Sample resume for tourism manager. Tourism manager resume sample Professional skills in tourism

A tourism manager is a specialist who sells travel. You need to be charming, attentive and talkative, because most of your working time you will be communicating with clients, and the more you impress them, the more successful your work in the agency will be.

Your resume should briefly tell you the most essential things about you - the necessary experience, knowledge, abilities, skills, add a photo, a pleasant appearance guarantees that the client will contact you. It will also be an advantage specialized education, because a good tourism manager must navigate a huge amount of information about different countries, travel, types of recreation, and an analytical mind and a loose tongue will help you use this effectively, be sure to indicate these qualities in your resume. Write down which countries you have visited, the foreign languages ​​you speak, and your skills in working with clients in this industry.

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Download a sample resume for a tourism manager:

Grom Igor Petrovich
(Igor P. Grom)

Target: Filling the position of tourism manager


September 2000 – June 2006 Donetsk state university tourism and service, faculty tourism business, specialty - "tourism", specialist diploma (full-time department).

Additional education:

August 2006 Conversation courses English language at the language center “Two Days”.
August 2008 Training “What does a tourist need to know?” in the tourism development center of Sevastopol.


Assistant Tourism Manager

March 2006 – September 2008 travel company “Travel-for-ever”, Sevastopol
Functional responsibilities:
— work on the agency’s website;
— advertising placement;
— consulting clients;
— booking airline tickets, hotels;

Tourism Manager

September 2008 – present. travel company "Travel-for-ever" Sevastopol
Functional responsibilities:
active sales tourist tours around the world;
— personal selection of tours;
- extension client base;
— support of tourist groups.
Increased the number of clients, gained my client base.
Received the title " Best Manager company" in 2010 and 2011.
Published two articles in the magazine “Travel Together” in 2012.

Professional skills:

— Experienced user of office programs (MsWord, Excel, Adobe Photoshop);
— Experience with online ordering and booking systems;
— Personal travel experience (Greece, Türkiye, Cyprus, Croatia, USA);
— Experience working with children;
— Language skills: Russian language fluently; English – above average (spoken, written).

Personal qualities:

Love of travel, sociability, ability to win over;
Organizational skills, intelligence, pleasant appearance;
The ability to find an approach to the client and understand what he needs;
Ability to quickly assess a situation and make the right decision;
Good memory.

Additional information:

Marital status: married, no children.
Availability of a foreign passport: yes.
Willingness to travel: yes.
Life position: I go in for sports, no bad habits.

We hope that the sample resume we compiled for the position of tourism manager helped you in creating your resume for work. Return to section..

Tourism manager is a profession for very special people: passionate, romantic, and able to interest others. There is no place for tediousness, scrupulousness and despondency - after all, this is the sphere of recreation, and if the travel agency staff cannot create the appropriate atmosphere for their clients, there will be no sales at all. In order to present yourself from the right angles in your resume, the applicant simply needs to know the general and special rules for writing a tourism manager resume.

General rules for writing a resume

A resume is a document that presents the applicant not only by conveying its content to the employer - information about the individual, the level of his development in professional field with facts (graduated from an educational institution, worked in an organization where he gained experience). This document and “between the lines” contains a lot of information about the applicant. How neatly the text is formatted, whether there are errors and typos in it, whether the presentation style is followed and what this style is, will tell a competent psychologist (not necessarily having the appropriate education) almost more than the candidate’s track record.

Document structure

The most winning resume structure is classic. The information in such a document follows one another sequentially, from general to specific. Although, of course, every applicant is free to create his own resume in any form.

An original presentation of data, if not beyond reasonable limits, can serve as confirmation of the author’s creativity, his self-confidence, and the applicant’s refined taste. And these qualities are very welcome in a tourism manager.

The classic resume structure looks like this:

  1. The title of the document (“Resume”), it is also possible to indicate your own full name here. (“Resume of Yuri Vladimirovich Medeltsov”).
  2. The purpose of writing a resume is “Application for the position of tourism manager.”
  3. Personal details of the applicant:
    • age (in the format of date of birth or number of completed years);
    • place of residence (in short, just a locality is enough);
    • marital status and presence of children (names and ages are not required);
    • contact details (phone number and email address).
  4. Education - information about completed educational institutions(they must be listed in chronological order; the name of the institution, years of study, and specialty obtained are indicated). As an additional subsection, information about education can include information about courses taken, seminars and trainings attended.
  5. Work experience - information about all or the most basic (in terms of the relevance of experience for the desired position) places of work. They should be listed in reverse chronological order - from last to first. Indicated:
    • company name;
    • positions held with a decoding of the functions performed (decipher only for positions that are closest to the applicant);
    • start and dismissal dates.
  6. Professional skills - a list of all the knowledge and skills the applicant has that could be useful when working in the desired position.
  7. Personal qualities that, in the opinion of the employer, are inherent in an ideal representative of this profession.
  8. Additional information about the applicant from among those that are not listed in mandatory requirements for a position, however, it can play a role if several candidates are in an equal position - having a driver’s license and a personal car, willingness to travel, information about hobbies related to the functions of the position being sought (for a manager - sports, tourism), etc.
  9. Recommendations from previous places of work - attachments to a resume in the form of characteristics from former superiors or simply contact information of former colleagues who can confirm the professional suitability of the applicant.

A photo of the applicant in a resume is an optional element, but it can be used as an advantage. A high-quality photograph with a distinctly business-like nature will positively characterize a representative of any profession. For tourism specialists, it is acceptable or even desirable to attach a photo in which the applicant is smiling - this will confirm his friendliness and openness to communication with the client.

Sample document format

The principles of writing a resume generally correspond to the basic rules for drawing up business documents. In other words, a correctly written resume characterizes the applicant as a person who is familiar with office work, neat, competent and responsible.

Among the most important principles for designing a resume and selecting information to fill it out:

  1. Compliance with grammar and spelling rules. Literacy speaks both about the level of education of the applicant and about his intellectual level.
  2. Avoid typos. The text should be carefully proofread before sending (preferably several times), or you can check it with a specialized program.
  3. Uniformity of text format. Font size and style, line spacing, heading styles and indentations - all this should be brought into a single form. Sloppy design speaks either of the applicant’s inability to handle standard office programs, or of a corresponding quality of his character. However, neither one nor the second is to the taste of most employers.
  4. Brevity. The absence of unnecessary information in a resume and the ability to highlight the main thing are important qualities for an applicant of any profession. In addition, it is rare that an employer has enough patience to read an overly lengthy resume to the end, because in the process of selecting a candidate, he looks through dozens or even hundreds of them. The recommended length of a resume is 1–1.5 printed pages.
  5. Certainty and reasonableness of requirements for working conditions. It is quite acceptable and even advisable to indicate a minimum size in your resume desired salary. It should not be too low (a good specialist knows his worth), but also not “exorbitant” (requests that do not correspond to reality are a sign of a not entirely adequate person). In addition to the level of remuneration, you can indicate a few more fundamental important conditions, however, it is not recommended to provide a broad list of requirements.

Recruitment specialists do not recommend using the same resume when looking for work in several areas of activity at once. It is better to draw up a separate presentation document for each position sought - this will not only allow you to highlight the necessary skills and qualities, but also not look like an uninterested or unprofessional employee in the eyes of potential employers.

A cover letter for a resume is another sign of an applicant who is serious about work and familiar with the rules of business document flow. True, not all companies will appreciate the presence of this document - rather, only those that have already begun to focus on Western trends. In addition, willy-nilly you will have to compose cover letter for those who send their resume as an attached file by mail.

The document usually contains:

  • name and address of the company - the potential employer;
  • Full name and the address of the sender - the applicant;
  • the name of the position for which the candidate is applying;
  • information about the source of information about the availability of a vacancy;
  • request to notify about the decision in writing (optional).

Features of writing a tourism manager resume

Tourism industry specialist - worker travel agency or a tour operator producing and selling services for citizens and companies in the field of tourism. There are several areas of management in tourism:

  • creation of tours - selection of a range of services for tourists, execution of contracts with contractors, creation advertising products on the tour (this is usually done by tour operator companies, and, accordingly, their employees);
  • sale of tours - working with clients-citizens, selling vouchers, processing relevant papers (this is the function of travel agencies and their employee managers).

In practice, many travel agencies combine the functions of a tour operator and a travel agency. However, the staff of such companies is still divided into two groups - managers-creators who accompany the tour, and managers-implementers.

The rules for writing a resume for a tourism manager depend to some extent on the direction - the creation or implementation of tours. However, there is also much in common - the priority of work experience in the tourism field, skills and knowledge in the field of geography and foreign languages, and attaching great importance to certain personal qualities.


As a rule, employers do not attach much importance to the fact that an applicant has a specialized education. But there is a specialty of the same name in universities, it is called “Tourism Management”.

Candidates with higher education in law, economics, and psychology will have a high chance of being approved by the employer. Quite acceptable specialties are “Hotel Management”, “Geography”, “International Law”. But the lack of such education will be more than compensated by active participation in courses and trainings in business, marketing, and sales psychology.


Experience in the tourism industry can be safely called a “pass ticket” to work as a manager. However, only long-term labor cooperation with serious consideration will be taken into account travel company without signs of dismissal for guilty actions. It’s even better if recommendations from former management are attached to your resume. Job responsibilities at the previous place of work should be described in detail.

In addition, without unnecessary modesty, you need to point out your own labor successes. Among them there may be not only achievements confirmed by an official document (gratitude, certificates of honor), but also simply an indication of consistently high production indicators, implementation of plans, developed and successfully implemented new work methods and products.

The absence of an indication of work experience in a manager’s resume can, in a sense, be compensated by an emphasis on quickly assimilating new information and the ability to successfully learn in a short time.

Professional skills

The priority professional skills of a tourism manager for a resume depend to the greatest extent on the functional focus of the position being sought. If this is the development and support of tours (profile of a tour operator company), highest value the employer will give:

  • knowledge in the field of geography;
  • fluent command of one or more foreign languages ​​(it is better if English is among them);
  • knowledge in the field of hotel booking rules, rules for transporting tourists;
  • ability to negotiate and conclude contracts;
  • knowledge of the basics of international and domestic contract law;
  • confident computer skills;
  • skills of advertising on the Internet and information directories.

For a specialist selling travel packages (travel agency profile), it is much more important:

  • knowledge of the basics of sales psychology;
  • knowledge in the field of marketing;
  • knowledge of all major tour operators;
  • oratory skills - the ability to colorfully describe the tour, its advantages and disadvantages;
  • basic knowledge in the field of contract law, document flow of the organization.

Personal qualities

A tourism manager is a specialist who primarily works with people, so the emphasis in the resume should be on personal qualities that are standard for such professions:

  • communication skills;
  • openness;
  • goodwill;
  • responsiveness;
  • stress resistance;
  • non-conflict;
  • self-confidence;
  • optimism;
  • punctuality;
  • self-organization;
  • creative approach to business;
  • sense of humor;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • focus on results.

You shouldn’t include too many positive personal qualities in your resume - you should remember to have a sense of proportion. It is necessary to highlight only those priority ones that exist in reality or, with sufficient motivation, can be developed in short term. Remember that the presence of many personal qualities is easily verified at the first meeting, but at the same time, sincerity is highly valued by both employers and clients.

What should you not write about in a manager's resume?

  1. There is no need to indicate unnecessary personal details that are not related to labor activity in the position being sought (for example, if a resume is not submitted for a model position, information about body parameters - weight, height, etc.) will be unnecessary;
  2. You should not list too many jobs. The employer may think that the employee due to some psychological or professional characteristics cannot fit into any team. In addition, overloading a resume with information about minor episodes of work activity is simply irrational.
  3. You should not indicate the reasons for leaving previous jobs - this may become a reason for an incorrect assessment of the personality and professionalism of the applicant.
  4. Giving a broad list of requirements for the employer and working conditions is a dangerous move. Only well-known professionals in their field can afford this. For others, this can be a fatal mistake.

Tourism managers are not recommended to demonstrate in any way their negative or indifferent attitude towards sports, travel, or a healthy lifestyle in their resume. On the contrary, you should in every possible way emphasize your own curiosity, passion for understanding the world, personal experience travel.

When compiling a resume for the position of tourism manager, the applicant must take into account both the rules of self-presentation common to all professions, and specific recommendations related to tourism workers. You should present yourself with an emphasis on basic experience in the field of geography, travel, communication skills, including with foreigners, as well as character traits characteristic of an active person.

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Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of tourism manager (an experienced specialist or a newcomer without work experience) will help you. Competent resume will greatly improve your chances of getting hired.

Tourism manager resume template is available in two types

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what doesn’t. This tourism manager resume template is practice-tested.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a tourism manager.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find good job, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our example of how to write a tourism manager resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a tourism manager resume sample, click on the link below.

The main responsibility of a travel manager is to sell travel and vacation packages to their clients. Due to the fact that a person in this profession has to communicate a lot with a large number of people, he needs to be charming, talkative and attentive. The main thing in this work is to establish normal relationships with the client, to win him over. The faster you can do this, the more successful your career at work will be.

The applicant's resume should reveal everything necessary qualities person planning to take this position - a number of necessary knowledge and abilities, skills, and certain experience in this area. It is advisable to attach a photo to your resume, since a good appearance will allow you to establish a relationship with the client much faster. It's better to have a diploma higher education in the relevant specialty - this will make it much easier to get the position of tourism manager. This specialist must be familiar with information regarding countries, types of travel, and types of tourist holidays. All this information will be useful when communicating with clients.

Information can be presented correctly only if a person has an analytical mind and can communicate this information to other people in an accessible manner. It is advisable to tell the employer about which countries you have already visited and about the foreign languages ​​that the applicant can speak. In addition to these data, customer service skills in this area are a very important point.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with an example of a tourism manager resume.

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