Covers of L'Officiel Hommes from different years. Sobchak became editor-in-chief of L’Officiel Ksenia Sobchak editor-in-chief of officiel magazine

In 2012, the post of editor-in-chief of Sex and the City magazine was taken only by Ksenia Sobchak, who left the “frontal seat”. Together with the new boss, the publication expected a large-scale rebranding: now the gloss began to be called SNC (“Style. News. Comments”), and its star editor became the main locomotive of the magazine. The TV presenter, who had lost the loyalty of federal channels, found herself with a lot of free time, and Ksenia’s career in Alexander Fedotov’s holding company ACMG began to develop rapidly. In 2015, Sobchak already headed a world-famous franchise - the Russian version of L’Officiel magazine, which she still manages.

Over the past couple of months, Fedotov has already closed the publications SNC, Numéro and sold Forbes. Gossip that the former media mogul and Ksenia Sobchak are racking their brains over how to minimize the reputational damage to the editor from the closure of L’Officiel were denied by the publication’s press service. Nevertheless, talk about impending changes in gloss does not subside.

Rumors about financial problems in Sobchak magazine are confirmed by statements by well-known photographers in fashion circles that the editors do not pay them fees. As a rule, photographers work with large publications for next to nothing and without contracts. Many are tempted by a mention on the pages of the magazine, but such agreements are not always respected. Moscow photographer Jan Yugai agreed to shoot with L’Officiel on on a commercial basis, however, Ian was not paid for any of the three filmings.

“This is an appeal to photographers, refuse to work with L’Officiel magazine, the magazine now has a very bad reputation, it doesn’t pay anyone. When I ask about the fee, they answer me: “Don’t throw hysterics,” Yugay said on Facebook.

The studios that rent photographic equipment cannot wait for money from L'Officiel. Several offices even had to blacklist the magazine in order to obtain payment. As SUPER managed to find out, the magazine owed photographer Yan Yugai 50,000 rubles.

When I asked them why there was no contract, they answered me: “Would it be bad for you if we gave them in an envelope?” They owe me for three shoots. One was dedicated to Chanel and occupied 10 pages in the May issue, the other - 6 pages in the September issue and another shoot with one singer,” Jan Yugai told SUPER.

50 thousand rubles looks like an impressive amount compared to other debts of L "Officiel. To the photographer Anastasia Lyskovets, Sobchak's editors have not been able to pay 3,000 rubles for several months. Initially, they agreed with the girl to publish her work simply for mentioning the author, but the magazine was published without Anastasia's name. Then the editors offered compensation of 3,000 rubles and a mention on the website, Lyskovets is still waiting for the money.

Several more photographers stated that Ksenia Sobchak’s magazine does not pay royalties. The magazine’s editorial office did not answer calls at the time of publication, just like Ksenia herself. The TV presenter's assistant was unable to comment on the situation.

0 December 11, 2018, 12:25

The world of Russian gloss continues to storm: late last night it became known that he was finally leaving the post of editor-in-chief of L'Officiel. The celebrity announced this on her Instagram. However, the departure of another employee from the publication hardly surprised anyone - the ACMG holding, which is owned by Alexander Fedotov , found itself at the center of a number of scandals this year related to non-payment of salaries to employees.

Sobchak herself has never commented on this situation (in scandals, Ksenia Anatolyevna generally chooses a wait-and-see attitude - for example, the star did not react in any way to her friend Gosha Rubchinsky in harassment).

Earlier this year, print versions of SNC and Numero magazines also stopped publishing, and the rest were noticeably behind schedule: for example, L "Officiel has just presented the October issue (we're in a hurry to find out about the sales of summer collections!). This summer, the magazine also became the subject of a legal dispute between Alexander Fedotov and former owner glossy publication by Vladimir Pomukchinsky, who, by the way, this summer regained his share of 80 percent.

Let us remember that Sobchak became editor-in-chief just in 2014, when Fedotov acquired the rights to the magazine (it was this deal that was annulled by the court this year). Nothing is known yet about the future fate of the magazine.

Sobchak herself highly appreciated her work as editor-in-chief.

Over four years, our team and I have done a lot of cool projects and covers. But it's time to move on!

— Ksenia wrote on Instagram.

She did not specify where exactly the journalist and ex-candidate for the post of President of Russia was going to go, but did not rule out the possibility of continuing her career in glossy magazine.

We will wait for changes. Who knows, maybe someday our dreamteam will return to make the most intelligent gloss in the country,

— Sobchak was not stingy with compliments to herself. In the meantime, changes are still expected former employees Fedotov - primarily in their bank accounts, where all salary debts have not yet been transferred.

The first news was from blogger Miel_miel.

Instagram photo

Last Friday, at the Central House of Writers restaurant, Ksenia Sobchak gave a dinner in honor of the release of the new issue of L`Officiel magazine - the first under her leadership. At the same time, friends and acquaintances came to see her off: Mrs. Sobchak decided to leave Russia for a while, since her name appears on the so-called hit lists, which were reported by the media after the murder of Boris Nemtsov.

After the former Russian publisher of L`Officiel, Evgeniy Zmievets, broke up with the publication's editor-in-chief Evelina Khromchenko, the life of the Russian version of the magazine turned into a series of scandals and litigation. At some point the magazine simply stopped publishing. There were attempts at resuscitation; a couple of years ago, the granddaughter of USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev, Ksenia Gorbacheva, was announced as the new editor-in-chief, and as a result the magazine was launched, but without an editor-in-chief. The case did not unravel until the owner of the Artcom Media publishing house, Alexander Fedotov, acquired 80% of Les Edison Jalu Russy LLC, which owns the license to publish L'Officiel magazine in Russia. At the same time, Mr. Fedotov expressed his readiness to invest €6-8 million in relaunching the publication (Kommersant reported this on October 7, 2014). To begin with, Mr. Fedotov invested the most valuable thing he has in the new asset, namely Ksenia Sobchak, who until that moment headed the SNC magazine, also part of the Artcom Media portfolio.

Among those who came to dinner at the Central House of Writers, there were few who sincerely believed in the possibility of successfully launching a glossy fashion publication in the current economic conditions. But all the guests, and among them were restaurateurs Alexander Rappoport and Ilya Likhtenfeld, head of Bosco di Ciliegi Mikhail Kusnirovich with his wife Ekaterina Moiseeva, chairman of the board of FC Otkritie Vadim Belyaev, film producer Alexander Rodnyansky, co-owners of Nezavisimaya Gazeta Konstantin and Elena Remchukov, chairman The board of directors of the National Reserve Corporation Alexander Lebedev, the owner of Rusmoda Oksana Lavrentieva, television journalist Leonid Parfenov, the president of Caesar Satellite Leonid Ogarev, definitely believed that if anyone is capable of achieving success in such a business, it is only Mrs. Sobchak.

The hostess of the evening was accompanied by three men: her husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, and two security guards. After the murder of politician Boris Nemtsov, information appeared in the press about the existence of so-called execution lists, in which the name Sobchak appears along with other well-known politicians and journalists. “I couldn’t cancel the premiere of the play “Marriage” at the Theater of Nations, just like this dinner, but tomorrow I will leave Russia for a while,” Ms. Sobchak said on this occasion. Close friends informally explained that she was leaving not because of her own impressionability, but on the recommendation of the special services.

However, the circumstances of Mrs. Sobchak’s imminent departure did not affect the atmosphere of the event: the evening really resembled a real friendly dinner. Mr. Ogarev’s wife, singer Miranda Mirianashvili, gave the expected impromptu performance and performed several romances, as well as the French “Ne me quitte pas.” After her, producer Mikhail Druyan took over the microphone and turned to Ksenia Sobchak: “Darling, I believe that everything will work out and that you will be surrounded not by security guards, but by all of us - your friends!”

The Russian journalist, TV presenter and socialite will head one of the most popular glossy fashion publications, L’Officiel. Now Ksenia will teach Russians how to dress, as Evelina Khromchenko previously successfully did.

From rags to riches

It is curious that Sobchak herself has previously been repeatedly included in the lists of “tastelessly dressed celebrities.” Viewers remember the TV presenter from the days of the famous reality show “Dom-2”. Then Sobchak looked more like a victim of this very fashion rather than a fashion editor. Short open dresses, generously decorated with rhinestones, fishnet tights, over the knee boots and fur - all this is a thing of the past. Along with the tasteless clothes, the irritability, tactlessness and illiteracy of the presenter have sunk into oblivion. Today we know Sobchak as an intelligent, judicious journalist who always clearly and clearly argues her opinion.

Sobchak's style has changed beyond recognition. It is likely that the evolution of her taste was influenced by her friendship with the Russian designer Ulyana Sergienko. Now the TV presenter prefers a more discreet and elegant style and is constantly included in the “Most Stylish Celebrities” ratings.

Sobchak in 2007 and 2014 Source:

Paper will endure anything

Since 1997, L’Officiel magazine has been headed by Evelina Khromchenko, presenter of “Fashionable Sentence”. After 13 years, she was fired by the publisher Evgeny Zmievets, who appointed his wife Maria Nevskaya, also known as Gorbachev’s granddaughter, to take this role. The French company Editions Jalou, which owned the rights to the magazine, did not like such changes and stood up for Khromchenko. As a result, she was appointed to the position of international editorial director. But Maria Nevskaya could not keep the magazine afloat, and soon its publication in Russia ceased.

Now L’Officiel is called upon to restore its reputation and credibility. After her appointment as editor-in-chief of SNC magazine (previously called Sex and the City), interest in this product increased significantly. Therefore, there is every chance that L’Officiel will also return to its former glory. By the way, the rights to Russian edition bought the publishing house Artcom Media, which also includes the aforementioned SNC magazine.

5 quotes from Ksenia Sobchak

  1. I hate it when people oppress based on race, religion or orientation. Since this is happening in my country, then consider that I am Jewish, an atheist and gay.
  2. I want to live to see the time when in Russia it becomes as indecent to cite Stalin as an example in any way as in Germany it is to cite Hitler.
  3. Statistics are like a bikini: it shows a lot, but hides the most interesting things.
  4. When I thought I was at the very bottom, there was a knock from below.
  5. It's hard to be a horse when everyone around you is a sheep.
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