Equipment and design of the speech therapist's office. Equipment for a speech therapy room in a preschool Decoration for a preschool speech therapist's office

In a children's educational institution, this is an important part of the productive work of a speech therapist. There are a number of requirements for offices (sanitary, Federal State Educational Standards, and so on), but they allow a specialist to think through the design so that it is convenient to work.

Areas of work

The design of a speech therapy room in a kindergarten, school or child development center must correspond to the areas of work of the speech therapist teacher and the goals of the classes. An optimal correctional and developmental environment and a favorable psychological atmosphere must be created in the office for fruitful work with children and the successful correction or mitigation of existing disorders.

The speech therapist conducts both individual and group correctional classes, examines children to identify violations and develop an individual correction program, and provides advisory assistance to parents and teachers. The design of the speech therapy room should ensure these tasks. Thus, information stands for teachers, accessible useful information for parents, an area for correctional work with children, and so on are needed.

All types of games are actively used to develop speech activity, so the room should be divided into several zones for ease of work. At a minimum, it is necessary to equip a place to improve speech skills, which helps normalize the functioning of the vocal and respiratory apparatus, coordination, helps improve facial muscles, which activates the performance of muscle tissue, and also requires an area for eliminating psychological barriers, which helps improve cognitive mental processes.

Proper design of a speech therapy room in a school and other public or private educational institutions is important for the formation and improvement of speech. Classes with a specialist will allow you to consolidate and expand your vocabulary in various lexical areas, stimulate the use of the proposed word formation skills and ready-made constructions.

Main areas of the office

The design of a speech therapy room necessarily involves division into several zones.

  • Sound pronunciation correction area (must be equipped with teaching aids and mirrors necessary for differentiation and automation of delivered sounds).
  • Diagnostics and correction area (tables for diagnostics and individual work, cabinets with didactic material, educational games, specially selected taking into account the characteristics of children by age, as well as areas of correctional work).
  • Area of ​​advisory work with teachers and parents.
  • Zone of organizational and planning activities (necessary to ensure effective organization professional activity). Here you can place a schedule of individual work, useful tips, and a to-do list.
  • Play therapy area (today art therapy is actively used, which combines the artistic activities of children, including music and drawing, so it is desirable to have pencils, markers, paper, paints, plasticine and related stationery in the office).

Any of these zones can be decorated with your own hands with a little effort.

Office requirements

The design of a speech therapy room in a kindergarten or school is determined by the requirements imposed by law. The most important condition for the effective organization of the educational process is the introduction of modern interactive devices into the work, which ensure rapid processing of information.

There should be no foreign objects that distract from correctional work. The design of a speech therapy room should create a working mood in the child, a positive attitude towards the educational process, and not cause discomfort. This important condition to ensure the effectiveness of correctional work.

The school office must comply with the approved sanitary standards. The teacher cannot independently extend the duration of individual or group lessons. It is also prohibited to make various abbreviations.

Benefits and devices according to the Federal State Educational Standard

When designing a speech therapy room, it is necessary to use recommended aids and devices. To form the correct sound pronunciation, for example, a kit is useful methodological manuals and publications for working with breathing, inflatable toys and special albums for differentiating sounds.

To study literacy and better understand pronunciation, alphabets, developing diagrams and images are needed. To master computer literacy, the Federal State Educational Standard recommends using the “Wunderkind” interactive sensory complex. Modern interactive boards, special pictures, signal circles, aids for establishing the sound in individual words, and the like are necessary for the development of phonemic awareness in a child.

To develop visual attention and memory, various types of game elements, puzzles, pictures cut into pieces of various configurations, prefabricated pictures, special cards are usually used (example above - you can make such cards yourself). Colorful plot images and sets of texts for retelling will be useful in the process of forming coherent speech.

We need items to develop visual memory and attention; we will need various game elements, prefabricated puzzles and pictures, cut-up pictures. In addition to colorful visual aids, a modern speech therapist’s office should be equipped with suitable furniture, gaming devices, specialized equipment, preferably interactive whiteboard and screen-sound teaching aids.

Example: DIY puzzles

To make the simplest puzzles, just print the required picture on thick cardboard (the result is a more durable material than printing on paper) and cut it into any number of pieces. Pack each puzzle in a paper envelope, on which, for clarity, you can paste (print) a copy of the picture that will be obtained if you assemble the parts correctly.

By the way, interesting puzzles can be made using popsicle sticks (photo above). You can print a picture of a suitable size, stick it on wooden sticks, and then cut it. Such sets are durable, made of natural material, and easy to store.

Items for development

The design of a speech therapist's office should be a cross between a children's room and a classroom. This will create the most productive atmosphere for group and individual correctional classes. For the development of children you will need:

  • Mirrors. They contribute to the development of speech skills, as they allow you to observe facial and articulatory movements. An example of an interesting mirror that you can make with your own hands using a special tool can be seen in the photo below.
  • Soap bubbles, various pinwheels (tools for the development of speech breathing).
  • Tables with toys that differ in color, weight, shape, size (develop tactile sensations).
  • Modern interactive devices.

What you can do with your own hands

It is very easy to make many visual aids for decorating a speech therapy room with your own hands. These are colorful tables with sounds, images and useful information. A great idea is a magnetic or cork board and a set of cards so that you can work more effectively with children and not clutter the office with a large number of tables that distract from work.

To design a speech therapy room (photos will help the teacher decide on the best option) on our own you can purchase bright buttons for a cork board, cardboard and colored paper to create the necessary cards (it is better to print some materials in advance on a color printer rather than draw them yourself), the board itself and the frame.

DIY drawing board

From an ordinary piece of plywood, using special paint, you can make a board for drawing with chalk. Buying a finished board will cost a hefty sum, but the one you make yourself is no different from the factory version. The base (it can even be ordinary cardboard) needs to be painted with a mixture of the following ingredients: one tablespoon of water, two tablespoons of alabaster, three tablespoons of black acrylic paint.

First you need to mix alabaster and water in a ratio of one part to two, then gradually introduce this mixture into the paint. If the mass turns out to be too dense, you can add a little water. The point here is that different colors have different densities. The paint is applied to the base with a brush. Everything needs to be done quickly enough, because the composition quickly begins to thicken, which significantly complicates the work.

For durability, it is better to apply three coats of paint. After drying, you need to rub the board with chalk and then wipe it with a dry towel. This is necessary to harden the surface. It is advisable to insert the painted base into a frame so that the board looks neat.


speech therapy room

MBOU "Secondary School No. 4

Beleva, Tula region"

Teacher-speech therapist: Dorofeeva Ekaterina Vitalievna

Short description

Speech therapy room with a total area of ​​12.0 m2. The office provides one teacher’s workplace, 6 workplaces for subgroup work with children and 2 workplaces for individual lessons.

The speech therapy room provides subgroup and individual classes with children up to school age 6 - 7 years old and students in grades 1-4.

The main purpose of a speech therapy room is to create rational conditions that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard: a spatial environment that develops subject matter must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Speech therapy office occupancy schedule






Rules for using the speech therapy room

Keys to the office in two copies (one for the speech therapist, the second for the deputy director for internal affairs management)

Wet cleaning of the office is carried out 2 times a week;

The office is ventilated daily;

Before and after each use, speech therapy probes and spatulas are treated with medical alcohol and in a sterilizer;

The office is equipped with an area for subgroup classes, an area for individual classes, and a play area;

At the end of the working day, check that windows are closed and electrical appliances are turned off.

The speech therapy room is intended for:

1. Conducting a diagnostic examination of the speech development of older children preschool age And junior schoolchildren, providing assistance in mastering general education programs to students with various oral and written speech disorders (primary).
2. Conducting subgroup and individual classes of a speech therapist with children.

Tasks of correctional work:

1) Development of general voluntary movements. Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements, speed and smoothness of switching from one movement to another.

2) Development of fine differentiated movements of the hand and fingers.

3) Formation of the psychological basis of speech. Development of cognitive mental processes: attention, perception and memory of different modalities, thinking, imagination.

4) Development of the speech apparatus. Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements of the articulatory, respiratory and vocal sections of the speech apparatus, coordinating their work.

5) Development of facial muscles. Normalization of muscle tone, formation of expressive facial expressions.

6) Formation of correct sound pronunciation. Production, automation of sounds, their differentiation.

7) Development of phonemic processes. Learning to recognize, distinguish, isolate sounds and syllables in speech, determine the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word.

8) Formation of the syllabic structure of the word. Training in pronunciation and analysis of words of various syllable structures.

9) Development and improvement of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Forming the ability to understand sentences, logical and grammatical constructions of varying degrees of complexity, clarifying, consolidating, expanding the vocabulary on lexical topics, intensifying the use of prepositional constructions, word formation skills, inflection, composing sentences and stories.

10) Preparing for literacy. Formation of the ability to establish a connection between sound and letter, skills of sound-letter analysis, continuous reading with an understanding of the meaning of what is read.

11) Timely prevention and overcoming difficulties in students’ mastery of general education programs.

3. Consultative work of the teacher - speech therapist with parents (conversations, demonstration of techniques for individual correctional work with the child).
4. Consultative work of the teacher - speech therapist with teachers.

Speech therapy room equipment

Individual work area

1. Lamp for illuminating the speech therapy mirror in the office, length 65 cm - 1 pc.

2. Quartz sterilizer for speech therapy instruments - 1 pc.

3. A set of staging probes according to the method of L.S. Volkova 7 pcs + ball probe - 1 set.

4. Set of massage probes 12 pcs. (full size) -1 set.

5. Speech therapy table Lux - 1 pc.

6. Speech therapy hippopotamus “Zhu-zha” - 1 piece

7. Speech therapy “navigator” of the tongue - 1 pc.

8. Case for storing probes - 2 pcs.

9. Rubber-plastic mouth expanders - 4 pcs.

10. Speech therapy cross (Made in USA) - 1 piece

11.A device for controlling your own speech and developing phonemic hearingWhisperPhoneElement(made in USA) -2 pcs.

12. Koritsky spatula, stainless, polished - 1 pc.

13. -1 pc.

14.Attachment for speech therapy massager Z-Vibe for massage of the tongue hollow - 1 pc.

15. Ribbed attachment for speech therapy massager Z-Vibe - 1 pc.

16. A book with illustrations on the use of the Z-Vibe speech therapy massager - 1 pc.

17.Battery for electric massager Z-Vibe

18. Probe for sound P (2 balls) - 1 pc.

Cabinet equipment

1. Single-element wall board - 1 pc.

3. Cabinet for teaching aids - 1 pc.

4.Teacher's table with cabinet with hanging cabinet - 1 pc.

5. Semicircular table with adjustable legs - 2 pcs.

6.Individual mirror for speech therapy sessions 15x21 cm - 6 pcs.

7. Children’s chairs – 6 pcs.

8. Upholstered chairs - 4 pcs.

9. Computer x 1

10. Speech therapy massage ball - 4 pcs.

11. Massager “Miracle roller” - 4 pcs.

12. A device to help teach correct speech breathing “Nasal flute” - 4 pcs.

13. Soft nose clip - 4 pcs.

14. Tongue horn “Clown” - 2 pcs.

15. Set of pipes - 2 pcs.

16. Device for the development of speech breathing - “lip whistle” - 4 pcs.

17. Toy for the development of speech breathing “Flying ball” - 4 pcs.

18. Rubber dummy of the oral cavity for speech therapy sessions - 1 pc.

19. Ball with elastic bands for the development of motor skills in a child - 1 pc.

20. Toy for the development of fine motor skills "Kapitoshka" -2 pcs.


I . Regulatory documents at the Federal level (electronic media)

    Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 “On Education” (with amendments and additions).

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2003. No. 24 “On the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN”

    Provision of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Constitution Russian Federation

    Regulations on the rights and standards of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of San Pin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” dated December 29. 2010 No. 189 (Extract).

II . Regulatory and legal support for the activities of a speech therapist in a secondary school (electronic media)

    Labor Code RF dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended by Federal Law dated June 30, 2006 No. 90-FZ) (Extract)

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 No. 191 “On the duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work per wage wages) teaching staff of educational institutions" (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 49 "On amendments and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation") (Extract)

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2006 No. 69 “On the peculiarities of working hours and rest time for teaching and other employees of educational institutions” (Extract)

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Extract)

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 “On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which a labor pension is assigned early” (Extract)

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2002 N 724 “On the duration of the annual basic extended paid leave provided teaching staff educational institutions" (Extract)

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2000 N 3570 Regulations “On approval of the regulations on the procedure and conditions for granting teaching staff of educational institutions long-term leave for a period of up to one year” (Extract)

III . Regulatory and legal support for the professional activities of a speech therapist teacher as an employee of a secondary school (electronic media)

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of the speech therapy center of a general education institution.”

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 1998 No. 20-58-07 in/20-4 “On speech therapists and educational psychologists in educational institutions.”

    Instructional and methodological letter “On the work of a speech therapist teacher in secondary school" Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P., M., Kogito-Center, 1996 (Ordered by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation). (Extracts)

Internal documentation of a speech therapist teacher

    Journal of examination of children's speech development and dynamic observations of the speech state of children enrolled in speech therapy classes.

    Attendance log for group and individual lessons with children.

    Individual cards of speech development of schoolchildren.

    Annual work plan for a speech therapist teacher.

    Work program and long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher for the school year with various groups of students.

    Cyclogram of the work of a speech therapist teacher.

    Schedule of individual and frontal classes with children.

    Student workbooks.

    Notebooks for homework for students with speech impairments (children).

    Annual progress reports.

    Passport of the speech therapy office.

    Speech therapist teacher's workbook

Subject-developmental environment of a speech therapy room

Formation of sound pronunciation

1. Articulation exercises (manuals)

2. Sound profiles (folder)

3. Automation of sounds in words, sentences, texts. We introduce sounds into speech.

4. Aids for working on speech breathing

5. Subject pictures for all studied sounds

6. Albums for automation of supplied sounds

7. Texts for automation of delivered sounds

8. Speech therapy lotto for automation of delivered sounds

Development of auditory attention (non-speech sounds)

1. Sounding toys: pipes, rattles, bells, squeaky toys.

2. Boxes with loose fillings that make various noises (peas, beans, cereals, flour).

Formation of phonemic hearing and perception

1. Signal circles for differentiating sounds

2. Object pictures for differentiation of sounds

3. Texts on sound differentiation


1. Magnetic alphabet

2. Schemes for analyzing proposals

3. Sets of subject pictures for dividing words into syllables

4. Box of letters and syllables

5. Workbooks, pencils, pens for “typing” letters, syllables, words, sentences

6. Wall aids “ABC”, “Copy Letters”, “City of Sounds”.

Working on a dictionary

Subject pictures on lexical topics:










"Domestic and wild birds"

"Domestic and wild animals"

"Clothes, shoes, hats"

« New Year»

"Mushrooms, berries"



"Marine life"







"Animals of hot and cold countries"


“Subject pictures for the selection of antonyms”

“Subject pictures for the selection of synonyms”

"Polysemantic words"


"One is many"

"Word Formation"

Grammatical structure of speech

1. Preposition patterns

2. Aids for writing sentences with simple and complex prepositions

3. Aids to agreeing parts of speech

4. Warped texts

Development of coherent speech

1. A series of plot pictures

2. Story pictures

3. Subject pictures for compiling comparative and descriptive stories

Development of fine motor skills (personal or made independently by a speech therapist)

1. Beads

2. Laces

3. Counting sticks

4. Mosaics

5. Multi-colored clothespins

6. Massage balls, hedgehog balls, expander, exercise machine for massaging fingers and palms of the hands “Su-Jock Balls”

7. Plasticine

8. Stencils for shading (for all lexical topics)

9. Colored pencils

Development of speech breathing.

1. Sets of butterflies, snowflakes, airplanes, plumes, pinwheels.

2. Balloons, soap bubbles, straws, cotton balls, tennis balls, feathers.

3. Games: “Push the ball into the goal”, “Blow a snowflake off your mitten”, “Storm in a box”

Development of perception (color, shape, size).

1. Paired pictures.

2. Ribbons, ropes, laces, threads, pencils, strips of different lengths.

3. Counting sticks for laying out figures.

4. Wall displays of planar and volumetric geometric shapes.

5. Educational games

Development of time orientation.

1. Landscape paintings of different seasons.

2. Daily routine in pictures: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

3. A set of pictures depicting various actions of people (children) and natural phenomena V different times year, part of the day.

Development of thinking, visual attention, memory .

1. Cut-out pictures of various configurations (2, 3, 4 or more parts); prefabricated pictures - puzzles.

2. Collapsible toys: nesting dolls, pyramid.

3. “Wonderful bag.”

4. “Noisy” pictures.

5. Games: “Eliminating the fourth odd one,” “What’s missing? ", "What didn't the artist complete? ", "How are they similar and how are they different? ", "Find the fragments of the picture shown above", "Find the same ones."

6. Classifiers for performing classification and generalization tasks.

7. Set of pictures “Nonsense”.

Methodological and special literature

1. Diagnostic kit. Speech therapy examination of junior schoolchildren. Part 1 (1 piece)

2. Learning without suffering. Correction of dysgraphia Segebart G. - volumes

3.Magic outlines. Formation of graphomotor skills. Set of correctional and developmental materials Zegebart G.M. -1 PC.

4. Speech therapy pictures to automate the sound “R”

5. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “Z”

6. Speech therapy pictures to automate the sound “C”

7. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “F”

8. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “L”

9. Speech therapy pictures to automate the sound “F”

10. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “Ts”

11. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “Ch”

12. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sound “SH”

13. Speech therapy pictures for automating the sounds “Ш and Х”

The office library is represented by the personal collection of the speech therapist in electronic form.

    Borodich A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech. - M.: Education, 1989, 96 pp.

    Volkova L.S., Lalaeva R.I. Speech therapy. - M.: Education, 1989, 147 pp.

    Volkova L.S., Seliverstov V.I. Reader on speech therapy. - M.: Vlados, 1997, 107 pp.

    Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. - M.: Education, 1989, 105 pp.

    Efimenkova L.N., Misarenko G.G. Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center. - M.: Education, 1991, 100 pp.

    Efimenkova L.N., Sadovnikova I.N. Correction and prevention of dysgraphia in children. - M.: Education, 1989, 105 pp.

    Kobzareva L.G., Rezunova M.P., Yushina G.N. Corrective work with schoolchildren with mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech at the first stage of education. – Voronezh: Teacher, 2001, 103 pp.

    Kosinova E.M. Speech therapist lessons. – M.: Eksmo, 2005, 154 pp.

    Milostivenko L.G. Guidelines on preventing errors and writing in children. - St. Petersburg: Stroylespechat, 1995, 86 pp.

    Politova N.I. Speech development of primary school students. - M.: Education, 1990, 105 pp.

    Pyatak S.V. I read words and sentences. – M.: Eksmo, 2008, 67 pp.

    Rau E.F., Rozhdestvenskaya V.I. Correction of pronunciation deficiencies in schoolchildren. - M.: Education, 1989, 105 pp.

    Sadovnikova I.N. Impairments of written speech and their overcoming in primary schoolchildren. - M.: Vlados, 1977, 67 pages

    Seliverstov V.I. Games in speech therapy work with children. - M.: Education, 1989, 100 pp.

    Svetlova I.K. Home speech therapist. - M.: Eksmo, 2005, 67 pp.

    Filicheva T.B., Chivileva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Fundamentals of speech therapy. - M.: Education, 1989, 105 pp.

    Fomicheva M.F. - Education of correct pronunciation in children. - M.: Education, 1981, 56 pp.

A separate room is allocated for speech therapy classes. But not everyone knows how to formalize it correctly and what documentation is required. First of all, it is important to bring the premises provided for the speech therapy room into compliance with all sanitary and hygienic requirements. Another mandatory attribute is a sign on the door containing information about the specialist’s name and visiting hours. The speech therapy room should be aesthetically designed, but without unnecessary interior items, so as not to distract the attention of children during classes.


Zoning the classroom will increase the effectiveness of correctional classes. The following layout is considered optimal:

  • Area for individual lessons. There, a speech therapist teaches each child individually. Mandatory equipment includes a table, chairs, and a wall mirror used to practice correct sound pronunciation.
  • Area for group classes. It should be larger, more spacious. It is important to have several desks, chairs, chalkboard and individual mirrors.
  • Storage area for educational, methodological and teaching materials. A corner for placing cabinets, tables, shelves with various aids, illustrations for classes, didactic game diagrams, etc.
  • The workplace of a speech therapist teacher is designed so that the teacher feels comfortable working. Therefore, you need a desk, a chair, a computer (laptop), and a printer.

Passport of the speech therapy office

When checking the work of a specialist, they pay attention not only to the quality of the classes, but also to how the workplace is designed. Also, one of the assessment criteria is the ability to maintain documentation. One of the required documents is the passport of the speech therapy room according to the Federal State Educational Standard. What should be noted in it?

  • Rules for using the office.
  • Equipment.
  • Documentation.
  • Educational and methodological manuals.
  • Subject development environment.

Terms of use

  • Wet cleaning of the premises should be carried out every day.
  • The office needs to be ventilated regularly.
  • Before each use, as well as after classes, speech therapy probes and spatulas are treated with medical alcohol.
  • At the end of the working day, you need to check whether the windows are closed and electrical appliances are turned off.


In order for the learning process to bring a positive result, a specialist must have everything necessary for work. Therefore, there is a list of the main equipment of a speech therapy room:

  1. Desks and chairs - there should be enough for all children who are registered for classes. Furniture should be selected based on the height of students.
  2. Stands for pencils and pens - this will help teach children to keep their workspace clean.
  3. The magnetic board is located at the height level of the students.
  4. There are sufficient cabinets for manuals so that books and materials are not lying in visible places.
  5. Wall mirror for individual work - the optimal width is 50 cm, and the length is 100. It is best to place it near the window. But if this is not possible, you should place the mirror on any other wall, but with additional lighting.
  6. Individual mirrors, the size of which is 9 x 12 cm, in quantities corresponding to the number of children. Used during group classes.
  7. A table near the wall mirror, chairs for a speech therapist and a child to conduct individual lessons. In addition to additional lighting, local lighting is used.
  8. Set of speech therapy probes.
  9. Ethyl alcohol, cotton wool, bandage for cleaning instruments.
  10. Flannelograph, set of figures and pictures.
  11. Easel.
  12. Split alphabet.
  13. Visual material for examining the speech development of children, laid out in envelopes and stored in a special box.
  14. Illustrations of speech development, systematized by lexical topics.
  15. Teaching aids consisting of: symbol cards, cards with individual lessons, albums for correcting sound pronunciation.
  16. Speech games, various lotto games.
  17. Educational and methodological literature.
  18. Towel, soap, wet wipes.

Problems solved in a speech therapy room

All of the above equipment is necessary to create optimal conditions in the classroom and help implement the following tasks:

  • comprehensive examination of children for psychomotor and speech development;
  • drawing up individual correction programs and a long-term development plan for each student;
  • conducting consultations, individual, subgroup, group classes.

Standardization of the educational process in the form of Federal State Educational Standards allows one to achieve good results. They list necessary requirements for the design of a speech therapy room.


The administration of the educational institution periodically carries out a verification analysis of the specialist’s work. The paperwork of the speech therapist deserves special attention. The documents reflect the basics of correctional programs, work plans, and reports. This allows you to see the dynamics in learning and get acquainted with the composition of children attending speech therapy classes. The list of mandatory documents for a speech therapist includes:

  1. Long-term plan for working with children for the school year.
  2. Calendar planning of training sessions.
  3. A speech card for each child with additional documents: a referral to a primary care clinic, a certificate from the pediatrician of the clinic, certificates from other specialists (ENT, ophthalmologist, neurologist, psychiatrist), a reference from the nursery group teacher (if the child attended one).
  4. Notebook for individual work with children.
  5. Schedule of speech therapy classes.
  6. Plan for preparing the classroom for the new school year.
  7. Teacher self-education plan for the academic year.
  8. Instructions for safety and labor protection.
  9. Logs of attendance, consultations, primary diagnostics, PMPK conclusions, recording of children’s movements in speech therapy group.
  10. Questionnaires for parents.

What is needed to examine speech development

Every speech therapist knows how to identify a child. To do this, a specialist must have everything necessary equipment. To consider all aspects of speech development, you will need:

  • Material for examining intelligence; in order to correctly construct correctional work, it is necessary to determine the child’s intellectual level. This will help you make a proper work plan for the academic year.
  • Materials for examining all aspects of speech development. These components include: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech.

Subject development environment

What is meant by this concept in a speech therapy room at a preschool educational institution? This is the creation of the necessary conditions for speech development. Therefore, the speech therapist’s office has all the necessary didactic games, visual materials for:

  • development of higher mental functions;
  • improving motor skills;
  • honing sound pronunciation;
  • formation of phonemic hearing and sound analysis;
  • preparation for school; formation of vocabulary (impressive and expressive): subject pictures on various lexical topics, word formation tasks, pictures for the selection of antonyms and synonyms, plot pictures;
  • formation of coherent speech, its grammatical aspect.

School speech therapist's office

The requirements for a specialist’s workplace are the same as for preschool institutions. The speech therapy room at the school is equipped in accordance with safety requirements and sanitary and epidemiological standards. Also, the speech therapist teacher should have similar documentation, materials for examining speech development and the subject-development environment.


The equipment of a speech therapist's workplace is slightly different from that of a preschool. This is due to the fact that the specifics of the work are slightly different: after all, school-age children are faced with other educational tasks:

  1. Desks, chairs according to the number of students.
  2. The chalkboard is located at the height level of first grade students. It is advisable to have a line on part of the board.
  3. Cabinets for educational literature and didactic aids, visual material.
  4. Wall and individual mirrors. The size and location requirements are the same as in
  5. A set of speech therapy probes, spatulas, accessories for their processing.
  6. A set of filmstrips with films, cartoons and other materials for the development of speech, acquaintance with the outside world and mathematical concepts.
  7. A screen for showing films, which should be folded up above the chalkboard when not in use.
  8. Wall mounted letters and syllabic table.
  9. Individual registers of letters and syllables for each student, sound analysis schemes.
  10. A table of uppercase and lowercase letters located above the board.
  11. Visual and illustrative material for examination and conducting classes.
  12. Sets of colored pens for each child.
  13. Didactic games.

As you can see, the design of a school office is not much different from a preschool one. It is not advisable to hang a lot of pictures or toys on the walls - nothing should distract children from educational process. You can make stands on which the rules of beautiful speech and the stages of speech development will be written.

When choosing a stylish kindergarten or school, minimalism is encouraged. You can put several indoor plants. It is equally important to keep the workplace clean so that the office has a neat appearance. All items, cabinets and drawers must have labels on them that will make it clear what material is stored there. Also, the speech therapy room must have a first aid kit.

In order to properly design the office, the speech therapist teacher should familiarize himself with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Then will be created comfortable conditions for conducting classes and activities of a specialist.

Leitmotif Every morning I come to kindergarten and go into my office. My office is a creative workshop, the entire socio-psychological microclimate of which creates conditions for personal self-realization. I really like it, but I dream that someday it will be equipped with the latest technology... But that will come later. And now I’m walking down the corridor and catching the glances of my kids, so similar and at the same time so different. They are kind and sympathetic, with amazing eyes that catch my every move. They listen to my every word, copy my intonation. And then there are those who are quiet and withdrawn, scared and indifferent, but someday they will also want to communicate, talk about their toys and cartoons. Difficulties, failures, disappointments recede when you see the sparkle in the eyes of your kids. I'm ready to move mountains, throw away my bad mood and move forward. So, I am a speech therapist, or rather a speech therapist teacher. If you take it literally, I am a speech teacher. Or rather, the person who corrects this speech. Moreover, the correction occurs at the level of all speech units, starting with sound and ending with the sentence. The purpose of my activity is to promote the socialization of the child in society.

I strive to be a close person, mentor and friend for my speech therapists, who will not only help correct existing speech disorders, but will also be able to find the “pearl” in every “shell” and teach how to work with with full dedication, rejoice in victories and sympathize with each other in failures. Therefore, I build relationships with children on trust, respect, exactingness and fairness. The personality of a speech therapist is multifaceted. She accumulates professional competence, speech etiquette, culture of interpersonal relationships, endurance and patience, tolerance, goodwill and resourcefulness, and a sense of humor also helps me a lot in my work. I consider myself a competent specialist who knows not only traditional, but also non-traditional forms of conducting classes, and effectively uses health-saving technologies. Speech therapy intervention based on the psychophysical and individual characteristics of students allows me to achieve high results. The main thing in speech therapy is that my work is result-oriented. And I not only teach the child to speak, but also restore his self-confidence. This is why speech therapists have very high job satisfaction. Seneca said: “By teaching others, we teach ourselves.” I am happy because I have the opportunity to explore the world again and again. I'm happy because I give away the warmth of my soul. I'm happy because I see the results of my work. Priority areas of my work

This is an important office. A speech therapist works here. Not everyone knows this word, but those who know respect it. This is also the place of the teacher. There are a lot of documents here. And here the child is accepted. This is where intelligence is determined. They will find without any doubt all speech disorders. They will find without any doubt all speech disorders. And once the diagnosis is ready, work is needed, in a word. And there is a moment, it is the most important. For everyone - their own program.

Purpose of a speech therapy room Examination of children (clarification of the etiology of the mechanisms and symptoms of speech disorders) Development of articulation skills Corrective work to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation Formation of grammatically correct speech Overcoming difficulties in pronunciation of complex words Formation of coherent speech Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills Advisory and methodological activities for employees MBDOU and parents

Objectives of the correctional educational process Examination of group pupils and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Examination of group pupils and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Study of the level of speech, cognitive, social, personal, physical development and individual typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support , determination of the main directions of work with each pupil. Study of the level of speech, cognitive, social-personal, physical development and individual typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support, determination of the main directions of work with each pupil. Assessment of the results of assistance to children and determination of the degree of their speech readiness for school education Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among teachers and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged subject-development environment Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among teachers and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged subject-development environment Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, monitoring the quality of their speech work with children Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, monitoring the quality of their speech work with children Systematic implementation of preventive and corrective speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs Systematic implementation of preventive and corrective speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs

Methodological support for the speech therapy room I. Manuals and materials for exercises aimed at developing: thinking; different types of memory; different types of attention; imagination and fantasy; visual perception; auditory perception; fine (fine) motor skills of the hands; physiological (diaphragmatic) breathing; sound pronunciations; as well as materials: on teaching literacy; to prevent dysgraphia; on the formation of vocabulary; for the formation grammatical structure speeches; on the formation of coherent speech. 2. Systematized illustrative material, selected taking into account the passage of lexical topics: subject pictures; pictures with action; story pictures; series of pictures; pictures for writing descriptive stories; toys (soft, fur, wooden, plastic) for writing stories. 3. Card indexes: word games, game exercises; finger games; games to develop communication skills; poems; nursery rhymes; riddles; pure and tongue twisters; texts for automation of the delivered sound (in a syllable, word, phrase, sentence, text); other.

4. Entertaining material: anagrams, puzzles, charades, puzzles; mnemonic tables; 5. Technical means: record player; audio recordings (street sounds, nature sounds, rain, wind, etc.); 6. Materials of children's speech creativity: stories, stories invented by children; magazines, fairy tales, poems are the result of children's creativity. 7. Diagnostic materials. 8. Methodological literature: comprehensive, correctional programs; methods and technologies of developmental education at the choice of a speech therapist. 9. Materials of creative pedagogical experience. Methodological support for speech therapy room

1. systematic (the material is systematized, a cabinet passport has been drawn up listing all the material and equipment); 2. accessibility (visual and didactic material was selected taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren); 3. variability (visual didactic material and many manuals are multivariate and can be used in different classes in different ways); 4. health protection (there is basic and additional lighting (above the individual mirror), a fire alarm is installed, the walls of the office are warm yellow, there are aids for eye exercises, the office is easily ventilated). When organizing the correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room, I was guided by the following principles:

Exclusive author's poems How difficult it is to be a teacher, believe me, friends. I love my profession, I’ll tell you honestly. Every day in the cold and heat I rush to my favorite garden. I have been greeted by children for many years in a row. I play sounds for the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days pass, years fly by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that the kids always get an A grade at school. Believe me, friends, how difficult it is to be a teacher. I love my profession, I’ll tell you honestly. Every day in the cold and heat I rush to my favorite garden. I have been greeted by children for many years in a row. I play sounds for the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days pass, years fly by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that the kids always get an A grade at school.

Exclusive author's poems I am a teacher - speech therapist Well, I'll tell you a secret. I like to say to kids, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened, Lev suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid so that Leva does not cry. Leva opens her mouth. Leva is trying so hard. And admire Leva’s sounds. He began to speak beautifully to everyone's surprise. I am an excellent speech therapist. There is no doubt about it. I'm a teacher - speech therapist. Well, I'll tell you a secret. I like to say to kids, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened, Leva suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid so that Leva does not cry. Leva opens her mouth. Leva is trying so hard. And admire Leva’s sounds. He began to speak beautifully to everyone's surprise. I am an excellent speech therapist. There is no doubt about it.

Exclusive author's poems There are many professions on earth I will tell you, friends, But everyone is more important and dearer My profession I am a speech therapist, everyone needs me I am a doctor of sounds, words I will always come to help I am ready as a soldier. Always ready, ready everywhere Like the sun to shine Ready to help the guys Speak beautifully Let the sounds flow like a stream Along the ringing pebbles Let joy bring Every day Giving hope to everyone I love to help people I’ll tell you without hiding I’m proud of myself, of my work My family is proud of me!

Passport of the speech therapy office, compiled in accordance with modern requirements for the preparation of pedagogical documentation. The material presents not only the equipment of a speech therapy room, but also a card index of methodological and didactic aids for successful correctional and developmental work with children of different ages.

Passport of the speech therapy office

General information about the office^

  • Educational institution: State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution No. 42
  • Total area of ​​the speech therapy room: 15 square meters.
  • Illumination:
  • Type: mixed (natural and artificial)
  • Sources: natural – window 1 pc.
  • artificial – fluorescent lamps 4 pcs.
  • Number of working speech therapists: 1
  • Number of speech therapy groups:1
  • FULL NAME. speech therapist teacher: Popova Irina Semenovna
  • Work experience:5 years
  • Higher education
  • Category: first qualification category

Speech therapy office occupancy schedule

Rules for using the speech therapy room

Wet cleaning of the office is carried out 2 times a week;
The office is ventilated daily;
before and after each use, speech therapy probes and spatulas are treated with medical alcohol;
the office is equipped with an area for subgroup classes, an area for individual classes, and a play area;
At the end of the working day, check that windows are closed and electrical appliances are turned off.

A subject-development environment has been created in the office in accordance with the requirements of SANPiN and Federal State Educational Standards and the basic pedagogical principles:

  1. Systematicity (the material is systematized, a passport of the speech therapy room has been compiled listing all the material and equipment);
  2. Accessibility (didactic games and toys are stored on the lower open shelves, methodological material and speech therapist documentation - on the upper closed shelves);
  3. Health-saving (there is basic and additional lighting (above the individual mirror), a fire alarm is installed, the walls of the office are warm yellow, there are aids for eye exercises, the office is easily ventilated);
  4. Taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of children (taking into account the age and physical characteristics of children, furniture is adjusted for children of this group; visual, didactic material and games are selected in accordance with the age of the children and the structure of the defect).
  5. Variability (visual teaching materials and manuals have many options for use - depending on the age of the children, learning objectives and the structure of the speech defect).


  1. Regulations on the speech therapy group.
  2. Job descriptions of a speech therapist teacher.
  3. Work program of a speech therapist teacher.
  4. Logbook of attendance at speech therapy classes.
  5. Office passport.
  6. Speech cards for each child.
  7. Notebooks for relationships with teachers.
  8. Notebook on working with parents.
  9. Long-term plans for individual work with children.
  10. Calendar and thematic planning.
  11. Annual work plan.
  12. Cyclogram of speech therapist’s activities.
  13. Speech therapist teacher's work schedule.
  14. Schedule of correctional and educational activities of a speech therapist.
  15. TB training.
  16. Notebooks for individual work with children.
  17. Copies of reports on the results of correctional work, PMPC protocols.
  18. Journal of diagnostics of children supervised by GBDOU.

Zones in the speech therapy room

1. Breathing zone: contains materials for games and exercises to develop speech breathing.
2. Articulation zone: large mirror, small mirrors, photo albums with articulatory gymnastics, tools for making sounds.
3. Zone of phonal perception (intonation): toys, musical instruments, pictures with emotions.
4. Zone of timbral perception (phonemic hearing) - sounding words in pictures and objects, sounds - little people, vowels and consonants, diagrams of sound characteristics, pictures - paronyms.
5. Literacy learning area - diagrams for parsing words, sentences, chips, a register of letters and syllables, a magnetic board, the alphabet, etc.
6. Grammar zone - games and pictures for the development of grammatical structure of speech.
7. Phrase speech zone - puppet theater, table theater, finger theater, life-size puppet, masks.
8. General motor skills area - games for the development of general and fine motor skills, manuals on finger and facial massage, video materials on articulation gymnastics.
9. Motivational zone - symbols for evaluation and self-esteem, items for encouragement.
10. Methodological Zone - plans, notes, library of methodological literature, etc.

Speech therapy room equipment

1. Wall mirror (1.5m - 0.5m) - 1 pc.
2. Children's tables - 2 pcs.
3. Children's chairs - 8 pcs.
4. Table for speech therapist - 1 pc.
5. Cabinets for manuals - 3 pcs.
6. Mirrors for individual work - 18 pcs.
7. Mini magnetic board – 1 pc.
8. Fluorescent lamp above the mirror – 2 pcs.
9. Personal computer – 1 pc.
10. Printer – 1 pc.
11. Card index of available benefits.
12. Boxes and folders for storing manuals.

Equipping an area for individual work with children

1. Set of speech therapy probes - 6 pcs.
2. Alcohol wipes.
3. Sterile cotton wool.
4. Benefits for individual work.
5. Text material for automation and differentiation of sounds, work on the syllabic structure of words.
6. Materials for examining oral speech.

Special literature

The office library is presented personal funds speech therapist teacher in the amount of 100 copies.

1 Software and methodological support
  1. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V., Tumanova T. V. “Program of speech therapy work to overcome general speech underdevelopment in children.” - M., 2009.
  2. M.E. Khvattsev “Speech therapy: work with preschoolers” - S.-P. 1996.
  3. Zhukova I.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming general underdevelopment in preschool children. – Ekaterinburg, 1998.
  4. T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova. “Children with OHP. Education and training" - M., 1999.
  5. Zhukova N.S. “Formation of oral speech” - M., 1994.
  6. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. “Fundamentals of Speech Therapy” - M. 1989.
  7. Sukhareva E.L. “We learn by playing,” Yaroslavl 1992.
  8. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. “Correctional education and upbringing of children with special needs.” First year of study and second year of study, M., 1991.
  9. Stepanova O.A. “Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions,” M. 2003.
  10. Nishcheva N.V. “Program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group of the kindergarten”, S.P., 2006.
  11. Grab L.M. " Thematic planning correctional work in a logogroup for children 5-6 years old,” M. 2005.


  1. Strebeleva E.A. “Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age,” M. 2009.
  2. Zhukova N.S. “Overcoming speech underdevelopment in children” - M., 1994.
  3. Smirnova I.A. “Speech therapy album for examining the ability to read and write,” St. Petersburg, 2007.


sound pronunciations,

automation, differentiation.

  1. Fomicheva M.V. “Education of correct pronunciation in children” - M. 1997.
  2. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Individual and subgroup work on correcting sound pronunciation” - M., 1998.
  3. Rau E.F., V.I. Rozhdestvenskaya “Mixing speech sounds in children” - M. 1972.
  4. IN AND. Seliverstov. "Games in speech therapy work with children." - M., 1979.
  5. Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. “Teach by playing” - M. 1983.
  6. Tumakova G.A. “Familiarization of a preschooler with a sounding word,” M. 1991.
  7. Novikova E.V. “Probe massage: correction of sound pronunciation” - M. 2000.
  8. Dedyukhina G.V., Moguchaya L.D. “Speech therapy massage”, M. 1999.
  9. Lopukhina I.S. “Speech therapy 550 entertaining games and exercises for speech development,” M. 1996.
  10. Lopukhina I.S. “Speech therapy. Sounds, letters and words,” S.P. 1998.
  11. Kulikovskaya T.A. “Articulatory gymnastics in counting rhymes,” M. 2013.
  12. Nishcheva N.V. “Fun articulatory gymnastics”, St. Petersburg, 2009.
  13. Nishcheva N.V. “Fun facial gymnastics”, St. Petersburg, 2013.
  14. Voloshina I.A. “Articulation gymnastics for boys”, St. Petersburg, 2011.
  15. Voloshina I.A. “Articulation gymnastics for girls”, St. Petersburg, 2011.
  16. Sozonova N., Kutsina E. “Phonetic stories and fairy tales” in 3 hours, Ekaterinburg, 2009.
  17. Sozonova N., Kutsina E. “Poems for consolidating sounds”, Ekaterinburg, 2009.
  18. Baskakina I.V., Lynskaya M.I. “Svistelochka, Zvenelochka,” M. 2009.
  19. Baskakina I.V., Lynskaya M.I. “The Adventures of L,” M. 2009.
  20. Baskakina I.V., Lynskaya M.I. “R.’s birthday,” M. 2009.
  21. Anishchenkova E.S. “Articulatory gymnastics for the development of speech of preschool children,” M. 2007.
  22. Repina Z.A., Buyko V.I. “Lessons in speech therapy”, Ekaterinburg, 1999.
  23. Kulikovskaya T.A. “Articulatory gymnastics in poems and pictures”, M. 2005.
  24. Novikovskaya O. “Fun exercises for the tongue”, St. Petersburg, 2009.
  25. Krupenchuk O.I., Vorobyova T.A. “Correcting pronunciation”, St. Petersburg, 2009.
  26. Krupenchuk O.I., Vorobyova T.A. “Speech therapy exercises-articulation gymnastics”, St. Petersburg, 2012.
  27. Komarova L.A. “Automation of sound L, R in game exercises,” M. 2014.
  28. Novotortseva N.V. “Workbook on the development of speech for the sounds – Ш, Ж, Х, Ш, Л-Ль, Р-Рь, С-Сь, З-Зь, Ц,” Yaroslavl, 1999, 2003.
  29. Bogomolova A.I. “Speech therapy manual for children”, St. Petersburg, 1996.

Correction and development

  1. Novotortseva N.V. " Didactic material on speech development in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren" - Yaroslavl 1994.
  2. Novotortseva N.V. “Development of children’s speech” - Yaroslavl 1996.
  3. Shvaiko G.S. “Games and game exercises for speech development.” - M.: education, 1988
  4. Bondarenko A.K. “Verbal games in kindergarten”, M. 1974.
  5. Bochkareva O.I. “Speech development. Senior group." - V.2008.
  6. Ryzhova N.V. “Speech development in kindergarten for 2-3 years”, Yaroslavl, 2008.
  7. Belousova L.E. “Fun meetings. Lesson notes on speech development using elements of mnemonics,” S.P. 2003.
  8. Paramonova L.G. “Poems for speech development”, St. Petersburg, 2000.
  9. Shorygina T.A. "Flowers. What are they?”, M. 2004.
  10. Koshleva G.A. “Development of speech in kindergartens”, Yaroslavl 2009.
  11. Tkachenko T.A. “Enriching vocabulary”, Ekaterinburg 2008.
  12. Arefieva L.N. “Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 4-8 years old”, M. 2004.
  13. Z.E. Agranovich. A collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers. - St. Petersburg, 2005.


and development

coherent speech

  1. Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 5–6 years old. Lesson notes on the development of coherent speech in the senior logo group.” Set " A complex approach to overcoming ODD in preschool children" - M., 2009.
  2. Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 6-7 years old. Lesson notes on the development of coherent speech in the preparatory logo group.” Set “An integrated approach to overcoming ODD in preschool children” - M., 2009.
  3. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Development of coherent speech on the topic “Summer” in children 5-7 years old. Scenarios of games and entertainment in the summer,” M. 2011.
  4. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Formation of coherent speech and development logical thinking in children of senior preschool age with OHP,” M. 2003.
  5. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Development of coherent speech in children of the preparatory logo group on the topic “Man”, M. 2003.
  6. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Development of coherent speech in children of the preparatory logo group on the topic “Autumn,” M. 2000.
  7. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Development of coherent speech in children of the preparatory logo group on the topic “Winter,” M. 2011.
  8. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Development of coherent speech in children of the preparatory logo group on the topic “Spring”, M. 2003.
  9. Bortnikova E. “Miracle training” (I read, retell, compose a story based on a series of pictures), Ekaterinburg, 2012.
  10. Sozonova N., Kutsina E. “Stories about the seasons - autumn, winter, spring, summer”, Ekaterinburg, 2009.


correctional and educational activities (comprehensive)

  1. Smirnova L.N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten” 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old, 6-7 years old, M-2008-2009.


hand motor skills

  1. Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L. “Developing our hands to learn and write and draw beautifully”, Yaroslavl, 1998.
  2. Tsvyntarny “We play with our fingers and develop speech,” S.P. 1997.
  3. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova “Games with fingers,” M. 2004.
  4. Krupenchuk O.I. “We train our fingers and develop speech. Senior group d\s." - S.P. 2009.
  5. Krupenchuk O.I. “Ladushki” finger games for kids, St. Petersburg, 2010.
  6. Egorov V. “Tell poetry with your hands,” M., 1992.
  7. Shcherbakova T.N. “Games with fingers”, M. 1998.
  8. Bezrukikh M.M., Filippova T.A. “Steps to the school. ABC of writing. Let's train our fingers." — M. 2000


prosodic aspect of speech


  1. “Counting tables, tongue twisters”, M. 1999.
  2. Belyakova L.I., Goncharova N.N. “Methods for the development of speech breathing in preschoolers with speech disorders,” M. 2004.
  3. Kartushina M.Yu. “Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten”, M. 2004.
  4. Rychkova N.A. “Speech therapy rhythmics”, M., 1998.
  5. Anisimova G.I. "100 music games for the development of preschool children." Yaroslavl, 2008
  6. Ovchinnikova T.S. “Speech therapy chants”, St. Petersburg 2009.
  7. Anisimova G.I. “Speech therapy rhythm” in 3 parts, Yaroslavl 2007.
Preparing children for literacy in school
  1. Novotortseva N.V. “Learning to write. Teaching literacy in kindergarten" - Yaroslavl 1998
  2. Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova I.A. “Steps to school - teaching literacy to children with speech impairments,” M. 1999.
  3. Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 6-7 years old. Notes of frontal classes in the preparatory school logo group - periods 1, 2, 3.” Set “An integrated approach to overcoming ODD in preschool children” - M., 2009.
  4. Tumanova T.V. “Formation of sound pronunciation in preschoolers,” M.-1999.
  5. Kozyreva L.M. “We read syllable by syllable. A set of games and exercises for children 5-7 years old,” M., 2007.
  6. Chetverushkina N.S. “The syllable structure of a word. System of corrective exercises for children 5-7 years old,” M. 2003.
  7. Vanyukhina G. “Rechetsvetik”, Ekaterinburg, 1993.
  8. Tsukanova S.P., Betz L.L. “Handout tables” and “I am learning to speak and read”, M. 2012.
  9. Glinka G.A. “I will speak, read, write correctly,” St. Petersburg, 1996.

Prevention of dysgraphia

  1. Milostivenko “Methodological recommendations for preventing reading and writing errors in children” - S.P. 1995.
  2. Goldin Z.D., Kolidzei E.A. "ABC Riddle"

Formation of mental processes

  1. Dyachenko O.M., Agayeva E.L. “What doesn’t happen in the world?”, M. 1996.
  2. “Riddles”, M.-2005
  3. Series of notebooks “Smart Kid”, Kirov (Opposites, Logic problems, Classification, Find what doesn’t fit, etc.)
  4. Zemtsova O.N. intellectual development of children “Literacy” 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years, 5-6 years, - M. 2009.
  1. Conceptual and terminological dictionary of speech therapist, ed. IN AND. Seliverstova, - M. 1997.
  2. Defectology. Dictionary - reference book, ed. Puzanova B.P.,-M.1996.

Card index of benefits in the speech therapy room

Didactic games and manuals

Development of attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking, visual-spatial relationships, emotions. “Guess it”, “Find the shadow”, “Guess what it is?”, “More or less”, “Look and remember”, “Hide and seek”, “Electronic fly”, “Find similar”, “Find differences”, “ Snails”, “Logic Train”, “All About Time”, “Think Now”, “Logical Chain”, “Fold the Square”, “Miracle Crosses”, “Fold the Pattern”, “Numbers”, “Mailbox” + a set of geometric shapes, mosaics of various configurations and complexity; “The fourth odd one”, a pyramid, a set of containers of various sizes and colors, counting sticks, “Wonderful bag”, “What did the artist mix up”, “Part and whole”, “Build a path”, “What comes first, what comes next”, “Paired picture” "; test tasks series “Are you ready for school?” - memory, thinking, the world, speech development; pictograms, folders with a selection of material for examination and development of relevant mental functions.


sound pronunciations

“Speech therapy lotto – Z-Z, S-Sh, Sh, F”, “Games in pictures S-Sh”, “Labyrinths”, “Sound snail”, “Bee’s house Zhu-zhu”, “Finish the story”, “Walkers” "", "Soap Bubbles", "Collect Leaves", "Visit the Frog", "Name the Common Sound in Words", "Snowman", "Rocket Launch", "Fishing", "Make a Sentence from the Pictures", "Help Luntik”, “Frog runs away from a heron”, “Frog catches mosquitoes”, “Draw a path”, “It rings or doesn’t ring”, “Unusual flowers”, “Find the extra picture”, Speech therapy lotto “Pick up and name”, sound tracks, magic rope”, card index of subject and plot pictures with sounds; texts for automation and differentiation of delivered sounds; articulatory gymnastics complexes, sound profiles

Formation of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills.

A set of sounding objects (rattles, tambourine, whistle, whistle, drum, bells; “What I heard, what I saw”, “Magic rug”, “Give gifts”, “Sound lotto”, word schemes for determining the position of a sound in a word, sentence scheme (strips of various lengths, with a corner);
“Guess the words by the first sounds”, “Divide words into syllables”, “Ding-Dong”, “Read-count”, “I am learning letters” - 2 pcs., “Smart phone” - 2 pcs., test tasks “Are you ready are you going to school? – literacy training, reading”, “Reading ourselves”, Magnetic alphabet, box of letters, books “ABC”, syllabic cubes, cubes with letters, syllabic tables, Sound toys, Sound book-Book book, princesses-Voice and Agreement, boxes for activities by quantity children, painting material, task cards, etc.


lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Subject pictures on the topics: “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Clothing”, “Shoes”, “Furniture”, “Hats”, “House and its parts”, “Dishes”, “Food”, “Animals and their Cubs”, “Fish”, “Birds”, “Toys”, “Insects”, “Transport”, “Family”, “Professions”, “Seasons”, “Transport”, etc.; games to develop word formation skills; task cards for the development of lexical and grammatical structure; games for selecting antonyms “Contrasts”, “Compare and Find Out”, Lotto “In the Animal World”, “Animals and Their Cubs”, “Harvest”, Lotto “Zoo”, Lotto “All works are good”, “Who does what” ", "Who lives where?", Magnetic transport, "Rhymes", "Whose house?", "Whose house is this?", "Who is built like this?", "Seasons", "Four seasons - summer", "Walk around the city”, “Little housewife”, “Pyramid”, “What is missing?”, “Rhymes - non-rhymes”, “Vegetable lotto”, lotto “Where does it grow”, “What is made of what?”
Connected speech Schemes for composing stories, plot pictures, series of plot pictures, sets of subject pictures and toys for composing comparative and descriptive stories, sets of texts for retelling; set “Puppet theater”, “Fairy tales”, “Stories in pictures” -2 hours,

Development of fine motor skills of hands

spinning top, mosaics various types, cubes, construction sets, massage balls, wooden massagers - 2 pcs., lacing - lacing tablet, boots - 2 pcs., Decorate the Christmas tree, inserts, “Collect beads”, “Magic knot”, balls - Sudzhok - 18 pcs., rings massage - 30 pcs., puzzles - simple, complex, stencils, templates, outlines, “Put it out of sticks”, “Collect monkeys”, “Hit the tree”
Formation of speech breathing “Blow off a snowflake, leaf, cotton wool, feather”, “Blow on a flower, pinwheel, butterflies, birds, boat”, whistles, soap bubbles, “Kick the ball into the goal”.

Consultations for teachers and parents



“Formation of phonemic hearing in children of junior and senior preschool age”, “Requirements for teacher speech”, “An integrated approach to the formation of correct, competent coherent speech and speech culture in preschool children”,

"Toy as a means of developing children's speech in kindergarten"

“Game, its meaning in a child’s life”, “The art of talking with children”,

“Creating a book corner in a preschool group”,

“Development of speech and verbal communication of children through works of fiction”,

“Creation of optimal conditions for the upbringing and education of children with speech impairments in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”,

"Development of speech in ontogenesis and dysontogenesis",

“What is OHP and why is a compensating group needed?”

“Features of the work of a teacher in a speech therapy group”,

“The procedure for completing logo groups”,

“Integration of preschool educational institutions specialists in working with children with disabilities”,

“Articulation gymnastics, rules of conduct”,

"Prevention of speech disorders"

“Development of speech breathing in preschool children.”

“Problems of mental development and self-development”,

“Organization of speech therapy assistance within the preschool educational institution”,

“The relationship and interdependence of the development of fine motor skills of the fingers and the development of speech.”

“Methods of teaching literacy according to program 2100”;

“Personality of a child with a stutter.”

“Speech disorders and the causes of their occurrence”; “The role of articulatory gymnastics in the correction of sound pronunciation”; “Interaction between kindergarten and family on speech development”, “Fine motor skills in the psychophysical development of preschool children”; “Features of children’s mastery of sound pronunciation”; “Features of teaching children to read at home”; “Introduction to the articulatory apparatus”, “What toys do children need”, “Why do they need a speech therapist?”, “Should I wait until 5 years of age?”, “Tongue exercises from 1.5 years old”, “When should I contact a speech therapist?”, “If a child speaks poorly”, “Developing fingers - stimulating speech development", "Why does a child develop speech with a delay?", "Advice for parents whose child does not speak." “Stages of speech development”, “Signs of speech disorders”, “Formation of fine motor skills”, “Prevention of stuttering”, “Causes of sound pronunciation disorders at the age of 2 to 5 years”, “How to talk to a child”. “Typical age-related features of sound pronunciation”, “Conditions for normal speech development”, “Prevention of speech disorders”, “Why does a child speak unintelligibly”, “Characteristics of children with ODD, causes of speech underdevelopment”. “Brief information about the development of a child’s speech by age”, “Prevention of disorders

Reading and writing in children of senior preschool age,” “Speech games and exercises,” “Memos for preparing for mastering basic reading and writing skills.” “Formation of coherent speech”, “Formation of the sound side of speech”, “Formation of lexical and grammatical means of language”. ( 9 liked it, average score: 5,00 out of 5)

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