Equipment for the production of meat and bone meal. Meat and bone meal: production technology from waste, composition and application Features of equipment for the production of meat and bone meal

Equipment used for the production of meat and bone meal:

  • ML-A16 (-01)
  • ML-A16M (-01)
  • ML-A16M2 (-01)
  • Ya8-FOB-MA05P (-01)
  • Ya8-FOB-MA06P (-01)
  • Ya8-FOB-MA22P (-01)

Where to buy equipment for meat and bone meal and what benefits can it bring to the manufacturer? The process of processing farm animals is inextricably linked with the issue of the need for disposal or recycling of waste. A similar problem faces meat processing plants. sausage shops, processing plants. Despite improving technologies that make it possible to obtain mechanically deboned meat, produce a protein stabilizer from pig skins, and include low-value by-products in the composition of manufactured goods, a certain part of processed products remains. Most manufacturers prefer to implement them if possible. On the other hand, their most profitable use would be further processing, since these types of raw materials are high-quality ingredients for the production of feed flour.

Distinctive features of the offered equipment

One of the traditional processing methods is to obtain meat and bone meal and fat through processing in vacuum boilers, but it has serious disadvantages, high energy consumption and the release of foul-smelling gases during operation, due to which enterprises refuse to use them.

We draw your attention to the advantages of the technology used on our lines.

  • High biological and nutritional value of the finished product (technical fat and feed flour).
  • Feed flour and fat fully comply with GOST.
  • During the processing of raw materials on our lines, there are COMPLETELY ABSENT SMELLING GASES; therefore, gas cleaning equipment is not required.
  • From service personnel no high qualifications or special skills are required.
  • Waste-free and environmentally friendly process.
  • High maintainability and ease of post-warranty maintenance of the line.

Meat and bone meal is one of the most important biologically active products used to feed animals, birds, fish and plants.

The product is in demand due to its nutritional value, natural origin and ease of use.

Flour is a gray to brown powder, dry, crumbly, with a fairly pleasant aroma.

What is this product obtained from used for? The scope of application of flour is practically unlimited: from fuel and fertilizers to the synthesis of individual components of the product. The main direction of use is as the main ingredient in combined feed for all types of animals, birds and fish.

General annual volume According to Rosstat, animal waste in our country is close to 5 million tons. At the same time, the deficit of food protein is more than 1 million tons, feed protein – 770 thousand tons.

Large-scale challenges in recycling, to which the resources and efforts of processors will be directed in the near future:

  1. Unsustainable use of resources: cremation, burial and production of low-quality meat and bone meal from meat waste.
  2. Huge technological losses in processing raw materials in meat processing plants: from 0.5 kg or more per 1 kg of meat.
  3. Deficiency of feed animal protein in agriculture.
  4. Disposal of mortality in the event of epidemics of swine fever, rabid cows, etc.

Solving problems lies in building up, modernizing and opening new production capacity for the production of meat and bone meal from waste from the meat processing industry.

Manufacturing technology and composition

The raw materials for the production of meat and bone meal are waste from the killing and death of farm animals and poultry, which is unsuitable for production. food products for a person.

Technologies for the production of meat and bone meal are aimed at maximizing the preservation of proteins in the composition, because the higher the protein content, the higher the value and cost of the product.

The processing process is usually consists of three main stages, each of which has its own section of equipment:

  1. Reception and crushing: waste meat production or deaths are collected in the receiving bin. Then they go to crushing plants, where the raw materials are crushed to the required fraction. Then the crushed mass is fed through conveyors or pumps into cooking containers.
  2. Heat treatment: the raw materials are boiled and sterilized in the digester. During the cooking process, saturated vapors are formed, which are disposed of in special equipment.
  3. Separation of flour and fat. The main condition for the quality of flour is its freedom from fat. The process is carried out by pressing. Next, the flour is cooled, crushed, sifted and tared. After pressing, the fat is fed into equipment for cleaning.

Manufacturing Equipment

The most common technological lines used in Russia and abroad are:

  • domestic lines K7-FKE and V2-FZHL;
  • Swedish Centrimille equipment from Alfa-Laval;
  • Dutch lines StorkDuk.

The cost of full-cycle technological lines is quite high, and the price of imported equipment from Europe is several times higher than its Russian counterparts.

Asian manufacturers offer more reasonable prices, but complex lines are still unaffordable for domestic small and medium-sized flour producers.

Therefore, often in our factories assemble the lines themselves of different performance from compatible machines and devices of Russian and foreign production

Leading industry manufacturers

Clear criteria for selecting the best enterprises for the production of meat and bone meal have not been developed.

At the same level in terms of demand for products there may be specialized factories, to which raw materials are transported hundreds of kilometers, and relatively small meat processing plants that process their own raw materials.

The former have large volumes, the latter have a high protein content in the product and ideal organization production process. But both types of enterprises are in demand.

There are also a number of other indicators. All manufacturers produce flour in accordance with GOST 17536-82 “Feed flour of animal origin. Technical conditions".

Based on this, it is reasonable to list the most significant factories by territorial basis, designating enterprises by district.

Central Federal District:

  1. Ventsanutilzavod Orlovsky (Oryol region).
  2. Company "Protein" (Moscow region).

Volga Federal District:

  1. Dubovo-Umetsky ventilation plant (Samara region).
  2. Soviet Veterinary Sanitation Plant (Republic of Mari El).
  3. "Saria Bioindustries Volga" (Republic of Tatarstan).

Northwestern Federal District:

Abiogroup company (Vologda region).

Siberian Federal District:

  1. Vetsanutilzavod Kormilovsky (Omsk region).
  2. Company "Rialsib" (Novosibirsk region).

Southern Federal District:

  1. Premix company.
  2. Kuban environmental company (both – Krasnodar region).

The concentration of strong industries across regions is uneven, but reflects the general technical level and the availability of raw materials. The most modernized ones, working with large volumes of raw materials and producing meat and bone meal with a high protein content, are located in the Central and Volga Federal Districts.

Russian market: expectations and forecasts

The meat and bone meal consumption market in Russia, as well as throughout the world, depends on the volume of meat consumption.

The higher the purchasing power of the population, the more meat a person consumes.

To increase the number of livestock, a feed supply is needed. The modern meat industry is unthinkable without the use of meat and bone meal in animal feed.

Our domestic producers cannot yet meet the demand for flour for feed. Until recently, there was an increase in production in the industry, but its pace was low, so part of the flour was purchased abroad.

Livestock production in Russia has been growing steadily since 2013, and accordingly, the need for feed as sources of protein, amino acids and other ingredients is increasing.

Also, the production of meat and bone meal must increase with the growth of the livestock - this is a direct interdependence.

IN recent years Russians began to eat more pork and poultry meat- This is a cheaper product than beef. Accordingly, flour domestic producers most often made from pork and poultry waste.

Products Russian production represented on the domestic market in the amount of 69.4% of its volume, mainly chicken and meat flour. Imports amount to 30.6%, with a predominance of cattle flour.

In the meat and bone meal market, a stable demand growth of 2-3% is predicted due to the stable development of livestock farming.

Sanctions and their consequences

In a number of industries Russian manufacturers asking to extend the food embargo.

The share of domestic meat products in the domestic market was 90.4%.

The increase has occurred in recent years of sanctions. As a result food security threshold for meat and meat products, indicated in the doctrine as 85%, was exceeded by 5.4%.

Therefore, the head of the executive committee of the National Meat Association, S. Yushin, believes that Russia is quite capable of independently producing the required amount of meat and bone meal. Russia has enough raw materials, and therefore we do not need tens of thousands of tons of flour from the European Union.

SoyaNews analysts provided interesting figures on the production of meat and bone meal in Russia:

  • in July 2019, a record flour production rate was achieved - 43.6%;
  • the July 2019 figure is 1.31 times higher than in July 2018;
  • volume growth for 7 months of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018 amounted to 18.9%.

SoyaNews data does not always coincide with Rosstat data, but the reliability is beyond doubt.

We need different factories

Important argument for creating new industries can be cited by considering the consequences of the ever-occurring epidemics of African swine fever.

In July 2017, ASF infection spread in 13 districts of the Omsk region. Then the problem of eliminating the source of infection - that is, burning pigs - became acute. Tens of thousands of heads were burned - and this was not easy to do.

The fires were made from tires and logs; the length of the fires was up to 40 meters and at least 3 m in height.

A colossal amount of work has been done and enormous costs have been incurred. Only the Russkom-Agro company took the pigs to the Kormilovsky ventilation plant, where deep heat treatment was carried out.

The plant received good product– high-quality meat and bone meal and a fee for the service of disposal of infected livestock.

At temperatures above 70 degrees, the virus dies, so the flour turned out to be safe.

The conclusion about the need for processing plants is not discussed. Such production is needed on any scale.

The best option is when mini-plants for processing animal waste are located in every rural settlement. In this matter many organizational difficulties, but with the participation and interest of the state it is completely solvable.

Domestic product or import?

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is constantly discussing the possibility of limiting the supply of meat and bone meal from Europe, primarily from countries that supported sanctions against Russia.

Restrictions are possible; they will primarily affect producers of pet food - cats and dogs.

Companies Pedigree, Purina, Whiskas and a number of others famous brands purchase more than 50% of meat and bone meal imported from Europe.

As for quality, this is a special topic for our:

  1. Meat holdings consider flour merely as a product of recycling unnecessary waste. Therefore, they do not engage in sorting of raw materials; quality is secondary for them.
  2. Small quality-oriented companies are few and far between and financially weak.
  3. In the Russian Federation there are no clear standards and definitions of the quality of meat and bone meal, and each manufacturer himself selects the composition of raw materials at his own discretion or based on his ideas about quality.
  4. Domestic equipment is designed primarily for bone processing, and the basis of high-quality flour is considered to be the meat residue on the bone.
  5. Foreign flour producers focus on well-established quality standards, which do not exist in Russia.
  6. Despite serious difficulties, a breakthrough in the quality of Russian flour is emerging. Already working innovative technologies production, product standards are being developed, and domestic equipment is being improved.

Flour in pet food is no more than 8%, but without it a complete food will not work, since it contains proteins.

Optimistic scenario: reorientation of companies that use imported flour to supplies from Belarus or from Asian and Latin American countries.

By the way, Belarus’ share is about 30% of all flour imports. The majority of imports are flour made in China.

Video on the topic

The video tells how to make meat and bone meal with your own hands and its use in agriculture, in particular, for feeding poultry.


The importance of the industry is undeniable. The issues of returning secondary resources to circulation are especially relevant today, against the backdrop of waste reform and new environmental standards. There is reason to believe that Russia will successfully solve the problems with processing meat waste and production important product– meat and bone meal.

Each farming interested in purchasing quality food for their animals. And since this industry is still poorly developed in our country, various additives have to be purchased abroad, and they cost a lot. For example, bone meal, the most valuable component in animal feed, can be quite difficult to obtain. It turns out that there is a demand for this product, but there are very few offers. And if you buy equipment for the production of bone meal, you can set up own business in this area, which will be in demand among consumers not only in the local market, but also in the regional one.

Meat and bone meal is a product obtained by processing animal bones. It is actively used as a protein-rich additive in pet food (dogs and cats) and livestock. Also, many farmers who grow fruits and vegetables for sale use bone meal to enrich the soil.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 700,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

The business idea is to launch a small plant for the production of bone meal, which would sell finished products in small and large wholesale. And with a competent approach to planning activities, you can establish a profitable business, since the resulting products have an attractive price for consumers, while being characterized by excellent nutritional values.

Classification of bone meal by grade

Bone meal obtained during the processing of raw materials is a homogeneous dry powder of a grayish tint with a specific odor. And if appearance The product is always practically the same, but its moisture content and protein content may vary.

Therefore, the entire volume of flour produced is divided by grade:

  • 1st grade.
  • 2nd grade.
  • 3rd grade.

Bone meal of the 1st grade is much better in quality than the 3rd grade, and accordingly its price is higher.

Selling bone meal will bring much greater profit if potential clients A full range of products will be offered.

The process of obtaining bone and meat and bone meal

An important advantage of this direction is accessible and cheap raw materials. And the processed components can be:

And since the composition of bone meal will directly depend on the raw materials used, it must undergo strict incoming control. Each component is checked by sanitary and veterinary supervisory services to obtain quality certificates for products.

To avoid interruptions in the supply of raw materials during the work process, it is better to establish cooperation with several suppliers at once.

The technology for producing bone and meat-and-bone meal is relatively simple and consists of the following:

  • Crushing and grinding of raw materials.
  • Cooking of crushed raw materials.
  • Grinding of cooked raw materials.
  • Settling the mixture and separating it into minced meat and fat emulsion.
  • Complete removal of moisture from minced meat.
  • Secondary grinding of flour.
  • Packaging and packaging of the finished product

The water-fat emulsion obtained in the process can be used in the technological chain again, or can be sold as a final product to the same consumers. It turns out that it is quite possible to make production virtually waste-free.

The technology for obtaining the finished product is also simplified by the fact that the main operations here are carried out by special equipment for preparing bone meal - manual labor is reduced to a minimum.

Workshop technical equipment

And since the quality of the resulting product generally depends on the technical equipment of the workshop, it means that special attention should be paid to this particular point when developing a business plan. The market today offers bone meal lines that vary in power and functionality – there are individual machines, and there are entire factories. And which equipment to choose will depend on several factors - planned sales volumes and available investments.

Production line

Almost all bone meal lines include the following machine names:

  • Bunkers for storing raw materials and finished products.
  • Crusher.
  • Chopper.
  • Centrifuge with filter.
  • Drying complex.
  • Filling and packaging machine.

In order to obtain a larger volume of finished flour at the output, it is better to immediately buy an automatic line, which will allow for a continuous production process.

The price of equipment for bone meal is quite high, but the final figure will depend on the power and degree of automation of the machines. For example, a line with a capacity of up to 1000 kg of finished product per 8-hour shift will cost ≈1,500,000-1,900,000 rubles. More powerful equipment (5000 kg/day) is much more expensive - up to 6,500,000 rubles. You will also have to spend money on refrigeration chambers necessary for storing raw materials.

To accommodate a complex line, you will need a fairly spacious workshop with an area of ​​50-100 m2. When developing a business plan, do not forget about office and warehouses. This is not the food industry, so supervisory authorities will not impose too stringent requirements for the organization and preparation of premises. But since you have to work with a dusty product, good ventilation must be provided in the workshop. In warehouses, in order not to expose the finished product to rapid deterioration, certain temperature and humidity indicators must be observed.

Profitability of the launched enterprise

Business in the production of bone and meat and bone meal, due to the demand for products, promises to be highly profitable. But the company will only reach the break-even point when sales channels are established.

The use of bone meal is extensive, so it is worth trying to establish cooperation with the following potential buyers:

  • Farms.
  • Plants for the production of animal feed.
  • Animal nurseries and private veterinary clinics.

Constantly high incomes they will only bring wholesale clients, but we should not forget about the private consumer, who may need bone meal to fertilize the garden and as a feed additive for poultry and animals. Taking this into account, it would not be superfluous to organize the sale of products directly from the factory to everyone.

Investments in the business will be considerable - at least 2,500,000 rubles. Cost items include: purchase of equipment and raw materials, provision of raw materials and preparation of premises. Capital investments can be reduced to 2,000,000 rubles if you buy equipment for bone meal from China. All funds will pay off, as practice shows, no later than in 2 years. But this is provided that the plant operates at full capacity, and finished products will be sold to the buyer immediately. To calculate profits, you can take the average wholesale price for bone meal at 15,000-18,000 rubles/t.

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