  3. Availability of a car and driving skills. If your work involves business travel and you often have to drive a car, for example, while working sales representative, then you should indicate the presence of your car, as well as the category of driver’s license and experience.

Thus, in the additional information, along with computer skills and a foreign language, write: have a personal car, category B, 5 years of experience.

Step 9. Personal qualities

There is no need to describe too many qualities here, especially if they are not relevant to your future job. You may be a kind and sympathetic person who loves children and respects your friends, but a potential employer will not be interested in reading about your “heartiness” and rich inner world.

For example, if you are applying for the position of an accountant, then it would be good to write here: composure, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency, mathematical mind, ability to analyze.

If you are applying for a more creative profession, say, a designer or creator, then you should indicate here: a developed creative imagination, a sense of style, an unconventional view of a problem, healthy perfectionism.

It will be very cool if at the end of your resume you mention your full name. and positions of your previous managers, and also indicate them contact numbers so that your potential employer or his representative can verify your professionalism by receiving feedback about you from your previous immediate supervisors.

Even if your potential employer does not call your previous managers, the very fact of having contacts for recommendations will significantly increase his trust in you.

At the very end of your resume, you must indicate when you are ready to start work; here you can also indicate desired level wages.

The final look of your resume:

Congratulations! Your resume is 100% ready!

To find your dream job, you need to post your resume on Internet portals. A very convenient and simple site for finding a job is JOB.RU. Here you can very quickly and today receive your first call from an employer.

Finally, I will provide several sample resumes that can be slightly adjusted and immediately used to send to your potential employer.

3. 2019 resume samples for all occasions - 50 ready-made resumes!

Friends, I have a big gift for you - 50 ready-made resumes for the most common professions! All resume samples are very competently and professionally compiled by me personally and you can download them in Word completely free of charge. This is very convenient, now you don’t need to search for them on the Internet on different sites, since everything is in one place.

Enjoy it for your health! :)

And also you can use online service Simpledoc to . This service allows you to immediately send your resume to an employer or print it out.

Ready-made resume samples for downloading (.doc):

TOP 3 most downloaded resumes:

List of ready-made resumes for downloading:

  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 47 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 46 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)

“Give an example of your achievements” is one of the questions asked in a competency interview. This type of interview is a reliable and widely used method in personnel selection, which makes it possible to test the candidate’s professional competencies to successfully perform the job.

For those who have no experience with this type of interview, the main thing is to understand the basic concept:

In a behavioral interview, you must bring specific examples successful application of skills and abilities from past work experience.

This type of interview is based on the fact that, based on the employee’s past behavior in a given situation, his future behavior in a given situation can be predicted. new job. And all the candidate needs to do is is to give convincing examples, that clearly demonstrate the required competencies specified in the job description.

The most commonly tested competencies are:

  • communication skills
  • teamwork
  • initiative
  • leadership
  • problem solving skills
  • analytical thinking
  • stress resistance
  • time management
  • negotiation skills
  • planning
  • result-oriented
  • process oriented

For example, if the job profile requirements indicate that the candidate must be able to analyze, then the interviewer will definitely ask you to give an example of when you used this skill in your work and what results you achieved.

Competency questions begin with:

  • Tell me about a time when you...
  • Give me an example...
  • What steps have you taken...

Here are examples of the most popular questions:

  • Give an example of your achievements.
  • Describe a time when you had to overcome a major obstacle to achieve a result.
  • Tell me about a time when you had to juggle several important projects.

Most often, candidates do not pay due attention to competency issues. And in vain. After all, if you manage to pass and then fail the first behavioral question, you will still leave the interview empty-handed. Even if you have many years of experience labor activity, but without prepared examples you will not be able to make a favorable impression and confirm your competencies. It is quite difficult to answer such a question, because in your daily activities you cannot highlight or remember immediately without preparation something really worthwhile that you should tell a potential employer about.

Unfortunately, more often than not, it is candidates who are less competent, but with good training, who bypass more experienced employees. And to prevent this from happening to you, it’s time to remember everything and create a good story from your past work experience.

I recommend having at least three examples of the competencies listed in the vacancy in stock to highlight your strengths during the interview. The easiest way to effectively answer any behavioral interview question is to prepare three shining examples of your main achievements. Remember the most interesting projects, difficult tasks, problematic situations. If you have little experience, you can use examples during your studies or internship.

As always, we'll use the STAR method as a basis for storytelling, which will help you focus on key details and make your story structured, concise, and memorable.

3. RResults

Formulate the results of your actions: what happened, what was done, what you learned. Finally, it is very important that your good story according to the STAR method, there was always a happy ending, like in a fairy tale. The last part of your answer should describe the positive results of your actions. Specific results are always particularly impressive, for example: an increase in sales by 32%, a halving of the budget, etc. But you can also refer to a positive outcome through emotional evaluation, especially from the boss or clients. It will be the best way convince the interviewer that the story you tell is real. For example: m My client was very pleased, my manager appreciated my contribution to the final result and highly appreciated my work, etc.

Sample answer:

When I presented the new and improved reporting to my manager, he was so impressed that he couldn't believe I did it all myself in such a short period of time! I also received high praise from senior management and was included in our company's Talent Bank program.

6 tips: How to answer the question: Give an example of your achievements"

1) Take enough time to remember a vivid example from your past work or study experience. Select an example that truly demonstrates several competencies and personal qualities.

2) Listen carefully to the questions and if you do not understand, do not rush to answer, but ask for an explanation. This is better than answering the question in a completely different direction and giving irrelevant examples.

3) Be prepared for clarifying questions, as the interviewer will want to get more information from you and check whether your answers are genuine. Here are examples of such questions:

  • Tell me why you did it this way
  • Explain how you achieved this result
  • Do you think it could have been done differently?

4) Be specific. Don't try to answer in general terms that don't say anything about you. For example: " I consider myself a very responsible and organized employee, as I always achieve high results and complete assigned tasks on time.” Thus you do not answer the question posed. You can assume whatever you want, but you are required to give a real example from your past experience to prove your point.

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