Responsibilities of a cultural and leisure manager. Job Description Manager of Cultural Events

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

Far Eastern Federal University

Branch of the Far Eastern Federal University in Ussuriysk


Director of the Far Eastern Federal University branch

in Ussuriysk


"___" __________ 2011


specialist in cultural work


1. General provisions

1.1. A specialist in cultural and mass work (hereinafter referred to as a specialist in cultural and cultural activities) in his main activity solves the following tasks:

Implementation of educational programs with students of the FEFU branch in the city.

Ussuriysk in the field of cultural work;

Organizes and conducts cultural events throughout the branch;

Through its activities it contributes to the improvement of the educational environment

1.2. A person with a higher education professional education without any requirement for work experience.

1.3. Appointment to the position of a specialist in M&M management for educational work and release from it is carried out by order of the director of the branch on the proposal of the head of the department for educational work.

1.4. The CMR specialist reports directly to the head of the educational work department, who is his immediate superior.

1.5. A CMR specialist in his activities is guided by:

· Federal law"About Education"

· Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”

· Standard provision"About educational institution higher professional education (higher educational institution

· Labor Code RF

· FEFU Charter

· Collective agreement FEFU

· QMS documents of the university branch in accordance with the “Register of QMS documents of the Far Eastern Federal University”

· Methodological materials concerning issues of its activities

1.6. A CMR specialist should know:

· Structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects

· Reporting procedure

· Fundamentals of psychology and sociology of labor, fundamentals of management

· Internal labor regulations

· Rules and standards of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation

· Basics of working with computers and printing equipment

· Regulatory legal acts. other guidance and methodological documents and materials. regulating issues of functioning and development of the education system, including higher education

· The procedure for registration, maintenance, storage of documentation related to issues educational activities

· Methodology of working with youth

·Advanced educational technologies

1.7. During the absence of a CMR specialist (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise, who is responsible for their proper execution.

2. Functions

The functions of a CMR specialist are:

2.1. Participation in the preparation and conduct of cultural work with students.

2.2. Participation in the preparation of proposals for the development of educational activities, as well as in assessing its effectiveness.

2.3. Registration of established reporting

2.4. Ensuring compliance with the Institute's Quality Policy and Objectives.

2.5. Compliance with the requirements for the institute’s quality system.

3. Responsibilities

A CMR specialist performs the following work:

3.1. Develops scenarios for cultural mass events with students, conducts rehearsals, participates in the selection of material for special events with students of the branch.

3.2. Participates in the preparation of delegations from the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk for events of the parent university, as well as city, regional, regional and other levels.

3.3. Informs students of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk about upcoming events.

3.4. Interacts with the student government bodies of the branch regarding the organization of cultural events, takes part in the training of student leaders, provides them with pedagogical support and methodological assistance.

3.6. Acts as secretary of the Council for Educational Work of the Far Eastern Federal University branch in Ussuriysk.

3.7. Organizes performances by the propaganda team of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk to participate in fairs of educational services.

3.8. Performs individual official assignments on behalf of his immediate supervisor.

3.9. Conducts research and analysis:

Established documentation relating to educational work;

Participate in the development of long-term and current plans.

3.10. Participates in the preparation of proposals for the development of educational activities, as well as in assessing the effectiveness of these activities in the branch.

3.11. Prepares prescribed reports.

4. Rights

A CMR specialist has the right:

4.1. On behalf of the head of the department for educational work of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk, act on behalf of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk in relations with other organizations on issues related to educational activities.

4.2. Submit proposals to improve the work with youth of the university for consideration by the head of the department for educational work of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk.

4.3. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk, receive documents and information necessary for execution job responsibilities and right.

4.4. Receive benefits and incentives that apply to management employees.

5. Responsibility

The CMR specialist is responsible

5.1. For the performance, for failure to fulfill his official duties, for failure to comply with management orders, for inaction or failure to make decisions on issues within his competence in accordance with this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For compliance with labor regulations at the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk, compliance with safety instructions, fire safety and other labor protection rules developed and approved by the director of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk.

5.3. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out its activities within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. For causing material damage– within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. For timely implementation of the work plan, organization and quality of work.

5.6. For the protection of information on students’ personal data.

6. Working conditions

6.1. The work schedule of a CMR specialist is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the Far Eastern Federal University.

6.2. Due to production needs, a CMR specialist is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

7. Functional connections

To solve the problems of management of educational work, effective execution of his/her job responsibilities, the CMR specialist interacts and regulates his/her relationships

· With others structural divisions FEFU and the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk in accordance with the regulations of standard management procedures, the FEFU Charter, the FEFU register of processes and activities, these Regulations on solving production problems;

· With other structures of the city, region, region, country, whose activities are related to work in the field youth policy.

I have read the instructions: ________________________________________________

(signature, full name)

6. Familiarization sheet

Initials, surname official

Job title

Acquaintance period



7. Making changes

7.1. Revision registration sheet

Document code

Title of the document


Signature of the person who conducted the audit

7.2. Change registration sheet




branch of the Far Eastern Federal University in Ussuriysk

Deputy Director “01” September 2011 __________________

on economic



in educational


legal adviser




Head of Department

in educational

Sheet of registration of changes No. of changes Date of making the change, addition and audit Sheet numbers Document code Brief content of the change, note of the revision Full name, position, signature of the person who changed the document 1 2 3 4 5 6 OFFICIAL APPROVAL SHEET INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SPECIALIST FOR CULTURAL AND MASS WORK of the branch of the Far Eastern Federal University in Ussuriysk Position Full name Date of receipt of the document for approval Signature, date Comments, signature Deputy Director September 01, 2011 for economic issues and personnel management September 02, 2011 D. V. ZDOR Head of the department “01” September 2011 for educational work “02” September 2011 G. V. KHOMULLO Lead “01” September 2011 legal adviser G. K. DUBKO “02” September 2011 Head of Department “01” September 2011 HR “02” September 2011 E.S.

Job description of a cultural and leisure manager

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of May 2, 2015). To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use the directory of professional standards. Single qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees - Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in culture, art and cinematography - Qualification characteristics of positions of workers employed in cultural and leisure organizations, centers (houses) folk art), palaces and houses of culture, culture and recreation parks, leisure centers, cinemas and other similar organizations - Club-type cultural and leisure organizations (centralized (inter-settlement) club system), cultural and recreation parks, city gardens, other similar cultural and leisure organizations — Managerial positions Manager of cultural and leisure activities Job responsibilities.

Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 46, art. 2615; assembly law

Job responsibilities. Provides a range of services for cultural and leisure activities for the population. Develops a plan for artistic and entertainment programs taking into account the operating hours of the cultural and leisure organization. Develops scenario plans independently or attracts specialists to create scenarios for folk festivals, mass performances, theatrical festivals, entertainment programs, sports competitions, and other demonstration performances, using in their work innovative forms And modern methods leisure of the population.
Concludes, within its competence, agreements with concert and creative organizations for performances and theatrical performances. Cooperates with bodies and institutions of education, sports, social protection. Organizes advertising and informing the population about the organization’s plan of cultural events.

Eksd - cultural and leisure manager

Ussuriysk, receive documents and information necessary for the performance of official duties and rights. 4.4. Receive benefits and incentives that apply to management employees. 5. Responsibility The CMR specialist is responsible 5.1.

For the performance, for failure to fulfill his official duties, for failure to comply with management orders, for inaction or failure to make decisions on issues within his competence in accordance with this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. For compliance with labor regulations at the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk, compliance with safety instructions, fire safety and other labor protection rules developed and approved by the director of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk.

Ussuriysk. 5.3.

Job Descriptions


Qualification requirements. Leading manager for cultural and mass leisure - higher professional education (culture and art, pedagogical) and work experience as a manager for cultural and mass leisure of category I for at least 3 years. Manager of cultural and mass leisure of the 1st category - higher professional education (culture and art, pedagogical) and work experience as a manager of cultural and mass leisure of the 2nd category for at least 2 years. Manager of cultural and mass leisure category II - higher professional education (culture and arts, pedagogical) and work experience as a manager of cultural and mass leisure of at least 1 year or secondary vocational education (culture and arts, pedagogical) and work experience in the position manager of cultural and leisure activities for at least 2 years.

Cultural and Leisure Manager

Promotes self-sufficiency of cultural programs of the organization of cultural and leisure type. Maintains established reporting. Must know: laws and other regulations Russian Federation relating to the activities of cultural and leisure organizations, the structure of a cultural and leisure organization, forms and methods of organizing mass leisure activities for the population, scientific and technical achievements in the field of culture and art, the basics of management, management psychology, the basics of economics and management in the cultural and leisure sphere, market conditions market of leisure services to the population, basics of marketing, theory and practice of working with personnel, forms and methods of cultural work with the population, basics of pedagogy and psychology, forms and methods of conducting advertising campaigns, basics labor legislation, internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Far Eastern Federal University Branch of the Far Eastern Federal University in Ussuriysk “APPROVED” Director of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk “” 2011 JOB DESCRIPTION for a specialist in cultural and mass work in Ussuriysk 2011 1. General provisions 1.1. A specialist in cultural and mass work (hereinafter referred to as a specialist in cultural and cultural work) in his main activities solves the following tasks: - implementation of educational programs with students of the FEFU branch in Ussuriysk in the field of cultural and mass work; — organizes and conducts cultural events throughout the branch; — through its activities, it contributes to the improvement of the educational environment of the branch. 1.2.

Job description of a cultural and leisure manager

Category II is accepted (transferred) by a person who has a higher professional education (culture and arts, pedagogical) and work experience as a cultural and leisure manager of at least 1 year or a secondary vocational education (culture and arts, pedagogical) and work experience in the position cultural and leisure manager for at least 2 years; — category I manager is accepted (transferred) by a person who has a higher professional education (culture and art, pedagogical) and work experience as a category II cultural and mass leisure manager for at least 2 years; — the leading manager is hired (transferred) by a person who has a higher professional education (culture and art, pedagogical) and work experience as a category I cultural and mass leisure manager for at least 3 years. 1.3.

Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 46, art. 2615; assembly law

Develops scenario plans independently or attracts specialists to create scenarios for folk festivals, mass performances, theatrical events, entertainment programs, sports competitions, and other demonstration performances, using innovative forms and modern methods of leisure for the population in their work. Concludes, within its competence, agreements with concert and creative organizations for the staging of performances and theatrical performances. Cooperates with bodies and institutions of education, sports, and social protection.

Organizes advertising and informing the population about the organization’s plan of cultural events. It attracts sponsors for holding cultural events. Prepares cost estimates and business plans for holding cultural events.

Real estate

Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees (UN), 2017 Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in culture, art and cinematography” Section approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2011 N 251n Manager of cultural and leisure organizations of club type, cultural and recreation parks, city ​​gardens, other similar cultural and leisure organizations Contents Director of an amateur theater (studio) Job responsibilities. Provides a range of services for cultural and leisure activities for the population. Develops a plan for artistic and entertainment programs taking into account the operating hours of the cultural and leisure organization.

Job Descriptions

An event manager must be able to: - develop a concept and plan for events, special trips, seminars and exhibitions; - plan and organize promotional and festive events of various sizes; - draw up a detailed event program and describe the necessary means of executing the developed event program; - draw up a script and holiday program; - collect, study and analyze customer requirements; - monitor the effectiveness of project implementation; - pre-calculate the budget of the event being implemented; - present information to the client in an interesting and accessible form; - maintain constant communication with the client; - replenish information material of an advertising nature; - use reference books and Internet resources.1.8.

Job description of an event manager

The CMR specialist reports directly to the head of the educational work department, who is his immediate superior. 1.5. A KMR specialist in his activities is guided by: · Federal Law “On Education” · Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” · Model Regulations “On an Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (Higher Education Institution)” · Labor Code of the Russian Federation · Charter of the Far Eastern Federal University · Collective Agreement of the Far Eastern Federal University · QMS documents of the university branch in accordance with the “Register of QMS documents of the NFI FEFU” · Local legal acts · Methodological materials relating to issues of its activities · This job description 1.6.
The manager is held accountable: - for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; - for offenses committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; - for causing damage to an institution (organization) - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. . 6. Final provisions 6.1. This job description has been developed based on Qualification characteristics positions “Manager of cultural and mass leisure” (Unified qualification directory of positions for managers, specialists and employees.

Job Description Manager of Cultural Events

A CMR specialist must know: · The structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects · The procedure for compiling reports · The basics of psychology and sociology of labor, the basics of management · Internal labor regulations · Rules and norms of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation · Fundamentals of communication culture and work ethics · Fundamentals of working with computers and copying equipment · Regulatory legal acts. other guidance and methodological documents and materials. regulating issues of the functioning and development of the education system, including higher education · The procedure for registration, maintenance, storage of documentation related to educational issues · Methodology for working with youth · Advanced educational technologies 1.7.
Searches for the most profitable organizations in terms of cost, timing and quality of service that provide entertainment and customer service (providing necessary equipment for holding conferences and seminars, cultural and excursion services, meals, accommodation, transport services, concert programs, etc.).2.4. Establishes contacts with organizations providing services necessary for the implementation of projects; coordinates with them the main terms of contracts for the provision of services and ensures their conclusion.2.5. Tracks modern tendencies and innovations in organization corporate events and events.2.6.
Maintains statistics of organized events and prepares analytical reports and reports on projects.2.7. Immediately informs the head of the organization and interested parties about emergency incidents with participants during the event.
PR agencies and assessing the effectiveness of cooperation.

  • Development and implementation of concepts, ideas, mechanics and event scenarios that meet the set goals through close cooperation with event and PR agencies.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of activities, searching for ways to improve them.
  • Managing sponsorship projects: developing a sponsorship strategy; setting communication goals (including brand positioning, level of brand awareness); placement of promotional materials within sponsorship projects.
  • Participation in procurement procedures for services, preparation of tender documentation, close cooperation with the procurement department in order to achieve the best “task-budget-result” ratio.
  • Building relationships with other departments of the company: participation in professional clubs, general meetings, ceremonies, etc.

Rights of an event manager An event manager has the right to: 3.1. Undergo retraining and advanced training in the manner established by labor legislation and local regulations organizations.3.2. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its professional activities. 3.3. Request and receive documents, information, including software necessary to perform his official duties. 3.4.

Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by this job description for management's consideration. 3.5. Inform the manager about all shortcomings identified during the work process and make proposals for their elimination. 3.6. Interact with all services of the organization on issues of their professional activities.
Functional connections To solve the problems of management of educational work, to effectively perform his duties, the KMR specialist interacts and regulates his relations with other structural divisions of the Far Eastern Federal University and the Far Eastern Federal University branch in Ussuriysk in accordance with the regulations of standard management procedures, the Charter of the Far Eastern Federal University, the register of processes and types of activities of FEFU, these Regulations on solving production problems; · With other structures of the city, region, region, country, whose activities are related to work in the field of youth policy. I have read the instructions: (signature, full name) 6. Familiarization sheet Initials, surname of the official Position Period of familiarization Signature Date 7.
Making changes 7.1. Revision registration sheet No. Document code Document name REVISION Date Result Signature of the person who conducted the audit Full name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.2.

ECSD 2018. Revision dated April 9, 2018 (including those with changes that entered into force on July 1, 2018)
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use directory of professional standards

Cultural and Leisure Manager

Job responsibilities. Provides a range of services for cultural and leisure activities for the population. Develops a plan for artistic and entertainment programs taking into account the operating hours of the cultural and leisure organization. Develops scenario plans independently or attracts specialists to create scenarios for folk festivals, mass performances, theatrical events, entertainment programs, sports competitions, and other demonstration performances, using innovative forms and modern methods of leisure for the population in their work. Concludes, within its competence, agreements with concert and creative organizations for the staging of performances and theatrical performances. Cooperates with bodies and institutions of education, sports, and social protection. Organizes advertising and informing the population about the organization’s plan of cultural events. It attracts sponsors for holding cultural events. Prepares cost estimates and business plans for holding cultural events. Promotes self-sufficiency of cultural programs of the organization of cultural and leisure type. Maintains established reporting.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of cultural and leisure organizations, the structure of cultural and leisure organizations, forms and methods of organizing mass leisure for the population, scientific and technical achievements in the field of culture and art, the fundamentals of management, management psychology, the fundamentals of economics and management in the cultural and leisure sphere, market conditions for leisure services to the population, the basics of marketing, theory and practice of working with personnel, forms and methods of cultural and mass work with the population, basics of pedagogy and psychology, forms and methods of conducting advertising campaigns, basics of labor legislation, rules internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements.

Leading manager for cultural and mass leisure - higher professional education (culture and art, pedagogical) and work experience as a manager for cultural and mass leisure of category I for at least 3 years.

Manager of cultural and mass leisure of category I - higher professional education (culture and art, pedagogical) and work experience as a manager of cultural and mass leisure of category II for at least 2 years.

Manager of cultural and mass leisure of category II - higher professional education (culture and arts, pedagogical) and work experience as a manager of cultural and mass leisure of at least 1 year or secondary vocational education (culture and arts, pedagogical) and work experience in the position manager of cultural and leisure activities for at least 2 years.

Manager of cultural and mass leisure - secondary vocational education (culture and art, pedagogical) without presenting requirements for work experience.

Vacancies for the position of Cultural Leisure Manager on the all-Russian vacancy database

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